Initialize engine version: 5.6.2f1 (a2913c821e27) GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design (ID=0x1f10) Vendor: NVIDIA VRAM: 8031 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\AmplifyColor.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\AmplifyColor.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\AmplifyOcclusion.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\AmplifyOcclusion.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween43.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween46.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\DOTween50.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.OdinInspector.Attributes.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.Config.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.Config.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Serialization.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Utilities.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Sirenix.Utilities.dll into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Vectrosity.dll (this message is harmless) Loading C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Vectrosity.dll into Unity Child Domain - Completed reload, in 0.029 seconds Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\System.Xml.dll (this message is harmless) Initializing input. Input initialized. desktop: 1920x1080 144Hz; virtual: 1920x1080 at 0,0 Initialized touch support. UnloadTime: 1.624200 ms [Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Koikatsu Party (6/6/2019 9:00:00 AM) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v5.6.2.10654012 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 2.0.50727.1433 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.IPAHarmonyShimmer] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.IPAVirtualizer] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [KK_ExtensibleSaveFormat_Patcher] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [KK_SFW_Patcher] [Info : BepInEx] 5 patcher plugins loaded [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type System.Exception and name PrepForRemoting and parameters [Info :IPAHarmonyShim] Shimming IPA plugins [Info :IPAHarmonyShim] No IPA Plugins folder found! Skipping shimming... [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.IPAHarmonyShimmer.HarmonyShimmer] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.IPAVirtualizer.IPAVirtualizer] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [ExtensibleSaveFormat.Patcher] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine] with [SFWmod.SfwPatcher] [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info : BepInEx] 199 plugins to load [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [CharaStateX] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [DefaultParamEditor] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Item Layer Edit] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KKPE 2.13.2] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK Additional FK Nodes] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_MakerAnimatePoseToggle 1.1.0] because of process filters (Koikatu) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_QuickAccessBox 2.4.2] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Camera Tweaks 1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio, StudioNEOV2) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Chara Only Load Body] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Extra move axis in bottom right corner 2.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_StudioKeybinds 1.0.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK Studio Better Penetration] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [TreeNodeNaming 1.1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Light Manager] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Move Controller KOI] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [NodesConstraints 1.2.2] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Timeline 1.1.5] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [VideoExport 1.2.5] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_StudioAccessoryNames 1.1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_StudioMiscSearch 1.2.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_StudioPOV 1.1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio MultiSelect Chara] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Scene Navigation] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Camera Target Fix 20.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Character List Optimizations 20.0] because of process filters (Koikatu, KoikatuVR) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Invalid Scene Protection 20.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Party Card Compatibility 20.0] because of process filters (Koikatu, KoikatuVR, CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Pose Load Fix 20.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Optimizations 20.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Unlimited Map Lights 20.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Chara Light Linked To Camera] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Reflect FK Fix] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Save Workspace Order Fix] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Text Plugin] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Transgender Loading] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Animation Overdrive 1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [FK and IK 1.1.3] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Material Editor Studio 3.1.17] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Pose Tools 1.1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Pose Folders 1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Pose Quick Load 1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Pose Gender Restriction Unlocker 1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Custom Masking 1.1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Image Embed 1.0.2] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Object Move Hotkeys 1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Studio Scene Loaded Sound 1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [StudioSceneSettings 1.3.2] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [KK_StudioWindowResize 1.1] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [Two Luts in Studio 1.0] because of process filters (CharaStudio) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Rim Remover 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_RimRemover.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Extended Save 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\ExtensibleSaveFormat.dll (this message is harmless) [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.TypeByName: Could not find type named VR.VRClassRoomCharaFile [Info : BepInEx] Loading [XUnity Resource Redirector 2.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.ResourceRedirector\XUnity.ResourceRedirector.BepInEx.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.ResourceRedirector\XUnity.ResourceRedirector.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Sideloader 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\Sideloader.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll (this message is harmless) Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\System.Xml.Linq.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\core\XUnity.Common.dll (this message is harmless) [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromFileAsync_Internal and parameters (string, uint, ulong) Non platform assembly: data-00000000202B8020 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000202B8020.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromFile_Internal and parameters (string, uint, ulong) Non platform assembly: data-000000001B308760 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B308760.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromFile through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromMemoryAsync_Internal and parameters (byte[], uint) Non platform assembly: data-000000001B607480 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B607480.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemoryAsync through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromMemory_Internal and parameters (byte[], uint) Non platform assembly: data-0000000006480840 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-0000000006480840.