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quilt.cpp: final fixes to inclusion expander
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mcraveiro committed Sep 26, 2016
1 parent dd65c2c commit dad3349
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Showing 4 changed files with 108 additions and 80 deletions.
49 changes: 29 additions & 20 deletions doc/agile/
Expand Up @@ -13,18 +13,19 @@
** Active

#+begin: clocktable :maxlevel 3 :scope subtree :indent nil :emphasize nil :scope file :narrow 75 :formula %
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2016-09-26 Mon 13:25]
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2016-09-26 Mon 15:14]
| <75> | | | | |
| Headline | Time | | | % |
| *Total time* | *3:34* | | | 100.0 |
| *Total time* | *5:20* | | | 100.0 |
| Stories | 3:34 | | | 100.0 |
| Active | | 3:34 | | 100.0 |
| STARTED Sprint and product backlog grooming | | | 0:37 | 17.3 |
| COMPLETED Edit release notes for previous sprint | | | 0:07 | 3.3 |
| COMPLETED Generation of formattable is incorrect | | | 2:30 | 70.1 |
| COMPLETED Visitor includes are incorrect | | | 0:20 | 9.3 |
| Stories | 5:20 | | | 100.0 |
| Active | | 5:20 | | 100.0 |
| STARTED Sprint and product backlog grooming | | | 0:37 | 11.6 |
| COMPLETED Edit release notes for previous sprint | | | 0:07 | 2.2 |
| COMPLETED Generation of formattable is incorrect | | | 2:30 | 46.9 |
| COMPLETED Visitor includes are incorrect | | | 0:20 | 6.2 |
| COMPLETED Add includer to quilt.cpp | | | 1:46 | 33.1 |
#+TBLFM: $5='(org-clock-time% @3$2 $2..$4);%.1f

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,9 +137,22 @@ types such as =boost::filesystem::path=.
We are adding an include to the descendants' header for no
reason. Remove it.

*** STARTED Add formattable element :story:
*** COMPLETED Add includer to quilt.cpp :story:
CLOSED: [2016-09-26 Mon 15:13]
CLOCK: [2016-09-26 Mon 14:43]--[2016-09-26 Mon 15:13] => 0:30
CLOCK: [2016-09-26 Mon 13:26]--[2016-09-26 Mon 14:42] => 1:16

Responsible for computing the inclusion dependencies.

- add a flag in builder to choose new or old API. Supply formattables
container by ID and new directives repository. When using old API,
these are default initialised. With new API the other parameters are
default initialised. Actually a better approach is to create two
builder impls and to decide which one to use based on the
constructor of the builder.

*** Add formattable element :story:

Create a top-level formattable type that is an aggregation of the
element and the element configuration. Update workflow to output a
list of formattable and formatters to take in formattable.
Expand All @@ -157,17 +171,6 @@ Previous understanding:
visitor to resolve the element and then call the formatter.
- add an enablement map for all formatters in the formatter

*** Add includer to quilt.cpp :story:

Responsible for computing the inclusion dependencies.

- add a flag in builder to choose new or old API. Supply formattables
container by ID and new directives repository. When using old API,
these are default initialised. With new API the other parameters are
default initialised. Actually a better approach is to create two
builder impls and to decide which one to use based on the
constructor of the builder.

*** Do not compute inclusion directives for system models :story:

It seems we are computing inclusion directives and other path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,6 +266,12 @@ specifying the models in JSON.

Not clear why we need this given we have formatter name.

*** Remove include builder legacy api :story:

When implementing inclusion expander we did a number of ugly hacks to
support both the legacy API and the new API. We need to remove all the
impls etc we added, in builder, factory, etc.

