From 3b3b42f1c48548cfc1373f4abfe0772fa10d02d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: honchar Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 10:50:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Updated search panel properties for Request a role panel --- .../web/component/assignment/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/web/component/assignment/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/web/component/assignment/ index e92b318e306..2620cc42f6b 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/web/component/assignment/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/web/component/assignment/ @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public MultipleAssignmentSelector(String id, IModel> s @Override public Search load() { - Search search = SearchFactory.createSearch(RoleType.class, getPageBase().getPrismContext(), false); + Search search = SearchFactory.createSearch(RoleType.class, getPageBase().getPrismContext(), true); return search; } }; From d88111e70906e71ce78580d4f91b71e58696ba54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Petr=20Ga=C5=A1par=C3=ADk?= Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 11:30:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Contributions: petr.gasparik, AivoK --- .../localization/ | 35 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 27 ++ .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 301 ++++++++++-------- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- .../localization/ | 33 +- 11 files changed, 462 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-) diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index e4d88f6e9d5..59a2cadc179 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Komentář DecisionsPanel.result=Výsledek DecisionsPanel.user=Uživatel DecisionsPanel.when=Datum -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Uživatelé, role a organizace -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Role a organizace +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Uživatelé, role, organizace a služby +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Role, organizace a služby DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Role DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Uživatelé DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Organizace +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Služby deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Shadow účty ke smazání\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows ke smazání\: {0} jednotky @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@žit PageCertDefinition.description=Popisázev PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Počet fází -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategie pro odvozování finálního výstupu z výsledků fáze. +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategie pro odvozování celkového výstupu z výstupů fází PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Kampaň ve fázi kontroly PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Celkem kampaní PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Kampaň naposledy spuštěna @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Dědění PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Včetně cílových typů PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Role PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Organizace +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Služby PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Aplikace PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Včetně stavu aktivace PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Jen povolené položky @@ -2544,7 +2546,7 @@ SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.intolerantVP=A value that matches this patt SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.limitations=Specify attribute limitations such as multiplicity, ability to read or write it, etc. _ SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.matchingRule=A rule that determines if two attribute values have the same meaning. E.g. setting this to 'stringIgnoreCase' will make this attribute efficiently case insensitive. _ SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.outbound=Outbound mappings map values from midPoint (usually a user) to the resource (usually an account). _ -SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.reference=Name of the attribute to configure. All the settings and mappings below apply to this attribute. _ +SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.reference=Název atributu, který se bude konfigurovat. Všechna nastavení a mapování se budou aplikovat na tento atribut. SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.tolerant=Tolerant attributes tolerate values that are set outside of midPoint. Non-tolerant attributes will only allow values that are defined in midPoint (e.g. by resource or role mappings). _ SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.tolerantVP=A value that matches this pattern will be tolerated. I.e. it will remain as the attribute value even if it is not a result of midPoint processing (mappings). _ SchemaHandlingStep.button.add=Vložit nový typ objektu @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Nepřiděleno WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Ukázat žádost na schválení. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Potvrdit smazání DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Opravdu chcete smazat fázi '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Viz také +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=tento dokument +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=Jak je určen celkový výstup pro daný případ, v závislosti na výstupech jednotlivých fází? Poznámka\: položka "Zastavit ověření na/v\:" ukazuje výstupy, které zabraňují danému případu, aby postoupil do další fáze. Obvykle není třeba výchozí hodnotu měnit. Pokud to je nezbytné, je to možné udělat přes XML konfiguraci. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=Kdy byla naposledy spuštěna kampaň vytvořená z této definice? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=Kdy byla naposledy ukončena kampaň vytvořená z této definice? Bez ohledu na to, zda skončila průchodem všemi fázemi, nebo byla ukončena v průběhu. Poznámka\: Kampaně, které byly smazány bez toho, že by byly předem ukončeny, v tomto seznamu zobrazeny nejsou +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Určuje, jaké objekty budou zváženy pro zahrnutí do rozsahu této kampaně. Níže jsou vybrány rysy těchto objektů (jako zda certifikovat jejich přiřazení, jejich dědění nebo oboje) +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=Pokud je pro certifikaci zvažována jen podmnožina objektů daného typu, můžete zde specifikovat odpovídající filtr. Například můžete specifikovat, že pouze uživatelé z určité organizace by měli být certifikováni. Nebo, že by měli být zvažováni pouze zaměstnanci s definovaným typem zaměstnance. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Vybrat, které rysy (přiřazení, dědění nebo oboje) objektů popsaných výše jsou certifikovány. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=Když jsou certifikovány přiřazení nebo dědění, můžete určit jaké cílové typy jsou použity. Například, můžete určit, že chcete certifikovat pouze přiřazení rolí (uživatelům). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Zda se mají certifikovat pouze přiřazení či dědění, která mají administrativní status nastaven na Povoleno (či nijak nenastaven). Poznámka\: důležitý je zde administrativní status přiřazení, ne administrativní status přiřazeného objektu. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Doba trvání této fáze, použitá k určení času konce fáze. Čas konce fáze se počítá jako okamžik spuštění fáze, plus doba trvání, zaokrouhleno na 23\:59\:59 posledního dne.
\nTrvání je zadáváno ve formátu ISO 8601, tj například P14D pro 14 dní, P3W pro tři týdny, P2M pro dva měsíce a podobně. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=Jak dlouho před koncem fáze se mají posílat upozornění (ověřitelům a vlastníkovi kampaně). Lze zadatr více hodnot, oddělených čárkou.Trvání je zadáváno ve formátu ISO 8601, například PT12H pro 12 hodin, P2D pro 2 dny, P1W pro jeden týden a podobně.
Například, PT48H, PT12H znamená, že první upozornění se pošle 48 hodin před koncem fáze, následovaná druhým upozorněním 12 před koncem fáze. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=Pokud je zaškrtnuto, je upozornění o blížícím se konci fáze zasláno ověřiteli, a to jen tehdy, pokud nějaké případy čekají na jeho/její rozhodnutí.
Pokud není zaškrtnuto, ověřitelé dostanou upozornění vždy - bez ohledu na to, zda provedli rozhodnutí, nebo ne. (Poznámka\: vlastník kampaně dostane upozornění na blížící se konec fáze vždy, bez ohledu na toto nastavení) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Výběr ověřitelů na základě přiřazení/dědění vlastníka/schvalovatele cíle. Například lze určit, že vlastník role certifikuje všechna přiřazení "své" role (komukoli). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Výběr ověřitelů na základě objektu, ke kterému je něco přiřazeno (či toto něco zdědil). Například lze určit, že vlastník role certifikuje všechna dědění "své" role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Výběr ověřitelů na základě manažerů objektu (typicky uživatele), kteří mají něco přiřazeno či zděděno. Například lze určit, že manažer se používá k certifikaci všech přiřazení pro uživatele ve "své" organizaci. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Vlivy určují manažera uživatele\:
Nejprve jsou vzati v potaz všichni manažeři všech organizací, do kterých uživatel patří. Uživatel sám je vyloučen, pokud v takové organizaci je manažerem (a pokud není zvolena volba "Povolit manažerům schvalovat svá vlastní přiřazení").
Pokud je hodnota v tomto poli vyplněna, je použita pro výběr organizací s daným typem - například "funkční" (pokud například v modelu existují "funkční" a "projektové" organizace).
Pokud v tomto není uvedena žádná hodnota, jsou vzaty v potaz všechny organizace.
\nPokud není nalezen žádný vhodný manažer, pokračuje se v nadřazené organizaci (stejného typu, je-li uveden). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=Pokud je uživatel manažer v organizaci, může být vybrán jako ověřitel svých vlastních přiřazení?
\nVe výchozím nastavení není zvoleno, což znamená, že je hledán manažer na vyšší pozici (viz popis odpovídajícího pole). +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=Tento ověřitel (ověřitelé) bude použit, pokud podmínce uvedené výše nebude odpovídat žádný ověřitel. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=Tento ověřitel (ověřitelé) bude použit navíc k ověřitelům. kteří byli vybráni na základě ostatních podmínek. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=Pokud je vybrán více jak jeden ověřitel, jak mají být kombinovány jejich odpovědi do výsledků této fáze?
\nNapříklad, je dostatečné, pokud jeden z nich akceptuje certifikační případ, nebo je třeba, aby akceptovali všichni? Toto pole vybírá odpovídající strategii. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=Jaký má být výsledek, pokud nejsou přiřazeni žádní ověřitelé? Toto může nastat například tehdy, pokud je ověřitel definován jako vlastník cílové role, ale daná role nemá žádného vlastníka.