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadFromMemory through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromStreamAsyncInternal and parameters (System.IO.Stream, uint, uint) [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromStreamAsync and parameters (System.IO.Stream, uint, uint) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'AssetBundle_LoadFromStreamAsync_Hook'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromStreamInternal and parameters (System.IO.Stream, uint, uint) [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name LoadFromStream and parameters (System.IO.Stream, uint, uint) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'AssetBundle_LoadFromStream_Hook'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name returnMainAsset and parameters (UnityEngine.AssetBundle) Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6D04C0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6D04C0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.get_mainAsset through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundle and name returnMainAsset and parameters (UnityEngine.AssetBundle) Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6B47B0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6B47B0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.Load through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6043D0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6043D0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAsync through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6B1480 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6B1480.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAll through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B601030 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B601030.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAsset_Internal through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6AE020 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6AE020.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync_Internal through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001FA7E040 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001FA7E040.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssets_Internal through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6D5700 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6D5700.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundle.LoadAssetWithSubAssetsAsync_Internal through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6DCB90 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6DCB90.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest.get_asset through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000001B6F6020 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000001B6F6020.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundleRequest.get_allAssets through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-000000000607FEF0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000000607FEF0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Resources.Load through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-0000000006B51030 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-0000000006B51030.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Resources.LoadAll through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.Resources and name GetBuiltinResource and parameters (string, Type) Non platform assembly: data-00000000203BF060 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203BF060.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Resources.GetBuiltinResource through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203C0880 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203C0880.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest.get_assetBundle through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest and name SetEnableCompatibilityChecks and parameters (bool) Non platform assembly: data-00000000203C1490 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203C1490.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest.DisableCompatibilityChecks through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.AssetBundleCreateRequest and name SetEnableCompatibilityChecks and parameters (bool) Non platform assembly: data-00000000203C20A0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203C20A0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.get_isDone through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203BFC70 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203BFC70.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.get_progress through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D8920 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D8920.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.get_priority through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D64F0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D64F0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.set_priority through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D9530 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D9530.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.get_allowSceneActivation through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D7D10 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D7D10.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.set_allowSceneActivation through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.AsyncOperation.Finalize through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetBundleLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AsyncAssetBundleLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetBundleLoaded. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AsyncAssetLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetBundleLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AsyncAssetBundleLoading. [Info :Sideloader] Found 3811 zipmods in directory: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\mods [Info :Sideloader] Skipping archive "Sideloader Modpack - KK_UncensorSelector\KKS_UncensorSelector_Base.zipmod" because it's meant for Koikatsu Sunshine [Info :Sideloader] Skipping archive "Sideloader Modpack - KK_UncensorSelector\[anon] SAC_Uncensor_Selector_Pack v0.0.2.zipmod" because it's meant for Koikatsu Sunshine [Debug :Sideloader] Starting Slot IDs at 100000991 [Warning:Sideloader] Multiple versions detected, only "Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan]Dragon Ball Gurlz.zipmod" will be loaded. Skipped versions: "Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan] DBZ_Girls_Mod v1.5.zipmod" [Warning:Sideloader] Multiple versions detected, only "Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan]MHA Girls Mod.zipmod" will be loaded. Skipped versions: "Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan] MHA_Girls_mod v1.9.zipmod" [Warning:Sideloader] Multiple versions detected, only "Sideloader Modpack - Studio\Zeta\[Zeta] SunshineClothing v1.zipmod" will be loaded. Skipped versions: "Sideloader Modpack\Zeta\[Zeta] SunshineClothing v1.zipmod" [Info :Sideloader] Successfully loaded 3806 mods out of 3811 archives in 68717ms [Warning:Sideloader] Could not load 5 mods, see previous warnings for more information. File names of skipped archives: Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan] DBZ_Girls_Mod v1.5.zipmod | Sideloader Modpack\Evaan\[Evaan] MHA_Girls_mod v1.9.zipmod | Sideloader Modpack\Zeta\[Zeta] SunshineClothing v1.zipmod | Sideloader Modpack - KK_UncensorSelector\KKS_UncensorSelector_Base.zipmod | Sideloader Modpack - KK_UncensorSelector\[anon] SAC_Uncensor_Selector_Pack v0.0.2.zipmod [Info : BepInEx] Loading [MoreAccessories 2.0.21] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\MoreAccessories.dll (this message is harmless) Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Modding API 1.33] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KKAPI.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :Modding API] Game version 5.1 running under en-US culture [Debug :Modding API] Installed DLC: 01 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 32 33 40 51 52 70 71 72 73 100 [Debug :Modding API] Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (12 threads @ 2592MHz); RAM: 16223MB (38% used); OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit [Debug :Modding API] Hooking virtual bool ChaFile::LoadFile(System.IO.BinaryReader br, bool noLoadPNG, bool noLoadStatus) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Accessory States 1.6] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Accessory_States.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Skin Overlay Mod 6.0.7] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_OverlayMods.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Uncensor Selector 3.11.5] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_UncensorSelector.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Mod Bone Implantor 1.1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\ModBoneImplantor.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK Better Penetration] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BetterPenetration.dll (this message is harmless) KK_BetterPenetration: patched UncensorSelector::ReloadCharacterBody correctly (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) KK_BetterPenetration: patched UncensorSelector::ReloadCharacterPenis patched (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Autostart 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Autostart.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Enable Full Screen Toggle 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.EnableFullScreenToggle.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Enable Resize 1.5] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.EnableResize.