Analysis workflow used to analyze the cohort of healthy blood donors
The data is stored in a Multi_Assay_Experiment object, which is used as input for the workflow
The object can be downloaded here:
Note: The MuData (Python) version coming up soon
Create a Conda Environment:
conda create -n nextflow-env
conda activate nextflow-env
conda install -c bioconda nextflow
See also and
For detailed Singularity installation instructions, please refer to the official Singularity installation guide.
All software containers used in this workflow can be obtained here
For more instructions on how to run the workflow:
nextflow run --help
The typical command to run the workflow is:
nextflow run
--output dir/of/choice
-c dre.config
--config_file config.yml
--mae_object /dir/MAE_object
--container_dir /dir/Singularity/containers