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Sovryn Perpetual Futures

With Perpetual Futures, traders can get leveraged short or long exposure to an asset. The contract is similar to that of a traditional future. Future prices move towards the spot price as the expiration nears, due to arbitrage. Perpetual Futures, however, have no expiration date and therefore they feature funding rates to pull its price towards spot. The long pays the short if the perpetual price is above the spot price. This makes the product more attractive for the short and a resulting change in demand pushes the price down towards the spot. Similar, if the price is below spot, the short pays the long to push the price upwards.

Sovryn Perpetuals are classic Perpetual Futures that rely on an automated market maker (AMM) to set prices and funding rates. The AMM adjusts prices according to market prices and demand imbalances, thereby incentivizing traders to hedge the AMM risk. Sovryn Perpetuals smart contracts allow perpetuals with different quote, base, and collateral currency (for example a BNB/USD perpetual collateralized in BTC). Different perpetuals that use the same collateral currency can share a liquidity pool. Perpetuals in the same liquidity pool share a default fund and a participation fund. The default fund is used as a liquidity cushion in case the AMM incurs losses. The participation fund allows anyone to participate in the profit and loss of the AMMs in the liquidity pool.

  • Get an overview by continuing reading this document
  • Read the Whitepaper on Sovryn Perpetual Futures
  • Have a look at the Audit Report by, or the preliminary audit by Certik.
  • Immunefy Bug Bounty Bug Bounty
  • Repository to help you run your own liquidator bot
  • Repository to help you run your own order-relayer bot
  • Create your own Typescript applications that interacts with Sovryn Perpetuals using the Sovryn Perps node package npm install @sovryn/perpetual-swap

Overview Smart Contract Design


Apart from Sovryn governance, the users of the smart contracts are traders, liquidators, liquidity providers, and order referrers. All users interact with the PerpetualManagerProxy, some users interact with one or several limit order book contracts, and no user interacts with any other contract directly. Traders can perform a market order via PerpetualManagerProxy, or the can send conditional orders (stop limit or limit orders) to the limit order book contract corresponding to the targetet Perpetuals product (e.g. BTCUSD in BTC pool).

The PerpetualStorage contract contains all the data for all liquidity pools and perpetuals, consisting of parameters and state variables (e.g., funds of users, funds in default fund, ...).

The AMMPerpLogic contract implements the math required for perpetuals that is detailed in the Whitepaper and is called by some of the modules contracts. Modules contracts are split into managers (PerpetualDepositManager, PerpetualLimitTradeManager, PerpetualOrderManager,...) and logics (PerpetualRebalanceLogic, PerpetualTradeLogic, PerpetualMarginLogic, ...).

All int128 numbers are interpreted as decimal numbers using ABDK 64x64 representation (ABDKMath64x64).

Conditional orders

LimitOrderBookFactory deploys limit order books for each perpetual. A limit order book contains conditional orders (stop limit orders and limit orders). Once the AMM reaches a price consistent with the order, an order referrer (anyone) can send the order to the Perpetual Manager Proxy to execute the order and collect a service fee in the collateral currency.

The PerpetualManagerProxy does not know of the LimitOrderBook. A functional discussion on stop-orders can be found here here. We provide the relayer-limit-orders-for-perps repository as an example how to refer conditional orders.


Traders of perpetual futures that do not meet their margin requirement can be liquidated by anyone (a ‘liquidator’). Liquidators can earn a commissions by liquidating traders that are not margin safe anymore, while also protecting the AMM from running out of funds. We published the sovryn-perpetual-swap-liquidator repository as an example on how to check for margin safety and liquidate the unsafe traders.


npm install
npx hardhat test

or specific tests via

npx hardhat test test/<nameofthetestfile.ts>


The Whitepaper explains Sovryn Perpetuals from a mathematical/economical perspective. This section takes this as given and explains on a high level how the logic described in the Whitepaper is implemented.

Involved currencies

A perpetual future has two involved 'currencies', the base currency and the quote currency. The base currency is the underlying that is traded, and the quote currency is the numeraire in which the price is quoted. For example, a BTCUSD perpetual has the base currency BTC and the quote currency USD. The convention for quotation is <base currency><quote currency> (BTCUSD, ETHUSD, ...). The margin collateral, profit/loss, and funding fees are denoted in the collateral currency which can differ from the base currency or quote currency.


