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Tests: update tests for Importer
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Also turns aggregated_pieces tests back on and adds a test to
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alexandermorgan committed Sep 22, 2016
1 parent 0646289 commit 688141c
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Showing 15 changed files with 168 additions and 297 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions
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# test_dendrogram.DENDROGRAM_SUITE, # This test suite is commented out so that we can remove our SciPy dependency.
# IndexedPiece and AggregatedPieces
# Importer, IndexedPiece, and AggregatedPieces
# test_aggregated_pieces.AGGREGATED_PIECES_SUITE,
# NB: Most of these WorkflowManager tests pass but they are commented out because the WorkflowManager is deprecated.
# # WorkflowManager
# test_workflow.WORKFLOW_TESTS, # FutureWarning: sort(columns) is depracated, use sort_values(by=...)
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions vis/models/
Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Metadata(object):
__slots__ = ('composers', 'dates', 'date_range', 'titles', 'locales', 'pathnames')

def __init__(self, pieces=None, metafiles=None):
def __init__(self, pieces=None, metafile=None):
:param pieces: The IndexedPieces to collect.
:type pieces: list of :class:`~vis.models.indexed_piece.IndexedPiece`
Expand All @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ def init_metadata():

super(AggregatedPieces, self).__init__()
self._pieces = pieces if pieces is not None else []
self._metafiles = metafiles if metafiles is not None else []
self._metafile = metafile if metafile is not None else []
self._metadata = {}
# Multi-key dictionary for combined_experimenter calls to get_data()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,8 @@ def _fetch_metadata(self, field):
# locales: list of all the locales in the IndexedPieces
elif 'locales' == field:
post = [p.metadata('locale_of_composition') for p in self._pieces]

elif 'pathnames' == field:
post = [p._pathname for p in self._pieces]
if post is not None:
self._metadata[field] = post
return post
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64 changes: 33 additions & 31 deletions vis/models/
Expand Up @@ -292,30 +292,33 @@ def _import_file(pathname, metafile=None):

return score

def _import_directory(directory):
def _import_directory(directory, metafile=None):

pieces = [] # a list of the pieces being imported

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
if len(files) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(vis.models.aggregated_piece.AggregatedPieces._NO_FILES)

# remove ds_stores
if '.DS_Store' in files:

# attach meta files if they exist
if 'meta' in files:
meta = root + '/meta'
meta = None

for file in files:
if len(file) > 1 and file[:2] == '._': # filter out hidden files if they show up
path = root + '/' + file
pieces.extend(_import_file(pathname=path, metafile=meta))
meta = metafile

if isinstance(directory, list):
file_paths = directory

else: # the `directory` argument is the pathname of a directory
file_paths = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for f in files:
if f == '.DS_Store': # exclude ds_stores
if len(f) > 1 and f[:2] == '._': # filter out hidden files if they show up
if f == 'meta': # attach meta files if they exist
meta = root + '/meta'
file_paths.append('/'.join((root, f)))

if not file_paths:
raise RuntimeError(vis.models.aggregated_piece.AggregatedPieces._NO_FILES)

for path in file_paths:
# use extend rather than append because it could import as a multi-movement opus
pieces.extend(_import_file(pathname=path, metafile=meta))

return (pieces, meta)

Expand All @@ -332,25 +335,24 @@ def Importer(location, metafile=None):
:rtype: A new :class:`IndexedPiece` or :class:`AggregatedPieces` object.
pieces = []
meta = None

# index piece if it is a file or a link
if os.path.isfile(location):

# load directory of pieces
elif os.path.isdir(location):
directory_return = _import_directory(location)
if isinstance(location, list) or os.path.isdir(location):
directory_return = _import_directory(location, metafile)
meta = directory_return[1]
metafile = directory_return[1]

# index piece if it is a file or a link
elif os.path.isfile(location):

raise RuntimeError(self._UNKNOWN_INPUT)

if len(pieces) == 1: # there was a single piece that imported as a score (not an opus)
return(pieces[0]) # this returns an IndexedPiece object
else: # there were multiple pieces or a single piece that imported as an opus
return(AggregatedPieces(pieces=pieces, metafiles=meta))
return(AggregatedPieces(pieces=pieces, metafile=metafile))

class OpusWarning(RuntimeWarning):
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28 changes: 15 additions & 13 deletions vis/scripts/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, interval, ngram, meter, dissonance #, active_voices
from vis.models import indexed_piece
from vis.models.indexed_piece import IndexedPiece
from vis.models.aggregated_pieces import AggregatedPieces
# from vis.models.indexed_piece import IndexedPiece
# from vis.models.aggregated_pieces import AggregatedPieces
import pandas
import pdb
import time
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
# piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Morley_Duets/7 Miraculous loves wounding.xml' # example of IR = quarter note
chopin_prelude = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/prelude28-20.mid'

