[2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: nvprefs: No need to modify application profile settings [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: nvprefs: Changed OGL_CPL_PREFER_DXPRESENT to OGL_CPL_PREFER_DXPRESENT_PREFER_ENABLED for base profile [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: Sunshine version: 0.21.0 [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: Compiling shaders... [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: System tray created [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: Compiled shaders [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. // [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: Trying encoder [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: ddprobe.exe [1] [] returned: 0x00000000 [2024:01:01:22:09:41]: Info: Set GPU preference: 1 [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:09:42]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:09:43]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Color depth: 10-bit [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:09:44]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 10-bit two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 2560x1080 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 2560x1080 [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Desktop resolution [2560x1080] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Display refresh rate [60Hz] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Color depth: 10-bit [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 10-bit two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. // [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Found H.264 encoder: h264_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Found HEVC encoder: hevc_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Found AV1 encoder: av1_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:09:45]: Info: Configuration UI available at [https://localhost:47990] [2024:01:01:22:09:46]: Info: Registered Sunshine mDNS service [2024:01:01:22:09:48]: Info: Completed UPnP port mappings to via [2024:01:01:22:11:45]: Warning: Unable to find MAC address for [2024:01:01:22:11:45]: Warning: Unable to find MAC address for [2024:01:01:22:11:45]: Warning: Unable to find MAC address for [2024:01:01:22:11:45]: Warning: Unable to find MAC address for [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: // Testing for available encoders, this may generate errors. You can safely ignore those errors. // [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Trying encoder [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:47]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:48]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:49]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Color depth: 10-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:50]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 10-bit two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 709] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Color depth: 10-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Color range: [JPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 10-bit two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: // Ignore any errors mentioned above, they are not relevant. // [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Found H.264 encoder: h264_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Found HEVC encoder: hevc_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Found AV1 encoder: av1_nvenc [nvenc] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: Executing [Desktop] [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: nvprefs: No need to modify application profile settings [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: nvprefs: No need to modify global profile settings [2024:01:01:22:11:51]: Info: CLIENT CONNECTED [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Gamepad 0 will be Xbox 360 controller (default) [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Device Description : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Device Vendor ID : 0x000010DE Device Device ID : 0x00002786 Device Video Mem : 12026 MiB Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB Share Sys Mem : 16347 MiB Feature Level : 0x0000B100 Capture size : 1280x800 Offset : 0x0 Virtual Desktop : 1280x800 [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Active GPU has HAGS enabled [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Using realtime GPU priority [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Desktop resolution [1280x800] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Desktop format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Display refresh rate [59.81Hz] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Requested frame rate [60fps] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Colorspace : DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709 Bits Per Color : 8 Red Primary : [0.639648,0.330078] Green Primary : [0.299805,0.599609] Blue Primary : [0.150391,0.0595703] White Point : [0.313477,0.329102] Min Luminance : 0.5 nits Max Luminance : 270 nits Max Full Luminance : 270 nits [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Adjusted capture rate to 59.81fps to better match display [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Capture format [DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: SDR color coding [Rec. 601] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Color depth: 8-bit [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: Color range: [MPEG] [2024:01:01:22:11:52]: Info: NvEnc: created encoder P1 two-pass rfi [2024:01:01:22:12:18]: Info: CLIENT DISCONNECTED