There can be several liquidity pools. Each liquidity pool has one default fund, one participation fund, and can have several Perpetuals (e.g., BTCUSD, BNBUSD, ...). Each perpetual has an AMM fund and like a trader it has its own margin account. All funds within a liquidity pool are held in the same collateral currency, and different liquidity pools can have different collateral currencies. This data is represented in the contract PerpStorage.


As detailed in the Whitepaper, the AMM has different funds:

  1. AMM Margin, specific to a perpetual
  2. AMM Fund, specific to a perpetual
  3. Participation Fund, shared within a liquidity pool
  4. Default Fund, shared within a liquidity pool

The AMM Margin is rebalanced on an ongoing basis to be at the initial margin level. The profit/loss is exchanged with the different funds. The fund relevant for pricing of the perpetuals contract is the AMM Fund belonging to that perpetual. The participation fund allows anyone to participate in the profit and loss of the liquidity pool: participants earn trading fees, profit from AMM gains and suffer from AMM losses. The default fund is used to accumulate funds that can be used in case a perpetual is running out of funds to make sure traders can be paid.

  • If the AMM pool funds are large compared to the risk of the AMM, the AMM is in a better position to pay the profitable traders, and so the AMM is able to offer prices close or equal to the index price
  • If the AMM pool funds are low, the AMM is at risk not being able to pay the profitable traders. As a consequence, the AMM sets prices so that trades that help the AMM decrease the risk are cheap, trades that increase the risk are expensive. This will incentivize traders to minimize the AMM risks, which will eventually lead to prices close to the index price.

The index price of the base/quote currency-pair is stored in PerpStorage.settlementS2PriceData. The index price for base to collateral currency-pair is stored in PerpStorage.settlementS3PriceData if the base currency differs from the collateral currency ("quanto case"), otherwise this variable remains empty.

For details of the pricing mechanism refer to the Whitepaper. To ensure prices are neither too tight (which results in little profit for the participation fund and the AMM), nor too bad for traders, the system perpetually rebalances between all the funds involved. This rebalance logic is outlined here.

Default Fund, and AMM Fund have target sizes that are dynamically adjusted, dependent on the risk of the AMM: PerpetualUpdateFunctions: _updateDefaultFundTargetSize, _updateAMMTargetFundSize

If the AMM fund reaches its target size, profits are sent to default fund and participation funds. Only if the default fund reaches its target size, governance can withdraw profits: PerpetualDepositManager.transferEarningsToTreasury

Perpetual States

See PerpStorage.PerpetualState:

  • INVALID: Uninitialized or not non-existent perpetual.
  • INITIALIZING: Only when LiquidityPoolData.isRunning == false. Traders cannot perform operations.
  • NORMAL: Full functional state. Traders are able to perform all operations.
  • EMERGENCY: Perpetual is unsafe and the perpetual needs to be settled.
  • CLEARED: All margin accounts are cleared. Traders can withdraw remaining margin balance.

Oracle states:

  • isMarketClosed : nobody can trade or withdraw in a perpetual that uses the oracle
  • isTerminated : perpetual that uses the oracle is set to emergency state

New perpetuals and liquidity pools

Once the contracts are deployed, new liquidity pools can be created via the contract PerpetualPoolFactory. New perpetuals are created via PerpetualFactory. A new perpetual starts in the state invalid. If governance adds cash to the AMM pool via PerpetualTreasury.addAMMLiquidityToPerpetual, and activates the perpetual via PerpetualFactory.activatePerpetual, the state is either set to normal, or initializing. State initializing is set if the liquidity pool is not set to 'running' (PerpetualPoolFactory.runLiquidityPool). Once the runLiquidityPool function is called, the perpetuals in state initializing are set to normal and can be used. If the liquidity pool is running when a perpetual is created, the state of the perpetual is set to normal directly.

Governance can also set parameters of running liquidity pools or perpetuals via the factory contracts.

