Release 3.5.0 (April 2018)
released this
06 Apr 09:53
Feature attributes can be defined with new view and stored in new format for extended feature models (#255 , #650 )
New library without Eclipse dependencies for extended feature models (#714 )
New tool bar and revised context menu for feature diagrams (#648 , #651 , #672 , #720 )
New notation for dead and false-optional features to avoid confusion with feature coloring (#649 )
Descriptions for cross-tree constraints (#648 )
Obfuscator for names in feature models (#667 )
Added examples with real-world configurations, namely Agrib and Profile (#606 )
Added examples for the FeatureIDE library (#664 )
Wizards for feature models and constraints available when installing only feature modeling (#649 )
Feature order can be changed by drag and drop (#649 )
Improved performance of readers and writers for XML and DIMACS formats (#695 )
Unified dialogs for importing and exporting feature models from/to different formats
Fixed problems:
saving of feature models (#537 , #591 , #662 , #677 , #700 )
layouting after renaming features (#604 , #612 )
wrong number of variants (#722 )
impossible feature coloring (#708 )
editing of redundant constraints (#622 )
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