Created in 48 hours by Enigma Dragons Jam Squad using MonoGame.
Multiplayer: 1v1 Card Game
A villainous cowboy breaks into a smarthome and tries to take a nap in the owner's bed. The home-owner's smart appliances attempt to fend off the cowboy.
Enjoy a humor-ridden adventure build for Card Players!
Play against your friend and switch off playing as the cowboy or the house, or play against a challenging AI enemy.
Requires .NET Framework 4.5 or higher installed on your machine.
- Download the latest release zip
- Unzip to your preferred location
- Run BedDeadRedemption.exe
- Windows
- .NET Framework 4.5.2+
- Git
- MonoGame 3.5
- Have fun!
- Learn new things
- Deliver a simple, but fun experience
- All work must happen against Github tickets.
- Ticket you are working on should be assigned to you and in the “In Progress” column
- Only work on 1, or at most, 2 tickets at a time
- If you wish to work on a ticket outside your role consult the PM or Design Lead first
- If a ticket is taking a lot more work than you expected, reach out to the group
- The Lead for each role makes all final decisions about his area of focus
- Every ticket that is finished should result in a Git commit with the new assets
- Any team member may create a ticket for work they think is needed
- All tickets should have a Role label
- You may push directly to
or open a PR and merge, if you prefer
- SilasReinagel: Visuals/Project Manager/NetCode
- TimeRacers: Engine Programmer
- ZavixDragon: Lead Gameplay Designer
- RedPearl: Gameplay Designer
- Gordy Keene: Lead Tester
- hac.creative: Original Music