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-$this->handlers['config/filters.yml'] = new sfFilterConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/routing.yml'] = new sfRoutingConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/generator.yml'] = new sfGeneratorConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/view.yml'] = new sfViewConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/security.yml'] = new sfSecurityConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/cache.yml'] = new sfCacheConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/module.yml'] = new sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler(array ( - 'prefix' => 'mod_', - 'module' => true, -)); diff --git a/cache/frontend/dev/config/config_factories.yml.php b/cache/frontend/dev/config/config_factories.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0760631..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/dev/config/config_factories.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ -factories['logger'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_logger_parameters', array ( - 'level' => 'debug', -)))); - -$logger = new sfWebDebugLogger($this->dispatcher, array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false), array ( - 'level' => 'debug', - 'xdebug_logging' => false, - 'web_debug_class' => 'sfWebDebug', -))); -$this->factories['logger']->addLogger($logger); - -$logger = new sfFileLogger($this->dispatcher, array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false), array ( - 'level' => 'debug', - 'file' => '/www/posting/log/frontend_dev.log', -))); -$this->factories['logger']->addLogger($logger); - - - if (sfConfig::get('sf_i18n')) - { - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_i18n', 'sfI18N'); - $cache = new sfFileCache(array ( - 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0, - 'cache_dir' => '/www/posting/cache/frontend/dev/i18n', - 'lifetime' => 31556926, - 'prefix' => '/www/posting/apps/frontend/i18n', -)); - $this->factories['i18n'] = new $class($this->configuration, $cache, array ( - 'source' => 'XLIFF', - 'debug' => false, - 'untranslated_prefix' => '[T]', - 'untranslated_suffix' => '[/T]', -)); - sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter::setTranslationCallable(array($this->factories['i18n'], '__')); - } - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_controller', 'sfFrontWebController'); - $this->factories['controller'] = new $class($this); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request', 'sfWebRequest'); - $this->factories['request'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, array(), array(), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_parameters', array ( - 'logging' => '1', - 'path_info_array' => 'SERVER', - 'path_info_key' => 'PATH_INFO', - 'relative_url_root' => NULL, - 'formats' => - array ( - 'txt' => 'text/plain', - 'js' => - array ( - 0 => 'application/javascript', - 1 => 'application/x-javascript', - 2 => 'text/javascript', - ), - 'css' => 'text/css', - 'json' => - array ( - 0 => 'application/json', - 1 => 'application/x-json', - ), - 'xml' => - array ( - 0 => 'text/xml', - 1 => 'application/xml', - 2 => 'application/x-xml', - ), - 'rdf' => 'application/rdf+xml', - 'atom' => 'application/atom+xml', - ), - 'no_script_name' => false, -)), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_attributes', array())); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response', 'sfWebResponse'); - $this->factories['response'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response_parameters', array_merge(array('http_protocol' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : null), array ( - 'logging' => '1', - 'charset' => 'utf-8', - 'send_http_headers' => true, -)))); - if ($this->factories['request'] instanceof sfWebRequest - && $this->factories['response'] instanceof sfWebResponse - && 'HEAD' == $this->factories['request']->getMethod()) - { - $this->factories['response']->setHeaderOnly(true); - } - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_routing', 'sfPatternRouting'); - $cache = null; - -$this->factories['routing'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, $cache, sfToolkit::arrayDeepMerge(array('auto_shutdown' => false, 'context' => $this->factories['request']->getRequestContext()), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_routing_parameters', array ( - 'load_configuration' => true, - 'suffix' => '', - 'default_module' => 'default', - 'default_action' => 'index', - 'debug' => '1', - 'logging' => '1', - 'generate_shortest_url' => true, - 'extra_parameters_as_query_string' => true, - 'cache' => NULL, -)))); -if ($parameters = $this->factories['routing']->parse($this->factories['request']->getPathInfo())) -{ - $this->factories['request']->addRequestParameters($parameters); -} - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage', 'sfSessionStorage'); - $this->factories['storage'] = new $class(array_merge(array( -'auto_shutdown' => false, 'session_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParameter('symfony'), -), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage_parameters', array ( - 'session_name' => 'symfony', -)))); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user', 'myUser'); - $this->factories['user'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, $this->factories['storage'], array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false, 'culture' => $this->factories['request']->getParameter('sf_culture')), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user_parameters', array ( - 'timeout' => 1800, - 'logging' => '1', - 'use_flash' => true, - 'default_culture' => 'en', -)))); - - if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) - { - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache', 'sfFileCache'); - $cache = new $class(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache_parameters', array ( - 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0, - 'cache_dir' => '/www/posting/cache/frontend/dev/template', - 'lifetime' => 86400, - 'prefix' => '/www/posting/apps/frontend/template', -))); - $this->factories['viewCacheManager'] = new sfViewCacheManager($this, $cache, array ( - 'cache_key_use_vary_headers' => true, - 'cache_key_use_host_name' => true, -)); - } - else - { - $this->factories['viewCacheManager'] = null; - } - -require_once sfConfig::get('sf_symfony_lib_dir').'/vendor/swiftmailer/classes/Swift.php'; -Swift::registerAutoload(); -sfMailer::initialize(); -$this->setMailerConfiguration(array_merge(array('class' => sfConfig::get('sf_factory_mailer', 'sfMailer')), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_mailer_parameters', array ( - 'logging' => '1', - 'charset' => 'utf-8', - 'delivery_strategy' => 'none', - 'transport' => - array ( - 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', - 'param' => - array ( - 'host' => 'localhost', - 'port' => 25, - 'encryption' => NULL, - 'username' => NULL, - 'password' => NULL, - ), - ), -)))); 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- } - else if (null === $this->getDecoratorTemplate() && !$this->context->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) - { - $this->setDecoratorTemplate('' == 'layout' ? false : 'layout'.$this->getExtension()); - } - $response->addHttpMeta('content-type', 'text/html', false); - - $response->addStylesheet('resets.css', '', array ()); - $response->addStylesheet('main.css', '', array ()); - - diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_app.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_app.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29..0000000 diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_config_handlers.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_config_handlers.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index 8111434..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_config_handlers.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -handlers['config/autoload.yml'] = new sfAutoloadConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/databases.yml'] = new sfDatabaseConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/settings.yml'] = new sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler(array ( - 'prefix' => 'sf_', -)); -$this->handlers['config/app.yml'] = new sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler(array ( - 'prefix' => 'app_', -)); -$this->handlers['config/factories.yml'] = new sfFactoryConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/core_compile.yml'] = new sfCompileConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/filters.yml'] = new sfFilterConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['config/routing.yml'] = new sfRoutingConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/generator.yml'] = new sfGeneratorConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/view.yml'] = new sfViewConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/security.yml'] = new sfSecurityConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/cache.yml'] = new sfCacheConfigHandler(); -$this->handlers['modules/*/config/module.yml'] = new sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler(array ( - 'prefix' => 'mod_', - 'module' => true, -)); diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index e52bd57..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3966 +0,0 @@ -overriden[$class] = $path; - $this->classes[$class] = $path; - } - public function getClassPath($class) - { - $class = strtolower($class); - return isset($this->classes[$class]) ? $this->classes[$class] : null; - } - public function reloadClasses($force = false) - { - if (self::$freshCache && !$force) - { - return false; - } - $configuration = sfProjectConfiguration::getActive(); - if (!$configuration || !$configuration instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration) - { - return false; - } - self::$freshCache = true; - if (file_exists($configuration->getConfigCache()->getCacheName('config/autoload.yml'))) - { - self::$freshCache = false; - if ($force) - { - unlink($configuration->getConfigCache()->getCacheName('config/autoload.yml')); - } - } - $file = $configuration->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('config/autoload.yml'); - $this->classes = include($file); - foreach ($this->overriden as $class => $path) - { - $this->classes[$class] = $path; - } - return true; - } - public function autoload($class) - { - if (!$this->classes) - { - self::reloadClasses(); - } - return self::loadClass($class); - } - public function loadClass($class) - { - $class = strtolower($class); - if (class_exists($class, false) || interface_exists($class, false)) - { - return true; - } - if (isset($this->classes[$class])) - { - try - { - require $this->classes[$class]; - } - catch (sfException $e) - { - $e->printStackTrace(); - } - catch (Exception $e) - { - sfException::createFromException($e)->printStackTrace(); - } - return true; - } - if ( - sfContext::hasInstance() - && - ($module = sfContext::getInstance()->getModuleName()) - && - isset($this->classes[$module.'/'.$class]) - ) - { - try - { - require $this->classes[$module.'/'.$class]; - } - catch (sfException $e) - { - $e->printStackTrace(); - } - catch (Exception $e) - { - sfException::createFromException($e)->printStackTrace(); - } - return true; - } - return false; - } -} - - -abstract class sfComponent -{ - protected - $moduleName = '', - $actionName = '', - $context = null, - $dispatcher = null, - $request = null, - $response = null, - $varHolder = null, - $requestParameterHolder = null; - public function __construct($context, $moduleName, $actionName) - { - $this->initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName); - } - public function initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName) - { - $this->moduleName = $moduleName; - $this->actionName = $actionName; - $this->context = $context; - $this->dispatcher = $context->getEventDispatcher(); - $this->varHolder = new sfParameterHolder(); - $this->request = $context->getRequest(); - $this->response = $context->getResponse(); - $this->requestParameterHolder = $this->request->getParameterHolder(); - } - abstract function execute($request); - public function getModuleName() - { - return $this->moduleName; - } - public function getActionName() - { - return $this->actionName; - } - public final function getContext() - { - return $this->context; - } - public final function getLogger() - { - return $this->context->getLogger(); - } - public function logMessage($message, $priority = 'info') - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array($message, 'priority' => constant('sfLogger::'.strtoupper($priority))))); - } - } - public function getRequestParameter($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->requestParameterHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasRequestParameter($name) - { - return $this->requestParameterHolder->has($name); - } - public function getRequest() - { - return $this->request; - } - public function getResponse() - { - return $this->response; - } - public function getController() - { - return $this->context->getController(); - } - public function generateUrl($route, $params = array(), $absolute = false) - { - return $this->context->getRouting()->generate($route, $params, $absolute); - } - public function getUser() - { - return $this->context->getUser(); - } - public function getMailer() - { - return $this->getContext()->getMailer(); - } - public function setVar($name, $value, $safe = false) - { - $this->varHolder->set($name, $safe ? new sfOutputEscaperSafe($value) : $value); - } - public function getVar($name) - { - return $this->varHolder->get($name); - } - public function getVarHolder() - { - return $this->varHolder; - } - public function __set($key, $value) - { - return $this->varHolder->setByRef($key, $value); - } - public function & __get($key) - { - return $this->varHolder->get($key); - } - public function __isset($name) - { - return $this->varHolder->has($name); - } - public function __unset($name) - { - $this->varHolder->remove($name); - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'component.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } -} - - -abstract class sfAction extends sfComponent -{ - protected - $security = array(); - public function initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName) - { - parent::initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName); - if ($file = $context->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('modules/'.$this->getModuleName().'/config/security.yml', true)) - { - require($file); - } - } - public function preExecute() - { - } - public function postExecute() - { - } - public function forward404($message = null) - { - throw new sfError404Exception($this->get404Message($message)); - } - public function forward404Unless($condition, $message = null) - { - if (!$condition) - { - throw new sfError404Exception($this->get404Message($message)); - } - } - public function forward404If($condition, $message = null) - { - if ($condition) - { - throw new sfError404Exception($this->get404Message($message)); - } - } - public function redirect404() - { - return $this->redirect('/'.sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_module').'/'.sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_action')); - } - public function forward($module, $action) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Forward to action "%s/%s"', $module, $action)))); - } - $this->getController()->forward($module, $action); - throw new sfStopException(); - } - public function forwardIf($condition, $module, $action) - { - if ($condition) - { - $this->forward($module, $action); - } - } - public function forwardUnless($condition, $module, $action) - { - if (!