diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 090f9adc..3fb8b5d7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -106,6 +106,26 @@ to = ['user:2', 'user:3']; activity = {'to': to, 'actor': 1, 'verb': 'tweet', 'object': 1, 'foreign_id': 'tweet:1'}; user1.addActivity(activity, function(error, response, body) { /* callback */ }); +// adding one activity to multiple feeds +var feeds = ['flat:1', 'flat:2', 'flat:3', 'flat:4']; +activity = { + 'actor': 'User:2', + 'verb': 'pin', + 'object': 'Place:42', + 'target': 'Board:1' +}; + +client.addToMany(activity, feeds, function(error, response, body) { /* callback */ }); + +// Batch create follow relations +var follows = [ + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:1'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:2'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:3'} +]; + +client.followMany(follows, function(error, response, body) { /* callback */ }); + // creating a feed token server side token = user1.token; // passed to client via template or api and initialized as such diff --git a/dist/js/getstream.js b/dist/js/getstream.js index e937b0f9..c3ac1d91 100644 --- a/dist/js/getstream.js +++ b/dist/js/getstream.js @@ -206,9 +206,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap var request = __webpack_require__(3); var StreamFeed = __webpack_require__(4); var signing = __webpack_require__(7); + var httpSignature = __webpack_require__(9); var errors = __webpack_require__(5); var crypto = __webpack_require__(8); var utils = __webpack_require__(6); + var BatchOperations = __webpack_require__(9); var StreamClient = function StreamClient() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); @@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap this.fayeUrl = 'http://localhost:9999/faye/'; } this.handlers = {}; - this.browser = typeof window != 'undefined'; + this.browser = typeof window !== 'undefined'; this.node = !this.browser; if (this.browser && this.apiSecret) { @@ -492,8 +494,18 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap var callback = this.wrapCallback(cb); return request(kwargs, callback); } + }; + // If we are in a node environment and batchOperations is available add the methods to the prototype of StreamClient + if (BatchOperations) { + for (var key in BatchOperations) { + if (BatchOperations.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + StreamClient.prototype[key] = BatchOperations[key]; + } + } + } + module.exports = StreamClient; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(1))) @@ -1409,7 +1421,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /* 8 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { - + /* (ignored) */ /***/ }, /* 9 */ diff --git a/dist/js_min/getstream.js b/dist/js_min/getstream.js index ab37a484..bdd217a0 100644 --- a/dist/js_min/getstream.js +++ b/dist/js_min/getstream.js @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"object"==typeof module?module.exports=t():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],t):"object"==typeof exports?exports.stream=t():e.stream=t()}(this,function(){return function(e){function t(i){if(n[i])return n[i].exports;var r=n[i]={exports:{},id:i,loaded:!1};return e[i].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,t),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.p="dist/",t(0)}([function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function i(e,n,i,s){if("undefined"!=typeof t&&t.env.STREAM_URL&&!e){var o=/https\:\/\/(\w+)\:(\w+)\@([\w-]*).*\?app_id=(\d+)/.exec(t.env.STREAM_URL);e=o[1],n=o[2];var a=o[3];i=o[4],void 0===s&&(s={}),"getstream"!=a&&(s.location=a)}return new r(e,n,i,s)}var r=n(2),s=n(5),o=n(3);e.exports.connect=i,e.exports.errors=s,e.exports.request=o,e.exports.Client=r}).call(t,n(1))},function(e){function t(){c=!1,s.length?a=s.concat(a):u=-1,a.length&&n()}function n(){if(!c){var e=setTimeout(t);c=!0;for(var n=a.length;n;){for(s=a,a=[];++u1)for(var r=1;r>18&63,s=c>>12&63,o=c>>6&63,a=63&c,d[l++]=u.charAt(r)+u.charAt(s)+u.charAt(o)+u.charAt(a);while(h299)&&n.error){e=new Error("CouchDB error: "+(n.error.reason||n.error.error));for(var r in n)e[r]=n[r];return i(e,t,n)}return i(e,t,n)}"string"==typeof t&&(t={uri:t}),t.json=!0,t.body&&(t.json=t.body),delete t.body,i=i||n;var s=e(t,r);return s},e})},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var i=n(5),r=n(6),s=function(){this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)};s.prototype={initialize:function(e,t,n,i){this.client=e,this.slug=t,this.userId=n,this.id=this.slug+":"+this.userId,this.token=i,this.feedUrl=this.id.replace(":","/"),this.feedTogether=this.id.replace(":",""),this.signature=this.feedTogether+" "+this.token,this.notificationChannel="site-"+this.client.appId+"-feed-"+this.feedTogether},addActivity:function(e,t){e=this.client.signActivity(e);var n=this.client.post({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/",body:e,signature:this.signature},t);return n},removeActivity:function(e,t){var n=e.foreignId?e.foreignId:e,i={};e.foreignId&&(i.foreign_id="1");var r=this.client["delete"]({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/"+n+"/",qs:i,signature:this.signature},t);return r},addActivities:function(e,t){e=this.client.signActivities(e);var n={activities:e},i=this.client.post({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/",body:n,signature:this.signature},t);return i},follow:function(e,t,n,i){r.validateFeedSlug(e),r.validateUserId(t);var s,o=arguments[arguments.length-1];i=o.call?o:void 0;var a=e+":"+t;arguments[2]&&!arguments[2].call?s=arguments[2]:arguments[3]&&!arguments[3].call&&(s=arguments[3]),this.client.apiSecret&&!s&&(s=this.client.feed(e,t).token);var c=this.client.post({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/following/",body:{target:a,target_token:s},signature:this.signature},i);return c},unfollow:function(e,t,n){r.validateFeedSlug(e),r.validateUserId(t);var i=e+":"+t,s=this.client["delete"]({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/following/"+i+"/",signature:this.signature},n);return s},following:function(e,t){void 0!==e&&e.filter&&(e.filter=e.filter.join(","));var n=this.client.get({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/following/",qs:e,signature:this.signature},t);return n},followers:function(e,t){void 0!==e&&e.filter&&(e.filter=e.filter.join(","));var n=this.client.get({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/followers/",qs:e,signature:this.signature},t);return n},get:function(e,t){e&&e.mark_read&&e.mark_read.join&&(e.mark_read=e.mark_read.join(",")),e&&e.mark_seen&&e.mark_seen.join&&(e.mark_seen=e.mark_seen.join(","));var n=this.client.get({url:"feed/"+this.feedUrl+"/",qs:e,signature:this.signature},t);return n},getFayeClient:function(){return this.client.getFayeClient()},subscribe:function(e){if(!this.client.appId)throw new i.SiteError("Missing app id, which is needed to subscribe, use var client = stream.connect(key, secret, appId);");return this.client.subscriptions["/"+this.notificationChannel]={token:this.token,userId:this.notificationChannel},this.getFayeClient().subscribe("/"+this.notificationChannel,e)}},e.exports=s},function(e){"use strict";function t(e,t){this.message=e,Error.call(this,this.message),i?Error.captureStackTrace(this,t):this.stack=r?(new Error).stack:""}var n=e.exports,i="function"==typeof Error.captureStackTrace,r=!!(new Error).stack;n._Abstract=t,t.prototype=new Error,n.FeedError=function(e){t.call(this,e)},n.FeedError.prototype=new t,n.SiteError=function(e){t.call(this,e)},n.SiteError.prototype=new t},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function i(e){var t=e.split(":");if(2!=t.length)throw new o.FeedError("Invalid feedId, expected something like user:1 got "+e);var n=t[0],i=t[1];return r(n),s(i),e}function r(e){var t=a.test(e);if(!t)throw new o.FeedError("Invalid feedSlug, please use letters, numbers or _ got: "+e);return e}function s(e){var t=a.test(e);if(!t)throw new o.FeedError("Invalid feedSlug, please use letters, numbers or _ got: "+e);return e}var o=n(5),a=/^[\w-]+$/;t.validateFeedId=i,t.validateFeedSlug=r,t.validateUserId=s},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function i(e){var t=e.replace(/\+/g,"-").replace(/\//g,"_");return t.replace(/^=+/,"").replace(/=+$/,"")}function r(e){try{return f.atob(a(e))}catch(t){if("InvalidCharacterError"===t.name)return void 0;throw t}}function s(e){if("object"==typeof e)return e;try{return JSON.parse(e)}catch(t){return void 0}}function o(e){var t=4,n=(e.length,e.length%t);if(!n)return e;for(var i=t-n;i--;)e+="=";return e}function a(e){var t=o(e).replace(/\-/g,"+").replace(/_/g,"/");return t}function c(e){var t=e.split(".",1)[0];return s(r(t))}var u=n(8),h=n(9),l=/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?$/,f=n(10);t.headerFromJWS=c,t.sign=function(e,t){var n=new u.createHash("sha1").update(e).digest(),r=u.createHmac("sha1",n),s=r.update(t).digest("base64"),o=i(s);return o},t.JWTScopeToken=function(e,t,n,i){var r={feed_id:t,resource:n,action:i},s=h.sign(r,e,{algorithm:"HS256"});return s},t.isJWTSignature=function(e){var t=e.split(" ")[1];return l.test(t)&&!!c(t)}},function(){},function(){"use strict"},function(e,t){!function(){function e(e){this.message=e}var n=t,i="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";e.prototype=new Error,e.prototype.name="InvalidCharacterError",n.btoa||(n.btoa=function(t){for(var n,r,s=String(t),o=0,a=i,c="";s.charAt(0|o)||(a="=",o%1);c+=a.charAt(63&n>>8-o%1*8)){if(r=s.charCodeAt(o+=.75),r>255)throw new e("'btoa' failed: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.");n=n<<8|r}return c}),n.atob||(n.atob=function(t){var n=String(t).replace(/=+$/,"");if(n.length%4==1)throw new e("'atob' failed: The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.");for(var r,s,o=0,a=0,c="";s=n.charAt(a++);~s&&(r=o%4?64*r+s:s,o++%4)?c+=String.fromCharCode(255&r>>(-2*o&6)):0)s=i.indexOf(s);return c})}()},function(module,exports,__webpack_require__){(function(global,setImmediate,process){!function(){"use strict";var Faye={VERSION:"1.1.2",BAYEUX_VERSION:"1.0",ID_LENGTH:160,JSONP_CALLBACK:"jsonpcallback",CONNECTION_TYPES:["long-polling","cross-origin-long-polling","callback-polling","websocket","eventsource","in-process"],MANDATORY_CONNECTION_TYPES:["long-polling","callback-polling","in-process"],ENV:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:global,extend:function(e,t,n){if(!t)return e;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(e.hasOwnProperty(i)&&n===!1||e[i]!==t[i]&&(e[i]=t[i]));return e},random:function(e){e=e||this.ID_LENGTH;for(var t=Math.ceil(e*Math.log(2)/Math.log(36)),n=csprng(e,36);n.lengthn;n++)if(-1!==this.indexOf(t,e[n]))return e[n];return null},indexOf:function(e,t){if(e.indexOf)return e.indexOf(t);for(var n=0,i=e.length;i>n;n++)if(e[n]===t)return n;return-1},map:function(e,t,n){if(e.map)return e.map(t,n);var i=[];if(e instanceof Array)for(var r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++)i.push(t.call(n||null,e[r],r));else for(var o in e)e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&i.push(t.call(n||null,o,e[o]));return i},filter:function(e,t,n){if(e.filter)return e.filter(t,n);for(var i=[],r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++)t.call(n||null,e[r],r)&&i.push(e[r]);return i},asyncEach:function(e,t,n,i){var r=e.length,s=-1,o=0,a=!1,c=function(){return o-=1,s+=1,s===r?n&&n.call(i):(t(e[s],h),void 0)},u=function(){if(!a){for(a=!0;o>0;)c();a=!1}},h=function(){o+=1,u()};h()},toJSON:function(e){return this.stringify?this.stringify(e,function(e,t){return this[e]instanceof Array?this[e]:t}):JSON.stringify(e)}};module.exports=Faye,Faye.Class=function(e,t){"function"!=typeof e&&(t=e,e=Object);var n=function(){return this.initialize?this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)||this:this},i=function(){};return i.prototype=e.prototype,n.prototype=new i,Faye.extend(n.prototype,t),n},function(){function e(e,t){if(e.indexOf)return e.indexOf(t);for(var n=0;ns;s++)r[s].apply(this,i);return!0}return!1},t.prototype.addListener=function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new Error("addListener only takes instances of Function");return this._events||(this._events={}),this.emit("newListener",e,t),this._events[e]?n(this._events[e])?this._events[e].push(t):this._events[e]=[this._events[e],t]:this._events[e]=t,this},t.prototype.on=t.prototype.addListener,t.prototype.once=function(e,t){var n=this;return n.on(e,function i(){n.removeListener(e,i),t.apply(this,arguments)}),this},t.prototype.removeListener=function(t,i){if("function"!=typeof i)throw new Error("removeListener only takes instances of Function");if(!this._events||!this._events[t])return this;var r=this._events[t];if(n(r)){var s=e(r,i);if(0>s)return this;r.splice(s,1),0==r.length&&delete this._events[t]}else this._events[t]===i&&delete this._events[t];return this},t.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){return 0===arguments.length?(this._events={},this):(e&&this._events&&this._events[e]&&(this._events[e]=null),this)},t.prototype.listeners=function(e){return this._events||(this._events={}),this._events[e]||(this._events[e]=[]),n(this._events[e])||(this._events[e]=[this._events[e]]),this._events[e]}}(),Faye.Namespace=Faye.Class({initialize:function(){this._used={}},exists:function(e){return this._used.hasOwnProperty(e)},generate:function(){for(var e=Faye.random();this._used.hasOwnProperty(e);)e=Faye.random();return this._used[e]=e},release:function(e){delete this._used[e]}}),function(){var e,t=setTimeout;e="function"==typeof setImmediate?function(e){setImmediate(e)}:"object"==typeof process&&process.nextTick?function(e){process.nextTick(e)}:function(e){t(e,0)};var n=0,i=1,r=2,s=function(e){return e},o=function(e){throw e},a=function(e){if(this._state=n,this._onFulfilled=[],this._onRejected=[],"function"==typeof e){var t=this;e(function(e){f(t,e)},function(e){p(t,e)})}};a.prototype.then=function(e,t){var n=new a;return c(this,e,n),u(this,t,n),n};var c=function(e,t,r){"function"!=typeof t&&(t=s);var o=function(e){h(t,e,r)};e._state===n?e._onFulfilled.push(o):e._state===i&&o(e._value)},u=function(e,t,i){"function"!=typeof t&&(t=o);var s=function(e){h(t,e,i)};e._state===n?e._onRejected.push(s):e._state===r&&s(e._reason)},h=function(t,n,i){e(function(){l(t,n,i)})},l=function(e,t,n){var i;try{i=e(t)}catch(r){return p(n,r)}i===n?p(n,new TypeError("Recursive promise chain detected")):f(n,i)},f=a.fulfill=a.resolve=function(e,t){var n,i,r=!1;try{if(n=typeof t,i=null!==t&&("function"===n||"object"===n)&&t.then,"function"!=typeof i)return d(e,t);i.call(t,function(t){r^(r=!0)&&f(e,t)},function(t){r^(r=!0)&&p(e,t)})}catch(s){if(!(r^(r=!0)))return;p(e,s)}},d=function(e,t){if(e._state===n){e._state=i,e._value=t,e._onRejected=[];for(var r,s=e._onFulfilled;r=s.shift();)r(t)}},p=a.reject=function(e,t){if(e._state===n){e._state=r,e._reason=t,e._onFulfilled=[];for(var i,s=e._onRejected;i=s.shift();)i(t)}};a.all=function(e){return new a(function(t,n){var i,r=[],s=e.length;if(0===s)return t(r);for(i=0;s>i;i++)(function(e,i){a.fulfilled(e).then(function(e){r[i]=e,0===--s&&t(r)},n)})(e[i],i)})},a.defer=e,a.deferred=a.pending=function(){var e={};return e.promise=new a(function(t,n){e.fulfill=e.resolve=t,e.reject=n}),e},a.fulfilled=a.resolved=function(e){return new a(function(t){t(e)})},a.rejected=function(e){return new a(function(t,n){n(e)})},"undefined"==typeof Faye?module.exports=a:Faye.Promise=a}(),Faye.Set=Faye.Class({initialize:function(){this._index={}},add:function(e){var t=void 0!==e.id?e.id:e;return this._index.hasOwnProperty(t)?!1:(this._index[t]=e,!0)},forEach:function(e,t){for(var n in this._index)this._index.hasOwnProperty(n)&&e.call(t,this._index[n])},isEmpty:function(){for(var e in this._index)if(this._index.hasOwnProperty(e))return!1;return!0},member:function(e){for(var t in this._index)if(this._index[t]===e)return!0;return!1},remove:function(e){var t=void 0!==e.id?e.id:e,n=this._index[t];return delete this._index[t],n},toArray:function(){var e=[];return this.forEach(function(t){e.push(t)}),e}}),Faye.URI={isURI:function(e){return e&&e.protocol&&e.host&&e.path},isSameOrigin:function(e){var t=Faye.ENV.location;return e.protocol===t.protocol&&e.hostname===t.hostname&&e.port===t.port},parse:function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)return e;var t,n,i,r,s,o,a={},c=function(t,n){e=e.replace(n,function(e){return a[t]=e,""}),a[t]=a[t]||""};for(c("protocol",/^[a-z]+\:/i),c("host",/^\/\/[^\/\?#]+/),/^\//.test(e)||a.host||(e=Faye.ENV.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]*$/,"")+e),c("pathname",/^[^\?#]*/),c("search",/^\?[^#]*/),c("hash",/^#.*/),a.protocol=a.protocol||Faye.ENV.location.protocol,a.host?(a.host=a.host.substr(2),t=a.host.split(":"),a.hostname=t[0],a.port=t[1]||""):(a.host=Faye.ENV.location.host,a.hostname=Faye.ENV.location.hostname,a.port=Faye.ENV.location.port),a.pathname=a.pathname||"/",a.path=a.pathname+a.search,n=a.search.replace(/^\?/,""),i=n?n.split("&"):[],o={},r=0,s=i.length;s>r;r++)t=i[r].split("="),o[decodeURIComponent(t[0]||"")]=decodeURIComponent(t[1]||"");return a.query=o,a.href=this.stringify(a),a},stringify:function(e){var t=e.protocol+"//"+e.hostname;return e.port&&(t+=":"+e.port),t+=e.pathname+this.queryString(e.query)+(e.hash||"")},queryString:function(e){var t=[];for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&t.push(encodeURIComponent(n)+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[n]));return 0===t.length?"":"?"+t.join("&")}},Faye.Error=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e,t,n){this.code=e,this.params=Array.prototype.slice.call(t),this.message=n},toString:function(){return this.code+":"+this.params.join(",")+":"+this.message}}),Faye.Error.parse=function(e){if(e=e||"",!Faye.Grammar.ERROR.test(e))return new this(null,[],e);var t=e.split(":"),n=parseInt(t[0]),i=t[1].split(","),e=t[2];return new this(n,i,e)},Faye.Error.versionMismatch=function(){return new this(300,arguments,"Version mismatch").toString()},Faye.Error.conntypeMismatch=function(){return new this(301,arguments,"Connection types not supported").toString()},Faye.Error.extMismatch=function(){return new this(302,arguments,"Extension mismatch").toString()},Faye.Error.badRequest=function(){return new this(400,arguments,"Bad request").toString()},Faye.Error.clientUnknown=function(){return new this(401,arguments,"Unknown client").toString()},Faye.Error.parameterMissing=function(){return new this(402,arguments,"Missing required parameter").toString()},Faye.Error.channelForbidden=function(){return new this(403,arguments,"Forbidden channel").toString()},Faye.Error.channelUnknown=function(){return new this(404,arguments,"Unknown channel").toString()},Faye.Error.channelInvalid=function(){return new this(405,arguments,"Invalid channel").toString()},Faye.Error.extUnknown=function(){return new this(406,arguments,"Unknown extension").toString()},Faye.Error.publishFailed=function(){return new this(407,arguments,"Failed to publish").toString()},Faye.Error.serverError=function(){return new this(500,arguments,"Internal server error").toString()},Faye.Deferrable={then:function(e,t){var n=this;return this._promise||(this._promise=new Faye.Promise(function(e,t){n._fulfill=e,n._reject=t})),0===arguments.length?this._promise:this._promise.then(e,t)},callback:function(e,t){return this.then(function(n){e.call(t,n)})},errback:function(e,t){return this.then(null,function(n){e.call(t,n)})},timeout:function(e,t){this.then();var n=this;this._timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n._reject(t)},1e3*e)},setDeferredStatus:function(e,t){this._timer&&Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(this._timer),this.then(),"succeeded"===e?this._fulfill(t):"failed"===e?this._reject(t):delete this._promise}},Faye.Publisher={countListeners:function(e){return this.listeners(e).length},bind:function(e,t,n){var i=Array.prototype.slice,r=function(){t.apply(n,i.call(arguments))};return this._listeners=this._listeners||[],this._listeners.push([e,t,n,r]),this.on(e,r)},unbind:function(e,t,n){this._listeners=this._listeners||[];for(var i,r=this._listeners.length;r--;)i=this._listeners[r],i[0]===e&&(!t||i[1]===t&&i[2]===n)&&(this._listeners.splice(r,1),this.removeListener(e,i[3]))}},Faye.extend(Faye.Publisher,Faye.EventEmitter.prototype),Faye.Publisher.trigger=Faye.Publisher.emit,Faye.Timeouts={addTimeout:function(e,t,n,i){if(this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{},!this._timeouts.hasOwnProperty(e)){var r=this;this._timeouts[e]=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){delete r._timeouts[e],n.call(i)},1e3*t)}},removeTimeout:function(e){this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{};var t=this._timeouts[e];t&&(Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(t),delete this._timeouts[e])},removeAllTimeouts:function(){this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{};for(var e in this._timeouts)this.removeTimeout(e)}},Faye.Logging={LOG_LEVELS:{fatal:4,error:3,warn:2,info:1,debug:0},writeLog:function(e,t){if(Faye.logger){var n=Array.prototype.slice.apply(e),i="[Faye",r=this.className,s=n.shift().replace(/\?/g,function(){try{return Faye.toJSON(n.shift())}catch(e){return"[Object]"}});for(var o in Faye)r||"function"==typeof Faye[o]&&this instanceof Faye[o]&&(r=o);r&&(i+="."+r),i+="] ","function"==typeof Faye.logger[t]?Faye.logger[t](i+s):"function"==typeof Faye.logger&&Faye.logger(i+s)}}},function(){for(var e in Faye.Logging.LOG_LEVELS)(function(e){Faye.Logging[e]=function(){this.writeLog(arguments,e)}})(e)}(),Faye.Grammar={CHANNEL_NAME:/^\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+(\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+)*$/,CHANNEL_PATTERN:/^(\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+)*\/\*{1,2}$/,ERROR:/^([0-9][0-9][0-9]:(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*(,(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*)*:(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*|[0-9][0-9][0-9]::(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*)$/,VERSION:/^([0-9])+(\.(([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|\-|\_))*)*$/},Faye.Extensible={addExtension:function(e){this._extensions=this._extensions||[],this._extensions.push(e),e.added&&e.added(this)},removeExtension:function(e){if(this._extensions)for(var t=this._extensions.length;t--;)this._extensions[t]===e&&(this._extensions.splice(t,1),e.removed&&e.removed(this))},pipeThroughExtensions:function(e,t,n,i,r){if(this.debug("Passing through ? extensions: ?",e,t),!this._extensions)return i.call(r,t);var s=this._extensions.slice(),o=function(t){if(!t)return i.call(r,t);var a=s.shift();if(!a)return i.call(r,t);var c=a[e];return c?(c.length>=3?a[e](t,n,o):a[e](t,o),void 0):o(t)};o(t)}},Faye.extend(Faye.Extensible,Faye.Logging),Faye.Channel=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e){this.id=this.name=e},push:function(e){this.trigger("message",e)},isUnused:function(){return 0===this.countListeners("message")}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Channel.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Channel,{HANDSHAKE:"/meta/handshake",CONNECT:"/meta/connect",SUBSCRIBE:"/meta/subscribe",UNSUBSCRIBE:"/meta/unsubscribe",DISCONNECT:"/meta/disconnect",META:"meta",SERVICE:"service",expand:function(e){var t=this.parse(e),n=["/**",e],i=t.slice();i[i.length-1]="*",n.push(this.unparse(i));for(var r=1,s=t.length;s>r;r++)i=t.slice(0,r),i.push("**"),n.push(this.unparse(i));return n},isValid:function(e){return Faye.Grammar.CHANNEL_NAME.test(e)||Faye.Grammar.CHANNEL_PATTERN.test(e)},parse:function(e){return this.isValid(e)?e.split("/").slice(1):null},unparse:function(e){return"/"+e.join("/")},isMeta:function(e){var t=this.parse(e);return t?t[0]===this.META:null},isService:function(e){var t=this.parse(e);return t?t[0]===this.SERVICE:null},isSubscribable:function(e){return this.isValid(e)?!this.isMeta(e)&&!this.isService(e):null 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r=this._channels[t[n]];r&&r.trigger("message",e.data)}}})}),Faye.Publication=Faye.Class(Faye.Deferrable),Faye.Subscription=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e,t,n,i){this._client=e,this._channels=t,this._callback=n,this._context=i,this._cancelled=!1},cancel:function(){this._cancelled||(this._client.unsubscribe(this._channels,this._callback,this._context),this._cancelled=!0)},unsubscribe:function(){this.cancel()}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Subscription.prototype,Faye.Deferrable),Faye.Client=Faye.Class({UNCONNECTED:1,CONNECTING:2,CONNECTED:3,DISCONNECTED:4,HANDSHAKE:"handshake",RETRY:"retry",NONE:"none",CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:60,DEFAULT_ENDPOINT:"/bayeux",INTERVAL:0,initialize:function(e,t){this.info("New client created for ?",e),t=t||{},Faye.validateOptions(t,["interval","timeout","endpoints","proxy","retry","scheduler","websocketExtensions","tls","ca"]),this._endpoint=e||this.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT,this._channels=new Faye.Channel.Set,this._dispatcher=new Faye.Dispatcher(this,this._endpoint,t),this._messageId=0,this._state=this.UNCONNECTED,this._responseCallbacks={},this._advice={reconnect:this.RETRY,interval:1e3*(t.interval||this.INTERVAL),timeout:1e3*(t.timeout||this.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)},this._dispatcher.timeout=this._advice.timeout/1e3,this._dispatcher.bind("message",this._receiveMessage,this),Faye.Event&&void 0!==Faye.ENV.onbeforeunload&&Faye.Event.on(Faye.ENV,"beforeunload",function(){Faye.indexOf(this._dispatcher._disabled,"autodisconnect")<0&&this.disconnect()},this)},addWebsocketExtension:function(e){return this._dispatcher.addWebsocketExtension(e)},disable:function(e){return this._dispatcher.disable(e)},setHeader:function(e,t){return this._dispatcher.setHeader(e,t)},handshake:function(e,t){if(this._advice.reconnect!==this.NONE&&this._state===this.UNCONNECTED){this._state=this.CONNECTING;var n=this;this.info("Initiating handshake with ?",Faye.URI.stringify(this._endpoint)),this._dispatcher.selectTransport(Faye.MANDATORY_CONNECTION_TYPES),this._sendMessage({channel:Faye.Channel.HANDSHAKE,version:Faye.BAYEUX_VERSION,supportedConnectionTypes:this._dispatcher.getConnectionTypes()},{},function(i){i.successful?(this._state=this.CONNECTED,this._dispatcher.clientId=i.clientId,this._dispatcher.selectTransport(i.supportedConnectionTypes),this.info("Handshake successful: ?",this._dispatcher.clientId),this.subscribe(this._channels.getKeys(),!0),e&&Faye.Promise.defer(function(){e.call(t)})):(this.info("Handshake unsuccessful"),Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n.handshake(e,t)},1e3*this._dispatcher.retry),this._state=this.UNCONNECTED)},this)}},connect:function(e,t){if(this._advice.reconnect!==this.NONE&&this._state!==this.DISCONNECTED){if(this._state===this.UNCONNECTED)return this.handshake(function(){this.connect(e,t)},this);this.callback(e,t),this._state===this.CONNECTED&&(this.info("Calling deferred actions for 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this.subscribe(e,t,n)},this);var i=new Faye.Subscription(this,e,t,n),r=t===!0,s=this._channels.hasSubscription(e);return s&&!r?