\nPoznámka\: toto pravidlo nezastupuje případy, kdy ověřitelé přiřazeni sice jsou, ale žádný z nich neodpoví. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=Jaký vystup zabrání danému případu, aby postoupil do další fáze certifikace?
Typicky není třeba výchozí hodnotu měnit. Pokud to však je žádoucí, je možné ji změnit přes XML konfiguraci. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=Pro více informací o konfiguraci certifikační kampaně viz též +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=tento dokument diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 150c71cb0d9..1a3ad6342dd 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Kommentieren DecisionsPanel.result=Ergebnis DecisionsPanel.user=Anwender DecisionsPanel.when=Wann -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Beschreibung PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index bf40e9af266..23c720b4a40 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} Units @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 3646e17f251..23c720b4a40 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Comment DecisionsPanel.result=Outcome DecisionsPanel.user=User DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} Units @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Description PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index a04af022487..f94fa694fa8 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Comentario DecisionsPanel.result=Resultado DecisionsPanel.user=Usuario DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Cuentas shadows a eliminar\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=No hay cuentas shadows a eliminar\: {0} Organizativas @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Descripción PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Número de etapas -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index c90314ec356..d82cb2104c7 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ActivityType.FOCUS_OPERATION=Toiming fookusobjektiga (hoidla) ActivityType.NOTIFICATIONS=Teavituste saatmine ActivityType.PROJECTOR=Fookusobjekti projektsioonide arvutamine ActivityType.RESOURCE_OBJECT_OPERATION=Toiming ressursiobjektiga -ActivityType.WORKFLOWS=Considering or starting approval workflows +ActivityType.WORKFLOWS=Kinnitamise töövoogude vaagimine või käivitamine addCapabilityDialog.button.Add=Lisa addCapabilityDialog.button.cancel=Loobu @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ AssignmentEditorPanel.hideEmpty=Peida tühjad AssignmentEditorPanel.loadError=Tõrge objekti laadimisel AssignmentEditorPanel.manager=Juht AssignmentEditorPanel.member=Liige mapping) vastendus) target) AssignmentEditorPanel.orgRef=Org. üksus/Projekt AssignmentEditorPanel.relation.notSpecified="Määramata" @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ com.evolveum.midpoint.notifications.api.transports.SimpleSmsTransport.send=Saada ConditionalSearchFilterEditor.condition.label=Tingimus ConditionalSearchFilterEditor.condition.type.label=Tingimusetüüp ConditionalSearchFilterEditor.description=Kirjeldus -ConditionalSearchFilterEditor.label=Edit Synchronization Correlation +ConditionalSearchFilterEditor.label=Redigeeri sünkimise korrelatsiooni configurationProperties=Konfiguratsioon ConfigurationStep.button.testConnection=Salvesta ja testi ühendust ConfigurationStep.title=Konfiguratsioon @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Kommentaar DecisionsPanel.result=Tulemus DecisionsPanel.user=Kasutaja DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Kasutajad, rollid ja org.-d -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Rollid ja org.-d +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Rollid DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Kasutajad DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Org.-d +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Kustutatavaid konto varje\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Kustutatavaid mitte-konto varje\: {0} üksused @@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ feedbackMessagePanel.context=Kontekst\: feedbackMessagePanel.count=Arv\: feedbackMessagePanel.expandAll=Laienda kõik feedbackMessagePanel.export=Ekspordi XML-i -feedbackMessagePanel.hideStack=[ HIDE ERROR STACK ] +feedbackMessagePanel.hideStack=[ PEIDA VEAPINU ] feedbackMessagePanel.message.debug=Debug feedbackMessagePanel.message.error=Viga feedbackMessagePanel.message.expectedError=Eeldatav viga @@ -381,8 +382,8 @@ feedbackMessagePanel.message.success=Edu feedbackMessagePanel.message.undefined=Määratlemata feedbackMessagePanel.message.unknown=Tundmatu feedbackMessagePanel.message.warn=Hoiatus -feedbackMessagePanel.param=Param\: -feedbackMessagePanel.showStack=[ SHOW ERROR STACK ] +feedbackMessagePanel.param=Parameeter\: +feedbackMessagePanel.showStack=[ KUVA VEAPINU ] feedbackMessagePanel.times=times fetchStrategy.nullValid=Vali üks @@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ importOptionsPanel.summarizeErrors=Vigade kokkuvõte importOptionsPanel.summarizeSuccesses=Õnnestumiste kokkuvõte importOptionsPanel.validateDynamicSchema=Kontrolli dünaamilist skeemi importOptionsPanel.validateStaticSchema=Kontrolli staatilist skeemi -ItemApprovalPanel.approvalSchema=Approval schema +ItemApprovalPanel.approvalSchema=Kinnitamise skeem ItemApprovalPanel.currentWorkItems=Aktiivsed tööüksused ItemApprovalPanel.decisionsDoneWhenFinishedIs_false=Decisions done so far ItemApprovalPanel.decisionsDoneWhenFinishedIs_true=Decisions done @@ -473,7 +474,7 @@ LimitationsEditorDialog.label.schema=Skeem LockoutStatusType.LOCKED=Lukustatud LockoutStatusType.NORMAL=Normaalne -LockoutStatusType.UNDEFINED=Undefined +LockoutStatusType.UNDEFINED=Määratlemata logger.duplicate=Logger with name '{0}' is already defined logger.emptyLogger=Logger must not be empty LoggingComponentType.ALL=Kõik @@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ LoggingConfigPanel.button.addFileAppender=Add file appender LoggingConfigPanel.button.addStandardLogger=Add standard logger LoggingConfigPanel.button.deleteAppender=Delete appender LoggingConfigPanel.button.deleteLogger=Delete logger -LoggingConfigPanel.button.reset=Reset +LoggingConfigPanel.button.reset=Lähtesta LoggingConfigPanel.details=Üksikasjad LoggingConfigPanel.logger=Logger @@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ MappingEditorDialog.label.timeFrom=Time from MappingEditorDialog.label.timeTo=Time to MappingEditorDialog.message.cantSave=Vastendust ei saanud kustutada. Põhjus\: -MappingEditorDialog.message.warn.emptyTarget=Inbound mapping requires 'target' field to be specified. +MappingEditorDialog.message.warn.emptyTarget=Sissetuleva vastenduse jaoks tuleb määratleda väli 'target' MappingsStatistics.AverageTime=Avg aeg MappingsStatistics.Count=Kutsumiste arv MappingsStatistics.MaxTime=Max @@ -728,7 +729,7 @@ ObjectType.parentOrgRef=Parent org. units enesetest objekt kontrollimine paroolipoliitika suhtes checksÜldised kontrollid nimeruumi kontroll validation self test (Model) @@ -738,12 +739,12 @@ objekt (Mu kasutaja (mudel) objekt (Mudel) connectors changes (Model)äida muudatused (Mudel) object (Model) Property Available Values (Model) accounts from resource objects (Model) objects (Model) objektid (Mudel) objektid (Mudel) Account Shadow Owner objects (Model) resource object shadows (Model) @@ -751,28 +752,28 @@ objekti (Mudel) object with exclusion initialization (Model) Resource (Model) changes - change executor (Model) evaluate (Model) ressurssi (Mudel)äida muudatused - muuda täitjat (Mudel) - hinda (Mudel) konto system configuration user templateöötle kasutaja mall account attributes user attributes account object with exclusion account from changesöötle