$condition) - { - $this->forward($module, $action); - } - } - public function redirect($url, $statusCode = 302) - { - if (is_object($statusCode) || is_array($statusCode)) - { - $url = array_merge(array('sf_route' => $url), is_object($statusCode) ? array('sf_subject' => $statusCode) : $statusCode); - $statusCode = func_num_args() >= 3 ? func_get_arg(2) : 302; - } - $this->getController()->redirect($url, 0, $statusCode); - throw new sfStopException(); - } - public function redirectIf($condition, $url, $statusCode = 302) - { - if ($condition) - { - $arguments = func_get_args(); - call_user_func_array(array($this, 'redirect'), array_slice($arguments, 1)); - } - } - public function redirectUnless($condition, $url, $statusCode = 302) - { - if (!$condition) - { - $arguments = func_get_args(); - call_user_func_array(array($this, 'redirect'), array_slice($arguments, 1)); - } - } - public function renderText($text) - { - $this->getResponse()->setContent($this->getResponse()->getContent().$text); - return sfView::NONE; - } - public function getPartial($templateName, $vars = null) - { - $this->getContext()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Partial'); - $vars = null !== $vars ? $vars : $this->varHolder->getAll(); - return get_partial($templateName, $vars); - } - public function renderPartial($templateName, $vars = null) - { - return $this->renderText($this->getPartial($templateName, $vars)); - } - public function getComponent($moduleName, $componentName, $vars = null) - { - $this->getContext()->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Partial'); - $vars = null !== $vars ? $vars : $this->varHolder->getAll(); - return get_component($moduleName, $componentName, $vars); - } - public function renderComponent($moduleName, $componentName, $vars = null) - { - return $this->renderText($this->getComponent($moduleName, $componentName, $vars)); - } - public function getSecurityConfiguration() - { - return $this->security; - } - public function setSecurityConfiguration($security) - { - $this->security = $security; - } - public function getSecurityValue($name, $default = null) - { - $actionName = strtolower($this->getActionName()); - if (isset($this->security[$actionName][$name])) - { - return $this->security[$actionName][$name]; - } - if (isset($this->security['all'][$name])) - { - return $this->security['all'][$name]; - } - return $default; - } - public function isSecure() - { - return $this->getSecurityValue('is_secure', false); - } - public function getCredential() - { - return $this->getSecurityValue('credentials'); - } - public function setTemplate($name, $module = null) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Change template to "%s/%s"', null === $module ? 'CURRENT' : $module, $name)))); - } - if (null !== $module) - { - $name = sfConfig::get('sf_app_dir').'/modules/'.$module.'/templates/'.$name; - } - sfConfig::set('symfony.view.'.$this->getModuleName().'_'.$this->getActionName().'_template', $name); - } - public function getTemplate() - { - return sfConfig::get('symfony.view.'.$this->getModuleName().'_'.$this->getActionName().'_template'); - } - public function setLayout($name) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Change layout to "%s"', $name)))); - } - sfConfig::set('symfony.view.'.$this->getModuleName().'_'.$this->getActionName().'_layout', $name); - } - public function getLayout() - { - return sfConfig::get('symfony.view.'.$this->getModuleName().'_'.$this->getActionName().'_layout'); - } - public function setViewClass($class) - { - sfConfig::set('mod_'.strtolower($this->getModuleName()).'_view_class', $class); - } - public function getRoute() - { - return $this->getRequest()->getAttribute('sf_route'); - } - protected function get404Message($message = null) - { - return null === $message ? sprintf('This request has been forwarded to a 404 error page by the action "%s/%s".', $this->getModuleName(), $this->getActionName()) : $message; - } -} - - -abstract class sfActions extends sfAction -{ - public function execute($request) - { - $actionToRun = 'execute'.ucfirst($this->getActionName()); - if ($actionToRun === 'execute') - { - throw new sfInitializationException(sprintf('sfAction initialization failed for module "%s". There was no action given.', $this->getModuleName())); - } - if (!is_callable(array($this, $actionToRun))) - { - throw new sfInitializationException(sprintf('sfAction initialization failed for module "%s", action "%s". You must create a "%s" method.', $this->getModuleName(), $this->getActionName(), $actionToRun)); - } - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Call "%s->%s()"', get_class($this), $actionToRun)))); - } - return $this->$actionToRun($request); - } -} - - -class sfActionStack -{ - protected - $stack = array(); - public function addEntry($moduleName, $actionName, $actionInstance) - { - $actionEntry = new sfActionStackEntry($moduleName, $actionName, $actionInstance); - $this->stack[] = $actionEntry; - return $actionEntry; - } - public function getEntry($index) - { - $retval = null; - if ($index > -1 && $index < count($this->stack)) - { - $retval = $this->stack[$index]; - } - return $retval; - } - public function popEntry() - { - return array_pop($this->stack); - } - public function getFirstEntry() - { - $retval = null; - if (isset($this->stack[0])) - { - $retval = $this->stack[0]; - } - return $retval; - } - public function getLastEntry() - { - $count = count($this->stack); - $retval = null; - if (isset($this->stack[0])) - { - $retval = $this->stack[$count - 1]; - } - return $retval; - } - public function getSize() - { - return count($this->stack); - } -} - - -class sfActionStackEntry -{ - protected - $actionInstance = null, - $actionName = null, - $moduleName = null, - $presentation = null; - public function __construct($moduleName, $actionName, $actionInstance) - { - $this->actionName = $actionName; - $this->actionInstance = $actionInstance; - $this->moduleName = $moduleName; - } - public function getActionName() - { - return $this->actionName; - } - public function getActionInstance() - { - return $this->actionInstance; - } - public function getModuleName() - { - return $this->moduleName; - } - public function & getPresentation() - { - return $this->presentation; - } - public function setPresentation(&$presentation) - { - $this->presentation =& $presentation; - } -} - - -abstract class sfController -{ - protected - $context = null, - $dispatcher = null, - $controllerClasses = array(), - $renderMode = sfView::RENDER_CLIENT, - $maxForwards = 5; - public function __construct($context) - { - $this->initialize($context); - } - public function initialize($context) - { - $this->context = $context; - $this->dispatcher = $context->getEventDispatcher(); - } - public function componentExists($moduleName, $componentName) - { - return $this->controllerExists($moduleName, $componentName, 'component', false); - } - public function actionExists($moduleName, $actionName) - { - return $this->controllerExists($moduleName, $actionName, 'action', false); - } - protected function controllerExists($moduleName, $controllerName, $extension, $throwExceptions) - { - $dirs = $this->context->getConfiguration()->getControllerDirs($moduleName); - foreach ($dirs as $dir => $checkEnabled) - { - if ($checkEnabled && !in_array($moduleName, sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules')) && is_readable($dir)) - { - throw new sfConfigurationException(sprintf('The module "%s" is not enabled.', $moduleName)); - } - $this->context->getConfigCache()->import('modules/'.$moduleName.'/config/generator.yml', false, true); - $classFile = strtolower($extension); - $classSuffix = ucfirst(strtolower($extension)); - $file = $dir.'/'.$controllerName.$classSuffix.'.class.php'; - if (is_readable($file)) - { - require_once($file); - $this->controllerClasses[$moduleName.'_'.$controllerName.'_'.$classSuffix] = $controllerName.$classSuffix; - return true; - } - $module_file = $dir.'/'.$classFile.'s.class.php'; - if (is_readable($module_file)) - { - require_once($module_file); - if (!class_exists($moduleName.$classSuffix.'s', false)) - { - if ($throwExceptions) - { - throw new sfControllerException(sprintf('There is no "%s" class in your action file "%s".', $moduleName.$classSuffix.'s', $module_file)); - } - return false; - } - if (!in_array('execute'.ucfirst($controllerName), get_class_methods($moduleName.$classSuffix.'s'))) - { - if ($throwExceptions) - { - throw new sfControllerException(sprintf('There is no "%s" method in your action class "%s".', 'execute'.ucfirst($controllerName), $moduleName.$classSuffix.'s')); - } - return false; - } - $this->controllerClasses[$moduleName.'_'.$controllerName.'_'.$classSuffix] = $moduleName.$classSuffix.'s'; - return true; - } - } - if ($throwExceptions && sfConfig::get('sf_debug')) - { - $dirs = array_map(array('sfDebug', 'shortenFilePath'), array_keys($dirs)); - throw new sfControllerException(sprintf('Controller "%s/%s" does not exist in: %s.', $moduleName, $controllerName, implode(', ', $dirs))); - } - return false; - } - public function forward($moduleName, $actionName) - { - $moduleName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]+/i', '', $moduleName); - $actionName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_]+/i', '', $actionName); - if ($this->getActionStack()->getSize() >= $this->maxForwards) - { - throw new sfForwardException('Too many forwards have been detected for this request.'); - } - $this->context->getConfigCache()->import('modules/'.$moduleName.'/config/generator.yml', false, true); - if (!$this->actionExists($moduleName, $actionName)) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Action "%s/%s" does not exist', $moduleName, $actionName)))); - } - throw new sfError404Exception(sprintf('Action "%s/%s" does not exist.', $moduleName, $actionName)); - } - $actionInstance = $this->getAction($moduleName, $actionName); - $this->getActionStack()->addEntry($moduleName, $actionName, $actionInstance); - $viewClass = sfConfig::get('mod_'.strtolower($moduleName).'_view_class', false); - require($this->context->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('modules/'.$moduleName.'/config/module.yml')); - if (false !== $viewClass) - { - sfConfig::set('mod_'.strtolower($moduleName).'_view_class', $viewClass); - } - if (sfConfig::get('mod_'.strtolower($moduleName).'_enabled')) - { - $moduleConfig = sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir').'/'.$moduleName.'/config/config.php'; - if (is_readable($moduleConfig)) - { - require_once($moduleConfig); - } - $filterChain = new sfFilterChain(); - $filterChain->loadConfiguration($actionInstance); - $this->context->getEventDispatcher()->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'controller.change_action', array('module' => $moduleName, 'action' => $actionName))); - if ($moduleName == sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_module') && $actionName == sfConfig::get('sf_error_404_action')) - { - $this->context->getResponse()->setStatusCode(404); - $this->context->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Status', '404 Not Found'); - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'controller.page_not_found', array('module' => $moduleName, 'action' => $actionName))); - } - $filterChain->execute(); - } - else - { - $moduleName = sfConfig::get('sf_module_disabled_module'); - $actionName = sfConfig::get('sf_module_disabled_action'); - if (!$this->actionExists($moduleName, $actionName)) - { - throw new sfConfigurationException(sprintf('Invalid configuration settings: [sf_module_disabled_module] "%s", [sf_module_disabled_action] "%s".', $moduleName, $actionName)); - } - $this->forward($moduleName, $actionName); - } - } - public function getAction($moduleName, $actionName) - { - return $this->getController($moduleName, $actionName, 'action'); - } - public function getComponent($moduleName, $componentName) - { - return $this->getController($moduleName, $componentName, 'component'); - } - protected function getController($moduleName, $controllerName, $extension) - { - $classSuffix = ucfirst(strtolower($extension)); - if (!isset($this->controllerClasses[$moduleName.'_'.$controllerName.'_'.$classSuffix])) - { - $this->controllerExists($moduleName, $controllerName, $extension, true); - } - $class = $this->controllerClasses[$moduleName.'_'.$controllerName.'_'.$classSuffix]; - $moduleClass = $moduleName.'_'.$class; - if (class_exists($moduleClass, false)) - { - $class = $moduleClass; - } - return new $class($this->context, $moduleName, $controllerName); - } - public function getActionStack() - { - return $this->context->getActionStack(); - } - public function getRenderMode() - { - return $this->renderMode; - } - public function getView($moduleName, $actionName, $viewName) - { - $file = sfConfig::get('sf_app_module_dir').'/'.$moduleName.'/view/'.$actionName.$viewName.'View.class.php'; - if (is_readable($file)) - { - require_once($file); - $class = $actionName.$viewName.'View'; - $moduleClass = $moduleName.'_'.$class; - if (class_exists($moduleClass, false)) - { - $class = $moduleClass; - } - } - else - { - $class = sfConfig::get('mod_'.strtolower($moduleName).'_view_class', 'sfPHP').'View'; - } - return new $class($this->context, $moduleName, $actionName, $viewName); - } - public function getPresentationFor($module, $action, $viewName = null) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Get presentation for action "%s/%s" (view class: "%s")', $module, $action, $viewName)))); - } - $renderMode = $this->getRenderMode(); - $this->setRenderMode(sfView::RENDER_VAR); - $actionStack = $this->getActionStack(); - $index = $actionStack->getSize(); - if ($viewName) - { - $currentViewName = sfConfig::get('mod_'.strtolower($module).'_view_class'); - sfConfig::set('mod_'.strtolower($module).'_view_class', $viewName); - } - try - { - $this->forward($module, $action); - } - catch (Exception $e) - { - $this->setRenderMode($renderMode); - if ($viewName) - { - sfConfig::set('mod_'.strtolower($module).'_view_class', $currentViewName); - } - throw $e; - } - $actionEntry = $actionStack->getEntry($index); - $presentation =& $actionEntry->getPresentation(); - $this->setRenderMode($renderMode); - $nb = $actionStack->getSize() - $index; - while ($nb-- > 0) - { - $actionEntry = $actionStack->popEntry(); - if ($actionEntry->getModuleName() == sfConfig::get('sf_login_module') && $actionEntry->getActionName() == sfConfig::get('sf_login_action')) - { - throw new sfException('Your action is secured, but the user is not authenticated.'); - } - else if ($actionEntry->getModuleName() == sfConfig::get('sf_secure_module') && $actionEntry->getActionName() == sfConfig::get('sf_secure_action')) - { - throw new sfException('Your action is secured, but the user does not have access.'); - } - } - if ($viewName) - { - sfConfig::set('mod_'.strtolower($module).'_view_class', $currentViewName); - } - return $presentation; - } - public function setRenderMode($mode) - { - if ($mode == sfView::RENDER_CLIENT || $mode == sfView::RENDER_VAR || $mode == sfView::RENDER_NONE) - { - $this->renderMode = $mode; - return; - } - throw new sfRenderException(sprintf('Invalid rendering mode: %s.', $mode)); - } - public function inCLI() - { - return 0 == strncasecmp(PHP_SAPI, 'cli', 3); - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'controller.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } -} - - -class sfDatabaseManager -{ - protected - $configuration = null, - $databases = array(); - public function __construct(sfProjectConfiguration $configuration, $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($configuration); - if (!isset($options['auto_shutdown']) || $options['auto_shutdown']) - { - register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); - } - } - public function initialize(sfProjectConfiguration $configuration) - { - $this->configuration = $configuration; - $this->loadConfiguration(); - } - public function loadConfiguration() - { - if ($this->configuration instanceof sfApplicationConfiguration) - { - $databases = include($this->configuration->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('config/databases.yml')); - } - else - { - $configHandler = new sfDatabaseConfigHandler(); - $databases = $configHandler->evaluate(array($this->configuration->getRootDir().'