Liquidity Provision

Liquidity providers can provide liquidity to the pool if the pool is running and at least one perpetual is active (PerpetualState.NORMAL). If one or more perpetuals are in EMERGENCY state, liquidity providers cannot remove the liquidity until there is no perpetual in EMERGENCY, that is, only once the perpetual is in CLEARED state. If they could remove, (1) the calculation of remaining funds is inaccurate if they remove during the settlement process (see next paragraph), and (2) liquidity providers would withdraw funds once a perpetual is in EMERGENCY, however liquidity providers are paid to take the risk of an AMM going into emergency state.

Emergency Settlement

The contract PerpetualSettlement implements the logic used to shut down a perpetual in case of emergency. All traders are settled fairly, that is, their current profit is paid out (at the mark-price) if sufficient funds are available. If funds are not sufficient, the loss is shared proportionally.

Reasons for emergency:

  • One of the oracles used is shut down: see PerpetualUpdateFunctions._updateOraclePricesForPool
  • Funds available in the default fund are not sufficient to cover the amount that a perpetual AMM is requesting PerpetualRebalanceFunctions._transferFromPoolToAMMMargin.
  • Governance can vote to shut down a perpetual PerpetualFactory.setEmergencyState

The contract contains two main functions: settleNextTraderInPool and settle.

  • settleNextTraderInPool: If the perpetual state is set to EMERGENCY, governance (or anyone) calls settleNextTraderInPool until every trader is processed. This will sum up the available margin of open positions. Once all traders are processed, settleNextTraderInPool calls _setRedemptionRate which determines how much from the PnL the traders receive back. Usually all of it, because the system shuts down before all funds are lost. However, in case there is not enough capital in the pool, the loss is shared. The function setRedemption rate sets the perpetual status to cleared.
  • settle: Once settleNextTraderInPool is finished (all Emergency-perpetuals in CLEARED state), traders or governance can call 'settle to pay the trader the amount owed.


The pricing mechanism for Perpetual futures requires a feed of external index prices, S2, the base to quote conversion (base-quote currency pair) price, and in case of a quanto perpetual also S3, the collateral to quote conversion (collateral-quote currency pair). These price feeds are connected via Oracle. Relevant contracts are as follows.

SpotOracle -> AbstractOracle -> (OracleInterfaceID, ISpotOracle)
OracleFactory -> OracleInterfaceID

where A->(B,C) denotes A inherits from B and C. The OracleFactory can create specific SpotOracles that combine different price feeds (for example to provide a BTCBNB oracle from the feeds BTCUSD and BNBUSD).

Funding Rate

Funding payments for a trader are processed with every trade of that trader and the rate for all traders is refreshed on an ongoing basis (at most every block and at least with every updateFundingAndPricesBefore call as part of the modifier updateFundingAndPrices).

The funding rate is accumulated in the variable fUnitAccumulatedFunding and function PerpetualUpdateFunctions._accumulateFunding. The variable fUnitAccumulatedFunding perpetually accumulates funding rates for 1 unit of base currency, so that the funding rate for a given period from t0 to t1 is given by fUnitAccumulatedFunding(t1)-fUnitAccumulatedFunding(t0) for a position of 1. For each trader we therefore store the fUnitAccumulatedFunding value in their margin account (fUnitAccumulatedFundingStart of PerpetualStorage.MarginAccount) and update the funding payment with every trade when we update the margin account, see PerpetualTradeLogic._updateMargin.

The funding rate itself, prior to being accumulated and/or paid to any given trader, is computed from the Mark Price and the sign of the AMM exposure. This is discussed in detail in Section 5 of the Whitepaper, and implemented in _updateFundingRate(PerpetualData storage _perpetual) in PerpetualUpdateFunctions.sol.

Margin Account

Each trader has a margin account per perpetual. The trader can set the leverage and then does not explicitely have to add margin. If the leverage amount in the order-struct is set to 0, the system assumes that the trader takes care of adding sufficient margin themselves.

  • Add margin: Traders can add margin to the margin account. deposit(bytes32 _iPerpetualId, int128 _fAmount)

  • Remove margin: Traders can remove margin from the margin account, as much as the leverage constraints allow, all deposits if there is no position in this perpetual: withdraw(bytes32 _iPerpetualId, int128 _fAmount) or withdrawAll(bytes32 _iPerpetualId) to withdraw the entire deposited margin.


