Import summary stats using import.wdl. Prepare a list of summary stats like in reference configuration file (one summary stat bucket path per line) import.json.
Also, you need to generate a custom json (pheweb_import.fix_json.custom_json
) with additional information per sumstat (n_cases/n_controls, phenotype name, description). Example how to generate that json from R7 with the help of
gsutil cp gs://finngen-production-library-green/finngen_R7/finngen_R7_analysis_data/finngen_R7_pheno_n.tsv .
python3 --phenotype_col phenocode --n_cases_col num_cases --n_controls_col num_controls --out_json R7_custom.json finngen_R7_pheno_n.tsv
In case you need to update genes and their coordinates (used for gene page to gather best associations for each pheno and thus generally used as the set of gene names )
The gene file needs to be bed file with build 38 coordinates where there are no duplicate genes. Example below for generating file using gene version 39:
curl | zcat | awk '
split($9, row ,";");
for(e in row) {
elems[b[1]]=b[2] };
split(elems["gene_id"], gid ,".")
print $1,$4,$5,elems["gene_name"],gid[1];
' | awk '!seen[$4]++' > genes-b38-v39.bed
Run import worfkfow using prepared bed file as input import_pheweb.bed_file
to the workflow. The following files genereated by pheweb should be updated once the workflow is finished:
Copy imported data to destination
After successful import run, copy generated file to a single bucket using proper file structure using Parameters needed are cromwell hash and path to destination bucket: cromwell_hash gs://bucket_for_deployment_pickerupper/v8/
You need to have a socks5 proxy open in localhost:5000 to cromwell machine to get the metadata.
Example proxy creation if cromwell runs in google VM:
gcloud compute ssh cromwell-machine-name -- -D localhost:5000 -N
Alternatively if direct access available change url with --cromwell_url yourURL
and remove proxy (--socks_proxy "")
Use import.ukbb.wdl.
Use import.ukbb.json as a config template. Most of the variables/files don't need to be changed, but two input files need to be generated:
: list of meta-analysis result summary stats (one summary stat bucket path per line)pheweb_import.fix_json.custom_json
: file providing additional information per phenotype (n_cases/n_controls, phenotype name, description). Required fields are defined in the variable"pheweb_import.fix_json.fields"
You can use scripts and, or to generate the custom json. requires a "mapping" file as input with columns describing phenotype name, description, category, and number of cases/controls per study.
Example of such mapping file:
(base) jmehton@lm0-945-22724 r7 % head FinnGen_pan-UKBB_EstBB_mapping.tsv | column -t -s $'\t'
name category fg_phenotype ukbb_phenotype estbb_phenotype fg_n_cases ukbb_n_cases estbb_n_cases fg_n_controls ukbb_n_controls estbb_n_controls
Malignant neoplasm of breast II Neoplasms, from cancer register (ICD-O-3) C3_BREAST 174.11 c03 13178 11807 1686 160568 205913 127984
Malignant neoplasm of prostate II Neoplasms, from cancer register (ICD-O-3) C3_PROSTATE 185 c04 10414 7691 1470 124994 169762 66507
Malignant neoplasm II Neoplasms, from cancer register (ICD-O-3) C3_CANCER 204 c37 60459 65783 11047 248695 414840 180604
Leiomyoma of uterus (controls excluding all cancers) II Neoplasms from hospital discharges (CD2_) CD2_BENIGN_LEIOMYOMA_UTERI_EXALLC 218.1 c42 25716 11274 25244 122697 209602 94880
Hypothyroidism, strict autoimmune IV Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E4_) E4_HYTHY_AI_STRICT 244 c05 33422 26966 11209 227415 370312 179726
Type1 diabetes, definitions combined Diabetes endpoints T1D 250.1 c06 3711 3250 293 255449 396181 173673
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy VII Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H7_) H7_RETINOPATHYDIAB_PROLIF 250.7 c08 2025 1709 1961 284826 404535 197039
Polycystic ovarian syndrome IV Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E4_) E4_PCOS 256.4 c09 994 245 4125 165817 224884 113030
Gout, strict definition Rheuma endpoints GOUT_STRICT 274.1 c32 3290 4509 2578 304399 415559 192600
To create the custom json from a mapping file with these columns and studies (fg, ukbb, est):
python3 --study_prefixes fg,ukbb,estbb --phenotype_col fg_phenotype FinnGen_pan-UKBB_EstBB_mapping.tsv
Also make sure the following are correct in the config (most likely you should not need to change these):
points to as broad as possible variant list (preferrably generated from the most recent FinnGen variant annotation file). The file needs to have columnschrom
.- The key values in the dict defined in
are valid column names found from the sumstat files to be imported.