/config/databases.yml')); - } - foreach ($databases as $name => $database) - { - $this->setDatabase($name, $database); - } - } - public function setDatabase($name, sfDatabase $database) - { - $this->databases[$name] = $database; - } - public function getDatabase($name = 'default') - { - if (isset($this->databases[$name])) - { - return $this->databases[$name]; - } - throw new sfDatabaseException(sprintf('Database "%s" does not exist.', $name)); - } - public function getNames() - { - return array_keys($this->databases); - } - public function shutdown() - { - foreach ($this->databases as $database) - { - $database->shutdown(); - } - } -} - - -abstract class sfFilter -{ - protected - $parameterHolder = null, - $context = null; - public static - $filterCalled = array(); - public function __construct($context, $parameters = array()) - { - $this->initialize($context, $parameters); - } - public function initialize($context, $parameters = array()) - { - $this->context = $context; - $this->parameterHolder = new sfParameterHolder(); - $this->parameterHolder->add($parameters); - return true; - } - protected function isFirstCall() - { - $class = get_class($this); - if (isset(self::$filterCalled[$class])) - { - return false; - } - else - { - self::$filterCalled[$class] = true; - return true; - } - } - public final function getContext() - { - return $this->context; - } - public function getParameterHolder() - { - return $this->parameterHolder; - } - public function getParameter($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasParameter($name) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->has($name); - } - public function setParameter($name, $value) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->set($name, $value); - } -} - - -class sfExecutionFilter extends sfFilter -{ - public function execute($filterChain) - { - $actionInstance = $this->context->getController()->getActionStack()->getLastEntry()->getActionInstance(); - if (sfConfig::get('sf_debug') && sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer(sprintf('Action "%s/%s"', $actionInstance->getModuleName(), $actionInstance->getActionName())); - $viewName = $this->handleAction($filterChain, $actionInstance); - $timer->addTime(); - $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer(sprintf('View "%s" for "%s/%s"', $viewName, $actionInstance->getModuleName(), $actionInstance->getActionName())); - $this->handleView($filterChain, $actionInstance, $viewName); - $timer->addTime(); - } - else - { - $viewName = $this->handleAction($filterChain, $actionInstance); - $this->handleView($filterChain, $actionInstance, $viewName); - } - } - protected function handleAction($filterChain, $actionInstance) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) - { - $uri = $this->context->getViewCacheManager()->getCurrentCacheKey(); - if (null !== $uri && $this->context->getViewCacheManager()->hasActionCache($uri)) - { - return sfView::SUCCESS; - } - } - return $this->executeAction($actionInstance); - } - protected function executeAction($actionInstance) - { - $actionInstance->preExecute(); - $viewName = $actionInstance->execute($this->context->getRequest()); - $actionInstance->postExecute(); - return null === $viewName ? sfView::SUCCESS : $viewName; - } - protected function handleView($filterChain, $actionInstance, $viewName) - { - switch ($viewName) - { - case sfView::HEADER_ONLY: - $this->context->getResponse()->setHeaderOnly(true); - return; - case sfView::NONE: - return; - } - $this->executeView($actionInstance->getModuleName(), $actionInstance->getActionName(), $viewName, $actionInstance->getVarHolder()->getAll()); - } - protected function executeView($moduleName, $actionName, $viewName, $viewAttributes) - { - $controller = $this->context->getController(); - $view = $controller->getView($moduleName, $actionName, $viewName); - $view->execute(); - $view->getAttributeHolder()->add($viewAttributes); - switch ($controller->getRenderMode()) - { - case sfView::RENDER_NONE: - break; - case sfView::RENDER_CLIENT: - $viewData = $view->render(); - $this->context->getResponse()->setContent($viewData); - break; - case sfView::RENDER_VAR: - $viewData = $view->render(); - $controller->getActionStack()->getLastEntry()->setPresentation($viewData); - break; - } - } -} - - -class sfRenderingFilter extends sfFilter -{ - public function execute($filterChain) - { - $filterChain->execute(); - $response = $this->context->getResponse(); - if (sfForm::hasToStringException()) - { - throw sfForm::getToStringException(); - } - else if (sfFormField::hasToStringException()) - { - throw sfFormField::getToStringException(); - } - if (sfView::RENDER_VAR != $this->context->getController()->getRenderMode()) - { - $response->send(); - } - } -} - - -class sfFilterChain -{ - protected - $chain = array(), - $index = -1; - public function loadConfiguration($actionInstance) - { - require(sfContext::getInstance()->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('modules/'.$actionInstance->getModuleName().'/config/filters.yml')); - } - public function execute() - { - ++$this->index; - if ($this->index < count($this->chain)) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher()->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Executing filter "%s"', get_class($this->chain[$this->index]))))); - } - $this->chain[$this->index]->execute($this); - } - } - public function hasFilter($class) - { - foreach ($this->chain as $filter) - { - if ($filter instanceof $class) - { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - public function register($filter) - { - $this->chain[] = $filter; - } -} - - -abstract class sfLogger -{ - const EMERG = 0; const ALERT = 1; const CRIT = 2; const ERR = 3; const WARNING = 4; const NOTICE = 5; const INFO = 6; const DEBUG = 7; - protected - $dispatcher = null, - $options = array(), - $level = self::INFO; - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $options); - if (!isset($options['auto_shutdown']) || $options['auto_shutdown']) - { - register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); - } - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $this->options = $options; - if (isset($this->options['level'])) - { - $this->setLogLevel($this->options['level']); - } - $dispatcher->connect('application.log', array($this, 'listenToLogEvent')); - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - public function setOption($name, $value) - { - $this->options[$name] = $value; - } - public function getLogLevel() - { - return $this->level; - } - public function setLogLevel($level) - { - if (!is_int($level)) - { - $level = constant('sfLogger::'.strtoupper($level)); - } - $this->level = $level; - } - public function log($message, $priority = self::INFO) - { - if ($this->getLogLevel() < $priority) - { - return false; - } - return $this->doLog($message, $priority); - } - abstract protected function doLog($message, $priority); - public function emerg($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::EMERG); - } - public function alert($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::ALERT); - } - public function crit($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::CRIT); - } - public function err($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::ERR); - } - public function warning($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::WARNING); - } - public function notice($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::NOTICE); - } - public function info($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::INFO); - } - public function debug($message) - { - $this->log($message, self::DEBUG); - } - public function listenToLogEvent(sfEvent $event) - { - $priority = isset($event['priority']) ? $event['priority'] : self::INFO; - $subject = $event->getSubject(); - $subject = is_object($subject) ? get_class($subject) : (is_string($subject) ? $subject : 'main'); - foreach ($event->getParameters() as $key => $message) - { - if ('priority' === $key) - { - continue; - } - $this->log(sprintf('{%s} %s', $subject, $message), $priority); - } - } - public function shutdown() - { - } - static public function getPriorityName($priority) - { - static $levels = array( - self::EMERG => 'emerg', - self::ALERT => 'alert', - self::CRIT => 'crit', - self::ERR => 'err', - self::WARNING => 'warning', - self::NOTICE => 'notice', - self::INFO => 'info', - self::DEBUG => 'debug', - ); - if (!isset($levels[$priority])) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('The priority level "%s" does not exist.', $priority)); - } - return $levels[$priority]; - } -} - - -class sfNoLogger extends sfLogger -{ - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - } - protected function doLog($message, $priority) - { - } -} - - -abstract class sfRequest implements ArrayAccess -{ - const GET = 'GET'; - const POST = 'POST'; - const PUT = 'PUT'; - const DELETE = 'DELETE'; - const HEAD = 'HEAD'; - protected - $dispatcher = null, - $content = null, - $method = null, - $options = array(), - $parameterHolder = null, - $attributeHolder = null; - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $parameters, $attributes, $options); - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $this->options = $options; - if (!isset($this->options['logging'])) - { - $this->options['logging'] = false; - } - $this->parameterHolder = new sfParameterHolder(); - $this->attributeHolder = new sfParameterHolder(); - $this->parameterHolder->add($parameters); - $this->attributeHolder->add($attributes); - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - public function extractParameters($names) - { - $array = array(); - $parameters = $this->parameterHolder->getAll(); - foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) - { - if (in_array($key, $names)) - { - $array[$key] = $value; - } - } - return $array; - } - public function getMethod() - { - return $this->method; - } - public function setMethod($method) - { - if (!in_array(strtoupper($method), array(self::GET, self::POST, self::PUT, self::DELETE, self::HEAD))) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Invalid request method: %s.', $method)); - } - $this->method = strtoupper($method); - } - public function offsetExists($name) - { - return $this->hasParameter($name); - } - public function offsetGet($name) - { - return $this->getParameter($name, false); - } - public function offsetSet($offset, $value) - { - $this->setParameter($offset, $value); - } - public function offsetUnset($offset) - { - $this->getParameterHolder()->remove($offset); - } - public function getParameterHolder() - { - return $this->parameterHolder; - } - public function getAttributeHolder() - { - return $this->attributeHolder; - } - public function getAttribute($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasAttribute($name) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->has($name); - } - public function setAttribute($name, $value) - { - $this->attributeHolder->set($name, $value); - } - public function getParameter($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasParameter($name) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->has($name); - } - public function setParameter($name, $value) - { - $this->parameterHolder->set($name, $value); - } - public function getContent() - { - if (null === $this->content) - { - if (0 === strlen(trim($this->content = file_get_contents('php://input')))) - { - $this->content = false; - } - } - return $this->content; - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'request.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } - public function __clone() - { - $this->parameterHolder = clone $this->parameterHolder; - $this->attributeHolder = clone $this->attributeHolder; - } -} - - -abstract class sfResponse implements Serializable -{ - protected - $options = array(), - $dispatcher = null, - $content = ''; - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $options); - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $this->options = $options; - if (!isset($this->options['logging'])) - { - $this->options['logging'] = false; - } - } - public function setEventDispatcher(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - } - public function setContent($content) - { - $this->content = $content; - } - public function getContent() - { - return $this->content; - } - public function sendContent() - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'response.filter_content'), $this->getContent()); - $content = $event->getReturnValue(); - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Send content (%s o)', strlen($content))))); - } - echo $content; - } - public function send() - { - $this->sendContent(); - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'response.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } - public function serialize() - { - return serialize($this->content); - } - public function unserialize($serialized) - { - $this->content = unserialize($serialized); - } -} - - -abstract class sfRouting -{ - protected - $dispatcher = null, - $cache = null, - $defaultParameters = array(), - $options = array(); - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, sfCache $cache = null, $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $cache, $options); - if (!isset($this->options['auto_shutdown']) || $this->options['auto_shutdown']) - { - register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); - } - } - public function getCache() - { - return $this->cache; - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, sfCache $cache = null, $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $options['debug'] = isset($options['debug']) ? (boolean) $options['debug'] : false; - $this->cache = $options['debug'] ? null : $cache; - $this->setDefaultParameter('module', isset($options['default_module']) ? $options['default_module'] : 'default'); - $this->setDefaultParameter('action', isset($options['default_action']) ? $options['default_action'] : 'index'); - if (!isset($options['logging'])) - { - $options['logging'] = false; - } - if (!isset($options['context'])) - { - $options['context'] = array(); - } - $this->options = $options; - $this->dispatcher->connect('user.change_culture', array($this, 'listenToChangeCultureEvent')); - $this->dispatcher->connect('request.filter_parameters', array($this, 'filterParametersEvent')); - $this->loadConfiguration(); - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - public function loadConfiguration() - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'routing.load_configuration')); - } - abstract public function getCurrentInternalUri($with_route_name = false); - abstract public function getRoutes(); - abstract public function setRoutes($routes); - abstract public function hasRoutes(); - abstract public function clearRoutes(); - abstract public function generate($name, $params = array(), $absolute = false); - abstract public function parse($url); - public function getDefaultParameters() - { - return $this->defaultParameters; - } - public function getDefaultParameter($key) - { - return isset($this->defaultParameters[$key]) ? $this->defaultParameters[$key] : null; - } - public function setDefaultParameter($key, $value) - { - $this->defaultParameters[$key] = $value; - } - public function setDefaultParameters($parameters) - { - $this->defaultParameters = $parameters; - } - public function listenToChangeCultureEvent(sfEvent $event) - { - $this->setDefaultParameter('sf_culture', $event['culture']); - } - public function filterParametersEvent(sfEvent $event, $parameters) - { - $context = $event->getParameters(); - $this->options['context'] = $context; - if (false === $params = $this->parse($event['path_info'])) - { - return $parameters; - } - return array_merge($parameters, $params); - } - protected function fixGeneratedUrl($url, $absolute = false) - { - if (isset($this->options['context']['prefix'])) - { - if (0 === strpos($url, 'http')) - { - $url = preg_replace('#https?