WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.520 --> 00:00:24.470 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:00:24.470 --> 00:00:24.480 align:start position:0% 00:00:24.480 --> 00:00:25.109 align:start position:0% well 00:00:25.109 --> 00:00:25.119 align:start position:0% well 00:00:25.119 --> 00:00:28.470 align:start position:0% well i<00:00:25.279> welcome<00:00:25.599> you<00:00:25.840> all<00:00:26.320> to<00:00:26.480> the<00:00:26.880> lecture<00:00:27.279> four<00:00:27.599> of 00:00:28.470 --> 00:00:28.480 align:start position:0% i welcome you all to the lecture four of 00:00:28.480 --> 00:00:33.430 align:start position:0% i welcome you all to the lecture four of week<00:00:28.840> five 00:00:33.430 --> 00:00:33.440 align:start position:0% 00:00:33.440 --> 00:00:35.430 align:start position:0% in<00:00:33.600> this<00:00:33.760> week<00:00:34.079> we<00:00:34.239> will<00:00:34.399> be<00:00:34.559> studying<00:00:35.120> the 00:00:35.430 --> 00:00:35.440 align:start position:0% in this week we will be studying the 00:00:35.440 --> 00:00:37.030 align:start position:0% in this week we will be studying the important<00:00:35.920> building<00:00:36.320> block 00:00:37.030 --> 00:00:37.040 align:start position:0% important building block 00:00:37.040 --> 00:00:39.510 align:start position:0% important building block of<00:00:37.440> an<00:00:37.680> automated<00:00:38.239> system<00:00:39.120> that<00:00:39.360> is 00:00:39.510 --> 00:00:39.520 align:start position:0% of an automated system that is 00:00:39.520 --> 00:00:42.310 align:start position:0% of an automated system that is microprocessor<00:00:40.399> technology 00:00:42.310 --> 00:00:42.320 align:start position:0% microprocessor technology 00:00:42.320 --> 00:00:44.630 align:start position:0% microprocessor technology let<00:00:42.480> us<00:00:42.640> look<00:00:42.879> at<00:00:42.960> the<00:00:43.360> outline<00:00:43.920> of<00:00:44.320> this 00:00:44.630 --> 00:00:44.640 align:start position:0% let us look at the outline of this 00:00:44.640 --> 00:00:45.750 align:start position:0% let us look at the outline of this lecture 00:00:45.750 --> 00:00:45.760 align:start position:0% lecture 00:00:45.760 --> 00:00:48.549 align:start position:0% lecture at<00:00:46.000> start<00:00:46.320> of<00:00:46.480> the<00:00:46.559> lecture<00:00:47.440> we<00:00:47.600> will<00:00:47.840> see<00:00:48.399> the 00:00:48.549 --> 00:00:48.559 align:start position:0% at start of the lecture we will see the 00:00:48.559 --> 00:00:49.750 align:start position:0% at start of the lecture we will see the definition<00:00:49.200> of 00:00:49.750 --> 00:00:49.760 align:start position:0% definition of 00:00:49.760 --> 00:00:55.110 align:start position:0% definition of a<00:00:49.960> microprocessor 00:00:55.110 --> 00:00:55.120 align:start position:0% 00:00:55.120 --> 00:00:58.310 align:start position:0% then<00:00:55.520> we<00:00:55.680> will<00:00:55.920> see<00:00:56.559> its<00:00:56.879> architecture 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difference between 00:01:08.560 --> 00:01:12.310 align:start position:0% difference between a<00:01:08.760> microcontroller<00:01:10.159> and<00:01:10.560> a<00:01:10.840> microprocessor 00:01:12.310 --> 00:01:12.320 align:start position:0% a microcontroller and a microprocessor 00:01:12.320 --> 00:01:14.789 align:start position:0% a microcontroller and a microprocessor the<00:01:12.479> definition<00:01:13.040> of<00:01:13.200> microcontroller<00:01:14.640> will 00:01:14.789 --> 00:01:14.799 align:start position:0% the definition of microcontroller will 00:01:14.799 --> 00:01:15.990 align:start position:0% the definition of microcontroller will be<00:01:14.960> studied 00:01:15.990 --> 00:01:16.000 align:start position:0% be studied 00:01:16.000 --> 00:01:19.190 align:start position:0% be studied after<00:01:16.320> that<00:01:16.479> we<00:01:16.640> will<00:01:16.880> study 00:01:19.190 --> 00:01:19.200 align:start position:0% after that we will study 00:01:19.200 --> 00:01:23.270 align:start position:0% after that we will study the<00:01:19.479> microcomputers<00:01:22.159> which<00:01:22.400> we<00:01:22.560> are<00:01:22.720> using 00:01:23.270 --> 00:01:23.280 align:start position:0% the microcomputers which we are using 00:01:23.280 --> 00:01:28.950 align:start position:0% the microcomputers which we are using for<00:01:23.520> our<00:01:23.759> regular<00:01:24.400> day-to-day<00:01:25.280> activities 00:01:28.950 --> 00:01:28.960 align:start position:0% 00:01:28.960 --> 00:01:31.109 align:start position:0% at<00:01:29.119> the<00:01:29.280> end<00:01:29.439> of<00:01:29.600> the<00:01:29.680> lecture<00:01:30.320> we<00:01:30.560> will<00:01:30.799> study 