create UTF-8 TSV file from Aki's Excel, I've found this to be the best way to avoid double quotes around pheno names and correctly encode weird characters. open Endpoints_Controls_FINNGEN_ENDPOINTS_DF7_Final_2021-03-05.xlsx in Excel and save as UTF-8 CSV -install csvkit (terrible deps)
csvformat -T Endpoints_Controls_FINNGEN_ENDPOINTS_DF7_Final_2021-03-05.csv > Endpoints_Controls_FINNGEN_ENDPOINTS_DF7_Final_2021-03-05.tsv
in refinery get numbers of cases and controls from cov/pheno file: E.g in R:
cov_pheno <- fread("gunzip -c /mnt/nfs/r7/R7_COV_PHENO_V2.FID.txt.gz")
first_pheno_index <- match("DEATH", names(cov_pheno))[1]
cs <- colSums(cov_pheno[,first_pheno_index:length(cov_pheno)], na.rm=T)
mcs <- colSums(1-cov_pheno[,first_pheno_index:length(cov_pheno)], na.rm=T)
fwrite(data.table(cbind(pheno=names(cs), cases=cs, ctrls=mcs, n_eff=2/(1/cs+1/mcs))), "n_eff.txt", quote=F, sep="\t")
in /mnt/nfs/pheweb/r7/phenolist
-copy Aki's files and the above created TSV and the above created n_eff.txt there
gsutil cp gs://fg-cromwell_fresh/pheweb_import/e4792246-6efb-4b2e-a155-7f0dbbc00380/call-matrix/pheweb/pheno-list.json /mnt/nfs/pheweb/r7/pheno-list.json.orig
python3 /mnt/nfs/pheweb/r7/pheno-list.json.orig /mnt/nfs/pheweb/r6/pheno-list.json TAGLIST_DF7.txt Pheweb_FINNGEN _ENDPOINTS_DF7_Final_2021-03-05.names_tagged_ordered.txt Endpoints_Controls_FINNGEN_ENDPOINTS_DF7_Final_2021-03-05.tsv n_eff.txt /mnt/nfs/ pheweb/r7/generated-by-pheweb | python -m json.tool > /mnt/nfs/pheweb/r7/pheno-list.json
Setup environment
Configure gcloud sql instance.
export DB_INSTANCE=$(read -p "name of cloud instance" tmp; echo tmp) # name of cloud sql instance gcloud sql instances describe ${DB_INSTANCE} # check definition
Configure database name, create database if necessary
export DB_NAME=$(read -p "name of database" tmp; echo tmp) # database name gcloud sql databases create ${DB_NAME} --instance=${DB_INSTANCE} # create database if needed gcloud sql databases describe ${DB_NAME} --instance=${DB_INSTANCE} # check database name
Set the service account currently being used
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud sql instances describe ${DB_INSTANCE} | yq .serviceAccountEmailAddress) `
Grant the service account access to your bucket root. This will be needed when data is imported from the bucket to the database.
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}:legacyBucketOwner ${BUCKET_ROOT} gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}:legacyObjectReader ${BUCKET_ROOT}
Create tables from create the tables using the SQL scripts providied.
(echo "USE ${DB_NAME}"; cat sql/*.sql) | gcloud sql connect ${DB_INSTANCE} --user ${CLOUD_SQL_USER} `
Set the release identifier for your release.
export RELEASE=$(read -p "name pheweb release" tmp; echo tmp)
Set the pheweb root directory
export PHEWEB_ROOT=$(read -p "pheweb root" tmp; echo tmp)
Set you pipeline output identifier
export PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT=$(read -p "pipeline output root" tmp; echo tmp) export PIPELINE_OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER=$(read -p "pipeline output identifier" tmp; echo tmp)
The given an import idenitifier ${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER}
post pipeline
data as of r10 has the following layout.
