A robust user authentication system with comprehensive login tracking capabilities built with Node.js, Express, and Sequelize ORM. This system provides enterprise-level session management with the ability to track and control multiple concurrent user sessions across different devices.
This system is designed to provide a complete authentication solution with advanced session tracking capabilities. It's particularly useful for applications requiring:
- High security authentication
- Multiple device login support
- Detailed audit trails of user sessions
- Remote session management
- Protection against unauthorized access and token theft
The system uses modern security practices including JWT-based authentication, secure password hashing, and token blacklisting to ensure secure user sessions.
- Tracks all user login sessions with detailed information including:
- IP address
- Device information
- Login timestamp
- Logout timestamp
- Token information
- Session status (active/logged out)
- Multiple concurrent login sessions support
- Ability to view all active sessions
- Options to terminate sessions:
- Terminate single session
- Terminate all sessions except current
- Terminate all sessions including current
- JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication
- Token blacklisting mechanism
- Automatic session invalidation
- Secure password hashing using bcrypt
- Protection against unauthorized token reuse
- Register a new user account
- Body Parameters:
- first_name (string)
- last_name (string)
- username (string, required)
- email (string, required)
- password (string, required)
- Responses:
- 200: User created successfully
- 403: Username or email already taken
- Authenticate and login a user
- Body Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- password (string, required)
- Responses:
- 200: User logged in successfully
- 401: Bad username/not found
- 403: Incorrect password
- Logout user and blacklist current token
- Responses:
- 200: User logged out successfully
- Get user details
- Query Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: Returns user details
- 401: User not found
- 403: JWT token mismatch
- Update user profile information
- Body Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- first_name (string)
- last_name (string)
- email (string)
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: User updated successfully
- 401: User not found
- 403: Unauthorized
- Delete user account
- Query Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: User deleted successfully
- 403: Authentication error
- 404: User not found
- Request password reset email
- Body Parameters:
- email (string, required)
- Responses:
- 200: Reset email sent
- 400: Email required
- 403: Email not found
- Validate password reset token
- Query Parameters:
- resetPasswordToken (string, required)
- Responses:
- 200: Reset token valid
- 403: Invalid/expired token
- Update password while logged in
- Body Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- password (string, required)
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: Password updated
- 403: Unauthorized
- 404: User not found
- Update password using reset token
- Body Parameters:
- username (string, required)
- password (string, required)
- resetPasswordToken (string, required)
- Responses:
- 200: Password updated
- 401: User not found
- 403: Invalid/expired token
- List all active login sessions
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: Returns list of active sessions
- 400: Bad request
- Terminate specific login session
- Path Parameters:
- login_id: Session ID to terminate
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: Session terminated
- 400: Bad request
- Terminate all sessions except current
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: Sessions terminated
- 400: Bad request
- Terminate all sessions including current
- Requires Authentication: Yes
- Responses:
- 200: All sessions terminated
- 400: Bad request