\://[^/]+#', '$0'.$this->options['context']['prefix'], $url); - } - else - { - $url = $this->options['context']['prefix'].$url; - } - } - if ($absolute && isset($this->options['context']['host']) && 0 !== strpos($url, 'http')) - { - $url = 'http'.(isset($this->options['context']['is_secure']) && $this->options['context']['is_secure'] ? 's' : '').'://'.$this->options['context']['host'].$url; - } - return $url; - } - public function shutdown() - { - } -} - - -abstract class sfStorage -{ - protected - $options = array(); - public function __construct($options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($options); - if ($this->options['auto_shutdown']) - { - register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); - } - } - public function initialize($options = array()) - { - $this->options = array_merge(array( - 'auto_shutdown' => true, - ), $options); - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - abstract public function read($key); - abstract public function regenerate($destroy = false); - abstract public function remove($key); - abstract public function shutdown(); - abstract public function write($key, $data); -} - - -class sfUser implements ArrayAccess -{ - const ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE = 'symfony/user/sfUser/attributes'; - const CULTURE_NAMESPACE = 'symfony/user/sfUser/culture'; - protected - $options = array(), - $attributeHolder = null, - $culture = null, - $storage = null, - $dispatcher = null; - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, sfStorage $storage, $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $storage, $options); - if ($this->options['auto_shutdown']) - { - register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'shutdown')); - } - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, sfStorage $storage, $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $this->storage = $storage; - $this->options = array_merge(array( - 'auto_shutdown' => true, - 'culture' => null, - 'default_culture' => 'en', - 'use_flash' => false, - 'logging' => false, - ), $options); - $this->attributeHolder = new sfNamespacedParameterHolder(self::ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE); - $attributes = $storage->read(self::ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE); - if (is_array($attributes)) - { - foreach ($attributes as $namespace => $values) - { - $this->attributeHolder->add($values, $namespace); - } - } - $currentCulture = $storage->read(self::CULTURE_NAMESPACE); - $this->setCulture(null !== $this->options['culture'] ? $this->options['culture'] : (null !== $currentCulture ? $currentCulture : $this->options['default_culture'])); - if ($this->options['use_flash'] && $names = $this->attributeHolder->getNames('symfony/user/sfUser/flash')) - { - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Flag old flash messages ("%s")', implode('", "', $names))))); - } - foreach ($names as $name) - { - $this->attributeHolder->set($name, true, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove'); - } - } - } - public function getOptions() - { - return $this->options; - } - public function setCulture($culture) - { - if ($this->culture != $culture) - { - $this->culture = $culture; - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'user.change_culture', array('culture' => $culture))); - } - } - public function setFlash($name, $value, $persist = true) - { - if (!$this->options['use_flash']) - { - return; - } - $this->setAttribute($name, $value, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash'); - if ($persist) - { - $this->attributeHolder->remove($name, null, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove'); - } - else - { - $this->setAttribute($name, true, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove'); - } - } - public function getFlash($name, $default = null) - { - if (!$this->options['use_flash']) - { - return $default; - } - return $this->getAttribute($name, $default, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash'); - } - public function hasFlash($name) - { - if (!$this->options['use_flash']) - { - return false; - } - return $this->hasAttribute($name, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash'); - } - public function getCulture() - { - return $this->culture; - } - public function offsetExists($name) - { - return $this->hasAttribute($name); - } - public function offsetGet($name) - { - return $this->getAttribute($name, false); - } - public function offsetSet($offset, $value) - { - $this->setAttribute($offset, $value); - } - public function offsetUnset($offset) - { - $this->getAttributeHolder()->remove($offset); - } - public function getAttributeHolder() - { - return $this->attributeHolder; - } - public function getAttribute($name, $default = null, $ns = null) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->get($name, $default, $ns); - } - public function hasAttribute($name, $ns = null) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->has($name, $ns); - } - public function setAttribute($name, $value, $ns = null) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->set($name, $value, $ns); - } - public function shutdown() - { - if ($this->options['use_flash'] && $names = $this->attributeHolder->getNames('symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove')) - { - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Remove old flash messages ("%s")', implode('", "', $names))))); - } - foreach ($names as $name) - { - $this->attributeHolder->remove($name, null, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash'); - $this->attributeHolder->remove($name, null, 'symfony/user/sfUser/flash/remove'); - } - } - $attributes = array(); - foreach ($this->attributeHolder->getNamespaces() as $namespace) - { - $attributes[$namespace] = $this->attributeHolder->getAll($namespace); - } - $this->storage->write(self::ATTRIBUTE_NAMESPACE, $attributes); - $this->storage->write(self::CULTURE_NAMESPACE, $this->culture); - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'user.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } -} - - -class sfNamespacedParameterHolder extends sfParameterHolder -{ - protected $default_namespace = null; - protected $parameters = array(); - public function __construct($namespace = 'symfony/default') - { - $this->default_namespace = $namespace; - } - public function setDefaultNamespace($namespace, $move = true) - { - if ($move) - { - if (null !== $values = $this->removeNamespace()) - { - $this->addByRef($values, $namespace); - } - } - $this->default_namespace = $namespace; - } - public function getDefaultNamespace() - { - return $this->default_namespace; - } - public function clear() - { - $this->parameters = null; - $this->parameters = array(); - } - public function & get($name, $default = null, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (isset($this->parameters[$ns][$name])) - { - $value = & $this->parameters[$ns][$name]; - } - else - { - $value = $default; - } - return $value; - } - public function getNames($ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - return array_keys($this->parameters[$ns]); - } - return array(); - } - public function getNamespaces() - { - return array_keys($this->parameters); - } - public function & getAll($ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - $parameters = array(); - if (isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $parameters = $this->parameters[$ns]; - } - return $parameters; - } - public function has($name, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - return isset($this->parameters[$ns][$name]); - } - public function hasNamespace($ns) - { - return isset($this->parameters[$ns]); - } - public function remove($name, $default = null, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - $retval = $default; - if (isset($this->parameters[$ns]) && array_key_exists($name, $this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $retval = $this->parameters[$ns][$name]; - unset($this->parameters[$ns][$name]); - } - return $retval; - } - public function & removeNamespace($ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - $retval = null; - if (isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $retval =& $this->parameters[$ns]; - unset($this->parameters[$ns]); - } - return $retval; - } - public function set($name, $value, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (!isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $this->parameters[$ns] = array(); - } - $this->parameters[$ns][$name] = $value; - } - public function setByRef($name, & $value, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (!isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $this->parameters[$ns] = array(); - } - $this->parameters[$ns][$name] =& $value; - } - public function add($parameters, $ns = null) - { - if ($parameters === null) return; - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (!isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $this->parameters[$ns] = array(); - } - foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) - { - $this->parameters[$ns][$key] = $value; - } - } - public function addByRef(& $parameters, $ns = null) - { - if (!$ns) - { - $ns = $this->default_namespace; - } - if (!isset($this->parameters[$ns])) - { - $this->parameters[$ns] = array(); - } - foreach ($parameters as $key => &$value) - { - $this->parameters[$ns][$key] =& $value; - } - } - public function serialize() - { - return serialize(array($this->default_namespace, $this->parameters)); - } - public function unserialize($serialized) - { - $data = unserialize($serialized); - $this->default_namespace = $data[0]; - $this->parameters = $data[1]; - } -} - - -abstract class sfView -{ - const ALERT = 'Alert'; - const ERROR = 'Error'; - const INPUT = 'Input'; - const NONE = 'None'; - const SUCCESS = 'Success'; - const RENDER_NONE = 1; - const RENDER_CLIENT = 2; - const RENDER_VAR = 4; - const HEADER_ONLY = 8; - protected - $context = null, - $dispatcher = null, - $decorator = false, - $decoratorDirectory = null, - $decoratorTemplate = null, - $directory = null, - $componentSlots = array(), - $template = null, - $attributeHolder = null, - $parameterHolder = null, - $moduleName = '', - $actionName = '', - $viewName = '', - $extension = '.php'; - public function __construct($context, $moduleName, $actionName, $viewName) - { - $this->initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName, $viewName); - } - public function initialize($context, $moduleName, $actionName, $viewName) - { - $this->moduleName = $moduleName; - $this->actionName = $actionName; - $this->viewName = $viewName; - $this->context = $context; - $this->dispatcher = $context->getEventDispatcher(); - sfOutputEscaper::markClassesAsSafe(array('sfForm', 'sfFormField', 'sfFormFieldSchema', 'sfModelGeneratorHelper')); - $this->attributeHolder = $this->initializeAttributeHolder(); - $this->parameterHolder = new sfParameterHolder(); - $this->parameterHolder->add(sfConfig::get('mod_'.strtolower($moduleName).'_view_param', array())); - $request = $context->getRequest(); - $format = $request->getRequestFormat(); - if (null !== $format) - { - if ('html' != $format) - { - $this->setExtension('.'.$format.$this->getExtension()); - } - if ($mimeType = $request->getMimeType($format)) - { - $this->context->getResponse()->setContentType($mimeType); - if ('html' != $format) - { - $this->setDecorator(false); - } - } - } - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'view.configure_format', array('format' => $format, 'response' => $context->getResponse(), 'request' => $context->getRequest()))); - $this->configure(); - return true; - } - protected function initializeAttributeHolder($attributes = array()) - { - $attributeHolder = new sfViewParameterHolder($this->dispatcher, $attributes, array( - 'escaping_method' => sfConfig::get('sf_escaping_method'), - 'escaping_strategy' => sfConfig::get('sf_escaping_strategy'), - )); - return $attributeHolder; - } - abstract function execute(); - abstract function configure(); - public function getDecoratorDirectory() - { - return $this->decoratorDirectory; - } - public function getDecoratorTemplate() - { - return $this->decoratorTemplate; - } - public function getDirectory() - { - return $this->directory; - } - abstract function getEngine(); - public function getTemplate() - { - return $this->template; - } - public function getAttributeHolder() - { - return $this->attributeHolder; - } - public function getAttribute($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasAttribute($name) - { - return $this->attributeHolder->has($name); - } - public function setAttribute($name, $value) - { - $this->attributeHolder->set($name, $value); - } - public function getParameterHolder() - { - return $this->parameterHolder; - } - public function getParameter($name, $default = null) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->get($name, $default); - } - public function hasParameter($name) - { - return $this->parameterHolder->has($name); - } - public function setParameter($name, $value) - { - $this->parameterHolder->set($name, $value); - } - public function isDecorator() - { - return $this->decorator; - } - public function setDecorator($boolean) - { - $this->decorator = (boolean) $boolean; - if (false === $boolean) - { - $this->decoratorTemplate = false; - } - } - protected function preRenderCheck() - { - if (null === $this->template) - { - throw new sfRenderException('A template has not been set.'); - } - if (!is_readable($this->directory.'/'.$this->template)) - { - if ('404' == $this->context->getResponse()->getStatusCode()) - { - $this->template = sfException::getTemplatePathForError($this->context->getRequest()->getRequestFormat(), false); - $this->directory = dirname($this->template); - $this->template = basename($this->template); - $this->setAttribute('code', '404'); - $this->setAttribute('text', 'Not Found'); - } - else - { - throw new sfRenderException(sprintf('The template "%s" does not exist or is unreadable in "%s".', $this->template, $this->directory)); - } - } - } - abstract function render(); - public function setDecoratorDirectory($directory) - { - $this->decoratorDirectory = $directory; - } - public function setDecoratorTemplate($template) - { - if (false === $template) - { - $this->setDecorator(false); - return; - } - else if (null === $template) - { - return; - } - if (!strpos($template, '.')) - { - $template .= $this->getExtension(); - } - if (sfToolkit::isPathAbsolute($template)) - { - $this->decoratorDirectory = dirname($template); - $this->decoratorTemplate = basename($template); - } - else - { - $this->decoratorDirectory = $this->context->getConfiguration()->getDecoratorDir($template); - $this->decoratorTemplate = $template; - } - $this->decorator = true; - } - public function setDirectory($directory) - { - $this->directory = $directory; - } - public function setComponentSlot($attributeName, $moduleName, $componentName) - { - $this->componentSlots[$attributeName] = array(); - $this->componentSlots[$attributeName]['module_name'] = $moduleName; - $this->componentSlots[$attributeName]['component_name'] = $componentName; - } - public function hasComponentSlot($name) - { - return isset($this->componentSlots[$name]); - } - public function getComponentSlot($name) - { - if (isset($this->componentSlots[$name]) && $this->componentSlots[$name]['module_name'] && $this->componentSlots[$name]['component_name']) - { - return array($this->componentSlots[$name]['module_name'], $this->componentSlots[$name]['component_name']); - } - return null; - } - public function setTemplate($template) - { - if (sfToolkit::isPathAbsolute($template)) - { - $this->directory = dirname($template); - $this->template = basename($template); - } - else - { - $this->directory = $this->context->getConfiguration()->getTemplateDir($this->moduleName, $template); - $this->template = $template; - } - } - public function getExtension() - { - return $this->extension; - } - public function setExtension($extension) - { - $this->extension = $extension; - } - public function getModuleName() - { - return $this->moduleName; - } - public function getActionName() - { - return $this->actionName; - } - public function getViewName() - { - return $this->viewName; - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->notifyUntil(new sfEvent($this, 'view.method_not_found', array('method' => $method, 'arguments' => $arguments))); - if (!