# Senfl_Buchner folder:
folder = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Senfl motets'
# Senfl Pieces:
piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Senfl motets/No03_LaudateDominum_ns_final.xml'
# piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Senfl_Buchner/AssumptaEst_normal.xml'
# piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Senfl_Buchner/DumSteteritis_normal.xml'
# piece_path = '/home/amor/Code/vis-framework/vis/scripts/Senfl_Buchner/No01_Converte_nos Kopie.xml'
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'terminator': ['Rest'], 'open-ended': False, 'brackets': False, 'align': 'right'}
n_setts_5 = {'n': 3, 'continuer': 'P1', 'horizontal': 'lowest', 'vertical': 'all',
'terminator': ['Rest'], 'open-ended': False, 'brackets': False}
test = indexed_piece.ImportScore(piece_path)
ip = IndexedPiece(piece_path)
ps = ip._get_m21_objs()
# ip = indexed_piece.Importer(piece_path)
t0 = time.time()
ag = indexed_piece.Importer(folder)
# ps = ip._get_part_streams()
# bs = ip._get_beat_strength()
# dr = ip._get_duration()
# ms = ip._get_measure()
nr = ip._get_noterest()
vz = ip._get_vertical_interval(h_setts2)
hz = ip._get_horizontal_interval(v_setts)
t0 = time.time()
# nr = ip._get_noterest()
# vz = ip._get_vertical_interval(h_setts2)
# hz = ip._get_horizontal_interval(v_setts)
# recursed = ip._get_m21_objs()
# mnr = ip._get_multistop()
# # vz = ip._get_vertical_interval(v_setts)
# av = active_voices.ActiveVoicesIndexer(nr).run()
ng = ngram.NGramIndexer((vz, hz), n_setts_4).run()
# ng = ngram.NGramIndexer((vz, hz), n_setts_4).run()
t1 = time.time()
ng2 = ngram.NGramIndexer((vz, hz), n_setts_5).run()
# ng2 = ngram.NGramIndexer((vz, hz), n_setts_5).run()
# t2 = time.time()
# print(t2-t1)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions vis/tests/
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
import os
from unittest import TestCase, TestLoader
import pandas
from vis.models.indexed_piece import ImportScore, IndexedPiece
from vis.models.indexed_piece import Importer, IndexedPiece
from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, interval, ngram
from vis.analyzers.experimenters import frequency
from vis import workflow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def test_ngrams_1(self):
"""Ngram integration test."""
expected = AllVoiceIntervalNGrams.series_maker(AllVoiceIntervalNGrams.two_grams)
expected = pandas.DataFrame({('ngram.NGramIndexer', '0,3 1,3 2,3 : 3'): expected})
ind_piece = ImportScore(os.path.join(VIS_PATH, 'tests', 'corpus', 'bwv2.xml'))
ind_piece = Importer(os.path.join(VIS_PATH, 'tests', 'corpus', 'bwv2.xml'))
setts = {'quality': False, 'simple': False, 'horiz_attach_later': True}
horiz_ints = ind_piece.get_data('horizontal_interval', settings=setts)
vert_ints = ind_piece.get_data('vertical_interval', settings=setts)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions vis/tests/
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
import os
from unittest import TestCase, TestLoader
import pandas
from vis.models.indexed_piece import ImportScore, IndexedPiece
from vis.models.indexed_piece import Importer, IndexedPiece
from vis.analyzers.indexers import noterest, interval, ngram
from vis.analyzers.experimenters import frequency
from vis import workflow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def test_ngrams_3(self):
v_setts = {'quality': False, 'simple or compound': 'compound', 'directed': True}
h_setts = {'quality': False, 'horiz_attach_later': True, 'simple or compound': False, 'directed': True}
n_setts = {'n': 2, 'horizontal': [('3',)], 'vertical': [('0,3', '1,3', '2,3')], 'brackets': True, 'continuer': '1'}
ind_piece = ImportScore(os.path.join(VIS_PATH, 'tests', 'corpus', 'bwv603.xml'))
ind_piece = Importer(os.path.join(VIS_PATH, 'tests', 'corpus', 'bwv603.xml'))
vt = ind_piece.get_data('vertical_interval', settings=v_setts)
hz = ind_piece.get_data('horizontal_interval', settings=h_setts)
actual = ind_piece.get_data('ngram', data=(vt, hz), settings=n_setts)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions vis/tests/
Expand Up @@ -94,30 +94,30 @@ def test_init2(self):
def test_active(self):
"""tests that it gives the right results with no settings and that the get_data()
method properly calls active_voices"""
ip = IndexedPiece('phony pathname')
ip = IndexedPiece()
ip._analyses['noterest'] = self.NOTES
actual = ip.get_data('active_voices')

def test_with_data(self):
"""tests that it gives the right results with no settings and that the get_data()
method properly calls active_voices"""
ip = IndexedPiece('phony pathname')
ip = IndexedPiece()
actual = ip.get_data('active_voices', data=self.NOTES)

def test_attacked(self):
"""tests that it gives the right results with attacked set to true"""
settings = {'attacked': True}
ip = IndexedPiece('phony pathname')
ip = IndexedPiece()
ip._analyses['noterest'] = self.NOTES
actual = ip.get_data('active_voices', settings=settings)

def test_show(self):
"""tests that the ``show_all`` argument works when True"""
settings = {'show_all': True}
ip = IndexedPiece('phony pathname')
ip = IndexedPiece()
ip._analyses['noterest'] = self.NOTES
actual = ip.get_data('active_voices', settings=settings)
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