00:01:31.109 --> 00:01:31.119 align:start position:0% at the end of the lecture we will study 00:01:31.119 --> 00:01:31.990 align:start position:0% at the end of the lecture we will study about 00:01:31.990 --> 00:01:32.000 align:start position:0% about 00:01:32.000 --> 00:01:34.710 align:start position:0% about the<00:01:32.240> plcs<00:01:33.360> the<00:01:33.520> programmable<00:01:34.159> logic 00:01:34.710 --> 00:01:34.720 align:start position:0% the plcs the programmable logic 00:01:34.720 --> 00:01:35.670 align:start position:0% the plcs the programmable logic controllers 00:01:35.670 --> 00:01:35.680 align:start position:0% controllers 00:01:35.680 --> 00:01:38.830 align:start position:0% controllers which<00:01:36.000> are<00:01:36.400> used<00:01:36.880> in<00:01:37.759> the<00:01:38.000> automation 00:01:38.830 --> 00:01:38.840 align:start position:0% which are used in the automation 00:01:38.840 --> 00:01:41.990 align:start position:0% which are used in the automation industry. 00:01:41.990 --> 00:01:42.000 align:start position:0% 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:44.630 align:start position:0% its<00:01:42.320> elements<00:01:43.119> configuration<00:01:43.840> and<00:01:44.000> operation 00:01:44.630 --> 00:01:44.640 align:start position:0% its elements configuration and operation 00:01:44.640 --> 00:01:46.469 align:start position:0% its elements configuration and operation will<00:01:44.799> be<00:01:44.960> studied<00:01:45.360> in<00:01:45.520> detail 00:01:46.469 --> 00:01:46.479 align:start position:0% will be studied in detail 00:01:46.479 --> 00:01:51.030 align:start position:0% will be studied in detail fine<00:01:46.799> let<00:01:46.960> us<00:01:47.040> begin<00:01:49.200> in<00:01:49.360> this<00:01:49.600> lecture 00:01:51.030 --> 00:01:51.040 align:start position:0% fine let us begin in this lecture 00:01:51.040 --> 00:01:54.230 align:start position:0% fine let us begin in this lecture we<00:01:51.200> will<00:01:51.360> be<00:01:51.520> studying<00:01:52.320> various<00:01:53.439> programmable 00:01:54.230 --> 00:01:54.240 align:start position:0% we will be studying various programmable 00:01:54.240 --> 00:01:57.190 align:start position:0% we will be studying various programmable logic<00:01:54.640> devices 00:01:57.190 --> 00:01:57.200 align:start position:0% logic devices 00:01:57.200 --> 00:01:59.830 align:start position:0% logic devices in<00:01:57.360> a<00:01:57.680> in<00:01:57.840> our<00:01:58.079> previous<00:01:58.479> lectures<00:01:59.439> we<00:01:59.600> have 00:01:59.830 --> 00:01:59.840 align:start position:0% in a in our previous lectures we have 00:01:59.840 --> 00:02:02.789 align:start position:0% in a in our previous lectures we have seen 00:02:02.789 --> 00:02:02.799 align:start position:0% 00:02:02.799 --> 00:02:06.469 align:start position:0% the<00:02:02.960> elements<00:02:03.439> of<00:02:03.600> measurement<00:02:04.240> system 00:02:06.469 --> 00:02:06.479 align:start position:0% the elements of measurement system 00:02:06.479 --> 00:02:09.510 align:start position:0% the elements of measurement system such<00:02:06.719> as<00:02:07.280> the<00:02:07.520> sensors<00:02:08.239> and 00:02:09.510 --> 00:02:09.520 align:start position:0% such as the sensors and 00:02:09.520 --> 00:02:12.869 align:start position:0% such as the sensors and the<00:02:09.679> signal<00:02:10.080> conditioning<00:02:10.640> devices 00:02:12.869 --> 00:02:12.879 align:start position:0% the signal conditioning devices 00:02:12.879 --> 00:02:17.910 align:start position:0% the signal conditioning devices after<00:02:13.280> that<00:02:13.440> we<00:02:13.599> have<00:02:13.760> also<00:02:14.080> seen<00:02:14.720> how<00:02:14.959> we<00:02:15.200> can 00:02:17.910 --> 00:02:17.920 align:start position:0% 00:02:17.920 --> 00:02:21.510 align:start position:0% convert<00:02:18.959> the<00:02:19.120> signals<00:02:19.920> from<00:02:20.239> one<00:02:20.560> form<00:02:20.879> to<00:02:21.040> the 00:02:21.510 --> 00:02:21.520 align:start position:0% convert the signals from one form to the 00:02:21.520 --> 00:02:26.309 align:start position:0% convert the signals from one form to the another<00:02:22.000> form<00:02:23.760> now<00:02:24.000> let<00:02:24.160> us<00:02:24.319> look<00:02:24.560> at 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position:0% logic devices has<00:02:36.879> two<00:02:37.120> words 00:02:39.670 --> 00:02:39.680 align:start position:0% 00:02:39.680 --> 00:02:44.550 align:start position:0% these<00:02:40.000> are<00:02:40.640> programmable<00:02:42.080> and<00:02:42.319> logic 00:02:44.550 --> 00:02:44.560 align:start position:0% these are programmable and logic 00:02:44.560 --> 00:02:48.070 align:start position:0% these