#finemapping files : ${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT}/finemap/${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER}/finemap_cred_regions
gsutil ls ${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT}/finemap/${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER}/finemap_cred_regions/*.cred* > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo finemapping okay || echo finemapping failed
#this may change with future releases
#conditional sql :
gsutil ls ${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT}/conditional_analysis/cromwell-results/pheweb/*sql.merged.txt > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo finemapping okay || echo finemapping failed
gsutil ls ${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT}/conditional_analysis/cromwell-results/pheweb/munge/* > /dev/null 2> /dev/null && echo finemapping okay || echo finemapping failed
Create data for finemapping sql tables
Copy files in the finemap_cred_regions
directory to ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/cred
. The files should be of
form *.cred? where the file names end in a numerical suffix :
e.g. PHENOTYPE.chr10.100-110.cred1
export FINEMAP_CRED=${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_ROOT}/finemap/${PIPELINE_OUTPUT_IDENTIFIER}/finemap_cred_regions gsutil -m cp -R ${FINEMAP_CRED} ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/cred
Using run the following command.
export FINEMAPPING_SQL=${BUCKET_ROOT}/sql/finemap.sql.txt python3 scripts/ ${RELEASE} ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/cred/ | gsutil cp - ${FINEMAPPING_SQL}
Import sql to the tables.
gcloud sql import csv ${DB_INSTANCE} ${FINEMAPPING_SQL} --quiet --database=${DB_NAME} --table=finemapped_regions --columns=rel,type,phenocode,chr,start,end,n_signals,n_signals_prob,variants,path
In the finemapping portion of pheweb configuration point the finemap
property in the base_paths
object to ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/cred
"base_paths": { "finemap": "${PHEWEB_ROOT}/cred" }
The path of the merged sql should be conditional_analysis/cromwell-results/pheweb/*_sql.merged.txt
Copy the merged sql to your bucket using the path ${CONDITIONAL_SQL}
export CONDITIONAL_SQL=${BUCKET_ROOT}/sql/conditional.sql.txt gcloud sql import csv ${DB_INSTANCE} ${CONDITIONAL_SQL} --quiet --database=analysis_r10 --table=finemapped_regions --columns=rel,type,phenocode,chr,start,end,n_signals,n_signals_prob,variants,path
Copy conditional_analysis/cromwell-results/pheweb/munge
to ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/conditional
In the finemapping portion of pheweb configuration point the conditional
property in the base_paths
object to ${PHEWEB_ROOT}/conditional
Local the pip files should be in finemap/pip/*.snp.filter.tsv
export PIP_PATH= export PIP_SQL=${BUCKET_ROOT}/sql/pip.sql.txt gsutil cat ${PIP_PATH}/*.snp.filter.tsv | grep --color=auto -v '^trait' | cut -f1,5,6,7,8,9 | tr '\t' ',' | sed s/chr//g | gsutil cp - ${PIP_SQL}
Docker Google Cloud SDK kubectl
Note that there can be at most one minor version difference between kubectl client and server versions: If the server is running v1.8, the client cannot be v1.10. Versions can be checked with kubectl version
. If they differ too much, download a different version of the client or update the server.
In repository root:
docker build -t[TAG] -f deploy/Dockerfile .
gcloud docker -- push[TAG]
Get credentials for a running cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER-NAME] --zone=europe-west1-b
Or create a new cluster:
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER-NAME] --num-nodes=1 --machine-type=n1-standard-1 --zone=europe-west1-b
Make sure you're in the right kubernetes context:
kubectl config get-contexts
If necessary:
kubectl config use-context [CONTEXT-NAME]
This example is for R6 data. If using a running cluster:
In e.g. deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
(or other pheweb-deployment-* file), change the Docker image to the one you just created (or make other desired changes, note that replicas
should usually be the same as the cluster size). Make sure that in deploy/pheweb-pv-nfs.yaml
(or other pheweb-pv-* file) the NFS / GCE disk is the one you want with the wanted data - and that there is a correct in the data directory of the disk. The data directory needs to be specified (PHEWEB_DIR
) in deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
Then, apply the changes you made (example with dev config):
kubectl apply -f deploy/pheweb-pv-nfs.yaml
(if changed) and/or
kubectl apply -f deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
Or if using a new cluster:
Modify deploy/pheweb-ingress-r6.yaml
, deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
and deploy/pheweb-pv-nfs.yaml
-- or other files -- as needed. Then
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-ingress-r6.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-pv-nfs.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
Example of updating the image used in StatefulSet
kubectl patch statefulset pheweb-front --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value":""}]'
Kubernetes will try to rolling update so that while some pods are updating, the others are serving using the old image. In case the new image or settings are not functional Kubernetes will keep on retrying. In this case you need to update settings again first and then delete those pods that keep trying to run with the old settings.