$event->isProcessed()) - { - throw new sfException(sprintf('Call to undefined method %s::%s.', get_class($this), $method)); - } - return $event->getReturnValue(); - } -} - - -class sfViewParameterHolder extends sfParameterHolder -{ - protected - $dispatcher = null, - $escaping = null, - $escapingMethod = null; - public function __construct(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $options = array()) - { - $this->initialize($dispatcher, $parameters, $options); - } - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $options = array()) - { - $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; - $this->add($parameters); - $this->setEscaping(isset($options['escaping_strategy']) ? $options['escaping_strategy'] : false); - $this->setEscapingMethod(isset($options['escaping_method']) ? $options['escaping_method'] : 'ESC_SPECIALCHARS'); - } - public function isEscaped() - { - return in_array($this->getEscaping(), array('on', 'true', true), true); - } - public function toArray() - { - $event = $this->dispatcher->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'template.filter_parameters'), $this->getAll()); - $parameters = $event->getReturnValue(); - $attributes = array(); - if ($this->isEscaped()) - { - $attributes['sf_data'] = sfOutputEscaper::escape($this->getEscapingMethod(), $parameters); - foreach ($attributes['sf_data'] as $key => $value) - { - $attributes[$key] = $value; - } - } - else if (in_array($this->getEscaping(), array('off', false), true)) - { - $attributes = $parameters; - $attributes['sf_data'] = sfOutputEscaper::escape(ESC_RAW, $parameters); - } - else - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown strategy "%s".', $this->getEscaping())); - } - return $attributes; - } - public function getEscaping() - { - return $this->escaping; - } - public function setEscaping($escaping) - { - $this->escaping = $escaping; - } - public function getEscapingMethod() - { - if (empty($this->escapingMethod)) - { - return $this->escapingMethod; - } - if (!defined($this->escapingMethod)) - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The escaping method "%s" is not available.', $this->escapingMethod)); - } - return constant($this->escapingMethod); - } - public function setEscapingMethod($method) - { - $this->escapingMethod = $method; - } - public function serialize() - { - return serialize(array($this->getAll(), $this->escapingMethod, $this->escaping)); - } - public function unserialize($serialized) - { - list($this->parameters, $escapingMethod, $escaping) = unserialize($serialized); - $this->initialize(sfContext::hasInstance() ? sfContext::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher() : new sfEventDispatcher()); - $this->setEscapingMethod($escapingMethod); - $this->setEscaping($escaping); - } -} - - -abstract class sfWebController extends sfController -{ - public function genUrl($parameters = array(), $absolute = false) - { - $route = ''; - $fragment = ''; - if (is_string($parameters)) - { - if (preg_match('#^[a-z][a-z0-9\+.\-]*\://#i', $parameters)) - { - return $parameters; - } - if (0 === strpos($parameters, '/')) - { - return $parameters; - } - if ($parameters == '#') - { - return $parameters; - } - if (false !== ($pos = strpos($parameters, '#'))) - { - $fragment = substr($parameters, $pos + 1); - $parameters = substr($parameters, 0, $pos); - } - list($route, $parameters) = $this->convertUrlStringToParameters($parameters); - } - else if (is_array($parameters)) - { - if (isset($parameters['sf_route'])) - { - $route = $parameters['sf_route']; - unset($parameters['sf_route']); - } - } - $url = $this->context->getRouting()->generate($route, $parameters, $absolute); - if ($fragment) - { - $url .= '#'.$fragment; - } - return $url; - } - public function convertUrlStringToParameters($url) - { - $givenUrl = $url; - $params = array(); - $queryString = ''; - $route = ''; - if (!$url) - { - $url = '/'; - } - if ($pos = strpos($url, '?')) - { - $queryString = substr($url, $pos + 1); - $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); - } - if ($url[0] == '/') - { - $url = substr($url, 1); - } - if ($url[0] == '@') - { - $route = substr($url, 1); - } - else if (false !== strpos($url, '/')) - { - list($params['module'], $params['action']) = explode('/', $url); - } - else if (!$queryString) - { - $route = $givenUrl; - } - else - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('An internal URI must contain a module and an action (module/action) ("%s" given).', $givenUrl)); - } - if ($queryString) - { - $matched = preg_match_all('/ - ([^&=]+) # key - = # = - (.*?) # value - (?: - (?=&[^&=]+=) | $ # followed by another key= or the end of the string - ) - /x', $queryString, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); - foreach ($matches as $match) - { - $params[urldecode($match[1][0])] = urldecode($match[2][0]); - } - if (!$matched) - { - throw new sfParseException(sprintf('Unable to parse query string "%s".', $queryString)); - } - } - return array($route, $params); - } - public function redirect($url, $delay = 0, $statusCode = 302) - { - if (empty($url)) - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot redirect to an empty URL.'); - } - $url = $this->genUrl($url, true); - $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Redirect to "%s"', $url)))); - } - $response = $this->context->getResponse(); - $response->clearHttpHeaders(); - $response->setStatusCode($statusCode); - if ($statusCode == 201 || ($statusCode >= 300 && $statusCode < 400)) - { - $response->setHttpHeader('Location', $url); - } - $response->setContent(sprintf('', $delay, htmlspecialchars($url, ENT_QUOTES, sfConfig::get('sf_charset')))); - $response->send(); - } -} - - -class sfFrontWebController extends sfWebController -{ - public function dispatch() - { - try - { - sfFilter::$filterCalled = array(); - $request = $this->context->getRequest(); - $moduleName = $request->getParameter('module'); - $actionName = $request->getParameter('action'); - if (empty($moduleName) || empty($actionName)) - { - throw new sfError404Exception(sprintf('Empty module and/or action after parsing the URL "%s" (%s/%s).', $request->getPathInfo(), $moduleName, $actionName)); - } - $this->forward($moduleName, $actionName); - } - catch (sfException $e) - { - $e->printStackTrace(); - } - catch (Exception $e) - { - sfException::createFromException($e)->printStackTrace(); - } - } -} - - -class sfWebRequest extends sfRequest -{ - const - PORT_HTTP = 80, - PORT_HTTPS = 443; - protected - $languages = null, - $charsets = null, - $acceptableContentTypes = null, - $pathInfoArray = null, - $relativeUrlRoot = null, - $getParameters = null, - $postParameters = null, - $requestParameters = null, - $formats = array(), - $format = null, - $fixedFileArray = false; - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array()) - { - $options = array_merge(array( - 'path_info_key' => 'PATH_INFO', - 'path_info_array' => 'SERVER', - 'http_port' => null, - 'https_port' => null, - 'default_format' => null, ), $options); - parent::initialize($dispatcher, $parameters, $attributes, $options); - $this->getParameters = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? sfToolkit::stripslashesDeep($_GET) : $_GET; - $this->parameterHolder->add($this->getParameters); - $postParameters = $_POST; - if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) - { - switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) - { - case 'GET': - $this->setMethod(self::GET); - break; - case 'POST': - if (isset($_POST['sf_method'])) - { - $this->setMethod(strtoupper($_POST['sf_method'])); - unset($postParameters['sf_method']); - } - elseif (isset($_GET['sf_method'])) - { - $this->setMethod(strtoupper($_GET['sf_method'])); - unset($_GET['sf_method']); - } - else - { - $this->setMethod(self::POST); - } - $this->parameterHolder->remove('sf_method'); - break; - case 'PUT': - $this->setMethod(self::PUT); - if ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' === $this->getContentType()) - { - parse_str($this->getContent(), $postParameters); - } - break; - case 'DELETE': - $this->setMethod(self::DELETE); - if ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded' === $this->getContentType()) - { - parse_str($this->getContent(), $postParameters); - } - break; - case 'HEAD': - $this->setMethod(self::HEAD); - break; - default: - $this->setMethod(self::GET); - } - } - else - { - $this->setMethod(self::GET); - } - $this->postParameters = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? sfToolkit::stripslashesDeep($postParameters) : $postParameters; - $this->parameterHolder->add($this->postParameters); - if (isset($this->options['formats'])) - { - foreach ($this->options['formats'] as $format => $mimeTypes) - { - $this->setFormat($format, $mimeTypes); - } - } - $this->requestParameters = $this->parseRequestParameters(); - $this->parameterHolder->add($this->requestParameters); - $this->fixParameters(); - } - public function getContentType($trim = true) - { - $contentType = $this->getHttpHeader('Content-Type', null); - if ($trim && false !== $pos = strpos($contentType, ';')) - { - $contentType = substr($contentType, 0, $pos); - } - return $contentType; - } - public function getUri() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - if ('HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL' == $this->options['path_info_key']) - { - $uri = isset($pathArray['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL']) ? $pathArray['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'] : ''; - } - else - { - $uri = isset($pathArray['REQUEST_URI']) ? $pathArray['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; - } - return $this->isAbsUri() ? $uri : $this->getUriPrefix().$uri; - } - public function isAbsUri() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return isset($pathArray['REQUEST_URI']) ? preg_match('/^http/', $pathArray['REQUEST_URI']) : false; - } - public function getUriPrefix() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - $secure = $this->isSecure(); - $protocol = $secure ? 'https' : 'http'; - $host = $this->getHost(); - $port = null; - if (false !== strpos($host, ':')) - { - list($host, $port) = explode(':', $host, 2); - } - else if (isset($this->options[$protocol.'_port'])) - { - $port = $this->options[$protocol.'_port']; - } - else if (isset($pathArray['SERVER_PORT'])) - { - $port = $pathArray['SERVER_PORT']; - } - if ($this->isForwardedSecure()) - { - $port = isset($this->options['https_port']) && self::PORT_HTTPS != $this->options['https_port'] ? $this->options['https_port'] : null; - } - elseif (($secure && self::PORT_HTTPS == $port) || (!$secure && self::PORT_HTTP == $port)) - { - $port = null; - } - return sprintf('%s://%s%s', $protocol, $host, $port ? ':'.$port : ''); - } - public function getPathInfo() - { - $pathInfo = ''; - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - $sf_path_info_key = $this->options['path_info_key']; - if (!isset($pathArray[$sf_path_info_key]) || !$pathArray[$sf_path_info_key]) - { - if (isset($pathArray['REQUEST_URI'])) - { - $qs = isset($pathArray['QUERY_STRING']) ? $pathArray['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; - $script_name = $this->getScriptName(); - $uri_prefix = $this->isAbsUri() ? $this->getUriPrefix() : ''; - $pathInfo = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($uri_prefix, '/').'/','',$pathArray['REQUEST_URI']); - $pathInfo = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($script_name, '/').'/', '', $pathInfo); - $prefix_name = preg_replace('#/[^/]+$#', '', $script_name); - $pathInfo = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($prefix_name, '/').'/', '', $pathInfo); - $pathInfo = preg_replace('/\??'.preg_quote($qs, '/').'$/', '', $pathInfo); - } - } - else - { - $pathInfo = $pathArray[$sf_path_info_key]; - if ($relativeUrlRoot = $this->getRelativeUrlRoot()) - { - $pathInfo = preg_replace('/^'.str_replace('/', '\\/', $relativeUrlRoot).'\//', '', $pathInfo); - } - } - if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && false !== stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'iis') && $pos = stripos($pathInfo, '.php')) - { - $pathInfo = substr($pathInfo, $pos + 4); - } - if (!$pathInfo) - { - $pathInfo = '/'; - } - return $pathInfo; - } - public function getPathInfoPrefix() - { - $prefix = $this->getRelativeUrlRoot(); - if (!isset($this->options['no_script_name']) || !$this->options['no_script_name']) - { - $scriptName = $this->getScriptName(); - $prefix = null === $prefix ? $scriptName : $prefix.'/'.basename($scriptName); - } - return $prefix; - } - public function getGetParameters() - { - return $this->getParameters; - } - public function getPostParameters() - { - return $this->postParameters; - } - public function getRequestParameters() - { - return $this->requestParameters; - } - public function addRequestParameters($parameters) - { - $this->requestParameters = array_merge($this->requestParameters, $parameters); - $this->getParameterHolder()->add($parameters); - $this->fixParameters(); - } - public function getReferer() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return isset($pathArray['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $pathArray['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; - } - public function getHost() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - if (isset($pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'])) - { - $elements = explode(',', $pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']); - return trim($elements[count($elements) - 1]); - } - else - { - return isset($pathArray['HTTP_HOST']) ? $pathArray['HTTP_HOST'] : ''; - } - } - public function getScriptName() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return isset($pathArray['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $pathArray['SCRIPT_NAME'] : (isset($pathArray['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $pathArray['ORIG_SCRIPT_NAME'] : ''); - } - public function isMethod($method) - { - return strtoupper($method) == $this->getMethod(); - } - public function getPreferredCulture(array $cultures = null) - { - $preferredCultures = $this->getLanguages(); - if (null === $cultures) - { - return isset($preferredCultures[0]) ? $preferredCultures[0] : null; - } - if (!$preferredCultures) - { - return $cultures[0]; - } - $preferredCultures = array_values(array_intersect($preferredCultures, $cultures)); - return isset($preferredCultures[0]) ? $preferredCultures[0] : $cultures[0]; - } - public function getLanguages() - { - if ($this->languages) - { - return $this->languages; - } - if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) - { - return array(); - } - $languages = $this->splitHttpAcceptHeader($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); - foreach ($languages as $lang) - { - if (strstr($lang, '-')) - { - $codes = explode('-', $lang); - if ($codes[0] == 'i') - { - if (count($codes) > 1) - { - $lang = $codes[1]; - } - } - else - { - for ($i = 0, $max = count($codes); $i < $max; $i++) - { - if ($i == 0) - { - $lang = strtolower($codes[0]); - } - else - { - $lang .