diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/initial-objects/110-report-user-list.xml b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/initial-objects/110-report-user-list.xml index 3684b9a4449..26d4368676e 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/initial-objects/110-report-user-list.xml +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/initial-objects/110-report-user-list.xml @@ -7,17 +7,16 @@ --> - Users in MidPoint - Users listed in MidPoint. - jasper - - true - - 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 - pdf - JRSwapFileVirtualizer - 300 - 10000 - 300000 + Users in MidPoint + Users listed in MidPoint. + jasper + + + 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 + pdf + JRSwapFileVirtualizer + 300 + 10000 + 300000 diff --git a/model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/impl/lens/ChangeExecutor.java b/model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/impl/lens/ChangeExecutor.java index fe731b04b67..3ee803bfe3f 100644 --- a/model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/impl/lens/ChangeExecutor.java +++ b/model/model-impl/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/impl/lens/ChangeExecutor.java @@ -1,1884 +1,1888 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Evolveum and contributors - * - * This work is dual-licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - * and European Union Public License. See LICENSE file for details. - */ - -package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens; - -import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.ActivityType.FOCUS_OPERATION; -import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.ActivityType.RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION; -import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.StateType.ENTERING; -import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContainerValue.asContainerables; -import static com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.internals.InternalsConfig.consistencyChecks; - -import java.util.Collection; -import java.util.Iterator; -import java.util.List; -import java.util.Map; -import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; -import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; -import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; -import javax.xml.namespace.QName; - -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.SynchronizationIntent; -import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; -import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; -import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; -import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; - -import com.evolveum.midpoint.common.Clock; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.common.SynchronizationUtils; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelAuthorizationAction; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelExecuteOptions; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.SynchronizationPolicyDecision; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.ModelObjectResolver; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.ExpressionEnvironment; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector.credentials.CredentialsProcessor; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector.focus.FocusConstraintsChecker; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.util.ModelImplUtils; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.crypto.EncryptionException; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.delta.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.equivalence.EquivalenceStrategy; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.PrimitiveXNode; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.XNodeFactory; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api.ProvisioningOperationOptions; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api.ProvisioningService; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.api.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.common.expression.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.common.util.RepoCommonUtils; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ExpressionConstants; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ObjectTypes; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.SchemaConstants; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.expression.ExpressionProfile; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.internals.InternalsConfig; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResultStatus; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ExceptionUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.MiscSchemaUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ResourceTypeUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ShadowUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.MidPointPrincipal; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.OwnerResolver; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.SecurityContextManager; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.enforcer.api.AuthorizationParameters; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.enforcer.api.SecurityEnforcer; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskManager; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DOMUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.MiscUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.QNameUtil; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.*; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.LoggingUtils; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; -import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.*; -import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ProtectedStringType; -import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.RawType; - -/** - * @author semancik - */ -@Component -public class ChangeExecutor { - - private static final Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(ChangeExecutor.class); - - private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_DELTA = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".executeDelta"; - private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".execute"; - private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_FOCUS = OPERATION_EXECUTE + ".focus"; - private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_PROJECTION = OPERATION_EXECUTE + ".projection"; - private static final String OPERATION_LINK_ACCOUNT = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".linkShadow"; - private static final String OPERATION_UNLINK_ACCOUNT = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".unlinkShadow"; - private static final String OPERATION_UPDATE_SITUATION_IN_SHADOW = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".updateSituationInShadow"; - - @Autowired private transient TaskManager taskManager; - @Autowired @Qualifier("cacheRepositoryService") private transient RepositoryService cacheRepositoryService; - @Autowired private ProvisioningService provisioning; - @Autowired private PrismContext prismContext; - @Autowired private ExpressionFactory expressionFactory; - @Autowired private SecurityEnforcer securityEnforcer; - @Autowired private SecurityContextManager securityContextManager; - @Autowired private Clock clock; - @Autowired private ModelObjectResolver objectResolver; - @Autowired private OperationalDataManager metadataManager; - @Autowired private CredentialsProcessor credentialsProcessor; - - private PrismObjectDefinition userDefinition = null; - private PrismObjectDefinition shadowDefinition = null; - - @PostConstruct - private void locateDefinitions() { - userDefinition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() - .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); - shadowDefinition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() - .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(ShadowType.class); - } - - // returns true if current operation has to be restarted, see - // ObjectAlreadyExistsException handling (TODO specify more exactly) - public boolean executeChanges(LensContext context, Task task, - OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, - SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, - SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException, PolicyViolationException { - - OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE); - - try { - - // FOCUS - - context.checkAbortRequested(); - - LensFocusContext focusContext = context.getFocusContext(); - if (focusContext != null) { - ObjectDelta focusDelta = focusContext.getWaveExecutableDelta(context.getExecutionWave()); - - focusDelta = applyPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(focusContext, focusDelta); - focusDelta = applyPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(focusContext, focusDelta); - - if (focusDelta == null && !context.hasProjectionChange()) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping focus change execute, because user delta is null"); - } else { - - if (focusDelta == null) { - focusDelta = focusContext.getObjectAny().createModifyDelta(); - } - - ArchetypePolicyType archetypePolicy = focusContext.getArchetypePolicyType(); - applyObjectPolicy(focusContext, focusDelta, archetypePolicy); - - OperationResult subResult = result.createSubresult( - OPERATION_EXECUTE_FOCUS + "." + focusContext.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()); - - try { - // Will remove credential deltas or hash them - focusDelta = credentialsProcessor.transformFocusExecutionDelta(context, focusDelta); - } catch (EncryptionException e) { - recordFatalError(subResult, result, null, e); - result.computeStatus(); - throw new SystemException(e.getMessage(), e); - } - - applyLastProvisioningTimestamp(context, focusDelta); - - try { - - context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(FOCUS_OPERATION, ENTERING)); - - ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution = ModelExecuteOptions - .getFocusConflictResolution(context.getOptions()); - - executeDelta(focusDelta, focusContext, context, null, conflictResolution, null, task, subResult); - - if (focusDelta.isAdd() && focusDelta.getOid() != null) { - // The watcher can already exist; if the OID was pre-existing in the object. - if (context.getFocusConflictWatcher() == null) { - ConflictWatcher watcher = context - .createAndRegisterFocusConflictWatcher(focusDelta.getOid(), cacheRepositoryService); - watcher.setExpectedVersion(focusDelta.getObjectToAdd().getVersion()); - } - } - subResult.computeStatus(); - - } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | CommunicationException | ConfigurationException | SecurityViolationException | ExpressionEvaluationException | RuntimeException e) { - recordFatalError(subResult, result, null, e); - throw e; - - } catch (PreconditionViolationException e) { - - if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { - LOGGER.debug("Modification precondition failed for {}: {}", focusContext.getHumanReadableName(), - e.getMessage()); - } - // TODO: fatal error if the conflict resolution is "error" (later) - result.recordHandledError(e); - throw e; - - } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) { - subResult.computeStatus(); - if (!subResult.isSuccess() && !subResult.isHandledError()) { - subResult.recordFatalError(e); - } - result.computeStatusComposite(); - throw e; - } finally { - context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(FOCUS_OPERATION, subResult)); - } - } - } - - // PROJECTIONS - - context.checkAbortRequested(); - - boolean restartRequested = false; - - for (LensProjectionContext projCtx : context.getProjectionContexts()) { - if (projCtx.getWave() != context.getExecutionWave()) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping projection context {} because its wave ({}) is different from execution wave ({})", - projCtx.toHumanReadableString(), projCtx.getWave(), context.getExecutionWave()); - continue; - } - - if (!projCtx.isCanProject()) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping projection context {} because canProject is false", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); - continue; - } - - // we should not get here, but just to be sure - if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.IGNORE) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping ignored projection context {}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); - continue; - } - - OperationResult subResult = result.subresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE_PROJECTION + "." + projCtx.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()) - .addParam("resource", projCtx.getResource()) - .addArbitraryObjectAsContext("discriminator", projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator()) - .build(); - - PrismObject shadowAfterModification = null; - try { - LOGGER.trace("Executing projection context {}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); - - context.checkAbortRequested(); - - context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION, - projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), ENTERING)); - - executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.BEFORE, task, subResult); - - ObjectDelta projDelta = projCtx.getExecutableDelta(); - - if (shouldBeDeleted(projDelta, projCtx)) { - projDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() - .createDeleteDelta(projCtx.getObjectTypeClass(), projCtx.getOid()); - } - - if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN) { - if (context.getFocusContext() != null - && context.getFocusContext().getDelta() != null - && context.getFocusContext().getDelta().isDelete() - && context.getOptions() != null - && ModelExecuteOptions.isForce(context.getOptions())) { - if (projDelta == null) { - projDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() - .createDeleteDelta(projCtx.getObjectTypeClass(), projCtx.getOid()); - } - } - if (projDelta != null && projDelta.isDelete()) { - - shadowAfterModification = executeDelta(projDelta, projCtx, context, null, null, projCtx.getResource(), task, - subResult); - - } - } else { - - if (projDelta == null || projDelta.isEmpty()) { - LOGGER.trace("No change for {}", projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator()); - shadowAfterModification = projCtx.getObjectCurrent(); - if (focusContext != null) { - updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); - } - - // Make sure post-reconcile delta is always executed, - // even if there is no change - executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.AFTER, task, - subResult); - - subResult.computeStatus(); - subResult.recordNotApplicableIfUnknown(); - continue; - - } else if (projDelta.isDelete() && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null - && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder() > 0) { - // HACK ... for higher-order context check if this was - // already deleted - LensProjectionContext lowerOrderContext = LensUtil.findLowerOrderContext(context, - projCtx); - if (lowerOrderContext != null && lowerOrderContext.isDelete()) { - // We assume that this was already executed - subResult.setStatus(OperationResultStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE); - continue; - } - } - - shadowAfterModification = executeDelta(projDelta, projCtx, context, null, null, projCtx.getResource(), task, subResult); - - if (projCtx.isAdd() && shadowAfterModification != null) { - projCtx.setExists(true); - } - - } - - subResult.computeStatus(); - if (focusContext != null) { - updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); - } - - executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.AFTER, task, subResult); - - subResult.computeStatus(); - subResult.recordNotApplicableIfUnknown(); - - } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | PreconditionViolationException | CommunicationException | - ConfigurationException | SecurityViolationException | PolicyViolationException | ExpressionEvaluationException | RuntimeException | Error e) { - recordProjectionExecutionException(e, projCtx, subResult, SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); - - // We still want to update the links here. E.g. this may be live sync case where we discovered new account - // try to reconcile, but the reconciliation fails. We still want this shadow linked to user. - if (focusContext != null) { - updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); - } - - ModelImplUtils.handleConnectorErrorCriticality(projCtx.getResource(), e, subResult); - - } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) { - - // This exception is quite special. We have to decide how bad this really is. - // This may be rename conflict. Which would be bad. - // Or this may be attempt to create account that already exists and just needs - // to be linked. Which is no big deal and consistency mechanism (discovery) will - // easily handle that. In that case it is done in "another task" which is - // quasi-asynchornously executed from provisioning by calling notifyChange. - // Once that is done then the account is already linked. And all we need to do - // is to restart this whole operation. - - // check if this is a repeated attempt - OAEE was not handled - // correctly, e.g. if creating "Users" user in AD, whereas - // "Users" is SAM Account Name which is used by a built-in group - // - in such case, mark the context as broken - if (isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException(projCtx)) { - // This is the bad case. Currently we do not do anything more intelligent than to look for - // repeated error. If we get OAEE twice then this is bad and we thow up. - // TODO: do something smarter here - LOGGER.debug("Repeated ObjectAlreadyExistsException detected, marking projection {} as broken", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); - recordProjectionExecutionException(e, projCtx, subResult, - SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); - continue; - } - - // in his case we do not need to set account context as - // broken, instead we need to restart projector for this - // context to recompute new account or find out if the - // account was already linked.. - // and also do not set fatal error to the operation result, this - // is a special case - // if it is fatal, it will be set later - // but we need to set some result - subResult.recordSuccess(); - restartRequested = true; - LOGGER.debug("ObjectAlreadyExistsException for projection {}, requesting projector restart", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); - // we will process remaining projections when retrying the wave - break; - - } finally { - context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION, - projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), subResult)); - } - } - - // Result computation here needs to be slightly different - result.computeStatusComposite(); - return restartRequested; - - } catch (Throwable t) { - result.recordThrowableIfNeeded(t); // last resort: to avoid UNKNOWN subresults - throw t; - } - } - - private ObjectDelta applyPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(LensFocusContext focusContext, - ObjectDelta focusDelta) throws SchemaException { - for (ItemDelta itemDelta : focusContext.getPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications()) { - focusDelta = focusContext.swallowToDelta(focusDelta, itemDelta); - } - focusContext.clearPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(); - return focusDelta; - } - - private ObjectDelta applyPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(LensFocusContext focusContext, ObjectDelta focusDelta) - throws SchemaException { - for (Map.Entry>> entry : focusContext - .getPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications().entrySet()) { - PlusMinusZero mode = entry.getKey().mode; - if (mode == PlusMinusZero.MINUS) { - continue; // this assignment is being thrown out anyway, so let's ignore it (at least for now) - } - AssignmentType assignmentToFind = entry.getKey().assignment; - List> modifications = entry.getValue(); - if (modifications.isEmpty()) { - continue; - } - LOGGER.trace("Applying policy state modifications for {} ({}):\n{}", assignmentToFind, mode, - DebugUtil.debugDumpLazily(modifications)); - if (mode == PlusMinusZero.ZERO) { - if (assignmentToFind.getId() == null) { - throw new IllegalStateException("Existing assignment with null id: " + assignmentToFind); - } - for (ItemDelta modification : modifications) { - focusDelta = focusContext.swallowToDelta(focusDelta, modification); - } - } else { - assert mode == PlusMinusZero.PLUS; - if (focusDelta != null && focusDelta.isAdd()) { - swallowIntoValues(((FocusType) focusDelta.getObjectToAdd().asObjectable()).getAssignment(), - assignmentToFind, modifications); - } else { - ContainerDelta assignmentDelta = focusDelta != null ? - focusDelta.findContainerDelta(FocusType.F_ASSIGNMENT) : null; - if (assignmentDelta == null) { - throw new IllegalStateException( - "We have 'plus' assignment to modify but there's no assignment delta. Assignment=" - + assignmentToFind + ", objectDelta=" + focusDelta); - } - if (assignmentDelta.isReplace()) { - swallowIntoValues(asContainerables(assignmentDelta.getValuesToReplace()), assignmentToFind, - modifications); - } else if (assignmentDelta.isAdd()) { - swallowIntoValues(asContainerables(assignmentDelta.getValuesToAdd()), assignmentToFind, - modifications); - } else { - throw new IllegalStateException( - "We have 'plus' assignment to modify but there're no values to add or replace in assignment delta. Assignment=" - + assignmentToFind + ", objectDelta=" + focusDelta); - } - } - } - } - focusContext.clearPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(); - return focusDelta; - } - - private void