are programmable and logic the<00:02:44.720> devices<00:02:45.920> which<00:02:46.160> are<00:02:46.400> carrying<00:02:46.800> out 00:02:48.070 --> 00:02:48.080 align:start position:0% the devices which are carrying out 00:02:48.080 --> 00:02:51.830 align:start position:0% the devices which are carrying out logical<00:02:48.879> operations<00:02:49.760> on<00:02:50.000> the<00:02:50.239> data 00:02:51.830 --> 00:02:51.840 align:start position:0% logical operations on the data 00:02:51.840 --> 00:02:56.309 align:start position:0% logical operations on the data are<00:02:52.080> called<00:02:52.400> as<00:02:53.360> the<00:02:53.599> logic<00:02:54.319> devices 00:02:56.309 --> 00:02:56.319 align:start position:0% are called as the logic devices 00:02:56.319 --> 00:03:00.550 align:start position:0% are called as the logic devices but<00:02:56.720> when<00:02:57.519> we<00:02:57.760> are<00:02:58.000> able<00:02:58.400> to<00:02:58.720> program<00:02:59.360> them 00:03:00.550 --> 00:03:00.560 align:start position:0% but when we are able to program them 00:03:00.560 --> 00:03:04.869 align:start position:0% but when we are able to program them when<00:03:01.120> the<00:03:01.360> users<00:03:02.640> are<00:03:02.959> able<00:03:03.280> to<00:03:03.599> program 00:03:04.869 --> 00:03:04.879 align:start position:0% when the users are able to program 00:03:04.879 --> 00:03:07.750 align:start position:0% when the users are able to program these<00:03:05.280> logic<00:03:05.760> devices<00:03:06.640> then<00:03:06.879> we<00:03:07.040> are<00:03:07.519> call 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we can instruct we<00:03:16.840> can<00:03:18.400> train<00:03:19.040> these<00:03:19.280> logic<00:03:19.680> devices<00:03:20.400> to 00:03:20.630 --> 00:03:20.640 align:start position:0% we can train these logic devices to 00:03:20.640 --> 00:03:22.390 align:start position:0% we can train these logic devices to carry<00:03:20.959> out 00:03:22.390 --> 00:03:22.400 align:start position:0% carry out 00:03:22.400 --> 00:03:25.830 align:start position:0% carry out a<00:03:22.560> certain<00:03:22.959> set<00:03:23.200> of<00:03:23.440> instructions<00:03:24.959> in 00:03:25.830 --> 00:03:25.840 align:start position:0% a certain set of instructions in 00:03:25.840 --> 00:03:29.110 align:start position:0% a certain set of instructions in the<00:03:26.000> given<00:03:26.400> sequence 00:03:29.110 --> 00:03:29.120 align:start position:0% 00:03:29.120 --> 00:03:31.990 align:start position:0% so<00:03:29.280> what<00:03:29.519> kind<00:03:29.760> of<00:03:30.400> operations<00:03:31.040> these 00:03:31.990 --> 00:03:32.000 align:start position:0% so what kind of operations these 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:33.750 align:start position:0% so what kind of operations these programmable<00:03:32.640> logical 00:03:33.750 --> 00:03:33.760 align:start position:0% programmable logical 00:03:33.760 --> 00:03:36.789 align:start position:0% programmable logical logic<00:03:34.080> devices<00:03:34.720> are<00:03:34.879> carrying<00:03:35.280> out<00:03:36.480> they<00:03:36.720> are 00:03:36.789 --> 00:03:36.799 align:start position:0% logic devices are carrying out they are 00:03:36.799 --> 00:03:37.990 align:start position:0% logic devices are carrying out they are carrying<00:03:37.200> out<00:03:37.360> various 00:03:37.990 --> 00:03:38.000 align:start position:0% carrying out various 00:03:38.000 --> 00:03:41.110 align:start position:0% carrying out various control<00:03:38.560> functions<00:03:40.000> according<00:03:40.560> to 00:03:41.110 --> 00:03:41.120 align:start position:0% control functions according to 00:03:41.120 --> 00:03:46.710 align:start position:0% control functions according to the<00:03:41.360> instructions<00:03:42.239> written<00:03:42.640> in<00:03:42.799> its<00:03:44.840> memory 00:03:46.710 --> 00:03:46.720 align:start position:0% the instructions written in its memory 00:03:46.720 --> 00:03:48.309 align:start position:0% the instructions written in its memory so<00:03:46.879> whatever<00:03:47.280> the<00:03:47.440> commands<00:03:47.840> that<00:03:48.000> we<00:03:48.159> are 00:03:48.309 --> 00:03:48.319 align:start position:0% so whatever the commands that we are 00:03:48.319 --> 00:03:49.990 align:start position:0% so whatever the commands that we are giving<00:03:49.360> they<00:03:49.519> are 00:03:49.990 --> 00:03:50.000 align:start position:0% giving they are 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:53.750 align:start position:0% giving they are the<00:03:50.159> low<00:03:50.400> level<00:03:51.519> language<00:03:52.000> commands 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align:start position:0% in the next