= '_'.strtoupper($codes[$i]); - } - } - } - } - $this->languages[] = $lang; - } - return $this->languages; - } - public function getCharsets() - { - if ($this->charsets) - { - return $this->charsets; - } - if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'])) - { - return array(); - } - $this->charsets = $this->splitHttpAcceptHeader($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET']); - return $this->charsets; - } - public function getAcceptableContentTypes() - { - if ($this->acceptableContentTypes) - { - return $this->acceptableContentTypes; - } - if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) - { - return array(); - } - $this->acceptableContentTypes = $this->splitHttpAcceptHeader($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']); - return $this->acceptableContentTypes; - } - public function isXmlHttpRequest() - { - return ($this->getHttpHeader('X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest'); - } - public function getHttpHeader($name, $prefix = 'http') - { - if ($prefix) - { - $prefix = strtoupper($prefix).'_'; - } - $name = $prefix.strtoupper(strtr($name, '-', '_')); - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return isset($pathArray[$name]) ? sfToolkit::stripslashesDeep($pathArray[$name]) : null; - } - public function getCookie($name, $defaultValue = null) - { - $retval = $defaultValue; - if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) - { - $retval = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? sfToolkit::stripslashesDeep($_COOKIE[$name]) : $_COOKIE[$name]; - } - return $retval; - } - public function isSecure() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return - (isset($pathArray['HTTPS']) && ('on' == strtolower($pathArray['HTTPS']) || 1 == $pathArray['HTTPS'])) - || - (isset($pathArray['HTTP_SSL_HTTPS']) && ('on' == strtolower($pathArray['HTTP_SSL_HTTPS']) || 1 == $pathArray['HTTP_SSL_HTTPS'])) - || - $this->isForwardedSecure() - ; - } - protected function isForwardedSecure() - { - $pathArray = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return isset($pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && 'https' == strtolower($pathArray['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']); - } - public function getRelativeUrlRoot() - { - if (null === $this->relativeUrlRoot) - { - if (!isset($this->options['relative_url_root'])) - { - $this->relativeUrlRoot = preg_replace('#/[^/]+\.php5?$#', '', $this->getScriptName()); - } - else - { - $this->relativeUrlRoot = $this->options['relative_url_root']; - } - } - return $this->relativeUrlRoot; - } - public function setRelativeUrlRoot($value) - { - $this->relativeUrlRoot = $value; - } - public function splitHttpAcceptHeader($header) - { - $values = array(); - foreach (array_filter(explode(',', $header)) as $value) - { - if ($pos = strpos($value, ';')) - { - $q = (float) trim(substr($value, strpos($value, '=') + 1)); - $value = substr($value, 0, $pos); - } - else - { - $q = 1; - } - if (0 < $q) - { - $values[trim($value)] = $q; - } - } - arsort($values); - return array_keys($values); - } - public function getPathInfoArray() - { - if (!$this->pathInfoArray) - { - switch ($this->options['path_info_array']) - { - case 'SERVER': - $this->pathInfoArray =& $_SERVER; - break; - case 'ENV': - default: - $this->pathInfoArray =& $_ENV; - } - } - return $this->pathInfoArray; - } - public function getMimeType($format) - { - return isset($this->formats[$format]) ? $this->formats[$format][0] : null; - } - public function getFormat($mimeType) - { - foreach ($this->formats as $format => $mimeTypes) - { - if (in_array($mimeType, $mimeTypes)) - { - return $format; - } - } - return null; - } - public function setFormat($format, $mimeTypes) - { - $this->formats[$format] = is_array($mimeTypes) ? $mimeTypes : array($mimeTypes); - } - public function setRequestFormat($format) - { - $this->format = $format; - } - public function getRequestFormat() - { - if (null === $this->format) - { - $this->setRequestFormat($this->getParameter('sf_format', $this->options['default_format'])); - } - return $this->format; - } - public function getFiles($key = null) - { - if (false === $this->fixedFileArray) - { - $this->fixedFileArray = self::convertFileInformation($_FILES); - } - return null === $key ? $this->fixedFileArray : (isset($this->fixedFileArray[$key]) ? $this->fixedFileArray[$key] : array()); - } - static public function convertFileInformation(array $taintedFiles) - { - $files = array(); - foreach ($taintedFiles as $key => $data) - { - $files[$key] = self::fixPhpFilesArray($data); - } - return $files; - } - static protected function fixPhpFilesArray($data) - { - $fileKeys = array('error', 'name', 'size', 'tmp_name', 'type'); - $keys = array_keys($data); - sort($keys); - if ($fileKeys != $keys || !isset($data['name']) || !is_array($data['name'])) - { - return $data; - } - $files = $data; - foreach ($fileKeys as $k) - { - unset($files[$k]); - } - foreach (array_keys($data['name']) as $key) - { - $files[$key] = self::fixPhpFilesArray(array( - 'error' => $data['error'][$key], - 'name' => $data['name'][$key], - 'type' => $data['type'][$key], - 'tmp_name' => $data['tmp_name'][$key], - 'size' => $data['size'][$key], - )); - } - return $files; - } - public function getGetParameter($name, $default = null) - { - if (isset($this->getParameters[$name])) - { - return $this->getParameters[$name]; - } - else - { - return sfToolkit::getArrayValueForPath($this->getParameters, $name, $default); - } - } - public function getPostParameter($name, $default = null) - { - if (isset($this->postParameters[$name])) - { - return $this->postParameters[$name]; - } - else - { - return sfToolkit::getArrayValueForPath($this->postParameters, $name, $default); - } - } - public function getUrlParameter($name, $default = null) - { - if (isset($this->requestParameters[$name])) - { - return $this->requestParameters[$name]; - } - else - { - return sfToolkit::getArrayValueForPath($this->requestParameters, $name, $default); - } - } - public function getRemoteAddress() - { - $pathInfo = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - return $pathInfo['REMOTE_ADDR']; - } - public function getForwardedFor() - { - $pathInfo = $this->getPathInfoArray(); - if (empty($pathInfo['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) - { - return null; - } - return explode(', ', $pathInfo['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); - } - public function checkCSRFProtection() - { - $form = new BaseForm(); - $form->bind($form->isCSRFProtected() ? array($form->getCSRFFieldName() => $this->getParameter($form->getCSRFFieldName())) : array()); - if (!$form->isValid()) - { - throw $form->getErrorSchema(); - } - } - protected function parseRequestParameters() - { - return $this->dispatcher->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'request.filter_parameters', $this->getRequestContext()), array())->getReturnValue(); - } - public function getRequestContext() - { - return array( - 'path_info' => $this->getPathInfo(), - 'prefix' => $this->getPathInfoPrefix(), - 'method' => $this->getMethod(), - 'format' => $this->getRequestFormat(), - 'host' => $this->getHost(), - 'is_secure' => $this->isSecure(), - 'request_uri' => $this->getUri(), - ); - } - protected function fixParameters() - { - foreach ($this->parameterHolder->getAll() as $key => $value) - { - if (0 === stripos($key, '_sf_')) - { - $this->parameterHolder->remove($key); - $this->setAttribute(substr($key, 1), $value); - } - } - } -} - - -class sfPatternRouting extends sfRouting -{ - protected - $currentRouteName = null, - $currentInternalUri = array(), - $routes = array(), - $defaultParamsDirty = false, - $cacheData = array(), - $cacheChanged = false; - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, sfCache $cache = null, $options = array()) - { - $options = array_merge(array( - 'variable_prefixes' => array(':'), - 'segment_separators' => array('/', '.'), - 'variable_regex' => '[\w\d_]+', - 'load_configuration' => false, - 'suffix' => '', - 'generate_shortest_url' => true, - 'extra_parameters_as_query_string' => true, - 'lookup_cache_dedicated_keys' => false, - ), $options); - if ('.' == $options['suffix']) - { - $options['suffix'] = ''; - } - parent::initialize($dispatcher, $cache, $options); - if (null !== $this->cache && !$options['lookup_cache_dedicated_keys'] && $cacheData = $this->cache->get('symfony.routing.data')) - { - $this->cacheData = unserialize($cacheData); - } - } - public function loadConfiguration() - { - if ($this->options['load_configuration'] && $config = $this->getConfigFilename()) - { - include($config); - } - parent::loadConfiguration(); - } - protected function ensureDefaultParametersAreSet() - { - if ($this->defaultParamsDirty) - { - foreach ($this->routes as $route) - { - $route->setDefaultParameters($this->defaultParameters); - } - $this->defaultParamsDirty = false; - } - } - public function setDefaultParameter($key, $value) - { - parent::setDefaultParameter($key, $value); - $this->defaultParamsDirty = true; - } - public function setDefaultParameters($parameters) - { - parent::setDefaultParameters($parameters); - $this->defaultParamsDirty = true; - } - protected function getConfigFileName() - { - return sfContext::getInstance()->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('config/routing.yml', true); - } - public function getCurrentInternalUri($withRouteName = false) - { - return null === $this->currentRouteName ? null : $this->currentInternalUri[$withRouteName ? 0 : 1]; - } - public function getCurrentRouteName() - { - return $this->currentRouteName; - } - public function getRoutes() - { - return $this->routes; - } - public function setRoutes($routes) - { - foreach ($routes as $name => $route) - { - $this->connect($name, $route); - } - } - public function hasRoutes() - { - return count($this->routes) ? true : false; - } - public function clearRoutes() - { - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array('Clear all current routes'))); - } - $this->routes = array(); - } - public function hasRouteName($name) - { - return isset($this->routes[$name]) ? true : false; - } - public function prependRoute($name, $route) - { - $routes = $this->routes; - $this->routes = array(); - $this->connect($name, $route); - $this->routes = array_merge($this->routes, $routes); - } - public function appendRoute($name, $route) - { - return $this->connect($name, $route); - } - public function insertRouteBefore($pivot, $name, $route) - { - if (!isset($this->routes[$pivot])) - { - throw new sfConfigurationException(sprintf('Unable to insert route "%s" before inexistent route "%s".', $name, $pivot)); - } - $routes = $this->routes; - $this->routes = array(); - $newroutes = array(); - foreach ($routes as $key => $value) - { - if ($key == $pivot) - { - $this->connect($name, $route); - $newroutes = array_merge($newroutes, $this->routes); - } - $newroutes[$key] = $value; - } - $this->routes = $newroutes; - } - public function connect($name, $route) - { - $routes = $route instanceof sfRouteCollection ? $route : array($name => $route); - foreach (self::flattenRoutes($routes) as $name => $route) - { - $this->routes[$name] = $route; - $this->configureRoute($route); - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Connect %s "%s" (%s)', get_class($route), $name, $route->getPattern())))); - } - } - } - public function configureRoute(sfRoute $route) - { - $route->setDefaultParameters($this->defaultParameters); - $route->setDefaultOptions($this->options); - } - public function generate($name, $params = array(), $absolute = false) - { - if (null !== $this->cache) - { - $cacheKey = 'generate_'.$name.'_'.md5(serialize(array_merge($this->defaultParameters, $params))).'_'.md5(serialize($this->options['context'])); - if ($this->options['lookup_cache_dedicated_keys'] && $url = $this->cache->get('symfony.routing.data.'.$cacheKey)) - { - return $this->fixGeneratedUrl($url, $absolute); - } - elseif (isset($this->cacheData[$cacheKey])) - { - return $this->fixGeneratedUrl($this->cacheData[$cacheKey], $absolute); - } - } - if ($name) - { - if (!isset($this->routes[$name])) - { - throw new sfConfigurationException(sprintf('The route "%s" does not exist.', $name)); - } - $route = $this->routes[$name]; - $this->ensureDefaultParametersAreSet(); - } - else - { - if (false === $route = $this->getRouteThatMatchesParameters($params)) - { - throw new sfConfigurationException(sprintf('Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "%s".', is_object($params) ? 'Object('.get_class($params).')' : str_replace("\n", '', var_export($params, true)))); - } - } - $url = $route->generate($params, $this->options['context'], $absolute); - if (null !== $this->cache) - { - if ($this->options['lookup_cache_dedicated_keys']) - { - $this->cache->set('symfony.routing.data.'.$cacheKey, $url); - } - else - { - $this->cacheChanged = true; - $this->cacheData[$cacheKey] = $url; - } - } - return $this->fixGeneratedUrl($url, $absolute); - } - public function parse($url) - { - if (false === $info = $this->findRoute($url)) - { - $this->currentRouteName = null; - $this->currentInternalUri = array(); - return false; - } - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Match route "%s" (%s) for %s with parameters %s', $info['name'], $info['pattern'], $url, str_replace("\n", '', var_export($info['parameters'], true)))))); - } - $this->updateCurrentInternalUri($info['name'], $info['parameters']); - $route = $this->routes[$info['name']]; - $this->ensureDefaultParametersAreSet(); - $route->bind($this->options['context'], $info['parameters']); - $info['parameters']['_sf_route'] = $route; - return $info['parameters']; - } - protected function updateCurrentInternalUri($name, array $parameters) - { - $this->currentRouteName = $name; - $internalUri = array('@'.$this->currentRouteName, $parameters['module'].'/'.$parameters['action']); - unset($parameters['module'], $parameters['action']); - $params = array(); - foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) - { - $params[] = $key.'='.$value; - } - sort($params); - $params = $params ? '?'.implode('&', $params) : ''; - $this->currentInternalUri = array($internalUri[0].$params, $internalUri[1].$params); - } - public function findRoute($url) - { - $url = $this->normalizeUrl($url); - if (null !== $this->cache) - { - $cacheKey = 'parse_'.$url.'_'.md5(serialize($this->options['context'])); - if ($this->options['lookup_cache_dedicated_keys'] && $info = $this->cache->get('symfony.routing.data.'.$cacheKey)) - { - return unserialize($info); - } - elseif (isset($this->cacheData[$cacheKey])) - { - return $this->cacheData[$cacheKey]; - } - } - $info = $this->getRouteThatMatchesUrl($url); - if (null !== $this->cache) - { - if ($this->options['lookup_cache_dedicated_keys']) - { - $this->cache->set('symfony.routing.data.'.$cacheKey, serialize($info)); - } - else - { - $this->cacheChanged = true; - $this->cacheData[$cacheKey] = $info; - } - } - return $info; - } - static public function flattenRoutes($routes) - { - $flattenRoutes = array(); - foreach ($routes as $name => $route) - { - if ($route instanceof sfRouteCollection) - { - $flattenRoutes = array_merge($flattenRoutes, self::flattenRoutes($route)); - } - else - { - $flattenRoutes[$name] = $route; - } - } - return $flattenRoutes; - } - protected function getRouteThatMatchesUrl($url) - { - $this->ensureDefaultParametersAreSet(); - foreach ($this->routes as $name => $route) - { - if (false === $parameters = $route->matchesUrl($url, $this->options['context'])) - { - continue; - } - return array('name' => $name, 'pattern' => $route->getPattern(), 'parameters' => $parameters); - } - return false; - } - protected function getRouteThatMatchesParameters($parameters) - { - $this->ensureDefaultParametersAreSet(); - foreach ($this->routes as $route) - { - if ($route->matchesParameters($parameters, $this->options['context'])) - { - return $route; - } - } - return false; - } - protected function normalizeUrl($url) - { - if ('/' != substr($url, 0, 1)) - { - $url = '/'.$url; - } - if (false !== $pos = strpos($url, '?')) - { - $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); - } - $url = preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $url); - return $url; - } - public function shutdown() - { - if (null !