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Input Hotkey Block 1.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.InputHotkeyBlock.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BepInEx.IPALoader 1.2.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.IPALoader.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Mute In Background 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.MuteInBackground.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Optimize IMGUI GC allocations 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.OptimizeIMGUI.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: data-0000000020694B00 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-0000000020694B00.dll Non platform assembly: data-0000000020696B20 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-0000000020696B20.dll Non platform assembly: data-0000000020699B50 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-0000000020699B50.dll [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Boop 2.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Boop.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KKABMX (BonemodX) 4.4.6] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KKABMX.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Bulge in the pants, tent in the woods 1.0.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Bulge.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Catch Unity Event Exceptions 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.CatchUnityEventExceptions.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Runtime Unity Editor 2.5] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\RuntimeUnityEditor\RuntimeUnityEditor.Bepin5.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\RuntimeUnityEditor\RuntimeUnityEditor.Core.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Cheat Tools 3.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_CheatTools.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Cloth colliders support 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ClothColliders.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothes To Accessories 1.0.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ClothesToAccessories.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothing State Menu 3.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ClothingStateMenu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Color Filter Remover 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\ColorCorrector.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 17.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\ConfigurationManager.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Input Length Unlocker 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\InputUnlocker.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KKBP_Exporter 3.82] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KKBP_Exporter.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Screenshot Manager 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\Screencap.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Slider Unlocker 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\SliderUnlocker.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [BGM Loader 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\BGMLoader.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AsyncAssetLoading. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoading. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Message Center 1.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\BepInEx.MessageCenter.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK Uniform Uniforms 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_UniformUniforms.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Accessory Clothes 1.0.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_AccessoryClothes.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Accessory Quick Remove 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_AccessoryQuickRemove.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Autosave 1.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Autosave.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Character Maker Loaded Sound 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_CharaMakerLoadedSound.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothing Unlocker 2.0.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ClothingUnlocker.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Colliders 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Colliders.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Dynamic Bone Editor 1.0.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_DynamicBoneEditor.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Eye Control 1.0.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_EyeControl.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Eye Shaking 1.3.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_EyeShaking.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fade Adjuster 1.0.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_FadeAdjuster.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Force High Poly 2.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ForceHighPoly.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Free H Random 1.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_FreeHRandom.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Hair Accessory Customizer 1.1.7] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_HairAccessoryCustomizer.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [H Character Adjustment 2.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_HCharaAdjustment.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Invisible Body 1.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_InvisibleBody.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Item Blacklist 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ItemBlacklist.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [List Override 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ListOverride.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Maker Defaults 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_MakerDefaults.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Male Juice 1.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_MaleJuice.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Material Editor 3.1.17] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_MaterialEditor.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Material Editor Maker 3.1.17] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [More Outfit Slots 1.1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_MoreOutfits.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Profile 1.0.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Profile.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Pushup 1.3.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Pushup.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Random Character Generator 2.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_RandomCharacterGenerator.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Shader Swapper 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_ShaderSwapper.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Subtitles 2.3.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Plugins\KK_Subtitles.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [XUnity Auto Translator 5.1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.BepInEx.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.Core.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\ExIni.dll (this message is harmless) OnLevelWasLoaded was found on AutoTranslationPlugin This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed (Filename: Line: 376) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Screen resolution determine to be: 1600x900 [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.Text.set_text through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.Text.OnEnable through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI.OnEnable through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TextMeshPro.OnEnable through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.set_text through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetText through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetText through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetText through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetCharArray through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetCharArray through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked TMPro.TMP_Text.SetCharArray through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.GUI and name BeginGroup and parameters (UnityEngine.Rect, UnityEngine.GUIContent, UnityEngine.GUIStyle, UnityEngine.Vector2) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'GUI_BeginGroup_Hook_New'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.BeginGroup through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.GUI and name DoLabel and parameters (UnityEngine.Rect, UnityEngine.GUIContent, UnityEngine.GUIStyle) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'GUI_DoLabel_Hook_New'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoLabel through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.GUI and name DoButton and parameters (UnityEngine.Rect, int, UnityEngine.GUIContent, UnityEngine.GUIStyle) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'GUI_DoButton_Hook_New'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoButton through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoButtonGrid through Harmony hooks. [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type UnityEngine.GUI and name DoToggle and parameters (UnityEngine.Rect, int, bool, UnityEngine.GUIContent, UnityEngine.GUIStyle) [Warning:XUnity.Common] Could not hook 'GUI_DoToggle_Hook_New'. Likely due differences between different versions of the engine or text framework. