Csv (comma-separated values) Library
- English document: Shos.CsvHelper | Programming C# (Sho's Software)
- Japanese document: Shos.CsvHelper | Programming C# (Sho's Software)
You can install Shos.CsvHelper to your project with NuGet on Visual Studio.
PM>Install-Package Shos.CsvHelper -version
>dotnet add package Shos.CsvHelper --version
<PackageReference Include="Shos.CsvHelper" Version="" />
- Csv (comma-separated values) Library
- .NET 8.0
- for .NET 8.0 or later
- Install as a NuGet Package: NuGet Gallery | Shos.CsvHelper
- Csv (comma-separated values) Library for .NET Framework
- .NET 4.8
- .NET Framework 4.8 or later
- Install as a NuGet Package: NuGet Gallery | Shos.CsvHelper.NetFramework
- .NET Core Console Sample for Shos.CsvHelper
- .NET Framework Console Sample for Shos.CsvHelper.NetFramework
CsvHelperSample.cs | Shos.CsvHelperSample.NetCore or Shos.CsvHelperSample.NetFramework
// .NET 8.0 or later
// .NET Framework 4.8 or later
namespace Shos.CsvHelperSample
using Shos.CsvHelper;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static void Main() => CsvHelperTester.Run().Wait();
static class CsvHelperTester
public static async Task Run()
// something IEnumerable<TElement>
// TElement:
// public properties of TElement will be written and read as csv
// for writing: type of each property should have "get" and "set"
// for reading: type of each property should have "get" and "set" and should be string or enum or type which has a default constructor and can "TryParse" or "Parse"
IEnumerable<ToDo> toDoes = new ToDoList();
// set encoding if you need (the default is UTF8)
CsvSerializer.Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(0);
// set separator if you need (the default is ',')
//CsvSerializer.Separator = '\t';
// write csv with header (recommended)
const string csvWithHeaderFileName = "todo.withheader.csv";
await toDoes.WriteCsvAsync(csvWithHeaderFileName);
Result: todo.withheader.csv
1,filing tax returns,2018/12/01 0:00:00,False,Middle,,0
2,report of a business trip,2017/07/12 13:13:01,False,High,"""ASAP""",3
3,expense slips,2017/07/12 13:13:01,True,Low,"book expenses: ""C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Framework"",""The C# Programming""",0
4, wish list ,2017/07/12 13:13:01,False,High," (1) ""milk""
(2) shampoo
(3) tissue ",0
IEnumerable<ToDo> newToDoes = await CsvSerializer.ReadCsvAsync<ToDo>(csvFilePathName: csvWithHeaderFileName);
// write csv without header
const string csvWithoutHeaderFileName = "todo.withoutheader.csv";
toDoes.WriteCsv(csvFilePathName: csvWithoutHeaderFileName, hasHeader: false);
Result: todo.withoutheader.csv
1,filing tax returns,2018/12/01 0:00:00,False,Middle,,0
2,report of a business trip,2017/07/12 13:13:01,False,High,"""ASAP""",3
3,expense slips,2017/07/12 13:13:01,True,Low,"book expenses: ""C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Framework"",""The C# Programming""",0
4, wish list ,2017/07/12 13:13:01,False,High," (1) ""milk""
(2) shampoo
(3) tissue ",0
newToDoes = CsvSerializer.ReadCsv<ToDo>(csvFilePathName: csvWithoutHeaderFileName, hasHeader: false);
static void Show<TElement>(this IEnumerable<TElement> collection)
collection.ToList().ForEach(element => Console.WriteLine(element));
class ToDoList : IEnumerable<ToDo> // sample data
public IEnumerator<ToDo> GetEnumerator()
yield return new ToDo { Id = 1, Title = "filing tax returns", Deadline = new DateTime(2018, 12, 1) };
yield return new ToDo { Id = 2, Title = "report of a business trip", Detail = "\"ASAP\"", DaySpan = new DaySpan(3), Priority = Priority.High };
yield return new ToDo { Id = 3, Title = "expense slips", Detail = "book expenses: \"C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Framework\",\"The C# Programming\"", Priority = Priority.Low, Done = true };
yield return new ToDo { Id = 4, Title = " wish list ", Detail = " \t (1) \"milk\"\n \t (2) shampoo\n \t (3) tissue ", Priority = Priority.High };
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
class ToDo // sample class
// public properties will be written and read as csv
// for writing: type of each property should have "get" and "set"
// for reading: type of each property should have "get" and "set" and should be string or enum or type which has a default constructor and can "TryParse" or "Parse"
public int Id { get; set; } // yes (this property will be written and read as csv)
public string Title { get; set; } = ""; // yes
public DateTime Deadline { get; set; } = DateTime.Now; // yes
public bool Done { get; set; } // yes
public Priority Priority { get; set; } = Priority.Middle; // yes: user-defined enum
public string Detail { get; set; } = ""; // yes: change column name with [ColumnName("Details")]
public DaySpan DaySpan { get; set; } // yes: user-defined type which can't "TryParse" but "Parse"
public string Option { get; set; } = ""; // no : ignore this property with [CsvIgnore()]
public string Version => "1.0"; // no : read only or write only property will be ignored
public override string ToString()
=> $"Id: {Id}, Title: {Title}, Deadline: {Deadline.ToString()}, Done: {Done}, Priority: {Priority}, Detail: {Detail}, DaySpan: {DaySpan}";
enum Priority { High, Middle, Low } // sample enum
// sample type which can't "TryParse" but "Parse"
struct DaySpan
public int Value { get; private set; }
public DaySpan(int value) => Value = value;
public static DaySpan Parse(string text) => new DaySpan(int.Parse(text));
public override string ToString() => Value.ToString();
Fujio Kojima: a software developer in Japan
- Microsoft MVP for Development Tools - Visual C# (Jul. 2005 - Dec. 2014)
- Microsoft MVP for .NET (Jan. 2015 - Oct. 2015)
- Microsoft MVP for Visual Studio and Development Technologies (Nov. 2015 - Jun. 2018)
- Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies (Nov. 2018 - Jun. 2024)
- MVP Profile
- Blog (Japanese)
- Web Site (Japanese)
This library is under the MIT License.