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Sand is a derivative of Stone, it is a simplified static site generator with support for basic resource copying, wildcard patterns and consistent output destination.


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Sand: A simple static site generator

Sand is a static site generator based heavily on an early version of Stone by NeuralSandwich. While Stone is becoming a more fully featured blog engine, Sand pairs back functionality to the basics, and is designed to provide similar functionality to the early versions of Stone, but with added wildcard support, support for resources, and some other functions that proved useful when building projects.

Built on Sand

This README serves as both documentation for this tool as well as an example project. While this file contains the content, there are a number of pieces of additional metadata required to configure the Sand project, which are provided by the accompanying site.conf HOCON file.

Installing with Pip

To install sand as a module run pip install . from within the cloned folder. Once installed sand can be used by running:


Generating the documentation

To see Sand generate this documentation, clone this repository and run:

python3 sand example --serve


sand example --serve

from within the checked out folder. This will build this documentation and start a development server at http://localhost:9000 serving it. Omitting the --serve argument will build this documentation without starting a server.

sand example

A Note on Security

The plugin aspects of Sand are designed to make it flexible enough to accommodate a range of different project types (Sand has been used to generate a number of things from blogs, to portfolios, to documentation sites like this one), however, this also provides an avenue for potentially malicious code to be executed by Sand.

For example, if you run Sand periodically on an accessible server and an attacker were able to compromise a sand/ file to modify any of the expected plugin methods (configure, parse, add_render_context) to do something malicious then Sand would execute them.

This hasn't been a major concern in its design as Sand is meant to generate static sites and so it's presumed that whatever safe environment Sand was executed within would be separate to the potentially exposed environment in which its output would be deployed.

Still it's worth noting this potential vector as this plugins folder would be something that would be expected to exist outside the core Sand code where it might be inadvertently unprotected.


A configuration file is required to inform Sand what to build and how to build it. It takes the form of a HOCON file typically named site.conf to detail where source and output files can be found, what plugins are required and a collection of other data required when creating the HTML output. Per-page configuration may be specified using a YAML header in the markdown, or by specifying a per-page config entry within the site.conf file.

In this overview of how the configuration works we'll walk through the site.conf file in the example folder that describes how this documentation is built.

NB: In previous versions of Sand the configuration had been read only as JSON, but now is read as HOCON using pyhocon. This preserves backwards compatibility, but also allows for the configuration bells and whistles that HOCON supports. To make this a little less jarring Sand will now also attempt to read configuration data from site.hocon and site.conf in addition to site.json to ease any nomenclature-based anxiety.

When the above python3 example command is run the site.conf in the example folder informs Sand how to build the HTML output, and Sand follows these instructions to create a styled, HTML version of this README markdown (additionally it creates a configuration cheat sheet from the supplementary-docs\ file).

If you open the site.conf file you'll see a configuration file that describes how to build the example.


The top level map of the site.conf file contains the "sites" array. This is a list of sites that will be built by this particular file. Each site is represented as a map containing some or all of these keys (there may be additional keys depending on the plugins being used, but these are the keys providing the base functionality): root, output_root, plugins, templates, pages and resources.

In the case of the example site.conf file we see the following keys:

  • "root"
  • "domain"
  • "plugins"
  • "es6css"
  • "pages"
  • "templates"
  • "resources"


root defines the working directory of this particular site relative to the folder provided to the python command. Any source folders will be defined relative to the root.

In this case our configuration states "root": "." so the working directory of this site is the example folder.


output_root defines the output directory relative to the folder provided to the python command. Any target folders defined will be relative to the output_root.

We don't specify a value in the example site.conf file, so it takes the default value of "./output" (so example/output in this particular case).


templates defines a list of folders relative to root where our jinja2 templates can be found. We'll reference these by name in our page configuration when we define our pages.

In this case we list a single templates folder "templates": ["templates"], and this is again relative to our root so that it can be found at example/templates in this instance. If you inspect this templates folder you'll find a single jinja2 template named default.html


pages defines a list of markdown "pages" to be rendered as HTML output. Each page consists of a map that contains at the very least a source (relative to root) and target (relative to output_root) key, and optionally a config key that can be used provide additional metadata about the page to be generated. This is an alternative (and less intrusive) way of adding metadata to the markdown pages beyond including YAML definitions at the top of the document. More about this can be found in the pages section below.