*** Create the notion of a formatter alias :story:

We did a bit of a hack with mapping the facet to the default
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class inclusion_expander {
inclusion_directives_container_type compute_inclusion_directives(
const dynamic::repository& drp, const formatters::container& fc,
const locator& l,
std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const;
const std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const;

typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::list<std::string>>
Expand All @@ -86,10 +86,9 @@ class inclusion_expander {
const inclusion_dependencies_builder_factory& f,
const yarn::element& e) const;

std::unordered_map<std::string, element_inclusion_dependencies_type>
compute_inclusion_dependencies(const formatters::container& fc,
void populate_inclusion_dependencies(const formatters::container& fc,
const inclusion_directives_container_type& idc,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const;
std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const;

void expand(const dynamic::repository& drp, const formatters::container& fc,
Expand Down
128 changes: 74 additions & 54 deletions projects/quilt.cpp/src/types/formattables/inclusion_expander.cpp
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ const std::string boost_serialization_gregorian("greg_serialize.hpp");

const std::string duplicate_element_name("Duplicate delement name: ");
const std::string duplicate_formatter_name("Duplicate formatter name: ");
const std::string missing_formatter_name("Formatter name not found: ");
const std::string empty_include_directive("Include directive is empty.");
const std::string formatter_not_found_for_type(
"Formatter not found for type: ");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,16 +162,16 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,

* First we extract the configuration for the generation of
* include directives for this element. Note that we generate
* this setting for _all elements_ even if the user did not
* specify any meta-data (we do so via defaults).
* include directives for this element. Note that we generate this
* setting for _all elements_ even if the user did not specify any
* meta-data (we do so via defaults).
* The question we are asking is: "does this element require
* any inclusion directives at all, across all facets?". Not
* all elements do; for example bool, int and so on don't
* require any inclusions at all across all facets. If the
* user did not override this, we default it to true because
* normally elements require inclusion.
* The question we are asking is: "does this element require any
* inclusion directives at all, across all facets?". Not all
* elements do; for example bool, int and so on don't require any
* inclusions at all across all facets. If the user did not
* override this, we default it to true because normally elements
* require inclusion.
const auto& o(e.extensions());
const bool required(factory.make_top_level_inclusion_required(o));
Expand All @@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,

if (formatters.empty()) {
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "No providers found.";
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "No formatters found.";

Expand All @@ -193,11 +194,11 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,

* Does the type require an inclusion directive for this
* specific formatter? Some types require inclusion
* directives for some formatters, but not for others. For
* example, we may need an include for serialising a
* std::list, but in test data we make use of helpers and
* thus do not require an include.
* specific formatter? Some types require inclusion directives
* for some formatters, but not for others. For example, we
* may need an include for serialising a std::list, but in
* test data we make use of helpers and thus do not require an
* include.
* Again, we default this to true.
Expand All @@ -209,10 +210,11 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,

* Do the annotations provide a "hard-coded" inclusion directive?
* That is, the type had an hard-coded incantation for its
* include. This is the case for system models such as boost, std
* etc where we can't compute the inclusion directive.
* Do the annotations provide a "hard-coded" inclusion
* directive? That is, the type had an hard-coded incantation
* for its include. This is the case for system models such as
* boost, std etc where we can't compute the inclusion
* directive.
std::string directive;
if (s.inclusion_directive())
Expand All @@ -230,11 +232,10 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,
insert_inclusion_directive(id, fmtn, directive, idc);

* If the provider is also the default for this facet and
* element, we need to register it against the facet
* too. Note that, for a given element type on a given
* facet, there can only be one default - or else we'll
* throw.
* If the formatter is also the default for this facet and
* element, we need to register it against the facet too. Note
* that, for a given element type on a given facet, there can
* only be one default - or else we'll throw.
const auto cs(formatters::inclusion_support_types::canonical_support);
const auto fctn(fmt->ownership_hierarchy().facet_name());
Expand All @@ -248,13 +249,26 @@ void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const yarn::element& e,
inclusion_expander::inclusion_directives_container_type inclusion_expander::
compute_inclusion_directives(const dynamic::repository& drp,
const formatters::container& fc, const locator& l,
std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const {
const std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const {

inclusion_directives_container_type r;

* First we must make sure we only have formatters which generate
* files that can be included via an include directive. Filter out
* all of those that do not.
const auto ffti(includible_formatters_by_type_index(fc));