(this._channels.subscribe([e],t,n),i.setDeferredStatus("succeeded"),i):(this.connect(function(){this.info("Client ? attempting to subscribe to ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e),r||this._channels.subscribe([e],t,n),this._sendMessage({channel:Faye.Channel.SUBSCRIBE,clientId:this._dispatcher.clientId,subscription:e},{},function(r){if(!r.successful)return i.setDeferredStatus("failed",Faye.Error.parse(r.error)),this._channels.unsubscribe(e,t,n);var s=[].concat(r.subscription);this.info("Subscription acknowledged for ? to ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,s),i.setDeferredStatus("succeeded")},this)},this),i)},unsubscribe:function(e,t,n){if(e instanceof Array)return Faye.map(e,function(e){return this.unsubscribe(e,t,n)},this);var i=this._channels.unsubscribe(e,t,n);i&&this.connect(function(){this.info("Client ? attempting to unsubscribe from ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e),this._sendMessage({channel:Faye.Channel.UNSUBSCRIBE,clientId:this._dispatcher.clientId,subscription:e},{},function(e){if(e.successful){var t=[].concat(e.subscription);this.info("Unsubscription acknowledged for ? from ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,t)}},this)},this)},publish:function(e,t,n){Faye.validateOptions(n||{},["attempts","deadline"]);var i=new Faye.Publication;return this.connect(function(){this.info("Client ? queueing published message to ?: ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e,t),this._sendMessage({channel:e,data:t,clientId:this._dispatcher.clientId},n,function(e){e.successful?i.setDeferredStatus("succeeded"):i.setDeferredStatus("failed",Faye.Error.parse(e.error))},this)},this),i},_sendMessage:function(e,t,n,i){e.id=this._generateMessageId();var r=this._advice.timeout?1.2*this._advice.timeout/1e3:1.2*this._dispatcher.retry;this.pipeThroughExtensions("outgoing",e,null,function(e){e&&(n&&(this._responseCallbacks[e.id]=[n,i]),this._dispatcher.sendMessage(e,r,t||{}))},this)},_generateMessageId:function(){return this._messageId+=1,this._messageId>=Math.pow(2,32)&&(this._messageId=0),this._messageId.toString(36)},_receiveMessage:function(e){var t,n=e.id;void 0!==e.successful&&(t=this._responseCallbacks[n],delete this._responseCallbacks[n]),this.pipeThroughExtensions("incoming",e,null,function(e){e&&(e.advice&&this._handleAdvice(e.advice),this._deliverMessage(e),t&&t[0].call(t[1],e))},this)},_handleAdvice:function(e){Faye.extend(this._advice,e),this._dispatcher.timeout=this._advice.timeout/1e3,this._advice.reconnect===this.HANDSHAKE&&this._state!==this.DISCONNECTED&&(this._state=this.UNCONNECTED,this._dispatcher.clientId=null,this._cycleConnection())},_deliverMessage:function(e){e.channel&&void 0!==e.data&&(this.info("Client ? calling listeners for ? with ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e.channel,e.data),this._channels.distributeMessage(e))},_cycleConnection:function(){this._connectRequest&&(this._connectRequest=null,this.info("Closed connection for ?",this._dispatcher.clientId));var e=this;Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){e.connect()},this._advice.interval)}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Deferrable),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Extensible),Faye.Dispatcher=Faye.Class({MAX_REQUEST_SIZE:2048,DEFAULT_RETRY:5,UP:1,DOWN:2,initialize:function(e,t,n){this._client=e,this.endpoint=Faye.URI.parse(t),this._alternates=n.endpoints||{},this.cookies=Faye.Cookies&&new Faye.Cookies.CookieJar,this._disabled=[],this._envelopes={},this.headers={},this.retry=n.retry||this.DEFAULT_RETRY,this._scheduler=n.scheduler||Faye.Scheduler,this._state=0,this.transports={},this.wsExtensions=[],this.proxy=n.proxy||{},"string"==typeof this._proxy&&(this._proxy={origin:this._proxy});var i=n.websocketExtensions;if(i){i=[].concat(i);for(var r=0,s=i.length;s>r;r++)this.addWebsocketExtension(i[r])}this.tls=n.tls||{},this.tls.ca=this.tls.ca||n.ca;for(var o in this._alternates)this._alternates[o]=Faye.URI.parse(this._alternates[o]);this.maxRequestSize=this.MAX_REQUEST_SIZE},endpointFor:function(e){return this._alternates[e]||this.endpoint},addWebsocketExtension:function(e){this.wsExtensions.push(e)},disable:function(e){this._disabled.push(e)},setHeader:function(e,t){this.headers[e]=t},close:function(){var e=this._transport;delete this._transport,e&&e.close()},getConnectionTypes:function(){return Faye.Transport.getConnectionTypes()},selectTransport:function(e){Faye.Transport.get(this,e,this._disabled,function(e){this.debug("Selected ? transport for ?",e.connectionType,Faye.URI.stringify(e.endpoint)),e!==this._transport&&(this._transport&&this._transport.close(),this._transport=e,this.connectionType=e.connectionType)},this)},sendMessage:function(e,t,n){n=n||{};var i,r=e.id,s=n.attempts,o=n.deadline&&(new Date).getTime()+1e3*n.deadline,a=this._envelopes[r];a||(i=new this._scheduler(e,{timeout:t,interval:this.retry,attempts:s,deadline:o}),a=this._envelopes[r]={message:e,scheduler:i}),this._sendEnvelope(a)},_sendEnvelope:function(e){if(this._transport&&!e.request&&!e.timer){var t=e.message,n=e.scheduler,i=this;if(!n.isDeliverable())return n.abort(),delete this._envelopes[t.id],void 0;e.timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){i.handleError(t)},1e3*n.getTimeout()),n.send(),e.request=this._transport.sendMessage(t)}},handleResponse:function(e){var t=this._envelopes[e.id];void 0!==e.successful&&t&&(t.scheduler.succeed(),delete this._envelopes[e.id],Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(t.timer)),this.trigger("message",e),this._state!==this.UP&&(this._state=this.UP,this._client.trigger("transport:up"))},handleError:function(e,t){var n=this._envelopes[e.id],i=n&&n.request,r=this;if(i){i.then(function(e){e&&e.abort&&e.abort()});var s=n.scheduler;s.fail(),Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(n.timer),n.request=n.timer=null,t?this._sendEnvelope(n):n.timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n.timer=null,r._sendEnvelope(n)},1e3*s.getInterval()),this._state!==this.DOWN&&(this._state=this.DOWN,this._client.trigger("transport:down"))}}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Dispatcher.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Dispatcher.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.Scheduler=function(e,t){this.message=e,this.options=t,this.attempts=0},Faye.extend(Faye.Scheduler.prototype,{getTimeout:function(){return this.options.timeout},getInterval:function(){return this.options.interval},isDeliverable:function(){var e=this.options.attempts,t=this.attempts,n=this.options.deadline,i=(new Date).getTime();return void 0!==e&&t>=e?!1:void 0!==n&&i>n?!1:!0},send:function(){this.attempts+=1},succeed:function(){},fail:function(){},abort:function(){}}),Faye.Transport=Faye.extend(Faye.Class({DEFAULT_PORTS:{"http:":80,"https:":443,"ws:":80,"wss:":443},SECURE_PROTOCOLS:["https:","wss:"],MAX_DELAY:0,batching:!0,initialize:function(e,t){this._dispatcher=e,this.endpoint=t,this._outbox=[],this._proxy=Faye.extend({},this._dispatcher.proxy),!this._proxy.origin&&Faye.NodeAdapter&&(this._proxy.origin=Faye.indexOf(this.SECURE_PROTOCOLS,this.endpoint.protocol)>=0?process.env.HTTPS_PROXY||process.env.https_proxy:process.env.HTTP_PROXY||process.env.http_proxy)},close:function(){},encode:function(){return""},sendMessage:function(e){return this.debug("Client ? sending message to ?: ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,Faye.URI.stringify(this.endpoint),e),this.batching?(this._outbox.push(e),this._promise=this._promise||new Faye.Promise,this._flushLargeBatch(),e.channel===Faye.Channel.HANDSHAKE?(this.addTimeout("publish",.01,this._flush,this),this._promise):(e.channel===Faye.Channel.CONNECT&&(this._connectMessage=e),this.addTimeout("publish",this.MAX_DELAY,this._flush,this),this._promise)):Faye.Promise.fulfilled(this.request([e]))},_flush:function(){this.removeTimeout("publish"),this._outbox.length>1&&this._connectMessage&&(this._connectMessage.advice={timeout:0}),Faye.Promise.fulfill(this._promise,this.request(this._outbox)),delete this._promise,this._connectMessage=null,this._outbox=[]},_flushLargeBatch:function(){var e=this.encode(this._outbox);if(!(e.lengtht;t++)this._dispatcher.handleResponse(e[t])}},_handleError:function(e){e=[].concat(e),this.debug("Client ? failed to send to ? via ?: ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,Faye.URI.stringify(this.endpoint),this.connectionType,e);for(var t=0,n=e.length;n>t;t++)this._dispatcher.handleError(e[t])},_getCookies:function(){var e=this._dispatcher.cookies,t=Faye.URI.stringify(this.endpoint);return e?Faye.map(e.getCookiesSync(t),function(e){return e.cookieString()}).join("; "):""},_storeCookies:function(e){var t,n=this._dispatcher.cookies,i=Faye.URI.stringify(this.endpoint);if(e&&n){e=[].concat(e);for(var r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++)t=Faye.Cookies.Cookie.parse(e[r]),n.setCookieSync(t,i)}}}),{get:function(e,t,n,i,r){var s=e.endpoint;Faye.asyncEach(this._transports,function(s,o){var a=s[0],c=s[1],u=e.endpointFor(a);return Faye.indexOf(n,a)>=0?o():Faye.indexOf(t,a)<0?(c.isUsable(e,u,function(){}),o()):(c.isUsable(e,u,function(t){if(!t)return o();var n=c.hasOwnProperty("create")?c.create(e,u):new c(e,u);i.call(r,n)}),void 0)},function(){throw new Error("Could not find a usable connection type for "+Faye.URI.stringify(s))})},register:function(e,t){this._transports.push([e,t]),t.prototype.connectionType=e},getConnectionTypes:function(){return Faye.map(this._transports,function(e){return e[0]})},_transports:[]}),Faye.extend(Faye.Transport.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.extend(Faye.Transport.prototype,Faye.Timeouts),Faye.Event={_registry:[],on:function(e,t,n,i){var r=function(){n.call(i)};e.addEventListener?e.addEventListener(t,r,!1):e.attachEvent("on"+t,r),this._registry.push({_element:e,_type:t,_callback:n,_context:i,_handler:r})},detach:function(e,t,n,i){for(var r,s=this._registry.length;s--;)r=this._registry[s],e&&e!==r._element||t&&t!==r._type||n&&n!==r._callback||i&&i!==r._context||(r._element.removeEventListener?r._element.removeEventListener(r._type,r._handler,!1):r._element.detachEvent("on"+r._type,r._handler),this._registry.splice(s,1),r=null)}},void 0!==Faye.ENV.onunload&&Faye.Event.on(Faye.ENV,"unload",Faye.Event.detach,Faye.Event),"object"!=typeof JSON&&(JSON={}),function(){function f(e){return 10>e?"0"+e:e}function quote(e){return escapable.lastIndex=0,escapable.test(e)?'"'+e.replace(escapable,function(e){var t=meta[e];return"string"==typeof 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c})}()},function(module,exports,__webpack_require__){(function(global,setImmediate,process){!function(){"use strict";var Faye={VERSION:"1.1.2",BAYEUX_VERSION:"1.0",ID_LENGTH:160,JSONP_CALLBACK:"jsonpcallback",CONNECTION_TYPES:["long-polling","cross-origin-long-polling","callback-polling","websocket","eventsource","in-process"],MANDATORY_CONNECTION_TYPES:["long-polling","callback-polling","in-process"],ENV:"undefined"!=typeof window?window:global,extend:function(e,t,n){if(!t)return e;for(var i in t)t.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(e.hasOwnProperty(i)&&n===!1||e[i]!==t[i]&&(e[i]=t[i]));return e},random:function(e){e=e||this.ID_LENGTH;for(var t=Math.ceil(e*Math.log(2)/Math.log(36)),n=csprng(e,36);n.lengthn;n++)if(-1!==this.indexOf(t,e[n]))return e[n];return null},indexOf:function(e,t){if(e.indexOf)return e.indexOf(t);for(var n=0,i=e.length;i>n;n++)if(e[n]===t)return n;return-1},map:function(e,t,n){if(e.map)return e.map(t,n);var i=[];if(e instanceof Array)for(var r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++)i.push(t.call(n||null,e[r],r));else for(var o in e)e.hasOwnProperty(o)&&i.push(t.call(n||null,o,e[o]));return i},filter:function(e,t,n){if(e.filter)return e.filter(t,n);for(var i=[],r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++)t.call(n||null,e[r],r)&&i.push(e[r]);return i},asyncEach:function(e,t,n,i){var r=e.length,s=-1,o=0,a=!1,c=function(){return o-=1,s+=1,s===r?n&&n.call(i):(t(e[s],h),void 0)},u=function(){if(!a){for(a=!0;o>0;)c();a=!1}},h=function(){o+=1,u()};h()},toJSON:function(e){return this.stringify?this.stringify(e,function(e,t){return this[e]instanceof Array?this[e]:t}):JSON.stringify(e)}};module.exports=Faye,Faye.Class=function(e,t){"function"!=typeof e&&(t=e,e=Object);var n=function(){return this.initialize?this.initialize.apply(this,arguments)||this:this},i=function(){};return i.prototype=e.prototype,n.prototype=new i,Faye.extend(n.prototype,t),n},function(){function e(e,t){if(e.indexOf)return e.indexOf(t);for(var n=0;ns;s++)r[s].apply(this,i);return!0}return!1},t.prototype.addListener=function(e,t){if("function"!=typeof t)throw new Error("addListener only takes instances of Function");return this._events||(this._events={}),this.emit("newListener",e,t),this._events[e]?n(this._events[e])?this._events[e].push(t):this._events[e]=[this._events[e],t]:this._events[e]=t,this},t.prototype.on=t.prototype.addListener,t.prototype.once=function(e,t){var n=this;return n.on(e,function i(){n.removeListener(e,i),t.apply(this,arguments)}),this},t.prototype.removeListener=function(t,i){if("function"!=typeof i)throw new Error("removeListener only takes instances of Function");if(!this._events||!this._events[t])return this;var r=this._events[t];if(n(r)){var s=e(r,i);if(0>s)return this;r.splice(s,1),0==r.length&&delete this._events[t]}else this._events[t]===i&&delete this._events[t];return this},t.prototype.removeAllListeners=function(e){return 0===arguments.length?(this._events={},this):(e&&this._events&&this._events[e]&&(this._events[e]=null),this)},t.prototype.listeners=function(e){return this._events||(this._events={}),this._events[e]||(this._events[e]=[]),n(this._events[e])||(this._events[e]=[this._events[e]]),this._events[e]}}(),Faye.Namespace=Faye.Class({initialize:function(){this._used={}},exists:function(e){return this._used.hasOwnProperty(e)},generate:function(){for(var e=Faye.random();this._used.hasOwnProperty(e);)e=Faye.random();return this._used[e]=e},release:function(e){delete this._used[e]}}),function(){var e,t=setTimeout;e="function"==typeof setImmediate?function(e){setImmediate(e)}:"object"==typeof process&&process.nextTick?function(e){process.nextTick(e)}:function(e){t(e,0)};var n=0,i=1,r=2,s=function(e){return e},o=function(e){throw e},a=function(e){if(this._state=n,this._onFulfilled=[],this._onRejected=[],"function"==typeof e){var t=this;e(function(e){f(t,e)},function(e){p(t,e)})}};a.prototype.then=function(e,t){var n=new a;return c(this,e,n),u(this,t,n),n};var c=function(e,t,r){"function"!=typeof t&&(t=s);var o=function(e){h(t,e,r)};e._state===n?e._onFulfilled.push(o):e._state===i&&o(e._value)},u=function(e,t,i){"function"!=typeof t&&(t=o);var s=function(e){h(t,e,i)};e._state===n?e._onRejected.push(s):e._state===r&&s(e._reason)},h=function(t,n,i){e(function(){l(t,n,i)})},l=function(e,t,n){var i;try{i=e(t)}catch(r){return p(n,r)}i===n?p(n,new TypeError("Recursive promise chain detected")):f(n,i)},f=a.fulfill=a.resolve=function(e,t){var n,i,r=!1;try{if(n=typeof t,i=null!==t&&("function"===n||"object"===n)&&t.then,"function"!=typeof i)return d(e,t);i.call(t,function(t){r^(r=!0)&&f(e,t)},function(t){r^(r=!0)&&p(e,t)})}catch(s){if(!(r^(r=!0)))return;p(e,s)}},d=function(e,t){if(e._state===n){e._state=i,e._value=t,e._onRejected=[];for(var r,s=e._onFulfilled;r=s.shift();)r(t)}},p=a.reject=function(e,t){if(e._state===n){e._state=r,e._reason=t,e._onFulfilled=[];for(var i,s=e._onRejected;i=s.shift();)i(t)}};a.all=function(e){return new a(function(t,n){var i,r=[],s=e.length;if(0===s)return t(r);for(i=0;s>i;i++)(function(e,i){a.fulfilled(e).then(function(e){r[i]=e,0===--s&&t(r)},n)})(e[i],i)})},a.defer=e,a.deferred=a.pending=function(){var e={};return e.promise=new a(function(t,n){e.fulfill=e.resolve=t,e.reject=n}),e},a.fulfilled=a.resolved=function(e){return new a(function(t){t(e)})},a.rejected=function(e){return new a(function(t,n){n(e)})},"undefined"==typeof Faye?module.exports=a:Faye.Promise=a}(),Faye.Set=Faye.Class({initialize:function(){this._index={}},add:function(e){var t=void 0!==e.id?e.id:e;return this._index.hasOwnProperty(t)?!1:(this._index[t]=e,!0)},forEach:function(e,t){for(var n in this._index)this._index.hasOwnProperty(n)&&e.call(t,this._index[n])},isEmpty:function(){for(var e in this._index)if(this._index.hasOwnProperty(e))return!1;return!0},member:function(e){for(var t in this._index)if(this._index[t]===e)return!0;return!1},remove:function(e){var t=void 0!==e.id?e.id:e,n=this._index[t];return delete this._index[t],n},toArray:function(){var e=[];return this.forEach(function(t){e.push(t)}),e}}),Faye.URI={isURI:function(e){return e&&e.protocol&&e.host&&e.path},isSameOrigin:function(e){var t=Faye.ENV.location;return e.protocol===t.protocol&&e.hostname===t.hostname&&e.port===t.port},parse:function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)return e;var t,n,i,r,s,o,a={},c=function(t,n){e=e.replace(n,function(e){return a[t]=e,""}),a[t]=a[t]||""};for(c("protocol",/^[a-z]+\:/i),c("host",/^\/\/[^\/\?#]+/),/^\//.test(e)||a.host||(e=Faye.ENV.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]*$/,"")+e),c("pathname",/^[^\?#]*/),c("search",/^\?[^#]*/),c("hash",/^#.*/),a.protocol=a.protocol||Faye.ENV.location.protocol,a.host?(a.host=a.host.substr(2),t=a.host.split(":"),a.hostname=t[0],a.port=t[1]||""):(a.host=Faye.ENV.location.host,a.hostname=Faye.ENV.location.hostname,a.port=Faye.ENV.location.port),a.pathname=a.pathname||"/",a.path=a.pathname+a.search,n=a.search.replace(/^\?/,""),i=n?n.split("&"):[],o={},r=0,s=i.length;s>r;r++)t=i[r].split("="),o[decodeURIComponent(t[0]||"")]=decodeURIComponent(t[1]||"");return a.query=o,a.href=this.stringify(a),a},stringify:function(e){var t=e.protocol+"//"+e.hostname;return e.port&&(t+=":"+e.port),t+=e.pathname+this.queryString(e.query)+(e.hash||"")},queryString:function(e){var t=[];for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&t.push(encodeURIComponent(n)+"="+encodeURIComponent(e[n]));return 0===t.length?"":"?"+t.join("&")}},Faye.Error=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e,t,n){this.code=e,this.params=Array.prototype.slice.call(t),this.message=n},toString:function(){return this.code+":"+this.params.join(",")+":"+this.message}}),Faye.Error.parse=function(e){if(e=e||"",!Faye.Grammar.ERROR.test(e))return new this(null,[],e);var t=e.split(":"),n=parseInt(t[0]),i=t[1].split(","),e=t[2];return new this(n,i,e)},Faye.Error.versionMismatch=function(){return new this(300,arguments,"Version mismatch").toString()},Faye.Error.conntypeMismatch=function(){return new this(301,arguments,"Connection types not supported").toString()},Faye.Error.extMismatch=function(){return new this(302,arguments,"Extension mismatch").toString()},Faye.Error.badRequest=function(){return new this(400,arguments,"Bad request").toString()},Faye.Error.clientUnknown=function(){return new this(401,arguments,"Unknown client").toString()},Faye.Error.parameterMissing=function(){return new this(402,arguments,"Missing required parameter").toString()},Faye.Error.channelForbidden=function(){return new this(403,arguments,"Forbidden channel").toString()},Faye.Error.channelUnknown=function(){return new this(404,arguments,"Unknown channel").toString()},Faye.Error.channelInvalid=function(){return new this(405,arguments,"Invalid channel").toString()},Faye.Error.extUnknown=function(){return new this(406,arguments,"Unknown extension").toString()},Faye.Error.publishFailed=function(){return new this(407,arguments,"Failed to publish").toString()},Faye.Error.serverError=function(){return new this(500,arguments,"Internal server error").toString()},Faye.Deferrable={then:function(e,t){var n=this;return this._promise||(this._promise=new Faye.Promise(function(e,t){n._fulfill=e,n._reject=t})),0===arguments.length?this._promise:this._promise.then(e,t)},callback:function(e,t){return this.then(function(n){e.call(t,n)})},errback:function(e,t){return this.then(null,function(n){e.call(t,n)})},timeout:function(e,t){this.then();var n=this;this._timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n._reject(t)},1e3*e)},setDeferredStatus:function(e,t){this._timer&&Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(this._timer),this.then(),"succeeded"===e?this._fulfill(t):"failed"===e?this._reject(t):delete this._promise}},Faye.Publisher={countListeners:function(e){return this.listeners(e).length},bind:function(e,t,n){var i=Array.prototype.slice,r=function(){t.apply(n,i.call(arguments))};return this._listeners=this._listeners||[],this._listeners.push([e,t,n,r]),this.on(e,r)},unbind:function(e,t,n){this._listeners=this._listeners||[];for(var i,r=this._listeners.length;r--;)i=this._listeners[r],i[0]===e&&(!t||i[1]===t&&i[2]===n)&&(this._listeners.splice(r,1),this.removeListener(e,i[3]))}},Faye.extend(Faye.Publisher,Faye.EventEmitter.prototype),Faye.Publisher.trigger=Faye.Publisher.emit,Faye.Timeouts={addTimeout:function(e,t,n,i){if(this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{},!this._timeouts.hasOwnProperty(e)){var r=this;this._timeouts[e]=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){delete r._timeouts[e],n.call(i)},1e3*t)}},removeTimeout:function(e){this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{};var t=this._timeouts[e];t&&(Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(t),delete this._timeouts[e])},removeAllTimeouts:function(){this._timeouts=this._timeouts||{};for(var e in this._timeouts)this.removeTimeout(e)}},Faye.Logging={LOG_LEVELS:{fatal:4,error:3,warn:2,info:1,debug:0},writeLog:function(e,t){if(Faye.logger){var n=Array.prototype.slice.apply(e),i="[Faye",r=this.className,s=n.shift().replace(/\?/g,function(){try{return Faye.toJSON(n.shift())}catch(e){return"[Object]"}});for(var o in Faye)r||"function"==typeof Faye[o]&&this instanceof Faye[o]&&(r=o);r&&(i+="."+r),i+="] ","function"==typeof Faye.logger[t]?Faye.logger[t](i+s):"function"==typeof Faye.logger&&Faye.logger(i+s)}}},function(){for(var e in Faye.Logging.LOG_LEVELS)(function(e){Faye.Logging[e]=function(){this.writeLog(arguments,e)}})(e)}(),Faye.Grammar={CHANNEL_NAME:/^\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+(\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+)*$/,CHANNEL_PATTERN:/^(\/(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)))+)*\/\*{1,2}$/,ERROR:/^([0-9][0-9][0-9]:(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*(,(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*)*:(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*|[0-9][0-9][0-9]::(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|(\-|\_|\!|\~|\(|\)|\$|\@)| |\/|\*|\.))*)$/,VERSION:/^([0-9])+(\.(([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])(((([a-z]|[A-Z])|[0-9])|\-|\_))*)*$/},Faye.Extensible={addExtension:function(e){this._extensions=this._extensions||[],this._extensions.push(e),e.added&&e.added(this)},removeExtension:function(e){if(this._extensions)for(var t=this._extensions.length;t--;)this._extensions[t]===e&&(this._extensions.splice(t,1),e.removed&&e.removed(this))},pipeThroughExtensions:function(e,t,n,i,r){if(this.debug("Passing through ? extensions: ?",e,t),!this._extensions)return i.call(r,t);var s=this._extensions.slice(),o=function(t){if(!t)return i.call(r,t);var a=s.shift();if(!a)return i.call(r,t);var c=a[e];return c?(c.length>=3?a[e](t,n,o):a[e](t,o),void 0):o(t)};o(t)}},Faye.extend(Faye.Extensible,Faye.Logging),Faye.Channel=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e){this.id=this.name=e},push:function(e){this.trigger("message",e)},isUnused:function(){return 0===this.countListeners("message")}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Channel.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Channel,{HANDSHAKE:"/meta/handshake",CONNECT:"/meta/connect",SUBSCRIBE:"/meta/subscribe",UNSUBSCRIBE:"/meta/unsubscribe",DISCONNECT:"/meta/disconnect",META:"meta",SERVICE:"service",expand:function(e){var t=this.parse(e),n=["/**",e],i=t.slice();i[i.length-1]="*",n.push(this.unparse(i));for(var r=1,s=t.length;s>r;r++)i=t.slice(0,r),i.push("**"),n.push(this.unparse(i));return n},isValid:function(e){return Faye.Grammar.CHANNEL_NAME.test(e)||Faye.Grammar.CHANNEL_PATTERN.test(e)},parse:function(e){return this.isValid(e)?e.split("/").slice(1):null},unparse:function(e){return"/"+e.join("/")},isMeta:function(e){var t=this.parse(e);return t?t[0]===this.META:null},isService:function(e){var t=this.parse(e); +return t?t[0]===this.SERVICE:null},isSubscribable:function(e){return this.isValid(e)?!this.isMeta(e)&&!this.isService(e):null},Set:Faye.Class({initialize:function(){this._channels={}},getKeys:function(){var e=[];for(var t in this._channels)e.push(t);return e},remove:function(e){delete this._channels[e]},hasSubscription:function(e){return this._channels.hasOwnProperty(e)},subscribe:function(e,t,n){for(var i,r=0,s=e.length;s>r;r++){i=e[r];var o=this._channels[i]=this._channels[i]||new Faye.Channel(i);t&&o.bind("message",t,n)}},unsubscribe:function(e,t,n){var i=this._channels[e];return i?(i.unbind("message",t,n),i.isUnused()?(this.remove(e),!0):!1):!1},distributeMessage:function(e){for(var t=Faye.Channel.expand(e.channel),n=0,i=t.length;i>n;n++){var r=this._channels[t[n]];r&&r.trigger("message",e.data)}}})}),Faye.Publication=Faye.Class(Faye.Deferrable),Faye.Subscription=Faye.Class({initialize:function(e,t,n,i){this._client=e,this._channels=t,this._callback=n,this._context=i,this._cancelled=!1},cancel:function(){this._cancelled||(this._client.unsubscribe(this._channels,this._callback,this._context),this._cancelled=!0)},unsubscribe:function(){this.cancel()}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Subscription.prototype,Faye.Deferrable),Faye.Client=Faye.Class({UNCONNECTED:1,CONNECTING:2,CONNECTED:3,DISCONNECTED:4,HANDSHAKE:"handshake",RETRY:"retry",NONE:"none",CONNECTION_TIMEOUT:60,DEFAULT_ENDPOINT:"/bayeux",INTERVAL:0,initialize:function(e,t){this.info("New client created for ?",e),t=t||{},Faye.validateOptions(t,["interval","timeout","endpoints","proxy","retry","scheduler","websocketExtensions","tls","ca"]),this._endpoint=e||this.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT,this._channels=new Faye.Channel.Set,this._dispatcher=new Faye.Dispatcher(this,this._endpoint,t),this._messageId=0,this._state=this.UNCONNECTED,this._responseCallbacks={},this._advice={reconnect:this.RETRY,interval:1e3*(t.interval||this.INTERVAL),timeout:1e3*(t.timeout||this.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)},this._dispatcher.timeout=this._advice.timeout/1e3,this._dispatcher.bind("message",this._receiveMessage,this),Faye.Event&&void 0!==Faye.ENV.onbeforeunload&&Faye.Event.on(Faye.ENV,"beforeunload",function(){Faye.indexOf(this._dispatcher._disabled,"autodisconnect")<0&&this.disconnect()},this)},addWebsocketExtension:function(e){return this._dispatcher.addWebsocketExtension(e)},disable:function(e){return this._dispatcher.disable(e)},setHeader:function(e,t){return this._dispatcher.setHeader(e,t)},handshake:function(e,t){if(this._advice.reconnect!==this.NONE&&this._state===this.UNCONNECTED){this._state=this.CONNECTING;var n=this;this.info("Initiating handshake with ?",Faye.URI.stringify(this._endpoint)),this._dispatcher.selectTransport(Faye.MANDATORY_CONNECTION_TYPES),this._sendMessage({channel:Faye.Channel.HANDSHAKE,version:Faye.BAYEUX_VERSION,supportedConnectionTypes:this._dispatcher.getConnectionTypes()},{},function(i){i.successful?(this._state=this.CONNECTED,this._dispatcher.clientId=i.clientId,this._dispatcher.selectTransport(i.supportedConnectionTypes),this.info("Handshake successful: ?",this._dispatcher.clientId),this.subscribe(this._channels.getKeys(),!0),e&&Faye.Promise.defer(function(){e.call(t)})):(this.info("Handshake unsuccessful"),Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n.handshake(e,t)},1e3*this._dispatcher.retry),this._state=this.UNCONNECTED)},this)}},connect:function(e,t){if(this._advice.reconnect!