The 🔥GPlates Web Service🔥 is a part of the on-going GPlates project funded by AuScope. The web service is built upon pygplates and allows users to utilize the pygplates functionalities without installing pygplates locally. Users send HTTP requests to or the local dockerized server, and the server will process the requests and send the reconstruction results back. The web service enables pygplates functionalities in any programming languange and on any operating system.
The GPlates Web Service is created and maintained by EarthByte group at the University of Sydney.
- cross-platform and language-independent -- the service can be used in any programming languange and on any operating system
- scalability -- offload workload to servers, cluster, grid or Cloud to improve performance and support more concurrent users
- automated plate model management -- provide plenty plate models out of the box
- easy software deployment and upgrade -- avoid the hassle of software installation and upgrade
👉 Use the GPlates Web Service in a web browser
- Step 1: open this link in a web browser,142&lats=54,-33&time=140&model=MULLER2019
- Step 2: done and check the paleo-coordinates in the web browser
{"type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": [[62.6938, 58.8486], [126.7291, -61.6615]]}
The GPlates Web Service server returns a valid GeoJSON MultiPoint geometry that contains the paleo-coordinates of two present-day locations at 140Ma. The paleo-coordinates were calculated according to the plate reconstruction model Muller2019.
👉 Use GPlates Web Service Python Client/Proxy
See the examples at
👉 Setup your own server
Our is for demostration purpose only because we cannot afford an industrial level computer server/cluster. 📌Hence, for better performance and security, you are encouraged to setup your own servers if you need to process a substantial volume of data.
- Step 1:
git clone gplates-web-service.git
- Step 2:
docker compose -f gplates-web-service.git/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
- Step 3: open this link in a web browser http://localhost:18000/reconstruct/reconstruct_points/?lons=95,142&lats=54,-33&time=140&model=MULLER2019
See docker/ for the details.
django -- folder contains source code files for backend services (using django framework).
docker -- folder contains files for building Docker image
doc -- documentation website. This doc website is built upon gatsby-gitbook-starter.
examples -- some examples to show how to use this web service
test -- code for testing this web service
examples of accessing the service from different languages (R,matlab,bash/GMT,python) have now been moved to
click 👉here👈 to see details about using Docker in development and production environment.
Go to GWS documentation website
The Swagger UI is at
The OpenAPI schema is at
The GPlates Web Service is free software (also known as open-source software), licensed for distribution under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2. Contact Earthbyte group about the details of the software licensing.