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Paul Brown edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 1 revision

Jackson Glossary: DeserializationConfig

  • Package:
  • Jar: jackson-mapper


DeserializationConfig is the main configuration container used during deserialization (reading of JSON to construct Java objects).

ObjectMapper contains a modifiable copy of configuration. When a value is deserialized (using one of "readValue()" methods, or indirectly through ObjectReader), an unmodifiable (and non-shared) instance is constructed to be used during deserialization. This is done to ensure no changes occur half-way through deserialization, and that there is no need to synchronize read access.


DeserializationConfig is not usually constructed by application code; rather, an instance is constructed by ObjectMapper and exposed through serialization methods. Application code can, however, get access to instance used by ObjectMapper via ObjectMapper.getDeserializationConfig().


See JacksonFeaturesDeserialization for list of basic on/off features.

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