few slides the<00:04:01.360> first<00:04:02.480> pld<00:04:03.280> is<00:04:04.000> the<00:04:04.159> microprocessor 00:04:06.470 --> 00:04:06.480 align:start position:0% the first pld is the microprocessor 00:04:06.480 --> 00:04:09.589 align:start position:0% the first pld is the microprocessor microprocessor<00:04:07.840> is<00:04:08.720> a<00:04:08.879> digital 00:04:09.589 --> 00:04:09.599 align:start position:0% microprocessor is a digital 00:04:09.599 --> 00:04:12.710 align:start position:0% microprocessor is a digital integrated<00:04:10.239> circuit<00:04:11.840> it<00:04:12.080> is 00:04:12.710 --> 00:04:12.720 align:start position:0% integrated circuit it is 00:04:12.720 --> 00:04:17.749 align:start position:0% integrated circuit it is an<00:04:13.040> electronic<00:04:13.680> circuit<00:04:15.200> and<00:04:15.439> it<00:04:15.760> carries<00:04:16.160> out 00:04:17.749 --> 00:04:17.759 align:start position:0% an electronic circuit and it carries out 00:04:17.759 --> 00:04:20.629 align:start position:0% an electronic circuit and it carries out various<00:04:18.400> digital<00:04:18.959> functions<00:04:20.079> which<00:04:20.400> are 00:04:20.629 --> 00:04:20.639 align:start position:0% various digital functions which are 00:04:20.639 --> 00:04:21.590 align:start position:0% various digital functions which are necessary 00:04:21.590 --> 00:04:21.600 align:start position:0% necessary 00:04:21.600 --> 00:04:24.469 align:start position:0% necessary to<00:04:21.759> process<00:04:22.160> the<00:04:22.320> information<00:04:24.000> which<00:04:24.240> are 00:04:24.469 --> 00:04:24.479 align:start position:0% to process the information which are 00:04:24.479 --> 00:04:26.150 align:start position:0% to process the information which are necessary 00:04:26.150 --> 00:04:26.160 align:start position:0% necessary 00:04:26.160 --> 00:04:28.950 align:start position:0% necessary to<00:04:26.320> process<00:04:27.040> the<00:04:27.199> data<00:04:27.680> given<00:04:28.080> to<00:04:28.800> the 00:04:28.950 --> 00:04:28.960 align:start position:0% to process the data given to the 00:04:28.960 --> 00:04:31.189 align:start position:0% to process the data given to the microprocessor 00:04:31.189 --> 00:04:31.199 align:start position:0% microprocessor 00:04:31.199 --> 00:04:34.710 align:start position:0% microprocessor the<00:04:31.360> microcomputer<00:04:33.840> is 00:04:34.710 --> 00:04:34.720 align:start position:0% the microcomputer is 00:04:34.720 --> 00:04:38.550 align:start position:0% the microcomputer is utilizing<00:04:36.000> the<00:04:36.160> microprocessor 00:04:38.550 --> 00:04:38.560 align:start position:0% utilizing the microprocessor 00:04:38.560 --> 00:04:41.590 align:start position:0% utilizing the microprocessor as<00:04:38.720> its<00:04:39.360> cpu<00:04:40.000> that<00:04:40.240> is<00:04:40.400> a<00:04:40.479> central<00:04:41.040> processing 00:04:41.590 --> 00:04:41.600 align:start position:0% as its cpu that is a central processing 00:04:41.600 --> 00:04:43.510 align:start position:0% as its cpu that is a central processing unit 00:04:43.510 --> 00:04:43.520 align:start position:0% unit 00:04:43.520 --> 00:04:46.390 align:start position:0% unit and<00:04:43.759> it<00:04:44.000> contains<00:04:44.960> all<00:04:45.520> functions<00:04:46.160> of<00:04:46.320> a 00:04:46.390 --> 00:04:46.400 align:start position:0% and it contains all functions of a 00:04:46.400 --> 00:04:47.830 align:start position:0% and it contains all functions of a computer 00:04:47.830 --> 00:04:47.840 align:start position:0% computer 00:04:47.840 --> 00:04:51.110 align:start position:0% computer so<00:04:48.080> micro<00:04:48.560> computer<00:04:49.040> may<00:04:49.280> have<00:04:49.759> memory 00:04:51.110 --> 00:04:51.120 align:start position:0% so micro computer may have memory 00:04:51.120 --> 00:04:53.990 align:start position:0% so micro computer may have memory it<00:04:51.360> can<00:04:52.000> communicate<00:04:52.639> with<00:04:53.120> the<00:04:53.280> outside 00:04:53.990 --> 00:04:54.000 align:start position:0% it can communicate with the outside 00:04:54.000 --> 00:04:54.870 align:start position:0% it can communicate with the outside world 00:04:54.870 --> 00:04:54.880 align:start position:0% world 00:04:54.880 --> 00:04:58.469 align:start position:0% world with<00:04:55.199> input<00:04:55.600> output<00:04:56.080> devices 00:04:58.469 --> 00:04:58.479 align:start position:0% with input output devices 00:04:58.479 --> 00:05:01.110 align:start position:0% with input output devices so<00:04:58.720> here<00:04:59.919> you<00:05:00.080> must<00:05:00.400> know<00:05:00.639> the<00:05:00.720> difference 00:05:01.110 --> 00:05:01.120 align:start position:0% so here you must know