kubectl delete pod pheweb-front-3
In case of an incomprehensible situation and it would be great to bring the service back asap, here's how to do a full restart of the cluster (example with R2 and 4 nodes):
gcloud container clusters delete [CLUSTER_NAME]
gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] --num-nodes=4 --machine-type=n1-standard-1 --zone=europe-west1-b
kubectl create secret tls finngen-tls --key /path/to/star_finngen_fi.key --cert /path/to/star_finngen_fi.crt
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-ingress-r6.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-pv-nfs.yaml
kubectl create -f deploy/pheweb-deployment-r6.yaml
kubectl get ingress
kubectl describe ingress
kubectl get svc
kubectl describe svc
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs [POD-NAME]
kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
More here
Prepare external summary stat files for each phenotype (tabix indexed, same chr build as FinnGen results) and place them in NFS mount. Currently required column names are: ["achr38","apos38","REF","ALT","beta","pval"] the default after lifting over FinnGen data.
Create a manifest for all of the sumstats and what FinnGen phenotype each matches to. Required columns in this order (no header):
- NAME: matching FinnGen phenotype name (text)
- pheno description (free text)
- ncases: number of cases (numeric)
- ncontrols: number of controls (numeric)
- file: full path to the tabixed summary stats.
Run in environment where you have access to the sumstats and config created in previous steps. Store the created matrix and .tbi in suitable location.
Modify and add to the following 2 elements in data_base
In DAO serving across all phenotypes externalresultmatrix
set matrix
to full path to the matrix created above and metadatafile
to full path to the created metadata. The node name ExternalMatrixResultDao
refers to the class implementing the DAO and is dynamically loaded. Don't change that string unless you provide custom implementation and create that class in
In DAO serving single results externalresult
set manifest
to full path to the created metadata file. The node name ExternalFileResultDao
refers to the class implementing the DAO and is dynamically loaded. Don't change that string unless you provide custom implementation and create that class in
"externalresultmatrix": {
"ExternalMatrixResultDao": {"matrix":"/mnt/nfs/ukbb_neale/matrix.tsv.gz", "metadatafile":"/mnt/nfs/ukbb_neale/ukbb_r1_match_pheno_dup_correct_ssd.tsv"}
}, {
"externalresult": {
"ExternalFileResultDao": {"manifest":"/mnt/nfs/ukbb_neale/ukbb_r1_match_pheno_dup_correct_ssd.tsv"}
For an example, see the Michigan Genomics Initiative PheWeb. For a walk-through demo see here. If you have questions or comments, check out our Google Group.
If any of these steps is incorrect, please email me at and I'll see what I can do to improve things.
pip3 install pheweb
- If that doesn't work, follow the detailed install instructions.
mkdir ~/my-new-pheweb && cd ~/my-new-pheweb
- This directory will store all data for the pheweb your are building. All
pheweb ...
commands should be run in this directory. - You can put it wherever you want and name it whatever you want.
- This directory will store all data for the pheweb your are building. All
If you want to configure any options, make a file
in your data directory. Some options you can set are:-
Minor Allele Frequency cutoffs:
: an association (between a phenotype and variant) will only be included if its MAF is greater than this value. (default:0
, but it saves disk space during loading, so I usually use at leastvariant_inclusion_maf / 2
: a variant will only be included if it has some associations with MAF greater than this value. That is, if some or all associations for a variant are aboveassoc_min_maf
, but none are abovevariant_inclusion_maf
, that entire variant (including all of its associations with phenotypes) will be dropped. If any association's MAF is abovevariant_inclusion_maf
, all associations for that variant that are aboveassoc_min_maf
will be included. (default:0
, but I recommend at least0.005
: a directory where files common to all datasets can be stored. If you don't want one, setcache = False
. (default:cache = "~/.pheweb/cache/"
You should have one file for each phenotype. It can be gzipped if you want. It should be tab-delimited and have a header row. Variants must be sorted by chromosome and position, with chromosomes in the order [1-22,X,Y,MT].
- If you are using EPACTS, your files should work just fine. If they don't, email me. EPACTS files won't have
, but PheWeb will parse theirMARKER_ID
column to get those.
The file must have columns for:
column description | name | other allowed column names | allowed values |
chromosome | chrom |
#chrom |
integer 1-22, X , Y , M , MT |
position | pos |
beg , begin |
integer |
reference allele | ref |
anything | |
alternate allele | alt |
anything | |
p-value | pval |
pvalue |
number in [0,1] |
Note: column names are case-insensitive.