== $this->cache && $this->cacheChanged) - { - $this->cacheChanged = false; - $this->cache->set('symfony.routing.data', serialize($this->cacheData)); - } - } -} - - -class sfWebResponse extends sfResponse -{ - const - FIRST = 'first', - MIDDLE = '', - LAST = 'last', - ALL = 'ALL', - RAW = 'RAW'; - protected - $cookies = array(), - $statusCode = 200, - $statusText = 'OK', - $headerOnly = false, - $headers = array(), - $metas = array(), - $httpMetas = array(), - $positions = array('first', '', 'last'), - $stylesheets = array(), - $javascripts = array(), - $slots = array(); - static protected $statusTexts = array( - '100' => 'Continue', - '101' => 'Switching Protocols', - '200' => 'OK', - '201' => 'Created', - '202' => 'Accepted', - '203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information', - '204' => 'No Content', - '205' => 'Reset Content', - '206' => 'Partial Content', - '300' => 'Multiple Choices', - '301' => 'Moved Permanently', - '302' => 'Found', - '303' => 'See Other', - '304' => 'Not Modified', - '305' => 'Use Proxy', - '306' => '(Unused)', - '307' => 'Temporary Redirect', - '400' => 'Bad Request', - '401' => 'Unauthorized', - '402' => 'Payment Required', - '403' => 'Forbidden', - '404' => 'Not Found', - '405' => 'Method Not Allowed', - '406' => 'Not Acceptable', - '407' => 'Proxy Authentication Required', - '408' => 'Request Timeout', - '409' => 'Conflict', - '410' => 'Gone', - '411' => 'Length Required', - '412' => 'Precondition Failed', - '413' => 'Request Entity Too Large', - '414' => 'Request-URI Too Long', - '415' => 'Unsupported Media Type', - '416' => 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', - '417' => 'Expectation Failed', - '500' => 'Internal Server Error', - '501' => 'Not Implemented', - '502' => 'Bad Gateway', - '503' => 'Service Unavailable', - '504' => 'Gateway Timeout', - '505' => 'HTTP Version Not Supported', - ); - public function initialize(sfEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $options = array()) - { - parent::initialize($dispatcher, $options); - $this->javascripts = array_combine($this->positions, array_fill(0, count($this->positions), array())); - $this->stylesheets = array_combine($this->positions, array_fill(0, count($this->positions), array())); - if (!isset($this->options['charset'])) - { - $this->options['charset'] = 'utf-8'; - } - if (!isset($this->options['send_http_headers'])) - { - $this->options['send_http_headers'] = true; - } - if (!isset($this->options['http_protocol'])) - { - $this->options['http_protocol'] = 'HTTP/1.0'; - } - $this->options['content_type'] = $this->fixContentType(isset($this->options['content_type']) ? $this->options['content_type'] : 'text/html'); - } - public function setHeaderOnly($value = true) - { - $this->headerOnly = (boolean) $value; - } - public function isHeaderOnly() - { - return $this->headerOnly; - } - public function setCookie($name, $value, $expire = null, $path = '/', $domain = '', $secure = false, $httpOnly = false) - { - if ($expire !== null) - { - if (is_numeric($expire)) - { - $expire = (int) $expire; - } - else - { - $expire = strtotime($expire); - if ($expire === false || $expire == -1) - { - throw new sfException('Your expire parameter is not valid.'); - } - } - } - $this->cookies[$name] = array( - 'name' => $name, - 'value' => $value, - 'expire' => $expire, - 'path' => $path, - 'domain' => $domain, - 'secure' => $secure ? true : false, - 'httpOnly' => $httpOnly, - ); - } - public function setStatusCode($code, $name = null) - { - $this->statusCode = $code; - $this->statusText = null !== $name ? $name : self::$statusTexts[$code]; - } - public function getStatusText() - { - return $this->statusText; - } - public function getStatusCode() - { - return $this->statusCode; - } - public function setHttpHeader($name, $value, $replace = true) - { - $name = $this->normalizeHeaderName($name); - if (null === $value) - { - unset($this->headers[$name]); - return; - } - if ('Content-Type' == $name) - { - if ($replace || !$this->getHttpHeader('Content-Type', null)) - { - $this->setContentType($value); - } - return; - } - if (!$replace) - { - $current = isset($this->headers[$name]) ? $this->headers[$name] : ''; - $value = ($current ? $current.', ' : '').$value; - } - $this->headers[$name] = $value; - } - public function getHttpHeader($name, $default = null) - { - $name = $this->normalizeHeaderName($name); - return isset($this->headers[$name]) ? $this->headers[$name] : $default; - } - public function hasHttpHeader($name) - { - return array_key_exists($this->normalizeHeaderName($name), $this->headers); - } - public function setContentType($value) - { - $this->headers['Content-Type'] = $this->fixContentType($value); - } - public function getCharset() - { - return $this->options['charset']; - } - public function getContentType() - { - return $this->getHttpHeader('Content-Type', $this->options['content_type']); - } - public function sendHttpHeaders() - { - if (!$this->options['send_http_headers']) - { - return; - } - $status = $this->options['http_protocol'].' '.$this->statusCode.' '.$this->statusText; - header($status); - if (substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == 'cgi') - { - unset($this->headers['Status']); - } - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Send status "%s"', $status)))); - } - if (!$this->getHttpHeader('Content-Type')) - { - $this->setContentType($this->options['content_type']); - } - foreach ($this->headers as $name => $value) - { - header($name.': '.$value); - if ($value != '' && $this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Send header "%s: %s"', $name, $value)))); - } - } - foreach ($this->cookies as $cookie) - { - setrawcookie($cookie['name'], $cookie['value'], $cookie['expire'], $cookie['path'], $cookie['domain'], $cookie['secure'], $cookie['httpOnly']); - if ($this->options['logging']) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Send cookie "%s": "%s"', $cookie['name'], $cookie['value'])))); - } - } - $this->options['send_http_headers'] = false; - } - public function sendContent() - { - if (!$this->headerOnly) - { - parent::sendContent(); - } - } - public function send() - { - $this->sendHttpHeaders(); - $this->sendContent(); - } - protected function normalizeHeaderName($name) - { - return preg_replace('/\-(.)/e', "'-'.strtoupper('\\1')", strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-')); - } - static public function getDate($timestamp, $type = 'rfc1123') - { - $type = strtolower($type); - if ($type == 'rfc1123') - { - return substr(gmdate('r', $timestamp), 0, -5).'GMT'; - } - else if ($type == 'rfc1036') - { - return gmdate('l, d-M-y H:i:s ', $timestamp).'GMT'; - } - else if ($type == 'asctime') - { - return gmdate('D M j H:i:s', $timestamp); - } - else - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException('The second getDate() method parameter must be one of: rfc1123, rfc1036 or asctime.'); - } - } - public function addVaryHttpHeader($header) - { - $vary = $this->getHttpHeader('Vary'); - $currentHeaders = array(); - if ($vary) - { - $currentHeaders = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $vary); - } - $header = $this->normalizeHeaderName($header); - if (!in_array($header, $currentHeaders)) - { - $currentHeaders[] = $header; - $this->setHttpHeader('Vary', implode(', ', $currentHeaders)); - } - } - public function addCacheControlHttpHeader($name, $value = null) - { - $cacheControl = $this->getHttpHeader('Cache-Control'); - $currentHeaders = array(); - if ($cacheControl) - { - foreach (preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $cacheControl) as $tmp) - { - $tmp = explode('=', $tmp); - $currentHeaders[$tmp[0]] = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : null; - } - } - $currentHeaders[strtr(strtolower($name), '_', '-')] = $value; - $headers = array(); - foreach ($currentHeaders as $key => $value) - { - $headers[] = $key.(null !== $value ? '='.$value : ''); - } - $this->setHttpHeader('Cache-Control', implode(', ', $headers)); - } - public function getHttpMetas() - { - return $this->httpMetas; - } - public function addHttpMeta($key, $value, $replace = true) - { - $key = $this->normalizeHeaderName($key); - $this->setHttpHeader($key, $value, $replace); - if (null === $value) - { - unset($this->httpMetas[$key]); - return; - } - if ('Content-Type' == $key) - { - $value = $this->getContentType(); - } - elseif (!$replace) - { - $current = isset($this->httpMetas[$key]) ? $this->httpMetas[$key] : ''; - $value = ($current ? $current.', ' : '').$value; - } - $this->httpMetas[$key] = $value; - } - public function getMetas() - { - return $this->metas; - } - public function addMeta($key, $value, $replace = true, $escape = true) - { - $key = strtolower($key); - if (null === $value) - { - unset($this->metas[$key]); - return; - } - if ($escape) - { - $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, $this->options['charset']); - } - $current = isset($this->metas[$key]) ? $this->metas[$key] : null; - if ($replace || !$current) - { - $this->metas[$key] = $value; - } - } - public function getTitle() - { - return isset($this->metas['title']) ? $this->metas['title'] : ''; - } - public function setTitle($title, $escape = true) - { - $this->addMeta('title', $title, true, $escape); - } - public function getPositions() - { - return $this->positions; - } - public function getStylesheets($position = self::ALL) - { - if (self::ALL === $position) - { - $stylesheets = array(); - foreach ($this->getPositions() as $position) - { - foreach ($this->stylesheets[$position] as $file => $options) - { - $stylesheets[$file] = $options; - } - } - return $stylesheets; - } - else if (self::RAW === $position) - { - return $this->stylesheets; - } - $this->validatePosition($position); - return $this->stylesheets[$position]; - } - public function addStylesheet($file, $position = '', $options = array()) - { - $this->validatePosition($position); - $this->stylesheets[$position][$file] = $options; - } - public function removeStylesheet($file) - { - foreach ($this->getPositions() as $position) - { - unset($this->stylesheets[$position][$file]); - } - } - public function getJavascripts($position = self::ALL) - { - if (self::ALL === $position) - { - $javascripts = array(); - foreach ($this->getPositions() as $position) - { - foreach ($this->javascripts[$position] as $file => $options) - { - $javascripts[$file] = $options; - } - } - return $javascripts; - } - else if (self::RAW === $position) - { - return $this->javascripts; - } - $this->validatePosition($position); - return $this->javascripts[$position]; - } - public function addJavascript($file, $position = '', $options = array()) - { - $this->validatePosition($position); - $this->javascripts[$position][$file] = $options; - } - public function removeJavascript($file) - { - foreach ($this->getPositions() as $position) - { - unset($this->javascripts[$position][$file]); - } - } - public function getSlots() - { - return $this->slots; - } - public function setSlot($name, $content) - { - $this->slots[$name] = $content; - } - public function getCookies() - { - return $this->cookies; - } - public function getHttpHeaders() - { - return $this->headers; - } - public function clearHttpHeaders() - { - $this->headers = array(); - } - public function copyProperties(sfWebResponse $response) - { - $this->options = $response->getOptions(); - $this->headers = $response->getHttpHeaders(); - $this->metas = $response->getMetas(); - $this->httpMetas = $response->getHttpMetas(); - $this->stylesheets = $response->getStylesheets(self::RAW); - $this->javascripts = $response->getJavascripts(self::RAW); - $this->slots = $response->getSlots(); - $this->options['http_protocol'] = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0'; - } - public function merge(sfWebResponse $response) - { - foreach ($this->getPositions() as $position) - { - $this->javascripts[$position] = array_merge($this->getJavascripts($position), $response->getJavascripts($position)); - $this->stylesheets[$position] = array_merge($this->getStylesheets($position), $response->getStylesheets($position)); - } - $this->slots = array_merge($this->getSlots(), $response->getSlots()); - } - public function serialize() - { - return serialize(array($this->content, $this->statusCode, $this->statusText, $this->options, $this->headerOnly, $this->headers, $this->metas, $this->httpMetas, $this->stylesheets, $this->javascripts, $this->slots)); - } - public function unserialize($serialized) - { - list($this->content, $this->statusCode, $this->statusText, $this->options, $this->headerOnly, $this->headers, $this->metas, $this->httpMetas, $this->stylesheets, $this->javascripts, $this->slots) = unserialize($serialized); - } - protected function validatePosition($position) - { - if (!in_array($position, $this->positions, true)) - { - throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The position "%s" does not exist (available positions: %s).', $position, implode(', ', $this->positions))); - } - } - protected function fixContentType($contentType) - { - if (false === stripos($contentType, 'charset') && (0 === stripos($contentType, 'text/') || strlen($contentType) - 3 === strripos($contentType, 'xml'))) - { - $contentType .= '; charset='.$this->options['charset']; - } - if (preg_match('/charset\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/', $contentType, $match)) - { - $this->options['charset'] = $match[1]; - } - return $contentType; - } -} - - -class sfSessionStorage extends sfStorage -{ - static protected - $sessionIdRegenerated = false, - $sessionStarted = false; - public function initialize($options = null) - { - $cookieDefaults = session_get_cookie_params(); - $options = array_merge(array( - 'session_name' => 'symfony', - 'session_id' => null, - 'auto_start' => true, - 'session_cookie_lifetime' => $cookieDefaults['lifetime'], - 'session_cookie_path' => $cookieDefaults['path'], - 'session_cookie_domain' => $cookieDefaults['domain'], - 'session_cookie_secure' => $cookieDefaults['secure'], - 'session_cookie_httponly' => isset($cookieDefaults['httponly']) ? $cookieDefaults['httponly'] : false, - 'session_cache_limiter' => null, - ), $options); - parent::initialize($options); - $sessionName = $this->options['session_name']; - session_name($sessionName); - if (!(boolean) ini_get('session.use_cookies') && $sessionId = $this->options['session_id']) - { - session_id($sessionId); - } - $lifetime = $this->options['session_cookie_lifetime']; - $path = $this->options['session_cookie_path']; - $domain = $this->options['session_cookie_domain']; - $secure = $this->options['session_cookie_secure']; - $httpOnly = $this->options['session_cookie_httponly']; - session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, $path, $domain, $secure, $httpOnly); - if (null !== $this->options['session_cache_limiter']) - { - session_cache_limiter($this->options['session_cache_limiter']); - } - if ($this->options['auto_start'] && !self::$sessionStarted) - { - session_start(); - self::$sessionStarted = true; - } - } - public function read($key) - { - $retval = null; - if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) - { - $retval = $_SESSION[$key]; - } - return $retval; - } - public function remove($key) - { - $retval = null; - if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) - { - $retval = $_SESSION[$key]; - unset($_SESSION[$key]); - } - return $retval; - } - public function write($key, $data) - { - $_SESSION[$key] = $data; - } - public function regenerate($destroy = false) - { - if (self::$sessionIdRegenerated) - { - return; - } - session_regenerate_id($destroy); - self::$sessionIdRegenerated = true; - } - public function shutdown() - { - session_write_close(); - } -} - - -class sfPHPView extends sfView -{ - public function execute() - { - } - protected function loadCoreAndStandardHelpers() - { - static $coreHelpersLoaded = 0; - if ($coreHelpersLoaded) - { - return; - } - $coreHelpersLoaded = 1; - $helpers = array_unique(array_merge(array('Helper', 'Url', 'Asset', 'Tag', 'Escaping'), sfConfig::get('sf_standard_helpers'))); - $this->context->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers($helpers); - } - protected function renderFile($_sfFile) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Render "%s"', $_sfFile)))); - } - $this->loadCoreAndStandardHelpers(); - $vars = $this->attributeHolder->toArray(); - extract($vars); - ob_start(); - ob_implicit_flush(0); - try - { - require($_sfFile); - } - catch (Exception $e) - { - ob_end_clean(); - throw $e; - } - return ob_get_clean(); - } - public function getEngine() - { - return null; - } - public function configure() - { - $this->context->set('view_instance', $this); - require($this->context->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('modules/'.