the difference 00:05:01.120 --> 00:05:01.830 align:start position:0% so here you must know the difference between 00:05:01.830 --> 00:05:01.840 align:start position:0% between 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processor as the cpu central 00:05:14.320 --> 00:05:17.430 align:start position:0% it has processor as the cpu central processing<00:05:14.800> unit 00:05:17.430 --> 00:05:17.440 align:start position:0% 00:05:17.440 --> 00:05:21.110 align:start position:0% third<00:05:17.840> pld<00:05:18.400> which<00:05:18.639> is<00:05:19.759> very 00:05:21.110 --> 00:05:21.120 align:start position:0% third pld which is very 00:05:21.120 --> 00:05:23.510 align:start position:0% third pld which is very widely<00:05:21.600> used<00:05:21.919> which<00:05:22.160> is<00:05:22.320> very<00:05:22.639> important<00:05:23.280> as 00:05:23.510 --> 00:05:23.520 align:start position:0% widely used which is very important as 00:05:23.520 --> 00:05:24.150 align:start position:0% widely used which is very important as far<00:05:23.680> as 00:05:24.150 --> 00:05:24.160 align:start position:0% far as 00:05:24.160 --> 00:05:27.350 align:start position:0% far as the<00:05:24.320> automated<00:05:24.880> system<00:05:25.280> is<00:05:25.440> concerned<00:05:26.479> is 00:05:27.350 --> 00:05:27.360 align:start position:0% the automated system is concerned is 00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:29.670 align:start position:0% the automated system is concerned is plc<00:05:28.080> that<00:05:28.320> is<00:05:28.639> programmable<00:05:29.280> logic 00:05:29.670 --> 00:05:29.680 align:start position:0% plc that is programmable logic 00:05:29.680 --> 00:05:32.870 align:start position:0% plc that is programmable logic controller 00:05:32.870 --> 00:05:32.880 align:start position:0% 00:05:32.880 --> 00:05:35.350 align:start position:0% programmable<00:05:33.440> logic<00:05:33.840> controller<00:05:34.960> also 00:05:35.350 --> 00:05:35.360 align:start position:0% programmable logic controller also 00:05:35.360 --> 00:05:37.189 align:start position:0% programmable logic controller also incorporates 00:05:37.189 --> 00:05:37.199 align:start position:0% incorporates 00:05:37.199 --> 00:05:40.710 align:start position:0% incorporates the<00:05:37.360> microprocessor<00:05:38.400> as 00:05:40.710 --> 00:05:40.720 align:start position:0% 00:05:40.720 --> 00:05:43.430 align:start position:0% the<00:05:40.960> central<00:05:41.280> processing<00:05:41.840> unit<00:05:42.880> and<00:05:43.199> it 00:05:43.430 --> 00:05:43.440 align:start position:0% the central processing unit and it 00:05:43.440 --> 00:05:45.270 align:start position:0% the central processing unit and it controls<00:05:44.000> the<00:05:44.320> operations 00:05:45.270 --> 00:05:45.280 align:start position:0% controls the operations 00:05:45.280 --> 00:05:48.310 align:start position:0% controls the operations of<00:05:45.720> electromechanical<00:05:46.720> devices 00:05:48.310 --> 00:05:48.320 align:start position:0% of electromechanical devices 00:05:48.320 --> 00:05:51.909 align:start position:0% of electromechanical devices but<00:05:48.639> plc<00:05:50.160> is<00:05:50.479> working<00:05:50.960> in<00:05:51.120> very<00:05:51.440> harsh 00:05:51.909 --> 00:05:51.919 align:start position:0% but plc is working in very harsh 00:05:51.919 --> 00:05:52.629 align:start position:0% but plc is working in very harsh condition 00:05:52.629 --> 00:05:52.639 align:start position:0% condition 00:05:52.639 --> 00:05:55.430 align:start position:0% condition so<00:05:52.800> the<00:05:52.960> construction<00:05:54.240> of<00:05:54.400> the<00:05:54.560> plc<00:05:55.120> must<00:05:55.280> be 00:05:55.430 --> 00:05:55.440 align:start position:0% so the construction of the plc must be 00:05:55.440 --> 00:05:56.390 align:start position:0% so the construction of the plc must be very<00:05:55.759> rugged 00:05:56.390 --> 00:05:56.400 align:start position:0% very rugged 00:05:56.400 --> 00:05:59.510 align:start position:0% very rugged very<00:05:56.720> robust 00:05:59.510 --> 00:05:59.520 align:start position:0% 00:05:59.520 --> 00:06:02.070 align:start position:0% the<00:05:59.680> general<00:06:00.199> microprocessors<00:06:01.600> which<00:06:01.919> are 00:06:02.070 --> 00:06:02.080 align:start position:0% the general microprocessors which are 00:06:02.080 --> 00:06:02.710 align:start position:0% the general microprocessors which are used<00:06:02.479> in 00:06:02.710 --> 00:06:02.720 align:start position:0% used in 00:06:02.720 --> 00:06:06.150 align:start position:0% used in automation<00:06:03.360> industry<00:06:04.880> are<00:06:05.360> the<00:06:05.600> embedded 00:06:06.150 --> 00:06:06.160 align:start position:0% automation