Release 3.6.1 (October 2019)
- Hotfix containing only stability improvements over v3.6.0
- Configuration editor required minutes after every click (#907)
- Random configurations differ in each run now (before the same seed has been used, see #915)
- Missing default configuration caused numerous problems (#911)
- Feature attributes can be updated again (#903)
- Wrong explanations for feature-model defects fixed (#905, #906, #897)
- Problems when importing feature models fixed (#793)
- Incompatibilities with Eclipse 2019-X fixed (#901)
- Feature-model slicing fixed (#900)
- Usability of feature attributes view improved (#862)
- Support for colors in attributes view (#857)
Critical and major bugs known but not yet fixed
- Random configurations are identical for a fixed feature model (#915, introduced in v3.6.0)