==this.NONE&&this._state!==this.DISCONNECTED){if(this._state===this.UNCONNECTED)return this.handshake(function(){this.connect(e,t)},this);this.callback(e,t),this._state===this.CONNECTED&&(this.info("Calling deferred actions for 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this.subscribe(e,t,n)},this);var i=new Faye.Subscription(this,e,t,n),r=t===!0,s=this._channels.hasSubscription(e);return s&&!r?(this._channels.subscribe([e],t,n),i.setDeferredStatus("succeeded"),i):(this.connect(function(){this.info("Client ? attempting to subscribe to ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e),r||this._channels.subscribe([e],t,n),this._sendMessage({channel:Faye.Channel.SUBSCRIBE,clientId:this._dispatcher.clientId,subscription:e},{},function(r){if(!r.successful)return i.setDeferredStatus("failed",Faye.Error.parse(r.error)),this._channels.unsubscribe(e,t,n);var s=[].concat(r.subscription);this.info("Subscription acknowledged for ? to ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,s),i.setDeferredStatus("succeeded")},this)},this),i)},unsubscribe:function(e,t,n){if(e instanceof Array)return Faye.map(e,function(e){return this.unsubscribe(e,t,n)},this);var i=this._channels.unsubscribe(e,t,n);i&&this.connect(function(){this.info("Client ? attempting to unsubscribe from 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r=this._advice.timeout?1.2*this._advice.timeout/1e3:1.2*this._dispatcher.retry;this.pipeThroughExtensions("outgoing",e,null,function(e){e&&(n&&(this._responseCallbacks[e.id]=[n,i]),this._dispatcher.sendMessage(e,r,t||{}))},this)},_generateMessageId:function(){return this._messageId+=1,this._messageId>=Math.pow(2,32)&&(this._messageId=0),this._messageId.toString(36)},_receiveMessage:function(e){var t,n=e.id;void 0!==e.successful&&(t=this._responseCallbacks[n],delete this._responseCallbacks[n]),this.pipeThroughExtensions("incoming",e,null,function(e){e&&(e.advice&&this._handleAdvice(e.advice),this._deliverMessage(e),t&&t[0].call(t[1],e))},this)},_handleAdvice:function(e){Faye.extend(this._advice,e),this._dispatcher.timeout=this._advice.timeout/1e3,this._advice.reconnect===this.HANDSHAKE&&this._state!==this.DISCONNECTED&&(this._state=this.UNCONNECTED,this._dispatcher.clientId=null,this._cycleConnection())},_deliverMessage:function(e){e.channel&&void 0!==e.data&&(this.info("Client ? calling listeners for ? with ?",this._dispatcher.clientId,e.channel,e.data),this._channels.distributeMessage(e))},_cycleConnection:function(){this._connectRequest&&(this._connectRequest=null,this.info("Closed connection for ?",this._dispatcher.clientId));var e=this;Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){e.connect()},this._advice.interval)}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Deferrable),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.extend(Faye.Client.prototype,Faye.Extensible),Faye.Dispatcher=Faye.Class({MAX_REQUEST_SIZE:2048,DEFAULT_RETRY:5,UP:1,DOWN:2,initialize:function(e,t,n){this._client=e,this.endpoint=Faye.URI.parse(t),this._alternates=n.endpoints||{},this.cookies=Faye.Cookies&&new 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Faye.Transport.getConnectionTypes()},selectTransport:function(e){Faye.Transport.get(this,e,this._disabled,function(e){this.debug("Selected ? transport for ?",e.connectionType,Faye.URI.stringify(e.endpoint)),e!==this._transport&&(this._transport&&this._transport.close(),this._transport=e,this.connectionType=e.connectionType)},this)},sendMessage:function(e,t,n){n=n||{};var i,r=e.id,s=n.attempts,o=n.deadline&&(new Date).getTime()+1e3*n.deadline,a=this._envelopes[r];a||(i=new this._scheduler(e,{timeout:t,interval:this.retry,attempts:s,deadline:o}),a=this._envelopes[r]={message:e,scheduler:i}),this._sendEnvelope(a)},_sendEnvelope:function(e){if(this._transport&&!e.request&&!e.timer){var t=e.message,n=e.scheduler,i=this;if(!n.isDeliverable())return n.abort(),delete this._envelopes[t.id],void 0;e.timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){i.handleError(t)},1e3*n.getTimeout()),n.send(),e.request=this._transport.sendMessage(t)}},handleResponse:function(e){var t=this._envelopes[e.id];void 0!==e.successful&&t&&(t.scheduler.succeed(),delete this._envelopes[e.id],Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(t.timer)),this.trigger("message",e),this._state!==this.UP&&(this._state=this.UP,this._client.trigger("transport:up"))},handleError:function(e,t){var n=this._envelopes[e.id],i=n&&n.request,r=this;if(i){i.then(function(e){e&&e.abort&&e.abort()});var s=n.scheduler;s.fail(),Faye.ENV.clearTimeout(n.timer),n.request=n.timer=null,t?this._sendEnvelope(n):n.timer=Faye.ENV.setTimeout(function(){n.timer=null,r._sendEnvelope(n)},1e3*s.getInterval()),this._state!==this.DOWN&&(this._state=this.DOWN,this._client.trigger("transport:down"))}}}),Faye.extend(Faye.Dispatcher.prototype,Faye.Publisher),Faye.extend(Faye.Dispatcher.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.Scheduler=function(e,t){this.message=e,this.options=t,this.attempts=0},Faye.extend(Faye.Scheduler.prototype,{getTimeout:function(){return this.options.timeout},getInterval:function(){return this.options.interval},isDeliverable:function(){var 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e[0]})},_transports:[]}),Faye.extend(Faye.Transport.prototype,Faye.Logging),Faye.extend(Faye.Transport.prototype,Faye.Timeouts),Faye.Event={_registry:[],on:function(e,t,n,i){var r=function(){n.call(i)};e.addEventListener?e.addEventListener(t,r,!1):e.attachEvent("on"+t,r),this._registry.push({_element:e,_type:t,_callback:n,_context:i,_handler:r})},detach:function(e,t,n,i){for(var r,s=this._registry.length;s--;)r=this._registry[s],e&&e!==r._element||t&&t!==r._type||n&&n!==r._callback||i&&i!==r._context||(r._element.removeEventListener?r._element.removeEventListener(r._type,r._handler,!1):r._element.detachEvent("on"+r._type,r._handler),this._registry.splice(s,1),r=null)}},void 0!==Faye.ENV.onunload&&Faye.Event.on(Faye.ENV,"unload",Faye.Event.detach,Faye.Event),"object"!=typeof JSON&&(JSON={}),function(){function f(e){return 10>e?"0"+e:e}function quote(e){return escapable.lastIndex=0,escapable.test(e)?'"'+e.replace(escapable,function(e){var t=meta[e];return"string"==typeof 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t=null;try{t=JSON.parse(i.responseText)}catch(n){}a(),t?o._receive(t):o._handleError(e)},i.onerror=i.ontimeout=function(){a(),o._handleError(e)},i.onprogress=function(){},n===Faye.ENV.XDomainRequest&&Faye.Transport.CORS._pending.add({id:r,xhr:i}),i.send(this.encode(e)),i}}),{_id:0,_pending:new Faye.Set,isUsable:function(e,t,n,i){if(Faye.URI.isSameOrigin(t))return n.call(i,!1);if(Faye.ENV.XDomainRequest)return n.call(i,t.protocol===Faye.ENV.location.protocol);if(Faye.ENV.XMLHttpRequest){var r=new Faye.ENV.XMLHttpRequest;return n.call(i,void 0!==r.withCredentials)}return n.call(i,!1)}}),Faye.Transport.register("cross-origin-long-polling",Faye.Transport.CORS),Faye.Transport.JSONP=Faye.extend(Faye.Class(Faye.Transport,{encode:function(e){var t=Faye.copyObject(this.endpoint);return t.query.message=Faye.toJSON(e),t.query.jsonp="__jsonp"+Faye.Transport.JSONP._cbCount+"__",Faye.URI.stringify(t)},request:function(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("script"),i=Faye.Transport.JSONP.getCallbackName(),r=Faye.copyObject(this.endpoint),s=this;r.query.message=Faye.toJSON(e),r.query.jsonp=i;var o=function(){if(!Faye.ENV[i])return!1;Faye.ENV[i]=void 0;try{delete Faye.ENV[i]}catch(e){}n.parentNode.removeChild(n)};return Faye.ENV[i]=function(e){o(),s._receive(e)},n.type="text/javascript",n.src=Faye.URI.stringify(r),t.appendChild(n),n.onerror=function(){o(),s._handleError(e)},{abort:o}}}),{_cbCount:0,getCallbackName:function(){return this._cbCount+=1,"__jsonp"+this._cbCount+"__"},isUsable:function(e,t,n,i){n.call(i,!0)}}),Faye.Transport.register("callback-polling",Faye.Transport.JSONP)}()}).call(exports,function(){return this}(),__webpack_require__(12).setImmediate,__webpack_require__(1))},function(e,t,n){(function(e,i){function r(e,t){this._id=e,this._clearFn=t}var s=n(1).nextTick,o=Function.prototype.apply,a=Array.prototype.slice,c={},u=0;t.setTimeout=function(){return new r(o.call(setTimeout,window,arguments),clearTimeout)},t.setInterval=function(){return new r(o.call(setInterval,window,arguments),clearInterval)},t.clearTimeout=t.clearInterval=function(e){e.close()},r.prototype.unref=r.prototype.ref=function(){},r.prototype.close=function(){this._clearFn.call(window,this._id)},t.enroll=function(e,t){clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId),e._idleTimeout=t},t.unenroll=function(e){clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId),e._idleTimeout=-1},t._unrefActive=t.active=function(e){clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId);var t=e._idleTimeout;t>=0&&(e._idleTimeoutId=setTimeout(function(){e._onTimeout&&e._onTimeout()},t))},t.setImmediate="function"==typeof e?e:function(e){var n=u++,i=arguments.length<2?!1:a.call(arguments,1);return c[n]=!0,s(function(){c[n]&&(i?e.apply(null,i):e.call(null),t.clearImmediate(n))}),n},t.clearImmediate="function"==typeof i?i:function(e){delete c[e]}}).call(t,n(12).setImmediate,n(12).clearImmediate)}])}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 506ff3ac..061e8b96 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ "version": "2.2.2", "browser": { "request": "browser-request", - "faye": "./node_modules/faye/faye-browser.js", "crypto": false, - "jsonwebtoken": false + "jsonwebtoken": false, + "./batch_operations": false }, "config": { "blanket": { @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ "babel-loader": "^5.3.2", "blanket": "~1.1.6", "bluebird": "^2.1.3", - "browser-request": "git://github.com/iriscouch/browser-request", "connect": "^3.0.1", "coveralls": "~2.10.1", "expect.js": "~0.3.1", @@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ "Base64": "^0.3.0", "browser-request": "^0.3.3", "faye": "^1.0.1", + "http-signature": "^1.0.2", "jsonwebtoken": "^5.0.1", "request": "2.63.0" }, diff --git a/src/lib/batch_operations.js b/src/lib/batch_operations.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa2c4240 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/lib/batch_operations.js @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +var httpSignature = require('http-signature'); +var request = require('request'); + +module.exports = { + addToMany: function(activity, feeds, callback) { + var req = this.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'feed/add_to_many/', + body: { + 'activity': activity, + 'feeds': feeds + } + }, callback); + + return req; + }, + + followMany: function(follows, callback) { + var req = this.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'follow_many/', + body: follows + }, callback); + + return req; + }, + + makeSignedRequest: function(kwargs, cb) { + if(!this.apiSecret) { + throw new errors.SiteError('Missing secret, which is needed to perform signed requests, use var client = stream.connect(key, secret);'); + } + + this.send('request', 'post', kwargs, cb); + + kwargs.url = this.enrichUrl(kwargs.url); + kwargs.json = true; + kwargs.method = 'POST'; + kwargs.headers = { 'X-Api-Key' : this.apiKey }; + + var callback = this.wrapCallback(cb); + var req = request(kwargs, callback); + + httpSignature.sign(req, { + algorithm: 'hmac-sha256', + key: this.apiSecret, + keyId: this.apiKey + }); + + return request; + } +}; diff --git a/src/lib/client.js b/src/lib/client.js index af57edf7..a39cf7c5 100644 --- a/src/lib/client.js +++ b/src/lib/client.js @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ var request = require('request'); var StreamFeed = require('./feed'); var signing = require('./signing'); +var httpSignature = require('http-signature'); var errors = require('./errors'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var utils = require('./utils'); +var BatchOperations = require('./batch_operations'); var StreamClient = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); @@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ StreamClient.prototype = { this.fayeUrl = 'http://localhost:9999/faye/'; } this.handlers = {}; - this.browser = typeof(window) != 'undefined'; + this.browser = typeof(window) !== 'undefined'; this.node = !this.browser; if (this.browser && this.apiSecret) { @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ StreamClient.prototype = { } }, + wrapCallback: function(cb) { var client = this; @@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ StreamClient.prototype = { } utils.validateFeedSlug(feedSlug); - utils.validateUserId(userId); + utils.validateUserId(userId); // raise an error if there is no token if (!this.apiSecret && !token) { @@ -286,7 +289,17 @@ StreamClient.prototype = { kwargs.method = 'DELETE'; var callback = this.wrapCallback(cb); return request(kwargs, callback); - } + }, + }; +// If we are in a node environment and batchOperations is available add the methods to the prototype of StreamClient +if(BatchOperations) { + for(var key in BatchOperations) { + if(BatchOperations.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + StreamClient.prototype[key] = BatchOperations[key]; + } + } +} + module.exports = StreamClient; diff --git a/test/browser/browser.js b/test/browser/browser.js index deacbc71..4cbf2165 100644 --- a/test/browser/browser.js +++ b/test/browser/browser.js @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var integrationTests = __webpack_require__(1); - var unitTests = __webpack_require__(89); + var unitTests = __webpack_require__(104); /***/ }, @@ -54,8 +54,11 @@ /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {var expect = __webpack_require__(3); var Faye = __webpack_require__(9); + var erros = __webpack_require__(11); var node = typeof(stream) == 'undefined'; + var READ_TIMEOUT = 2000; + describe('Stream client', function () { /* * Run these tests @@ -83,7 +86,7 @@ } if (node) { // we arent in a browser - stream = __webpack_require__(11); + stream = __webpack_require__(12); } console.log('node is set to ', node); errors = stream.errors; @@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ expect(response.statusCode).to.eql(200); expect(body['results'][0]['id']).to.be.a('string'); if (node) { - var userAgent = response.req._headers['user-agent']; + var userAgent = response.req._headers['x-stream-client']; expect(userAgent.indexOf('stream-javascript-client')).to.eql(0); } done(); @@ -384,7 +387,7 @@ it('follow', function (done) { var activityId = null; - this.timeout(6000); + this.timeout(9000); function add() { var activity = {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'add', 'object': 1}; user1.addActivity(activity, follow); @@ -401,7 +404,7 @@ done(); }); } - setTimeout(check, 1000); + setTimeout(check, READ_TIMEOUT); } add(); }); @@ -434,7 +437,7 @@ expect(activityFound).to.not.eql(activityId); done(); }); - }, 1000); + }, READ_TIMEOUT); } add(); }); @@ -687,26 +690,37 @@ it('fayeSubscribeScope', function (done) { this.timeout(6000); var client = user1ReadOnly.getFayeClient(); - var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(function callback() { - done(); - }); - subscription.then(function() { - done(); - }); + var isDone = false; + + var doneYet = function() { + if(!isDone) { + done(); + isDone = true; + } + } + + var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(doneYet); + subscription.then(doneYet); }); it('fayeSubscribeScopeTampered', function (done) { this.timeout(6000); var client = user1ReadOnly.getFayeClient(); - var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(function callback() { - done(); - }); - subscription.then(function() { - done(); - }); + var isDone = false; + + var doneYet = function() { + if(!isDone) { + done(); + isDone = true; + } + } + var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(doneYet); + subscription.then(doneYet); }); it('fayeSubscribeError', function (done) { + this.timeout(6000); + var client = stream.connect('5crf3bhfzesn'); function sub() { var user1 = client.feed('user', '11', 'secret'); @@ -718,6 +732,83 @@ done(); }); + var wrapCB = function(expectedStatusCode, done, cb) { + return function(error, response, body) { + if(error) return done(error); + expect(response.statusCode).to.be(expectedStatusCode); + + if( typeof cb === 'function') { + cb.apply(cb, arguments); + } else { + done(); + } + } + }; + + if(node) { + // Server side specific tests + + it('supports application level authentication', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + client.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'test/auth/digest/' + }, wrapCB(200, done)); + }); + + it('fails application level authentication with wrong keys', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + var client = stream.connect('aap','noot'); + + client.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'test/auth/digest/' + }, function(error, response, body) { + if(error) done(error); + if(body.exception === 'ApiKeyException') done(); + }); + }); + + it('supports adding activity to multiple feeds', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + var activity = { + 'actor': 'user:11', + 'verb': 'like', + 'object': '000' + }; + var feeds = ['flat:33', 'user:11']; + + client.addToMany(activity, feeds, wrapCB(201, done)); + }); + + it('supports batch following', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + var follows = [ + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:1'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:2'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:3'} + ]; + + client.followMany(follows, wrapCB(201, done)); + }); + + it('no secret application auth', function() { + var client = stream.connect('ahj2ndz7gsan'); + + expect(function() { + client.addToMany({},[]) + }).to.throwError(function(e) { + expect(e).to.be.a(errors.SiteError); + }); + }); + } else { + // Client side specific tests + + it('shouldn\'t support signed requests on the client', function() { + expect(client.makeSignedRequest).to.be(undefined); + }); + } }); @@ -6801,6 +6892,48 @@ /***/ }, /* 11 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + var errors = module.exports; + + var canCapture = ( typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function'); + var canStack = !!(new Error()).stack; + + function ErrorAbstract(msg, constructor) { + this.message = msg; + + Error.call(this, this.message); + + if (canCapture) { + Error.captureStackTrace(this, constructor); + } else if (canStack) { + this.stack = (new Error()).stack; + } else { + this.stack = ''; + } + } + + errors._Abstract = ErrorAbstract; + ErrorAbstract.prototype = new Error(); + + /** + * FeedError + * @param {String} [msg] - An error message that will probably end up in a log. + */ + errors.FeedError = function FeedError(msg) { + ErrorAbstract.call(this, msg); + }; + errors.FeedError.prototype = new ErrorAbstract(); + + errors.SiteError = function SiteError(msg) { + ErrorAbstract.call(this, msg); + }; + errors.SiteError.prototype = new ErrorAbstract(); + + + +/***/ }, +/* 12 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) { @@ -6808,9 +6941,9 @@ // Author: Thierry Schellenbach // BSD License - var StreamClient = __webpack_require__(12); - var errors = __webpack_require__(15); - var request = __webpack_require__(13); + var StreamClient = __webpack_require__(13); + var errors = __webpack_require__(11); + var request = __webpack_require__(14); function connect(apiKey, apiSecret, appId, options) { /* @@ -6849,15 +6982,17 @@ /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) /***/ }, -/* 12 */ +/* 13 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {var request = __webpack_require__(13); - var StreamFeed = __webpack_require__(14); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {var request = __webpack_require__(14); + var StreamFeed = __webpack_require__(15); var signing = __webpack_require__(17); - var errors = __webpack_require__(15); + var httpSignature = __webpack_require__(21); + var errors = __webpack_require__(11); var crypto = __webpack_require__(18); var utils = __webpack_require__(16); + var BatchOperations = __webpack_require__(103); var StreamClient = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); @@ -6896,7 +7031,7 @@ this.fayeUrl = 'http://localhost:9999/faye/'; } this.handlers = {}; - this.browser = typeof(window) != 'undefined'; + this.browser = typeof(window) !== 'undefined'; this.node = !this.browser; if (this.browser && this.apiSecret) { @@ -6940,6 +7075,7 @@ } }, + wrapCallback: function(cb) { var client = this; @@ -7001,7 +7137,7 @@ } utils.validateFeedSlug(feedSlug); - utils.validateUserId(userId); + utils.validateUserId(userId); // raise an error if there is no token if (!this.apiSecret && !token) { @@ -7140,15 +7276,25 @@ kwargs.method = 'DELETE'; var callback = this.wrapCallback(cb); return request(kwargs, callback); - } + }, + }; + // If we are in a node environment and batchOperations is available add the methods to the prototype of StreamClient + if(BatchOperations) { + for(var key in BatchOperations) { + if(BatchOperations.hasOwnProperty(key)) { + StreamClient.prototype[key] = BatchOperations[key]; + } + } + } + module.exports = StreamClient; /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) /***/ }, -/* 13 */ +/* 14 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;// Browser Request @@ -7648,10 +7794,10 @@ /***/ }, -/* 14 */ +/* 15 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var errors = __webpack_require__(15); + var errors = __webpack_require__(11); var utils = __webpack_require__(16); var StreamFeed = function() { @@ -7858,53 +8004,11 @@ module.exports = StreamFeed; -/***/ }, -/* 15 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { - - var errors = module.exports; - - var canCapture = ( typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function'); - var canStack = !!(new Error()).stack; - - function ErrorAbstract(msg, constructor) { - this.message = msg; - - Error.call(this, this.message); - - if (canCapture) { - Error.captureStackTrace(this, constructor); - } else if (canStack) { - this.stack = (new Error()).stack; - } else { - this.stack = ''; - } - } - - errors._Abstract = ErrorAbstract; - ErrorAbstract.prototype = new Error(); - - /** - * FeedError - * @param {String} [msg] - An error message that will probably end up in a log. - */ - errors.FeedError = function FeedError(msg) { - ErrorAbstract.call(this, msg); - }; - errors.FeedError.prototype = new ErrorAbstract(); - - errors.SiteError = function SiteError(msg) { - ErrorAbstract.call(this, msg); - }; - errors.SiteError.prototype = new ErrorAbstract(); - - - /***/ }, /* 16 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var errors = __webpack_require__(15); + var errors = __webpack_require__(11); var validRe = /^[\w-]+$/; @@ -7957,9 +8061,9 @@ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var crypto = __webpack_require__(18); - var jwt = __webpack_require__(36); + var jwt = __webpack_require__(19); var JWS_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?$/; - var Base64 = __webpack_require__(88); + var Base64 = __webpack_require__(20); function makeUrlSafe(s) { /* @@ -8062,384 +8166,1058 @@ /***/ }, /* 18 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var rng = __webpack_require__(19) - - function error () { - var m = [].slice.call(arguments).join(' ') - throw new Error([ - m, - 'we accept pull requests', - 'http://github.com/dominictarr/crypto-browserify' - ].join('\n')) - } - - exports.createHash = __webpack_require__(21) - - exports.createHmac = __webpack_require__(33) - - exports.randomBytes = function(size, callback) { - if (callback && callback.call) { - try { - callback.call(this, undefined, new Buffer(rng(size))) - } catch (err) { callback(err) } - } else { - return new Buffer(rng(size)) - } - } - - function each(a, f) { - for(var i in a) - f(a[i], i) - } - - exports.getHashes = function () { - return ['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512', 'md5', 'rmd160'] - } - - var p = __webpack_require__(34)(exports) - exports.pbkdf2 = p.pbkdf2 - exports.pbkdf2Sync = p.pbkdf2Sync - - - // the least I can do is make error messages for the rest of the node.js/crypto api. - each(['createCredentials' - , 'createCipher' - , 'createCipheriv' - , 'createDecipher' - , 'createDecipheriv' - , 'createSign' - , 'createVerify' - , 'createDiffieHellman' - ], function (name) { - exports[name] = function () { - error('sorry,', name, 'is not implemented yet') - } - }) +/***/ function(module, exports) { - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + /* (ignored) */ /***/ }, /* 19 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, Buffer) {(function() { - var g = ('undefined' === typeof window ? global : window) || {} - _crypto = ( - g.crypto || g.msCrypto || __webpack_require__(20) - ) - module.exports = function(size) { - // Modern Browsers - if(_crypto.getRandomValues) { - var bytes = new Buffer(size); //in browserify, this is an extended Uint8Array - /* This will not work in older browsers. - * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.crypto.getRandomValues - */ - - _crypto.getRandomValues(bytes); - return bytes; - } - else if (_crypto.randomBytes) { - return _crypto.randomBytes(size) - } - else - throw new Error( - 'secure random number generation not supported by this browser\n'+ - 'use chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11' - ) - } - }()) - - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()), __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - -/***/ }, -/* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { /* (ignored) */ /***/ }, -/* 21 */ +/* 20 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var createHash = __webpack_require__(22) + ;(function () { - var md5 = toConstructor(__webpack_require__(30)) - var rmd160 = toConstructor(__webpack_require__(32)) + var object = true ? exports : this; // #8: web workers + var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; - function toConstructor (fn) { - return function () { - var buffers = [] - var m= { - update: function (data, enc) { - if(!