Trading always happens with the AMM as the counterparty (the AMM is setup as a trader in the system and owns its margin account). As a consequence, each trade can happen without matching orders. Another consequence is that if a trader is liquidated the counterparty that is affected directly is the AMM.

Trade notionals are determined in the base currency of the perpetual (e.g., BTC for BTCUSD, BNB for BNBUSD, ETH for ETHBTC) and are rounded to the nearest lot size (PerpetualStorage PerpetualData.fLotSizeBC).

Trading is performed via two functions:

  1. PerpetualLimitTradeManager.tradeBySig(Order memory _order, bytes memory signature)
  2. memory _order) the first one being used by the referrer, a person that sends the order on behalf of the trader, the second one being used by the trader themself. Both functions require an order of type struct defined in IPerpetualOrder:
struct Order {
        bytes32 iPerpetualId; // Identifies the perpetual the trader wants to trade
        address traderAddr;   // The ddress of the trader
        int128 fAmount;       // Signed amount in base currency to be traded
        int128 fLimitPrice;   // The limit price for stop-limit and limit orders,
                              //  specifies the worst acceptable price (slippage limit)
                              //  for market orders
        int128 fTriggerPrice; // Non-zero for stop-limit orders. Only if the mark-price reaches
                              // this price (buy: >=, sell <=), the order can be executed
        uint256 iDeadline;    // The order expires at this timestamp in seconds
        address referrerAddr; // If the order is to be executed by a referrer, this is the address
                              // of the referrer
        uint32 flags;         // see OrderFlags.sol
        int128 fLeverage;     // 0 or targeted leverage
        uint256 createdTimestamp; // timestamp for order

Variables of type int128 are decimal number represented in ABDK 64x64 format.

Traders associate a wallet address on the Perpetuals contracts' native chain with a margin account that is maintained within the Perpetuals contracts (see `PerpStorage.sol`). Traders can deposit margin (`function deposit(bytes32 _iPerpetualId, int128 _fAmount)` in `PerpetualDepositManager`) and withdraw margin (`function withdraw(bytes32 _iPerpetualId, int128 _fAmount)` in `PerpetualWithdrawManager`). They can only withdraw if there is either no open position, or the open position is above initial margin (i.e., there is a profit). The margin account is per trader wallet address and perpetual. If the trader wants to trade using a targeted leverage, they need to delegate a certain amount to the `PerpetualManagerProxy` contract. If the order contains a non-zero leverage, the contract will then withdraw the required amount from the trader wallet to obtain the targeted leverage.

Funding payments are paid from and paid to the trader margin account. Withdrawals to the trader wallet occur when the user withdraws margin, when leverage is to be increased, when the position is to be closed, when a conditional order reduces the position, or when the market order specifies to maintain the position leverage on position reduction.

The flags that are part of an order are defined as follows (in OrderFlags.sol).

MASK_CLOSE_ONLY = 0x80000000;
MASK_MARKET_ORDER = 0x40000000;
MASK_STOP_ORDER = 0x20000000;
MASK_LIMIT_ORDER = 0x04000000;

The flag MASK_CLOSE_ONLY is relevant when the trader reduces the position size and does not want the position to take on opposite sign (for example trading from 0.5 BTC long to -0.01 BTC if the trader wanted to close). This is taken care of in PerpetualTradeLogic._preTrade. The flag MASK_MARKET_ORDER is set if the trade is a market order, the flag MASK_STOP_ORDER if it is a stop-limit order, and MASK_LIMIT_ORDER if it is a limit order. The flag MASK_KEEP_POS_LEVERAGE is set for market orders and relevant when the trader reduces their position size. If the position is reduced, the position leverage decreases (by definition of leverage) if no margin is withdrawn. If the user however sets this flag, the reduction of the position also involves a withdrawal from the trader's margin account into the trader's wallet, so that the leverage of the position remains (approximately) constant. Stop and limit orders implement this feature without the flag.

The function tradeBySig requires a signature by the trader for it to be executed by a third party (the referrer). The function createSignature in the testing code PerpetualLimitOrderBook.ts shows an example how the trader can sign their order.