konto muudatustest objects in provisioning hoidlast objekte objects (Model) objekte (Mudel) object (Model) objects - employeeType (Model) objects - fullName (Model) objects - organization (Model) objekte - employeeType (Mudel) objekte - fullName (Mudel) objekte - organization (Mudel) user defined variables attribute inbound inbound handling outbound handlingöötle sissetulev atribuutöötle sissetulev - käsitlusöötle väljaminev - käsitlus property construction property constructions enesetest, kasutaja (Mudel) @@ -783,18 +784,18 @@ resolution dünaamilist skeemi ressursi konfiguratsiooni skeemi changes - change executor (Model) delta (Model) (Model) user delta (Model) shadow delta (Model) projection contexts (Model) inbound (Model) (Model) reconciliation (Model) inbound (Model) reconciliation (Model) account context reconciliation (Model)äida muudatused - muuda täitjat (Mudel)äida delta (Mudel)äida (Mudel)äida kasutaja delta (Mudel)äida varju delta (Mudel) projektsiooni kontekste (Mudel)öötle sissetulev (Mudel) (Mudel)öötle lepitust (Mudel)öötle sissetulev (Mudel)öötle lepitust (Mudel) konto konteksti lepitust (Mudel) account result handler, handle (Model) nurjumisest (Teavitused) in progress (Notifications) @@ -806,7 +807,7 @@ object (Provisioning) objects (Provisioning) resource (Provisioning) synchronization situation sünkimise olukorda change resource (Provisioning) resource (Provisioning) @@ -836,7 +837,7 @@ task (Task) creation listener (Task) deletion listener (Task) local service threads (Task) task (Task)ätka ülesannet (Ülesanne) nodes (Task) tasks (Task) ülesanded (Ülesanne) @@ -875,7 +876,7 @@ objektid (Gui) objekt (Gui) objekt (Gui) file (Gui) fail (Gui) xml (Gui) aega (Gui) aega - lähtesta (Gui) @@ -920,21 +921,21 @@ sõlmed (Gui) ülesanded (Gui) service threads (Gui) task (Gui) tasks (Gui)ätka ülesannet (Gui)ätka ülesandeid (Gui) tasks (Gui) schedulers (Gui) schedulers and tasks (Gui) schedulers (Gui) ülesanded (Gui) tasks (Gui)üngi ülesanded (Gui) objekt (Gui) objektid (Gui) objekt (Gui) objektid (Gui) objekte (Gui) objekti (Gui) org. unit (Gui) org. üksus (Gui) konto (Gui) kontod (Gui) omistus (Gui) @@ -978,9 +979,9 @@ (Ic operationResultPanel.cause=Põhjus\: operationResultPanel.context=Kontekst\: operationResultPanel.count=Arv\: -operationResultPanel.hideStack=[ HIDE ERROR STACK ] -operationResultPanel.param=Param\: -operationResultPanel.showStack=[ SHOW ERROR STACK ] +operationResultPanel.hideStack=[ PEIDA VEAPINU ] +operationResultPanel.param=Parameeter\: +operationResultPanel.showStack=[ KUVA VEAPINU ] operationResultPanel.times=times operationResultPanel.title.expectedError=Eeldatav viga operationResultPanel.title.fatalError=Pöördumatu tõrge @@ -1115,7 +1116,7 @@ pageAdmin.configuration=Konfiguratsioon pageAdmin.configuration.description=Turvalisus, logimine, importimine pageAdmin.home.description=Start here pageAdmin.home=Kodu scheduling cases to decide @@ -1125,7 +1126,7 @@ campaign definitionüsteem query päring @@ -1148,7 +1149,7 @@ ressursi definitsioon loend ressurss ressurss resource ressurssi loend roll @@ -1172,9 +1173,9 @@ööüksused pageAdmin.reports.description=Exporting reports pageAdmin.reports=Aruanded Assignment -PageAdminObjectDetails.title.editUserType=Edit user '{0}' +PageAdminObjectDetails.title.editUserType=Redigeeri kasutajat '{0}' PageAdminObjectDetails.title.newUserType=Loo uus kasutaja -PageAdminObjectDetails.title.editRoleType=Edit role '{0}' +PageAdminObjectDetails.title.editRoleType=Redigeeri rolli '{0}' PageAdminObjectDetails.title.newServiceType=Create new service PageAdminObjectDetails.title.editServiceType=Edit service '{0}' PageAdminObjectDetails.title.newRoleType=Loo uus roll @@ -1193,7 +1194,7 @@ pageAdminFocus.button.addShadow=Lisa projektsioon pageAdminFocus.button.enable=Luba pageAdminFocus.button.disable=Keela pageAdminFocus.button.unlink=Katkesta link -pageAdminFocus.button.unlock=Unlock +pageAdminFocus.button.unlock=Lukusta lahti pageAdminFocus.button.delete=Kustuta pageAdminFocus.button.addToOrg=Lisa organisatsiooni pageAdminFocus.focusDetails=Üksikasjad @@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ pageAdminFocus.message.noActivationFound=No activation found for projection '{0} pageAdminFocus.message.noEnabledPropertyFound=No enabled property found for account '{0}'. pageAdminFocus.message.noAccountSelected=Projektsiooni pole valitud. pageAdminFocus.message.noAssignmentSelected=Omistust pole valitud. -pageAdminFocus.title.selectResource=Select resource(s) +pageAdminFocus.title.selectResource=Vali ressurss/ressursid pageAdminFocus.title.selectAssignable=Vali objekt(id)Ülesande nimi pageAdminFocus.task.category=Kategooria @@ -1286,7 +1287,7 @@ PageCertCampaign.numberOfStages=Number of stages PageCertCampaign.owner=Omanik PageCertCampaigns.agoForCampaign=(kampaania\: {0} tagasi) PageCertCampaigns.agoForStage={0} tagasi -PageCertCampaigns.button.closeCampaign=Close campaign +PageCertCampaigns.button.closeCampaign=Sulge kampaania PageCertCampaigns.button.closeStage=Close stage PageCertCampaigns.button.openNextStage=Open next stage PageCertCampaigns.button.startCampaign=Start campaign @@ -1296,7 +1297,7 @@ PageCertCampaigns.dialog.title.confirmCloseStage=Confirm Close Stage PageCertCampaigns.dialog.title.confirmDeleteCampaign=Kampaania kustutuse kinnitamine PageCertCampaigns.inForCampaign=(campaign\: in {0}) PageCertCampaigns.inForStage=in {0} campaign kampaania valitud kampaaniad kampaania valitud kampaaniad @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Kirjeldus PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Tekitused PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Rollid PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Org.-d +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Ressursid PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -1427,13 +1429,13 @@ PageCert.message.textIntent=Kavatsus\: {0}. PageCert.message.textKind=Liik\: {0}. PageCert.message.textOrder=Järjestus\: {0}. PageCert.message.textOrg=Org\: {0}. -PageCert.message.textRelation=Relation\: {0}. +PageCert.message.textRelation=Relatsioon\: {0}. PageCert.message.textTenant=Rentnik\: {0}. PageCert.message.textValidFrom=Kehtiv alates\: {0}. PageCert.message.textValidTo=Kehtiv kuni\: {0}. StageEditorPanel.stageDefinitionLabelName = Stage Definition \# -StageDefinitionPanel.stageName = Name +StageDefinitionPanel.stageName = Nimi StageDefinitionPanel.stageDescription = Kirjeldus StageDefinitionPanel.stageDuration = Kestus StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadline = Notify before deadline @@ -1599,9 +1601,9 @@ pageDebugView.saveAsRaw=Save in raw mode pageDebugView.switchToPlainText=Aktiveeri lihttekst PageDebugView.title='{0}' üksikasjad pageDebugView.validateSchema=Kontrolli skeemi -PageError403.title=Forbidden (403) -PageError404.title=Not found (404) -PageError401.title=Unauthorized (401) +PageError403.title=Keelatud (403) +PageError404.title=Ei leitud (404) +PageError401.title=Volitamata (401) PageError.button.back=Tagasi töölauale PageError.message=Ilmnes ootamatu tõrge. Vajadusel pöördu palun süsteemiadministraatori poole. PageError403.message=Sul puuduvad õigused vajaliku lehe nägemiseks. Vajadusel pöördu palun süsteemiadministraatori poole. @@ -1656,7 +1658,7 @@ pageLogging.button.advanced=Advanced pageLogging.button.deleteAppender=Delete appender pageLogging.button.deleteFilter=Kustuta filter pageLogging.button.deleteLogger=Delete logger -pageLogging.button.reset=Reset +pageLogging.button.reset=Lähtesta pageLogging.details=Üksikasjad\: pageLogging.dumpInterval=Tõmmistamise intervall\: @@ -1780,7 +1782,7 @@ PageReports.message.resourceNotDefined=Ressurss pole defineeritud. PageReports.message.unknownReport=Tundmatu aruanne. kirjete