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = new Buffer(data, enc) - buffers.push(data) - return this - }, - digest: function (enc) { - var buf = Buffer.concat(buffers) - var r = fn(buf) - buffers = null - return enc ? r.toString(enc) : r + function InvalidCharacterError(message) { + this.message = message; + } + InvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error; + InvalidCharacterError.prototype.name = 'InvalidCharacterError'; + + // encoder + // [https://gist.github.com/999166] by [https://github.com/nignag] + object.btoa || ( + object.btoa = function (input) { + var str = String(input); + for ( + // initialize result and counter + var block, charCode, idx = 0, map = chars, output = ''; + // if the next str index does not exist: + // change the mapping table to "=" + // check if d has no fractional digits + str.charAt(idx | 0) || (map = '=', idx % 1); + // "8 - idx % 1 * 8" generates the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8 + output += map.charAt(63 & block >> 8 - idx % 1 * 8) + ) { + charCode = str.charCodeAt(idx += 3/4); + if (charCode > 0xFF) { + throw new InvalidCharacterError("'btoa' failed: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range."); } + block = block << 8 | charCode; } - return m - } - } + return output; + }); - module.exports = function (alg) { - if('md5' === alg) return new md5() - if('rmd160' === alg) return new rmd160() - return createHash(alg) - } + // decoder + // [https://gist.github.com/1020396] by [https://github.com/atk] + object.atob || ( + object.atob = function (input) { + var str = String(input).replace(/=+$/, ''); + if (str.length % 4 == 1) { + throw new InvalidCharacterError("'atob' failed: The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."); + } + for ( + // initialize result and counters + var bc = 0, bs, buffer, idx = 0, output = ''; + // get next character + buffer = str.charAt(idx++); + // character found in table? initialize bit storage and add its ascii value; + ~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer, + // and if not first of each 4 characters, + // convert the first 8 bits to one ascii character + bc++ % 4) ? output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0 + ) { + // try to find character in table (0-63, not found => -1) + buffer = chars.indexOf(buffer); + } + return output; + }); + + }()); + + +/***/ }, +/* 21 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + // Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. + + var parser = __webpack_require__(22); + var signer = __webpack_require__(86); + var verify = __webpack_require__(102); + var utils = __webpack_require__(46); + + + + ///--- API + + module.exports = { + + parse: parser.parseRequest, + parseRequest: parser.parseRequest, + + sign: signer.signRequest, + signRequest: signer.signRequest, + createSigner: signer.createSigner, + isSigner: signer.isSigner, + + sshKeyToPEM: utils.sshKeyToPEM, + sshKeyFingerprint: utils.fingerprint, + pemToRsaSSHKey: utils.pemToRsaSSHKey, + + verify: verify.verifySignature, + verifySignature: verify.verifySignature, + verifyHMAC: verify.verifyHMAC + }; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, /* 22 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var exports = module.exports = function (alg) { - var Alg = exports[alg] - if(!Alg) throw new Error(alg + ' is not supported (we accept pull requests)') - return new Alg() + // Copyright 2012 Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. + + var assert = __webpack_require__(23); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); + var utils = __webpack_require__(46); + + + + ///--- Globals + + var HASH_ALGOS = utils.HASH_ALGOS; + var PK_ALGOS = utils.PK_ALGOS; + var HttpSignatureError = utils.HttpSignatureError; + var InvalidAlgorithmError = utils.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var validateAlgorithm = utils.validateAlgorithm; + + var State = { + New: 0, + Params: 1 + }; + + var ParamsState = { + Name: 0, + Quote: 1, + Value: 2, + Comma: 3 + }; + + + ///--- Specific Errors + + + function ExpiredRequestError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, ExpiredRequestError); } + util.inherits(ExpiredRequestError, HttpSignatureError); - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer - var Hash = __webpack_require__(23)(Buffer) - exports.sha1 = __webpack_require__(24)(Buffer, Hash) - exports.sha256 = __webpack_require__(28)(Buffer, Hash) - exports.sha512 = __webpack_require__(29)(Buffer, Hash) + function InvalidHeaderError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, InvalidHeaderError); + } + util.inherits(InvalidHeaderError, HttpSignatureError); -/***/ }, -/* 23 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + function InvalidParamsError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, InvalidParamsError); + } + util.inherits(InvalidParamsError, HttpSignatureError); - module.exports = function (Buffer) { - //prototype class for hash functions - function Hash (blockSize, finalSize) { - this._block = new Buffer(blockSize) //new Uint32Array(blockSize/4) - this._finalSize = finalSize - this._blockSize = blockSize - this._len = 0 - this._s = 0 - } + function MissingHeaderError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, MissingHeaderError); + } + util.inherits(MissingHeaderError, HttpSignatureError); - Hash.prototype.init = function () { - this._s = 0 - this._len = 0 - } + function StrictParsingError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, StrictParsingError); + } + util.inherits(StrictParsingError, HttpSignatureError); - Hash.prototype.update = function (data, enc) { - if ("string" === typeof data) { - enc = enc || "utf8" - data = new Buffer(data, enc) + ///--- Exported API + + module.exports = { + + /** + * Parses the 'Authorization' header out of an http.ServerRequest object. + * + * Note that this API will fully validate the Authorization header, and throw + * on any error. It will not however check the signature, or the keyId format + * as those are specific to your environment. You can use the options object + * to pass in extra constraints. + * + * As a response object you can expect this: + * + * { + * "scheme": "Signature", + * "params": { + * "keyId": "foo", + * "algorithm": "rsa-sha256", + * "headers": [ + * "date" or "x-date", + * "digest" + * ], + * "signature": "base64" + * }, + * "signingString": "ready to be passed to crypto.verify()" + * } + * + * @param {Object} request an http.ServerRequest. + * @param {Object} options an optional options object with: + * - clockSkew: allowed clock skew in seconds (default 300). + * - headers: required header names (def: date or x-date) + * - algorithms: algorithms to support (default: all). + * - strict: should enforce latest spec parsing + * (default: false). + * @return {Object} parsed out object (see above). + * @throws {TypeError} on invalid input. + * @throws {InvalidHeaderError} on an invalid Authorization header error. + * @throws {InvalidParamsError} if the params in the scheme are invalid. + * @throws {MissingHeaderError} if the params indicate a header not present, + * either in the request headers from the params, + * or not in the params from a required header + * in options. + * @throws {StrictParsingError} if old attributes are used in strict parsing + * mode. + * @throws {ExpiredRequestError} if the value of date or x-date exceeds skew. + */ + parseRequest: function parseRequest(request, options) { + assert.object(request, 'request'); + assert.object(request.headers, 'request.headers'); + if (options === undefined) { + options = {}; } + if (options.headers === undefined) { + options.headers = [request.headers['x-date'] ? 'x-date' : 'date']; + } + assert.object(options, 'options'); + assert.arrayOfString(options.headers, 'options.headers'); + assert.optionalNumber(options.clockSkew, 'options.clockSkew'); - var l = this._len += data.length - var s = this._s = (this._s || 0) - var f = 0 - var buffer = this._block + if (!request.headers.authorization) + throw new MissingHeaderError('no authorization header present in ' + + 'the request'); - while (s < l) { - var t = Math.min(data.length, f + this._blockSize - (s % this._blockSize)) - var ch = (t - f) + options.clockSkew = options.clockSkew || 300; - for (var i = 0; i < ch; i++) { - buffer[(s % this._blockSize) + i] = data[i + f] + + var i = 0; + var state = State.New; + var substate = ParamsState.Name; + var tmpName = ''; + var tmpValue = ''; + + var parsed = { + scheme: '', + params: {}, + signingString: '', + + get algorithm() { + return this.params.algorithm.toUpperCase(); + }, + + get keyId() { + return this.params.keyId; } + }; - s += ch - f += ch + var authz = request.headers.authorization; + for (i = 0; i < authz.length; i++) { + var c = authz.charAt(i); - if ((s % this._blockSize) === 0) { - this._update(buffer) + switch (Number(state)) { + + case State.New: + if (c !== ' ') parsed.scheme += c; + else state = State.Params; + break; + + case State.Params: + switch (Number(substate)) { + + case ParamsState.Name: + var code = c.charCodeAt(0); + // restricted name of A-Z / a-z + if ((code >= 0x41 && code <= 0x5a) || // A-Z + (code >= 0x61 && code <= 0x7a)) { // a-z + tmpName += c; + } else if (c === '=') { + if (tmpName.length === 0) + throw new InvalidHeaderError('bad param format'); + substate = ParamsState.Quote; + } else { + throw new InvalidHeaderError('bad param format'); + } + break; + + case ParamsState.Quote: + if (c === '"') { + tmpValue = ''; + substate = ParamsState.Value; + } else { + throw new InvalidHeaderError('bad param format'); + } + break; + + case ParamsState.Value: + if (c === '"') { + parsed.params[tmpName] = tmpValue; + substate = ParamsState.Comma; + } else { + tmpValue += c; + } + break; + + case ParamsState.Comma: + if (c === ',') { + tmpName = ''; + substate = ParamsState.Name; + } else { + throw new InvalidHeaderError('bad param format'); + } + break; + + default: + throw new Error('Invalid substate'); + } + break; + + default: + throw new Error('Invalid substate'); } + } - this._s = s - return this - } + if (!parsed.params.headers || parsed.params.headers === '') { + if (request.headers['x-date']) { + parsed.params.headers = ['x-date']; + } else { + parsed.params.headers = ['date']; + } + } else { + parsed.params.headers = parsed.params.headers.split(' '); + } - Hash.prototype.digest = function (enc) { - // Suppose the length of the message M, in bits, is l - var l = this._len * 8 + // Minimally validate the parsed object + if (!parsed.scheme || parsed.scheme !== 'Signature') + throw new InvalidHeaderError('scheme was not "Signature"'); - // Append the bit 1 to the end of the message - this._block[this._len % this._blockSize] = 0x80 + if (!parsed.params.keyId) + throw new InvalidHeaderError('keyId was not specified'); - // and then k zero bits, where k is the smallest non-negative solution to the equation (l + 1 + k) === finalSize mod blockSize - this._block.fill(0, this._len % this._blockSize + 1) + if (!parsed.params.algorithm) + throw new InvalidHeaderError('algorithm was not specified'); - if (l % (this._blockSize * 8) >= this._finalSize * 8) { - this._update(this._block) - this._block.fill(0) + if (!parsed.params.signature) + throw new InvalidHeaderError('signature was not specified'); + + // Check the algorithm against the official list + parsed.params.algorithm = parsed.params.algorithm.toLowerCase(); + try { + validateAlgorithm(parsed.params.algorithm); + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof InvalidAlgorithmError) + throw (new InvalidParamsError(parsed.params.algorithm + ' is not ' + + 'supported')); + else + throw (e); + } + + // Build the signingString + for (i = 0; i < parsed.params.headers.length; i++) { + var h = parsed.params.headers[i].toLowerCase(); + parsed.params.headers[i] = h; + + if (h === 'request-line') { + if (!options.strict) { + /* + * We allow headers from the older spec drafts if strict parsing isn't + * specified in options. + */ + parsed.signingString += + request.method + ' ' + request.url + ' HTTP/' + request.httpVersion; + } else { + /* Strict parsing doesn't allow older draft headers. */ + throw (new StrictParsingError('request-line is not a valid header ' + + 'with strict parsing enabled.')); + } + } else if (h === '(request-target)') { + parsed.signingString += + '(request-target): ' + request.method.toLowerCase() + ' ' + + request.url; + } else { + var value = request.headers[h]; + if (value === undefined) + throw new MissingHeaderError(h + ' was not in the request'); + parsed.signingString += h + ': ' + value; + } + + if ((i + 1) < parsed.params.headers.length) + parsed.signingString += '\n'; } - // to this append the block which is equal to the number l written in binary - // TODO: handle case where l is > Math.pow(2, 29) - this._block.writeInt32BE(l, this._blockSize - 4) + // Check against the constraints + var date; + if (request.headers.date || request.headers['x-date']) { + if (request.headers['x-date']) { + date = new Date(request.headers['x-date']); + } else { + date = new Date(request.headers.date); + } + var now = new Date(); + var skew = Math.abs(now.getTime() - date.getTime()); + + if (skew > options.clockSkew * 1000) { + throw new ExpiredRequestError('clock skew of ' + + (skew / 1000) + + 's was greater than ' + + options.clockSkew + 's'); + } + } - var hash = this._update(this._block) || this._hash() + options.headers.forEach(function (hdr) { + // Remember that we already checked any headers in the params + // were in the request, so if this passes we're good. + if (parsed.params.headers.indexOf(hdr) < 0) + throw new MissingHeaderError(hdr + ' was not a signed header'); + }); - return enc ? hash.toString(enc) : hash - } + if (options.algorithms) { + if (options.algorithms.indexOf(parsed.params.algorithm) === -1) + throw new InvalidParamsError(parsed.params.algorithm + + ' is not a supported algorithm'); + } - Hash.prototype._update = function () { - throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass') + return parsed; } - return Hash - } + }; /***/ }, -/* 24 */ +/* 23 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /* - * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, as defined - * in FIPS PUB 180-1 - * Version 2.1a Copyright Paul Johnston 2000 - 2002. - * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet - * Distributed under the BSD License - * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for details. - */ + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process, Buffer) {// Copyright (c) 2012, Mark Cavage. All rights reserved. - var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits + var assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28).Stream; + var util = __webpack_require__(25); - module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { - var A = 0|0 - var B = 4|0 - var C = 8|0 - var D = 12|0 - var E = 16|0 - var W = new (typeof Int32Array === 'undefined' ? Array : Int32Array)(80) + ///--- Globals - var POOL = [] + var NDEBUG = process.env.NODE_NDEBUG || false; + var UUID_REGEXP = /^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$/; - function Sha1 () { - if(POOL.length) - return POOL.pop().init() - if(!(this instanceof Sha1)) return new Sha1() - this._w = W - Hash.call(this, 16*4, 14*4) - this._h = null - this.init() - } + ///--- Messages - inherits(Sha1, Hash) + var ARRAY_TYPE_REQUIRED = '%s ([%s]) required'; + var TYPE_REQUIRED = '%s (%s) is required'; - Sha1.prototype.init = function () { - this._a = 0x67452301 - this._b = 0xefcdab89 - this._c = 0x98badcfe - this._d = 0x10325476 - this._e = 0xc3d2e1f0 - Hash.prototype.init.call(this) - return this - } - Sha1.prototype._POOL = POOL - Sha1.prototype._update = function (X) { + ///--- Internal - var a, b, c, d, e, _a, _b, _c, _d, _e + function capitalize(str) { + return (str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)); + } - a = _a = this._a - b = _b = this._b - c = _c = this._c - d = _d = this._d - e = _e = this._e + function uncapitalize(str) { + return (str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1)); + } - var w = this._w + function _() { + return (util.format.apply(util, arguments)); + } - for(var j = 0; j < 80; j++) { - var W = w[j] = j < 16 ? X.readInt32BE(j*4) - : rol(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16], 1) - var t = add( - add(rol(a, 5), sha1_ft(j, b, c, d)), - add(add(e, W), sha1_kt(j)) - ) + function _assert(arg, type, name, stackFunc) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; + stackFunc = stackFunc || _assert.caller; + var t = typeof (arg); - e = d - d = c - c = rol(b, 30) - b = a - a = t + if (t !== type) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type), + actual: t, + expected: type, + operator: '===', + stackStartFunction: stackFunc + }); + } + } + } + + + function _instanceof(arg, type, name, stackFunc) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; + stackFunc = stackFunc || _instanceof.caller; + + if (!(arg instanceof type)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type.name), + actual: _getClass(arg), + expected: type.name, + operator: 'instanceof', + stackStartFunction: stackFunc + }); + } + } + } + + function _getClass(object) { + return (Object.prototype.toString.call(object).slice(8, -1)); + }; + + + + ///--- API + + function array(arr, type, name) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; + + if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(ARRAY_TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type), + actual: typeof (arr), + expected: 'array', + operator: 'Array.isArray', + stackStartFunction: array.caller + }); + } + + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + _assert(arr[i], type, name, array); + } + } + } + + + function bool(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'boolean', name, bool); + } + + + function buffer(arg, name) { + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(arg)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name || '', 'Buffer'), + actual: typeof (arg), + expected: 'buffer', + operator: 'Buffer.isBuffer', + stackStartFunction: buffer + }); + } + } + + + function func(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'function', name); + } + + + function number(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'number', name); + if (!NDEBUG && (isNaN(arg) || !isFinite(arg))) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, 'number'), + actual: arg, + expected: 'number', + operator: 'isNaN', + stackStartFunction: number + }); + } + } + + + function object(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'object', name); + } + + + function stream(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, Stream, name); + } + + + function date(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, Date, name); + } + + function regexp(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, RegExp, name); + } + + + function string(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'string', name); + } + + + function uuid(arg, name) { + string(arg, name); + if (!NDEBUG && !UUID_REGEXP.test(arg)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, 'uuid'), + actual: 'string', + expected: 'uuid', + operator: 'test', + stackStartFunction: uuid + }); + } + } + + + ///--- Exports + + module.exports = { + bool: bool, + buffer: buffer, + date: date, + func: func, + number: number, + object: object, + regexp: regexp, + stream: stream, + string: string, + uuid: uuid + }; + + + Object.keys(module.exports).forEach(function (k) { + if (k === 'buffer') + return; + + var name = 'arrayOf' + capitalize(k); + + if (k === 'bool') + k = 'boolean'; + if (k === 'func') + k = 'function'; + module.exports[name] = function (arg, name) { + array(arg, k, name); + }; + }); + + Object.keys(module.exports).forEach(function (k) { + var _name = 'optional' + capitalize(k); + var s = uncapitalize(k.replace('arrayOf', '')); + if (s === 'bool') + s = 'boolean'; + if (s === 'func') + s = 'function'; + + if (k.indexOf('arrayOf') !== -1) { + module.exports[_name] = function (arg, name) { + if (!NDEBUG && arg !== undefined) { + array(arg, s, name); + } + }; + } else { + module.exports[_name] = function (arg, name) { + if (!NDEBUG && arg !== undefined) { + _assert(arg, s, name); + } + }; + } + }); + + + // Reexport built-in assertions + Object.keys(assert).forEach(function (k) { + if (k === 'AssertionError') { + module.exports[k] = assert[k]; + return; + } + + module.exports[k] = function () { + if (!NDEBUG) { + assert[k].apply(assert[k], arguments); + } + }; + }); + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2), __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 24 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + // http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Unit_Testing/1.0 + // + // THIS IS NOT TESTED NOR LIKELY TO WORK OUTSIDE V8! + // + // Originally from narwhal.js (http://narwhaljs.org) + // Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Robinson <280north.com> + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy + // of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to + // deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the + // rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or + // sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is + // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in + // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, + // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE + // AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN + // ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION + // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + + // when used in node, this will actually load the util module we depend on + // versus loading the builtin util module as happens otherwise + // this is a bug in node module loading as far as I am concerned + var util = __webpack_require__(25); + + var pSlice = Array.prototype.slice; + var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + + // 1. The assert module provides functions that throw + // AssertionError's when particular conditions are not met. The + // assert module must conform to the following interface. + + var assert = module.exports = ok; + + // 2. The AssertionError is defined in assert. + // new assert.AssertionError({ message: message, + // actual: actual, + // expected: expected }) + + assert.AssertionError = function AssertionError(options) { + this.name = 'AssertionError'; + this.actual = options.actual; + this.expected = options.expected; + this.operator = options.operator; + if (options.message) { + this.message = options.message; + this.generatedMessage = false; + } else { + this.message = getMessage(this); + this.generatedMessage = true; + } + var stackStartFunction = options.stackStartFunction || fail; + + if (Error.captureStackTrace) { + Error.captureStackTrace(this, stackStartFunction); + } + else { + // non v8 browsers so we can have a stacktrace + var err = new Error(); + if (err.stack) { + var out = err.stack; + + // try to strip useless frames + var fn_name = stackStartFunction.name; + var idx = out.indexOf('\n' + fn_name); + if (idx >= 0) { + // once we have located the function frame + // we need to strip out everything before it (and its line) + var next_line = out.indexOf('\n', idx + 1); + out = out.substring(next_line + 1); + } + + this.stack = out; } + } + }; - this._a = add(a, _a) - this._b = add(b, _b) - this._c = add(c, _c) - this._d = add(d, _d) - this._e = add(e, _e) + // assert.AssertionError instanceof Error + util.inherits(assert.AssertionError, Error); + + function replacer(key, value) { + if (util.isUndefined(value)) { + return '' + value; + } + if (util.isNumber(value) && !isFinite(value)) { + return value.toString(); } + if (util.isFunction(value) || util.isRegExp(value)) { + return value.toString(); + } + return value; + } - Sha1.prototype._hash = function () { - if(POOL.length < 100) POOL.push(this) - var H = new Buffer(20) - //console.log(this._a|0, this._b|0, this._c|0, this._d|0, this._e|0) - H.writeInt32BE(this._a|0, A) - H.writeInt32BE(this._b|0, B) - H.writeInt32BE(this._c|0, C) - H.writeInt32BE(this._d|0, D) - H.writeInt32BE(this._e|0, E) - return H + function truncate(s, n) { + if (util.isString(s)) { + return s.length < n ? s : s.slice(0, n); + } else { + return s; } + } - /* - * Perform the appropriate triplet combination function for the current - * iteration - */ - function sha1_ft(t, b, c, d) { - if(t < 20) return (b & c) | ((~b) & d); - if(t < 40) return b ^ c ^ d; - if(t < 60) return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d); - return b ^ c ^ d; + function getMessage(self) { + return truncate(JSON.stringify(self.actual, replacer), 128) + ' ' + + self.operator + ' ' + + truncate(JSON.stringify(self.expected, replacer), 128); + } + + // At present only the three keys mentioned above are used and + // understood by the spec. Implementations or sub modules can pass + // other keys to the AssertionError's constructor - they will be + // ignored. + + // 3. All of the following functions must throw an AssertionError + // when a corresponding condition is not met, with a message that + // may be undefined if not provided. All assertion methods provide + // both the actual and expected values to the assertion error for + // display purposes. + + function fail(actual, expected, message, operator, stackStartFunction) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: message, + actual: actual, + expected: expected, + operator: operator, + stackStartFunction: stackStartFunction + }); + } + + // EXTENSION! allows for well behaved errors defined elsewhere. + assert.fail = fail; + + // 4. Pure assertion tests whether a value is truthy, as determined + // by !!guard. + // assert.ok(guard, message_opt); + // This statement is equivalent to assert.equal(true, !!guard, + // message_opt);. To test strictly for the value true, use + // assert.strictEqual(true, guard, message_opt);. + + function ok(value, message) { + if (!value) fail(value, true, message, '==', assert.ok); + } + assert.ok = ok; + + // 5. The equality assertion tests shallow, coercive equality with + // ==. + // assert.equal(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.equal = function equal(actual, expected, message) { + if (actual != expected) fail(actual, expected, message, '==', assert.equal); + }; + + // 6. The non-equality assertion tests for whether two objects are not equal + // with != assert.notEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.notEqual = function notEqual(actual, expected, message) { + if (actual == expected) { + fail(actual, expected, message, '!=', assert.notEqual); } + }; - /* - * Determine the appropriate additive constant for the current iteration - */ - function sha1_kt(t) { - return (t < 20) ? 1518500249 : (t < 40) ? 1859775393 : - (t < 60) ? -1894007588 : -899497514; + // 7. The equivalence assertion tests a deep equality relation. + // assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.deepEqual = function deepEqual(actual, expected, message) { + if (!_deepEqual(actual, expected)) { + fail(actual, expected, message, 'deepEqual', assert.deepEqual); } + }; - /* - * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally - * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters. - * //dominictarr: this is 10 years old, so maybe this can be dropped?) - * - */ - function add(x, y) { - return (x + y ) | 0 - //lets see how this goes on testling. - // var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF); - // var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); - // return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); + function _deepEqual(actual, expected) { + // 7.1. All identical values are equivalent, as determined by ===. + if (actual === expected) { + return true; + + } else if (util.isBuffer(actual) && util.isBuffer(expected)) { + if (actual.length != expected.length) return false; + + for (var i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { + if (actual[i] !