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoToggle through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.Box through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoRepeatButton through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoModalWindow through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.GUI.DoWindow through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.OnEnable through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.Image.set_sprite through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.Image.set_overrideSprite through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.Image.set_material through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.UI.RawImage.set_texture through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Cursor.SetCursor through Harmony hooks. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Material.set_mainTexture through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203DAD50 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203DAD50.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.Sprite.get_texture through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BaiduTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BaiduTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BingTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BingTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BingTranslateLegitimate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\BingTranslateLegitimate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\CustomTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\CustomTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\DeepLTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\DeepLTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\ezTransXP.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\ezTransXP.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslateCompat.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslateCompat.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslateLegitimate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\GoogleTranslateLegitimate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\LecPowerTranslator15.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\LecPowerTranslator15.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\PapagoTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\PapagoTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\WatsonTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\WatsonTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\YandexTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\Translators\YandexTranslate.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\XUnity.AutoTranslator\XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.ExtProtocol.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Disabling certificate checks for endpoints because of configuration. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Probing whether OnLevelWasLoaded or SceneManager is supported in this version of Unity. Any warnings related to OnLevelWasLoaded coming from Unity can safely be ignored. [Debug :XUnity.Common] SceneManager is supported in this version of Unity. [Debug :XUnity.Common] Loaded resize command text files. [Debug :XUnity.Common] --- Loading Global Translations --- [Debug :XUnity.Common] Loaded translation text files (took 0.06 seconds) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Created variation translations (took 0 seconds) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Created token translations (took 0 seconds) [Debug :XUnity.Common] Loaded texture files (took 0.82 seconds) [Info :XUnity.Common] Loaded XUnity.AutoTranslator into Unity [5.6.2f1] game. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Text Resource Redirector] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\TranslationTools\KK_TextResourceRedirector.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :Text Resource Redirector] Hooking IllusionMods.TextFormatter+Hooks [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.ExcelDataHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.ScenarioDataHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D7100 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D7100.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.TextAsset.get_bytes through Harmony hooks. Non platform assembly: data-00000000203D40C0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203D40C0.dll [Debug :XUnity.Common] Hooked UnityEngine.TextAsset.get_text through Harmony hooks. [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.TextAssetTableHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.ChaListDataHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.NickNameHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.MapInfoHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.EventInfoHandler enabled [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for AssetLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Debug :XUnity.Common] Registered new callback for ResourceLoaded (OneCallbackPerResourceLoaded). [Info :Text Resource Redirector] IllusionMods.MakerCustomDataHandler enabled [Debug :Text Resource Redirector] TextResourceHelper (IllusionMods.KK_TextResourceHelper) Settings: - CalcKeys: - FormatKeys: - GetRandomNameDirs: - list/random_name - GetScenarioDirs: - adv/scenario - SupportedCommands: - 242 - Choice - Text - TextKeysBlacklist: [Info : BepInEx] Loading [GeBo Modding API] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GeBo_Plugins\KK_GeBoCommon.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Game Dialog Helper] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GeBo_Plugins\KK_GameDialogHelper.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Dress for Success] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GeBo_Plugins\KK_GameDressForSuccess.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Translation Cache Cleaner] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GeBo_Plugins\KK_TranslationCacheCleaner.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Translation Helper] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GeBo_Plugins\KK_TranslationHelper.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :Translation Helper] TranslationHelperPlugin.Translation.Configuration.Setup [Debug :Translation Helper] TranslationHelperPlugin.Acceleration.Configuration.Setup [Debug :Translation Helper] TranslationHelperPlugin.Chara.Configuration.Setup [Debug :Translation Helper] TranslationHelperPlugin.MainGame.Configuration.Setup [Debug :Translation Helper] TranslationHelperPlugin.Maker.Configuration.Setup [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothes Overlay Mod 6.0.7] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Coordinate Load Option] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_CoordinateLoadOption.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Studio Auto Close Loading Scene Window] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\jim60105\KK_StudioAutoCloseLoadingSceneWindow.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KKUS 1.11.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KKUS.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Liquid_shader_wobble 1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\Liquid_shader_wobble.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Animation Loader] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\AnimationLoader.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) Platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\Koikatsu Party_Data\Managed\System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Dynamic Bones Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_DynamicBones.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Guide Objects Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_GuideObjects.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Hair Shadows Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_HairShadows.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HeightBarX 3.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_HeightBar.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [C# Script Loader 1.2.