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Éloi Strée edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 32 revisions

Hello Hololens for Video Game industry

Game Example of Hololens Subject: The "Hello Hololens" workshop for Unity is a introduction to offer knowledge about how to create serious game on the Hololens platform for people that want to work on the device in a near future.


  • Experiment the Hololens and learn about it
  • Understand the current state of the Hololens
  • Be able to create a hello world project in Unity for Hololens
  • Have a understanding of the video game industry in Belgium
  • Have a good understanding of what is AR-VR-MR-XR


  • Have a basic understanding of the Hololens tool kit
  • Have a basic understanding of game design for serious game
  • Bonus: Learn to code for the Hololens with WMR at home.
  • Bonus: Learn how to create Universal Window Program for WMR

Is the workshop for you ?

  • Required
    • You can speak/understand english
    • You have basic understanding of C#
    • You want to work under Unity3D with the Hololens
    • You want to make a game, or app, on the Hololens in the future
  • Junior
    • You want to try the Hololens
    • You want to create a Hello World game for Hololens
    • You want to understand the building block basic of game design
    • You want to understand the basic of the video game industry in Belgium
  • Expert
    • You want to ask complex question(s) on AR / VR industry
    • You want to explore the Hololens Toolkit
    • You want to create a UWP app for the Hololens environment
    • You know the Hololens but want to work in video game industry
    • You need something specific (Contact: Eloi Strée)

In The scheduling

Day 1:

Subject: Game Design & serious games for Hololens.

  • Learn about the game design specifics to the Hololens
  • Learn what is the serious game industry
    (Need to be check with Alexandre Wyns)


"A serious game is before everything ... a game !"
Laurent Grumieux

Day 2:

Subject: Your first Hologram in Unity3D

  • Learn to configure and build the Unity application on your Hololens
  • Lecture to learn the basic of Unity3D interfaces (1h)
  • Learn to use the Unity3D interfaces by creating your first Hologram



Day 3:

Subject: Ready to use

  • Lecture about philosophy of Unity3D: VRTK, Unity Store, unitypackage... (30 minutes)
  • Demo of the basic of the Mixed Reality Toolkit (30-45 minutes)
  • Exploration & exercise on the HoloToolKit code basic
  • Link the Hololens input to Rewired



Day 4:

Subjet: Move your... a**teroids !

  • Create a game based on ready to use unity package
  • Learn about performance technique and Hololens
  • Learn more about Mixed Reality toolkit



Day 5: Question / Answers & Video game industry in Belgium

Subjet: What is the possibilities for video game entrepreneur?

  • Learn about the game industry
  • Answer participants questions
  • Learn about possibilities in Belgium industry


The Belgium video game industry is not an easy road...
But still, it don't mean that it is an impossible one.

The small Belgian economy in the video game industry is growing slowly but surely.

The team

Alexis Paternostre / Organizer Alexandre Wyns / Game Designer Éloi Strée / Unity & XR Expert
Alexis Photo Alexandre Photo Eloi Photo

Where & When

 Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels, Rue Montoyer, 1000 Bruxelles
8-12th April 2019

⚠ Version 1.0 ⚠
Main Objective:

  • Learn the first step of using Hololens
  • Give the will to create game with MR after the workshop

My Objective:

  • Guess what will look like the 4-8 years technologies.
  • Learn the limitations of Hololens for my future clients
  • Have fun with Hololens


Let's code

To download

Where to go now ?


Hololens 2



What next ?

External Annex

Work in progress

⚠ Incomplete ⚠

Draft notes

Note I am taking during the construction of this workshop

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