This demonstrates how to read arbitrary XML into a java.util.Map using fasterxml jackson. There's no pre-compiled marked-up class required.
There are two challenges to deserializing arbitrary XML with Jackson.
XML has a root element, while a JSON object does not. The Jackson library was designed to handle JSON primarily, so when deserializing XML into a java.util.Map, jackskon loses or discards the root element.
The UntypedObjectDeserializer in Jackson does not map multiple child elements with the same name into a list or array.
As an example of item 1, if you deserialize with jackson's default UntypedObjectDeserializer, given this XML input:
<Parameter name='A'>valueA</Parameter>
...using code like this:
String canonicalPath = "/users/foo/bar/something.xml";
String xml = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(canonicalPath)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
XMLStreamReader sr = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader(new FileInputStream(cpath));
XmlMapper mapper = new XmlMapper();
Map m = (Map) mapper.readValue(sr, Object.class); will get this output (shown in json form):
"Parameters" : {
"Parameter" : {
"name" : "A",
"" : "valueA"
Everything looks pretty good. But do notice: the Root element is gone. That's issue #1 above.
As an example of item 2, if you deserialize with jackson's default UntypedObjectDeserializer, if you add a second Parameter element, like this:
<Parameter name='A'>valueA</Parameter>
<Parameter name='B'>valueB</Parameter>
...and de-serialize with the same basic code, the second child element named Parameter overwrites the previous one. This is the JSON output:
"Parameters" : {
"Parameter" : {
"name" : "B",
"" : "valueB"
With the ArrayInferringUntypedObjectDeserializer class, the result for the first input is the same, but the result for the second input is:
"Parameters" : {
"Parameter" : [
"name" : "A",
"" : "valueA"
"name" : "B",
"" : "valueB"
Example usage of both classes:
String xmlInput = "<Root><Messages><Message>Hello</Message><Message>World</Message></Messages></Root>";
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlInput.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
RootSniffingXMLStreamReader sr = new RootSniffingXMLStreamReader(XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLStreamReader(is));
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
xmlMapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule().addDeserializer(Object.class, new ArrayInferringUntypedObjectDeserializer()));
Map map = (Map) xmlMapper.readValue(sr, Object.class);
Assert.assertEquals( sr.getLocalNameForRootElement(), "Root");
Object messages = map.get("Messages");
Assert.assertTrue( messages instanceof Map, "map");
Object list = ((Map)messages).get("Message");
Assert.assertTrue( list instanceof List, "list");
Assert.assertEquals( ((List)list).get(0), "Hello");
Assert.assertEquals( ((List)list).get(1), "World");
The array inference depends on an extension of Jackson's builtin UntypedObjectDeserializer. The one included here checks for existence of the key in the map being generated during deserialization. If the key is present, the deserializer class infers that this element name should de-serialize into an array.
There is no explicit support for serialization - for writing java.util.Map into XML. That may work, but it's not an intended capability of this module.
mvn clean test
This will look into the tests/resources directory for .xml files, and deserialize each one. Every XML file should have a companion .json file, which shows the expected json serialization of the map. A missing .json file will cause a test failure. an Extraneous .json file will not.
- jackson-core
- jackson-databind
- jackson-dataformat-xml
Notice there is no dependency on jackson-annotations.
The material in this repo is Copyright 2017 Google Inc. and is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.