Note: any field may be .
or NA
. For required fields, these values will cause the variant to be dropped.
Note: if your column name is not one of these, you may set field_aliases = {"column_name": "field_name"}
. For example, field_aliases = {'P_BOLT_LMM_INF': 'pval'}
Note: scientific notation is okay.
You may also have columns for:
column description | name | allowed column names | allowed values |
minor allele frequency | maf |
number in (0,0.5] | |
allele frequency | af |
number in (0,1) | |
allele count | ac |
integer | |
effect size | beta |
number | |
standard error of effect size | sebeta |
number | |
odds ratio | or |
number | |
R2 | r2 |
number | |
number of samples | num_samples |
ns , n |
integer, must be the same for every variant in its phenotype |
number of controls | num_controls |
ns.ctrl , n_controls |
integer, must be the same for every variant in its phenotype |
number of cases | num_cases | , n_cases |
integer, must be the same for every variant in its phenotype |
Inside of your data directory, you need a file named pheno-list.json
that looks like this:
"assoc_files": ["/home/watman/ear-length.epacts.gz"],
"phenocode": "ear-length"
"assoc_files": ["/home/watman/eats-kimchi.X.epacts.gz","/home/watman/eats-kimchi.autosomal.epacts.gz"],
"phenocode": "eats-kimchi"
must only contain letters, numbers, or any of _-~
That example file only includes the columns assoc_files
(a list of paths to association files) and phenocode
(a string representing your phenotype that is valid in a URL). If you want, you can also include:
: a string that is more descriptive thanphenocode
and will be shown in several placescategory
: a string that will group together phenotypes in the PheWAS plot and also be shown in several placesnum_cases
, and/ornum_samples
: numbers of strings which will be shown in several places- anything else you want, but you'll have to modify templates to show it.
There are four ways to make a pheno-list.json
If you have a csv (or tsv, optionally gzipped) with a header that has EXACTLY the right column names, just import it by running
pheweb phenolist import-phenolist "/path/to/my/pheno-list.csv"
.If you have multiple association files for each phenotype, you may put them all into a single column with
between them. For example, your filepheno-list.csv
might look like this:phenocode,assoc_files eats-kimchi,/home/watman/eats-kimchi.autosomal.epacts.gz|/home/watman/eats-kimchi.X.epacts.gz ear-length,/home/watman/ear-length.all.epacts.gz
If you have one association file per phenotype, you can use a shell-glob and a regex to get assoc-files and phenocodes for them. Suppose that your assocation files are at paths like:
Then you could run
pheweb phenolist glob-files "/home/watman/*.epacts.gz"
to getassoc-files
.To get
, you can use a regex that captures the phenocode from the file path. In most cases (including this one), just use:pheweb phenolist extract-phenocode-from-filepath --simple
If you have multiple association files for some phenotypes, you can follow the directions in 2 and then run
pheweb phenolist unique-phenocode
.For example, if your association files are at:
then you can run:
pheweb phenolist glob-files "/home/watman/*/*.epacts.gz" pheweb phenolist extract-phenocode-from-filepath --simple pheweb phenolist unique-phenocode
If you want to do more advanced things, like merging in more information from another file, email and I'll write documentation for
pheweb phenolist
.No matter what you do, please run
pheweb phenolist verify
when you are done to check that it worked correctly. At any point, you may runpheweb phenolist view
orpheweb phenolist print-as-csv
to view the current file.
pheweb process
.- This step can take hours or days for large datasets. If you want to use the SLURM cluster scheduler, run
pheweb slurm-parse
for parsing and thenpheweb process --no-parse
for everything else.
- This step can take hours or days for large datasets. If you want to use the SLURM cluster scheduler, run
If something breaks, read the error message.
- If you can understand the error message, modify your association or config files to avoid it, or drop the problematic phenotypes from
. Then re-runpheweb process
. - If the problem is something that PheWeb should support by default, feel free to email it to me at
- If you can't understand the error message, please email your error message to and hopefully I can get back to you quickly.
- If you can understand the error message, modify your association or config files to avoid it, or drop the problematic phenotypes from
Run pheweb serve --open
That command should either open a browser to your new PheWeb, or it should give you a URL that you can open in your browser to access your new PheWeb. If it doesn't, follow the directions for hosting a PheWeb and accessing it from your browser.
To use Apache2 or Nginx (for performance), see instructions here. To require login via OAuth, see instructions here. To track page views with Google Analytics, see instructions here.