A webpage searching for collaborate works between seiyuu.
Current version can be found under this link.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run generate
# build and start with SSR at port 3000
npm run build
npm run start
Require npm, vue and nuxt installed.
# install dependencies
dotnet restore
# build project in Release configuration
dotnet build --configuration Release
# start project at port 5000
dotnet SeiyuuMoe.API.dll
Require .Net 6.0 installed.
- Searching collaboration works between seiyuu (up to 6 at once).
- Mode for grouping by series.
- Three separate display modes.
- Main roles only filter.
- Timeline view.
- Precached list for fast searching most popular seiyuu.
- Details cards for extra information.
- Searching common seiyuu between anime (up to 6 titles at once).
- Three separate display modes.
- Details cards for extra information.
- Season summary
- Showing seiyuu with most roles in season.
- Pagination support.
- Filtering by main roles and TV series only.
- Fix season displaying in anime card
- Rework mobile comparison tables and timeline to include images
Currently - rewriting backend to more DDD approach and adding unit tests
Most planned features can be found in Projects page.
Project uses Jikan API, an unofficial MyAnimeList API, courtesy of Nekomata (Irfan Dahir). Project can be found under this link.