In our example the pages entry looks like this:

"pages": [
        "config": {
            "title": "Sand Documentation",
            "template": "default.html",
            "is_index": true,
            "rss": true,
            "created": "2023-07-16 18:12:00",
        "source": "../",
        "target": "./index.html"
        "config": {
            "title": "Sand Cheat Sheet",
            "template": "default.html",
            "rss": true,
            "created": "2023-07-16 18:12:00",
        "source": "../supplementary-docs/",
        "target": "./cheat-sheet.html"

This defines two pages, one processing the file and the other the supplementary-docs/ file. In both cases we also tell the renderer to use the default.html template from the template folder defined earlier. Additionally, we provide a page title for each page and add an is_index flag to the main README (both of which become accessible through the DATA object at render time, more about this in the pages & templates sections). We also specify an rss flag to enable the page to be processed by the built-in rss plugin. More about plugins can be found in the plugin section.


resources defines a list of supporting files that may be static or may require some alternative processing to the markdown processing Sand provides for content. Typically, these files include things like Javascript, images, media and css. In the case of the latter on of the alternative processors provided by Sand is the compilation of less files into css (using lesscpy).

The default handling of a resource file is simply to copy it from the source location to the target location.


plugins defines a list of plugins (either built-in, or project-specific) that can be used to augment the functionality of Sand. More on this in the plugins section.


To get started with Sand:

# Create project layout
sand <project_folder> --site <project_name>
# Generate site
sand <project_folder>
# Add a new page to an existing project
sand <project_folder> --page <page_name>

Folder Structure

The structure of a project is pretty flexible and can be expanded and contracted by updating the site.json metadata, however, a common example structure (and that created by the built in site generator) is:

├── sandplugins (optional)
|   └── (defines a plugin class)
├── pages
│   └── ... (.md files)
├── resources
│   ├── css
│   │   └── ... (styles)
│   ├── script
│   │   └── ... (javascript)
│   └── img
│       └── ... (images)
├── site.conf
└── templates
    └── ... (jinja templates)

site.conf is pretty flexible about the location of templates and files. As such you're not constrained to any particular layout for your site. You could have separate template folders inside each site or have one giant mess in your project root.

As a demonstration, if you look at the site.conf for this example you'll see that the file is being included from outside the project root folder while the templates are stored within it.


Pages are Markdown files with some optional YAML metadata that define the content of a page and describe the attributes of the generated page including the page title and the template it uses. For example:

template: base.html
title: Hello, World

# This is a header

Here is some content.

Additionally, metadata can be provided within the site.conf at the point the page is defined (as seen in the example project above). This has the benefit of removing the need to "tarnish" the Markdown with a YAML header, but the drawback that it may not be effectively used when wildcarding pages.

In either case, Sand makes the metadata defined available to the page when rendered as a dictionary named DATA. In the example above the title can be accessed within the template as:

{{ DATA.get("title") }}

Using wildcards in page definitions

Individually identifying pages can be a chore, especially if we wish them to be rendered with a common set of metadata (or their metadata is provided with a YAML header). In these cases we can use wildcards to indicate "all the matching files". A wildcard is denoted using * and is used in both the source and target of a page entry.

Wildcards can be very useful when you wish to process a whole folder of Markdown files:

"pages": [
        "source": "blog/*.md",
        "target": "blog/*.html"

The above directive will take all the .md files in the blog folder, and render them out to a folder of the same name in the output root. All the files will be read as [name].md and output as the corresponding [name].html file. You can also specify a config map at this point, but it'll apply equally to all the files, which can be useful for defining a template, but not for page specific information such as page titles.


Templates are HTML pages with jinja2 markup. An example of the file that Sand produces when using the site generator is shown below.


    {% block head %}
    <title>{{ DATA.get("title") }}</title>
    {% endblock %}
  {% block body %}
    <h1>{{ DATA.get("title") }}</title>
    <div id="post">
      <!-- Most likely we are going to pass more html here --->
      {{ content|safe }}
  {% endblock %}

The important points here are that the HTML representation of the Markdown content which is provided through the {{ content }} variable (and in the template above passed through safe to avoid it being escaped), the page level metadata in {{ DATA }}, and the site level metadata in {{ GLOBALS }}. More about GLOBALS can be found in the advanced usage.


To generate a particular site invoke sand with the location of the project's root folder.

sand <project_folder>


An example project that generates an html version of this README can be found in the example folder.

