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Releases: ElfFriend-DnD/foundryvtt-items-with-spells-5e


24 Jan 22:42
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Removed a console.log.
Restricted settings menu.

What's Changed

  • Restrict access to settings menu for non-GMs by @krbz999 in #11

Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.3.1

Items With Spells With Settings

15 Jan 13:56
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  • Add setting to configure which items can have spells attached. Class, subclass, spells, background, loot, race type items are permanently excluded. Anything else can be toggled on or off.
  • Add setting to sort new spellbook sections at the top or bottom of the sheet (default top).
  • Fixed localization error caused by dnd5e v2.1.0.
  • Fixed module adding spells to vehicle and group actors.

What's Changed

  • Item type settings menu, Localization error, sort order setting, fix for vehicles/group actors by @krbz999 in #7

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.3.0

Owned Items Support

05 Nov 21:33
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Adds the ability to modify the Spells associated with an Item after it is already on an actor.

This feature unlocks its full potential of this module and allows for dynamic items with spells that change while they're used possible. Here's a demo of how this enables a Ring of Spell Storing:



30 Oct 15:00
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Added api options for skipping deletion prompt. #3


When programatically deleting items that have spells attached, it is possible to skip the prompt for the user by providing the following object in the DocumentModificationContext option of the delete method.

  itemsWithSpells5e: { alsoDeleteChildSpells: true } // or false

The logic within this module will respect the boolean provided, deleting the child item spells itself if true, or leaving them alone if false.

Full Changelog: 1.0.5...1.1.0

Enhance the Item Spell List

18 Sep 20:13
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  • Add hover effect to spell list to indicate click-ability
  • Ensure unowned spells don't open as editable

Override Config Enhancements

18 Sep 20:00
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  • Adds Spell Level to the things that can be overridden.
  • Makes dc input disabled unless flat is chosen (like the core item config)
  • submits on change, and closes when submit button is clicked (or enter is pressed)

Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4


18 Sep 16:17
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Fixes missing lang from CI job

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3


18 Sep 16:14
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Fixes Missing css files.

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2


18 Sep 15:53
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Fixes the case where source spells are deleted after being assigned to Items.

This will now appear as "Missing Item" when configuring the parent item.

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1

Initial Release

17 Sep 18:45
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This initial release is v10 only!

Adds all baseline functionality.

Full Changelog: 0.0.1...1.0.0