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Gulden Web Wallet

This application provides a simple to use interface to a Gulden node, available in your browser. If you are, for instance, running a Gulden node on a Raspberry Pi in order to take part in witnessing, this application will allow you to maintain your wallet with ease, while providing insights into your witnessing proceeds.

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Pull Requests to this repository are more than welcome. Below you will find instructions on how to set up a development environment.

To set up a local development environment, you'll need to have the following software installed:

Once all the prerequisites are in place and you have forked and cloned the repository, run the following command to prepare all the dependencies. It will build and start all the required Docker containers and install the PHP and NodeJS dependencies.

$ ./install-development

As soon as this step is finished, you should be able to view the interface on localhost, or any other domain you point to it.

Gulden Node

For most of the functionality, the system will need a Gulden node to talk to. You can easily set one up, following the steps described on the Gulden website. Keep in mind that you'll want to set disablewallet to 0 for the wallet to function.

For the purpose of development, you'll probably want to run it on a testnet, so you can test/build payment functionality without actually spending any Guldens. To do so, alter your Gulden.conf to contain the following lines:

rpcuser=[... choose your own username]
rpcpassword=[... choose your own password]


Depending on your configuration, you might also need to add another line to actually accept incoming RPC connections to the node (alter this to meet your network configuration):



By default the application will use the credentials in etc/secrets.php.dist, but you'll probably need to alter them to support your own Gulden node. Do not alter the .dist file, because you might accidentally check your credentials into version control. Instead copy the file to etc/secrets.php and put your credentials in there. The file will automatically be picked up by the application, but is in .gitignore to prevent checking it in.

The default username is and the password is testtest.


If you want to make sure your code passes continuous integration before submitting a Pull Request, you can run

$ composer test-ci

This will run linting on both PHP and Javascript files, it will run the unit tests, static analysis and acceptance tests. This is the exact check that also runs in Travis CI.

There are more composer commands to execute the separate steps. A few examples:

Command Function
$ composer test-acceptance Run acceptance tests with CodeCeption
$ composer test-code-style:js Run Javascript linting with ESLint
$ composer test-code-style:php Run PHP linting with CodeSniffer
$ composer test-coverage:html Generate unit test coverage and write to coverage/index.html
$ composer test-static Perform static analysis with Psalm
$ composer test-unit Run unit tests with PHPUnit


The frontend is built in React and relies heavily on Material UI. If you're working on frontend code, simply run the following command to watch your files and rebuild on changes. Webpack is used for building the Javascript assets (without hot reloading).

$ npm start

👩‍💻 Installation instructions

Instructions will follow


A clean and easy web application for interfacing with a Gulden node.






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