põhjal loodud aruanne report for selected resource. aruanne valitud ressursi jaoks. olevad kasutajad. kasutajad @@ -1811,7 +1813,7 @@ pageResource.bundle=Bundle pageResource.button.back=Tagasi pageResource.button.editXml=Redigeeri XML-i pageResource.button.refreshSchema=Refresh Schema -pageResource.button.wizard=Wizard +pageResource.button.wizard=Nõustaja pageResource.button.importAccounts=Impordi kontod pageResource.refreshSchema.failed=Failed to refresh resource schema @@ -1877,7 +1879,7 @@ PageResource.title=Ressursi üksikasjad pageResource.type=Tüüp pageResource.version=Versioon PageResourceWizard.title=Uus ressurss -PageResourceWizard.title.edit=Edit resource '{0}' +PageResourceWizard.title.edit=Redigeeri ressurssi '{0}' pageRole.members=Liikmed PageRoleEditor.extension=Laiendus PageRoleEditor.label.approverRef=Kinnitaja @@ -1886,8 +1888,8 @@ PageRoleEditor.label.assignmentConstraint.placeholder=Määra omistuspoliitika PageRoleEditor.label.description=Kirjeldus PageRoleEditor.label.displayName=Kuvatav nimi PageRoleEditor.label.identifier=Identifikaator -PageRoleEditor.label.maxAssignments=Max. Assignments -PageRoleEditor.label.minAssignments=Min. Assignments +PageRoleEditor.label.maxAssignments=Max omistused +PageRoleEditor.label.minAssignments=Min omistused PageRoleEditor.label.ownerRef=Omanik PageRoleEditor.label.ownerRef.placeholder=Määra omanik @@ -2002,10 +2004,10 @@ pageTaskEdit.nextRun=Next scheduled task run pageTaskEdit.notStartAfter=Ei käivitu peale pageTaskEdit.notStartBefore=Ei käivitu enne pageTaskEdit.objectClass=Objekti klass -pageTaskEdit.objectDelta=Object delta -pageTaskEdit.bulkAction=Bulk action +pageTaskEdit.objectDelta=Objekti delta +pageTaskEdit.bulkAction=Hulgitoiming pageTaskEdit.objectType=Objekti tüüp -pageTaskEdit.objectQuery=Object query +pageTaskEdit.objectQuery=Objekti päring pageTaskEdit.objectRef=Object reference pageTaskEdit.token=Synchronization token pageTaskEdit.resourceRef=Ressursi nimi @@ -2023,7 +2025,7 @@ pageTaskEdit.runUntilNodeDown=Käivitub sõlme mahakukkumiseni pageTaskEdit.scheduleHelp=For one-time tasks, enter neither schedule interval nor cron-like specification. For recurring tasks, enter exactly one of these. pageTaskEdit.scheduleInterval=Schedule interval (seconds) pageTaskEdit.scheduleTitle=Scheduling -pageTaskEdit.approvals=Approvals +pageTaskEdit.approvals=Kinnitused pageTaskEdit.operation=Operation context pageTaskEdit.performance=Keskkonna jõudlus pageTaskEdit.progress=Progress @@ -2035,7 +2037,7 @@ pageTaskEdit.suspendReq=Muutmiseks tuleb ülesanne peatada pageTaskEdit.taskState=Ülesande olek pageTaskEdit.threadAction=Lõime tegevus pageTaskEdit.threadStop=Tegevus lõime peatumisel -pageTaskEdit.tightlyBound=Tightly bound +pageTaskEdit.tightlyBound=Tihedalt seotud pageTaskEdit.title.edit=Details for '{0}' PageTaskEdit.title=Ülesande üksikasjad PageTaskEdit.title.wfOperation=Change operation details @@ -2110,7 +2112,7 @@ pageTasks.message.deleteTaskConfirm=Kas soovid kindlasti kustutada ülesande '{0 pageTasks.message.deleteAllClosedTasksConfirm=Kas soovid kindlasti kustutada kõik suletud ülesanded? pageTasks.message.deleteTasksConfirm=Kas soovid kindlasti kustutada {0} ülesannet? pageTasks.message.noNodeSelected=Sõlme pole valitud. -pageTasks.message.noTaskSelected=No task has been selected. +pageTasks.message.noTaskSelected=Ülesannet pole valitud pageTasks.node.clustered=Klasterdatud pageTasks.node.executionStatus=Olek pageTasks.node.lastCheckInTime=Last check-in time @@ -2208,10 +2210,10 @@ pageUser.title.editing={0} pageUser.title.editUser=Muuda pageUser.title.newUser=Loo pageUser.title.selectAssignable=Vali objekt(id) -pageUser.title.selectResource=Select resource(s) +pageUser.title.selectResource=Vali ressurss/ressursid pageUser.userDetails=Kasutaja üksikasjad MultipleAssignmentSelectorPanel.availableRoles=Saadaolevad rollid -MultipleAssignmentSelectorPanel.parameters=Parameters +MultipleAssignmentSelectorPanel.parameters=Parameetrid MultipleAssignmentSelectorPanel.currentRoles=Praegused rollid MultipleAssignmentSelector.filterByUser=Filter by user MultipleAssignmentSelector.tenant=Tenant @@ -2223,7 +2225,7 @@ pageWorkItem.accordionLabel.processInstance=Process instance information pageWorkItem.accordionLabel.requester=Requester (technical information) pageWorkItem.additionalData.description=Related data pageWorkItem.additionalInfo=Supplementary information -pageWorkItem.button.approve=Approve +pageWorkItem.button.approve=Kinnita pageWorkItem.button.cancel=Tagasi pageWorkItem.button.claim=Claim pageWorkItem.button.reject=Reject @@ -2266,7 +2268,7 @@ workItemPanel.otherWorkItems=Other work items for this request workItemPanel.requests=Requests workItemPanel.relatedRequests=Related requests workItemPanel.approverComment=Approver comment -pageWorkItems.button.approve=Approve +pageWorkItems.button.approve=Kinnita pageWorkItems.button.claim=Claim pageWorkItems.button.reject=Reject pageWorkItems.button.release=Release @@ -2345,9 +2347,9 @@ ProgressTableHeader.ResourceObject=Ressursiobjekt (kui on rakendatav) ProgressTableHeader.Status=Olek ProvisioningStatistics.AverageTime=Avg aeg ProvisioningStatistics.CreateFailure=Fail -ProvisioningStatistics.CreateSuccess=Create OK +ProvisioningStatistics.CreateSuccess=Loo OK ProvisioningStatistics.DeleteFailure=Fail -ProvisioningStatistics.DeleteSuccess=Delete OK +ProvisioningStatistics.DeleteSuccess=Kustuta OK ProvisioningStatistics.GetFailure=Fail ProvisioningStatistics.GetSuccess=Get OK ProvisioningStatistics.MaxTime=Max @@ -2359,13 +2361,13 @@ ProvisioningStatistics.Resource=Ressurss ProvisioningStatistics.ScriptFailure=Fail ProvisioningStatistics.ScriptSuccess=Skript OK ProvisioningStatistics.SearchFailure=Fail -ProvisioningStatistics.SearchSuccess=Search OK +ProvisioningStatistics.SearchSuccess=Otsi OK ProvisioningStatistics.SyncFailure=Fail -ProvisioningStatistics.SyncSuccess=Sync OK +ProvisioningStatistics.SyncSuccess=Sünk OK ProvisioningStatistics.TotalOperationsCount=All operations ProvisioningStatistics.TotalTime=Koguaeg ProvisioningStatistics.UpdateFailure=Fail -ProvisioningStatistics.UpdateSuccess=Update OK +ProvisioningStatistics.UpdateSuccess=Uuenda OK QNameEditor.label.localPart=Local part name QNameEditor.label.namespace=Nimeruum QNameEditor.tooltip.attribute=TODO\: QNameEditor.tooltip.attribute @@ -2449,7 +2451,7 @@ ResourceDependencyEditor.label.button.add=Lisa ressursi sõltuvus ResourceDependencyEditor.label=Edit Dependencies ResourceDependencyEditor.label.intent=Dependency intent ResourceDependencyEditor.label.kind=Dependency kind -ResourceDependencyEditor.label.order=Order +ResourceDependencyEditor.label.order=Järjestus ResourceDependencyEditor.label.resourceRef=Dependency resource ResourceDependencyEditor.label.strictness=Strictness ResourceIterationEditor.label.description=Kirjeldus @@ -2490,12 +2492,12 @@ ResourceStatus.NOT_TESTED=Not tested ResourceStatus.SUCCESS=Edu ResourceStatus.UP=Up ResourceStatus.WARNING=Hoiatus -ResourceType.isSync=Synchronization +ResourceType.isSync=Sünkimine ResourceType.tasks=Tasks ResourceWizard.expression.tooltip.expression=The XML representation of the expression. This is the actual expression code that will be interpreted. ResourceWizard.expression.tooltip.language=Programmeerimiskeel, milles avaldise skript on kirjutatud. ResourceWizard.expression.tooltip.policyRef=Reference to a value policy object. The specified value policy will be used as a template to generate a value. -ResourceWizard.expression.tooltip.type=The type of expression. This specifies whether the expression is a script, value generator or something else. +ResourceWizard.expression.tooltip.type=Avaldise tüüp. See määratleb, kas avaldis on skript, väärtusgeneraator või midagi muud.