swallowIntoValues(Collection assignments, AssignmentType assignmentToFind, List> modifications) - throws SchemaException { - for (AssignmentType assignment : assignments) { - PrismContainerValue pcv = assignment.asPrismContainerValue(); - PrismContainerValue pcvToFind = assignmentToFind.asPrismContainerValue(); - if (pcv.representsSameValue(pcvToFind, false) || pcv.equals(pcvToFind, EquivalenceStrategy.REAL_VALUE_CONSIDER_DIFFERENT_IDS)) { - // TODO what if ID of the assignment being added is changed in repo? Hopefully it will be not. - for (ItemDelta modification : modifications) { - ItemPath newParentPath = modification.getParentPath().rest(2); // killing assignment + ID - ItemDelta pathRelativeModification = modification.cloneWithChangedParentPath(newParentPath); - pathRelativeModification.applyTo(pcv); - } - return; - } - } - // TODO change to warning - throw new IllegalStateException("We have 'plus' assignment to modify but it couldn't be found in assignment delta. Assignment=" + assignmentToFind + ", new assignments=" + assignments); - } - - private void applyLastProvisioningTimestamp(LensContext context, ObjectDelta focusDelta) throws SchemaException { - if (!context.hasProjectionChange()) { - return; - } - if (focusDelta.isAdd()) { - - PrismObject objectToAdd = focusDelta.getObjectToAdd(); - PrismContainer metadataContainer = objectToAdd.findOrCreateContainer(ObjectType.F_METADATA); - metadataContainer.getRealValue().setLastProvisioningTimestamp(clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar()); - - } else if (focusDelta.isModify()) { - - PropertyDelta provTimestampDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().property().createModificationReplaceProperty( - ItemPath.create(ObjectType.F_METADATA, MetadataType.F_LAST_PROVISIONING_TIMESTAMP), - context.getFocusContext().getObjectDefinition(), - clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar()); - focusDelta.addModification(provTimestampDelta); - - } - } - - private boolean shouldBeDeleted(ObjectDelta accDelta, LensProjectionContext accCtx) { - return (accDelta == null || accDelta.isEmpty()) - && (accCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.DELETE - || accCtx.getSynchronizationIntent() == SynchronizationIntent.DELETE); - } - - private boolean isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException( - LensProjectionContext projContext) { - int deltas = projContext.getExecutedDeltas().size(); - LOGGER.trace("isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException starting; number of executed deltas = {}", deltas); - if (deltas < 2) { - return false; - } - LensObjectDeltaOperation lastDeltaOp = projContext.getExecutedDeltas().get(deltas - 1); - LensObjectDeltaOperation previousDeltaOp = projContext.getExecutedDeltas() - .get(deltas - 2); - // TODO check also previous execution result to see if it's - // AlreadyExistException? - ObjectDelta lastDelta = lastDeltaOp.getObjectDelta(); - ObjectDelta previousDelta = previousDeltaOp.getObjectDelta(); - boolean rv; - if (lastDelta.isAdd() && previousDelta.isAdd()) { - rv = isEquivalentAddDelta(lastDelta.getObjectToAdd(), previousDelta.getObjectToAdd()); - } else if (lastDelta.isModify() && previousDelta.isModify()) { - rv = isEquivalentModifyDelta(lastDelta.getModifications(), previousDelta.getModifications()); - } else { - rv = false; - } - LOGGER.trace( - "isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException returning {}; based of comparison of previousDelta:\n{}\nwith lastDelta:\n{}", - rv, previousDelta, lastDelta); - return rv; - } - - private boolean isEquivalentModifyDelta(Collection> modifications1, - Collection> modifications2) { - Collection> attrDeltas1 = ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil - .findItemDeltasSubPath(modifications1, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); - Collection> attrDeltas2 = ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil - .findItemDeltasSubPath(modifications2, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); - //noinspection unchecked,RedundantCast - return MiscUtil.unorderedCollectionEquals((Collection) attrDeltas1, (Collection) attrDeltas2); - } - - private boolean isEquivalentAddDelta(PrismObject object1, PrismObject object2) { - PrismContainer attributes1 = object1.findContainer(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); - PrismContainer attributes2 = object2.findContainer(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); - if (attributes1 == null || attributes2 == null || attributes1.size() != 1 - || attributes2.size() != 1) { // suspicious cases - return false; - } - return attributes1.getValue().equivalent(attributes2.getValue()); - } - - private void applyObjectPolicy(LensFocusContext focusContext, - ObjectDelta focusDelta, ArchetypePolicyType archetypePolicy) { - if (archetypePolicy == null) { - return; - } - PrismObject objectNew = focusContext.getObjectNew(); - if (focusDelta.isAdd() && objectNew.getOid() == null) { - - for (ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType : archetypePolicy.getItemConstraint()) { - processItemConstraint(focusContext, objectNew, itemConstraintType); - } - // Deprecated - for (ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType : archetypePolicy.getPropertyConstraint()) { - processItemConstraint(focusContext, objectNew, itemConstraintType); - } - - } - } - - private void processItemConstraint(LensFocusContext focusContext, PrismObject objectNew, ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType) { - if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(itemConstraintType.isOidBound())) { - ItemPath itemPath = itemConstraintType.getPath().getItemPath(); - PrismProperty prop = objectNew.findProperty(itemPath); - String stringValue = prop.getRealValue().toString(); - focusContext.setOid(stringValue); - } - } - - private

void recordProjectionExecutionException(Throwable e, - LensProjectionContext accCtx, OperationResult subResult, SynchronizationPolicyDecision decision) { - subResult.recordFatalError(e); - LOGGER.error("Error executing changes for {}: {}", accCtx.toHumanReadableString(), e.getMessage(), e); - if (decision != null) { - accCtx.setSynchronizationPolicyDecision(decision); - } - } - - private void recordFatalError(OperationResult subResult, OperationResult result, String message, - Throwable e) { - if (message == null) { - message = e.getMessage(); - } - subResult.recordFatalError(e); - if (result != null) { - result.computeStatusComposite(); - } - } - - /** - * Make sure that the account is linked (or unlinked) as needed. - */ - private void updateLinks(LensContext context, - LensFocusContext focusObjectContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, - PrismObject shadowAfterModification, - Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { - if (focusObjectContext == null) { - return; - } - Class objectTypeClass = focusObjectContext.getObjectTypeClass(); - if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - return; - } - //noinspection unchecked - LensFocusContext focusContext = (LensFocusContext) focusObjectContext; - - if (projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null - && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder() > 0) { - // Don't mess with links for higher-order contexts. The link should - // be dealt with - // during processing of zero-order context. - return; - } - - String projOid = projCtx.getOid(); - if (projOid == null) { - if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN) { - // This seems to be OK. In quite a strange way, but still OK. - return; - } - LOGGER.error("Projection {} has null OID, this should not happen, context:\n{}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString(), projCtx.debugDump()); - throw new IllegalStateException("Projection " + projCtx.toHumanReadableString() + " has null OID, this should not happen"); - } - - if (linkShouldExist(projCtx, shadowAfterModification, result)) { - // Link should exist - PrismObject objectCurrent = focusContext.getObjectCurrent(); - if (objectCurrent != null) { - for (ObjectReferenceType linkRef : objectCurrent.asObjectable().getLinkRef()) { - if (projOid.equals(linkRef.getOid())) { - // Already linked, nothing to do, only be sure, the situation is set with the good value - LOGGER.trace("Updating situation in already linked shadow."); - updateSituationInShadow(task, SynchronizationSituationType.LINKED, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); - return; - } - } - } - // Not linked, need to link - linkShadow(focusContext.getOid(), projOid, focusObjectContext, projCtx, task, result); - // be sure, that the situation is set correctly - LOGGER.trace("Updating situation after shadow was linked."); - updateSituationInShadow(task, SynchronizationSituationType.LINKED, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); - } else { - // Link should NOT exist - if (!focusContext.isDelete()) { - PrismObject objectCurrent = focusContext.getObjectCurrent(); - // it is possible that objectCurrent is null (and objectNew is - // non-null), in case of User ADD operation (MID-2176) - if (objectCurrent != null) { - PrismReference linkRef = objectCurrent.findReference(FocusType.F_LINK_REF); - if (linkRef != null) { - for (PrismReferenceValue linkRefVal : linkRef.getValues()) { - if (linkRefVal.getOid().equals(projOid)) { - // Linked, need to unlink - unlinkShadow(focusContext.getOid(), linkRefVal, focusObjectContext, projCtx, task, result); - } - } - } - } - } - - // This should NOT be UNLINKED. We just do not know the situation here. Reflect that in the shadow. - LOGGER.trace("Resource object {} unlinked from the user, updating also situation in shadow.", projOid); - updateSituationInShadow(task, null, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); - // Not linked, that's OK - } - } - - private boolean linkShouldExist(LensProjectionContext projCtx, PrismObject shadowAfterModification, OperationResult result) { - if (!projCtx.isShadowExistsInRepo()) { - // Nothing to link to - return false; - } - if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.UNLINK) { - return false; - } - if (isEmptyThombstone(projCtx)) { - return false; - } - if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.DELETE - || projCtx.isDelete()) { - return shadowAfterModification != null; - } - if (projCtx.hasPendingOperations()) { - return true; - } - return true; - } - - /** - * Return true if this projection is just a linkRef that points to no - * shadow. - */ - private boolean isEmptyThombstone(LensProjectionContext projCtx) { - return projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null - && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().isTombstone() - && projCtx.getObjectCurrent() == null; - } - - private void linkShadow(String userOid, String shadowOid, - LensElementContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, Task task, - OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { - - Class typeClass = focusContext.getObjectTypeClass(); - if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(typeClass)) { - return; - } - - String channel = focusContext.getLensContext().getChannel(); - - LOGGER.debug("Linking shadow " + shadowOid + " to focus " + userOid); - OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_LINK_ACCOUNT); - PrismReferenceValue linkRef = prismContext.itemFactory().createReferenceValue(); - linkRef.setOid(shadowOid); - linkRef.setTargetType(ShadowType.COMPLEX_TYPE); - Collection linkRefDeltas = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference() - .createModificationAddCollection(FocusType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), linkRef); - - try { - cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(typeClass, userOid, linkRefDeltas, result); - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, null); - } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, ex); - throw new SystemException(ex); - } catch (Throwable t) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, t); - throw t; - } finally { - result.computeStatus(); - ObjectDelta userDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object().createModifyDelta(userOid, linkRefDeltas, typeClass - ); - LensObjectDeltaOperation userDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation(userDelta, result, - focusContext, projCtx); - focusContext.addToExecutedDeltas(userDeltaOp); - } - - } - - private PrismObjectDefinition getUserDefinition() { - return userDefinition; - } - - private void unlinkShadow(String focusOid, PrismReferenceValue accountRef, - LensElementContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, Task task, - OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { - - Class typeClass = focusContext.getObjectTypeClass(); - if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(typeClass)) { - return; - } - - String channel = focusContext.getLensContext().getChannel(); - - LOGGER.debug("Unlinking shadow {} from focus {}", accountRef.getOid(), focusOid); - OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_UNLINK_ACCOUNT); - Collection accountRefDeltas = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference().createModificationDeleteCollection( - FocusType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), accountRef.clone()); - - try { - cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(typeClass, focusOid, accountRefDeltas, result); - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, null); - } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, ex); - result.recordFatalError(ex); - throw new SystemException(ex); - } catch (Throwable t) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, - ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, t); - throw t; - } finally { - result.computeStatus(); - ObjectDelta userDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() - .createModifyDelta(focusOid, accountRefDeltas, typeClass - ); - LensObjectDeltaOperation userDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation(userDelta, result, - focusContext, projCtx); - focusContext.addToExecutedDeltas(userDeltaOp); - } - - } - - private void updateSituationInShadow(Task task, SynchronizationSituationType newSituation, - LensContext context, LensFocusContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projectionCtx, - OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException { - - String projectionOid = projectionCtx.getOid(); - - OperationResult result = parentResult.createMinorSubresult(OPERATION_UPDATE_SITUATION_IN_SHADOW); - result.addArbitraryObjectAsParam("situation", newSituation); - result.addParam("accountRef", projectionOid); - - projectionCtx.setSynchronizationSituationResolved(newSituation); - - PrismObject currentShadow; - GetOperationOptions getOptions = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); - getOptions.setAllowNotFound(true); - try { - // TODO consider skipping this operation - at least in some cases - currentShadow = provisioning.getObject(ShadowType.class, projectionOid, - SelectorOptions.createCollection(getOptions), task, result); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { - LOGGER.trace("Shadow is gone, skipping modifying situation in shadow."); - result.recordSuccess(); - return; - } catch (Exception ex) { - LOGGER.trace("Problem with getting shadow, skipping modifying situation in shadow."); - result.recordPartialError(ex); - return; - } - - SynchronizationSituationType currentSynchronizationSituation = currentShadow.asObjectable().getSynchronizationSituation(); - if (currentSynchronizationSituation == SynchronizationSituationType.DELETED && ShadowUtil.isDead(currentShadow.asObjectable())) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping update of synchronization situation for deleted dead shadow"); - result.recordSuccess(); - return; - } - - InternalsConfigurationType internalsConfig = context.getInternalsConfiguration(); - boolean cansSkip = - internalsConfig != null && internalsConfig.getSynchronizationSituationUpdating() != null && - Boolean.TRUE.equals(internalsConfig.getSynchronizationSituationUpdating().isSkipWhenNoChange()); - if (cansSkip) { - if (newSituation == currentSynchronizationSituation) { - LOGGER.trace("Skipping update of synchronization situation because there is no change ({})", - currentSynchronizationSituation); - result.recordSuccess(); - return; - } else { - LOGGER.trace("Updating synchronization situation {} -> {}", currentSynchronizationSituation, newSituation); - } - } - - XMLGregorianCalendar now = clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(); - List> syncSituationDeltas = SynchronizationUtils - .createSynchronizationSituationAndDescriptionDelta(currentShadow, newSituation, task.getChannel(), - projectionCtx.hasFullShadow(), now, prismContext); - - try { - ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, focusContext); - ProvisioningOperationOptions options = ProvisioningOperationOptions.createCompletePostponed(false); - options.setDoNotDiscovery(true); - provisioning.modifyObject(ShadowType.class, projectionOid, syncSituationDeltas, null, options, task, result); - LOGGER.trace("Situation in projection {} was updated to {}.", projectionCtx, newSituation); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { - // if the object not found exception is thrown, it's ok..probably - // the account was deleted by previous execution of changes..just - // log in the trace the message for the user.. - LOGGER.debug( - "Situation in account could not be updated. Account not found on the resource. Skipping modifying situation in account"); - return; - } catch (Exception ex) { - result.recordFatalError(ex); - throw new SystemException(ex.getMessage(), ex); - } finally { - ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); - } - // if everything is OK, add result of the situation modification to the - // parent result - result.recordSuccess(); - } - - /** - * @return Returns estimate of the object after modification. Or null if the object was deleted. - * NOTE: this is only partially implemented (only for shadow delete). - */ - private PrismObject executeDelta(ObjectDelta objectDelta, - LensElementContext objectContext, LensContext context, ModelExecuteOptions options, - ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) - throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, - CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, - PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { - - if (objectDelta == null) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null change"); - } - - if (objectDelta.getOid() == null) { - objectDelta.setOid(objectContext.getOid()); - } - - objectDelta = computeDeltaToExecute(objectDelta, objectContext); - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - LOGGER.trace("computeDeltaToExecute returned:\n{}", - objectDelta != null ? objectDelta.debugDump(1) : "(null)"); - } - - if (objectDelta == null || objectDelta.isEmpty()) { - LOGGER.debug("Skipping execution of delta because it was already executed: {}", objectContext); - return objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); - } - - if (InternalsConfig.consistencyChecks) { - objectDelta.checkConsistence(ConsistencyCheckScope.fromBoolean(consistencyChecks)); - } - - // Other types than focus types may not be definition-complete (e.g. - // accounts and resources are completed in provisioning) - if (FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectDelta.getObjectTypeClass())) { - objectDelta.assertDefinitions(); - } - - LensUtil.setDeltaOldValue(objectContext, objectDelta); - - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - logDeltaExecution(objectDelta, context, resource, null, task); - } - - OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE_DELTA); - PrismObject objectAfterModification = null; - - try { - if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.ADD) { - objectAfterModification = executeAddition(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, resource, task, result); - } else if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.MODIFY) { - executeModification(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, conflictResolution, resource, task, result); - } else if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.DELETE) { - objectAfterModification = executeDeletion(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, resource, task, result); - } - - // To make sure that the OID is set (e.g. after ADD operation) - LensUtil.setContextOid(context, objectContext, objectDelta.getOid()); - - } finally { - - result.computeStatus(); - if (objectContext != null) { - if (!objectDelta.hasCompleteDefinition()) { - throw new SchemaException("object delta does not have complete definition"); - } - LensObjectDeltaOperation objectDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation( - objectDelta.clone(), result, objectContext, null, resource); - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - LOGGER.trace("Recording executed delta:\n{}", objectDeltaOp.shorterDebugDump(1)); - } - objectContext.addToExecutedDeltas(objectDeltaOp); - if (result.isTracingNormal(ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType.class)) { - TraceType trace = new ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType(prismContext) - .delta(objectDeltaOp.clone().toLensObjectDeltaOperationType()); // todo kill operation result? - result.addTrace(trace); - } - } else { - if (result.isTracingNormal(ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType.class)) { - LensObjectDeltaOperation objectDeltaOp = new LensObjectDeltaOperation<>(objectDelta); // todo - TraceType trace = new ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType(prismContext) - .delta(objectDeltaOp.toLensObjectDeltaOperationType()); - result.addTrace(trace); - } - } - - if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - LOGGER.trace("EXECUTION result {}", result.getLastSubresult()); - } else { - // Execution of deltas was not logged yet - logDeltaExecution(objectDelta, context, resource, result.getLastSubresult(), task); - } - } - } - - return objectAfterModification; - } - - private void removeExecutedItemDeltas( - ObjectDelta objectDelta, LensElementContext objectContext) { - if (objectContext == null) { - return; - } - - if (objectDelta == null || objectDelta.isEmpty()) { - return; - } - - if (objectDelta.getModifications() == null || objectDelta.getModifications().isEmpty()) { - return; - } - - List> executedDeltas = objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(); - for (LensObjectDeltaOperation executedDelta : executedDeltas) { - ObjectDelta executed = executedDelta.getObjectDelta(); - Iterator objectDeltaIterator = objectDelta.getModifications().iterator(); - while (objectDeltaIterator.hasNext()) { - ItemDelta d = objectDeltaIterator.next(); - if (executed.containsModification(d, EquivalenceStrategy.LITERAL_IGNORE_METADATA) || d.isEmpty()) { // todo why literal? - objectDeltaIterator.remove(); - } - } - } - } - -// // TODO beware - what if the delta was executed but not successfully? -// private boolean alreadyExecuted(ObjectDelta objectDelta, -// LensElementContext objectContext) { -// if (objectContext == null) { -// return false; -// } -// if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { -// LOGGER.trace("Checking for already executed delta:\n{}\nIn deltas:\n{}", objectDelta.debugDump(), -// DebugUtil.debugDump(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas())); -// } -// return ObjectDeltaOperation.containsDelta(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(), objectDelta); -// } - - /** - * Was this object already added? (temporary method, should be removed soon) - */ - private boolean wasAdded(List> executedOperations, - String oid) { - for (LensObjectDeltaOperation operation : executedOperations) { - if (operation.getObjectDelta().isAdd() && oid.equals(operation.getObjectDelta().getOid()) - && !operation.getExecutionResult().isFatalError()) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - /** - * Computes delta to execute, given a list of already executes deltas. See - * below. - */ - private ObjectDelta computeDeltaToExecute(ObjectDelta objectDelta, - LensElementContext objectContext) throws SchemaException { - if (objectContext == null) { - return objectDelta; - } - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - LOGGER.trace("Computing delta to execute from delta:\n{}\nGiven these executed deltas:\n{}", - objectDelta.debugDump(1), LensObjectDeltaOperation.shorterDebugDump(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(), 1)); - } - List> executedDeltas = objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(); - ObjectDelta diffDelta = computeDiffDelta(executedDeltas, objectDelta); - - // One more check: is the computed delta idempotent related to objectCurrent? - // Currently we deal only with focusContext because of safety; and also because this check is a reaction - // in change to focus context secondary delta swallowing code (MID-5207). - // - // LookupTableType operation optimization is not available here, because it looks like that isRedundant - // does not work reliably for key-based row deletions (MID-5276). - if (diffDelta != null && objectContext instanceof LensFocusContext && - !objectContext.isOfType(LookupTableType.class) && - diffDelta.isRedundant(objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), false)) { - LOGGER.trace("delta is idempotent related to {}", objectContext.getObjectCurrent()); - return null; - } - return diffDelta; - } - - /** - * Compute a "difference delta" - given that executedDeltas were executed, - * and objectDelta is about to be executed; eliminates parts that have - * already been done. It is meant as a kind of optimization (for MODIFY - * deltas) and error avoidance (for ADD deltas). - *

- * Explanation for ADD deltas: there are situations where an execution wave - * is restarted - when unexpected AlreadyExistsException is reported from - * provisioning. However, in such cases, duplicate ADD Focus deltas were - * generated. So we (TEMPORARILY!) decided to filter them out here. - *

- * Unfortunately, this mechanism is not well-defined, and seems to work more - * "by accident" than "by design". It should be replaced with something more - * serious. Perhaps by re-reading current focus state when repeating a wave? - * Actually, it is a supplement for rewriting ADD->MODIFY deltas in - * LensElementContext.getFixedPrimaryDelta. That method converts primary - * deltas (and as far as I know, that is the only place where this problem - * should occur). Nevertheless, for historical and safety reasons I keep - * also the processing in this method. - *

- * Anyway, currently it treats only three cases: - * 1) if the objectDelta is present in the list of executed deltas - * 2) if the objectDelta is ADD, and another ADD delta is there (then the difference is computed) - * 3) if objectDelta is MODIFY or DELETE and previous delta was MODIFY - */ - private ObjectDelta computeDiffDelta( - List> executedDeltas, ObjectDelta objectDelta) { - if (executedDeltas == null || executedDeltas.isEmpty()) { - return objectDelta; - } - - // any delta related to our OID, not ending with fatal error - ObjectDeltaOperation lastRelated = findLastRelatedDelta(executedDeltas, objectDelta); - if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { - LOGGER.trace("findLastRelatedDelta returned:\n{}", - lastRelated != null ? lastRelated.shorterDebugDump(1) : " (null)"); - } - if (lastRelated == null) { - return objectDelta; // nothing found, let us apply our delta - } - if (lastRelated.getExecutionResult().isSuccess() && lastRelated.containsDelta(objectDelta)) { - return null; // case 1 - exact match found with SUCCESS result, - // let's skip the processing of our delta - } - if (!objectDelta.isAdd()) { - if (lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { - return null; // case 3 - } else { - return objectDelta; // MODIFY or DELETE delta after ADD or MODIFY delta - we may safely apply it - } - } - // determine if we got case 2 - if (lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { - return objectDelta; // we can (and should) apply the ADD delta as a - // whole, because the object was deleted - } - // let us treat the most simple case here - meaning we have existing ADD - // delta and nothing more - // TODO add more sophistication if needed - if (!lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isAdd()) { - return objectDelta; // this will probably fail, but ... - } - // at this point we know that ADD was more-or-less successfully - // executed, so let's compute the difference, creating a MODIFY delta - PrismObject alreadyAdded = lastRelated.getObjectDelta().getObjectToAdd(); - PrismObject toBeAddedNow = objectDelta.getObjectToAdd(); - return alreadyAdded.diff(toBeAddedNow); - } - - private ObjectDeltaOperation findLastRelatedDelta( - List> executedDeltas, ObjectDelta objectDelta) { - for (int i = executedDeltas.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - ObjectDeltaOperation currentOdo = executedDeltas.get(i); - if (currentOdo.getExecutionResult().isFatalError()) { - continue; - } - ObjectDelta current = currentOdo.getObjectDelta(); - - if (current.equals(objectDelta)) { - return currentOdo; - } - - String oid1 = current.isAdd() ? current.getObjectToAdd().getOid() : current.getOid(); - String oid2 = objectDelta.isAdd() ? objectDelta.getObjectToAdd().getOid() - : objectDelta.getOid(); - if (oid1 != null && oid2 != null) { - if (oid1.equals(oid2)) { - return currentOdo; - } - continue; - } - // ADD-MODIFY and ADD-DELETE combinations lead to applying whole - // delta (as a result of computeDiffDelta) - // so we can be lazy and check only ADD-ADD combinations here... - if (!current.isAdd() || !objectDelta.isAdd()) { - continue; - } - // we simply check the type (for focus objects) and - // resource+kind+intent (for shadows) - PrismObject currentObject = current.getObjectToAdd(); - PrismObject objectTypeToAdd = objectDelta.getObjectToAdd(); - Class currentObjectClass = currentObject.getCompileTimeClass(); - Class objectTypeToAddClass = objectTypeToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(); - if (currentObjectClass == null || !currentObjectClass.equals(objectTypeToAddClass)) { - continue; - } - if (FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(currentObjectClass)) { - return currentOdo; // we suppose there is only one delta of - // Focus class - } - } - return null; - } - - private ProvisioningOperationOptions copyFromModelOptions(ModelExecuteOptions options) { - ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = new ProvisioningOperationOptions(); - if (options == null) { - return provisioningOptions; - } - - provisioningOptions.setForce(options.getForce()); - provisioningOptions.setOverwrite(options.getOverwrite()); - return provisioningOptions; - } - - private ProvisioningOperationOptions getProvisioningOptions(LensContext context, - ModelExecuteOptions modelOptions, PrismObject existingShadow, ObjectDelta delta) throws SecurityViolationException { - if (modelOptions == null && context != null) { - modelOptions = context.getOptions(); - } - ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = copyFromModelOptions(modelOptions); - - if (executeAsSelf(context, modelOptions, existingShadow, delta)) { - LOGGER.trace("Setting 'execute as self' provisioning option for {}", existingShadow); - provisioningOptions.setRunAsAccountOid(existingShadow.getOid()); - } - - if (context != null && context.getChannel() != null) { - - if (context.getChannel().equals(QNameUtil.qNameToUri(SchemaConstants.CHANGE_CHANNEL_RECON))) { - // TODO: this is probably wrong. We should not have special case - // for recon channel! This should be handled by the provisioning task - // setting the right options there. - provisioningOptions.setCompletePostponed(false); - } - - if (context.getChannel().equals(SchemaConstants.CHANGE_CHANNEL_DISCOVERY_URI)) { - // We want to avoid endless loops in error handling. - provisioningOptions.setDoNotDiscovery(true); - } - } - - return provisioningOptions; - } - - // This is a bit of black magic. We only want to execute as self if there a user is changing its own password - // and we also have old password value. - // Later, this should be improved. Maybe we need special model operation option for this? Or maybe it should be somehow - // automatically detected based on resource capabilities? We do not know yet. Therefore let's do the simplest possible - // thing. Otherwise we might do something that we will later regret. - private boolean executeAsSelf(LensContext context, - ModelExecuteOptions modelOptions, PrismObject existingShadow, ObjectDelta delta) throws SecurityViolationException { - if (existingShadow == null) { - return false; - } - - if (!SchemaConstants.CHANNEL_GUI_SELF_SERVICE_URI.equals(context.getChannel())) { - return false; - } - - if (delta == null) { - return false; - } - if (!delta.isModify()) { - return false; - } - PropertyDelta passwordDelta = delta.findPropertyDelta(SchemaConstants.PATH_PASSWORD_VALUE); - if (passwordDelta == null) { - return false; - } - if (passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues() == null || passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues().isEmpty()) { - return false; - } - ProtectedStringType oldPassword = passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues().iterator().next().getValue(); - if (!oldPassword.canGetCleartext()) { - return false; - } - - LensFocusContext focusContext = context.getFocusContext(); - if (focusContext == null) { - return false; - } - if (!focusContext.represents(UserType.class)) { - return false; - } - - MidPointPrincipal principal = securityContextManager.getPrincipal(); - if (principal == null) { - return false; - } - FocusType loggedInUser = principal.getFocus(); - - if (!loggedInUser.getOid().equals(focusContext.getOid())) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - - private void logDeltaExecution(ObjectDelta objectDelta, - LensContext context, ResourceType resource, OperationResult result, Task task) { - StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); - sb.append("---[ "); - if (result == null) { - sb.append("Going to EXECUTE"); - } else { - sb.append("EXECUTED"); - } - sb.append(" delta of ").append(objectDelta.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()); - sb.append(" ]---------------------\n"); - DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Channel", 0); - sb.append(" ").append(LensUtil.getChannel(context, task)).append("\n"); - if (context != null) { - DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Wave", 0); - sb.append(" ").append(context.getExecutionWave()).append("\n"); - } - if (resource != null) { - sb.append("Resource: ").append(resource.toString()).append("\n"); - } - sb.append(objectDelta.debugDump()); - sb.append("\n"); - if (result != null) { - DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Result", 0); - sb.append(" ").append(result.getStatus()).append(": ").append(result.getMessage()); - } - sb.append("\n--------------------------------------------------"); - - LOGGER.debug("\n{}", sb); - } - - private OwnerResolver createOwnerResolver(final LensContext context, Task task, - OperationResult result) { - return new LensOwnerResolver<>(context, objectResolver, task, result); - } - - private PrismObject executeAddition(ObjectDelta change, - LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, - ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, - ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, - SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { - - PrismObject objectToAdd = change.getObjectToAdd(); - - for (ItemDelta delta : change.getModifications()) { - delta.applyTo(objectToAdd); - } - change.getModifications().clear(); - - OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); - T objectTypeToAdd = objectToAdd.asObjectable(); - try { - securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.ADD.getUrl(), - AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectAdd(objectToAdd), ownerResolver, task, result); - - metadataManager.applyMetadataAdd(context, objectToAdd, clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(), task, result); - - if (options == null) { - options = context.getOptions(); - } - - RepoAddOptions addOpt = new RepoAddOptions(); - if (ModelExecuteOptions.isOverwrite(options)) { - addOpt.setOverwrite(true); - } - if (ModelExecuteOptions.isNoCrypt(options)) { - addOpt.setAllowUnencryptedValues(true); - } - - String oid; - if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof TaskType) { - oid = addTask((TaskType) objectTypeToAdd, addOpt, result); - } else if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof NodeType) { - throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NodeType cannot be added using model interface"); - } else if (ObjectTypes.isManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeToAdd)) { - - ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, - (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) change); - - oid = addProvisioningObject(objectToAdd, context, objectContext, provisioningOptions, - resource, task, result); - if (oid == null) { - throw new SystemException( - "Provisioning addObject returned null OID while adding " + objectToAdd); - } - result.addReturn("createdAccountOid", oid); - } else { - FocusConstraintsChecker.clearCacheFor(objectToAdd.asObjectable().getName()); - - oid = cacheRepositoryService.addObject(objectToAdd, addOpt, result); - if (oid == null) { - throw new SystemException("Repository addObject returned null OID while adding " + objectToAdd); - } - } - if (!change.isImmutable()) { - change.setOid(oid); - } - objectToAdd.setOid(oid); - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectToAdd, objectToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(), oid, - ChangeType.ADD, context.getChannel(), null); - return objectToAdd; - } catch (Throwable t) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectToAdd, objectToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(), null, - ChangeType.ADD, context.getChannel(), t); - if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof ShadowType) { - handleProvisioningError(resource, t, task, result); - ((LensProjectionContext) objectContext).setSynchronizationPolicyDecision(SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); - return null; - } - throw t; - - } - } - - private void handleProvisioningError(ResourceType resource, Throwable t, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, PreconditionViolationException, CommunicationException, SchemaException { - ErrorSelectorType errorSelectorType = ResourceTypeUtil.getConnectorErrorCriticality(resource); - CriticalityType criticality = ExceptionUtil.getCriticality(errorSelectorType, t, CriticalityType.FATAL); - RepoCommonUtils.processErrorCriticality(task, criticality, t, result); - if (CriticalityType.IGNORE == criticality) { - result.muteLastSubresultError(); - } - } - - private PrismObject executeDeletion(ObjectDelta change, - LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, - ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, - ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, - ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { - - String oid = change.getOid(); - Class objectTypeClass = change.getObjectTypeClass(); - - PrismObject objectOld = objectContext.getObjectOld(); - OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); - PrismObject objectAfterModification = null; - try { - securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.DELETE.getUrl(), - AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectDelete(objectOld), ownerResolver, task, result); - - if (TaskType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - taskManager.deleteTask(oid, result); - } else if (NodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - taskManager.deleteNode(oid, result); - } else if (ObjectTypes.isClassManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeClass)) { - ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, - (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) change); - try { - objectAfterModification = deleteProvisioningObject(objectTypeClass, oid, context, objectContext, - provisioningOptions, resource, task, result); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { - // Object that we wanted to delete is already gone. This can - // happen in some race conditions. - // As the resulting state is the same as we wanted it to be - // we will not complain and we will go on. - LOGGER.trace("Attempt to delete object {} ({}) that is already gone", oid, - objectTypeClass); - result.muteLastSubresultError(); - } - } else { - try { - cacheRepositoryService.deleteObject(objectTypeClass, oid, result); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { - // Object that we wanted to delete is already gone. This can - // happen in some race conditions. - // As the resulting state is the same as we wanted it to be - // we will not complain and we will go on. - LOGGER.trace("Attempt to delete object {} ({}) that is already gone", oid, - objectTypeClass); - result.muteLastSubresultError(); - } - } - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectOld, objectTypeClass, oid, ChangeType.DELETE, - context.getChannel(), null); - } catch (Throwable t) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectOld, objectTypeClass, oid, ChangeType.DELETE, - context.getChannel(), t); - - if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - handleProvisioningError(resource, t, task, result); - return objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); - } - - throw t; - } - - return objectAfterModification; - } - - private void executeModification(ObjectDelta delta, - LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, - ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) - throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, CommunicationException, - ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { - Class objectTypeClass = delta.getObjectTypeClass(); - - // We need current object here. The current object is used to get data for id-only container delete deltas, - // replace deltas and so on. The authorization code can figure out new object if needed, but it needs - // current object to start from. - // We cannot use old object here. That would fail in multi-wave executions. We want object that has all the previous - // wave changes already applied. - PrismObject baseObject = objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); - OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); - try { - securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.MODIFY.getUrl(), - AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectDelta(baseObject, delta), ownerResolver, task, result); - - if (shouldApplyModifyMetadata(objectTypeClass, context.getSystemConfigurationType())) { - metadataManager.applyMetadataModify(delta, objectContext, objectTypeClass, - clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(), task, context, result); - } - - if (delta.isEmpty()) { - // Nothing to do - return; - } - - if (TaskType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - taskManager.modifyTask(delta.getOid(), delta.getModifications(), result); - } else if (NodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NodeType is not modifiable using model interface"); - } else if (ObjectTypes.isClassManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeClass)) { - ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, - (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) delta); - String oid = modifyProvisioningObject(objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), - delta.getModifications(), context, objectContext, provisioningOptions, resource, - task, result); - if (!oid.equals(delta.getOid())) { - delta.setOid(oid); - } - } else { - FocusConstraintsChecker.clearCacheForDelta(delta.getModifications()); - ModificationPrecondition precondition = null; - if (conflictResolution != null) { - String readVersion = objectContext.getObjectReadVersion(); - if (readVersion != null) { - LOGGER.trace("Modification with precondition, readVersion={}", readVersion); - precondition = new VersionPrecondition<>(readVersion); - } else { - LOGGER.warn("Requested careful modification of {}, but there is no read version", objectContext.getHumanReadableName()); - } - } - cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), - delta.getModifications(), precondition, null, result); - } - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(baseObject, objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), ChangeType.MODIFY, - context.getChannel(), null); - } catch (Throwable t) { - task.recordObjectActionExecuted(baseObject, objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), ChangeType.MODIFY, - context.getChannel(), t); - throw t; - } - } - - private boolean shouldApplyModifyMetadata(Class objectTypeClass, SystemConfigurationType config) { - if (!ShadowType.class.equals(objectTypeClass)) { - return true; - } else if (config == null || config.getInternals() == null || config.getInternals().getShadowMetadataRecording() == null) { - return true; - } else { - MetadataRecordingStrategyType recording = config.getInternals().getShadowMetadataRecording(); - return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(recording.isSkipOnModify()); - } - } - - private String addTask(TaskType task, RepoAddOptions addOpt, OperationResult result) - throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException { - try { - return taskManager.addTask(task.asPrismObject(), addOpt, result); - } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { - throw ex; - } catch (Exception ex) { - LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't add object {} to task manager", ex, task.getName()); - throw new SystemException(ex.getMessage(), ex); - } - } - - private String addProvisioningObject(PrismObject object, - LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ProvisioningOperationOptions options, - ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, - ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, - ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException { - - if (object.canRepresent(ShadowType.class)) { - ShadowType shadow = (ShadowType) object.asObjectable(); - String resourceOid = ShadowUtil.getResourceOid(shadow); - if (resourceOid == null) { - throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource OID is null in shadow"); - } - } - - OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; - if (object.canRepresent(ShadowType.class)) { - scripts = prepareScripts(object, context, objectContext, ProvisioningOperationTypeType.ADD, - resource, task, result); - } - ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); - String oid = provisioning.addObject(object, scripts, options, task, result); - ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); - return oid; - } - - private PrismObject deleteProvisioningObject( - Class objectTypeClass, String oid, LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, - ProvisioningOperationOptions options, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) - throws ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, - CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, - ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException { - - PrismObject shadowToModify = null; - OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; - try { - GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); - rootOpts.setPointInTimeType(PointInTimeType.FUTURE); - shadowToModify = provisioning.getObject(objectTypeClass, oid, - SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts), task, result); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { - // this is almost OK, mute the error and try to delete account (it - // will fail if something is wrong) - result.muteLastSubresultError(); - } - if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - scripts = prepareScripts(shadowToModify, context, objectContext, - ProvisioningOperationTypeType.DELETE, resource, task, result); - } - ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); - PrismObject objectAfterModification = provisioning.deleteObject(objectTypeClass, oid, options, scripts, task, result); - ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); - return objectAfterModification; - } - - private String modifyProvisioningObject( - Class objectTypeClass, String oid, Collection modifications, - LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ProvisioningOperationOptions options, - ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, - CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, - SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, PolicyViolationException { - - PrismObject shadowToModify = null; - OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; - try { - GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); - rootOpts.setPointInTimeType(PointInTimeType.FUTURE); - shadowToModify = provisioning.getObject(objectTypeClass, oid, - SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts), task, result); - } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { - // We do not want the operation to fail here. The object might have - // been re-created on the resource - // or discovery might re-create it. So simply ignore this error and - // give provisioning a chance to fail - // properly. - result.muteLastSubresultError(); - LOGGER.warn("Repository object {}: {} is gone. But trying to modify resource object anyway", - objectTypeClass, oid); - } - if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { - scripts = prepareScripts(shadowToModify, context, objectContext, - ProvisioningOperationTypeType.MODIFY, resource, task, result); - } - ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); - String changedOid = provisioning.modifyObject(objectTypeClass, oid, modifications, scripts, options, - task, result); - ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); - return changedOid; - } - - private OperationProvisioningScriptsType prepareScripts( - PrismObject changedObject, LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, - ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) - throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, - ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException { - - if (resource == null) { - LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing scripts."); - return null; - } - OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts = resource.getScripts(); - PrismObject resourceObject = (PrismObject) changedObject; - - PrismObject user = null; - if (context.getFocusContext() != null) { - if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew() != null) { - user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); - } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectCurrent() != null) { - user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectCurrent(); - } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld() != null) { - user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); - } - } - - LensProjectionContext projectionCtx = (LensProjectionContext) objectContext; - PrismObject shadow = null; - if (projectionCtx.getObjectNew() != null) { - shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectNew(); - } else if (projectionCtx.getObjectCurrent() != null) { - shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectCurrent(); - } else { - shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectOld(); - } - - if (shadow == null) { - //put at least something - shadow = resourceObject.clone(); - } - - ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr = ((LensProjectionContext) objectContext) - .getResourceShadowDiscriminator(); - - ExpressionVariables variables = ModelImplUtils.getDefaultExpressionVariables(user, shadow, discr, - resource.asPrismObject(), context.getSystemConfiguration(), objectContext, prismContext); - // Having delta in provisioning scripts may be very useful. E.g. the script can optimize execution of expensive operations. - variables.put(ExpressionConstants.VAR_DELTA, projectionCtx.getDelta(), ObjectDelta.class); - ExpressionProfile expressionProfile = MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(); - ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.pushExpressionEnvironment(new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, (LensProjectionContext) objectContext, task, result)); - try { - return evaluateScript(resourceScripts, discr, operation, null, variables, expressionProfile, context, objectContext, task, result); - } finally { - ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.popExpressionEnvironment(); - } - - } - - private OperationProvisioningScriptsType evaluateScript(OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts, - ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr, ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, BeforeAfterType order, - ExpressionVariables variables, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, LensContext context, - LensElementContext objectContext, Task task, - OperationResult result) - throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { - OperationProvisioningScriptsType outScripts = new OperationProvisioningScriptsType(); - - if (resourceScripts != null) { - OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = resourceScripts.clone(); - for (OperationProvisioningScriptType script : scripts.getScript()) { - if (discr != null) { - if (script.getKind() != null && !script.getKind().isEmpty() - && !script.getKind().contains(discr.getKind())) { - continue; - } - if (script.getIntent() != null && !script.getIntent().isEmpty() - && !script.getIntent().contains(discr.getIntent()) && discr.getIntent() != null) { - continue; - } - } - if (operation != null) { - if (!script.getOperation().contains(operation)) { - continue; - } - } - if (order != null) { - if (order != null && order != script.getOrder()) { - continue; - } - } - // Let's do the most expensive evaluation last - if (!evaluateScriptCondition(script, variables, expressionProfile, task, result)) { - continue; - } - for (ProvisioningScriptArgumentType argument : script.getArgument()) { - evaluateScriptArgument(argument, variables, context, objectContext, task, result); - } - outScripts.getScript().add(script); - } - } - - return outScripts; - } - - private boolean evaluateScriptCondition(OperationProvisioningScriptType script, - ExpressionVariables variables, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { - ExpressionType condition = script.getCondition(); - if (condition == null) { - return true; - } - - PrismPropertyValue conditionOutput = ExpressionUtil.evaluateCondition(variables, condition, expressionProfile, expressionFactory, " condition for provisioning script ", task, result); - if (conditionOutput == null) { - return true; - } - - Boolean conditionOutputValue = conditionOutput.getValue(); - - return BooleanUtils.isNotFalse(conditionOutputValue); - - } - - private void evaluateScriptArgument(ProvisioningScriptArgumentType argument, - ExpressionVariables variables, LensContext context, - LensElementContext objectContext, Task task, OperationResult result) - throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, - CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { - - final QName fakeScriptArgumentName = new QName(SchemaConstants.NS_C, "arg"); - - PrismPropertyDefinition scriptArgumentDefinition = prismContext.definitionFactory().createPropertyDefinition( - fakeScriptArgumentName, DOMUtil.XSD_STRING); - - String shortDesc = "Provisioning script argument expression"; - Expression, PrismPropertyDefinition> expression = expressionFactory - .makeExpression(argument, scriptArgumentDefinition, MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(), shortDesc, task, result); - - ExpressionEvaluationContext params = new ExpressionEvaluationContext(null, variables, shortDesc, task); - ExpressionEnvironment env = new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, - objectContext instanceof LensProjectionContext ? (LensProjectionContext) objectContext : null, task, result); - PrismValueDeltaSetTriple> outputTriple = ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder - .evaluateExpressionInContext(expression, params, env, result); - - Collection> nonNegativeValues = null; - if (outputTriple != null) { - nonNegativeValues = outputTriple.getNonNegativeValues(); - } - - // replace dynamic script with static value.. - XNodeFactory factory = prismContext.xnodeFactory(); - - argument.getExpressionEvaluator().clear(); - if (nonNegativeValues == null || nonNegativeValues.isEmpty()) { - // We need to create at least one evaluator. Otherwise the - // expression code will complain - JAXBElement el = new JAXBElement<>(SchemaConstants.C_VALUE, RawType.class, new RawType(prismContext)); - argument.getExpressionEvaluator().add(el); - - } else { - for (PrismPropertyValue val : nonNegativeValues) { - PrimitiveXNode prim = factory.primitive(val.getValue(), DOMUtil.XSD_STRING); - JAXBElement el = new JAXBElement<>(SchemaConstants.C_VALUE, RawType.class, new RawType(prim, prismContext)); - argument.getExpressionEvaluator().add(el); - } - } - } - - private void executeReconciliationScript( - LensProjectionContext projContext, LensContext context, BeforeAfterType order, Task task, - OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, - ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, - SecurityViolationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException { - - if (!projContext.isDoReconciliation()) { - return; - } - - ResourceType resource = projContext.getResource(); - if (resource == null) { - LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing reconciliation scripts."); - return; - } - - OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts = resource.getScripts(); - if (resourceScripts == null) { - return; - } - ExpressionProfile expressionProfile = MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(); - executeProvisioningScripts(context, projContext, resourceScripts, ProvisioningOperationTypeType.RECONCILE, order, expressionProfile, task, parentResult); - } - - private Object executeProvisioningScripts(LensContext context, LensProjectionContext projContext, - OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts, ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, BeforeAfterType order, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) - throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, - CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException { - - ResourceType resource = projContext.getResource(); - if (resource == null) { - LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing reconciliation scripts."); - return null; - } - - PrismObject user = null; - PrismObject shadow = null; - - if (context.getFocusContext() != null) { - if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew() != null) { - user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); - } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld() != null) { - user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); - } - // if (order == ProvisioningScriptOrderType.BEFORE) { - // user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); - // } else if (order == ProvisioningScriptOrderType.AFTER) { - // user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); - // } else { - // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown order "+order); - // } - } - - if (order == BeforeAfterType.BEFORE) { - shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectOld(); - } else if (order == BeforeAfterType.AFTER) { - shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectNew(); - } else { - shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectCurrent(); - } - - ExpressionVariables variables = ModelImplUtils.getDefaultExpressionVariables(user, shadow, - projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), resource.asPrismObject(), - context.getSystemConfiguration(), projContext, prismContext); - Object scriptResult = null; - ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.pushExpressionEnvironment(new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, projContext, task, parentResult)); - try { - OperationProvisioningScriptsType evaluatedScript = evaluateScript(scripts, - projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), operation, order, - variables, expressionProfile, context, projContext, task, parentResult); - for (OperationProvisioningScriptType script : evaluatedScript.getScript()) { - ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); - scriptResult = provisioning.executeScript(resource.getOid(), script, task, parentResult); - ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); - } - } finally { - ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.popExpressionEnvironment(); - } - - return scriptResult; - } - -} +/* + * Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Evolveum and contributors + * + * This work is dual-licensed under the Apache License 2.0 + * and European Union Public License. See LICENSE file for details. + */ + +package com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens; + +import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.ActivityType.FOCUS_OPERATION; +import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.ActivityType.RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION; +import static com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation.StateType.ENTERING; +import static com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismContainerValue.asContainerables; +import static com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.internals.InternalsConfig.consistencyChecks; + +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.Iterator; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; +import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; +import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; +import javax.xml.namespace.QName; + +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.SynchronizationIntent; +import org.apache.commons.lang.BooleanUtils; +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; +import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; +import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; + +import com.evolveum.midpoint.common.Clock; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.common.SynchronizationUtils; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelAuthorizationAction; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ModelExecuteOptions; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.ProgressInformation; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.api.context.SynchronizationPolicyDecision; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.ModelObjectResolver; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.ExpressionEnvironment; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.common.expression.ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector.credentials.CredentialsProcessor; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.lens.projector.focus.FocusConstraintsChecker; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.util.ModelImplUtils; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.crypto.EncryptionException; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.delta.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.equivalence.EquivalenceStrategy; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.PrimitiveXNode; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.xnode.XNodeFactory; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api.ProvisioningOperationOptions; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.provisioning.api.ProvisioningService; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.api.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.common.expression.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.repo.common.util.RepoCommonUtils; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ExpressionConstants; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.ObjectTypes; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.constants.SchemaConstants; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.expression.ExpressionProfile; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.internals.InternalsConfig; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResult; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.result.OperationResultStatus; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ExceptionUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.MiscSchemaUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ResourceTypeUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ShadowUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.MidPointPrincipal; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.OwnerResolver; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.api.SecurityContextManager; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.enforcer.api.AuthorizationParameters; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.security.enforcer.api.SecurityEnforcer; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.Task; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.task.api.TaskManager; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DOMUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.DebugUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.MiscUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.QNameUtil; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.*; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.LoggingUtils; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.Trace; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.util.logging.TraceManager; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.*; +import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.ProtectedStringType; +import com.evolveum.prism.xml.ns._public.types_3.RawType; + +/** + * @author semancik + */ +@Component +public class ChangeExecutor { + + private static final Trace LOGGER = TraceManager.getTrace(ChangeExecutor.class); + + private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_DELTA = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".executeDelta"; + private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".execute"; + private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_FOCUS = OPERATION_EXECUTE + ".focus"; + private static final String OPERATION_EXECUTE_PROJECTION = OPERATION_EXECUTE + ".projection"; + private static final String OPERATION_LINK_ACCOUNT = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".linkShadow"; + private static final String OPERATION_UNLINK_ACCOUNT = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".unlinkShadow"; + private static final String OPERATION_UPDATE_SITUATION_IN_SHADOW = ChangeExecutor.class.getName() + ".updateSituationInShadow"; + + @Autowired private transient TaskManager taskManager; + @Autowired @Qualifier("cacheRepositoryService") private transient RepositoryService cacheRepositoryService; + @Autowired private ProvisioningService provisioning; + @Autowired private PrismContext prismContext; + @Autowired private ExpressionFactory expressionFactory; + @Autowired private SecurityEnforcer securityEnforcer; + @Autowired private SecurityContextManager securityContextManager; + @Autowired private Clock clock; + @Autowired private ModelObjectResolver objectResolver; + @Autowired private OperationalDataManager metadataManager; + @Autowired private CredentialsProcessor credentialsProcessor; + + private PrismObjectDefinition userDefinition = null; + private PrismObjectDefinition shadowDefinition = null; + + @PostConstruct + private void locateDefinitions() { + userDefinition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() + .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(UserType.class); + shadowDefinition = prismContext.getSchemaRegistry() + .findObjectDefinitionByCompileTimeClass(ShadowType.class); + } + + // returns true if current operation has to be restarted, see + // ObjectAlreadyExistsException handling (TODO specify more exactly) + public boolean executeChanges(LensContext context, Task task, + OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, + SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, + SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException, PolicyViolationException { + + OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE); + + try { + + // FOCUS + + context.checkAbortRequested(); + + LensFocusContext focusContext = context.getFocusContext(); + if (focusContext != null) { + ObjectDelta focusDelta = focusContext.getWaveExecutableDelta(context.getExecutionWave()); + + focusDelta = applyPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(focusContext, focusDelta); + focusDelta = applyPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(focusContext, focusDelta); + + if (focusDelta == null && !context.hasProjectionChange()) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping focus change execute, because user delta is null"); + } else { + + if (focusDelta == null) { + focusDelta = focusContext.getObjectAny().createModifyDelta(); + } + + ArchetypePolicyType archetypePolicy = focusContext.getArchetypePolicyType(); + applyObjectPolicy(focusContext, focusDelta, archetypePolicy); + + OperationResult subResult = result.createSubresult( + OPERATION_EXECUTE_FOCUS + "." + focusContext.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()); + + try { + // Will remove credential deltas or hash them + focusDelta = credentialsProcessor.transformFocusExecutionDelta(context, focusDelta); + } catch (EncryptionException e) { + recordFatalError(subResult, result, null, e); + result.computeStatus(); + throw new SystemException(e.getMessage(), e); + } + + applyLastProvisioningTimestamp(context, focusDelta); + + try { + + context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(FOCUS_OPERATION, ENTERING)); + + ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution = ModelExecuteOptions + .getFocusConflictResolution(context.getOptions()); + + executeDelta(focusDelta, focusContext, context, null, conflictResolution, null, task, subResult); + + if (focusDelta.isAdd() && focusDelta.getOid() != null) { + // The watcher can already exist; if the OID was pre-existing in the object. + if (context.getFocusConflictWatcher() == null) { + ConflictWatcher watcher = context + .createAndRegisterFocusConflictWatcher(focusDelta.getOid(), cacheRepositoryService); + watcher.setExpectedVersion(focusDelta.getObjectToAdd().getVersion()); + } + } + subResult.computeStatus(); + + } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | CommunicationException | ConfigurationException | SecurityViolationException | ExpressionEvaluationException | RuntimeException e) { + recordFatalError(subResult, result, null, e); + throw e; + + } catch (PreconditionViolationException e) { + + if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { + LOGGER.debug("Modification precondition failed for {}: {}", focusContext.getHumanReadableName(), + e.getMessage()); + } + // TODO: fatal error if the conflict resolution is "error" (later) + result.recordHandledError(e); + throw e; + + } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) { + subResult.computeStatus(); + if (!subResult.isSuccess() && !subResult.isHandledError()) { + subResult.recordFatalError(e); + } + result.computeStatusComposite(); + throw e; + } finally { + context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(FOCUS_OPERATION, subResult)); + } + } + } + + // PROJECTIONS + + context.checkAbortRequested(); + + boolean restartRequested = false; + + for (LensProjectionContext projCtx : context.getProjectionContexts()) { + if (projCtx.getWave() != context.getExecutionWave()) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping projection context {} because its wave ({}) is different from execution wave ({})", + projCtx.toHumanReadableString(), projCtx.getWave(), context.getExecutionWave()); + continue; + } + + if (!projCtx.isCanProject()) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping projection context {} because canProject is false", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); + continue; + } + + // we should not get here, but just to be sure + if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.IGNORE) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping ignored projection context {}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); + continue; + } + + OperationResult subResult = result.subresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE_PROJECTION + "." + projCtx.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()) + .addParam("resource", projCtx.getResource()) + .addArbitraryObjectAsContext("discriminator", projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator()) + .build(); + + PrismObject shadowAfterModification = null; + try { + LOGGER.trace("Executing projection context {}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); + + context.checkAbortRequested(); + + context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION, + projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), ENTERING)); + + executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.BEFORE, task, subResult); + + ObjectDelta projDelta = projCtx.getExecutableDelta(); + + if (shouldBeDeleted(projDelta, projCtx)) { + projDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() + .createDeleteDelta(projCtx.getObjectTypeClass(), projCtx.getOid()); + } + + if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN) { + if (context.getFocusContext() != null + && context.getFocusContext().getDelta() != null + && context.getFocusContext().getDelta().isDelete() + && context.getOptions() != null + && ModelExecuteOptions.isForce(context.getOptions())) { + if (projDelta == null) { + projDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() + .createDeleteDelta(projCtx.getObjectTypeClass(), projCtx.getOid()); + } + } + if (projDelta != null && projDelta.isDelete()) { + + shadowAfterModification = executeDelta(projDelta, projCtx, context, null, null, projCtx.getResource(), task, + subResult); + + } + } else { + + if (projDelta == null || projDelta.isEmpty()) { + LOGGER.trace("No change for {}", projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator()); + shadowAfterModification = projCtx.getObjectCurrent(); + if (focusContext != null) { + updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); + } + + // Make sure post-reconcile delta is always executed, + // even if there is no change + executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.AFTER, task, + subResult); + + subResult.computeStatus(); + subResult.recordNotApplicableIfUnknown(); + continue; + + } else if (projDelta.isDelete() && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null + && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder() > 0) { + // HACK ... for higher-order context check if this was + // already deleted + LensProjectionContext lowerOrderContext = LensUtil.findLowerOrderContext(context, + projCtx); + if (lowerOrderContext != null && lowerOrderContext.isDelete()) { + // We assume that this was already executed + subResult.setStatus(OperationResultStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE); + continue; + } + } + + shadowAfterModification = executeDelta(projDelta, projCtx, context, null, null, projCtx.getResource(), task, subResult); + + if (projCtx.isAdd() && shadowAfterModification != null) { + projCtx.setExists(true); + } + + } + + subResult.computeStatus(); + if (focusContext != null) { + updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); + } + + executeReconciliationScript(projCtx, context, BeforeAfterType.AFTER, task, subResult); + + subResult.computeStatus(); + subResult.recordNotApplicableIfUnknown(); + + } catch (SchemaException | ObjectNotFoundException | PreconditionViolationException | CommunicationException | + ConfigurationException | SecurityViolationException | PolicyViolationException | ExpressionEvaluationException | RuntimeException | Error e) { + recordProjectionExecutionException(e, projCtx, subResult, SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); + + // We still want to update the links here. E.g. this may be live sync case where we discovered new account + // try to reconcile, but the reconciliation fails. We still want this shadow linked to user. + if (focusContext != null) { + updateLinks(context, focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, task, subResult); + } + + ModelImplUtils.handleConnectorErrorCriticality(projCtx.getResource(), e, subResult); + + } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException e) { + + // This exception is quite special. We have to decide how bad this really is. + // This may be rename conflict. Which would be bad. + // Or this may be attempt to create account that already exists and just needs + // to be linked. Which is no big deal and consistency mechanism (discovery) will + // easily handle that. In that case it is done in "another task" which is + // quasi-asynchornously executed from provisioning by calling notifyChange. + // Once that is done then the account is already linked. And all we need to do + // is to restart this whole operation. + + // check if this is a repeated attempt - OAEE was not handled + // correctly, e.g. if creating "Users" user in AD, whereas + // "Users" is SAM Account Name which is used by a built-in group + // - in such case, mark the context as broken + if (isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException(projCtx)) { + // This is the bad case. Currently we do not do anything more intelligent than to look for + // repeated error. If we get OAEE twice then this is bad and we thow up. + // TODO: do something smarter here + LOGGER.debug("Repeated ObjectAlreadyExistsException detected, marking projection {} as broken", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); + recordProjectionExecutionException(e, projCtx, subResult, + SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); + continue; + } + + // in his case we do not need to set account context as + // broken, instead we need to restart projector for this + // context to recompute new account or find out if the + // account was already linked.. + // and also do not set fatal error to the operation result, this + // is a special case + // if it is fatal, it will be set later + // but we need to set some result + subResult.recordSuccess(); + restartRequested = true; + LOGGER.debug("ObjectAlreadyExistsException for projection {}, requesting projector restart", projCtx.toHumanReadableString()); + // we will process remaining projections when retrying the wave + break; + + } finally { + context.reportProgress(new ProgressInformation(RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION, + projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), subResult)); + } + } + + // Result computation here needs to be slightly different + result.computeStatusComposite(); + return restartRequested; + + } catch (Throwable t) { + result.recordThrowableIfNeeded(t); // last resort: to avoid UNKNOWN subresults + throw t; + } + } + + private ObjectDelta applyPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(LensFocusContext focusContext, + ObjectDelta focusDelta) throws SchemaException { + for (ItemDelta itemDelta : focusContext.getPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications()) { + focusDelta = focusContext.swallowToDelta(focusDelta, itemDelta); + } + focusContext.clearPendingObjectPolicyStateModifications(); + return focusDelta; + } + + private ObjectDelta applyPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(LensFocusContext focusContext, ObjectDelta focusDelta) + throws SchemaException { + for (Map.Entry>> entry : focusContext + .getPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications().entrySet()) { + PlusMinusZero mode = entry.getKey().mode; + if (mode == PlusMinusZero.MINUS) { + continue; // this assignment is being thrown out anyway, so let's ignore it (at least for now) + } + AssignmentType assignmentToFind = entry.getKey().assignment; + List> modifications = entry.getValue(); + if (modifications.isEmpty()) { + continue; + } + LOGGER.trace("Applying policy state modifications for {} ({}):\n{}", assignmentToFind, mode, + DebugUtil.debugDumpLazily(modifications)); + if (mode == PlusMinusZero.ZERO) { + if (assignmentToFind.getId() == null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Existing assignment with null id: " + assignmentToFind); + } + for (ItemDelta modification : modifications) { + focusDelta = focusContext.swallowToDelta(focusDelta, modification); + } + } else { + assert mode == PlusMinusZero.PLUS; + if (focusDelta != null && focusDelta.isAdd()) { + swallowIntoValues(((FocusType) focusDelta.getObjectToAdd().asObjectable()).getAssignment(), + assignmentToFind, modifications); + } else { + ContainerDelta assignmentDelta = focusDelta != null ? + focusDelta.findContainerDelta(FocusType.F_ASSIGNMENT) : null; + if (assignmentDelta == null) { + throw new IllegalStateException( + "We have 'plus' assignment to modify but there's no assignment delta. Assignment=" + + assignmentToFind + ", objectDelta=" + focusDelta); + } + if (assignmentDelta.isReplace()) { + swallowIntoValues(asContainerables(assignmentDelta.getValuesToReplace()), assignmentToFind, + modifications); + } else if (assignmentDelta.isAdd()) { + swallowIntoValues(asContainerables(assignmentDelta.getValuesToAdd()), assignmentToFind, + modifications); + } else { + throw new IllegalStateException( + "We have 'plus' assignment to modify but there're no values to add or replace in assignment delta. Assignment=" + + assignmentToFind + ", objectDelta=" + focusDelta); + } + } + } + } + focusContext.clearPendingAssignmentPolicyStateModifications(); + return focusDelta; + } + + private void swallowIntoValues(Collection assignments, AssignmentType assignmentToFind, List> modifications) + throws SchemaException { + for (AssignmentType assignment : assignments) { + PrismContainerValue pcv = assignment.asPrismContainerValue(); + PrismContainerValue pcvToFind = assignmentToFind.asPrismContainerValue(); + if (pcv.representsSameValue(pcvToFind, false) || pcv.equals(pcvToFind, EquivalenceStrategy.REAL_VALUE_CONSIDER_DIFFERENT_IDS)) { + // TODO what if ID of the assignment being added is changed in repo? Hopefully it will be not. + for (ItemDelta modification : modifications) { + ItemPath newParentPath = modification.getParentPath().rest(2); // killing assignment + ID + ItemDelta pathRelativeModification = modification.cloneWithChangedParentPath(newParentPath); + pathRelativeModification.applyTo(pcv); + } + return; + } + } + // TODO change to warning + throw new IllegalStateException("We have 'plus' assignment to modify but it couldn't be found in assignment delta. Assignment=" + assignmentToFind + ", new assignments=" + assignments); + } + + private void applyLastProvisioningTimestamp(LensContext context, ObjectDelta focusDelta) throws SchemaException { + if (!context.hasProjectionChange()) { + return; + } + if (focusDelta.isAdd()) { + + PrismObject objectToAdd = focusDelta.getObjectToAdd(); + PrismContainer metadataContainer = objectToAdd.findOrCreateContainer(ObjectType.F_METADATA); + metadataContainer.getRealValue().setLastProvisioningTimestamp(clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar()); + + } else if (focusDelta.isModify()) { + + PropertyDelta provTimestampDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().property().createModificationReplaceProperty( + ItemPath.create(ObjectType.F_METADATA, MetadataType.F_LAST_PROVISIONING_TIMESTAMP), + context.getFocusContext().getObjectDefinition(), + clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar()); + focusDelta.addModification(provTimestampDelta); + + } + } + + private boolean shouldBeDeleted(ObjectDelta accDelta, LensProjectionContext accCtx) { + return (accDelta == null || accDelta.isEmpty()) + && (accCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.DELETE + || accCtx.getSynchronizationIntent() == SynchronizationIntent.DELETE); + } + + private boolean isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException( + LensProjectionContext projContext) { + int deltas = projContext.getExecutedDeltas().size(); + LOGGER.trace("isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException starting; number of executed deltas = {}", deltas); + if (deltas < 2) { + return false; + } + LensObjectDeltaOperation lastDeltaOp = projContext.getExecutedDeltas().get(deltas - 1); + LensObjectDeltaOperation previousDeltaOp = projContext.getExecutedDeltas() + .get(deltas - 2); + // TODO check also previous execution result to see if it's + // AlreadyExistException? + ObjectDelta lastDelta = lastDeltaOp.getObjectDelta(); + ObjectDelta previousDelta = previousDeltaOp.getObjectDelta(); + boolean rv; + if (lastDelta.isAdd() && previousDelta.isAdd()) { + rv = isEquivalentAddDelta(lastDelta.getObjectToAdd(), previousDelta.getObjectToAdd()); + } else if (lastDelta.isModify() && previousDelta.isModify()) { + rv = isEquivalentModifyDelta(lastDelta.getModifications(), previousDelta.getModifications()); + } else { + rv = false; + } + LOGGER.trace( + "isRepeatedAlreadyExistsException returning {}; based of comparison of previousDelta:\n{}\nwith lastDelta:\n{}", + rv, previousDelta, lastDelta); + return rv; + } + + private boolean isEquivalentModifyDelta(Collection> modifications1, + Collection> modifications2) { + Collection> attrDeltas1 = ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil + .findItemDeltasSubPath(modifications1, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); + Collection> attrDeltas2 = ItemDeltaCollectionsUtil + .findItemDeltasSubPath(modifications2, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); + //noinspection unchecked,RedundantCast + return MiscUtil.unorderedCollectionEquals((Collection) attrDeltas1, (Collection) attrDeltas2); + } + + private boolean isEquivalentAddDelta(PrismObject object1, PrismObject object2) { + PrismContainer attributes1 = object1.findContainer(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); + PrismContainer attributes2 = object2.findContainer(ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES); + if (attributes1 == null || attributes2 == null || attributes1.size() != 1 + || attributes2.size() != 1) { // suspicious cases + return false; + } + return attributes1.getValue().equivalent(attributes2.getValue()); + } + + private void applyObjectPolicy(LensFocusContext focusContext, + ObjectDelta focusDelta, ArchetypePolicyType archetypePolicy) { + if (archetypePolicy == null) { + return; + } + PrismObject objectNew = focusContext.getObjectNew(); + if (focusDelta.isAdd() && objectNew.getOid() == null) { + + for (ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType : archetypePolicy.getItemConstraint()) { + processItemConstraint(focusContext, objectNew, itemConstraintType); + } + // Deprecated + for (ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType : archetypePolicy.getPropertyConstraint()) { + processItemConstraint(focusContext, objectNew, itemConstraintType); + } + + } + } + + private void processItemConstraint(LensFocusContext focusContext, PrismObject objectNew, ItemConstraintType itemConstraintType) { + if (BooleanUtils.isTrue(itemConstraintType.isOidBound())) { + ItemPath itemPath = itemConstraintType.getPath().getItemPath(); + PrismProperty prop = objectNew.findProperty(itemPath); + String stringValue = prop.getRealValue().toString(); + focusContext.setOid(stringValue); + } + } + + private