Market orders

Market orders are the simplest form of orders that Sovryn perpetuals offer. fLimitPrice and fTriggerPrice are not set (equal to zero). The user can choose whether to set fLeverage to a non-zero positive value, or leave it at zero. If fLeverage is set to zero, the user has to deposit sufficient margin into their margin account (function deposit(bytes32 _iPerpetualId, int128 _fAmount) in PerpetualDepositManager) before being able to trade. If fLeverage is set to a number larger than zero, then the contract determines the amount of collateral needed to obtain the specified leverage and then withdraws that amount from the trader wallet before entering the trade. If the trader does not previously delegate a sufficient amount to the Perpetuals contract, the trade will fail.

If the price obtained by the trader is worse than the fLimitPrice, the trade execution will fail. In the UI, the limit price is determined based on the slippage setting that is relative to the mid-price (defined as the average price for a one-lot short trade and a one lot long trade).

The trader has to set all remaining parameters: its address, the id of the perpetual they want to trade, the flags as specified above, set a timestamp, and a deadline.

The referrerAddr remains empty (zero).

The perpetual id can be read via the PerpetualGetter contract for which we provide an example in scripts/status/main.ts.

Conditional orders

Traders that post a limit order or stop limit order pay a referral fee which is a fixed amount per perpetual (see PerpetualStorage.sol PerpetualData.fReferralRebateCC). A conditional order is not sent to the PerpetualManagerProxy contract directly, but to the LimitOrderBookContract corresponding to the perpetual. The referrer sends the order to the PerpetualManagerProxy contract once the prices are compatible with the order instructions. Therefore for conditional orders the referrerAddr is non-empty.

raders need to delegate a sufficient amount to the PerpetualManagerProxy contract for the trade to be succesful once referred and ensure their wallet contains sufficient funds. If the trade cannot be executed because of insufficient funds or allowance, PerpetualManagerProxy contract cancels the order. With every new order, the UI scans all conditional orders and asks the trader for approval of the total amount required.

Limit orders: The variable fTriggerPrice remains empty and all other variables in struct Order have to be set.

Stop limit orders: The variable fTriggerPrice remains empty and all other variables in struct Order have to be set.

PnL Participation

People can provide liquidity to the participation fund of a liquidity pool to participate in the profit and loss of the perpetual AMMs within that pool. The liquidity is added via addLiquidity(uint256 _poolId, int128 _fTokenAmount) in PerpetualTreasury.sol. The contract subsequently mints pool-tokens with the address (LiquidityPoolData.shareTokenAddress in PerpStorage.sol that you obtain via getLiquidityPool(uint256 _id) of PerpetualGetter.sol) and emits

event LiquidityAdded(uint256 indexed poolId, address indexed user, uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 shareAmount)

Liquidity can be withdrawn via function removeLiquidity(uint256 _poolId, int128 _fShareAmount).


The approach to pricing used by the platform is inherently risk-based, as detailed in the Whitepaper. As such, the system makes exhaustive use of probabiity concepts; most importantly, the price offered by the AMM for a given trade is a function of the probability of default and the optimal/risk-minizing theoretical trade amount, $\kappa^*$, see Section 4.2 of the Whitepaper for definitions. Other quantities that make use of probabilistic concepts are the target pool sizes, for both AMM and default funds.

Probability of default

The main pricing function, implementing equation (6) in the Whitepaper, is calculatePerpetualPrice(AMMVariables calldata _ammVars, MarketVariables calldata _mktVars, int128 _fTradeAmount, int128fMinimalSpread) in AMMPerpLogic.sol.

The risk-minimizing trade amount $\kappa^*$, discussed in Section 4.3 of the Whitepaper, is computed within the aforementioned function, but the default probability is computed separately by means of the function calculateRiskNeutralPD(AMMVariables memory _ammVars MarketVariables calldata _mktVars, int128 _fTradeAmount, bool _withCDF), also contained in the contract AMMPerpLogic.sol.

The aforementioned default probability depends on the type of collateral used; see subsection AMM default probability in Section 4.2 of the Whitepaper for details and definitions. Consequently, the implementation considers two different cases, 'Quanto' and 'No-Quanto', which in turn are characterized by different ways of computing the mean and standard deviation that parametrize the underlying probability distribution, c.f. equations (13) through (18) in the Whitepaper.

