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Scrum for job applications


How to run the app

If you have docker, there are no dependencies, just do docker-compose up Do npm install and npm start for dev. Production version by npm run deploy

Dependencies & Configuration:

The app is built with node/express & uses passport for authentication. React with Redux for the front end, packaged up by webpack, served by node/express.

Postgres or MySQL is needed to use it. The SQL setup file for both is in /db The code uses SQL for all data manipulation but if you wish to extend it, you can also use an ORM. Models for Sequelize are provided in db/models

If you have docker set up it all becomes rather easy. Do docker-compose up. This will build the web (based on node) & postgres containers and lauch the app.

If you modify the files, do:

docker-compose down & docker-compose build web

The docker config files are in the root of the project and can be modified to suit needs

Config files in server/config/config.js need to be added for the Google client credentials and also in the db/models/config.js for the Postgres db name and user credentials.

The ports for where the node servers listen to are in docker-compose.yml

There is a haproxy.cfg in the root which you can use if you want to set up load balancing. You need to install haproxy for this to work. This page gives fairly detailed explanations for setting up Haproxy

Git Deployment

If you wish set up automatic deployment from your dev to production - see this page for reference

The post-receive hook is located at server/config/ . Copy it to your hooks directory of the bare git repo in the server. Use above page for reference. You might have to do chmod +x for it to work.

Then git push live master will deploy the app in the server using docker-compose to spin up needed containers


Tests for the React components are in spec/


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