$this->moduleName.'/config/view.yml')); - if (!$this->directory) - { - $this->setDirectory($this->context->getConfiguration()->getTemplateDir($this->moduleName, $this->getTemplate())); - } - } - protected function decorate($content) - { - if (sfConfig::get('sf_logging_enabled')) - { - $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this, 'application.log', array(sprintf('Decorate content with "%s/%s"', $this->getDecoratorDirectory(), $this->getDecoratorTemplate())))); - } - $attributeHolder = $this->attributeHolder; - $this->attributeHolder = $this->initializeAttributeHolder(array('sf_content' => new sfOutputEscaperSafe($content))); - $this->attributeHolder->set('sf_type', 'layout'); - if (!is_readable($this->getDecoratorDirectory().'/'.$this->getDecoratorTemplate())) - { - throw new sfRenderException(sprintf('The decorator template "%s" does not exist or is unreadable in "%s".', $this->decoratorTemplate, $this->decoratorDirectory)); - } - $ret = $this->renderFile($this->getDecoratorDirectory().'/'.$this->getDecoratorTemplate()); - $this->attributeHolder = $attributeHolder; - return $ret; - } - public function render() - { - $content = null; - if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) - { - $viewCache = $this->context->getViewCacheManager(); - $uri = $viewCache->getCurrentCacheKey(); - if (null !== $uri) - { - list($content, $decoratorTemplate) = $viewCache->getActionCache($uri); - if (null !== $content) - { - $this->setDecoratorTemplate($decoratorTemplate); - } - } - } - if (null === $content) - { - $this->preRenderCheck(); - $this->attributeHolder->set('sf_type', 'action'); - $content = $this->renderFile($this->getDirectory().'/'.$this->getTemplate()); - if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache') && null !== $uri) - { - $content = $viewCache->setActionCache($uri, $content, $this->isDecorator() ? $this->getDecoratorDirectory().'/'.$this->getDecoratorTemplate() : false); - } - } - if ($this->isDecorator()) - { - $content = $this->decorate($content); - } - return $content; - } -} - - -class sfOutputEscaperSafe extends ArrayIterator -{ - protected - $value = null; - public function __construct($value) - { - $this->value = $value; - if (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) - { - parent::__construct($value); - } - } - public function __toString() - { - return (string) $this->value; - } - public function __get($key) - { - return $this->value->$key; - } - public function __set($key, $value) - { - $this->value->$key = $value; - } - public function __call($method, $arguments) - { - return call_user_func_array(array($this->value, $method), $arguments); - } - public function __isset($key) - { - return isset($this->value->$key); - } - public function __unset($key) - { - unset($this->value->$key); - } - public function getValue() - { - return $this->value; - } -} - diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_databases.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_databases.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index 70f7e6d..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_databases.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ - new sfDoctrineDatabase(array ( - 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=posting', - 'username' => 'root', - 'password' => NULL, - 'name' => 'doctrine', -)),); diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_factories.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_factories.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index b1ab582..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_factories.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -factories['logger'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_logger_parameters', array ( - 'level' => 'err', - 'loggers' => NULL, -)))); - - - if (sfConfig::get('sf_i18n')) - { - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_i18n', 'sfI18N'); - $cache = new sfFileCache(array ( - 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0, - 'cache_dir' => '/www/posting/cache/frontend/prod/i18n', - 'lifetime' => 31556926, - 'prefix' => '/www/posting/apps/frontend/i18n', -)); - $this->factories['i18n'] = new $class($this->configuration, $cache, array ( - 'source' => 'XLIFF', - 'debug' => false, - 'untranslated_prefix' => '[T]', - 'untranslated_suffix' => '[/T]', -)); - sfWidgetFormSchemaFormatter::setTranslationCallable(array($this->factories['i18n'], '__')); - } - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_controller', 'sfFrontWebController'); - $this->factories['controller'] = new $class($this); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request', 'sfWebRequest'); - $this->factories['request'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, array(), array(), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_parameters', array ( - 'logging' => '', - 'path_info_array' => 'SERVER', - 'path_info_key' => 'PATH_INFO', - 'relative_url_root' => NULL, - 'formats' => - array ( - 'txt' => 'text/plain', - 'js' => - array ( - 0 => 'application/javascript', - 1 => 'application/x-javascript', - 2 => 'text/javascript', - ), - 'css' => 'text/css', - 'json' => - array ( - 0 => 'application/json', - 1 => 'application/x-json', - ), - 'xml' => - array ( - 0 => 'text/xml', - 1 => 'application/xml', - 2 => 'application/x-xml', - ), - 'rdf' => 'application/rdf+xml', - 'atom' => 'application/atom+xml', - ), - 'no_script_name' => true, -)), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_request_attributes', array())); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response', 'sfWebResponse'); - $this->factories['response'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, sfConfig::get('sf_factory_response_parameters', array_merge(array('http_protocol' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : null), array ( - 'logging' => '', - 'charset' => 'utf-8', - 'send_http_headers' => true, -)))); - if ($this->factories['request'] instanceof sfWebRequest - && $this->factories['response'] instanceof sfWebResponse - && 'HEAD' == $this->factories['request']->getMethod()) - { - $this->factories['response']->setHeaderOnly(true); - } - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_routing', 'sfPatternRouting'); - $cache = null; - -$this->factories['routing'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, $cache, sfToolkit::arrayDeepMerge(array('auto_shutdown' => false, 'context' => $this->factories['request']->getRequestContext()), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_routing_parameters', array ( - 'load_configuration' => true, - 'suffix' => '', - 'default_module' => 'default', - 'default_action' => 'index', - 'debug' => '', - 'logging' => '', - 'generate_shortest_url' => true, - 'extra_parameters_as_query_string' => true, - 'cache' => NULL, -)))); -if ($parameters = $this->factories['routing']->parse($this->factories['request']->getPathInfo())) -{ - $this->factories['request']->addRequestParameters($parameters); -} - - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage', 'sfSessionStorage'); - $this->factories['storage'] = new $class(array_merge(array( -'auto_shutdown' => false, 'session_id' => $this->getRequest()->getParameter('symfony'), -), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_storage_parameters', array ( - 'session_name' => 'symfony', -)))); - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user', 'myUser'); - $this->factories['user'] = new $class($this->dispatcher, $this->factories['storage'], array_merge(array('auto_shutdown' => false, 'culture' => $this->factories['request']->getParameter('sf_culture')), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_user_parameters', array ( - 'timeout' => 1800, - 'logging' => '', - 'use_flash' => true, - 'default_culture' => 'en', -)))); - - if (sfConfig::get('sf_cache')) - { - $class = sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache', 'sfFileCache'); - $cache = new $class(sfConfig::get('sf_factory_view_cache_parameters', array ( - 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 0, - 'cache_dir' => '/www/posting/cache/frontend/prod/template', - 'lifetime' => 86400, - 'prefix' => '/www/posting/apps/frontend/template', -))); - $this->factories['viewCacheManager'] = new sfViewCacheManager($this, $cache, array ( - 'cache_key_use_vary_headers' => true, - 'cache_key_use_host_name' => true, -)); - } - else - { - $this->factories['viewCacheManager'] = null; - } - -require_once sfConfig::get('sf_symfony_lib_dir').'/vendor/swiftmailer/classes/Swift.php'; -Swift::registerAutoload(); -sfMailer::initialize(); -$this->setMailerConfiguration(array_merge(array('class' => sfConfig::get('sf_factory_mailer', 'sfMailer')), sfConfig::get('sf_factory_mailer_parameters', array ( - 'logging' => '', - 'charset' => 'utf-8', - 'delivery_strategy' => 'realtime', - 'transport' => - array ( - 'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport', - 'param' => - array ( - 'host' => 'localhost', - 'port' => 25, - 'encryption' => NULL, - 'username' => NULL, - 'password' => NULL, - ), - ), -)))); - diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_routing.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_routing.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index ca612c8..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/config_routing.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -routes['homepage'] = unserialize('C:7:"sfRoute":1065:{a:11:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:4:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:1:"/";i:3;N;}i:1;a:3:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:1:"/";i:2;s:1:"/";}}i:1;a:8:{s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;}i:2;a:15:{s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:17:"variable_prefixes";a:1:{i:0;s:1:":";}s:18:"segment_separators";a:2:{i:0;s:1:"/";i:1;s:1:".";}s:14:"variable_regex";s:8:"[\\w\\d_]+";s:10:"text_regex";s:3:".+?";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"variable_prefix_regex";s:6:"(?:\\:)";s:24:"segment_separators_regex";s:8:"(?:/|\\.)";s:22:"variable_content_regex";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";}i:3;s:1:"/";i:4;s:0:"";i:5;s:6:"#^/$#x";i:6;a:0:{}i:7;a:2:{s:6:"module";s:7:"default";s:6:"action";s:5:"index";}i:8;a:0:{}i:9;s:1:"/";i:10;b:0;}}'); -$this->routes['default_index'] = unserialize('C:7:"sfRoute":1140:{a:11:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:4:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:1:"/";i:3;N;}i:1;a:4:{i:0;s:8:"variable";i:1;s:1:"/";i:2;s:7:":module";i:3;s:6:"module";}}i:1;a:8:{s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;}i:2;a:15:{s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:17:"variable_prefixes";a:1:{i:0;s:1:":";}s:18:"segment_separators";a:2:{i:0;s:1:"/";i:1;s:1:".";}s:14:"variable_regex";s:8:"[\\w\\d_]+";s:10:"text_regex";s:3:".+?";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"variable_prefix_regex";s:6:"(?:\\:)";s:24:"segment_separators_regex";s:8:"(?:/|\\.)";s:22:"variable_content_regex";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";}i:3;s:8:"/:module";i:4;s:0:"";i:5;s:25:"#^/(?P[^/\\.]+)$#x";i:6;a:1:{s:6:"module";s:7:":module";}i:7;a:1:{s:6:"action";s:5:"index";}i:8;a:1:{s:6:"module";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";}i:9;s:0:"";i:10;b:0;}}'); -$this->routes['default'] = unserialize('C:7:"sfRoute":1473:{a:11:{i:0;a:6:{i:0;a:4:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:1:"/";i:3;N;}i:1;a:4:{i:0;s:8:"variable";i:1;s:1:"/";i:2;s:7:":module";i:3;s:6:"module";}i:2;a:4:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:1:"/";i:3;N;}i:3;a:4:{i:0;s:8:"variable";i:1;s:1:"/";i:2;s:7:":action";i:3;s:6:"action";}i:4;a:4:{i:0;s:9:"separator";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:1:"/";i:3;N;}i:5;a:4:{i:0;s:4:"text";i:1;s:1:"/";i:2;s:1:"*";i:3;N;}}i:1;a:8:{s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;}i:2;a:15:{s:6:"suffix";s:0:"";s:17:"variable_prefixes";a:1:{i:0;s:1:":";}s:18:"segment_separators";a:2:{i:0;s:1:"/";i:1;s:1:".";}s:14:"variable_regex";s:8:"[\\w\\d_]+";s:10:"text_regex";s:3:".+?";s:21:"generate_shortest_url";b:1;s:32:"extra_parameters_as_query_string";b:1;s:18:"load_configuration";b:1;s:14:"default_module";s:7:"default";s:14:"default_action";s:5:"index";s:5:"debug";s:0:"";s:7:"logging";s:0:"";s:21:"variable_prefix_regex";s:6:"(?:\\:)";s:24:"segment_separators_regex";s:8:"(?:/|\\.)";s:22:"variable_content_regex";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";}i:3;s:18:"/:module/:action/*";i:4;s:0:"";i:5;s:69:"#^/(?P[^/\\.]+)/(?P[^/\\.]+)(?:(?:/(?P<_star>.*))?)?$#x";i:6;a:2:{s:6:"module";s:7:":module";s:6:"action";s:7:":action";}i:7;a:0:{}i:8;a:2:{s:6:"module";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";s:6:"action";s:7:"[^/\\.]+";}i:9;s:0:"";i:10;b:0;}}'); 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diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_filters.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_filters.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index d58120e..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_filters.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -register($filter); - -// does this action require security? -if ($actionInstance->isSecure()) -{ - -list($class, $parameters) = (array) sfConfig::get('sf_security_filter', array('sfBasicSecurityFilter', array ( -))); -$filter = new $class(sfContext::getInstance(), $parameters); -$this->register($filter); -} - -list($class, $parameters) = (array) sfConfig::get('sf_execution_filter', array('sfExecutionFilter', array ( -))); -$filter = new $class(sfContext::getInstance(), $parameters); -$this->register($filter); - diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_module.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_module.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index 7de9dce..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_module.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ - true, - 'mod_default_view_class' => 'sfPHP', -)); diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_security.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_security.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index 9855276..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_security.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -security = array ( - 'all' => - array ( - 'is_secure' => false, - ), -); diff --git a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_view.yml.php b/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_view.yml.php deleted file mode 100644 index e604a53..0000000 --- a/cache/frontend/prod/config/modules_default_config_view.yml.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -context->getResponse(); - - - $templateName = sfConfig::get('symfony.view.'.$this->moduleName.'_'.$this->actionName.'_template', $this->actionName); - $this->setTemplate($templateName.$this->viewName.$this->getExtension()); - - - - if (null !== $layout = sfConfig::get('symfony.view.'.$this->moduleName.'_'.$this->actionName.'_layout')) - { - $this->setDecoratorTemplate(false === $layout ? false : $layout.$this->getExtension()); - } - else if (null === $this->getDecoratorTemplate() && !$this->context->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) - { - $this->setDecoratorTemplate('' == 'layout' ? false : 'layout'.$this->getExtension()); - } - $response->addHttpMeta('content-type', 'text/html', false); - - $response->addStylesheet('main.css', '', array ()); - -