== expected[i]) return false; + } + + return true; + + // 7.2. If the expected value is a Date object, the actual value is + // equivalent if it is also a Date object that refers to the same time. + } else if (util.isDate(actual) && util.isDate(expected)) { + return actual.getTime() === expected.getTime(); + + // 7.3 If the expected value is a RegExp object, the actual value is + // equivalent if it is also a RegExp object with the same source and + // properties (`global`, `multiline`, `lastIndex`, `ignoreCase`). + } else if (util.isRegExp(actual) && util.isRegExp(expected)) { + return actual.source === expected.source && + actual.global === expected.global && + actual.multiline === expected.multiline && + actual.lastIndex === expected.lastIndex && + actual.ignoreCase === expected.ignoreCase; + + // 7.4. Other pairs that do not both pass typeof value == 'object', + // equivalence is determined by ==. + } else if (!util.isObject(actual) && !util.isObject(expected)) { + return actual == expected; + + // 7.5 For all other Object pairs, including Array objects, equivalence is + // determined by having the same number of owned properties (as verified + // with Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call), the same set of keys + // (although not necessarily the same order), equivalent values for every + // corresponding key, and an identical 'prototype' property. Note: this + // accounts for both named and indexed properties on Arrays. + } else { + return objEquiv(actual, expected); + } + } + + function isArguments(object) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(object) == '[object Arguments]'; + } + + function objEquiv(a, b) { + if (util.isNullOrUndefined(a) || util.isNullOrUndefined(b)) + return false; + // an identical 'prototype' property. + if (a.prototype !== b.prototype) return false; + // if one is a primitive, the other must be same + if (util.isPrimitive(a) || util.isPrimitive(b)) { + return a === b; + } + var aIsArgs = isArguments(a), + bIsArgs = isArguments(b); + if ((aIsArgs && !bIsArgs) || (!aIsArgs && bIsArgs)) + return false; + if (aIsArgs) { + a = pSlice.call(a); + b = pSlice.call(b); + return _deepEqual(a, b); + } + var ka = objectKeys(a), + kb = objectKeys(b), + key, i; + // having the same number of owned properties (keys incorporates + // hasOwnProperty) + if (ka.length != kb.length) + return false; + //the same set of keys (although not necessarily the same order), + ka.sort(); + kb.sort(); + //~~~cheap key test + for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (ka[i] != kb[i]) + return false; } + //equivalent values for every corresponding key, and + //~~~possibly expensive deep test + for (i = ka.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + key = ka[i]; + if (!_deepEqual(a[key], b[key])) return false; + } + return true; + } - /* - * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left. - */ - function rol(num, cnt) { - return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)); + // 8. The non-equivalence assertion tests for any deep inequality. + // assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.notDeepEqual = function notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message) { + if (_deepEqual(actual, expected)) { + fail(actual, expected, message, 'notDeepEqual', assert.notDeepEqual); } + }; - return Sha1 + // 9. The strict equality assertion tests strict equality, as determined by ===. + // assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.strictEqual = function strictEqual(actual, expected, message) { + if (actual !== expected) { + fail(actual, expected, message, '===', assert.strictEqual); + } + }; + + // 10. The strict non-equality assertion tests for strict inequality, as + // determined by !==. assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message_opt); + + assert.notStrictEqual = function notStrictEqual(actual, expected, message) { + if (actual === expected) { + fail(actual, expected, message, '!==', assert.notStrictEqual); + } + }; + + function expectedException(actual, expected) { + if (!actual || !expected) { + return false; + } + + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(expected) == '[object RegExp]') { + return expected.test(actual); + } else if (actual instanceof expected) { + return true; + } else if (expected.call({}, actual) === true) { + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + function _throws(shouldThrow, block, expected, message) { + var actual; + + if (util.isString(expected)) { + message = expected; + expected = null; + } + + try { + block(); + } catch (e) { + actual = e; + } + + message = (expected && expected.name ? ' (' + expected.name + ').' : '.') + + (message ? ' ' + message : '.'); + + if (shouldThrow && !actual) { + fail(actual, expected, 'Missing expected exception' + message); + } + + if (!shouldThrow && expectedException(actual, expected)) { + fail(actual, expected, 'Got unwanted exception' + message); + } + + if ((shouldThrow && actual && expected && + !expectedException(actual, expected)) || (!shouldThrow && actual)) { + throw actual; + } } + // 11. Expected to throw an error: + // assert.throws(block, Error_opt, message_opt); + + assert.throws = function(block, /*optional*/error, /*optional*/message) { + _throws.apply(this, [true].concat(pSlice.call(arguments))); + }; + + // EXTENSION! This is annoying to write outside this module. + assert.doesNotThrow = function(block, /*optional*/message) { + _throws.apply(this, [false].concat(pSlice.call(arguments))); + }; + + assert.ifError = function(err) { if (err) {throw err;}}; + + var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { + var keys = []; + for (var key in obj) { + if (hasOwn.call(obj, key)) keys.push(key); + } + return keys; + }; + /***/ }, /* 25 */ @@ -9078,1433 +9856,1453 @@ /* 28 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - /** - * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, as defined - * in FIPS 180-2 - * Version 2.2-beta Copyright Angel Marin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009. - * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet - * - */ + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits + module.exports = Stream; - module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { + var EE = __webpack_require__(29).EventEmitter; + var inherits = __webpack_require__(30); - var K = [ - 0x428A2F98, 0x71374491, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xE9B5DBA5, - 0x3956C25B, 0x59F111F1, 0x923F82A4, 0xAB1C5ED5, - 0xD807AA98, 0x12835B01, 0x243185BE, 0x550C7DC3, - 0x72BE5D74, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x9BDC06A7, 0xC19BF174, - 0xE49B69C1, 0xEFBE4786, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x240CA1CC, - 0x2DE92C6F, 0x4A7484AA, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0x76F988DA, - 0x983E5152, 0xA831C66D, 0xB00327C8, 0xBF597FC7, - 0xC6E00BF3, 0xD5A79147, 0x06CA6351, 0x14292967, - 0x27B70A85, 0x2E1B2138, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x53380D13, - 0x650A7354, 0x766A0ABB, 0x81C2C92E, 0x92722C85, - 0xA2BFE8A1, 0xA81A664B, 0xC24B8B70, 0xC76C51A3, - 0xD192E819, 0xD6990624, 0xF40E3585, 0x106AA070, - 0x19A4C116, 0x1E376C08, 0x2748774C, 0x34B0BCB5, - 0x391C0CB3, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x682E6FF3, - 0x748F82EE, 0x78A5636F, 0x84C87814, 0x8CC70208, - 0x90BEFFFA, 0xA4506CEB, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xC67178F2 - ] + inherits(Stream, EE); + Stream.Readable = __webpack_require__(31); + Stream.Writable = __webpack_require__(42); + Stream.Duplex = __webpack_require__(43); + Stream.Transform = __webpack_require__(44); + Stream.PassThrough = __webpack_require__(45); - var W = new Array(64) + // Backwards-compat with node 0.4.x + Stream.Stream = Stream; - function Sha256() { - this.init() - this._w = W //new Array(64) - Hash.call(this, 16*4, 14*4) - } + // old-style streams. Note that the pipe method (the only relevant + // part of this class) is overridden in the Readable class. - inherits(Sha256, Hash) + function Stream() { + EE.call(this); + } - Sha256.prototype.init = function () { + Stream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) { + var source = this; - this._a = 0x6a09e667|0 - this._b = 0xbb67ae85|0 - this._c = 0x3c6ef372|0 - this._d = 0xa54ff53a|0 - this._e = 0x510e527f|0 - this._f = 0x9b05688c|0 - this._g = 0x1f83d9ab|0 - this._h = 0x5be0cd19|0 + function ondata(chunk) { + if (dest.writable) { + if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) { + source.pause(); + } + } + } - this._len = this._s = 0 + source.on('data', ondata); - return this + function ondrain() { + if (source.readable && source.resume) { + source.resume(); + } } - function S (X, n) { - return (X >>> n) | (X << (32 - n)); - } + dest.on('drain', ondrain); - function R (X, n) { - return (X >>> n); + // If the 'end' option is not supplied, dest.end() will be called when + // source gets the 'end' or 'close' events. Only dest.end() once. + if (!dest._isStdio && (!options || options.end !== false)) { + source.on('end', onend); + source.on('close', onclose); } - function Ch (x, y, z) { - return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z)); - } + var didOnEnd = false; + function onend() { + if (didOnEnd) return; + didOnEnd = true; - function Maj (x, y, z) { - return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)); + dest.end(); } - function Sigma0256 (x) { - return (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22)); - } - function Sigma1256 (x) { - return (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25)); - } + function onclose() { + if (didOnEnd) return; + didOnEnd = true; - function Gamma0256 (x) { - return (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3)); + if (typeof dest.destroy === 'function') dest.destroy(); } - function Gamma1256 (x) { - return (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10)); + // don't leave dangling pipes when there are errors. + function onerror(er) { + cleanup(); + if (EE.listenerCount(this, 'error') === 0) { + throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe. + } } - Sha256.prototype._update = function(M) { + source.on('error', onerror); + dest.on('error', onerror); - var W = this._w - var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h - var T1, T2 + // remove all the event listeners that were added. + function cleanup() { + source.removeListener('data', ondata); + dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); - a = this._a | 0 - b = this._b | 0 - c = this._c | 0 - d = this._d | 0 - e = this._e | 0 - f = this._f | 0 - g = this._g | 0 - h = this._h | 0 + source.removeListener('end', onend); + source.removeListener('close', onclose); - for (var j = 0; j < 64; j++) { - var w = W[j] = j < 16 - ? M.readInt32BE(j * 4) - : Gamma1256(W[j - 2]) + W[j - 7] + Gamma0256(W[j - 15]) + W[j - 16] + source.removeListener('error', onerror); + dest.removeListener('error', onerror); - T1 = h + Sigma1256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K[j] + w + source.removeListener('end', cleanup); + source.removeListener('close', cleanup); - T2 = Sigma0256(a) + Maj(a, b, c); - h = g; g = f; f = e; e = d + T1; d = c; c = b; b = a; a = T1 + T2; - } + dest.removeListener('close', cleanup); + } - this._a = (a + this._a) | 0 - this._b = (b + this._b) | 0 - this._c = (c + this._c) | 0 - this._d = (d + this._d) | 0 - this._e = (e + this._e) | 0 - this._f = (f + this._f) | 0 - this._g = (g + this._g) | 0 - this._h = (h + this._h) | 0 + source.on('end', cleanup); + source.on('close', cleanup); - }; + dest.on('close', cleanup); - Sha256.prototype._hash = function () { - var H = new Buffer(32) + dest.emit('pipe', source); - H.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0) - H.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4) - H.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8) - H.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12) - H.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16) - H.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20) - H.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24) - H.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28) + // Allow for unix-like usage: A.pipe(B).pipe(C) + return dest; + }; - return H - } - return Sha256 +/***/ }, +/* 29 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + function EventEmitter() { + this._events = this._events || {}; + this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; } + module.exports = EventEmitter; + // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x + EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; -/***/ }, -/* 29 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; + EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; - var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits + // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are + // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. + EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10; - module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { - var K = [ - 0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, - 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc, - 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, - 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118, - 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, - 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2, - 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, - 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694, - 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, - 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65, - 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, - 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5, - 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, - 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4, - 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, - 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70, - 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, - 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df, - 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, - 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b, - 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, - 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30, - 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, - 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8, - 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, - 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8, - 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, - 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3, - 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, - 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec, - 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, - 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b, - 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, - 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178, - 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, - 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b, - 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, - 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c, - 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, - 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817 - ] + // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows + // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. + EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { + if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n)) + throw TypeError('n must be a positive number'); + this._maxListeners = n; + return this; + }; - var W = new Array(160) + EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { + var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners; - function Sha512() { - this.init() - this._w = W + if (!this._events) + this._events = {}; - Hash.call(this, 128, 112) + // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. + if (type === 'error') { + if (!this._events.error || + (isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { + er = arguments[1]; + if (er instanceof Error) { + throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event + } + throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); + } } - inherits(Sha512, Hash) + handler = this._events[type]; - Sha512.prototype.init = function () { + if (isUndefined(handler)) + return false; - this._a = 0x6a09e667|0 - this._b = 0xbb67ae85|0 - this._c = 0x3c6ef372|0 - this._d = 0xa54ff53a|0 - this._e = 0x510e527f|0 - this._f = 0x9b05688c|0 - this._g = 0x1f83d9ab|0 - this._h = 0x5be0cd19|0 + if (isFunction(handler)) { + switch (arguments.length) { + // fast cases + case 1: + handler.call(this); + break; + case 2: + handler.call(this, arguments[1]); + break; + case 3: + handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); + break; + // slower + default: + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + handler.apply(this, args); + } + } else if (isObject(handler)) { + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + listeners = handler.slice(); + len = listeners.length; + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + listeners[i].apply(this, args); + } - this._al = 0xf3bcc908|0 - this._bl = 0x84caa73b|0 - this._cl = 0xfe94f82b|0 - this._dl = 0x5f1d36f1|0 - this._el = 0xade682d1|0 - this._fl = 0x2b3e6c1f|0 - this._gl = 0xfb41bd6b|0 - this._hl = 0x137e2179|0 + return true; + }; - this._len = this._s = 0 + EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { + var m; - return this - } + if (!isFunction(listener)) + throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); - function S (X, Xl, n) { - return (X >>> n) | (Xl << (32 - n)) - } + if (!this._events) + this._events = {}; - function Ch (x, y, z) { - return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z)); - } + // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before + // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". + if (this._events.newListener) + this.emit('newListener', type, + isFunction(listener.listener) ? + listener.listener : listener); - function Maj (x, y, z) { - return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)); + if (!this._events[type]) + // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. + this._events[type] = listener; + else if (isObject(this._events[type])) + // If we've already got an array, just append. + this._events[type].push(listener); + else + // Adding the second element, need to change to array. + this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; + + // Check for listener leak + if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) { + if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) { + m = this._maxListeners; + } else { + m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; + } + + if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { + this._events[type].warned = true; + console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + + 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + + 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', + this._events[type].length); + if (typeof console.trace === 'function') { + // not supported in IE 10 + console.trace(); + } + } } - Sha512.prototype._update = function(M) { + return this; + }; - var W = this._w - var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h - var al, bl, cl, dl, el, fl, gl, hl + EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; - a = this._a | 0 - b = this._b | 0 - c = this._c | 0 - d = this._d | 0 - e = this._e | 0 - f = this._f | 0 - g = this._g | 0 - h = this._h | 0 + EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { + if (!isFunction(listener)) + throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); - al = this._al | 0 - bl = this._bl | 0 - cl = this._cl | 0 - dl = this._dl | 0 - el = this._el | 0 - fl = this._fl | 0 - gl = this._gl | 0 - hl = this._hl | 0 + var fired = false; - for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { - var j = i * 2 + function g() { + this.removeListener(type, g); - var Wi, Wil + if (!fired) { + fired = true; + listener.apply(this, arguments); + } + } - if (i < 16) { - Wi = W[j] = M.readInt32BE(j * 4) - Wil = W[j + 1] = M.readInt32BE(j * 4 + 4) + g.listener = listener; + this.on(type, g); - } else { - var x = W[j - 15*2] - var xl = W[j - 15*2 + 1] - var gamma0 = S(x, xl, 1) ^ S(x, xl, 8) ^ (x >>> 7) - var gamma0l = S(xl, x, 1) ^ S(xl, x, 8) ^ S(xl, x, 7) + return this; + }; - x = W[j - 2*2] - xl = W[j - 2*2 + 1] - var gamma1 = S(x, xl, 19) ^ S(xl, x, 29) ^ (x >>> 6) - var gamma1l = S(xl, x, 19) ^ S(x, xl, 29) ^ S(xl, x, 6) + // emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed + EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { + var list, position, length, i; - // W[i] = gamma0 + W[i - 7] + gamma1 + W[i - 16] - var Wi7 = W[j - 7*2] - var Wi7l = W[j - 7*2 + 1] + if (!isFunction(listener)) + throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); - var Wi16 = W[j - 16*2] - var Wi16l = W[j - 16*2 + 1] + if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) + return this; - Wil = gamma0l + Wi7l - Wi = gamma0 + Wi7 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) - Wil = Wil + gamma1l - Wi = Wi + gamma1 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) - Wil = Wil + Wi16l - Wi = Wi + Wi16 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (Wi16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + list = this._events[type]; + length = list.length; + position = -1; - W[j] = Wi - W[j + 1] = Wil + if (list === listener || + (isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) { + delete this._events[type]; + if (this._events.removeListener) + this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); + + } else if (isObject(list)) { + for (i = length; i-- > 0;) { + if (list[i] === listener || + (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) { + position = i; + break; } + } - var maj = Maj(a, b, c) - var majl = Maj(al, bl, cl) + if (position < 0) + return this; - var sigma0h = S(a, al, 28) ^ S(al, a, 2) ^ S(al, a, 7) - var sigma0l = S(al, a, 28) ^ S(a, al, 2) ^ S(a, al, 7) - var sigma1h = S(e, el, 14) ^ S(e, el, 18) ^ S(el, e, 9) - var sigma1l = S(el, e, 14) ^ S(el, e, 18) ^ S(e, el, 9) + if (list.length === 1) { + list.length = 0; + delete this._events[type]; + } else { + list.splice(position, 1); + } - // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K[i] + W[i] - var Ki = K[j] - var Kil = K[j + 1] + if (this._events.removeListener) + this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); + } - var ch = Ch(e, f, g) - var chl = Ch(el, fl, gl) + return this; + }; - var t1l = hl + sigma1l - var t1 = h + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) - t1l = t1l + chl - t1 = t1 + ch + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) - t1l = t1l + Kil - t1 = t1 + Ki + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Kil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) - t1l = t1l + Wil - t1 = t1 + Wi + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Wil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { + var key, listeners; - // t2 = sigma0 + maj - var t2l = sigma0l + majl - var t2 = sigma0h + maj + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + if (!this._events) + return this; - h = g - hl = gl - g = f - gl = fl - f = e - fl = el - el = (dl + t1l) | 0 - e = (d + t1 + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - d = c - dl = cl - c = b - cl = bl - b = a - bl = al - al = (t1l + t2l) | 0 - a = (t1 + t2 + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit + if (!this._events.removeListener) { + if (arguments.length === 0) + this._events = {}; + else if (this._events[type]) + delete this._events[type]; + return this; + } + + // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events + if (arguments.length === 0) { + for (key in this._events) { + if (key === 'removeListener') continue; + this.removeAllListeners(key); } + this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); + this._events = {}; + return this; + } - this._al = (this._al + al) | 0 - this._bl = (this._bl + bl) | 0 - this._cl = (this._cl + cl) | 0 - this._dl = (this._dl + dl) | 0 - this._el = (this._el + el) | 0 - this._fl = (this._fl + fl) | 0 - this._gl = (this._gl + gl) | 0 - this._hl = (this._hl + hl) | 0 + listeners = this._events[type]; - this._a = (this._a + a + ((this._al >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._b = (this._b + b + ((this._bl >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._c = (this._c + c + ((this._cl >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._d = (this._d + d + ((this._dl >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._e = (this._e + e + ((this._el >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._f = (this._f + f + ((this._fl >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._g = (this._g + g + ((this._gl >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 - this._h = (this._h + h + ((this._hl >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + if (isFunction(listeners)) { + this.removeListener(type, listeners); + } else if (listeners) { + // LIFO order + while (listeners.length) + this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]); } + delete this._events[type]; - Sha512.prototype._hash = function () { - var H = new Buffer(64) + return this; + }; - function writeInt64BE(h, l, offset) { - H.writeInt32BE(h, offset) - H.writeInt32BE(l, offset + 4) - } + EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { + var ret; + if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) + ret = []; + else if (isFunction(this._events[type])) + ret = [this._events[type]]; + else + ret = this._events[type].slice(); + return ret; + }; - writeInt64BE(this._a, this._al, 0) - writeInt64BE(this._b, this._bl, 8) - writeInt64BE(this._c, this._cl, 16) - writeInt64BE(this._d, this._dl, 24) - writeInt64BE(this._e, this._el, 32) - writeInt64BE(this._f, this._fl, 40) - writeInt64BE(this._g, this._gl, 48) - writeInt64BE(this._h, this._hl, 56) + EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function(type) { + if (this._events) { + var evlistener = this._events[type]; - return H + if (isFunction(evlistener)) + return 1; + else if (evlistener) + return evlistener.length; } + return 0; + }; - return Sha512 + EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { + return emitter.listenerCount(type); + }; + function isFunction(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'function'; + } + + function isNumber(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'number'; + } + + function isObject(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; + } + + function isUndefined(arg) { + return arg === void 0; } /***/ }, /* 30 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +/***/ function(module, exports) { - /* - * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message - * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321. - * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002. - * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet - * Distributed under the BSD License - * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for more info. - */ + if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { + // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: ctor, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + configurable: true + } + }); + }; + } else { + // old school shim for old browsers + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + var TempCtor = function () {} + TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype + ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() + ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor + } + } - var helpers = __webpack_require__(31); - /* - * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length - */ - function core_md5(x, len) - { - /* append padding */ - x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32); - x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len; +/***/ }, +/* 31 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var a = 1732584193; - var b = -271733879; - var c = -1732584194; - var d = 271733878; + exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(32); + exports.Stream = __webpack_require__(28); + exports.Readable = exports; + exports.Writable = __webpack_require__(38); + exports.Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); + exports.Transform = __webpack_require__(40); + exports.PassThrough = __webpack_require__(41); - for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) - { - var olda = a; - var oldb = b; - var oldc = c; - var oldd = d; - a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936); - d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], 12, -389564586); - c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 17, 606105819); - b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330); - a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897); - d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 5], 12, 1200080426); - c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341); - b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 7], 22, -45705983); - a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 7 , 1770035416); - d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417); - c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 17, -42063); - b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+11], 22, -1990404162); - a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 7 , 1804603682); - d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+13], 12, -40341101); - c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 17, -1502002290); - b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+15], 22, 1236535329); +/***/ }, +/* 32 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510); - d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632); - c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 14, 643717713); - b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 0], 20, -373897302); - a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691); - d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+10], 9 , 38016083); - c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 14, -660478335); - b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 4], 20, -405537848); - a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 5 , 568446438); - d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+14], 9 , -1019803690); - c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 14, -187363961); - b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 8], 20, 1163531501); - a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 5 , -1444681467); - d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784); - c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 14, 1735328473); - b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+12], 20, -1926607734); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 4 , -378558); - d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463); - c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 16, 1839030562); - b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+14], 23, -35309556); - a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060); - d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 4], 11, 1272893353); - c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 16, -155497632); - b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+10], 23, -1094730640); - a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 4 , 681279174); - d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 0], 11, -358537222); - c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 16, -722521979); - b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 6], 23, 76029189); - a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487); - d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+12], 11, -421815835); - c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 16, 530742520); - b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651); + module.exports = Readable; - a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844); - d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415); - c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 15, -1416354905); - b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 5], 21, -57434055); - a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 6 , 1700485571); - d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606); - c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 15, -1051523); - b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799); - a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 6 , 1873313359); - d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+15], 10, -30611744); - c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380); - b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+13], 21, 1309151649); - a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070); - d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+11], 10, -1120210379); - c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 15, 718787259); - b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 9], 21, -343485551); - - a = safe_add(a, olda); - b = safe_add(b, oldb); - c = safe_add(c, oldc); - d = safe_add(d, oldd); - } - return Array(a, b, c, d); + /**/ + var isArray = __webpack_require__(33); + /**/ - } - /* - * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses. - */ - function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) - { - return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s),b); - } - function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) - { - return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t); - } - function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) - { - return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); - } - function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) - { - return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); - } - function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) - { - return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); - } + /**/ + var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + /**/ - /* - * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally - * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters. - */ - function safe_add(x, y) - { - var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF); - var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); - return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); - } + Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState; - /* - * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left. - */ - function bit_rol(num, cnt) - { - return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)); - } + var EE = __webpack_require__(29).EventEmitter; - module.exports = function md5(buf) { - return helpers.hash(buf, core_md5, 16); + /**/ + if (!EE.listenerCount) EE.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { + return emitter.listeners(type).length; }; + /**/ + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28); -/***/ }, -/* 31 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + /**/ + var util = __webpack_require__(34); + util.inherits = __webpack_require__(35); + /**/ - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var intSize = 4; - var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(intSize); zeroBuffer.fill(0); - var chrsz = 8; + var StringDecoder; - function toArray(buf, bigEndian) { - if ((buf.length % intSize) !== 0) { - var len = buf.length + (intSize - (buf.length % intSize)); - buf = Buffer.concat([buf, zeroBuffer], len); - } - var arr = []; - var fn = bigEndian ? buf.readInt32BE : buf.readInt32LE; - for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += intSize) { - arr.push(fn.call(buf, i)); - } - return arr; + /**/ + var debug = __webpack_require__(36); + if (debug && debug.debuglog) { + debug = debug.debuglog('stream'); + } else { + debug = function () {}; } + /**/ - function toBuffer(arr, size, bigEndian) { - var buf = new Buffer(size); - var fn = bigEndian ? buf.writeInt32BE : buf.writeInt32LE; - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { - fn.call(buf, arr[i], i * 4, true); - } - return buf; - } - function hash(buf, fn, hashSize, bigEndian) { - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) buf = new Buffer(buf); - var arr = fn(toArray(buf, bigEndian), buf.length * chrsz); - return toBuffer(arr, hashSize, bigEndian); - } + util.inherits(Readable, Stream); - module.exports = { hash: hash }; + function ReadableState(options, stream) { + var Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + options = options || {}; -/***/ }, -/* 32 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + // the point at which it stops calling _read() to fill the buffer + // Note: 0 is a valid value, means "don't call _read preemptively ever" + var hwm = options.highWaterMark; + var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; + this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) { - module.exports = ripemd160 + // cast to ints. + this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark; + this.buffer = []; + this.length = 0; + this.pipes = null; + this.pipesCount = 0; + this.flowing = null; + this.ended = false; + this.endEmitted = false; + this.reading = false; + // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately, + // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any + // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also + // not happen before the first write call. + this.sync = true; - /* - CryptoJS v3.1.2 - code.google.com/p/crypto-js - (c) 2009-2013 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved. - code.google.com/p/crypto-js/wiki/License - */ - /** @preserve - (c) 2012 by Cédric Mesnil. All rights reserved. + // whenever we return null, then we set a flag to say + // that we're awaiting a 'readable' event emission. + this.needReadable = false; + this.emittedReadable = false; + this.readableListening = false; - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + // object stream flag. Used to make read(n) ignore n and to + // make all the buffer merging and length checks go away + this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; - THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - */ + if (stream instanceof Duplex) + this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.readableObjectMode; - // Constants table - var zl = [ - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, - 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, - 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, - 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, - 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13]; - var zr = [ - 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, - 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, - 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, - 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, - 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11]; - var sl = [ - 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, - 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, - 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, - 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, - 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ]; - var sr = [ - 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, - 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, - 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, - 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, - 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ]; + // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string + // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. + // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. + this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; - var hl = [ 0x00000000, 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xA953FD4E]; - var hr = [ 0x50A28BE6, 0x5C4DD124, 0x6D703EF3, 0x7A6D76E9, 0x00000000]; + // when piping, we only care about 'readable' events that happen + // after read()ing all the bytes and not getting any pushback. + this.ranOut = false; - var bytesToWords = function (bytes) { - var words = []; - for (var i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8) { - words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << (24 - b % 32); - } - return words; - }; + // the number of writers that are awaiting a drain event in .pipe()s + this.awaitDrain = 0; - var wordsToBytes = function (words) { - var bytes = []; - for (var b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8) { - bytes.push((words[b >>> 5] >>> (24 - b % 32)) & 0xFF); + // if true, a maybeReadMore has been scheduled + this.readingMore = false; + + this.decoder = null; + this.encoding = null; + if (options.encoding) { + if (!StringDecoder) + StringDecoder = __webpack_require__(39).StringDecoder; + this.decoder = new StringDecoder(options.encoding); + this.encoding = options.encoding; } - return bytes; - }; + } - var processBlock = function (H, M, offset) { + function Readable(options) { + var Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); - // Swap endian - for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { - var offset_i = offset + i; - var M_offset_i = M[offset_i]; + if (!(this instanceof Readable)) + return new Readable(options); - // Swap - M[offset_i] = ( - (((M_offset_i << 8) | (M_offset_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | - (((M_offset_i << 24) | (M_offset_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) - ); - } + this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this); - // Working variables - var al, bl, cl, dl, el; - var ar, br, cr, dr, er; + // legacy + this.readable = true; - ar = al = H[0]; - br = bl = H[1]; - cr = cl = H[2]; - dr = dl = H[3]; - er = el = H[4]; - // Computation - var t; - for (var i = 0; i < 80; i += 1) { - t = (al + M[offset+zl[i]])|0; - if (i<16){ - t += f1(bl,cl,dl) + hl[0]; - } else if (i<32) { - t += f2(bl,cl,dl) + hl[1]; - } else if (i<48) { - t += f3(bl,cl,dl) + hl[2]; - } else if (i<64) { - t += f4(bl,cl,dl) + hl[3]; - } else {// if (i<80) { - t += f5(bl,cl,dl) + hl[4]; - } - t = t|0; - t = rotl(t,sl[i]); - t = (t+el)|0; - al = el; - el = dl; - dl = rotl(cl, 10); - cl = bl; - bl = t; + Stream.call(this); + } - t = (ar + M[offset+zr[i]])|0; - if (i<16){ - t += f5(br,cr,dr) + hr[0]; - } else if (i<32) { - t += f4(br,cr,dr) + hr[1]; - } else if (i<48) { - t += f3(br,cr,dr) + hr[2]; - } else if (i<64) { - t += f2(br,cr,dr) + hr[3]; - } else {// if (i<80) { - t += f1(br,cr,dr) + hr[4]; + // Manually shove something into the read() buffer. + // This returns true if the highWaterMark has not been hit yet, + // similar to how Writable.write() returns true if you should + // write() some more. + Readable.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { + var state = this._readableState; + + if (util.isString(chunk) && !state.objectMode) { + encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding; + if (encoding !== state.encoding) { + chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding); + encoding = ''; } - t = t|0; - t = rotl(t,sr[i]) ; - t = (t+er)|0; - ar = er; - er = dr; - dr = rotl(cr, 10); - cr = br; - br = t; } - // Intermediate hash value - t = (H[1] + cl + dr)|0; - H[1] = (H[2] + dl + er)|0; - H[2] = (H[3] + el + ar)|0; - H[3] = (H[4] + al + br)|0; - H[4] = (H[0] + bl + cr)|0; - H[0] = t; - }; - - function f1(x, y, z) { - return ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z)); - } - function f2(x, y, z) { - return (((x)&(y)) | ((~x)&(z))); - } + return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, encoding, false); + }; - function f3(x, y, z) { - return (((x) | (~(y))) ^ (z)); - } + // Unshift should *always* be something directly out of read() + Readable.prototype.unshift = function(chunk) { + var state = this._readableState; + return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, '', true); + }; - function f4(x, y, z) { - return (((x) & (z)) | ((y)&(~(z)))); - } + function readableAddChunk(stream, state, chunk, encoding, addToFront) { + var er = chunkInvalid(state, chunk); + if (er) { + stream.emit('error', er); + } else if (util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk)) { + state.reading = false; + if (!state.ended) + onEofChunk(stream, state); + } else if (state.objectMode || chunk && chunk.length > 0) { + if (state.ended && !addToFront) { + var e = new Error('stream.push() after EOF'); + stream.emit('error', e); + } else if (state.endEmitted && addToFront) { + var e = new Error('stream.unshift() after end event'); + stream.emit('error', e); + } else { + if (state.decoder && !addToFront && !encoding) + chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); - function f5(x, y, z) { - return ((x) ^ ((y) |(~(z)))); - } + if (!addToFront) + state.reading = false; - function rotl(x,n) { - return (x<>>(32-n)); - } + // if we want the data now, just emit it. + if (state.flowing && state.length === 0 && !state.sync) { + stream.emit('data', chunk); + stream.read(0); + } else { + // update the buffer info. + state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; + if (addToFront) + state.buffer.unshift(chunk); + else + state.buffer.push(chunk); - function ripemd160(message) { - var H = [0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0]; + if (state.needReadable) + emitReadable(stream); + } - if (typeof message == 'string') - message = new Buffer(message, 'utf8'); + maybeReadMore(stream, state); + } + } else if (!addToFront) { + state.reading = false; + } - var m = bytesToWords(message); + return needMoreData(state); + } - var nBitsLeft = message.length * 8; - var nBitsTotal = message.length * 8; - // Add padding - m[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); - m[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = ( - (((nBitsTotal << 8) | (nBitsTotal >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | - (((nBitsTotal << 24) | (nBitsTotal >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) - ); - for (var i=0 ; i>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | - (((H_i << 24) | (H_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); + // Don't raise the hwm > 128MB + var MAX_HWM = 0x800000; + function roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n) { + if (n >= MAX_HWM) { + n = MAX_HWM; + } else { + // Get the next highest power of 2 + n--; + for (var p = 1; p < 32; p <<= 1) n |= n >> p; + n++; } - - var digestbytes = wordsToBytes(H); - return new Buffer(digestbytes); + return n; } + function howMuchToRead(n, state) { + if (state.length === 0 && state.ended) + return 0; + if (state.objectMode) + return n === 0 ? 0 : 1; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - -/***/ }, -/* 33 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (isNaN(n) || util.isNull(n)) { + // only flow one buffer at a time + if (state.flowing && state.buffer.length) + return state.buffer[0].length; + else + return state.length; + } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var createHash = __webpack_require__(21) + if (n <= 0) + return 0; - var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(128) - zeroBuffer.fill(0) + // If we're asking for more than the target buffer level, + // then raise the water mark. Bump up to the next highest + // power of 2, to prevent increasing it excessively in tiny + // amounts. + if (n > state.highWaterMark) + state.highWaterMark = roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n); - module.exports = Hmac + // don't have that much. return null, unless we've ended. + if (n > state.length) { + if (!state.ended) { + state.needReadable = true; + return 0; + } else + return state.length; + } - function Hmac (alg, key) { - if(!(this instanceof Hmac)) return new Hmac(alg, key) - this._opad = opad - this._alg = alg + return n; + } - var blocksize = (alg === 'sha512') ? 128 : 64 + // you can override either this method, or the async _read(n) below. + Readable.prototype.read = function(n) { + debug('read', n); + var state = this._readableState; + var nOrig = n; - key = this._key = !Buffer.isBuffer(key) ? new Buffer(key) : key + if (!util.isNumber(n) || n > 0) + state.emittedReadable = false; - if(key.length > blocksize) { - key = createHash(alg).update(key).digest() - } else if(key.length < blocksize) { - key = Buffer.concat([key, zeroBuffer], blocksize) + // if we're doing read(0) to trigger a readable event, but we + // already have a bunch of data in the buffer, then just trigger + // the 'readable' event and move on. + if (n === 0 && + state.needReadable && + (state.length >= state.highWaterMark || state.ended)) { + debug('read: emitReadable', state.length, state.ended); + if (state.length === 0 && state.ended) + endReadable(this); + else + emitReadable(this); + return null; } - var ipad = this._ipad = new Buffer(blocksize) - var opad = this._opad = new Buffer(blocksize) - - for(var i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) { - ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36 - opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5C - } + n = howMuchToRead(n, state); - this._hash = createHash(alg).update(ipad) - } - - Hmac.prototype.update = function (data, enc) { - this._hash.update(data, enc) - return this - } + // if we've ended, and we're now clear, then finish it up. + if (n === 0 && state.ended) { + if (state.length === 0) + endReadable(this); + return null; + } - Hmac.prototype.digest = function (enc) { - var h = this._hash.digest() - return createHash(this._alg).update(this._opad).update(h).digest(enc) - } + // All the actual chunk generation logic needs to be + // *below* the call to _read. The reason is that in certain + // synthetic stream cases, such as passthrough streams, _read + // may be a completely synchronous operation which may change + // the state of the read buffer, providing enough data when + // before there was *not* enough. + // + // So, the steps are: + // 1. Figure out what the state of things will be after we do + // a read from the buffer. + // + // 2. If that resulting state will trigger a _read, then call _read. + // Note that this may be asynchronous, or synchronous. Yes, it is + // deeply ugly to write APIs this way, but that still doesn't mean + // that the Readable class should behave improperly, as streams are + // designed to be sync/async agnostic. + // Take note if the _read call is sync or async (ie, if the read call + // has returned yet), so that we know whether or not it's safe to emit + // 'readable' etc. + // + // 3. Actually pull the requested chunks out of the buffer and return. + // if we need a readable event, then we need to do some reading. + var doRead = state.needReadable; + debug('need readable', doRead); - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + // if we currently have less than the highWaterMark, then also read some + if (state.length === 0 || state.length - n < state.highWaterMark) { + doRead = true; + debug('length less than watermark', doRead); + } -/***/ }, -/* 34 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + // however, if we've ended, then there's no point, and if we're already + // reading, then it's unnecessary. + if (state.ended || state.reading) { + doRead = false; + debug('reading or ended', doRead); + } - var pbkdf2Export = __webpack_require__(35) + if (doRead) { + debug('do read'); + state.reading = true; + state.sync = true; + // if the length is currently zero, then we *need* a readable event. + if (state.length === 0) + state.needReadable = true; + // call internal read method + this._read(state.highWaterMark); + state.sync = false; + } - module.exports = function (crypto, exports) { - exports = exports || {} + // If _read pushed data synchronously, then `reading` will be false, + // and we need to re-evaluate how much data we can return to the user. + if (doRead && !state.reading) + n = howMuchToRead(nOrig, state); - var exported = pbkdf2Export(crypto) + var ret; + if (n > 0) + ret = fromList(n, state); + else + ret = null; - exports.pbkdf2 = exported.pbkdf2 - exports.pbkdf2Sync = exported.pbkdf2Sync + if (util.isNull(ret)) { + state.needReadable = true; + n = 0; + } - return exports - } + state.length -= n; + // If we have nothing in the buffer, then we want to know + // as soon as we *do* get something into the buffer. + if (state.length === 0 && !state.ended) + state.needReadable = true; -/***/ }, -/* 35 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + // If we tried to read() past the EOF, then emit end on the next tick. + if (nOrig !== n && state.ended && state.length === 0) + endReadable(this); - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {module.exports = function(crypto) { - function pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback) { - if ('function' === typeof digest) { - callback = digest - digest = undefined - } + if (!util.isNull(ret)) + this.emit('data', ret); - if ('function' !== typeof callback) - throw new Error('No callback provided to pbkdf2') + return ret; + }; - setTimeout(function() { - var result + function chunkInvalid(state, chunk) { + var er = null; + if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) && + !util.isString(chunk) && + !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) && + !state.objectMode) { + er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk'); + } + return er; + } - try { - result = pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) - } catch (e) { - return callback(e) - } - callback(undefined, result) - }) + function onEofChunk(stream, state) { + if (state.decoder && !state.ended) { + var chunk = state.decoder.end(); + if (chunk && chunk.length) { + state.buffer.push(chunk); + state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; + } } + state.ended = true; - function pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) { - if ('number' !== typeof iterations) - throw new TypeError('Iterations not a number') + // emit 'readable' now to make sure it gets picked up. + emitReadable(stream); + } - if (iterations < 0) - throw new TypeError('Bad iterations') + // Don't emit readable right away in sync mode, because this can trigger + // another read() call => stack overflow. This way, it might trigger + // a nextTick recursion warning, but that's not so bad. + function emitReadable(stream) { + var state = stream._readableState; + state.needReadable = false; + if (!state.emittedReadable) { + debug('emitReadable', state.flowing); + state.emittedReadable = true; + if (state.sync) + process.nextTick(function() { + emitReadable_(stream); + }); + else + emitReadable_(stream); + } + } - if ('number' !