- Install yarn v1
- Download the db from heroku (TODO: just get a dump from production)
- pg_dump -d
heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app fullchee-reminders-backend
-Fc > reminders.dump psql -U postgres -f db/links_dump.sql
psql -U postgres -f db/post-restore.sql
- pg_dump -d
- Create .env
cp sample.env .env
- Install dependencies
- Start server
yarn start
- on Todoist
- postman tests on each endpoint
- keyword search doesn't work
- multiple dates! (create a new table of id, dates, then query to get the latest)
- SSL & security
- https://www.taniarascia.com/node-express-postgresql-heroku/
- authentication, only allow certain URLs to make requests to it
- Optimize sql query
- https://youtu.be/szfUbzsKvtE?t=216
- create an column with the tsvector
- create a GIN index on it