N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.10.4 Launching `/CCAS/home/cpavloudi/.nextflow/assets/EBI-Metagenomics/emg-viral-pipeline/virify.nf` [kickass_kimura] DSL2 - revision: 35c24f6afd Profile: slurm,singularity Current User: cpavloudi Nextflow-version: 22.10.4 Starting time: 09-12-2022 09:58 UTC Workdir location: /christina/work Databases location: nextflow-autodownload-databases Dev ViPhOG database: v3 Dev Meta database: v2 Only run annotation: false [- ] process > download_pprmeta:pprmetaGet - [- ] process > download_virsorter_db:virso... - [- ] process > download_virfinder_db:virfi... - [- ] process > download_model_meta:metaGetDB - [- ] process > download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB - [- ] process > download_ncbi_db:ncbiGetDB - [- ] process > download_checkv_db:checkvGetDB - [- ] process > preprocess:rename - [- ] process > preprocess:length_filtering - [- ] process > detect:virsorter - [- ] process > detect:virfinder - [- ] process > detect:pprmeta - [- ] process > detect:parse - [- ] process > postprocess:restore - [- ] process > annotate:prodigal - [- ] process > annotate:hmmscan_viphogs - [- ] process > annotate:hmm_postprocessing - [- ] process > annotate:ratio_evalue - [- ] process > annotate:annotation - [- ] process > annotate:plot_contig_map - [- ] process > annotate:assign - [- ] process > annotate:checkV - [- ] process > download_pprmeta:pprmetaGet - [- ] process > download_virsorter_db:virso... - [- ] process > download_virfinder_db:virfi... - [- ] process > download_model_meta:metaGetDB - [- ] process > download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB - [- ] process > download_ncbi_db:ncbiGetDB - [- ] process > download_checkv_db:checkvGetDB - [- ] process > preprocess:rename - [- ] process > preprocess:length_filtering - [- ] process > detect:virsorter - [- ] process > detect:virfinder - [- ] process > detect:pprmeta - [- ] process > detect:parse - [- ] process > postprocess:restore - [- ] process > annotate:prodigal - [- ] process > annotate:hmmscan_viphogs - [- ] process > annotate:hmm_postprocessing - [- ] process > annotate:ratio_evalue - [- ] process > annotate:annotation - [- ] process > annotate:plot_contig_map - [- ] process > annotate:assign - [- ] process > annotate:checkV - [- ] process > plot:generate_krona_table - [- ] process > plot:krona - [- ] process > plot:generate_sankey_table - [- ] process > plot:sankey - [- ] process > download_pprmeta:pprmetaGet [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_virsorter_db:virso... [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_virfinder_db:virfi... [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_model_meta:metaGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_ncbi_db:ncbiGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_checkv_db:checkvGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > preprocess:rename - [- ] process > preprocess:length_filtering - [- ] process > detect:virsorter - [- ] process > detect:virfinder - [- ] process > detect:pprmeta - [- ] process > detect:parse - [- ] process > postprocess:restore - [- ] process > annotate:prodigal - [- ] process > annotate:hmmscan_viphogs - [- ] process > annotate:hmm_postprocessing - [- ] process > annotate:ratio_evalue - [- ] process > annotate:annotation - [- ] process > annotate:plot_contig_map - [- ] process > annotate:assign - [- ] process > annotate:checkV - [- ] process > plot:generate_krona_table - [- ] process > plot:krona - [- ] process > plot:generate_sankey_table - [- ] process > plot:sankey - Pulling Singularity image docker://microbiomeinformatics/emg-viral-pipeline-python3:v1 [cache /christina/singularity/microbiomeinformatics-emg-viral-pipeline-python3-v1.img] Error executing process > 'download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB' Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "sbatch" (in directory "/christina/work/26/795584d61825df5f62d5176a0562cd"): error=2, No such file or directory Command executed: sbatch .command.run Command exit status: - Command output: (empty) Work dir: /christina/work/26/795584d61825df5f62d5176a0562cd Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named `.command.sh` [- ] process > download_pprmeta:pprmetaGet [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_virsorter_db:virso... [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_virfinder_db:virfi... [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_model_meta:metaGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [26/795584] process > download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB [100%] 1 of 1, failed: 1 [- ] process > download_ncbi_db:ncbiGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > download_checkv_db:checkvGetDB [ 0%] 0 of 1 [- ] process > preprocess:rename - [- ] process > preprocess:length_filtering - [- ] process > detect:virsorter - [- ] process > detect:virfinder - [- ] process > detect:pprmeta - [- ] process > detect:parse - [- ] process > postprocess:restore - [- ] process > annotate:prodigal - [- ] process > annotate:hmmscan_viphogs - [- ] process > annotate:hmm_postprocessing - [- ] process > annotate:ratio_evalue - [- ] process > annotate:annotation - [- ] process > annotate:plot_contig_map - [- ] process > annotate:assign - [- ] process > annotate:checkV - [- ] process > plot:generate_krona_table - [- ] process > plot:krona - [- ] process > plot:generate_sankey_table - [- ] process > plot:sankey - Pulling Singularity image docker://microbiomeinformatics/emg-viral-pipeline-python3:v1 [cache /christina/singularity/microbiomeinformatics-emg-viral-pipeline-python3-v1.img] Error executing process > 'download_viphog_db:viphogGetDB' Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "sbatch" (in directory "/christina/work/26/795584d61825df5f62d5176a0562cd"): error=2, No such file or directory Command executed: sbatch .command.run Command exit status: - Command output: (empty) Work dir: /christina/work/26/795584d61825df5f62d5176a0562cd Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named `.command.sh`