== typeof keylen) - throw new TypeError('Key length not a number') + function emitReadable_(stream) { + debug('emit readable'); + stream.emit('readable'); + flow(stream); + } - if (keylen < 0) - throw new TypeError('Bad key length') - digest = digest || 'sha1' + // at this point, the user has presumably seen the 'readable' event, + // and called read() to consume some data. that may have triggered + // in turn another _read(n) call, in which case reading = true if + // it's in progress. + // However, if we're not ended, or reading, and the length < hwm, + // then go ahead and try to read some more preemptively. + function maybeReadMore(stream, state) { + if (!state.readingMore) { + state.readingMore = true; + process.nextTick(function() { + maybeReadMore_(stream, state); + }); + } + } - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(password)) password = new Buffer(password) - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(salt)) salt = new Buffer(salt) + function maybeReadMore_(stream, state) { + var len = state.length; + while (!state.reading && !state.flowing && !state.ended && + state.length < state.highWaterMark) { + debug('maybeReadMore read 0'); + stream.read(0); + if (len === state.length) + // didn't get any data, stop spinning. + break; + else + len = state.length; + } + state.readingMore = false; + } - var hLen, l = 1, r, T - var DK = new Buffer(keylen) - var block1 = new Buffer(salt.length + 4) - salt.copy(block1, 0, 0, salt.length) + // abstract method. to be overridden in specific implementation classes. + // call cb(er, data) where data is <= n in length. + // for virtual (non-string, non-buffer) streams, "length" is somewhat + // arbitrary, and perhaps not very meaningful. + Readable.prototype._read = function(n) { + this.emit('error', new Error('not implemented')); + }; - for (var i = 1; i <= l; i++) { - block1.writeUInt32BE(i, salt.length) + Readable.prototype.pipe = function(dest, pipeOpts) { + var src = this; + var state = this._readableState; - var U = crypto.createHmac(digest, password).update(block1).digest() + switch (state.pipesCount) { + case 0: + state.pipes = dest; + break; + case 1: + state.pipes = [state.pipes, dest]; + break; + default: + state.pipes.push(dest); + break; + } + state.pipesCount += 1; + debug('pipe count=%d opts=%j', state.pipesCount, pipeOpts); - if (!hLen) { - hLen = U.length - T = new Buffer(hLen) - l = Math.ceil(keylen / hLen) - r = keylen - (l - 1) * hLen + var doEnd = (!pipeOpts || pipeOpts.end !== false) && + dest !== process.stdout && + dest !== process.stderr; - if (keylen > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * hLen) - throw new TypeError('keylen exceeds maximum length') - } + var endFn = doEnd ? onend : cleanup; + if (state.endEmitted) + process.nextTick(endFn); + else + src.once('end', endFn); - U.copy(T, 0, 0, hLen) + dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe); + function onunpipe(readable) { + debug('onunpipe'); + if (readable === src) { + cleanup(); + } + } - for (var j = 1; j < iterations; j++) { - U = crypto.createHmac(digest, password).update(U).digest() - - for (var k = 0; k < hLen; k++) { - T[k] ^= U[k] - } - } - - var destPos = (i - 1) * hLen - var len = (i == l ? r : hLen) - T.copy(DK, destPos, 0, len) - } - - return DK - } - - return { - pbkdf2: pbkdf2, - pbkdf2Sync: pbkdf2Sync + function onend() { + debug('onend'); + dest.end(); } - } - - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - -/***/ }, -/* 36 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {var jws = __webpack_require__(37); - var ms = __webpack_require__(85); - var JWT = module.exports; - - var JsonWebTokenError = JWT.JsonWebTokenError = __webpack_require__(86); - var TokenExpiredError = JWT.TokenExpiredError = __webpack_require__(87); - var ms = __webpack_require__(85) + // when the dest drains, it reduces the awaitDrain counter + // on the source. This would be more elegant with a .once() + // handler in flow(), but adding and removing repeatedly is + // too slow. + var ondrain = pipeOnDrain(src); + dest.on('drain', ondrain); - JWT.decode = function (jwt, options) { - options = options || {}; - var decoded = jws.decode(jwt, options); - if (!decoded) { return null; } - var payload = decoded.payload; + function cleanup() { + debug('cleanup'); + // cleanup event handlers once the pipe is broken + dest.removeListener('close', onclose); + dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); + dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); + dest.removeListener('error', onerror); + dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe); + src.removeListener('end', onend); + src.removeListener('end', cleanup); + src.removeListener('data', ondata); - //try parse the payload - if(typeof payload === 'string') { - try { - var obj = JSON.parse(payload); - if(typeof obj === 'object') { - payload = obj; - } - } catch (e) { } + // if the reader is waiting for a drain event from this + // specific writer, then it would cause it to never start + // flowing again. + // So, if this is awaiting a drain, then we just call it now. + // If we don't know, then assume that we are waiting for one. + if (state.awaitDrain && + (!dest._writableState || dest._writableState.needDrain)) + ondrain(); } - //return header if `complete` option is enabled. header includes claims - //such as `kid` and `alg` used to select the key within a JWKS needed to - //verify the signature - if (options.complete === true) { - return { - header: decoded.header, - payload: payload, - signature: decoded.signature - }; + src.on('data', ondata); + function ondata(chunk) { + debug('ondata'); + var ret = dest.write(chunk); + if (false === ret) { + debug('false write response, pause', + src._readableState.awaitDrain); + src._readableState.awaitDrain++; + src.pause(); + } } - return payload; - }; - JWT.sign = function(payload, secretOrPrivateKey, options, callback) { - options = options || {}; - - var header = {}; - - if (typeof payload === 'object') { - header.typ = 'JWT'; + // if the dest has an error, then stop piping into it. + // however, don't suppress the throwing behavior for this. + function onerror(er) { + debug('onerror', er); + unpipe(); + dest.removeListener('error', onerror); + if (EE.listenerCount(dest, 'error') === 0) + dest.emit('error', er); } + // This is a brutally ugly hack to make sure that our error handler + // is attached before any userland ones. NEVER DO THIS. + if (!dest._events || !dest._events.error) + dest.on('error', onerror); + else if (isArray(dest._events.error)) + dest._events.error.unshift(onerror); + else + dest._events.error = [onerror, dest._events.error]; - header.alg = options.algorithm || 'HS256'; - if (options.headers) { - Object.keys(options.headers).forEach(function (k) { - header[k] = options.headers[k]; - }); - } - var timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); - if (!options.noTimestamp) { - payload.iat = payload.iat || timestamp; + // Both close and finish should trigger unpipe, but only once. + function onclose() { + dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); + unpipe(); } - - if (options.expiresInSeconds || options.expiresInMinutes) { - var deprecated_line; - try { - deprecated_line = /.*\((.*)\).*/.exec((new Error()).stack.split('\n')[2])[1]; - } catch(err) { - deprecated_line = ''; - } - - console.warn('jsonwebtoken: expiresInMinutes and expiresInSeconds is deprecated. (' + deprecated_line + ')\n' + - 'Use "expiresIn" expressed in seconds.'); - - var expiresInSeconds = options.expiresInMinutes ? - options.expiresInMinutes * 60 : - options.expiresInSeconds; - - payload.exp = timestamp + expiresInSeconds; - } else if (options.expiresIn) { - if (typeof options.expiresIn === 'string') { - var milliseconds = ms(options.expiresIn); - if (typeof milliseconds === 'undefined') { - throw new Error('bad "expiresIn" format: ' + options.expiresIn); - } - payload.exp = timestamp + milliseconds / 1000; - } else if (typeof options.expiresIn === 'number' ) { - payload.exp = timestamp + options.expiresIn; - } else { - throw new Error('"expiresIn" should be a number of seconds or string representing a timespan eg: "1d", "20h", 60'); - } + dest.once('close', onclose); + function onfinish() { + debug('onfinish'); + dest.removeListener('close', onclose); + unpipe(); } + dest.once('finish', onfinish); - if (options.audience) - payload.aud = options.audience; - - if (options.issuer) - payload.iss = options.issuer; - - if (options.subject) - payload.sub = options.subject; - - var encoding = 'utf8'; - if (options.encoding) { - encoding = options.encoding; + function unpipe() { + debug('unpipe'); + src.unpipe(dest); } - if(typeof callback === 'function') { - jws.createSign({ - header: header, - payload: payload, - privateKey: secretOrPrivateKey, - payload: JSON.stringify(payload) - }).on('done', callback); - } else { - return jws.sign({header: header, payload: payload, secret: secretOrPrivateKey, encoding: encoding}); - } - }; + // tell the dest that it's being piped to + dest.emit('pipe', src); - JWT.verify = function(jwtString, secretOrPublicKey, options, callback) { - if ((typeof options === 'function') && !callback) { - callback = options; - options = {}; + // start the flow if it hasn't been started already. + if (!state.flowing) { + debug('pipe resume'); + src.resume(); } - if (!options) options = {}; + return dest; + }; - var done; + function pipeOnDrain(src) { + return function() { + var state = src._readableState; + debug('pipeOnDrain', state.awaitDrain); + if (state.awaitDrain) + state.awaitDrain--; + if (state.awaitDrain === 0 && EE.listenerCount(src, 'data')) { + state.flowing = true; + flow(src); + } + }; + } - if (callback) { - done = function() { - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); - return process.nextTick(function() { - callback.apply(null, args); - }); - }; - } else { - done = function(err, data) { - if (err) throw err; - return data; - }; - } - if (!jwtString){ - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt must be provided')); - } + Readable.prototype.unpipe = function(dest) { + var state = this._readableState; - var parts = jwtString.split('.'); + // if we're not piping anywhere, then do nothing. + if (state.pipesCount === 0) + return this; - if (parts.length !== 3){ - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt malformed')); - } + // just one destination. most common case. + if (state.pipesCount === 1) { + // passed in one, but it's not the right one. + if (dest && dest !== state.pipes) + return this; - if (parts[2].trim() === '' && secretOrPublicKey){ - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt signature is required')); - } + if (!dest) + dest = state.pipes; - if (!secretOrPublicKey) { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('secret or public key must be provided')); + // got a match. + state.pipes = null; + state.pipesCount = 0; + state.flowing = false; + if (dest) + dest.emit('unpipe', this); + return this; } - if (!options.algorithms) { - options.algorithms = ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN CERTIFICATE') || - ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN PUBLIC KEY') ? - [ 'RS256','RS384','RS512','ES256','ES384','ES512' ] : - ~secretOrPublicKey.toString().indexOf('BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY') ? - [ 'RS256','RS384','RS512' ] : - [ 'HS256','HS384','HS512' ]; - - } + // slow case. multiple pipe destinations. - var decodedToken; - try { - decodedToken = jws.decode(jwtString); - } catch(err) { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid token')); - } + if (!dest) { + // remove all. + var dests = state.pipes; + var len = state.pipesCount; + state.pipes = null; + state.pipesCount = 0; + state.flowing = false; - if (!decodedToken) { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid token')); + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) + dests[i].emit('unpipe', this); + return this; } - var header = decodedToken.header; - - if (!~options.algorithms.indexOf(header.alg)) { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid algorithm')); - } + // try to find the right one. + var i = indexOf(state.pipes, dest); + if (i === -1) + return this; - var valid; + state.pipes.splice(i, 1); + state.pipesCount -= 1; + if (state.pipesCount === 1) + state.pipes = state.pipes[0]; - try { - valid = jws.verify(jwtString, header.alg, secretOrPublicKey); - } catch (e) { - return done(e); - } + dest.emit('unpipe', this); - if (!valid) - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid signature')); + return this; + }; - var payload; + // set up data events if they are asked for + // Ensure readable listeners eventually get something + Readable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) { + var res = Stream.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn); - try { - payload = JWT.decode(jwtString); - } catch(err) { - return done(err); + // If listening to data, and it has not explicitly been paused, + // then call resume to start the flow of data on the next tick. + if (ev === 'data' && false !== this._readableState.flowing) { + this.resume(); } - if (typeof payload.exp !== 'undefined' && !options.ignoreExpiration) { - if (typeof payload.exp !== 'number') { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('invalid exp value')); + if (ev === 'readable' && this.readable) { + var state = this._readableState; + if (!state.readableListening) { + state.readableListening = true; + state.emittedReadable = false; + state.needReadable = true; + if (!state.reading) { + var self = this; + process.nextTick(function() { + debug('readable nexttick read 0'); + self.read(0); + }); + } else if (state.length) { + emitReadable(this, state); + } } - if (Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) >= payload.exp) - return done(new TokenExpiredError('jwt expired', new Date(payload.exp * 1000))); } - if (options.audience) { - var audiences = Array.isArray(options.audience)? options.audience : [options.audience]; - var target = Array.isArray(payload.aud) ? payload.aud : [payload.aud]; - - var match = target.some(function(aud) { return audiences.indexOf(aud) != -1; }); - - if (!match) - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt audience invalid. expected: ' + audiences.join(' or '))); - } - - if (options.issuer) { - if (payload.iss !== options.issuer) - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('jwt issuer invalid. expected: ' + options.issuer)); - } + return res; + }; + Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on; - if (options.maxAge) { - var maxAge = ms(options.maxAge); - if (typeof payload.iat !== 'number') { - return done(new JsonWebTokenError('iat required when maxAge is specified')); - } - if (Date.now() - (payload.iat * 1000) > maxAge) { - return done(new TokenExpiredError('maxAge exceeded', new Date(payload.iat * 1000 + maxAge))); + // pause() and resume() are remnants of the legacy readable stream API + // If the user uses them, then switch into old mode. + Readable.prototype.resume = function() { + var state = this._readableState; + if (!state.flowing) { + debug('resume'); + state.flowing = true; + if (!state.reading) { + debug('resume read 0'); + this.read(0); } + resume(this, state); } - - return done(null, payload); + return this; }; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) + function resume(stream, state) { + if (!state.resumeScheduled) { + state.resumeScheduled = true; + process.nextTick(function() { + resume_(stream, state); + }); + } + } -/***/ }, -/* 37 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + function resume_(stream, state) { + state.resumeScheduled = false; + stream.emit('resume'); + flow(stream); + if (state.flowing && !state.reading) + stream.read(0); + } - /*global exports*/ - const SignStream = __webpack_require__(38); - const VerifyStream = __webpack_require__(84); + Readable.prototype.pause = function() { + debug('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing); + if (false !== this._readableState.flowing) { + debug('pause'); + this._readableState.flowing = false; + this.emit('pause'); + } + return this; + }; - const ALGORITHMS = [ - 'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', - 'RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512', - 'ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512' - ]; + function flow(stream) { + var state = stream._readableState; + debug('flow', state.flowing); + if (state.flowing) { + do { + var chunk = stream.read(); + } while (null !== chunk && state.flowing); + } + } - exports.ALGORITHMS = ALGORITHMS; - exports.sign = SignStream.sign; - exports.verify = VerifyStream.verify; - exports.decode = VerifyStream.decode; - exports.isValid = VerifyStream.isValid; - exports.createSign = function createSign(opts) { - return new SignStream(opts); - }; - exports.createVerify = function createVerify(opts) { - return new VerifyStream(opts); - }; + // wrap an old-style stream as the async data source. + // This is *not* part of the readable stream interface. + // It is an ugly unfortunate mess of history. + Readable.prototype.wrap = function(stream) { + var state = this._readableState; + var paused = false; + var self = this; + stream.on('end', function() { + debug('wrapped end'); + if (state.decoder && !state.ended) { + var chunk = state.decoder.end(); + if (chunk && chunk.length) + self.push(chunk); + } -/***/ }, -/* 38 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + self.push(null); + }); - /*global module*/ - const base64url = __webpack_require__(39); - const DataStream = __webpack_require__(40); - const jwa = __webpack_require__(59); - const Stream = __webpack_require__(41); - const toString = __webpack_require__(83); - const util = __webpack_require__(25); - - function jwsSecuredInput(header, payload, encoding) { - encoding = encoding || 'utf8'; - const encodedHeader = base64url(toString(header), 'binary'); - const encodedPayload = base64url(toString(payload), encoding); - return util.format('%s.%s', encodedHeader, encodedPayload); - } - - function jwsSign(opts) { - const header = opts.header; - const payload = opts.payload; - const secretOrKey = opts.secret || opts.privateKey; - const encoding = opts.encoding; - const algo = jwa(header.alg); - const securedInput = jwsSecuredInput(header, payload, encoding); - const signature = algo.sign(securedInput, secretOrKey); - return util.format('%s.%s', securedInput, signature); - } - - function SignStream(opts) { - const secret = opts.secret||opts.privateKey||opts.key; - const secretStream = new DataStream(secret); - this.readable = true; - this.header = opts.header; - this.encoding = opts.encoding; - this.secret = this.privateKey = this.key = secretStream; - this.payload = new DataStream(opts.payload); - this.secret.once('close', function () { - if (!this.payload.writable && this.readable) - this.sign(); - }.bind(this)); - - this.payload.once('close', function () { - if (!this.secret.writable && this.readable) - this.sign(); - }.bind(this)); - } - util.inherits(SignStream, Stream); - - SignStream.prototype.sign = function sign() { - const signature = jwsSign({ - header: this.header, - payload: this.payload.buffer, - secret: this.secret.buffer, - encoding: this.encoding + stream.on('data', function(chunk) { + debug('wrapped data'); + if (state.decoder) + chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); + if (!chunk || !state.objectMode && !chunk.length) + return; + + var ret = self.push(chunk); + if (!ret) { + paused = true; + stream.pause(); + } + }); + + // proxy all the other methods. + // important when wrapping filters and duplexes. + for (var i in stream) { + if (util.isFunction(stream[i]) && util.isUndefined(this[i])) { + this[i] = function(method) { return function() { + return stream[method].apply(stream, arguments); + }}(i); + } + } + + // proxy certain important events. + var events = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume']; + forEach(events, function(ev) { + stream.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev)); }); - this.emit('done', signature); - this.emit('data', signature); - this.emit('end'); - this.readable = false; - return signature; + + // when we try to consume some more bytes, simply unpause the + // underlying stream. + self._read = function(n) { + debug('wrapped _read', n); + if (paused) { + paused = false; + stream.resume(); + } + }; + + return self; }; - SignStream.sign = jwsSign; - module.exports = SignStream; + // exposed for testing purposes only. + Readable._fromList = fromList; -/***/ }, -/* 39 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + // Pluck off n bytes from an array of buffers. + // Length is the combined lengths of all the buffers in the list. + function fromList(n, state) { + var list = state.buffer; + var length = state.length; + var stringMode = !!state.decoder; + var objectMode = !!state.objectMode; + var ret; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {function fromBase64(base64string) { - return ( - base64string - .replace(/=/g, '') - .replace(/\+/g, '-') - .replace(/\//g, '_') - ); - } + // nothing in the list, definitely empty. + if (list.length === 0) + return null; - function toBase64(base64UrlString) { - if (Buffer.isBuffer(base64UrlString)) - base64UrlString = base64UrlString.toString(); + if (length === 0) + ret = null; + else if (objectMode) + ret = list.shift(); + else if (!n || n >= length) { + // read it all, truncate the array. + if (stringMode) + ret = list.join(''); + else + ret = Buffer.concat(list, length); + list.length = 0; + } else { + // read just some of it. + if (n < list[0].length) { + // just take a part of the first list item. + // slice is the same for buffers and strings. + var buf = list[0]; + ret = buf.slice(0, n); + list[0] = buf.slice(n); + } else if (n === list[0].length) { + // first list is a perfect match + ret = list.shift(); + } else { + // complex case. + // we have enough to cover it, but it spans past the first buffer. + if (stringMode) + ret = ''; + else + ret = new Buffer(n); - const b64str = padString(base64UrlString) - .replace(/\-/g, '+') - .replace(/_/g, '/'); - return b64str; - } + var c = 0; + for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l && c < n; i++) { + var buf = list[0]; + var cpy = Math.min(n - c, buf.length); - function padString(string) { - const segmentLength = 4; - const stringLength = string.length; - const diff = string.length % segmentLength; - if (!diff) - return string; - var position = stringLength; - var padLength = segmentLength - diff; - const paddedStringLength = stringLength + padLength; - const buffer = Buffer(paddedStringLength); - buffer.write(string); - while (padLength--) - buffer.write('=', position++); - return buffer.toString(); - } + if (stringMode) + ret += buf.slice(0, cpy); + else + buf.copy(ret, c, 0, cpy); - function decodeBase64Url(base64UrlString, encoding) { - return Buffer(toBase64(base64UrlString), 'base64').toString(encoding); - } + if (cpy < buf.length) + list[0] = buf.slice(cpy); + else + list.shift(); - function base64url(stringOrBuffer, encoding) { - return fromBase64(Buffer(stringOrBuffer, encoding).toString('base64')); - } + c += cpy; + } + } + } - function toBuffer(base64string) { - return Buffer(toBase64(base64string), 'base64'); + return ret; } - base64url.toBase64 = toBase64; - base64url.fromBase64 = fromBase64; - base64url.decode = decodeBase64Url; - base64url.encode = base64url; - base64url.toBuffer = toBuffer; - - module.exports = base64url; + function endReadable(stream) { + var state = stream._readableState; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + // If we get here before consuming all the bytes, then that is a + // bug in node. Should never happen. + if (state.length > 0) + throw new Error('endReadable called on non-empty stream'); -/***/ }, -/* 40 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + if (!state.endEmitted) { + state.ended = true; + process.nextTick(function() { + // Check that we didn't get one last unshift. + if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) { + state.endEmitted = true; + stream.readable = false; + stream.emit('end'); + } + }); + } + } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {/*global module, process*/ - const Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - const Stream = __webpack_require__(41); - const util = __webpack_require__(25); + function forEach (xs, f) { + for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { + f(xs[i], i); + } + } - function DataStream(data) { - this.buffer = Buffer(data||0); - this.writable = true; - this.readable = true; - if (!data) - return this; - if (typeof data.pipe === 'function') - data.pipe(this); - else if (data.length) { - this.writable = false; - process.nextTick(function () { - this.buffer = data; - this.emit('end', data); - this.readable = false; - this.emit('close'); - }.bind(this)); + function indexOf (xs, x) { + for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { + if (xs[i] === x) return i; } + return -1; } - util.inherits(DataStream, Stream); - DataStream.prototype.write = function write(data) { - this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, Buffer(data)]); - this.emit('data', data); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) - DataStream.prototype.end = function end(data) { - if (data) - this.write(data); - this.emit('end', data); - this.emit('close'); - this.writable = false; - this.readable = false; - }; +/***/ }, +/* 33 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - module.exports = DataStream; + module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; + }; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) /***/ }, -/* 41 */ +/* 34 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the @@ -10525,119 +11323,230 @@ // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - module.exports = Stream; + // NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof` + // because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`. + function isArray(ar) { + return Array.isArray(ar); + } + exports.isArray = isArray; - var EE = __webpack_require__(42).EventEmitter; - var inherits = __webpack_require__(43); + function isBoolean(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'boolean'; + } + exports.isBoolean = isBoolean; - inherits(Stream, EE); - Stream.Readable = __webpack_require__(44); - Stream.Writable = __webpack_require__(55); - Stream.Duplex = __webpack_require__(56); - Stream.Transform = __webpack_require__(57); - Stream.PassThrough = __webpack_require__(58); + function isNull(arg) { + return arg === null; + } + exports.isNull = isNull; - // Backwards-compat with node 0.4.x - Stream.Stream = Stream; + function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { + return arg == null; + } + exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined; + function isNumber(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'number'; + } + exports.isNumber = isNumber; + function isString(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'string'; + } + exports.isString = isString; - // old-style streams. Note that the pipe method (the only relevant - // part of this class) is overridden in the Readable class. + function isSymbol(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'symbol'; + } + exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; - function Stream() { - EE.call(this); + function isUndefined(arg) { + return arg === void 0; } + exports.isUndefined = isUndefined; - Stream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) { - var source = this; + function isRegExp(re) { + return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]'; + } + exports.isRegExp = isRegExp; - function ondata(chunk) { - if (dest.writable) { - if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) { - source.pause(); + function isObject(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; + } + exports.isObject = isObject; + + function isDate(d) { + return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]'; + } + exports.isDate = isDate; + + function isError(e) { + return isObject(e) && + (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error); + } + exports.isError = isError; + + function isFunction(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'function'; + } + exports.isFunction = isFunction; + + function isPrimitive(arg) { + return arg === null || + typeof arg === 'boolean' || + typeof arg === 'number' || + typeof arg === 'string' || + typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol + typeof arg === 'undefined'; + } + exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive; + + function isBuffer(arg) { + return Buffer.isBuffer(arg); + } + exports.isBuffer = isBuffer; + + function objectToString(o) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(o); + } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 35 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { + // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: ctor, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + configurable: true } - } + }); + }; + } else { + // old school shim for old browsers + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + var TempCtor = function () {} + TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype + ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() + ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor } + } - source.on('data', ondata); - function ondrain() { - if (source.readable && source.resume) { - source.resume(); - } - } +/***/ }, +/* 36 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - dest.on('drain', ondrain); + /* (ignored) */ - // If the 'end' option is not supplied, dest.end() will be called when - // source gets the 'end' or 'close' events. Only dest.end() once. - if (!dest._isStdio && (!options || options.end !