industry are the embedded 00:06:06.160 --> 00:06:09.590 align:start position:0% automation industry are the embedded microprocessor 00:06:09.590 --> 00:06:09.600 align:start position:0% 00:06:09.600 --> 00:06:11.510 align:start position:0% some<00:06:09.840> of<00:06:09.919> the<00:06:10.080> features<00:06:10.560> of<00:06:10.720> this 00:06:11.510 --> 00:06:11.520 align:start position:0% some of the features of this 00:06:11.520 --> 00:06:13.990 align:start position:0% some of the features of this microprocessor 00:06:13.990 --> 00:06:14.000 align:start position:0% microprocessor 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:17.270 align:start position:0% microprocessor are<00:06:15.759> first 00:06:17.270 --> 00:06:17.280 align:start position:0% are first 00:06:17.280 --> 00:06:20.309 align:start position:0% are first these<00:06:17.520> kind<00:06:17.759> of<00:06:18.080> microprocessors<00:06:19.280> are 00:06:20.309 --> 00:06:20.319 align:start position:0% these kind of microprocessors are 00:06:20.319 --> 00:06:24.390 align:start position:0% these kind of microprocessors are dedicated<00:06:20.960> to<00:06:22.240> a<00:06:22.400> specific<00:06:23.039> function 00:06:24.390 --> 00:06:24.400 align:start position:0% dedicated to a specific function 00:06:24.400 --> 00:06:27.029 align:start position:0% dedicated to a specific function control<00:06:24.960> of<00:06:25.199> a<00:06:25.280> specific<00:06:25.759> function<00:06:26.800> for 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temperature of an electric<00:06:38.000> furnace 00:06:39.110 --> 00:06:39.120 align:start position:0% electric furnace 00:06:39.120 --> 00:06:42.309 align:start position:0% electric furnace here<00:06:40.000> the<00:06:40.160> function<00:06:40.960> is<00:06:41.440> to<00:06:41.680> control<00:06:42.160> the 00:06:42.309 --> 00:06:42.319 align:start position:0% here the function is to control the 00:06:42.319 --> 00:06:43.430 align:start position:0% here the function is to control the temperature<00:06:43.039> of 00:06:43.430 --> 00:06:43.440 align:start position:0% temperature of 00:06:43.440 --> 00:06:46.790 align:start position:0% temperature of the<00:06:43.600> furnace<00:06:44.800> if<00:06:45.039> the<00:06:45.440> temperature 00:06:46.790 --> 00:06:46.800 align:start position:0% the furnace if the temperature 00:06:46.800 --> 00:06:49.589 align:start position:0% the furnace if the temperature if<00:06:46.960> the<00:06:47.199> inside<00:06:47.600> temperature<00:06:48.080> of<00:06:48.160> the<00:06:48.400> furnace 00:06:49.589 --> 00:06:49.599 align:start position:0% if the inside temperature of the furnace 00:06:49.599 --> 00:06:52.550 align:start position:0% if the inside temperature of the furnace is<00:06:49.919> above<00:06:50.240> the<00:06:50.479> set<00:06:50.720> value 00:06:52.550 --> 00:06:52.560 align:start position:0% is above the set value 00:06:52.560 --> 00:06:55.589 align:start position:0% is above the set value the<00:06:53.199> microprocessor<00:06:54.080> should<00:06:54.800> cut<00:06:55.120> off 00:06:55.589 --> 00:06:55.599 align:start position:0% the microprocessor should cut off 00:06:55.599 --> 00:06:58.309 align:start position:0% the microprocessor should cut off the<00:06:55.840> supply<00:06:56.240> of<00:06:56.479> electricity<00:06:57.840> to<00:06:58.000> that 00:06:58.309 --> 00:06:58.319 align:start position:0% the supply of electricity to that 00:06:58.319 --> 00:07:00.550 align:start position:0% the supply of electricity to that electric<00:06:58.800> furnace 00:07:00.550 --> 00:07:00.560 align:start position:0% electric furnace 00:07:00.560 --> 00:07:03.990 align:start position:0% electric furnace so<00:07:00.800> a<00:07:01.199> simple<00:07:01.919> electronic<00:07:02.560> circuitry 00:07:03.990 --> 00:07:04.000 align:start position:0% so a simple electronic circuitry 00:07:04.000 --> 00:07:06.629 align:start position:0% so a simple electronic circuitry which<00:07:04.240> is<00:07:04.639> embedded<00:07:05.680> inside<00:07:06.000> the<00:07:06.160> electric 00:07:06.629 --> 00:07:06.639 align:start position:0% which is embedded inside the electric 00:07:06.639 --> 00:07:07.589 align:start position:0% which is embedded inside the electric furnace 00:07:07.589 --> 00:07:07.599 align:start position:0% furnace 00:07:07.599 --> 00:07:09.189 align:start position:0% furnace is<00:07:07.759> nothing<00:07:08.080> but<00:07:08.560> the<00:07:08.800> embedded 00:07:09.189 --> 00:07:09.199 align:start position:0% is nothing but the embedded 00:07:09.199 --> 00:07:11.350 align:start position:0% is nothing but the embedded microprocessor 00:07:11.350 --> 00:07:11.360 align:start position:0% microprocessor 00:07:11.360 --> 00:07:14.830 align:start