Service to check statuses of composer's dependencies, hosted on .
Clone this project
Configure the database information
# Apache : SetEnv SYMFONY__DATABASE__USER yourUsername SetEnv SYMFONY__DATABASE__PASSWORD yourPassword
# cli export SYMFONY__DATABASE__USER=yourUsername export SYMFONY__DATABASE__PASSWORD=yourPassword
update dependencies
./composer.phar update --dev
Install the database
./app/console doctrine:schema:drop ./app/console doctrine:schema:create ./app/console doctrine:schema:update --force ./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
add the following commands to your crontab :
; Update statuses
; hal:release:declarations:update <number-to-update> <date>
hal:release:declarations:update 100 yesterday
; Update the packages
; hal:release:packages:update <number-to-update> <date>
hal:release:packages:update 100 today
### Licence
Licence Affero GPL (Symfony 2 (MIT Licence) is used)