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\ScriptLoader.dll (this message is harmless) [Info :C# Script Loader] Found 0 scripts to compile, skipping 0 scripts because of `scriptignores` or process filters [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Character Replacer 1.6.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_CharacterReplacer.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Intro Begone 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_IntroBegone.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothes Overlay Mod GUI 6.0.7] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [CameraFrameMask] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\CameraFrameMask.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Drag & Drop 1.2.7] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\DragAndDrop.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Graphics Settings 1.2.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\GraphicsSettings.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HideAllUI 2.3.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\HideAllUI.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LockOnPlugin] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\LockOnPlugin.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :LockOnPlugin] Loading default target data. [Info : BepInEx] Loading [RealPOV] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\RealPOV.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Title Shortcuts] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\TitleShortcuts.Koikatu.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ADV Scene Editor 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ADVeditor.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_Ahegao 1.12] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Ahegao.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager wrapper for Koikatsu 18.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BepisPlugins\ConfigurationManagerKK.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_CrossEye 1.6] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_CrossEye.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_ExpressionControl 0.2.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ExpressionControl.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Centered HScene Cursor 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_CenteredHSceneCursor.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Game and Studio Data Corruption Fixes 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_DataCorruptionFixes.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: data-00000000203DA140 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000203DA140.dll [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Fix Shader Dropdown Menu 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_ExpandShaderDropdown.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Eyebrow Outline Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_Eyebrows.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_Fix_GarbageTruck 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_GarbageTruck.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Character Maker Heterochromia Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_Heterochromia.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Main Game Optimizations 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_MainGameOptimizations.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_Fix_MainParam 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Fix_MainParam.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Maker Optimizations 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_MakerOptimizations.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Manifest Corrector 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_ManifestCorrector.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Head Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_ModdedHeadEyeliner.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Null Checks 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_NullChecks.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Personality Corrector 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_PersonalityCorrector.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Resource Unload Optimizations 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_ResourceUnloadOptimizations.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Restore missing functions 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_RestoreMissingFunctions.dll (this message is harmless) [Info :Restore missing functions] Darkness/Yoyaku expansion is missing! [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly ScriptLoader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in :0 at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in :0 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly KK_TranslationHelper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in :0 at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in :0 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly: assembly RuntimeUnityEditor.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null => System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in :0 at HarmonyLib.AccessTools.GetTypesFromAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in :0 [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Settings Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_SettingsVerifier.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Shower Accessories Fix 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KK_Fix_ShowerAccessories.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_HLightControl 1.2.4] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_HLightControl.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_MakerAdditions 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_MakerAdditions.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: data-00000000206A1BD0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000206A1BD0.dll Non platform assembly: data-00000000206A2BE0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000206A2BE0.dll [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_MakerRandomPicker 1.3.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_MakerRandomPicker.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_MakerSearch 1.5.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_MakerSearch.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Moan softly when I H you 1.0.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_MoanSoftly.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Add mobs to roam mode 3.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_MobAdder\KK_MobAdder.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_OrthographicCamera 1.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_OrthographicCamera.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_Pregnancy 2.6] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_Pregnancy.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_PregnancyPlus 6.3.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_PregnancyPlus.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_TalkFreeCamera 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\2155X\KK_TalkFreeCamera.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Character List Optimizations 20.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\IllusionFixes\KKP_Fix_CharacterListOptimizations.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_CharaLightDisabler 1.0.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KoikDaisy\KK_CharaLightDisabler.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Expand Male Maker 1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ExpandMaleMaker.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: data-00000000362B7670 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000362B7670.dll Non platform assembly: data-00000000362BB6B0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-00000000362BB6B0.dll [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Skin Overlay Mod GUI 6.0.7] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Additional Skin Effects 2.0.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_SkinEffects.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LewdCrestX 1.3.3] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_LewdCrestX.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [FPS Counter 3.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\FPSCounter.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Card Author Data 1.33] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Koikatsu: Become Trap 2.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BecomeTrap.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\core\BepInEx.Harmony.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Better Color Picker 2.0.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BetterColorPicker.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Maker/Studio Browser Folders 2.6.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BrowserFolders.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_BrowserFolders_Hooks_KKP.