-- mod-version:3 --[[ language_php.lua provides php syntax support allowing mixed html, css and js version: 20220614_1 --]] local syntax = require "core.syntax" local common = require "core.common" local config = require "core.config" -- load syntax dependencies to add additional rules require "plugins.language_css" require "plugins.language_js" local psql_found = pcall(require, "plugins.language_psql") local sql_strings = {} config.plugins.language_php = common.merge({ sql_strings = true, -- The config specification used by the settings gui config_spec = { name = "Language PHP", { label = "SQL Strings", description = "Highlight as SQL, strings starting with sql statements, " .. "depends on language_psql.", path = "sql_strings", type = "toggle", default = true, on_apply = function(enabled) local syntax_php = syntax.get("file.phps") if enabled and psql_found then if not syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax or syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax ~= '.sql' then table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 5, sql_strings[1]) table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 6, sql_strings[2]) end elseif syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax and syntax_php.patterns[6].syntax == '.sql' then table.remove(syntax_php.patterns, 5) table.remove(syntax_php.patterns, 5) end end } } }, config.plugins.language_php) -- Patterns to match some of the string inline variables local inline_variables = { { pattern = "%s+", type = "string" }, { pattern = "\\%$", type = "string" }, { pattern = "%{[%$%s]*%}", type = "string" }, -- matches {$varname[index]} { pattern = "{" .. "()%$[%a_][%w_]*" .. "()%[" .. "()[%w%s_%-\"\'%(%)|;:,%.#@%%!%^&%*%+=%[%]<>~`%?\\/]*" .. "()%]" .. "}", type = { "keyword", "keyword2", "keyword", "string", "keyword" } }, { pattern = "{" .. "()%$[%a_][%w_]*" .. "()%->" .. "()[%a_][%w_]*" .. "()}", type = { "keyword", "keyword2", "keyword", "symbol", "keyword" } }, { pattern = "{()%$[%a_][%w_]*()}", type = { "keyword", "keyword2", "keyword" } }, { pattern = "%$[%a_][%w_]*()%[()[%w_]*()%]", type = { "keyword2", "keyword", "string", "keyword" } }, { pattern = "%$[%a_][%w_]*()%->()%a[%w_]*", type = { "keyword2", "keyword", "symbol" } }, { pattern = "%$[%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" }, { pattern = "%w+", type = "string" } } local function combine_patterns(t1, t2) local temp = { table.unpack(t1) } for _, t in ipairs(t2) do table.insert(temp, t) end return temp end local function clone(tbl) local t = {} if tbl then for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then t[k] = clone(v) else t[k] = v end end end return t end -- optionally allow sql syntax on strings if psql_found then -- generate SQL string marker regex local sql_markers = { 'create', 'select', 'insert', 'update', 'replace', 'delete', 'drop', 'alter' } local sql_regex = table.concat(sql_markers, '|') -- inject inline variable rules to cloned psql syntax local syntax_phpsql = clone(syntax.get("file.sql")) syntax_phpsql.name = "PHP SQL" syntax_phpsql.files = "%.phpsql$" table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, 2, { pattern = "\\%$", type = "symbol" }) table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, 3, { pattern = "%{[%$%s]*%}", type = "symbol" }) for i=4, 9 do table.insert(syntax_phpsql.patterns, i, inline_variables[i]) end -- SQL strings sql_strings = { { regex = { '"(?=[\\s(]*(?i:'..sql_regex..')\\s+)', '"', '\\' }, syntax = syntax_phpsql, type = "string" }, { regex = { "'(?=[\\s(]*(?i:"..sql_regex..")\\s+)", '\'', '\\' }, syntax = '.sql', type = "string" }, } end -- define the core php syntax coloring syntax.add { name = "PHP Source", files = { "%.phps$" }, headers = "^<%?php", comment = "//", block_comment = {"/*", "*/"}, patterns = { -- Attributes { pattern = {"#%[", "%]"}, type = "normal" }, -- Comments { pattern = "//.-\n", type = "comment" }, { pattern = "#.-\n", type = "comment" }, { pattern = { "/%*", "%*/" }, type = "comment" }, -- Single quote string { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "<<<'%a%w*'\n", "^%s*%a%w*%f[;]", '\\' }, type = "string" }, -- Strings with support for some inline variables syntax { pattern = { "<<<%a%w*\n", "^%s*%a%w*%f[;]", '\\' }, syntax = { patterns = combine_patterns(inline_variables, { -- prevent matching outside of the parent string { pattern = "^%s*%a%w*();$", type = { "string", "normal" } }, { pattern = "%p", type = "string" }, }), symbols = {} }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, syntax = { patterns = combine_patterns(inline_variables, { -- prevent matching outside of the parent string { pattern = "[^\"]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "%p+%f[\"]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "%p", type = "string" }, }), symbols = {} }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { '`', '`', '\\' }, syntax = { patterns = combine_patterns(inline_variables, { -- prevent matching outside of the parent string { pattern = "[^`]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "%p+%f[`]", type = "string" }, { pattern = "%p", type = "string" }, }), symbols = {} }, type = "string" }, { pattern = "0[bB][%d]+", type = "number" }, { pattern = "0[xX][%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" }, { pattern = "-?%d[%d_%.eE]*", type = "number" }, { pattern = "-?%.?%d+", type = "number" }, { pattern = "[%.%+%-=/%*%^%%<>!