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Matteo Enna edited this page Aug 23, 2016 · 1 revision

DokuWikiBot: between telegram and DokuWiki

DokuWikiBot: a framework to create Bot for Telegram

DokuWikiBot is an Open Source framework that allows you to create a Bot Telegram in a short time, taking data from DokuWiki CMS.

The entire framework is developed with OOP PHP programming language, and is released under the GPL3.

The Code is divided into 4 files and to function must be entered in the same hosting an installation of DokuWiki. After inserting simply edit the config.php file and the bot is ready to be used. The Bot research in DokuWiki pages tables and manufactures custom queries on them.

A note

the bot will always try the classic table structure DokuWiki , namely:

^ Title 1 ^ Title 2 ^ 3 title ^

| Row 1 column 1 | row 1 column 2 | row 1 column 3 |

| Row 2 column 1 | Row 2 Column 2 | Row 2 Column 3 |