You can build it by running:

sand example

Advanced Usage

Content Jinja Pass

Sand allows a Jinja pass to be performed on the markdown allowing you to (carefully) mix your markdown content with Jinja directives. When activated, the markdown content will receive a secondary Jinja rendering pass in which any Jinja directives will be processed. When processed they will be provided access to all the same DATA and GLOBALS values as all the other Jinja rendering phase.

This feature can be enabled by including:

jinja_pass: True

either as part of your YAML header, or within a config section of the pages definition in your site.conf for any required pages.


As mentioned previously a dictionary of the data passed from the page metadata into the content/template of each page may be accessed through the DATA object. In addition to this, every rendering phase is also provided access to a GLOBALS object that contains data regarding the project as a whole.

The GLOBALS currently is a dictionary with three elements:

  • site_root: the root folder of the project
  • output_root: the output folder of the project
  • site: the site object as defined in the file that contains the page_reference which is a path-indexed dictionary of all the project's pages and metadata.


A site is represented by an instance of the Site class. When the site is instantiated it will read a list of plugin names from the site.conf. It will then attempt to instantiate the plugins by loading a module named <plugin-name>.py first from the project's sandplugins folder, then from Sand's own plugin\builtins folder. Should the module load. the plugin will be instantiated by calling Plugin() from the loaded module.

In this example's site.conf we list three plugins:

"plugins": [

This loads two built-in plugins (es6css and rss) from the plugin\builtins folder and a third plugin (example) from the example\sandplugins\ folder.

A plugin is defined as a class named Plugin requiring the following methods:

class Plugin:
    def configure(self, site_data, site):

    def parse(self, site_data, site):

    def add_render_context(self, page, environment, data):

With sand installed using pip, you can optionally base your Plugin class on the SandPlugin class like so:

from sand.plugin import SandPlugin

class Plugin(SandPlugin):

Which will provide all the stubs for you allowing you to only override those methods you require.

You can create a plugin named <name> by creating a class named Plugin in a <name>.py file within a folder named sand under your project root. Your plugin will have the ability to hook into the Sand process at both the stage at which the site structure is being constructed, and at the point the content is rendered. This can be done by modifying the parse and add_render_context methods.

├── sandplugins
│   └── <plugin>.py
└── site.conf

By way of example, if we add a list of terms to pages as "tags" in their metadata:

"pages": [
        "config": {
            "title": "Sand Documentation",
            "template": "default.html",
            "is_index": true,
            "rss": true,
            "created": "2023-07-16 18:12:00"
            "tags": ["guide"]
        "source": "./",
        "target": "./index.html"
        "config": {
            "title": "Sand Cheat Sheet",
            "template": "default.html",
            "rss": true,
            "created": "2023-07-16 18:12:00"
            "tags": ["guide", "cheat sheet"]
        "source": "../supplementary-docs/",
        "target": "./cheat-sheet.html"

We can then create a new Plugin class that will allow us to fetch the pages by their tag like so:

from sand.plugin import SandPlugin

class Tags:
    def __init__(self, pages):
        self.pages = pages
     def by_tag(self, tag):
               return [p for p in self.pages if tag in"tags", [])]

class Plugin(SandPlugin):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tags = None

    def configure(self, site_data, site):
        self.tags = Tags(site.pages)

    def add_render_context(self, page, environment, data):
        data["TAGS"] = self.tags

If we save this plugin as in our project's sand folder then we'll be able to include it by adding "tags" to the list of plugins in our site.conf file. The add_render_context call will add a variable to our jinja environment names TAGS that allows us to access the by_tag method from within our templates or our jinja_pass enabled markdown like:

{% for page in TAGS.by_tag("guide") %}
    {{"title") }}
{% endfor %}

We could further augment the Tags class to provide the data for creating a tag cloud or any other function we would like.

The add_render_context method also allows you to augment the jinja2 environment object (as passed as an argument to it) so that you can extend the templating functionality for a project. The plugin in of this documentation's project adds a filter named nl2br that replaces new lines with html breaks.

class Plugin(SandPlugin):
    def nl2br(value):
        return value.replace("\n", "<br />")

    def add_render_context(self, page, environment, data):
        environment.filters["nl2br"] = self.nl2br

This can then be accessed within a template by piping content through the newly defined filter:

{{ content|nl2br|safe }}


Sand is a derivative of Stone, it is a simplified static site generator with support for basic resource copying, wildcard patterns and consistent output destination.







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