void recordProjectionExecutionException(Throwable e, + LensProjectionContext accCtx, OperationResult subResult, SynchronizationPolicyDecision decision) { + subResult.recordFatalError(e); + LOGGER.error("Error executing changes for {}: {}", accCtx.toHumanReadableString(), e.getMessage(), e); + if (decision != null) { + accCtx.setSynchronizationPolicyDecision(decision); + } + } + + private void recordFatalError(OperationResult subResult, OperationResult result, String message, + Throwable e) { + if (message == null) { + message = e.getMessage(); + } + subResult.recordFatalError(e); + if (result != null) { + result.computeStatusComposite(); + } + } + + /** + * Make sure that the account is linked (or unlinked) as needed. + */ + private void updateLinks(LensContext context, + LensFocusContext focusObjectContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, + PrismObject shadowAfterModification, + Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { + if (focusObjectContext == null) { + return; + } + Class objectTypeClass = focusObjectContext.getObjectTypeClass(); + if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + return; + } + //noinspection unchecked + LensFocusContext focusContext = (LensFocusContext) focusObjectContext; + + if (projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null + && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().getOrder() > 0) { + // Don't mess with links for higher-order contexts. The link should + // be dealt with + // during processing of zero-order context. + return; + } + + String projOid = projCtx.getOid(); + if (projOid == null) { + if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN) { + // This seems to be OK. In quite a strange way, but still OK. + return; + } + LOGGER.error("Projection {} has null OID, this should not happen, context:\n{}", projCtx.toHumanReadableString(), projCtx.debugDump()); + throw new IllegalStateException("Projection " + projCtx.toHumanReadableString() + " has null OID, this should not happen"); + } + + if (linkShouldExist(focusContext, projCtx, shadowAfterModification, result)) { + // Link should exist + PrismObject objectCurrent = focusContext.getObjectCurrent(); + if (objectCurrent != null) { + for (ObjectReferenceType linkRef : objectCurrent.asObjectable().getLinkRef()) { + if (projOid.equals(linkRef.getOid())) { + // Already linked, nothing to do, only be sure, the situation is set with the good value + LOGGER.trace("Updating situation in already linked shadow."); + updateSituationInShadow(task, SynchronizationSituationType.LINKED, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); + return; + } + } + } + // Not linked, need to link + linkShadow(focusContext.getOid(), projOid, focusObjectContext, projCtx, task, result); + // be sure, that the situation is set correctly + LOGGER.trace("Updating situation after shadow was linked."); + updateSituationInShadow(task, SynchronizationSituationType.LINKED, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); + } else { + // Link should NOT exist + if (!focusContext.isDelete()) { + PrismObject objectCurrent = focusContext.getObjectCurrent(); + // it is possible that objectCurrent is null (and objectNew is + // non-null), in case of User ADD operation (MID-2176) + if (objectCurrent != null) { + PrismReference linkRef = objectCurrent.findReference(FocusType.F_LINK_REF); + if (linkRef != null) { + for (PrismReferenceValue linkRefVal : linkRef.getValues()) { + if (linkRefVal.getOid().equals(projOid)) { + // Linked, need to unlink + unlinkShadow(focusContext.getOid(), linkRefVal, focusObjectContext, projCtx, task, result); + } + } + } + } + } + + // This should NOT be UNLINKED. We just do not know the situation here. Reflect that in the shadow. + LOGGER.trace("Resource object {} unlinked from the user, updating also situation in shadow.", projOid); + updateSituationInShadow(task, null, context, focusObjectContext, projCtx, result); + // Not linked, that's OK + } + } + + private boolean linkShouldExist(LensFocusContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, PrismObject shadowAfterModification, OperationResult result) { + if (focusContext.isDelete()) { + // if we delete focus, link doesn't exist anymore, but be sure, that the situation is updated in shadow + return false; + } + if (!projCtx.isShadowExistsInRepo()) { + // Nothing to link to + return false; + } + if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.UNLINK) { + return false; + } + if (isEmptyThombstone(projCtx)) { + return false; + } + if (projCtx.getSynchronizationPolicyDecision() == SynchronizationPolicyDecision.DELETE + || projCtx.isDelete()) { + return shadowAfterModification != null; + } + if (projCtx.hasPendingOperations()) { + return true; + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Return true if this projection is just a linkRef that points to no + * shadow. + */ + private boolean isEmptyThombstone(LensProjectionContext projCtx) { + return projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator() != null + && projCtx.getResourceShadowDiscriminator().isTombstone() + && projCtx.getObjectCurrent() == null; + } + + private void linkShadow(String userOid, String shadowOid, + LensElementContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, Task task, + OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { + + Class typeClass = focusContext.getObjectTypeClass(); + if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(typeClass)) { + return; + } + + String channel = focusContext.getLensContext().getChannel(); + + LOGGER.debug("Linking shadow " + shadowOid + " to focus " + userOid); + OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_LINK_ACCOUNT); + PrismReferenceValue linkRef = prismContext.itemFactory().createReferenceValue(); + linkRef.setOid(shadowOid); + linkRef.setTargetType(ShadowType.COMPLEX_TYPE); + Collection linkRefDeltas = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference() + .createModificationAddCollection(FocusType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), linkRef); + + try { + cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(typeClass, userOid, linkRefDeltas, result); + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, null); + } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, ex); + throw new SystemException(ex); + } catch (Throwable t) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, userOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, t); + throw t; + } finally { + result.computeStatus(); + ObjectDelta userDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object().createModifyDelta(userOid, linkRefDeltas, typeClass + ); + LensObjectDeltaOperation userDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation(userDelta, result, + focusContext, projCtx); + focusContext.addToExecutedDeltas(userDeltaOp); + } + + } + + private PrismObjectDefinition getUserDefinition() { + return userDefinition; + } + + private void unlinkShadow(String focusOid, PrismReferenceValue accountRef, + LensElementContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projCtx, Task task, + OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException { + + Class typeClass = focusContext.getObjectTypeClass(); + if (!FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(typeClass)) { + return; + } + + String channel = focusContext.getLensContext().getChannel(); + + LOGGER.debug("Unlinking shadow {} from focus {}", accountRef.getOid(), focusOid); + OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_UNLINK_ACCOUNT); + Collection accountRefDeltas = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference().createModificationDeleteCollection( + FocusType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), accountRef.clone()); + + try { + cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(typeClass, focusOid, accountRefDeltas, result); + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, null); + } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, ex); + result.recordFatalError(ex); + throw new SystemException(ex); + } catch (Throwable t) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(focusContext.getObjectAny(), typeClass, focusOid, + ChangeType.MODIFY, channel, t); + throw t; + } finally { + result.computeStatus(); + ObjectDelta userDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().object() + .createModifyDelta(focusOid, accountRefDeltas, typeClass + ); + LensObjectDeltaOperation userDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation(userDelta, result, + focusContext, projCtx); + focusContext.addToExecutedDeltas(userDeltaOp); + } + + } + + private void updateSituationInShadow(Task task, SynchronizationSituationType newSituation, + LensContext context, LensFocusContext focusContext, LensProjectionContext projectionCtx, + OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException { + + String projectionOid = projectionCtx.getOid(); + + OperationResult result = parentResult.createMinorSubresult(OPERATION_UPDATE_SITUATION_IN_SHADOW); + result.addArbitraryObjectAsParam("situation", newSituation); + result.addParam("accountRef", projectionOid); + + projectionCtx.setSynchronizationSituationResolved(newSituation); + + PrismObject currentShadow; + GetOperationOptions getOptions = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); + getOptions.setAllowNotFound(true); + try { + // TODO consider skipping this operation - at least in some cases + currentShadow = provisioning.getObject(ShadowType.class, projectionOid, + SelectorOptions.createCollection(getOptions), task, result); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { + LOGGER.trace("Shadow is gone, skipping modifying situation in shadow."); + result.recordSuccess(); + return; + } catch (Exception ex) { + LOGGER.trace("Problem with getting shadow, skipping modifying situation in shadow."); + result.recordPartialError(ex); + return; + } + + SynchronizationSituationType currentSynchronizationSituation = currentShadow.asObjectable().getSynchronizationSituation(); + if (currentSynchronizationSituation == SynchronizationSituationType.DELETED && ShadowUtil.isDead(currentShadow.asObjectable())) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping update of synchronization situation for deleted dead shadow"); + result.recordSuccess(); + return; + } + + InternalsConfigurationType internalsConfig = context.getInternalsConfiguration(); + boolean cansSkip = + internalsConfig != null && internalsConfig.getSynchronizationSituationUpdating() != null && + Boolean.TRUE.equals(internalsConfig.getSynchronizationSituationUpdating().isSkipWhenNoChange()); + if (cansSkip) { + if (newSituation == currentSynchronizationSituation) { + LOGGER.trace("Skipping update of synchronization situation because there is no change ({})", + currentSynchronizationSituation); + result.recordSuccess(); + return; + } else { + LOGGER.trace("Updating synchronization situation {} -> {}", currentSynchronizationSituation, newSituation); + } + } + + XMLGregorianCalendar now = clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(); + List> syncSituationDeltas = SynchronizationUtils + .createSynchronizationSituationAndDescriptionDelta(currentShadow, newSituation, task.getChannel(), + projectionCtx.hasFullShadow(), now, prismContext); + + try { + ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, focusContext); + ProvisioningOperationOptions options = ProvisioningOperationOptions.createCompletePostponed(false); + options.setDoNotDiscovery(true); + provisioning.modifyObject(ShadowType.class, projectionOid, syncSituationDeltas, null, options, task, result); + LOGGER.trace("Situation in projection {} was updated to {}.", projectionCtx, newSituation); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { + // if the object not found exception is thrown, it's ok..probably + // the account was deleted by previous execution of changes..just + // log in the trace the message for the user.. + LOGGER.debug( + "Situation in account could not be updated. Account not found on the resource. Skipping modifying situation in account"); + return; + } catch (Exception ex) { + result.recordFatalError(ex); + throw new SystemException(ex.getMessage(), ex); + } finally { + ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); + } + // if everything is OK, add result of the situation modification to the + // parent result + result.recordSuccess(); + } + + /** + * @return Returns estimate of the object after modification. Or null if the object was deleted. + * NOTE: this is only partially implemented (only for shadow delete). + */ + private PrismObject executeDelta(ObjectDelta objectDelta, + LensElementContext objectContext, LensContext context, ModelExecuteOptions options, + ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) + throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, + CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, + PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { + + if (objectDelta == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null change"); + } + + if (objectDelta.getOid() == null) { + objectDelta.setOid(objectContext.getOid()); + } + + objectDelta = computeDeltaToExecute(objectDelta, objectContext); + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + LOGGER.trace("computeDeltaToExecute returned:\n{}", + objectDelta != null ? objectDelta.debugDump(1) : "(null)"); + } + + if (objectDelta == null || objectDelta.isEmpty()) { + LOGGER.debug("Skipping execution of delta because it was already executed: {}", objectContext); + return objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); + } + + if (InternalsConfig.consistencyChecks) { + objectDelta.checkConsistence(ConsistencyCheckScope.fromBoolean(consistencyChecks)); + } + + // Other types than focus types may not be definition-complete (e.g. + // accounts and resources are completed in provisioning) + if (FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectDelta.getObjectTypeClass())) { + objectDelta.assertDefinitions(); + } + + LensUtil.setDeltaOldValue(objectContext, objectDelta); + + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + logDeltaExecution(objectDelta, context, resource, null, task); + } + + OperationResult result = parentResult.createSubresult(OPERATION_EXECUTE_DELTA); + PrismObject objectAfterModification = null; + + try { + if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.ADD) { + objectAfterModification = executeAddition(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, resource, task, result); + } else if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.MODIFY) { + executeModification(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, conflictResolution, resource, task, result); + } else if (objectDelta.getChangeType() == ChangeType.DELETE) { + objectAfterModification = executeDeletion(objectDelta, context, objectContext, options, resource, task, result); + } + + // To make sure that the OID is set (e.g. after ADD operation) + LensUtil.setContextOid(context, objectContext, objectDelta.getOid()); + + } finally { + + result.computeStatus(); + if (objectContext != null) { + if (!objectDelta.hasCompleteDefinition()) { + throw new SchemaException("object delta does not have complete definition"); + } + LensObjectDeltaOperation objectDeltaOp = LensUtil.createObjectDeltaOperation( + objectDelta.clone(), result, objectContext, null, resource); + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + LOGGER.trace("Recording executed delta:\n{}", objectDeltaOp.shorterDebugDump(1)); + } + objectContext.addToExecutedDeltas(objectDeltaOp); + if (result.isTracingNormal(ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType.class)) { + TraceType trace = new ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType(prismContext) + .delta(objectDeltaOp.clone().toLensObjectDeltaOperationType()); // todo kill operation result? + result.addTrace(trace); + } + } else { + if (result.isTracingNormal(ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType.class)) { + LensObjectDeltaOperation objectDeltaOp = new LensObjectDeltaOperation<>(objectDelta); // todo + TraceType trace = new ModelExecuteDeltaTraceType(prismContext) + .delta(objectDeltaOp.toLensObjectDeltaOperationType()); + result.addTrace(trace); + } + } + + if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + LOGGER.trace("EXECUTION result {}", result.getLastSubresult()); + } else { + // Execution of deltas was not logged yet + logDeltaExecution(objectDelta, context, resource, result.getLastSubresult(), task); + } + } + } + + return objectAfterModification; + } + + private void removeExecutedItemDeltas( + ObjectDelta objectDelta, LensElementContext objectContext) { + if (objectContext == null) { + return; + } + + if (objectDelta == null || objectDelta.isEmpty()) { + return; + } + + if (objectDelta.getModifications() == null || objectDelta.getModifications().isEmpty()) { + return; + } + + List> executedDeltas = objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(); + for (LensObjectDeltaOperation executedDelta : executedDeltas) { + ObjectDelta executed = executedDelta.getObjectDelta(); + Iterator objectDeltaIterator = objectDelta.getModifications().iterator(); + while (objectDeltaIterator.hasNext()) { + ItemDelta d = objectDeltaIterator.next(); + if (executed.containsModification(d, EquivalenceStrategy.LITERAL_IGNORE_METADATA) || d.isEmpty()) { // todo why literal? + objectDeltaIterator.remove(); + } + } + } + } + +// // TODO beware - what if the delta was executed but not successfully? +// private boolean alreadyExecuted(ObjectDelta objectDelta, +// LensElementContext objectContext) { +// if (objectContext == null) { +// return false; +// } +// if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { +// LOGGER.trace("Checking for already executed delta:\n{}\nIn deltas:\n{}", objectDelta.debugDump(), +// DebugUtil.debugDump(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas())); +// } +// return ObjectDeltaOperation.containsDelta(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(), objectDelta); +// } + + /** + * Was this object already added? (temporary method, should be removed soon) + */ + private boolean wasAdded(List> executedOperations, + String oid) { + for (LensObjectDeltaOperation operation : executedOperations) { + if (operation.getObjectDelta().isAdd() && oid.equals(operation.getObjectDelta().getOid()) + && !operation.getExecutionResult().isFatalError()) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Computes delta to execute, given a list of already executes deltas. See + * below. + */ + private ObjectDelta computeDeltaToExecute(ObjectDelta objectDelta, + LensElementContext objectContext) throws SchemaException { + if (objectContext == null) { + return objectDelta; + } + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + LOGGER.trace("Computing delta to execute from delta:\n{}\nGiven these executed deltas:\n{}", + objectDelta.debugDump(1), LensObjectDeltaOperation.shorterDebugDump(objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(), 1)); + } + List> executedDeltas = objectContext.getExecutedDeltas(); + ObjectDelta diffDelta = computeDiffDelta(executedDeltas, objectDelta); + + // One more check: is the computed delta idempotent related to objectCurrent? + // Currently we deal only with focusContext because of safety; and also because this check is a reaction + // in change to focus context secondary delta swallowing code (MID-5207). + // + // LookupTableType operation optimization is not available here, because it looks like that isRedundant + // does not work reliably for key-based row deletions (MID-5276). + if (diffDelta != null && objectContext instanceof LensFocusContext && + !objectContext.isOfType(LookupTableType.class) && + diffDelta.isRedundant(objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), false)) { + LOGGER.trace("delta is idempotent related to {}", objectContext.getObjectCurrent()); + return null; + } + return diffDelta; + } + + /** + * Compute a "difference delta" - given that executedDeltas were executed, + * and objectDelta is about to be executed; eliminates parts that have + * already been done. It is meant as a kind of optimization (for MODIFY + * deltas) and error avoidance (for ADD deltas). + *

+ * Explanation for ADD deltas: there are situations where an execution wave + * is restarted - when unexpected AlreadyExistsException is reported from + * provisioning. However, in such cases, duplicate ADD Focus deltas were + * generated. So we (TEMPORARILY!) decided to filter them out here. + *

+ * Unfortunately, this mechanism is not well-defined, and seems to work more + * "by accident" than "by design". It should be replaced with something more + * serious. Perhaps by re-reading current focus state when repeating a wave? + * Actually, it is a supplement for rewriting ADD->MODIFY deltas in + * LensElementContext.getFixedPrimaryDelta. That method converts primary + * deltas (and as far as I know, that is the only place where this problem + * should occur). Nevertheless, for historical and safety reasons I keep + * also the processing in this method. + *

