Generates CodeHints/Colorpalettes from importing via LESS/SASS Files, Images or Adobe Swatchfiles (*.aco, *.ase)
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- use Singlequotes for Paths, doublequotes for Font-Families / CSS contents
- No Support for BASE64 encoded Images
Support for SASS/SCSS/LESS Files
Support for all color-related functions, rgba() and Hashs
Configurable Swatch sizes
Dark and Brighttheme Support
Filter/Search via Variablename or the Variablevalue
Define an Assetpath for Images
- Change Assetfolder once a Session via Dialog
- //swatcher-assets: "relative/path/from/project" annotation in the first Line of your File
Bottompanel Colorpalette
- Leftclick to insert Variable or Value
- Rightclick for jumping to Definition
- Updates on Filesave
Colorpalette Import
- Import Colorpalettes from Photshop Swatch Files (*.aco)
- Import Colorpalettes from Adobe Swatch Exchange Files (*.ase)
- Importer converts colors from CMYK, HSV and RGB values, the Importer will give you a warning when CMYK is converted
- Generate Colorpalettes with an Image Colorpicker
- Load Images directly from Disc
- Load Imagedata/Printscreendata directly from Clipboard
- Scroll for Zoom, rightclick to pan Image
- CTRL + Click picks color directly into List
- Rightclick on the "Colorpreview/Add" copies Color into Clipboard
##TODO/Known Bugs
- Stylus Support
- Better Support for grouped ASE Swatches
Author FreaKzero
Twitter G+ [Web] (
Thanks to:
Amin Ullah Khan GitHub
Alexander Hochreiter for Testing on Mac/Linux Systems