position:0% microprocessor so<00:07:11.520> it<00:07:11.680> is<00:07:11.759> dedicated<00:07:12.319> to<00:07:12.560> carry<00:07:12.880> out<00:07:13.360> specific 00:07:14.830 --> 00:07:14.840 align:start position:0% so it is dedicated to carry out specific 00:07:14.840 --> 00:07:16.150 align:start position:0% so it is dedicated to carry out specific functions 00:07:16.150 --> 00:07:16.160 align:start position:0% functions 00:07:16.160 --> 00:07:17.990 align:start position:0% functions second<00:07:16.560> feature<00:07:17.120> of<00:07:17.440> the<00:07:17.599> embedded 00:07:17.990 --> 00:07:18.000 align:start position:0% second feature of the embedded 00:07:18.000 --> 00:07:20.230 align:start position:0% second feature of the embedded microprocessor<00:07:18.960> is 00:07:20.230 --> 00:07:20.240 align:start position:0% microprocessor is 00:07:20.240 --> 00:07:23.510 align:start position:0% microprocessor is they<00:07:20.560> are<00:07:21.039> self<00:07:21.440> starting 00:07:23.510 --> 00:07:23.520 align:start position:0% they are self starting 00:07:23.520 --> 00:07:25.749 align:start position:0% they are self starting so<00:07:23.680> the<00:07:23.840> processors<00:07:24.639> are<00:07:24.800> starting<00:07:25.280> on<00:07:25.440> their 00:07:25.749 --> 00:07:25.759 align:start position:0% so the processors are starting on their 00:07:25.759 --> 00:07:27.350 align:start position:0% so the processors are starting on their own 00:07:27.350 --> 00:07:27.360 align:start position:0% own 00:07:27.360 --> 00:07:30.629 align:start position:0% own as<00:07:27.599> we<00:07:28.560> switch<00:07:28.880> on<00:07:29.039> the<00:07:29.199> system<00:07:30.000> the<00:07:30.160> processor 00:07:30.629 --> 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we<00:07:42.560> have<00:07:42.720> seen 00:07:43.270 --> 00:07:43.280 align:start position:0% we have seen 00:07:43.280 --> 00:07:45.990 align:start position:0% we have seen the<00:07:43.440> definition<00:07:44.000> of<00:07:44.160> automation<00:07:45.440> that<00:07:45.759> we 00:07:45.990 --> 00:07:46.000 align:start position:0% the definition of automation that we 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:46.869 align:start position:0% the definition of automation that we want<00:07:46.240> to 00:07:46.869 --> 00:07:46.879 align:start position:0% want to 00:07:46.879 --> 00:07:50.790 align:start position:0% want to reduce<00:07:47.520> the<00:07:48.319> human<00:07:48.800> intervention<00:07:49.840> we<00:07:50.000> want<00:07:50.160> to 00:07:50.790 --> 00:07:50.800 align:start position:0% reduce the human intervention we want to 00:07:50.800 --> 00:07:53.830 align:start position:0% reduce the human intervention we want to have<00:07:51.199> no<00:07:51.520> intervention 00:07:53.830 --> 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have<00:08:16.400> their<00:08:16.800> own<00:08:17.360> battery<00:08:17.759> backup<00:08:18.160> as 00:08:18.309 --> 00:08:18.319 align:start position:0% has may have their own battery backup as 00:08:18.319 --> 00:08:19.270 align:start position:0% has may have their own battery backup as well 00:08:19.270 --> 00:08:19.280 align:start position:0% well 00:08:19.280 --> 00:08:24.830 align:start position:0% well they<00:08:19.440> may<00:08:19.680> have<00:08:20.319> their<00:08:20.560> own<00:08:21.280> energy<00:08:22.240> source<00:08:22.639> as 00:08:24.830 --> 00:08:24.840 align:start position:0% 00:08:24.840 --> 00:08:26.469 align:start position:0% well 00:08:26.469 --> 00:08:26.479 align:start position:0% well 00:08:26.479 --> 00:08:29.110 align:start position:0% well the<00:08:26.639> microprocessor<00:08:28.160> which<00:08:28.400> are<00:08:28.639> used<00:08:28.960> in 00:08:29.110 --> 00:08:29.120 align:start position:0% the microprocessor which are used in 00:08:29.120 --> 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intervention these<00:08:53.040> are<00:08:53.279> completely<00:08:53.920> self-contained 00:08:55.590 --> 00:08:55.600 align:start position:0% these are completely self-contained 00:08:55.600 --> 00:08:57.910 align:start position:0% these are completely self-contained everything<00:08:56.080> is<00:08:56.160> there<00:08:56.480> inside<00:08:56.800> the<00:08:56.959> system 00:08:57.910 --> 00:08:57.920 align:start position:0% everything is there inside the system 00:08:57.920 --> 00:09:00.389 align:start position:0% everything is there inside the system and<00:08:58.080> they<00:08:58.240> do<00:08:58.480> have<00:08:58.800> their<00:08:59.120> own<00:08:59.920> operating 00:09:00.389 --> 00:09:00.399 align:start position:0% and they do have their own operating 00:09:00.399 --> 00:09:03.190 align:start position:0% and they do have their own operating