+ * Anyway, currently it treats only three cases: + * 1) if the objectDelta is present in the list of executed deltas + * 2) if the objectDelta is ADD, and another ADD delta is there (then the difference is computed) + * 3) if objectDelta is MODIFY or DELETE and previous delta was MODIFY + */ + private ObjectDelta computeDiffDelta( + List> executedDeltas, ObjectDelta objectDelta) { + if (executedDeltas == null || executedDeltas.isEmpty()) { + return objectDelta; + } + + // any delta related to our OID, not ending with fatal error + ObjectDeltaOperation lastRelated = findLastRelatedDelta(executedDeltas, objectDelta); + if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { + LOGGER.trace("findLastRelatedDelta returned:\n{}", + lastRelated != null ? lastRelated.shorterDebugDump(1) : " (null)"); + } + if (lastRelated == null) { + return objectDelta; // nothing found, let us apply our delta + } + if (lastRelated.getExecutionResult().isSuccess() && lastRelated.containsDelta(objectDelta)) { + return null; // case 1 - exact match found with SUCCESS result, + // let's skip the processing of our delta + } + if (!objectDelta.isAdd()) { + if (lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { + return null; // case 3 + } else { + return objectDelta; // MODIFY or DELETE delta after ADD or MODIFY delta - we may safely apply it + } + } + // determine if we got case 2 + if (lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { + return objectDelta; // we can (and should) apply the ADD delta as a + // whole, because the object was deleted + } + // let us treat the most simple case here - meaning we have existing ADD + // delta and nothing more + // TODO add more sophistication if needed + if (!lastRelated.getObjectDelta().isAdd()) { + return objectDelta; // this will probably fail, but ... + } + // at this point we know that ADD was more-or-less successfully + // executed, so let's compute the difference, creating a MODIFY delta + PrismObject alreadyAdded = lastRelated.getObjectDelta().getObjectToAdd(); + PrismObject toBeAddedNow = objectDelta.getObjectToAdd(); + return alreadyAdded.diff(toBeAddedNow); + } + + private ObjectDeltaOperation findLastRelatedDelta( + List> executedDeltas, ObjectDelta objectDelta) { + for (int i = executedDeltas.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + ObjectDeltaOperation currentOdo = executedDeltas.get(i); + if (currentOdo.getExecutionResult().isFatalError()) { + continue; + } + ObjectDelta current = currentOdo.getObjectDelta(); + + if (current.equals(objectDelta)) { + return currentOdo; + } + + String oid1 = current.isAdd() ? current.getObjectToAdd().getOid() : current.getOid(); + String oid2 = objectDelta.isAdd() ? objectDelta.getObjectToAdd().getOid() + : objectDelta.getOid(); + if (oid1 != null && oid2 != null) { + if (oid1.equals(oid2)) { + return currentOdo; + } + continue; + } + // ADD-MODIFY and ADD-DELETE combinations lead to applying whole + // delta (as a result of computeDiffDelta) + // so we can be lazy and check only ADD-ADD combinations here... + if (!current.isAdd() || !objectDelta.isAdd()) { + continue; + } + // we simply check the type (for focus objects) and + // resource+kind+intent (for shadows) + PrismObject currentObject = current.getObjectToAdd(); + PrismObject objectTypeToAdd = objectDelta.getObjectToAdd(); + Class currentObjectClass = currentObject.getCompileTimeClass(); + Class objectTypeToAddClass = objectTypeToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(); + if (currentObjectClass == null || !currentObjectClass.equals(objectTypeToAddClass)) { + continue; + } + if (FocusType.class.isAssignableFrom(currentObjectClass)) { + return currentOdo; // we suppose there is only one delta of + // Focus class + } + } + return null; + } + + private ProvisioningOperationOptions copyFromModelOptions(ModelExecuteOptions options) { + ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = new ProvisioningOperationOptions(); + if (options == null) { + return provisioningOptions; + } + + provisioningOptions.setForce(options.getForce()); + provisioningOptions.setOverwrite(options.getOverwrite()); + return provisioningOptions; + } + + private ProvisioningOperationOptions getProvisioningOptions(LensContext context, + ModelExecuteOptions modelOptions, PrismObject existingShadow, ObjectDelta delta) throws SecurityViolationException { + if (modelOptions == null && context != null) { + modelOptions = context.getOptions(); + } + ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = copyFromModelOptions(modelOptions); + + if (executeAsSelf(context, modelOptions, existingShadow, delta)) { + LOGGER.trace("Setting 'execute as self' provisioning option for {}", existingShadow); + provisioningOptions.setRunAsAccountOid(existingShadow.getOid()); + } + + if (context != null && context.getChannel() != null) { + + if (context.getChannel().equals(QNameUtil.qNameToUri(SchemaConstants.CHANGE_CHANNEL_RECON))) { + // TODO: this is probably wrong. We should not have special case + // for recon channel! This should be handled by the provisioning task + // setting the right options there. + provisioningOptions.setCompletePostponed(false); + } + + if (context.getChannel().equals(SchemaConstants.CHANGE_CHANNEL_DISCOVERY_URI)) { + // We want to avoid endless loops in error handling. + provisioningOptions.setDoNotDiscovery(true); + } + } + + return provisioningOptions; + } + + // This is a bit of black magic. We only want to execute as self if there a user is changing its own password + // and we also have old password value. + // Later, this should be improved. Maybe we need special model operation option for this? Or maybe it should be somehow + // automatically detected based on resource capabilities? We do not know yet. Therefore let's do the simplest possible + // thing. Otherwise we might do something that we will later regret. + private boolean executeAsSelf(LensContext context, + ModelExecuteOptions modelOptions, PrismObject existingShadow, ObjectDelta delta) throws SecurityViolationException { + if (existingShadow == null) { + return false; + } + + if (!SchemaConstants.CHANNEL_GUI_SELF_SERVICE_URI.equals(context.getChannel())) { + return false; + } + + if (delta == null) { + return false; + } + if (!delta.isModify()) { + return false; + } + PropertyDelta passwordDelta = delta.findPropertyDelta(SchemaConstants.PATH_PASSWORD_VALUE); + if (passwordDelta == null) { + return false; + } + if (passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues() == null || passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues().isEmpty()) { + return false; + } + ProtectedStringType oldPassword = passwordDelta.getEstimatedOldValues().iterator().next().getValue(); + if (!oldPassword.canGetCleartext()) { + return false; + } + + LensFocusContext focusContext = context.getFocusContext(); + if (focusContext == null) { + return false; + } + if (!focusContext.represents(UserType.class)) { + return false; + } + + MidPointPrincipal principal = securityContextManager.getPrincipal(); + if (principal == null) { + return false; + } + FocusType loggedInUser = principal.getFocus(); + + if (!loggedInUser.getOid().equals(focusContext.getOid())) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + private void logDeltaExecution(ObjectDelta objectDelta, + LensContext context, ResourceType resource, OperationResult result, Task task) { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("---[ "); + if (result == null) { + sb.append("Going to EXECUTE"); + } else { + sb.append("EXECUTED"); + } + sb.append(" delta of ").append(objectDelta.getObjectTypeClass().getSimpleName()); + sb.append(" ]---------------------\n"); + DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Channel", 0); + sb.append(" ").append(LensUtil.getChannel(context, task)).append("\n"); + if (context != null) { + DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Wave", 0); + sb.append(" ").append(context.getExecutionWave()).append("\n"); + } + if (resource != null) { + sb.append("Resource: ").append(resource.toString()).append("\n"); + } + sb.append(objectDelta.debugDump()); + sb.append("\n"); + if (result != null) { + DebugUtil.debugDumpLabel(sb, "Result", 0); + sb.append(" ").append(result.getStatus()).append(": ").append(result.getMessage()); + } + sb.append("\n--------------------------------------------------"); + + LOGGER.debug("\n{}", sb); + } + + private OwnerResolver createOwnerResolver(final LensContext context, Task task, + OperationResult result) { + return new LensOwnerResolver<>(context, objectResolver, task, result); + } + + private PrismObject executeAddition(ObjectDelta change, + LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, + ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException, + ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, + SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { + + PrismObject objectToAdd = change.getObjectToAdd(); + + for (ItemDelta delta : change.getModifications()) { + delta.applyTo(objectToAdd); + } + change.getModifications().clear(); + + OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); + T objectTypeToAdd = objectToAdd.asObjectable(); + try { + securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.ADD.getUrl(), + AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectAdd(objectToAdd), ownerResolver, task, result); + + metadataManager.applyMetadataAdd(context, objectToAdd, clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(), task, result); + + if (options == null) { + options = context.getOptions(); + } + + RepoAddOptions addOpt = new RepoAddOptions(); + if (ModelExecuteOptions.isOverwrite(options)) { + addOpt.setOverwrite(true); + } + if (ModelExecuteOptions.isNoCrypt(options)) { + addOpt.setAllowUnencryptedValues(true); + } + + String oid; + if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof TaskType) { + oid = addTask((TaskType) objectTypeToAdd, addOpt, result); + } else if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof NodeType) { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NodeType cannot be added using model interface"); + } else if (ObjectTypes.isManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeToAdd)) { + + ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, + (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) change); + + oid = addProvisioningObject(objectToAdd, context, objectContext, provisioningOptions, + resource, task, result); + if (oid == null) { + throw new SystemException( + "Provisioning addObject returned null OID while adding " + objectToAdd); + } + result.addReturn("createdAccountOid", oid); + } else { + FocusConstraintsChecker.clearCacheFor(objectToAdd.asObjectable().getName()); + + oid = cacheRepositoryService.addObject(objectToAdd, addOpt, result); + if (oid == null) { + throw new SystemException("Repository addObject returned null OID while adding " + objectToAdd); + } + } + if (!change.isImmutable()) { + change.setOid(oid); + } + objectToAdd.setOid(oid); + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectToAdd, objectToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(), oid, + ChangeType.ADD, context.getChannel(), null); + return objectToAdd; + } catch (Throwable t) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectToAdd, objectToAdd.getCompileTimeClass(), null, + ChangeType.ADD, context.getChannel(), t); + if (objectTypeToAdd instanceof ShadowType) { + handleProvisioningError(resource, t, task, result); + ((LensProjectionContext) objectContext).setSynchronizationPolicyDecision(SynchronizationPolicyDecision.BROKEN); + return null; + } + throw t; + + } + } + + private void handleProvisioningError(ResourceType resource, Throwable t, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, PreconditionViolationException, CommunicationException, SchemaException { + ErrorSelectorType errorSelectorType = ResourceTypeUtil.getConnectorErrorCriticality(resource); + CriticalityType criticality = ExceptionUtil.getCriticality(errorSelectorType, t, CriticalityType.FATAL); + RepoCommonUtils.processErrorCriticality(task, criticality, t, result); + if (CriticalityType.IGNORE == criticality) { + result.muteLastSubresultError(); + } + } + + private PrismObject executeDeletion(ObjectDelta change, + LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, + ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, + ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, + ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { + + String oid = change.getOid(); + Class objectTypeClass = change.getObjectTypeClass(); + + PrismObject objectOld = objectContext.getObjectOld(); + OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); + PrismObject objectAfterModification = null; + try { + securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.DELETE.getUrl(), + AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectDelete(objectOld), ownerResolver, task, result); + + if (TaskType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + taskManager.deleteTask(oid, result); + } else if (NodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + taskManager.deleteNode(oid, result); + } else if (ObjectTypes.isClassManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeClass)) { + ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, + (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) change); + try { + objectAfterModification = deleteProvisioningObject(objectTypeClass, oid, context, objectContext, + provisioningOptions, resource, task, result); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { + // Object that we wanted to delete is already gone. This can + // happen in some race conditions. + // As the resulting state is the same as we wanted it to be + // we will not complain and we will go on. + LOGGER.trace("Attempt to delete object {} ({}) that is already gone", oid, + objectTypeClass); + result.muteLastSubresultError(); + } + } else { + try { + cacheRepositoryService.deleteObject(objectTypeClass, oid, result); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { + // Object that we wanted to delete is already gone. This can + // happen in some race conditions. + // As the resulting state is the same as we wanted it to be + // we will not complain and we will go on. + LOGGER.trace("Attempt to delete object {} ({}) that is already gone", oid, + objectTypeClass); + result.muteLastSubresultError(); + } + } + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectOld, objectTypeClass, oid, ChangeType.DELETE, + context.getChannel(), null); + } catch (Throwable t) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(objectOld, objectTypeClass, oid, ChangeType.DELETE, + context.getChannel(), t); + + if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + handleProvisioningError(resource, t, task, result); + return objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); + } + + throw t; + } + + return objectAfterModification; + } + + private void executeModification(ObjectDelta delta, + LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ModelExecuteOptions options, + ConflictResolutionType conflictResolution, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) + throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, CommunicationException, + ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, PolicyViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PreconditionViolationException { + Class objectTypeClass = delta.getObjectTypeClass(); + + // We need current object here. The current object is used to get data for id-only container delete deltas, + // replace deltas and so on. The authorization code can figure out new object if needed, but it needs + // current object to start from. + // We cannot use old object here. That would fail in multi-wave executions. We want object that has all the previous + // wave changes already applied. + PrismObject baseObject = objectContext.getObjectCurrent(); + OwnerResolver ownerResolver = createOwnerResolver(context, task, result); + try { + securityEnforcer.authorize(ModelAuthorizationAction.MODIFY.getUrl(), + AuthorizationPhaseType.EXECUTION, AuthorizationParameters.Builder.buildObjectDelta(baseObject, delta), ownerResolver, task, result); + + if (shouldApplyModifyMetadata(objectTypeClass, context.getSystemConfigurationType())) { + metadataManager.applyMetadataModify(delta, objectContext, objectTypeClass, + clock.currentTimeXMLGregorianCalendar(), task, context, result); + } + + if (delta.isEmpty()) { + // Nothing to do + return; + } + + if (TaskType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + taskManager.modifyTask(delta.getOid(), delta.getModifications(), result); + } else if (NodeType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NodeType is not modifiable using model interface"); + } else if (ObjectTypes.isClassManagedByProvisioning(objectTypeClass)) { + ProvisioningOperationOptions provisioningOptions = getProvisioningOptions(context, options, + (PrismObject) objectContext.getObjectCurrent(), (ObjectDelta) delta); + String oid = modifyProvisioningObject(objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), + delta.getModifications(), context, objectContext, provisioningOptions, resource, + task, result); + if (!oid.equals(delta.getOid())) { + delta.setOid(oid); + } + } else { + FocusConstraintsChecker.clearCacheForDelta(delta.getModifications()); + ModificationPrecondition precondition = null; + if (conflictResolution != null) { + String readVersion = objectContext.getObjectReadVersion(); + if (readVersion != null) { + LOGGER.trace("Modification with precondition, readVersion={}", readVersion); + precondition = new VersionPrecondition<>(readVersion); + } else { + LOGGER.warn("Requested careful modification of {}, but there is no read version", objectContext.getHumanReadableName()); + } + } + cacheRepositoryService.modifyObject(objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), + delta.getModifications(), precondition, null, result); + } + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(baseObject, objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), ChangeType.MODIFY, + context.getChannel(), null); + } catch (Throwable t) { + task.recordObjectActionExecuted(baseObject, objectTypeClass, delta.getOid(), ChangeType.MODIFY, + context.getChannel(), t); + throw t; + } + } + + private boolean shouldApplyModifyMetadata(Class objectTypeClass, SystemConfigurationType config) { + if (!ShadowType.class.equals(objectTypeClass)) { + return true; + } else if (config == null || config.getInternals() == null || config.getInternals().getShadowMetadataRecording() == null) { + return true; + } else { + MetadataRecordingStrategyType recording = config.getInternals().getShadowMetadataRecording(); + return !Boolean.TRUE.equals(recording.isSkipOnModify()); + } + } + + private String addTask(TaskType task, RepoAddOptions addOpt, OperationResult result) + throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException { + try { + return taskManager.addTask(task.asPrismObject(), addOpt, result); + } catch (ObjectAlreadyExistsException ex) { + throw ex; + } catch (Exception ex) { + LoggingUtils.logException(LOGGER, "Couldn't add object {} to task manager", ex, task.getName()); + throw new SystemException(ex.getMessage(), ex); + } + } + + private String addProvisioningObject(PrismObject object, + LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ProvisioningOperationOptions options, + ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, + ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, + ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException { + + if (object.canRepresent(ShadowType.class)) { + ShadowType shadow = (ShadowType) object.asObjectable(); + String resourceOid = ShadowUtil.getResourceOid(shadow); + if (resourceOid == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource OID is null in shadow"); + } + } + + OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; + if (object.canRepresent(ShadowType.class)) { + scripts = prepareScripts(object, context, objectContext, ProvisioningOperationTypeType.ADD, + resource, task, result); + } + ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); + String oid = provisioning.addObject(object, scripts, options, task, result); + ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); + return oid; + } + + private PrismObject deleteProvisioningObject( + Class objectTypeClass, String oid, LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, + ProvisioningOperationOptions options, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) + throws ObjectNotFoundException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, SchemaException, + CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, + ExpressionEvaluationException, PolicyViolationException { + + PrismObject shadowToModify = null; + OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; + try { + GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); + rootOpts.setPointInTimeType(PointInTimeType.FUTURE); + shadowToModify = provisioning.getObject(objectTypeClass, oid, + SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts), task, result); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { + // this is almost OK, mute the error and try to delete account (it + // will fail if something is wrong) + result.muteLastSubresultError(); + } + if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + scripts = prepareScripts(shadowToModify, context, objectContext, + ProvisioningOperationTypeType.DELETE, resource, task, result); + } + ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); + PrismObject objectAfterModification = provisioning.deleteObject(objectTypeClass, oid, options, scripts, task, result); + ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); + return objectAfterModification; + } + + private String modifyProvisioningObject( + Class objectTypeClass, String oid, Collection modifications, + LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, ProvisioningOperationOptions options, + ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) throws ObjectNotFoundException, + CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, + SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException, PolicyViolationException { + + PrismObject shadowToModify = null; + OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = null; + try { + GetOperationOptions rootOpts = GetOperationOptions.createNoFetch(); + rootOpts.setPointInTimeType(PointInTimeType.FUTURE); + shadowToModify = provisioning.getObject(objectTypeClass, oid, + SelectorOptions.createCollection(rootOpts), task, result); + } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { + // We do not want the operation to fail here. The object might have + // been re-created on the resource + // or discovery might re-create it. So simply ignore this error and + // give provisioning a chance to fail + // properly. + result.muteLastSubresultError(); + LOGGER.warn("Repository object {}: {} is gone. But trying to modify resource object anyway", + objectTypeClass, oid); + } + if (ShadowType.class.isAssignableFrom(objectTypeClass)) { + scripts = prepareScripts(shadowToModify, context, objectContext, + ProvisioningOperationTypeType.MODIFY, resource, task, result); + } + ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); + String changedOid = provisioning.modifyObject(objectTypeClass, oid, modifications, scripts, options, + task, result); + ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); + return changedOid; + } + + private OperationProvisioningScriptsType prepareScripts( + PrismObject changedObject, LensContext context, LensElementContext objectContext, + ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, ResourceType resource, Task task, OperationResult result) + throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, + ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ExpressionEvaluationException { + + if (resource == null) { + LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing scripts."); + return null; + } + OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts = resource.getScripts(); + PrismObject resourceObject = (PrismObject) changedObject; + + PrismObject user = null; + if (context.getFocusContext() != null) { + if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew() != null) { + user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); + } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectCurrent() != null) { + user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectCurrent(); + } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld() != null) { + user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); + } + } + + LensProjectionContext projectionCtx = (LensProjectionContext) objectContext; + PrismObject shadow = null; + if (projectionCtx.getObjectNew() != null) { + shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectNew(); + } else if (projectionCtx.getObjectCurrent() != null) { + shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectCurrent(); + } else { + shadow = projectionCtx.getObjectOld(); + } + + if (shadow == null) { + //put at least something + shadow = resourceObject.clone(); + } + + ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr = ((LensProjectionContext) objectContext) + .getResourceShadowDiscriminator(); + + ExpressionVariables variables = ModelImplUtils.getDefaultExpressionVariables(user, shadow, discr, + resource.asPrismObject(), context.getSystemConfiguration(), objectContext, prismContext); + // Having delta in provisioning scripts may be very useful. E.g. the script can optimize execution of expensive operations. + variables.put(ExpressionConstants.VAR_DELTA, projectionCtx.getDelta(), ObjectDelta.class); + ExpressionProfile expressionProfile = MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(); + ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.pushExpressionEnvironment(new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, (LensProjectionContext) objectContext, task, result)); + try { + return evaluateScript(resourceScripts, discr, operation, null, variables, expressionProfile, context, objectContext, task, result); + } finally { + ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.popExpressionEnvironment(); + } + + } + + private OperationProvisioningScriptsType evaluateScript(OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts, + ResourceShadowDiscriminator discr, ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, BeforeAfterType order, + ExpressionVariables variables, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, LensContext context, + LensElementContext objectContext, Task task, + OperationResult result) + throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { + OperationProvisioningScriptsType outScripts = new OperationProvisioningScriptsType(); + + if (resourceScripts != null) { + OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts = resourceScripts.clone(); + for (OperationProvisioningScriptType script : scripts.getScript()) { + if (discr != null) { + if (script.getKind() != null && !script.getKind().isEmpty() + && !script.getKind().contains(discr.getKind())) { + continue; + } + if (script.getIntent() != null && !script.getIntent().isEmpty() + && !script.getIntent().contains(discr.getIntent()) && discr.getIntent() != null) { + continue; + } + } + if (operation != null) { + if (!script.getOperation().contains(operation)) { + continue; + } + } + if (order != null) { + if (order != null && order != script.getOrder()) { + continue; + } + } + // Let's do the most expensive evaluation last + if (!evaluateScriptCondition(script, variables, expressionProfile, task, result)) { + continue; + } + for (ProvisioningScriptArgumentType argument : script.getArgument()) { + evaluateScriptArgument(argument, variables, context, objectContext, task, result); + } + outScripts.getScript().add(script); + } + } + + return outScripts; + } + + private boolean evaluateScriptCondition(OperationProvisioningScriptType script, + ExpressionVariables variables, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, Task task, OperationResult result) throws SchemaException, ExpressionEvaluationException, ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { + ExpressionType condition = script.getCondition(); + if (condition == null) { + return true; + } + + PrismPropertyValue conditionOutput = ExpressionUtil.evaluateCondition(variables, condition, expressionProfile, expressionFactory, " condition for provisioning script ", task, result); + if (conditionOutput == null) { + return true; + } + + Boolean conditionOutputValue = conditionOutput.getValue(); + + return BooleanUtils.isNotFalse(conditionOutputValue); + + } + + private void evaluateScriptArgument(ProvisioningScriptArgumentType argument, + ExpressionVariables variables, LensContext context, + LensElementContext objectContext, Task task, OperationResult result) + throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, + CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException { + + final QName fakeScriptArgumentName = new QName(SchemaConstants.NS_C, "arg"); + + PrismPropertyDefinition scriptArgumentDefinition = prismContext.definitionFactory().createPropertyDefinition( + fakeScriptArgumentName, DOMUtil.XSD_STRING); + + String shortDesc = "Provisioning script argument expression"; + Expression, PrismPropertyDefinition> expression = expressionFactory + .makeExpression(argument, scriptArgumentDefinition, MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(), shortDesc, task, result); + + ExpressionEvaluationContext params = new ExpressionEvaluationContext(null, variables, shortDesc, task); + ExpressionEnvironment env = new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, + objectContext instanceof LensProjectionContext ? (LensProjectionContext) objectContext : null, task, result); + PrismValueDeltaSetTriple> outputTriple = ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder + .evaluateExpressionInContext(expression, params, env, result); + + Collection> nonNegativeValues = null; + if (outputTriple != null) { + nonNegativeValues = outputTriple.getNonNegativeValues(); + } + + // replace dynamic script with static value.. + XNodeFactory factory = prismContext.xnodeFactory(); + + argument.getExpressionEvaluator().clear(); + if (nonNegativeValues == null || nonNegativeValues.isEmpty()) { + // We need to create at least one evaluator. Otherwise the + // expression code will complain + JAXBElement el = new JAXBElement<>(SchemaConstants.C_VALUE, RawType.class, new RawType(prismContext)); + argument.getExpressionEvaluator().add(el); + + } else { + for (PrismPropertyValue val : nonNegativeValues) { + PrimitiveXNode prim = factory.primitive(val.getValue(), DOMUtil.XSD_STRING); + JAXBElement el = new JAXBElement<>(SchemaConstants.C_VALUE, RawType.class, new RawType(prim, prismContext)); + argument.getExpressionEvaluator().add(el); + } + } + } + + private void executeReconciliationScript( + LensProjectionContext projContext, LensContext context, BeforeAfterType order, Task task, + OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, + ExpressionEvaluationException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, + SecurityViolationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException { + + if (!projContext.isDoReconciliation()) { + return; + } + + ResourceType resource = projContext.getResource(); + if (resource == null) { + LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing reconciliation scripts."); + return; + } + + OperationProvisioningScriptsType resourceScripts = resource.getScripts(); + if (resourceScripts == null) { + return; + } + ExpressionProfile expressionProfile = MiscSchemaUtil.getExpressionProfile(); + executeProvisioningScripts(context, projContext, resourceScripts, ProvisioningOperationTypeType.RECONCILE, order, expressionProfile, task, parentResult); + } + + private Object executeProvisioningScripts(LensContext context, LensProjectionContext projContext, + OperationProvisioningScriptsType scripts, ProvisioningOperationTypeType operation, BeforeAfterType order, ExpressionProfile expressionProfile, Task task, OperationResult parentResult) + throws SchemaException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException, + CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, ObjectAlreadyExistsException { + + ResourceType resource = projContext.getResource(); + if (resource == null) { + LOGGER.warn("Resource does not exist. Skipping processing reconciliation scripts."); + return null; + } + + PrismObject user = null; + PrismObject shadow = null; + + if (context.getFocusContext() != null) { + if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew() != null) { + user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); + } else if (context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld() != null) { + user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); + } + // if (order == ProvisioningScriptOrderType.BEFORE) { + // user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectOld(); + // } else if (order == ProvisioningScriptOrderType.AFTER) { + // user = context.getFocusContext().getObjectNew(); + // } else { + // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown order "+order); + // } + } + + if (order == BeforeAfterType.BEFORE) { + shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectOld(); + } else if (order == BeforeAfterType.AFTER) { + shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectNew(); + } else { + shadow = (PrismObject) projContext.getObjectCurrent(); + } + + ExpressionVariables variables = ModelImplUtils.getDefaultExpressionVariables(user, shadow, + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), resource.asPrismObject(), + context.getSystemConfiguration(), projContext, prismContext); + Object scriptResult = null; + ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.pushExpressionEnvironment(new ExpressionEnvironment<>(context, projContext, task, parentResult)); + try { + OperationProvisioningScriptsType evaluatedScript = evaluateScript(scripts, + projContext.getResourceShadowDiscriminator(), operation, order, + variables, expressionProfile, context, projContext, task, parentResult); + for (OperationProvisioningScriptType script : evaluatedScript.getScript()) { + ModelImplUtils.setRequestee(task, context); + scriptResult = provisioning.executeScript(resource.getOid(), script, task, parentResult); + ModelImplUtils.clearRequestee(task); + } + } finally { + ModelExpressionThreadLocalHolder.popExpressionEnvironment(); + } + + return scriptResult; + } + +} diff --git a/model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelCrudService.java b/model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelCrudService.java index cf628993b63..67c8144e1dd 100644 --- a/model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelCrudService.java +++ b/model/model-intest/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/model/intest/TestModelCrudService.java @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; +import com.evolveum.midpoint.test.DummyResourceContoller; + import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; @@ -48,16 +50,29 @@ public class TestModelCrudService extends AbstractInitializedModelIntegrationTes public static final File RESOURCE_MAROON_FILE = new File(TEST_DIR, "resource-dummy-maroon.xml"); public static final String RESOURCE_MAROON_OID = "10000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000e104"; + private static final File RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_FILE = new File(TEST_DIR, "resource-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml"); + private static final String RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_OID = "10000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000e105"; + private static final String RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_NAME = "maroonNoDelete"; + private static final String USER_MORGAN_OID = "c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-171171117777"; private static final String USER_BLACKBEARD_OID = "c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-161161116666"; + private static final File ACCOUNT_JACK_DUMMY_MAROON_NO_DELETE_FILE = new File(TEST_DIR, "account-jack-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml"); private static String accountOid; @Autowired protected ModelCrudService modelCrudService; + private DummyResourceContoller maroonNoDeleteCtl; + + @Override + public void initSystem(Task initTask, OperationResult initResult) throws Exception { + super.initSystem(initTask, initResult); + maroonNoDeleteCtl = initDummyResource(RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_NAME, RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_FILE, RESOURCE_MAROON_NO_DELETE_OID, initTask, initResult); + } + @Test - public void test050AddResource() throws Exception { + public void test050AddResourceMaroon() throws Exception { // GIVEN Task task = getTestTask(); OperationResult result = task.getResult(); @@ -78,50 +93,12 @@ public void test050AddResource() throws Exception { PrismObject resourceAfter = modelService.getObject(ResourceType.class, RESOURCE_MAROON_OID, null, task, result); assertEquals("Wrong orig in resource name", "Dummy Resource Maroon", resourceAfter.asObjectable().getName().getOrig()); assertEquals("Wrong norm in resource name", "dummy resource maroon", resourceAfter.asObjectable().getName().getNorm()); + } @Test public void test100ModifyUserAddAccount() throws Exception { - // GIVEN - Task task = getTestTask(); - OperationResult result = task.getResult(); - assumeAssignmentPolicy(AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType.NONE); - - PrismObject account = PrismTestUtil.parseObject(ACCOUNT_JACK_DUMMY_FILE); - - Collection> modifications = new ArrayList<>(); - PrismReferenceValue accountRefVal = itemFactory().createReferenceValue(); - accountRefVal.setObject(account); - ReferenceDelta accountDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference() - .createModificationAdd(UserType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), accountRefVal); - modifications.add(accountDelta); - - // WHEN - modelCrudService.modifyObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, modifications, null, task, result); - - // THEN - // Check accountRef - PrismObject userJack = modelService.getObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, null, task, result); - assertUserJack(userJack); - UserType userJackType = userJack.asObjectable(); - assertEquals("Unexpected number of accountRefs", 1, userJackType.getLinkRef().size()); - ObjectReferenceType accountRefType = userJackType.getLinkRef().get(0); - accountOid = accountRefType.getOid(); - assertFalse("No accountRef oid", StringUtils.isBlank(accountOid)); - PrismReferenceValue accountRefValue = accountRefType.asReferenceValue(); - assertEquals("OID mismatch in accountRefValue", accountOid, accountRefValue.getOid()); - assertNull("Unexpected object in accountRefValue", accountRefValue.getObject()); - - // Check shadow - PrismObject accountShadow = repositoryService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountOid, null, result); - assertDummyAccountShadowRepo(accountShadow, accountOid, "jack"); - - // Check account - PrismObject accountModel = modelService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountOid, null, task, result); - assertDummyAccountShadowModel(accountModel, accountOid, "jack", "Jack Sparrow"); - - // Check account in dummy resource - assertDefaultDummyAccount("jack", "Jack Sparrow", true); + testModifyUserJackAddAccount(ACCOUNT_JACK_DUMMY_FILE, dummyResourceCtl); } @Test @@ -385,4 +362,77 @@ public void test220DeleteUserMorgan() throws Exception { IntegrationTestTools.display(result); TestUtil.assertSuccess(result); } + + @Test + public void test301modifyJAckAddAccount() throws Exception { + testModifyUserJackAddAccount(ACCOUNT_JACK_DUMMY_MAROON_NO_DELETE_FILE, maroonNoDeleteCtl); + } + + // test302 has to run after test301, because test302 relies on accountOid set in test301 + @Test + public void test302deleteUserJack() throws Exception { + // GIVEN + Task task = getTestTask(); + OperationResult result = task.getResult(); + + //WHEN + try { + deleteObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, task, result); + fail("Unexpected success. Should fail because resource doesn't support delete and criticality is not set"); + } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { + // this is expected + } + + //THEN + // Check shadow, must be still in repo, becuase resource doesn't support delete + PrismObject accountShadow = repositoryService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountOid, null, result); + assertAccountShadowRepo(accountShadow, accountOid, "jack", maroonNoDeleteCtl.getResourceType()); + //check that situation was updated MID-4038 + assertSituation(accountShadow, null); + + } + + private void testModifyUserJackAddAccount(File accountFile, DummyResourceContoller dummyController) throws Exception { + // GIVEN + Task task = getTestTask(); + OperationResult result = task.getResult(); + assumeAssignmentPolicy(AssignmentPolicyEnforcementType.NONE); + + PrismObject account = PrismTestUtil.parseObject(accountFile); + + Collection> modifications = new ArrayList<>(); + PrismReferenceValue accountRefVal = itemFactory().createReferenceValue(); + accountRefVal.setObject(account); + ReferenceDelta accountDelta = prismContext.deltaFactory().reference() + .createModificationAdd(UserType.F_LINK_REF, getUserDefinition(), accountRefVal); + modifications.add(accountDelta); + + // WHEN + modelCrudService.modifyObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, modifications, null, task, result); + + // THEN + // Check accountRef + PrismObject userJack = modelService.getObject(UserType.class, USER_JACK_OID, null, task, result); + assertUserJack(userJack); + UserType userJackType = userJack.asObjectable(); + assertEquals("Unexpected number of accountRefs", 1, userJackType.getLinkRef().size()); + ObjectReferenceType accountRefType = userJackType.getLinkRef().get(0); + accountOid = accountRefType.getOid(); + assertFalse("No accountRef oid", StringUtils.isBlank(accountOid)); + PrismReferenceValue accountRefValue = accountRefType.asReferenceValue(); + assertEquals("OID mismatch in accountRefValue", accountOid, accountRefValue.getOid()); + assertNull("Unexpected object in accountRefValue", accountRefValue.getObject()); + + // Check shadow + PrismObject accountShadow = repositoryService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountOid, null, result); + assertAccountShadowRepo(accountShadow, accountOid, "jack", dummyController.getResourceType()); + assertSituation(accountShadow, SynchronizationSituationType.LINKED); + + // Check account + PrismObject accountModel = modelService.getObject(ShadowType.class, accountOid, null, task, result); + assertAccountShadowModel(accountModel, accountOid, "jack", dummyController.getResourceType()); + + // Check account in dummy resource + assertDummyAccount(dummyController.getDummyResource().getInstanceName(), "jack", "Jack Sparrow", true); + } } diff --git a/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/account-jack-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml b/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/account-jack-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2242170d1bf --- /dev/null +++ b/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/account-jack-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + + + ri:AccountObjectClass + + jack + Jack Sparrow + + + enabled + + diff --git a/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/resource-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml b/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/resource-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d0404d7806c --- /dev/null +++ b/model/model-intest/src/test/resources/crud/resource-dummy-maroon-no-delete.xml @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + + + + + Dummy Resource Maroon No Delete + + + Resource used for add test in CRUD interface + + + + + connectorType + com.evolveum.icf.dummy.connector.DummyConnector + + + connectorVersion + 2.0 + + + + + + + + maroonNoDelete + + + + + + + + false + + + + +