Resource capabilities are the things that the resource can do. Not all the resource are equal in their capabilities. E.g. one resource supports account activation (enabling and disabling accounts) but other does not. One resource provides read-write access while other can support read-only access. One resource supports real-time synchronization while other does not. The capabilities define what features the resource supports so midPoint can behave accordingly.

All the capabilities can be disabled (i.e. turned off). Disabling the capability will cause that midPoint will not use that part of the connector and resource. The capabilities are usually disabled if they are faulty. E.g. if there is a bug in a connector or on the resource then the bug might be circumvented if appropriate capability is disabled. But the capabilities may be disabled also for administrative reasons. E.g. disabling Create, Update and Delete capabilities makes the resource efficiently read-only.

Some capabilities can be simulated. It means that midPoint can pretend that the resource has specific capability even though it does not have it. E.g. an activation capability can be simulated by setting a specific account attribute to a specific value to disable an account. Such simulated capabilities usually require some configuration. This can also be configured on this page.

See https\:// wiki page for more details.

This stage of the wizard configures connector configuration properties. They usually define network parameters used to access the resource such as hostname and port numbers. Additional connection parameters such as operation network timeouts and connection pooling configuration can be specified here.

There connector configuration properties are unique for each connector. The specific set of configuration properties are determined by connector configuration schema. Therefore the content of this page depends on the connector type that was selected in the previous page.

This stage of the wizard configures basic properties of the resource. It can be used to configure resource name and description. Connector name is mandatory and must be unique. Connector that will be used to access the resource must also be configured. Connectors are deployed on connector hosts. If the connector host is left empty then connectors deployed directly in the midPoint instance will be used.

See Resource Configuration wiki page for detailed explanation of resource configuration.

@@ -2514,14 +2516,14 @@ = Target Name = Date To runReportPopupContent.param.value=Parameetri väärtus closed campaigns? (default is false) name nimi number (default is to take all stages) RunReportPopupPanel.title=Aruande konfigureerimine enne käivitamist runUntilNodeDown.error1=Compatible data for 'Thread stop action' are\: Close, Suspend runUntilNodeDown.error2=Compatible data for 'Thread stop action' are\: Restart, Reschedule SchemaHandlingStep.activation.tooltip.fetchStrategy=How to fetch the attribute when it is needed. Implicit\: the attribute is returned by default, it does not need to be requested; Explicit\: the attribute is not returned by default, always request it explicitly. -SchemaHandlingStep.activation.tooltip.inbound=Inbound mappings map values from the resource (usually an account) to the midPoint (usually a user). -SchemaHandlingStep.activation.tooltip.outbound=Outbound mappings map values from midPoint (usually a user) to the resource (usually an account). +SchemaHandlingStep.activation.tooltip.inbound=Sissetulevad vastendused vastendavad ressursi (harilikult konto) väärtused midPointiga (harilikult kasutaja). +SchemaHandlingStep.activation.tooltip.outbound=Väljaminevad vastendused vastendavad midPointi (harilikult kasutaja) väärtused ressursiga (harilikult konto). SchemaHandlingStep.association.label.associationName=Seose nimi SchemaHandlingStep.association.label.associationNamespace=Seose nimeruum SchemaHandlingStep.association.tooltip.associationAttribute=Name of the attribute that "holds" the association. I.e. an attribute which contains the identifier of the associated object. This is usually an attribute such as "memeber", "groups", "roles", etc. In subject-to-object associations this is an attribute of a subject (e.g. account attribute "groups"). In object-to-subject associations this is an attribute of an object (e.g. group attribute "members"). @@ -2539,25 +2541,25 @@ SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.attributeLocalPart=TODO\: SchemaHandlingSte SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.attributeNamespace=TODO\: SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.attributeNamespace SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.exclusiveStrong=When set to false then both strong and normal mapping values are merged to produce the final set of values. When set to true only strong values are used if there is at least one strong mapping. Normal values are used if there is no strong mapping. SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.fetchStrategy=How to fetch the attribute when it is needed. Implicit\: the attribute is returned by default, it does not need to be requested; Explicit\: the attribute is not returned by default, always request it explicitly. -SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.inbound=Inbound mappings map values from the resource (usually an account) to the midPoint (usually a user). +SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.inbound=Sissetulevad vastendused vastendavad ressursi (harilikult konto) väärtused midPointiga (harilikult kasutaja). SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.intolerantVP=A value that matches this pattern will NOT be tolerated. I.e. it will be erased from the attribute value even if it is not a result of midPoint processing (mappings). SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.limitations=Specify attribute limitations such as multiplicity, ability to read or write it, etc. SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.matchingRule=A rule that determines if two attribute values have the same meaning. E.g. setting this to 'stringIgnoreCase' will make this attribute efficiently case insensitive. -SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.outbound=Outbound mappings map values from midPoint (usually a user) to the resource (usually an account). +SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.outbound=Väljaminevad vastendused vastendavad midPointi (harilikult kasutaja) väärtused ressursiga (harilikult konto). SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.reference=Name of the attribute to configure. All the settings and mappings below apply to this attribute. SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.tolerant=Tolerant attributes tolerate values that are set outside of midPoint. Non-tolerant attributes will only allow values that are defined in midPoint (e.g. by resource or role mappings). SchemaHandlingStep.attribute.tooltip.tolerantVP=A value that matches this pattern will be tolerated. I.e. it will remain as the attribute value even if it is not a result of midPoint processing (mappings). SchemaHandlingStep.button.add=Lisa uus objektitüüp SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.fetchStrategy=How to fetch the credentials value when it is needed. Implicit\: the value is returned by default, it does not need to be requested; Explicit\: the value is not returned by default, always request it explicitly. -SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.inbound=Inbound mappings map values from the resource (usually an account) to the midPoint (usually a user). -SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.outbound=Outbound mappings map values from midPoint (usually a user) to the resource (usually an account). +SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.inbound=Sissetulevad vastendused vastendavad ressursi (harilikult konto) väärtused midPointiga (harilikult kasutaja). +SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.outbound=Väljaminevad vastendused vastendavad midPointi (harilikult kasutaja) väärtused ressursiga (harilikult konto). SchemaHandlingStep.credentials.tooltip.passwordPolicyRef=Password policy to apply to this credential. This setting overrides other settings, e.g. default password policy defined in system configuration. If no password policy is defined here then the usual default will be used. SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.intent=Intent of the object on which we depend. -SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.kind=Kind of the object on which we depend. +SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.kind=Objekti liik, millest me sõltume. SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.order=Normally zero. Can specify an integer that determines the ordering of dependencies that form a cycle and could not be otherwise be resolved (a.k.a. high-order dependencies). -SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.resourceRef=Resource on which we depend. +SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.resourceRef=Ressurss, millest me sõltume. SchemaHandlingStep.dependency.tooltip.strictness=Specifies how strictly will be the dependency resolved. Lax\: if the dependency is not there continue as normal (only used to impose operation ordering); Relaxed\: refuse to do operation unless the dependency is tried first, but if that fails then continue anyway; Strict\: proceed only is the dependency is tried first and it succeeds. -SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.maxIteration=Maximum number of iterations to try. The operation will end with a failure if the maximum number of iterations is tried without any success. +SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.maxIteration=Maksimaalne