More precisely, within calculateRiskNeutralPD, the probability of default is first parametrized by the so-called distance to default, which is the argument passed to the standard normal cummulative distribution function (CDF), up to sign transformations. This reduction essentially corresponds to equations (13), (14) and (15) in the Whitepaper, where the calculation is seen to depend on a specific set of transformations of the state variables of the AMM. Note that the CDF of the standard normal distribution is made available through _normalCDF(int128 _fX) in AMMPerpLogic.sol.

Depending on the case, the distance to default is then computed by means of one of the two functions below:

  • _calculateRiskNeutralDDNoQuanto(MarketVariables memory _mktVars, int128 _fSign, int128 _fThresh), which implements equation (16), or
  • _calculateRiskNeutralDDWithQuanto(AMMVariables memory _ammVars, MarketVariables memory _mktVars, int128 _fSign, int128 _fThresh), which implements equation (17).

The second case above relies additionally on _calculateStandardDeviationQuanto(MarketVariables memory _mktVars, int128 _fC3, int128 _fC3_2), which implements equation (18). All of these functions are contained in AMMPerpLogic.sol.

Capital Sizing

The target size for the default fund, as defined in Section 6.1 of the Whitepaper, is computed in calculateDefaultFundSize(int128[2] memory _fK2AMM, int128 _fk2Trader, int128 _fCoverN, int128[2] calldata fStressRet2, int128[2] calldata fStressRet3, int128[2] calldata fIndexPrices, AMMPerpLogic.CollateralCurrency _eCCY), which can be found in AMMPerpLogic.sol. This function directly implements the logic of equations (31) through (35).

The target size for the AMM liquidity pool, discussed in detail in Section 6.2 of the Whitepaper, depends on the type of collateral currency used by the AMM. Consequently, the exact calculation is performed by one of three different functions, depending on the case at hand. These functions can be found in AMMPerpLogic.sol:

  • getTargetCollateralM1(int128 _fK2, int128 _fL1, MarketVariables calldata _mktVars, int128 _fTargetDD) implements equations (36) ad (37)
  • getTargetCollateralM2(int128 _fK2, int128 _fL1, MarketVariables calldata _mktVars, int128 _fTargetDD) implements equations (38) and (39)
  • getTargetCollateralM3(int128 _fK2, int128 _fL1, MarketVariables calldata _mktVars, int128 _fTargetDD) implements equations (40) and (41)


Governance can execute some functions to manage the perpetuals. Those are restricted via a modifier. Examples are as follows. PerpetualDepositManager.sol

  • depositToDefaultFund(uint256 _poolId, int128 _fAmount)
  • withdrawFromDefaultFund(uint256 _poolId, address _receiver,int128 _fAmount) external; - Only allowed if pool not running.
  • transferEarningsToTreasury(uint256 _poolId, int128 _fAmount) external;

Gas Station Network

All the contracts are meta transactions compatible. Meaning any call to msg.sender or is done through some kind of function that split extra data appended in case the call is done through GSN or another meta transaction system on behalf of another address.

We also provide a way to pay for gas fees with our BTC ERC20 representation thanks to a so called paymaster that converts the gas cost of the network into BTC. The user then sends this amount of BTC to the paymaster which pays for the gas cost in the native currency of the network.

The paymaster is natively allowed to spend users BTC to improve UX. This avoids the approve step and thus, the need for having any amount of the native currency of the network. This allowance can be revoked permanently at any time on the ERC20 BTC representation smart contract.

You will find everything related to thing under the contracts/gsn folder.

Using the (perp|wallet)Utils functions from the npm package

The utility functions from this repository are published as an npm package, so whenever something gets changed in the scripts/utils/ folder, the consumers of these functions (the liquidator, the dApp, etc) can have the functionality updated easily.

Usage of the npm package

Install the package

$ npm install --save @sovryn/perpetual-swap

Then in your script: import { walletUtils, perpQueries, perpUtils } from "@sovryn/perpetual-swap";

And to use the functions from, let's say, scripts/utils/perpQueries.ts: const { queryTraderState, queryAMMState, queryPerpParameters } = perpQueries;

The same works for the rest of the files: const { getMarkPrice } = perpUtils;


Decentralized Perpetual Futures







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