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This project is about creating API end point using Ruby on Rails and deploying the API on heroku. The API has meetings and reservations endpoints. The API is used in our front end React project which is based on an app to create and reserve a meeting to learn or for coding session with your buddy.


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This project is about creating API end point using Ruby on Rails and deploying the API on heroku. The API has meetings and reservations endpoints. The API is used in our front end React project which is based on an app to book a meeting to learn or for coding session with your buddy.

  • Click here to view the frontend repository.

The learning objective of this project are

  • Create rails app
  • Connect react front end app to rails back end
  • Use API end point to get data
  • Fetch data from the API


  • Click here to view the documentation of the Code Buddy API.

ER Diagram

  • Click here to view the ER Diagram

Kanban board

  • Click this link to view the Kanban board that was used while building this app.

  • Click here to view the initial state of our Kanban board.

  • At the end of this project, there are two(2) people in the team.

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Apipie

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.



  • git clone

  • cd code-buddy-backend

Running The App

  • Run bundle install to install all the necessary gems
  • Run rake db:create and rake db:migrate then run rails s
  • Go to the browser and type localhost:3000 to see the app


  • Run gem install rspec to install Rspec,

  • Run rspec spec to run all the test cases, and

  • Run rspec spec/name_of_test_file.rb to run test cases individually.

Here you can see that all our test are passing:


API Documentation

  • Used Apipie for the API documentation


👤 Donard Golaj

👤 Ahmad Zia Yousufi

Github : @ahzia
Twitter: @ZiaYousofi
LinkedIn : @ah-ziayosfi

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was a source of inspiration.
  • Microverse for giving us this chance
  • The amazing code reviewers for making us improve every day 👍


This project is about creating API end point using Ruby on Rails and deploying the API on heroku. The API has meetings and reservations endpoints. The API is used in our front end React project which is based on an app to create and reserve a meeting to learn or for coding session with your buddy.







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