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FreeFEM v4.9

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@prj- prj- released this 19 Apr 19:47
· 531 commits to master since this release


  • add P3 lagrange finite element on meshS and meshS
  • add new plugin meshtoolto add tool to compute the number of connected components of a all kind of mesh
    (mesh,mesh3,meshS,meshL) with 2 kind of connected components ones on interior part of the mesh (default) ans
    secondly on the closure of the mesh (see examples/hpddm/bConnectedComponents.edp )
    add functions int[int] In=iminP1K(Th,u) or int[int] Ix=imaxP1K(Th,u) get the array min/max of value u[i]
    where i is vertex number on each element k, so we have u[Im[k]] = min u[i]/ i in k;
  • add in plugin bfstream to to read binary int (4 bytes) to read fortran file and try to pull tools to share the endiannes
    in progress
  • add gluemesh of array of MeshL and MeshS type
  • interface to PC_MG_GALERKIN_BOTH
  • Kronecker product of two sparse matrices matrix C = kron(A, B)
  • add lot of finite element on Mesh3, MeshS, MeshL of Discontinous Galerling Element
    in 3d : P1dc3d, P2dc3d, P3dc3d, P4dc3d , P0edge3d ,P0edgedc3d , P0face3d ,P0facedc3d , P0VF3d ,P0VFdc3d ,
    on Surface : P1dcS, P2dcS, P3dcS, P4dcS , P0edgeS ,P0edgedcS , P0VFS ,P0VFdcS,
    on Curve : P1dcL, P2dcL, P3dcL, P4dcL , P0VFL ,P0VFdcL
    remark; the associated generic name existe of P1dc, P2dc, P0edge, P0VF and all dc finite element corresponding to
    no continuity across element.
  • add code of intallfaces to do Discontinous Galerkin formulation in 3d (in test FH.)


  • Now the order to find MPI in configure is first if you have PETSC then take MPI from PETSc
    otherwise use previous method
  • on MeshL defined with buildmeshL now the default label are 2k-1 (resp. 2k) for the begin (resp. end) of curve
    where k is the order of curve use in buildmeshL. So if you have one curve the labels are 1 and 2.
    And new the element label are te region number not the label.
    This element are not really test so be carfull.
  • PETSc 3.15.0


  • bug in Find triangle contening point in 2d (border case),
    int Mesh::DataFindBoundary::Find(R2 PP,R *l,int & outside) const
    the parameter l not correclty return due to local variable.
  • set CFLAGS=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration to complie with Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
    to remove following error: implicit declaration of function
    correct 3dCurve/basicGlue.edpand add missing test
  • bugs in SLEPc SVDSolve() with a rectangular Mat
  • bugs in nElementonB for DG 3d formulation.