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File metadata and controls

30 lines (24 loc) · 1.32 KB

Layer control

The layer control is split into two sections:

  • Base layers
  • ESDL layers

The base layers section allows you to choose the backgorund of the map, either openstreetmap (the default), google or no map. The latter one can be used for schematic diagrams where the physical location is not important.

In the ESDL layer section you will find one item for each ESDL loaded in the MapEditor. The ESDL information is separated in different layers that can each be shown or hidden. See the table below for a detailed description of the different ESDL sub layers.

ESDL layer control

Layer Description
Area Layer showing the area boundaries
Assets Layer showing all ESDL assets
Connections Layer showing logical connections between assets
Buildings Layer showing building geometries
Potentials Layer showing energy potential information
KPIs Layer showing KPIs
Simulation results Layer showing simulation results, like animation of loads
Notes Layer showing the notes