proovitavate iteratsioonide arv. Toiming lõpeb tõrkega kui edutult on proovitud maksimaalne arv iteratsioone. SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.returnMultiplicity=TODO\: SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.returnMultiplicity SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.variable=TODO\: SchemaHandlingStep.iteration.tooltip.variable SchemaHandlingStep.label.activation=Aktiveerimine @@ -2587,7 +2589,7 @@ SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.authoritative=Authoritative mappings both add application of this mapping only to specific channel. E.g. to changes coming from live sync, reconciliation or GUI. If the channel is listed then the mapping will be applied. If it is not then it will not be applied. If no channel is specified then no limitations apply and the mapping will be applied for all channels. SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.conditionLanguage=Programmeerimiskeel, milles tingimuse skript on kirjutatud. SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.condition=The XML representation of mapping condition. This is the actual expression code that will be interpreted. Mapping sources are provided as input variables for the condition. If the condition returns true then the mapping will be applied. If it returns false then the mapping is ignored. Note that mappings that were true and that become false may result in removal of a value that was the result of the mapping while it was still true. -SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.conditionType=Type of the expression that will be used for the mapping condition. +SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.conditionType=Avaldise tüüp, mida kasutatakse vastenduse tingimuse korral. SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.conditionValuePolicyRef=Reference to a value policy object. The specified value policy will be used as a template to generate a value. If no value policy reference is specified then a default policy is determined automatically. E.g. appropriate password policy applicable to the mapping target will be used. SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.exceptChannel=Limits application of this mapping to all channels except the specified channel. E.g. all the changes except those coming from live sync, reconciliation or GUI. If the channel is listed then the mapping will be not applied in this channel. If it is not then it will be applied. If no channel is specified then no limitations apply and the mapping will be applied for all channels. SchemaHandlingStep.mapping.tooltip.exclusive=Exclusive mapping can be the only mapping that produces a value for a specific target. E.g. if another mapping produces a value for the same attribute then it ends up with an error. @@ -2615,7 +2617,7 @@ SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.credentials=Definition how to handle credentials such SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.default=Väärtuse true korral on see antud liigi vaikimisi definitsioon. See tähendab, et kui kavatsust pole eraldi määratletud, kasutatakse antud definitsiooni. SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.dependency=Dependencies are object types that has to be processed before this object types is processed. I.e. this object type depends on them. The object types on which this object type depends will be provisioned before this object type. Dependencies are used to impose ordering into provisioning operations. SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.filterClause=TODO\: SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.filterClause -SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.intent=Intent specifies what midPoint should do with the object. Intent sorts objects of the same kind into several categories. Objects with different intents may be handled differently by midPoint. +SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.intent=Kavatsus määratleb, mida midPoint peaks objektiga tegema. Kavatsus sordib sama liiki objektid mitmesse kategooriasse. midPoint võib käsitleda erineva kavatsusega objekte erinevalt. SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.iteration=Iteratively find values for unique attributes such as identifiers. MidPoint will try several times to find a unique value for such attributes. SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.kind=Liik määratleb, mis see objekt on - kas konto, õigus või midagi muud. SchemaHandlingStep.tooltip.objectClass=Object class from the schema that will be used to construct instances of this object type. @@ -2629,7 +2631,7 @@ SchemaListPanel.details.intent=Kavatsus SchemaListPanel.details.kind=Liik SchemaListPanel.details.nativeObjectClass=Kohalik objekti klass SchemaListPanel.displayName=Kuvatav nimi -SchemaListPanel.displayOrder=Order +SchemaListPanel.displayOrder=Järjestus SchemaListPanel.message.couldntParseSchema=Ei saanud sõeluda ressursi skeemi SchemaListPanel.minMax=Min/max occurs @@ -2637,13 +2639,13 @@ SchemaListPanel.nativeAttributeName=Kohalik atribuudi nimi SchemaListPanel.objectClass=Objekti klass SchemaListPanel.returnedByDefault=Returned by default SchemaStep.button.reload=Laadi uuesti for resource '{0}' was not reloaded. '{0}' skeemi ei laaditud uuesti. SchemaStep.message.reload.ok=Ressursi '{0}' skeem on nüüd edukalt uuesti laaditud. SchemaStep.schema=Skeem SchemaStep.title=Skeem -SchemaStep.tooltip.intent=Intent specifies what midPoint should do with the object. Intent sorts objects of the same kind into several categories. Objects with different intents may be handled differently by midPoint. +SchemaStep.tooltip.intent=Kavatsus määratleb, mida midPoint peaks objektiga tegema. Kavatsus sordib sama liiki objektid mitmesse kategooriasse. midPoint võib käsitleda erineva kavatsusega objekte erinevalt. SchemaStep.tooltip.isDefault=Väärtuse true korral on see antud liigi vaikimisi definitsioon. See tähendab, et kui kavatsust pole eraldi määratletud, kasutatakse antud definitsiooni. -SchemaStep.tooltip.kind=Kind specified what this object is, whether it is account, entitlement or something else. +SchemaStep.tooltip.kind=Liik määratleb, mis see objekt on - kas konto, õigus või midagi muud. SchemaStep.tooltip.nativeObjectClass=Objekti klassi kohalik nimi, kuidas seda tunneb ressurss (või konnektor). SchemaStep.xml=Xml SearchFilterPanel.button.update=Update Clause @@ -2660,7 +2662,7 @@ SearchType.FAMILY_NAME=Perekonnanimi SearchType.FULL_NAME=Täisnimi SearchType.GIVEN_NAME=Eesnimi SearchType.NAME=Nimi -ShadowType.kind=Kind +ShadowType.kind=Liik ShadowType.intent=Intent ShadowType.objectClass=Objekti klass ShadowType.synchronizationSituation=Situation @@ -2669,8 +2671,8 @@ ShadowKindType.ENTITLEMENT=Entitlement ShadowKindType.GENERIC=Üldine simpleErrorPanel.label.showMore=Näita rohkem simpleErrorPanel.message.error=Ressursi '{0}' kontot ei laaditud. -SimpleRoleSelector.reset=Reset -MultipleAssignmentSelector.reset=Reset the list +SimpleRoleSelector.reset=Lähtesta +MultipleAssignmentSelector.reset=Lähtesta loetelu situation.nullValid=Vali üks StandardLoggerType.CHANGE_EXECUTOR=Change executor (c.e.m.model.impl.lens.ChangeExecutor) StandardLoggerType.CLOCKWORK=Clockwork (c.e.m.model.impl.lens.Clockwork) @@ -2691,8 +2693,8 @@ SynchronizationActionEditorDialog.label=Edit Synchronization Action SynchronizationActionEditorDialog.label.handlerUri=Action SynchronizationActionEditorDialog.label.order=Järjestus -SynchronizationExpressionEditor.label.condition=Edit Synchronization Condition -SynchronizationExpressionEditor.label.confirmation=Edit Synchronization Confirmation +SynchronizationExpressionEditor.label.condition=Redigeeri sünkimise tingimust +SynchronizationExpressionEditor.label.confirmation=Redigeeri sünkimise kinnitust SynchronizationInformationPanel.count=Arv SynchronizationInformationPanel.deleted=Kustutatud SynchronizationInformationPanel.disputed=Vaidlustatud @@ -2702,8 +2704,8 @@ SynchronizationInformationPanel.notApplicableForTask=Pole rakendatav ülesandele SynchronizationInformationPanel.protected=Kaitstud SynchronizationInformationPanel.state=Olek SynchronizationInformationPanel.synchronizationDisabled=Sünk keelatud -SynchronizationInformationPanel.title=Töödeldavate objektide olekud -SynchronizationInformationPanel.titleAfter=States of processed objects (after operation) +SynchronizationInformationPanel.title=Töödeldavate objektide olekud (enne toimingut) +SynchronizationInformationPanel.titleAfter=Töödeldavate objektide olekud (peale toimingut) SynchronizationInformationPanel.discoveryWarning=(The following numbers may include processing triggered by the discovery mechanism.) SynchronizationInformationPanel.unlinked=Linkimata SynchronizationInformationPanel.unmatched=Vasteta @@ -2760,7 +2762,7 @@ SynchronizationStep.label.opportunistic=Opportunistic SynchronizationStep.label.reaction=Reaction SynchronizationStep.label.reconcile=Lepita SynchronizationStep.label.syncObjectHeader=Sünkimisobjektid -SynchronizationStep.message.cantSave=Couldn't save resource synchronization. +SynchronizationStep.message.cantSave=Ei saanud salvestada ressursi sünki. SynchronizationStep.message.errorLoadingObjectSyncList=Couldn't load object synchronization list from resource. Error\: SynchronizationStep.message.errorLoadingObjectTemplates=Hoidlast ei õnnestu laadida objekti malle. SynchronizationStep.message.unsupportedActionFormat=You are using deprecated attribute 'ref' to define reaction action. Use element 'handlerUri' instead. Actions with 'ref' attribute will not be shown in this wizard. @@ -2778,8 +2780,8 @@ SynchronizationStep.tooltip.enabled=Set to true if this synchronization setting SynchronizationStep.tooltip.focus=The type of focal object that corresponds to the resource