~|&%?:@]", type = "operator" }, -- Variables { pattern = "%$[%w_]+", type = "keyword2" }, -- Respect control structures, treat as keyword not function { pattern = "if[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "else[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "elseif[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "for[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "foreach[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "while[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "catch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "switch[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "match[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "fn[%s]*%f[(]", type = "keyword" }, -- All functions that aren't control structures { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[(]", type = "function" }, -- Array type hint not added on symbols to also make it work -- as a function call { pattern = "array", type = "literal" }, -- Match static or namespace container on sub element access { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*[%s]*%f[:]", type = "literal" }, -- Uppercase constants of at least 2 chars in len { pattern = "%u[%u_][%u%d_]*%f[%s%+%*%-%.%(%)%?%^%%=/<>~|&;:,!]", type = "number" }, -- Magic constants { pattern = "__[%u]+__", type = "number" }, -- Everything else { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "symbol" }, }, symbols = { ["return"] = "keyword", ["if"] = "keyword", ["else"] = "keyword", ["elseif"] = "keyword", ["endif"] = "keyword", ["declare"] = "keyword", ["enddeclare"] = "keyword", ["switch"] = "keyword", ["endswitch"] = "keyword", ["as"] = "keyword", ["do"] = "keyword", ["for"] = "keyword", ["endfor"] = "keyword", ["foreach"] = "keyword", ["endforeach"] = "keyword", ["while"] = "keyword", ["endwhile"] = "keyword", ["match"] = "keyword", ["case"] = "keyword", ["continue"] = "keyword", ["default"] = "keyword", ["break"] = "keyword", ["goto"] = "keyword", ["yield"] = "keyword", ["try"] = "keyword", ["catch"] = "keyword", ["throw"] = "keyword", ["finally"] = "keyword", ["class"] = "keyword", ["enum"] = "keyword", ["trait"] = "keyword", ["interface"] = "keyword", ["public"] = "keyword", ["static"] = "keyword", ["protected"] = "keyword", ["private"] = "keyword", ["readonly"] = "keyword", ["abstract"] = "keyword", ["final"] = "keyword", ["$this"] = "literal", ["function"] = "keyword", ["fn"] = "keyword", ["global"] = "keyword", ["var"] = "keyword", ["const"] = "keyword", ["bool"] = "literal", ["boolean"] = "literal", ["int"] = "literal", ["integer"] = "literal", ["real"] = "literal", ["double"] = "literal", ["float"] = "literal", ["string"] = "literal", ["object"] = "literal", ["callable"] = "literal", ["iterable"] = "literal", ["void"] = "literal", ["parent"] = "literal", ["self"] = "literal", ["mixed"] = "literal", ["never"] = "literal", ["namespace"] = "keyword", ["extends"] = "keyword", ["implements"] = "keyword", ["instanceof"] = "keyword", ["require"] = "keyword", ["require_once"] = "keyword", ["include"] = "keyword", ["include_once"] = "keyword", ["use"] = "keyword", ["new"] = "keyword", ["clone"] = "keyword", ["true"] = "number", ["false"] = "number", ["NULL"] = "number", ["null"] = "number", ["print"] = "function", ["echo"] = "function", ["exit"] = "function", }, } -- insert sql string rules after the "/%*", "%*/" pattern if psql_found and config.plugins.language_php.sql_strings then local syntax_php = syntax.get("file.phps") table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 5, sql_strings[1]) table.insert(syntax_php.patterns, 6, sql_strings[2]) end -- allows html, css and js coloring on php files syntax.add { name = "PHP", files = { "%.php$", "%.phtml" }, block_comment = { "" }, patterns = { { regex = { "<\\?php\\s+", "(?:\\?>|(?=`{3}))" -- end if inside markdown code tags }, syntax = ".phps", type = "keyword2" }, { pattern = { "<%?=?", "%?>" }, syntax = ".phps", type = "keyword2" }, { pattern = { "<%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%f[%s>].->", "<%s*/%s*[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]%s*>" }, syntax = ".js", type = "function" }, { pattern = { "<%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE]%f[%s>].->", "<%s*/%s*[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE]%s*>" }, syntax = ".css", type = "function" }, { pattern = { "" }, type = "comment" }, { pattern = { '%f[^>][^<]', '%f[<]' }, type = "normal" }, { pattern = { '"', '"', '\\' }, type = "string" }, { pattern = { "'", "'", '\\' }, type = "string" }, { pattern = "0x[%da-fA-F]+", type = "number" }, { pattern = "-?%d+[%d%.]*f?", type = "number" }, { pattern = "-?%.?%d+f?", type = "number" }, { pattern = "%f[^<]![%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword2" }, { pattern = "%f[^<][%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" }, { pattern = "%f[^<]/[%a_][%w_]*", type = "function" }, { pattern = "[%a_][%w_]*", type = "keyword" }, { pattern = "[/<>=]", type = "operator" }, -- match markdown code tags to be able to end php highlighting -- when inside the subsyntax .phps { regex = "(?=`{3})", type = "string" } }, symbols = {}, } -- allow coloring of php code inside css and js code local syntaxes = { "css", "js" } for _, ext in pairs(syntaxes) do local syntax_table = syntax.get("file."..ext, "") table.insert( syntax_table.patterns, 1, { pattern = { "<%?=?", "%?>" }, syntax = ".phps", type = "keyword2" } ) table.insert( syntax_table.patterns, 1, { pattern = { "<%?php%s+", "%?>" }, syntax = ".phps", type = "keyword2" } ) end