* Now, for all formattables and their associated element
* segments, find the formatters that support the element segment
* and compute the inclusion directive for it.
const annotations::inclusion_directive_annotations_factory f(drp, fc);
for (const auto& pair : formattables) {
const auto& formattable(pair.second);

for (const auto& segment : formattable.element_segments()) {
const auto& e(*segment);
const auto id(;
Expand All @@ -265,6 +279,7 @@ compute_inclusion_directives(const dynamic::repository& drp,
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << formatter_not_found_for_type << id;

compute_inclusion_directives(e, f, i->second, l, r);
Expand All @@ -284,13 +299,14 @@ inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_dependencies(

* First we must obtain all formatters for the type of element we
* are building includes for. They must exist in the formatters'
* collection.
* are building includes for. They may or may not exist in the
* formatters' collection - for example, we do not have any
* formatters for concepts at present. If so, we're done.
const auto ti(std::type_index(typeid(e)));
const auto i(fc.file_formatters_by_type_index().find(ti));
if (i == fc.file_formatters_by_type_index().end()) {
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << "No formatters for type: " <<;
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "No formatters for type: " <<;
return r;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +334,7 @@ inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_dependencies(
* Now slot in the results, ensuring our formatter name is
* unique.
* FIXME: add validation for formatter registration so we can
* remove this check.
Expand All @@ -332,33 +349,30 @@ inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_dependencies(

BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Finished creating inclusion dependencies for: "
<< id;
<< id << ". Result: " << r;

return r;

compute_inclusion_dependencies(const formatters::container& fc,
void inclusion_expander::populate_inclusion_dependencies(
const formatters::container& fc,
const inclusion_directives_container_type& idc,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const {

std::string, inclusion_expander::element_inclusion_dependencies_type> r;
std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const {

BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Creating inclusion dependencies "
<< "for all formattables. ";
inclusion_dependencies_builder_factory idf(idc, formattables);
for (const auto& pair : formattables) {
for (auto& pair : formattables) {
const auto id(pair.first);
const auto& formattable(pair.second);
auto& formattable(pair.second);

* We need to compute the inclusion dependencies for each
* segment of this element. By definition, the segments all
* share the same element id so we can obtain a reference for
* our container up front and populate it for each segment.
auto& inclusions_for_id(r[id]);
auto& fmt_cfg(formattable.configuration().formatter_configuration());
for (const auto& ptr : formattable.element_segments()) {
const auto& e(*ptr);

Expand All @@ -380,33 +394,39 @@ compute_inclusion_dependencies(const formatters::container& fc,

* Copy across all of the dependencies for the
* element. This caters of the multi-segment elements,
* merging them all into a single set of
* dependencies. Note though that the formatter names must
* be unique across all segments.
* Copy across all of the dependencies for the element,
* across all supported formatters (that have inclusion
* dependencies). Note that this caters of the
* multi-segment elements, merging them all into a single
* set of dependencies.
for (const auto& dep_pair : deps) {
const auto inserted(inclusions_for_id.insert(dep_pair).second);
if (inserted)

* First we need to obtain the configuration for this
* formatter. It must have been initialised by the
* transformer.
const auto fmtn(dep_pair.first);
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << duplicate_formatter_name << fmtn;
expansion_error(duplicate_formatter_name + fmtn));
const auto i(fmt_cfg.find(fmtn));
if (i == fmt_cfg.end()) {
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << missing_formatter_name << fmtn;
expansion_error(missing_formatter_name + fmtn));
return r;
BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Finished creating inclusion dependencies "
<< "for all formattables. ";

void inclusion_expander::expand(const dynamic::repository& drp,
const formatters::container& fc, const locator& l,
std::unordered_map<std::string, formattable>& formattables) const {

const auto idc(compute_inclusion_directives(drp, fc, l, formattables));
compute_inclusion_dependencies(fc, idc, formattables);
populate_inclusion_dependencies(fc, idc, formattables);

} } } }
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions projects/quilt.cpp/src/types/workflow.cpp
Expand Up @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ void workflow::test_new_formattables_workflow(const options::cpp_options& opts,
<< pair.second.inclusion_dependencies()
<< " old: "
<< k->second.inclusion_dependencies();
// workflow_error("Different inclusion."));
workflow_error("Different inclusion."));
Expand Down

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