object. For account objects this is usually a user object (UserType). This can be set to RoleType or OrgType for entitlement objects and so on. SynchronizationStep.tooltip.intent=Object intent for which this definition applies. If the object (shadow) already has a kind and intent when it is processed by the synchronization code then this kind/intent definition will be used to select the synchronization settings to apply to this object. If the object does not have kind/intent then object class and conditions will be used to select the settings. In such a case the object (shadow) will be marked by the intent specified in this field. SynchronizationStep.tooltip.kind=Object kind for which this definition applies. If the object (shadow) already has a kind and intent when it is processed by the synchronization code then this kind/intent definition will be used to select the synchronization settings to apply to this object. If the object does not have kind/intent then object class and conditions will be used to select the settings. In such a case the object (shadow) will be marked by the kind specified in this field. -SynchronizationStep.tooltip.objectClass=Object class for which this definition applies. This will be used to select the synchronization settings in case the object (shadow) does not have kind/intent definition yet. -SynchronizationStep.tooltip.objectTemplate=Object template that will be used to process this specific synchronization event. If no object template is specified here then the usual default will be used. +SynchronizationStep.tooltip.objectClass=Objekti klass, mille jaoks see definitsioon kehtib. Seda kasutatakse, et valida sünkimise sätted juhul kui objektil (varjul) puudub veel liigi/kavatsuse definitsioon. +SynchronizationStep.tooltip.objectTemplate=Objekti mall, mida kasutatakse selle spetsiifilise sünkimise sündmuse töötlemiseks. Kui objekti malli pole siin määratletud, siis kasutataks tavalist vaikimisi malli. SynchronizationStep.tooltip.opportunistic=If set to true then opportunistic synchronization (a.k.a. discovery) will be enabled during the processing of this event. SynchronizationStep.tooltip.reaction=Specifies how midPoint reacts to this synchronization event. Several reactions can be specified. The reaction appropriate for the synchronization situation of the event will be selected. SynchronizationStep.tooltip.reconcile=If set to true then the reconciliation step will be forced for this synchronization event. The attributes will be explicitly fetched is they are not present. If set to false then the reconciliation will be automatic. In that case the reconciliation happens only if the attributes are already present in the synchronization event. If the attributes are not present they will not be explicitly fetched and the reconciliation will be skipped. @@ -2798,8 +2800,8 @@ SystemConfigPanel.mail.password.placeholder.empty=Määra parool SystemConfigPanel.mail.password.placeholder.set=Parool on seatud SystemConfigPanel.mail.port=Port SystemConfigPanel.mail.server=Meiliserver -SystemConfigPanel.mail.server.remove.warn=Could not delete selected mail server configuration. Changes made to selected configuration prevent the removal. Please re-select the configuration you wish to remove. -SystemConfigPanel.mail.server.tooltip=Select the mail server to configure it. To add new configuration, press '+' button. To remove selected configuration, press '-' button. +SystemConfigPanel.mail.server.remove.warn=Valitud meiliserveri konfiguratsiooni ei saa kustutada. Valitud konfiguratsioonis tehtud muudatused takistavad eemaldamist. Palun vali uuesti konfiguratsioon, mida soovid eemaldada. +SystemConfigPanel.mail.server.tooltip=Vali meiliserver, mida konfigureerida. Uue konfiguratsiooni lisamiseks vajuta '+' nupul. Valitud konfiguratsiooni eemaldamiseks vajuta '-' nupul. SystemConfigPanel.mail.transportSecurity=Transpordi turvalisus SystemConfigPanel.mail.username=Kasutajanimi SystemConfigPanel.misc.enableExperimentalCode=Luba eksperimentaalne kood @@ -2813,7 +2815,7 @@ SystemConfigPanel.title.modelHooks=Model hooks SystemConfigPanel.title.notification=Teavitused SystemConfigPanel.title.passwordPolicy=Globaalne paroolipoliitika SystemConfigPanel.title.securityPolicy=Globaalne turbepoliitika -SystemConfigPanel.title.userTemplate=Default user template +SystemConfigPanel.title.userTemplate=Vaikimisi kasutaja mall SystemConfigPanel.tooltip.duration=Vorming\: P[n][p], n-arv, p-periood (d - päevad, m - kuud, ...), P3M - puhastamine iga 3 kuu tagant SystemInfoPanel.cpuUsage=Protsessori hõivatus SystemInfoPanel.heapMemory=Heap memory (used/committed/max) @@ -2890,7 +2892,7 @@ tempMessagePanel.message.success=Edu tempMessagePanel.message.undefined=Määratlemata tempMessagePanel.message.unknown=Tundmatu tempMessagePanel.message.warn=Hoiatus -tempMessagePanel.param=Param\: +tempMessagePanel.param=Parameeter\: tempMessagePanel.times=times TextDetailsPanel.title=Seose üksikasjad TextField.universal.placeholder=Insert value @@ -2974,7 +2976,7 @@ UserReportConfigPanel.dateTo=To UserReportConfigPanel.exportFileType=Export Type UserReportConfigPanel.title.basic=Basic User Report Configuration User.superuser=Superkasutaja -UserType.emailAddress=Email +UserType.emailAddress=Meiliaadress UserType.familyName=Perekonnanimi UserType.fullName=Täisnimi UserType.givenName=Eesnimi @@ -3026,7 +3028,7 @@ TableConfigurationPanel.pageSize=Lehe suurus TableConfigurationPanel.tableColumns=Table columnsCountToolbar.label.unknownCount\=Displaying {0,number,integer} to {1,number,integer}, unknown number of matching results. MyRequestsPanel.started = Started MyRequestsPanel.rejected = Rejected -MyRequestsPanel.approved = Approved +MyRequestsPanel.approved = Kinnitatud MyRequestsPanel.inProgress = In progress = Nimi PageSelfProfile.title=Redigeeri profiili @@ -3062,9 +3064,9 @@ PageBase.button.tooltip.clearSearch=Tühjenda mainForm.uploadTooLarge = Upload must be less than ${maxSize}. mainForm.uploadFailed = File failed to upload\: ${exception.localizedMessage}PageSelfCredentials.couldntResolve\=Couldn't resolve resource. PageSelfCredentials.couldntResolve=Ei saanud ressurssi lahendada. -roleMemberPanel.type=Choose member type +roleMemberPanel.type=Vali liikme tüüp roleMemberPanel.tenant=Choose tenant -roleMemberPanel.project=Choose org/project +roleMemberPanel.project=Vali org/projekt FailedOperationTypeType.ADD=Add FailedOperationTypeType.GET=Get FailedOperationTypeType.MODIFY=Modify @@ -3083,29 +3085,29 @@ SearchItemPanel.or=or schema FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.operation=Operation FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.message=Message -FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.params=Parameters +FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.params=Parameetrid FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.contexts=Kontekst FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.count=Arv FeedbackAlertMessageDetails.error=Viga inbound (Model) (Model) assignments (Model)öötle sissetulev (Mudel) (Mudel)öötle omistused (Mudel) (Gui) version (Repository) runnable task now (Task)äivita kohe (Ülesanne) tasks now (Task) reference (Model) values (Model)üpteeri väärtused (Mudel) objekt hoidlasse (Mudel) changes (Model) assignment (Model)äida muudatused (Mudel) omistust (Mudel) (Workflow) (Model) - user (Model) delta (Model) subtasks deeply (Task) subtasks raw (Task)äida (Mudel)äida - kasutaja (Mudel)äida delta (Mudel) alamülesanded sügavalt (Ülesanne) alamülesanded toorelt (Ülesanne) on edukalt muudetud on nüüd edukalt salvestatud PageError.button.home=Kodu @@ -3169,7 +3171,7 @@ taskWfChildPanel.showParent=Show request in a context of the whole operation. TaskSummaryPanel.requestedBy=Requested by\: {0} TaskSummaryPanel.requestedOn=Requested on\: {0} TaskSummaryPanel.rejected=Rejected -TaskSummaryPanel.approved=Approved +TaskSummaryPanel.approved=Kinnitatud Schema (GUI) TaskDto.changesApplied=Muudatused rakendatud (edukalt või mitte) TaskDto.changesBeingApplied=Changes being applied @@ -3182,7 +3184,7 @@ LiveSyncHandlerPanel.deleteToken=Delete token ScannerHandlerPanel.lastScanTimestamp=Last scan timestamp ScriptExecutionHandlerPanel.script=Skript QueryBasedHandlerPanel.objectType=Objekti tüüp -QueryBasedHandlerPanel.query=Query +QueryBasedHandlerPanel.query=Päring DeleteHandlerPanel.executeInRawMode=Execute in raw mode ExecuteChangesHandlerPanel.change=Muuda ReportCreateHandlerPanel.downloadCreatedReport=Download created report @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Kustutuse kinnitamine DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 3646e17f251..23c720b4a40 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Comment DecisionsPanel.result=Outcome DecisionsPanel.user=User DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} Units @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Description PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 77b57c3113e..ef0b6ce3a9c 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Comment DecisionsPanel.result=Outcome DecisionsPanel.user=Felhasználó DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} Units @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@és PageCertDefinition.description=Leírásév PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 3646e17f251..23c720b4a40 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Comment DecisionsPanel.result=Outcome DecisionsPanel.user=User DecisionsPanel.when=When -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Account shadows to delete\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Non-Account shadows to delete\: {0} Units @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Description PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Number of stages -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 3360a89f48d..fe2e395b393 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Komentár DecisionsPanel.result=Výsledok DecisionsPanel.user=Používateľ DecisionsPanel.when=Keď -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles and orgs -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles and orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roles DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Users DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Orgs +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Sledovaný účet zmazať\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Nesledovaný účet zmazať\: {0} jednotka @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@žiť PageCertDefinition.description=Popis PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Počet etáp -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document diff --git a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ index 8cd334c3b0c..7b9c9ae5a3e 100644 --- a/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ +++ b/gui/admin-gui/src/main/resources/localization/ @@ -285,11 +285,12 @@ DecisionsPanel.comment=Yorum DecisionsPanel.result=Sonuç DecisionsPanel.user=Kullanıcı DecisionsPanel.when=Zaman -DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Kullanıcılar, roller ve org.lar -DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roller ve org. +DefinitionScopeObjectType.FocusType=Users, roles, orgs and services +DefinitionScopeObjectType.AbstractRoleType=Roles, orgs and services DefinitionScopeObjectType.RoleType=Roller DefinitionScopeObjectType.UserType=Kullanıcılar DefinitionScopeObjectType.OrgType=Organizasyonlar +DefinitionScopeObjectType.ServiceType=Services deleteAllDialog.label.accountShadowsDelete=Silinecek hesap gölgeleri\\\: {0} deleteAllDialog.label.nonAccountShadowsDelete=Silinecek hesap olmayan gölgeler\\\: {0} Birimleri @@ -1377,7 +1378,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.description=Açıklamalar PageCertDefinition.numberOfStages=Etap sayısı -PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving final outcome from stage results +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategy=Strategy for deriving overall outcome from stage outcomes PageCertDefinition.campaignsInReviewStage=Campaigns in review stage PageCertDefinition.campaignsTotal=Campaigns total PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStarted=Campaign last started @@ -1412,6 +1413,7 @@ PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeInducements=Inducements PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypes=Include target types PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeRoles=Roles PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeOrgs=Orgs +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeServices=Services PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeResources=Resources PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatus=Include by activation status PageCertDefinition.scopeEnabledItemsOnly=Enabled items only @@ -3236,3 +3238,28 @@ WorkItemSummaryPanel.notAllocated=Not allocated WorkItemPanel.showRequest=Show the approval request. DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDelete=Confirm delete DefinitionStagesPanel.confirmDeleteText=Do you really want to delete stage '{0}'? +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLabel=Please see also +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelpLink=this document +PageCertDefinition.outcomeStrategyHelp=How is the overall outcome for a case determined, based on outcomes in individual stages? Note\: 'Stop review on\:' field shows outcomes that prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage. Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastStartedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition started? +PageCertDefinition.campaignLastClosedHelp=When was last campaign created according to this definition closed - either after successfully going through all stages, or closed at any time. However, if a campaign is deleted without being closed first, it is not shown here. +PageCertDefinition.scopeObjectTypeHelp=Determines which objects will be considered to be in the scope of the certification campaigns. Features of these objects (e.g. whether to certify their assignments or their inducements or both, etc) are selected below. +PageCertDefinition.scopeSearchFilterHelp=If only a subset of objects of given type is to be considered for certification, you can specify the corresponding filter here. For example, you can specify that only users from a certain organization should be certified. Or that only employees with a specific employee type should be considered. +PageCertDefinition.scopeAssignmentsInducementsHelp=Select what features (assignments, inducements or both) of the objects described above are to be certified. +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeTargetTypesHelp=When certifying assignments or inducements, you can specify what target types are taken into account. For example, you can say that you want to certify only assignments of roles (to, for example, users). +PageCertDefinition.scopeIncludeByStatusHelp=Whether to certify only assignments/inducements that have administrative status set to ENABLED (or not set at all). Note that what is relevant is the administrative status of the assignment, not the administrative status of the assigned object. +StageDefinitionPanel.stageDurationHelp=Duration of this stage, used to determine stage end time. The end time is computed as the moment of stage opening plus the duration, rounded up to 23\:59\:59 of the last day. Duration is specified in ISO 8601 format, like P14D for 14 days, P3W for 3 months, P2M for 2 months, etc. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyBeforeDeadlineHelp=How long before the stage end the reminding notifications (to reviewers and campaign owner) will be sent. It is possible to specify more values; separate them by commas. Time interval is specified in ISO 8601 format, like PT12H for 12 hours, P2D for 2 days, P1W for 1 week, etc. An example\: PT48H, PT12H says that the first notification will be sent 48 hours before stage end, and the second one 12 hours before the end. +StageDefinitionPanel.notifyWhenNoDecisionHelp=If checked, a 'stage end approaching' notification is sent to a reviewer only if he/she has some cases waiting for his/her decision. If not checked, reviewers always get their notifications - regardless of whether they have provided a decision or not. (Note that notifications to the campaign owner about approaching stage end are always sent, regardless of this setting.) +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationTargetHelp=Selection of reviewers based on assignment/inducement target owner/approver. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all assignments of 'his' role (to any users). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerSpecificationObjectHelp=Selection of reviewers based on object that has something assigned (or induced) to. E.g. you can specify that the role owner is used to certify all inducements made to 'his' role. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerHelp=Selection of reviewers based on managers of object (typically a user) that has something assigned/induced to. E.g. you can specify that a manager is used to certify all assignments made to users in 'his' organization. +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerOrgTypeHelp=Influences determination of a manager of a user\: First, we take all managers of all organizations the user belongs to. We exclude the user himself, if he is a manager of such organization (and if 'allow managers to approve their own assignments' below is unchecked). If the value in this field is filled-in, we use it to select only organizations with given organization type value - for example, 'functional' (if you have e.g. both functional-type and project-type organizations). If this field is empty, we take into account all organizations. If we find no suitable manager, we continue with all parent organizations (again, of the given type, if specified). +StageDefinitionPanel.reviewerUseObjectManagerAllowSelfHelp=If a user is a manager in his organization, could he be selected as an reviewer for his own assignments? If unchecked (the default), a higher-level manager is searched for - see description for the above field. +StageDefinitionPanel.defaultReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used if the above condition would lead to no reviewer. +StageDefinitionPanel.additionalReviewerRefHelp=This reviewer (or reviewers) will be used in addition to any reviewers selected by the above conditions. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeStrategyHelp=If there is more than one reviewer selected, we need a strategy for combining their responses into stage-level outcome. For example, is it sufficient if any of them accepts the certification case? Or should all of them accept? Select the strategy using this field. +StageDefinitionPanel.outcomeIfNoReviewersHelp=What should be the outcome if there are no reviewers assigned, e.g. if the reviewer is defined as the target role owner, but a particular role has no owner? This does NOT apply in situations when there are reviewers assigned, but they provide no response. +StageDefinitionPanel.stopReviewOnHelp=What outcomes will prevent a case from being advanced to the next stage? Usually you need not change the default value. If necessary, you could do that through the XML configuration. +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLabel=For more information about configuring certification campaign stages, please see also +StageDefinitionPanel.configurationHelpLink=this document