- hghly customizable
- EXTREMELY LOW resourece usage (RAM usage usually sits around 700 MB when idle and 1 to 3GB when browsing)
- light installation size (less than 8 GB if packages are modified)
- easy to make shortcuts
- no need for a mouse or trackpad
- easy to use
- simple but beautiful design
- perfect for low-end or older hardware
- focused on security, privacy, and usability
On an Arch-based distribution as root, run the following:
sh garbs.sh
(EXPERIMENTAL!!!!!)or if youre using an nvidia GPU:
sh garbsn.sh
That's it.
: custom dotfiles repository (URL)-p
: custom programs list/dependencies (local file or URL)-a
: a custom AUR helper (must be able to install with-S
unless you change the relevant line in the script
- add coolbits config as default in the nvidia installer (gives more control over things)
- make sure it istalls nviia drivers (just download it form the nidia website and exectue it without starting x, dont autoconfig the x config)
- auto runs steam using gamemoderun
- make easier to use mangohud (maybe a shortcut)