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Releases: EisenVault/EisenLens

Release v4.3.7

20 Jul 10:03
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Release v4.3.7

  • Now Upload failed files can be moved to status NEW from lens-web to lens-desktop application.
  • Added rename clean path input field under the rejected tab.
  • Added a feature to send files for review to the client which are not understood due to bad quality.

Release v4.3.6

19 Apr 07:22
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Release v4.3.5

Issue Fixed

  • When files are deleted from the data entry operator's system, it will also update this into the database.

Release v4.3.5

13 Apr 02:20
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Release v4.3.5

Issues Fixed

  1. System performance will not affect when uploaded files are deleted from the Data entry operator's system.
  2. Now, if the Data entry operator had done data entry on multiple systems, files will get deleted from all those systems instead of only getting deleted from a single system.
  3. Now checkbox will not be visible on the uploaded, sent, and rejected file tree view.

Release v4.3.4

27 Mar 17:23
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Release v4.3.4

Issues Fixed:

  • For rejected files folder path was not generating correctly.

Features added:

  • Now uploaded files will get deleted from local system of data entry operators.
  • Added page count feature in billing CSV.
  • Upgraded client body size to 1GB on server.
  • Added Edit user type feature on EisenLens web.
  • Search deleted and imported files by their usernames.
  • SelectAll checkbox added to delete all files in one go on EisenLens desktop app.
  • Fix Styling of Edit metadata page.
  • Created Script for deleting documents used for testing from production.

Release v4.2.1

15 Dec 12:08
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Release v4.2.1

Issues Fixed:

  1. While sending rejected files for approval, the folder path must be generated correctly.
  2. CSV files generate issues, not generating CSV for individual clients.

Added Features:

  1. EisenLens File Renaming using Metadata field values.
  2. Delete Files from the cloud, when they are being uploaded to DMS.
  3. Generate CSV for billing purposes(added button on file history page)

Release v4.1.9

09 Nov 09:26
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  1. App Auto update feature is fixed.
  2. Save the original relative path if the folder path is not specified.
  3. Now you can Rename files by the metadata field value.
  4. Exclude folder path prefix from file relative path, if not present.

Release v4.1.8

26 Oct 08:55
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Release v4.1.8

  1. Merge PDF issue is fixed(now after merging pdfs, the merged pdf will not get deleted).
  2. Folder Path code is added to upload files on desired destination path on DMS.

Release v4.1.7

22 Aug 08:49
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Release v4.1.7

  1. Metadata will be visible if the file is even sent from rejected to new
  2. Merge pdf issue is fixed
  3. Now when the files are deleted, their logs will be generated
  4. Show error notification if an error occurs during uploading
  5. The file will be sent only if it is uploaded to the cloud
  6. Files will be sorted by their parent path (Folder Wise)

Release v4.1.5

24 Jun 08:14
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  1. Prediction requests to the ML service will now be made asynchronously.

  2. DEO should not be able to send a file for review until the file has been uploaded to DO.

Release v4.1.3