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Save your passwords and never forget them.

This application allows you to save your passwords into a safe encrypted chest.

Manage a list of passwords with only one password.


Manage passwords

This application provides you a simple way to manage your passwords.

Add, edit or remove passwords very easily with our user-friendly interface.

Want to use a password ? Simply click on the copy button and paste it in the website of your choice.

Save passwords

When you're done with managing your passwords, you can save them in a secured file encrypted in aes-256, one of the best encryption method known.

Open passwords

Several to use the application ? Don't worry you can load your passwords by entering the passwords you used to save them.


In order to deploy the app, you'll first have to compile and install it in release mode.

In order to do that, just select the release compilation mode in QtCreator and add a make install compilation step after the build step.

Recompile the project and you will normally see a new directory created in package/com.vendor.product called data and containing the application PasswordChest.exe with the botan-cli.exe and botan.dll.

At this time, you can execute the intall.bat script provided in the repository.

This script will ask you where the windeployqt.exe, Qt qml directory and binarycreator.exe are.

Generally, windeployqt.exe and the Qt qml directory are in your Qt version directory ([QtRoot]\[Version]\[Compiler]\) : ex : E:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2017_64.

The binary windeployqt.exe is in the bin directory, and the Qt qml directory corresponds to the qml directory.

For the binarycreator.exe, its generally installed in the Qt Tools, in the Qt installer framework directory : ex : E:\Qt\Tools\QtInstallerFramework\3.0\bin

If you don't have the QtInstallFramework, you can install it with the Qt Maintenance Tool.exe by addind the package from Tools.

If you provide all the path correctly, you'll normally see the PassChestInstall.exe created in the repository which will allow you to install the application in the computer.


Thanks to Botan library for providing the secure encryption system that I use.

Icons (ressources/icons):

Application icon app.ico: Icon made by Smashicons from Flaticon