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Releases: Flafla2/Unity-Wiimote

Wiimote API for Unity v1.1

16 Oct 13:25
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Includes full documentation and a Unity package for importing to the Unity Editor. To install, double click on Unity-Wiimote.unitypackage or go to Assets->Import Package->Custom Package... in the Unity Editor.

A full demo / example scene is available at the source repository.


* = fix, + = added, - = changed

* Fixed a bug where the IR camera interpreter corrected for rotation incorrectly
+ Added the ability to deactivate the Wii Motion Plus after activating it (and therefore be able to use any connected extension controller)
* Fixed a bug where extension controllers would fail to initialize correctly under certain conditions (``Wiimote::current_ext`` would equal ``ExtensionController.NONE`` even if a valid extension was connected).

Wiimote API for Unity v1.0

29 Aug 05:23
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Initial Release

Includes full documentation and a Unity package for importing to the Unity Editor. To install, double click on Unity-Wiimote.unitypackage or go to Assets->Import Package->Custom Package... in the Unity Editor.