system 00:09:03.190 --> 00:09:03.200 align:start position:0% 00:09:03.200 --> 00:09:06.870 align:start position:0% the<00:09:03.360> microprocessor<00:09:06.000> a<00:09:06.080> multi-purpose 00:09:06.870 --> 00:09:06.880 align:start position:0% the microprocessor a multi-purpose 00:09:06.880 --> 00:09:09.430 align:start position:0% the microprocessor a multi-purpose programmable<00:09:07.519> device 00:09:09.430 --> 00:09:09.440 align:start position:0% programmable device 00:09:09.440 --> 00:09:13.110 align:start position:0% programmable device it<00:09:09.600> basically<00:09:11.279> reads<00:09:12.399> the<00:09:12.560> binary 00:09:13.110 --> 00:09:13.120 align:start position:0% it basically reads the binary 00:09:13.120 --> 00:09:15.430 align:start position:0% it basically reads the binary instructions 00:09:15.430 --> 00:09:15.440 align:start position:0% instructions 00:09:15.440 --> 00:09:19.350 align:start position:0% instructions from<00:09:15.839> a<00:09:16.000> storage<00:09:16.560> device<00:09:17.279> that<00:09:17.519> called<00:09:17.839> memory 00:09:19.350 --> 00:09:19.360 align:start position:0% from a storage device that called memory 00:09:19.360 --> 00:09:22.470 align:start position:0% from a storage device that called memory the<00:09:19.600> memory<00:09:20.000> may<00:09:20.160> be<00:09:21.279> the<00:09:21.440> temporary<00:09:22.000> memory 00:09:22.470 --> 00:09:22.480 align:start position:0% the memory may be the temporary memory 00:09:22.480 --> 00:09:23.430 align:start position:0% the memory may be the temporary memory or<00:09:22.720> it<00:09:22.880> may<00:09:23.040> be 00:09:23.430 --> 00:09:23.440 align:start position:0% or it may be 00:09:23.440 --> 00:09:26.389 align:start position:0% or it may be the<00:09:23.600> permanent<00:09:24.160> memory<00:09:25.680> so<00:09:25.839> whatever<00:09:26.240> the 00:09:26.389 --> 00:09:26.399 align:start position:0% the permanent memory so whatever the 00:09:26.399 --> 00:09:28.389 align:start position:0% the permanent memory so whatever the signals<00:09:26.880> which<00:09:27.120> are 00:09:28.389 --> 00:09:28.399 align:start position:0% signals which are 00:09:28.399 --> 00:09:31.829 align:start position:0% signals which are getting<00:09:28.880> in<00:09:30.399> will<00:09:30.560> be<00:09:30.720> stored<00:09:31.120> in<00:09:31.279> a<00:09:31.360> temporary 00:09:31.829 --> 00:09:31.839 align:start position:0% getting in will be stored in a temporary 00:09:31.839 --> 00:09:33.030 align:start position:0% getting in will be stored in a temporary memory 00:09:33.030 --> 00:09:33.040 align:start position:0% memory 00:09:33.040 --> 00:09:36.150 align:start position:0% memory the<00:09:33.240> microprocessor<00:09:34.959> process<00:09:35.839> this 00:09:36.150 --> 00:09:36.160 align:start position:0% the microprocessor process this 00:09:36.160 --> 00:09:37.110 align:start position:0% the microprocessor process this information 00:09:37.110 --> 00:09:37.120 align:start position:0% information 00:09:37.120 --> 00:09:39.670 align:start position:0% information as<00:09:37.360> per<00:09:37.600> the<00:09:37.760> need<00:09:38.480> as<00:09:38.640> per<00:09:38.880> the<00:09:39.040> instructions 00:09:39.670 --> 00:09:39.680 align:start position:0% as per the need as per the instructions 00:09:39.680 --> 00:09:43.990 align:start position:0% as per the need as per the instructions given<00:09:40.000> in<00:09:40.080> the<00:09:40.160> program 00:09:43.990 --> 00:09:44.000 align:start position:0% 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:47.030 align:start position:0% it<00:09:44.480> process<00:09:44.959> that<00:09:45.200> information<00:09:46.480> according<00:09:46.880> to 00:09:47.030 --> 00:09:47.040 align:start position:0% it process that information according to 00:09:47.040 --> 00:09:49.190 align:start position:0% it process that information according to the<00:09:47.200> instructions 00:09:49.190 --> 00:09:49.200 align:start position:0% the instructions 00:09:49.200 --> 00:09:52.310 align:start position:0% the instructions and<00:09:49.600> it<00:09:49.839> provides<00:09:50.320> the<00:09:50.560> results<00:09:51.600> as 00:09:52.310 --> 00:09:52.320 align:start position:0% and it provides the results as 00:09:52.320 --> 00:09:55.990 align:start position:0% and it provides the results as the<00:09:52.560> output<00:09:54.000> so<00:09:54.240> getting 00:09:55.990 --> 00:09:56.000 align:start position:0% the output so getting 00:09:56.000 --> 00:09:59.829 align:start position:0% the output so getting the<00:09:56.240> information<00:09:57.360> reading<00:09:58.320> the<00:09:58.560> information 00:09:59.829 --> 00:09:59.839 align:start position:0% the information reading the information.