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Fabrik API Client for .NET

This client makes it easy to work with the Fabrik API from your .NET applications.

Quick Start

Install-Package Fabrik.API.Client -pre

In order to stay as close to the Fabrik API resource heirarchy as possible, the library follows a "client-per-resource" pattern. For example, to work with your Fabrik Blog content you would create an instance of BlogClient.

All resource clients require an ApiClient instance to communicate with the Fabrik API. The ApiClient provides both code-first and file based configuration:

Code First

var api = ApiClient.Create(cfg =>
    cfg.UseBasicAuthentication("", "YourFabrikPassword");

Configuration File

	<add name="FabrikAPI" 

var api = ApiClient.FromConnectionString("FabrikAPI");

The ApiClient will initialize a HttpClient internally but you can pass your own "provider" if you want to override how the HttpClient is created. This is useful if you want to use the same HttpClient instance throughout your application (best practice) or if you want to set default request headers.

class Program
    static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var api = ApiClient.FromConnectionString("FabrikAPI")
            .Configure(cfg => cfg.SetHttpClientProvider(() => httpClient));

Extension methods are provided for creating resource clients. To create a BlogClient simply call GetBlogClient() on your ApiClient instance.

All API operations are asynchronous, returning Task or Task<T>.

Example - Querying all blog posts tagged with "Fabrik"

using Fabrik.API.Client;
using Fabrik.API.Client.Core;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace FabrikAPIClientDemo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            new Program().Run().Wait();

        async Task Run()
            var api = ApiClient.Create(cfg =>
                cfg.UseBasicAuthentication("", "YourFabrikPassword");

            // Most API calls require a site identifier so we need to get the site first
            // If you didn't want to do this every time you could store the siteid in your config file
            var site = await api.GetAccountClient().GetDefaultSite();
            // Get an IBlogClient instance so we can work with our Fabrik Blog
            var blog = api.GetBlogClient(site.Id);

			// all async baby!
            var result = await blog.ListPostsAsync(
                tags: new[] { "Fabrik" },
                pageSize: 20

            // Most Get operations return a paged result set
            Console.WriteLine("We found {0} posts that matched your search.", result.TotalCount);
            // Items returns the underlying items of the paged result set
            foreach (var post in result.Items)



Licensed under the MIT License.


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