The package occupar (Occupation Classification in R) provides:
- a handful of functions to convert between different versions of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO): ISCO-68, ISCO-88, ISCO-08.
- a set of functions to compute class schemes (EGP, ISEI, ESeC, etc.) based on ISCO.
The current package benefited from Harry Ganzeboom’s tables on ISCO and class schemes.
# If you don't want to update the dependencies, use: (you may need to install some dependencies manually)
devtools::install_github("DiogoFerrari/occupar", dependencies=F)
NOTE: it may be necessary to create a token to install the package from the git repository in case it is private (see note at the bottom of help page in R by running help(install_github)
## --------------------------------
## Converting from ISCO-A to ISCO-B
## --------------------------------
## The general format of the funcions are:
## isco<from>to<to> : convert from ISCO-<from> to ISCO-<to>, where <from> and <to> are the year identifying the ISCO
## isco<yr>labels : get the labels for ISCO<yr>, where is the year identifying the ISCO
## Example: Converting from ISCO-08 to ISCO-88
## -------------------------------------------
## suppose you have ISCO-08 codes (labels are not needed, only the codes; they are included for ilustration only):
table = tibble::tribble(
~isco08, ~isco08.label,
2310, "University and higher education teachers",
2641, "Authors and related writers",
5230, "Cashiers and ticket clerks",
9629, "Elementary workers not elsewhere classified"
## you can get a vector with corresponding ISCO-88 codes using:
isco88 = occupar::isco08to88(table$isco08)
## you can also get the labels of the ISCO-88:
isco88.labels = occupar::isco88labels(isco88)
## --------------------------
## Computing EGP from ISCO-X
## --------------------------
## To compute class scheme (EGP,ISEI, ESec, etc) from ISCO-X, where X represent the year of the ISCO, use:
## isco<X>to<class-scheme>
## Example (labels of ISCO codes are not needed, only the codes; they are included for ilustration only):
table = tibble::tribble(
~isco08, ~isco08.label , ~n.employees, ~self.employed,
2310 , "University and higher education teachers" , NA , 0,
2641 , "Authors and related writers" , 0 , 1,
5230 , "Cashiers and ticket clerks" ,0 , 0,
9629 , "Elementary workers not elsewhere classified", 0 , 1,
1200 , "Corporate managers" , 20 , 1,
isco88toEGP(table$isco08, n.employees=table$n.employees, self.employed=table$self.employed, n.classes=11)
isco88toEGP(table$isco08, n.employees=table$n.employees, self.employed=table$self.employed, n.classes=7)
## using pipe and dplyr workflow:
table %>% dplyr::mutate(EGP.11.classes = isco88toEGP(isco08, n.employees=n.employees, self.employed=self.employed, n.classes=11))
table %>% dplyr::mutate(EGP.5.classes = isco88toEGP(isco08, n.employees=n.employees, self.employed=self.employed, n.classes=5))
table %>% dplyr::mutate(EGP.3.classes = isco88toEGP(isco08, n.employees=n.employees, self.employed=self.employed, n.classes=3))