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :Modding API] Save method found for patching MakerCardSave - m__8 [Info : BepInEx] Loading [More Accessory Parents 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_MoreAccessoryParents.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Night Darkener 1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_NightDarkener.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Remove Cards To Recycle Bin 1.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_RemoveToRecycleBin.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Koikatu Gameplay Tweaks and Improvements 2.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KoikatuGameplayMod.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [HSceneOptions 3.2.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_HSceneOptions.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Character Alpha Mask 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ChaAlphaMask.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Clothing BlendShape 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ClothingBlendShape.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [Copy Character BodyMaterial 1.0.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_CopyChaBodyMat.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [AdvIKPlugin 1.7.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_AdvIKPlugin.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_EditFangs 1.1.0] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_EditFangs.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [KK_ObjImport 2.1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_ObjImport.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [PantyFairy 1.0.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_PantyFairy.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [ButtPlugin 2.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_LoveMachine\LoveMachine.KK.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [LoveMachine 2.8.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [SliderHighlight 2.1.2] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_SliderHighlight.dll (this message is harmless) [Info : BepInEx] Loading [WarpToCharacters 1.1.1] Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_WarpToCharacters.dll (this message is harmless) [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_LoveMachine\LoveMachine.Core.dll (this message is harmless) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KKPE.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Starting unused asset cleanup Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 60) [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.activeSceneChanged - from to Init [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneLoaded - Init in 2 mode Unloading 735 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3589. Total: 202.823700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.215100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.102600 ms MarkObjects: 202.276199 ms DeleteObjects: 0.228900 ms) Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_LoveMachine\WebSocket4Net.dll (this message is harmless) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Loading cloth collider data for addcloth05 [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Found resolved ID: 54679 => 100003924 [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_j_thigh00_L radius=0.11 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_thigh03_L radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_j_thigh00_R radius=0.11 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_thigh03_R radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_leg02_L radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.3, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_leg03_L radius=0.07 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_leg02_R radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.3, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_leg03_R radius=0.07 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_kneeF_L radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.0, -0.1) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_kneeF_R radius=0.09 center=(0.0, 0.0, -0.1) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_j_foot_L radius=0.11 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.1) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_j_foot_R radius=0.11 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.1) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_siri_L radius=0.12 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added SphereCollider: boneName=cf_d_siri_R radius=0.12 center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added CapsuleCollider: boneName=cf_d_kokan radius=0.055 height=0.5 center=(0.0, 0.3, 0.0) direction=1 [Debug :Cloth colliders support] Added CapsuleCollider: boneName=cf_hit_spine01 radius=0.13 height=0.81 center=(0.0, 0.3, 0.0) direction=1 [Info :Cloth colliders support] Found collider datas for 1 items [Debug :Modding API] GetMoveNext found [virtual bool ChaControl+c__Iterator12::MoveNext()] for [virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator ChaControl::ChangeAccessoryAsync(int slotNo, int type, int id, string parentKey, bool forceChange, bool asyncFlags)] [Debug :Translation Helper] UpdateCurrentCardTranslationMode: Disabled => CacheOnly [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] KCOX found [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] ABMX found [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] MaterialEditor found [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] Clean cache folder [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] HairAccessoryCustomizer found [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] Load assembly FAILED: Chara Overlay Based On Coordinate [Debug :KK_Pregnancy] Patching virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator ActionScene::NPCLoadAll(bool isShuffle) [Debug :Modding API] GetMoveNext found [virtual bool ActionScene+c__IteratorD::MoveNext()] for [virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator ActionScene::NPCLoadAll(bool isShuffle)] [Debug :KK_Pregnancy] NPCLoadAllTpl calls injected count: 3 [Info :KK_Pregnancy] Loaded features: [Debug :Modding API] GetMoveNext found [virtual bool TalkScene+c__Iterator5::MoveNext()] for [virtual System.Collections.IEnumerator TalkScene::TalkEnd()] [Debug :LewdCrestX] Loaded crests: command libido mindmelt vibrancy lactation liberated restore siphoning gullible soulchained wombgasm animalistic breedgasm cumdiction deepfocus destruction forlorn gaze glow regrowth mantraction messaging pheromone receptacle reprogram sensitivity slave statistics suffer task triggered violove Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D11A0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D11A0.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D21B0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D21B0.dll [Debug :KK_Pregnancy] NPCLoadAllTpl calls injected count: 3 Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D41D0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D41D0.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0CD160 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0CD160.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D51E0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D51E0.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D0190 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D0190.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0CE170 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0CE170.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D61F0 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D61F0.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D7200 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D7200.dll Non platform assembly: data-000000003A0D8210 (this message is harmless) Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Sylvia/Documents/My Games/Koikatsu Party After Party/Koikatsu Party_Data/Mono/data-000000003A0D8210.dll Non platform assembly: C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\plugins\KK_LoveMachine\SuperSocket.ClientEngine.dll (this message is harmless) [Info :LoveMachine] Connecting to Intiface server at ws://localhost:12345/ OnLevelWasLoaded was found on PluginComponent This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity. Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed (Filename: Line: 376) Setting up 6 worker threads for Enlighten. Thread -> id: 30c8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 51a4 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 40f8 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 5328 -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 3efc -> priority: 1 Thread -> id: 4bdc -> priority: 1 Shader 'IBL_Shader_cutoff': fallback shader 'Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse' not found Shader 'IBL_Shader_alpha': fallback shader 'Transparent/Diffuse' not found [Info :XUnity.Common] Skipping plugin scan because no plugin-specific translations has been registered. Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 132) [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneUnloaded - Init UnloadTime: 6.813200 ms [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.activeSceneChanged - from to Logo [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneLoaded - Logo in Single mode Unloading 136 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3875. Total: 240.464493 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.143400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.100500 ms MarkObjects: 239.944901 ms DeleteObjects: 0.274900 ms) [Info :Intro Begone] Skipping intro [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (41% RAM, 48% Page file, 11164MB available in PF) Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 133) [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneUnloaded - Logo UnloadTime: 2.202800 ms [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.activeSceneChanged - from to Title [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneLoaded - Title in Single mode Unloading 9 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 4164. Total: 237.920410 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.151400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.088300 ms MarkObjects: 237.551605 ms DeleteObjects: 0.128400 ms) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (41% RAM, 48% Page file, 11026MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (41% RAM, 48% Page file, 11026MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (42% RAM, 48% Page file, 10978MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (42% RAM, 49% Page file, 10909MB available in PF) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) UnloadAsset can only be used on assets; (Filename: Line: 394) [Warning:LoveMachine] Websocket error: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. [Message:LoveMachine] Error: Failed to connect to Intiface server. [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (42% RAM, 49% Page file, 10894MB available in PF) Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 137) [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneUnloaded - Title UnloadTime: 3.039600 ms [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.activeSceneChanged - from to CustomScene [Debug :Modding API] SceneManager.sceneLoaded - CustomScene in Single mode Loading MakerSearch cache from C:\Users\Sylvia\Documents\My Games\Koikatsu Party After Party\BepInEx\cache\KK_MakerSearch.cache (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) [Debug :Sideloader] Loading card [Chika Haruno] [Debug :Sideloader] No sideloader marker found [Debug :CameraFrameMask] Masking 2 frames [Debug :Modding API] Character card load: Chika Haruno [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (42% RAM, 48% Page file, 10979MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (42% RAM, 48% Page file, 10979MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (43% RAM, 50% Page file, 10706MB available in PF) [Debug :Sideloader] Loading card [Chika Haruno] [Debug :Sideloader] No sideloader marker found [Info :Restore missing functions] Adding a head type dropdown to maker [Info :Modding API] Duplicate custom subcategory was added: 03_ClothesTop / tglSettings The duplicate will be ignored. [Debug :Character Alpha Mask] MakerGui.imgTglOpt01.AddListener Kind=3 Length=2 [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory Profile to 05_ParameterTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory Pregnancy to 05_ParameterTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory Pregnancy+ to 05_ParameterTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory Crest to 05_ParameterTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglSettings to 03_ClothesTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglPushup to 03_ClothesTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglSkirtSclABM to 03_ClothesTop [Info :Coordinate Load Option] Found XUnityAutoTranslator Enabled, load English UI [Debug :Coordinate Load Option] Set add accessories mode to replace mode [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory MakerRandomPickerCategory to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory RandomCharacterGeneratorCategory to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglOverlayKSOX to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglBreast2ABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglNipplesABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglUpper2ABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglLower2ABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglArm2ABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglForearmsABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglHandsABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglThighsABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglFeetABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglGenitalsABM to 01_BodyTop [Debug :Character Alpha Mask] MakerGui.imgTglOpt01.AddListener Kind=2 Length=2 [Debug :GeBo Modding API] Mono bug preventing delegate creation for void XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.Core.TextTranslationCache::AddTranslationToCache(string key, string value, bool persistToDisk, XUnity.AutoTranslator.Plugin.Core.TranslationType type, int scope) (method arguments are incompatible), using workaround instead [Debug :Translation Helper] Loaded 121 preset(s) in 0.045784 second(s) [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglEyeOverlayKSOX to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglHeadABM to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglEye02ABM to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglEyelashUpABM to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglEyelashLoABM to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Modding API] Adding custom subcategory tglMouth2ABM to 00_FaceTop [Debug :Bulge in the pants, tent in the woods] Found n_dankon bone GameObject at chaF_001.BodyTop.p_cf_body_00.cf_o_root.n_body.n_dankon. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 41 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 4 bones were implanted. [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (44% RAM, 51% Page file, 10497MB available in PF) Increasing blend ID cache size (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) Increasing blend ID cache size (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) [Debug :Translation Helper] Loaded 121 preset(s) in 0.01599121 second(s) Unloading 18969 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 100542. Total: 587.974060 ms (FindLiveObjects: 9.349800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.328800 ms MarkObjects: 488.258301 ms DeleteObjects: 86.035400 ms) [Debug :SliderHighlight] Bone ID=39 Name=cf_a_dan missing in lookup for slider CustomScene.CustomRoot.FrontUIGroup.CustomUIGroup.CvsMenuTree.01_BodyTop.tglLower.LowerTop.sldTemp.Slider.RectTransform [Debug :SliderHighlight] Bone ID=39 Name=cf_a_dan missing in lookup for slider CustomScene.CustomRoot.FrontUIGroup.CustomUIGroup.CvsMenuTree.01_BodyTop.tglShape.ShapeTop.Scroll View.Viewport.Content.sldTemp.Slider.RectTransform [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (45% RAM, 54% Page file, 9723MB available in PF) [Debug :Modding API] Added 4 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglAll [Debug :Modding API] Added 5 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglMouth [Debug :Modding API] Added 18 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEyeOverlayKSOX [Debug :Modding API] Added 3 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEye01 [Debug :Modding API] Added 18 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEyebrow [Debug :Modding API] Added 25 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglNose [Debug :Modding API] Added 35 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglHeadABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 18 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEar [Debug :Modding API] Added 19 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglChin [Debug :Modding API] Added 22 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglCheek [Debug :Modding API] Added 16 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEye02ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 29 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEyelashUpABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 17 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglEyelashLoABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 25 custom controls to 00_FaceTop/tglMouth2ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/MakerRandomPickerCategory [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 41 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 10 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 41 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 4 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 4 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 41 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 10 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 41 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 4 