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We're Not Really Strangers


We're Not Really Strangers is a web application inspired by the card game "We're Not Really Strangers". We're Not Really Strangers is designed to deepen relational connections by encouraging emotional vulnerability through meaningful conversations.



Set Up

  1. Fork + clone down this repo in your terminal.
  2. cd into the directory strangers
  3. Run npm install to install dependencies for the repo.
  4. Clone down this backend repo in a separate tab in your terminal. Follow directions in backend
  5. Run npm start to start up your React server in strangers directory.
  6. Run npm run cypress to start up the Cypress testing server.

Deployed Link

We're Not Really Strangers

Technologies Used

  • React
  • React Router
  • XML
  • CSS
  • Cypress
  • npm
  • webpack
  • Node.js
  • Express

Project Goals

  1. Use the technology learned in this module to demonstrate mastery of the following: React, Router, Asynchronous JavaScript, End to end testing with Cypress
  2. Create personas and user stories to describe the target audience.
  3. Allow the users to store/manipulate data displayed in the apllication from the API
  4. Create a multiple page web app
  5. Deploy application


  • Create my own API through express and node.js
  • Using React Router 6 to create a multi-page application
  • OOP with functional components

Future Extensions

  • Allow user to add and delete their own questions
  • Create a user login page