This Sample iOS Mobile App is a tutorial for Dynatrace Mobile Monitoring demostrating feature sets of SDK
iOS OneAgent SDK will instrument your app austomatically, additionally you extend the instrumentation by doing what SDK offers as capabilities like: Tag user Define custom actions Report custom errors Add session and user action properties And more…
- Dynatrace Public Documentation for iOS Monitoring
- Dynatrace IOS Configuration Keys reference
- Dynatrace iOS OneAgent API reference
- SwiftUI
- Data Privacy
- DataCollectionLevel and User opt-in
- User Tagging
- User Action Monitoring
- Automatic Instrumentation
- Action Naming
- Modifying Actions with SDK
- Manual Instrumentation & Custom Actions
- Web Request Monitoring
- Standalone web requests (requests with no linked user action)
- Linked web requests (requests that are linked to user actions)
- Manually tag and monitor web requests
- Crash Analysis & Session Replay
- Report Crashes
- Configure Masking for Session Replay
- Data & Metrics
- Reporting Errors, Events, and Values
- Create User Action and User Session Properties
- Advanced Topics
- Adding Custom HTTP Headers to Beacon Values
- SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Instrumentation
**macOS **
- Xcode
Dynatrace Tenant with a Mobile Application created in the UI
Download the Application from this Bitbucket Repository
- (... > Download) and save the project to the local machine then unzip the archive
Follow instrumentation wizard from dynatrace application