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 4 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 41 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 10 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 41 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 4 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 4 bones were implanted. [Debug :Modding API] Added 10 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglAll [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/RandomCharacterGeneratorCategory [Debug :Modding API] Added 29 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglOverlayKSOX [Debug :Modding API] Added 34 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglGenitalsABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 44 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglBreast2ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 29 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglNipplesABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 17 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglUpper [Debug :Modding API] Added 26 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglUpper2ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 9 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglLower [Debug :Modding API] Added 33 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglLower2ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 30 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglArm2ABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 17 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglForearmsABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 31 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglHandsABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 33 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglThighsABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 43 custom controls to 01_BodyTop/tglFeetABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 1 custom controls to 02_HairTop/tglBack [Debug :Modding API] Added 1 custom controls to 02_HairTop/tglFront [Debug :Modding API] Added 1 custom controls to 02_HairTop/tglSide [Debug :Modding API] Added 1 custom controls to 02_HairTop/tglExtension [Debug :Modding API] Added 9 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglSettings [Debug :Modding API] Added 64 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglTop [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglBot [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglBra [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglShorts [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglGloves [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglPanst [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglSocks [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglInnerShoes [Debug :Modding API] Added 15 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglOuterShoes [Debug :Modding API] Added 28 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglPushup [Debug :Modding API] Added 38 custom controls to 03_ClothesTop/tglSkirtSclABM [Debug :Modding API] Added 2 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/Profile [Debug :Modding API] Added 10 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/Pregnancy [Debug :Modding API] Added 44 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/Pregnancy+ [Debug :Modding API] Added 6 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/tglH [Debug :Modding API] Added 6 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/Crest [Debug :Modding API] Added 3 custom controls to 05_ParameterTop/tglCharactor [Debug :Modding API] Added 7 custom controls to Control Panel sidebar [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Added 11 custom controls to 04_AccessoryTop/Slots [Debug :Modding API] Character load/reload: Chika Haruno [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 41 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 10 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 41 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 4 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 4 bones were implanted. [Debug :Translation Helper] Monitoring InpFirstName (UnityEngine.UI.InputField) for changes [Debug :Translation Helper] Monitoring InpLastName (UnityEngine.UI.InputField) for changes [Debug :Translation Helper] Monitoring InpNickName (UnityEngine.UI.InputField) for changes [Debug :Modding API] Maker loaded in 11777ms [Debug :Modding API] 1st frame:5605ms; Maker base:2881ms; Custom controls:1324ms [Debug :Clothes To Accessories] Initialized in 56ms (step1=52ms step2=4ms) [Debug :SliderHighlight] Initialized in 28ms [Debug :Translation Helper] Found property club for type ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo with name club (property type: System.String, result type: System.String) [Debug :Translation Helper] Found property personality for type ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo with name personality (property type: System.String, result type: System.String) [Debug :Translation Helper] Found property index for type ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo with name index (property type: System.Int32, result type: System.Int32) [Debug :Translation Helper] Found property name for type ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo with name name (property type: System.String, result type: System.String) [Warning:Translation Helper] unable to expose setter for name on ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo [Debug :Translation Helper] Found property FullPath for type ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo with name FullPath (property type: System.String, result type: System.String) [Warning:Translation Helper] unable to expose getter for sex on ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo of type System.Byte [Warning:Translation Helper] unable to expose getter for sex on ChaCustom.CustomFileInfo of type System.Int32 [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Translation Helper] CustomFileInfoWrapper.get_Sex using workaround [Debug :Sideloader] Loading card [Koikatu_F_20220813131605542_Sylvia Argyle_Sylvia.png] [Debug :Sideloader] Sideloader marker found, external info count: 10 [Debug :Modding API] Character load/reload: Sylvia Argyle [Debug :KK_EditFangs] Loading extended data for Sylvia Argyle [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 11 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 43 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 10 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 41 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Found 2 instances of BoneImplantProcess. In total 10 bones were implanted. [Debug :Mod Bone Implantor] Removing 4 no longer used implanted bones [Debug :Skin Overlay Mod] Loading shader composite from resources [Debug :CameraFrameMask] Masking 2 frames [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (45% RAM, 55% Page file, 9658MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (45% RAM, 55% Page file, 9638MB available in PF) [Debug :CameraFrameMask] Masking 2 frames [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (45% RAM, 54% Page file, 9727MB available in PF) [Debug :IllusionFixes] Skipping cleanup because of low memory load (45% RAM, 54% Page file, 9726MB available in PF) Exporting: claws Exporting: cf_hair_idol_b_00 Exporting: cf_hair_idol_b_01 Exporting: cf_hair_idol_b_02 Exporting: cf_hair_idol_b_03 Exporting: cf_hair_idol_b_04 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_00 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_01 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_02 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_03 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_04 Exporting: cf_hair_f_04_05 Exporting: top Exporting: o_acs_foxtail Exporting: o_top_tietop_donregV2_a Exporting: o_top_tietop_a_op Exporting: o_bot_pants05_jajimsk_a Exporting: o_bra_a Exporting: o_shorts_a Exporting: o_socks_high01 Exporting: o_shoes_idol Exporting: GlassFace Exporting: MetalParts Exporting: Swatch Exporting: o_aku01_tuno Exporting: o_mimi_fox_r Exporting: o_mimi_fox Exporting: N_move Exporting: o_Mask(Clone) [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 System.MissingFieldException: Field '.ChaClothesComponent.objSleeves01' not found. at PmxBuilder.CreateClothesData () [0x00000] in :0 at PmxBuilder+d__31.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0 Exporting: cf_O_canine Exporting: cf_O_face Exporting: Highlight_cf_O_face_rend Exporting: cf_O_mayuge Exporting: cf_O_noseline Exporting: cf_O_tooth Exporting: cf_O_eyeline Exporting: cf_O_eyeline_low Exporting: cf_O_namida_L Exporting: cf_O_namida_M Exporting: cf_O_namida_S Exporting: cf_Ohitomi_L Exporting: cf_Ohitomi_R Exporting: cf_Ohitomi_L02 Exporting: cf_Ohitomi_R02 Exporting: cf_O_gag_eye_00 Exporting: cf_O_gag_eye_01 Exporting: cf_O_gag_eye_02 Exporting: o_tang Exporting: o_body_a Exporting: Highlight_o_body_a_rend Exporting: o_tang [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Field: Could not find field for type ChaClothesComponent and name rendNormal03 KKBP Exporter finished in: 52.1482997 seconds