== false)) { - source.on('end', onend); - source.on('close', onclose); - } +/***/ }, +/* 37 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var didOnEnd = false; - function onend() { - if (didOnEnd) return; - didOnEnd = true; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - dest.end(); - } + // a duplex stream is just a stream that is both readable and writable. + // Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class + // prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from + // Writable. + module.exports = Duplex; - function onclose() { - if (didOnEnd) return; - didOnEnd = true; + /**/ + var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { + var keys = []; + for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); + return keys; + } + /**/ - if (typeof dest.destroy === 'function') dest.destroy(); - } - // don't leave dangling pipes when there are errors. - function onerror(er) { - cleanup(); - if (EE.listenerCount(this, 'error') === 0) { - throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe. - } - } + /**/ + var util = __webpack_require__(34); + util.inherits = __webpack_require__(35); + /**/ - source.on('error', onerror); - dest.on('error', onerror); + var Readable = __webpack_require__(32); + var Writable = __webpack_require__(38); - // remove all the event listeners that were added. - function cleanup() { - source.removeListener('data', ondata); - dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); + util.inherits(Duplex, Readable); - source.removeListener('end', onend); - source.removeListener('close', onclose); + forEach(objectKeys(Writable.prototype), function(method) { + if (!Duplex.prototype[method]) + Duplex.prototype[method] = Writable.prototype[method]; + }); - source.removeListener('error', onerror); - dest.removeListener('error', onerror); + function Duplex(options) { + if (!(this instanceof Duplex)) + return new Duplex(options); - source.removeListener('end', cleanup); - source.removeListener('close', cleanup); + Readable.call(this, options); + Writable.call(this, options); - dest.removeListener('close', cleanup); - } + if (options && options.readable === false) + this.readable = false; - source.on('end', cleanup); - source.on('close', cleanup); + if (options && options.writable === false) + this.writable = false; - dest.on('close', cleanup); + this.allowHalfOpen = true; + if (options && options.allowHalfOpen === false) + this.allowHalfOpen = false; - dest.emit('pipe', source); + this.once('end', onend); + } - // Allow for unix-like usage: A.pipe(B).pipe(C) - return dest; - }; + // the no-half-open enforcer + function onend() { + // if we allow half-open state, or if the writable side ended, + // then we're ok. + if (this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended) + return; + + // no more data can be written. + // But allow more writes to happen in this tick. + process.nextTick(this.end.bind(this)); + } + + function forEach (xs, f) { + for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { + f(xs[i], i); + } + } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) /***/ }, -/* 42 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { +/* 38 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the @@ -10658,1291 +11567,1102 @@ // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - function EventEmitter() { - this._events = this._events || {}; - this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined; - } - module.exports = EventEmitter; + // A bit simpler than readable streams. + // Implement an async ._write(chunk, cb), and it'll handle all + // the drain event emission and buffering. - // Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x - EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter; + module.exports = Writable; - EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined; - EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined; + /**/ + var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + /**/ - // By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are - // added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks. - EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10; + Writable.WritableState = WritableState; - // Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows - // that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited. - EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) { - if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n)) - throw TypeError('n must be a positive number'); - this._maxListeners = n; - return this; - }; - EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { - var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners; + /**/ + var util = __webpack_require__(34); + util.inherits = __webpack_require__(35); + /**/ - if (!this._events) - this._events = {}; + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28); - // If there is no 'error' event listener then throw. - if (type === 'error') { - if (!this._events.error || - (isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) { - er = arguments[1]; - if (er instanceof Error) { - throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event - } - throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); - } - } - - handler = this._events[type]; + util.inherits(Writable, Stream); - if (isUndefined(handler)) - return false; + function WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb) { + this.chunk = chunk; + this.encoding = encoding; + this.callback = cb; + } - if (isFunction(handler)) { - switch (arguments.length) { - // fast cases - case 1: - handler.call(this); - break; - case 2: - handler.call(this, arguments[1]); - break; - case 3: - handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); - break; - // slower - default: - args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); - handler.apply(this, args); - } - } else if (isObject(handler)) { - args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); - listeners = handler.slice(); - len = listeners.length; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) - listeners[i].apply(this, args); - } + function WritableState(options, stream) { + var Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); - return true; - }; + options = options || {}; - EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) { - var m; + // the point at which write() starts returning false + // Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if + // the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write() + var hwm = options.highWaterMark; + var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; + this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm; - if (!isFunction(listener)) - throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); + // object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream + // contains buffers or objects. + this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; - if (!this._events) - this._events = {}; + if (stream instanceof Duplex) + this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.writableObjectMode; - // To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before - // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener". - if (this._events.newListener) - this.emit('newListener', type, - isFunction(listener.listener) ? - listener.listener : listener); + // cast to ints. + this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark; - if (!this._events[type]) - // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. - this._events[type] = listener; - else if (isObject(this._events[type])) - // If we've already got an array, just append. - this._events[type].push(listener); - else - // Adding the second element, need to change to array. - this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; + this.needDrain = false; + // at the start of calling end() + this.ending = false; + // when end() has been called, and returned + this.ended = false; + // when 'finish' is emitted + this.finished = false; - // Check for listener leak - if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) { - if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) { - m = this._maxListeners; - } else { - m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners; - } + // should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write? + // this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string + // handling at a lower level. + var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false; + this.decodeStrings = !noDecode; - if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) { - this._events[type].warned = true; - console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' + - 'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' + - 'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.', - this._events[type].length); - if (typeof console.trace === 'function') { - // not supported in IE 10 - console.trace(); - } - } - } + // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string + // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. + // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. + this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; - return this; - }; + // not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement + // of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying + // socket or file. + this.length = 0; - EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; + // a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write. + this.writing = false; - EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) { - if (!isFunction(listener)) - throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); + // when true all writes will be buffered until .uncork() call + this.corked = 0; - var fired = false; + // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately, + // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any + // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also + // not happen before the first write call. + this.sync = true; - function g() { - this.removeListener(type, g); + // a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which + // may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't + // end up in an overlapped onwrite situation. + this.bufferProcessing = false; - if (!fired) { - fired = true; - listener.apply(this, arguments); - } - } + // the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb) + this.onwrite = function(er) { + onwrite(stream, er); + }; - g.listener = listener; - this.on(type, g); + // the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb) + this.writecb = null; - return this; - }; + // the amount that is being written when _write is called. + this.writelen = 0; - // emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed - EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) { - var list, position, length, i; + this.buffer = []; - if (!isFunction(listener)) - throw TypeError('listener must be a function'); + // number of pending user-supplied write callbacks + // this must be 0 before 'finish' can be emitted + this.pendingcb = 0; - if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) - return this; + // emit prefinish if the only thing we're waiting for is _write cbs + // This is relevant for synchronous Transform streams + this.prefinished = false; - list = this._events[type]; - length = list.length; - position = -1; + // True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again + this.errorEmitted = false; + } - if (list === listener || - (isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) { - delete this._events[type]; - if (this._events.removeListener) - this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); + function Writable(options) { + var Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); - } else if (isObject(list)) { - for (i = length; i-- > 0;) { - if (list[i] === listener || - (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) { - position = i; - break; - } - } + // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, though they're not + // instanceof Writable, they're instanceof Readable. + if (!(this instanceof Writable) && !(this instanceof Duplex)) + return new Writable(options); - if (position < 0) - return this; + this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this); - if (list.length === 1) { - list.length = 0; - delete this._events[type]; - } else { - list.splice(position, 1); - } + // legacy. + this.writable = true; - if (this._events.removeListener) - this.emit('removeListener', type, listener); - } + Stream.call(this); + } - return this; + // Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong. + Writable.prototype.pipe = function() { + this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe. Not readable.')); }; - EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { - var key, listeners; - if (!this._events) - return this; + function writeAfterEnd(stream, state, cb) { + var er = new Error('write after end'); + // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb + stream.emit('error', er); + process.nextTick(function() { + cb(er); + }); + } - // not listening for removeListener, no need to emit - if (!this._events.removeListener) { - if (arguments.length === 0) - this._events = {}; - else if (this._events[type]) - delete this._events[type]; - return this; + // If we get something that is not a buffer, string, null, or undefined, + // and we're not in objectMode, then that's an error. + // Otherwise stream chunks are all considered to be of length=1, and the + // watermarks determine how many objects to keep in the buffer, rather than + // how many bytes or characters. + function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) { + var valid = true; + if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) && + !util.isString(chunk) && + !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) && + !state.objectMode) { + var er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk'); + stream.emit('error', er); + process.nextTick(function() { + cb(er); + }); + valid = false; } + return valid; + } - // emit removeListener for all listeners on all events - if (arguments.length === 0) { - for (key in this._events) { - if (key === 'removeListener') continue; - this.removeAllListeners(key); - } - this.removeAllListeners('removeListener'); - this._events = {}; - return this; - } - - listeners = this._events[type]; + Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + var state = this._writableState; + var ret = false; - if (isFunction(listeners)) { - this.removeListener(type, listeners); - } else if (listeners) { - // LIFO order - while (listeners.length) - this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]); + if (util.isFunction(encoding)) { + cb = encoding; + encoding = null; } - delete this._events[type]; - return this; - }; - - EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { - var ret; - if (!this._events || !this._events[type]) - ret = []; - else if (isFunction(this._events[type])) - ret = [this._events[type]]; - else - ret = this._events[type].slice(); - return ret; - }; + if (util.isBuffer(chunk)) + encoding = 'buffer'; + else if (!encoding) + encoding = state.defaultEncoding; - EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = function(type) { - if (this._events) { - var evlistener = this._events[type]; + if (!util.isFunction(cb)) + cb = function() {}; - if (isFunction(evlistener)) - return 1; - else if (evlistener) - return evlistener.length; + if (state.ended) + writeAfterEnd(this, state, cb); + else if (validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) { + state.pendingcb++; + ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, chunk, encoding, cb); } - return 0; - }; - EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { - return emitter.listenerCount(type); + return ret; }; - function isFunction(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'function'; - } - - function isNumber(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'number'; - } + Writable.prototype.cork = function() { + var state = this._writableState; - function isObject(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; - } + state.corked++; + }; - function isUndefined(arg) { - return arg === void 0; - } + Writable.prototype.uncork = function() { + var state = this._writableState; + if (state.corked) { + state.corked--; -/***/ }, -/* 43 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + if (!state.writing && + !state.corked && + !state.finished && + !state.bufferProcessing && + state.buffer.length) + clearBuffer(this, state); + } + }; - if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { - // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: ctor, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - configurable: true - } - }); - }; - } else { - // old school shim for old browsers - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - var TempCtor = function () {} - TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype - ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() - ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor + function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) { + if (!state.objectMode && + state.decodeStrings !== false && + util.isString(chunk)) { + chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding); } + return chunk; } + // if we're already writing something, then just put this + // in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write + // If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag. + function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, chunk, encoding, cb) { + chunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding); + if (util.isBuffer(chunk)) + encoding = 'buffer'; + var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; -/***/ }, -/* 44 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(45); - exports.Stream = __webpack_require__(41); - exports.Readable = exports; - exports.Writable = __webpack_require__(51); - exports.Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); - exports.Transform = __webpack_require__(53); - exports.PassThrough = __webpack_require__(54); - - -/***/ }, -/* 45 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + state.length += len; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark; + // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false. + if (!ret) + state.needDrain = true; - module.exports = Readable; + if (state.writing || state.corked) + state.buffer.push(new WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb)); + else + doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); - /**/ - var isArray = __webpack_require__(46); - /**/ + return ret; + } + function doWrite(stream, state, writev, len, chunk, encoding, cb) { + state.writelen = len; + state.writecb = cb; + state.writing = true; + state.sync = true; + if (writev) + stream._writev(chunk, state.onwrite); + else + stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite); + state.sync = false; + } - /**/ - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - /**/ + function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) { + if (sync) + process.nextTick(function() { + state.pendingcb--; + cb(er); + }); + else { + state.pendingcb--; + cb(er); + } - Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState; + stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true; + stream.emit('error', er); + } - var EE = __webpack_require__(42).EventEmitter; + function onwriteStateUpdate(state) { + state.writing = false; + state.writecb = null; + state.length -= state.writelen; + state.writelen = 0; + } - /**/ - if (!EE.listenerCount) EE.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) { - return emitter.listeners(type).length; - }; - /**/ + function onwrite(stream, er) { + var state = stream._writableState; + var sync = state.sync; + var cb = state.writecb; - var Stream = __webpack_require__(41); + onwriteStateUpdate(state); - /**/ - var util = __webpack_require__(47); - util.inherits = __webpack_require__(48); - /**/ + if (er) + onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb); + else { + // Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet + var finished = needFinish(stream, state); - var StringDecoder; + if (!finished && + !state.corked && + !state.bufferProcessing && + state.buffer.length) { + clearBuffer(stream, state); + } + if (sync) { + process.nextTick(function() { + afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb); + }); + } else { + afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb); + } + } + } - /**/ - var debug = __webpack_require__(49); - if (debug && debug.debuglog) { - debug = debug.debuglog('stream'); - } else { - debug = function () {}; + function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) { + if (!finished) + onwriteDrain(stream, state); + state.pendingcb--; + cb(); + finishMaybe(stream, state); } - /**/ + // Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't + // emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return + // value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener. + function onwriteDrain(stream, state) { + if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) { + state.needDrain = false; + stream.emit('drain'); + } + } - util.inherits(Readable, Stream); - function ReadableState(options, stream) { - var Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); + // if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it + function clearBuffer(stream, state) { + state.bufferProcessing = true; - options = options || {}; + if (stream._writev && state.buffer.length > 1) { + // Fast case, write everything using _writev() + var cbs = []; + for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) + cbs.push(state.buffer[c].callback); - // the point at which it stops calling _read() to fill the buffer - // Note: 0 is a valid value, means "don't call _read preemptively ever" - var hwm = options.highWaterMark; - var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; - this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm; + // count the one we are adding, as well. + // TODO(isaacs) clean this up + state.pendingcb++; + doWrite(stream, state, true, state.length, state.buffer, '', function(err) { + for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) { + state.pendingcb--; + cbs[i](err); + } + }); - // cast to ints. - this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark; + // Clear buffer + state.buffer = []; + } else { + // Slow case, write chunks one-by-one + for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) { + var entry = state.buffer[c]; + var chunk = entry.chunk; + var encoding = entry.encoding; + var cb = entry.callback; + var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; - this.buffer = []; - this.length = 0; - this.pipes = null; - this.pipesCount = 0; - this.flowing = null; - this.ended = false; - this.endEmitted = false; - this.reading = false; + doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); - // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately, - // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any - // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also - // not happen before the first write call. - this.sync = true; + // if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then + // it means that we need to wait until it does. + // also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently + // being processed, so move the buffer counter past them. + if (state.writing) { + c++; + break; + } + } - // whenever we return null, then we set a flag to say - // that we're awaiting a 'readable' event emission. - this.needReadable = false; - this.emittedReadable = false; - this.readableListening = false; + if (c < state.buffer.length) + state.buffer = state.buffer.slice(c); + else + state.buffer.length = 0; + } + state.bufferProcessing = false; + } - // object stream flag. Used to make read(n) ignore n and to - // make all the buffer merging and length checks go away - this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; + Writable.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + cb(new Error('not implemented')); - if (stream instanceof Duplex) - this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.readableObjectMode; + }; - // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string - // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. - // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. - this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; + Writable.prototype._writev = null; - // when piping, we only care about 'readable' events that happen - // after read()ing all the bytes and not getting any pushback. - this.ranOut = false; + Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + var state = this._writableState; - // the number of writers that are awaiting a drain event in .pipe()s - this.awaitDrain = 0; + if (util.isFunction(chunk)) { + cb = chunk; + chunk = null; + encoding = null; + } else if (util.isFunction(encoding)) { + cb = encoding; + encoding = null; + } - // if true, a maybeReadMore has been scheduled - this.readingMore = false; + if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk)) + this.write(chunk, encoding); - this.decoder = null; - this.encoding = null; - if (options.encoding) { - if (!StringDecoder) - StringDecoder = __webpack_require__(52).StringDecoder; - this.decoder = new StringDecoder(options.encoding); - this.encoding = options.encoding; + // .end() fully uncorks + if (state.corked) { + state.corked = 1; + this.uncork(); } - } - - function Readable(options) { - var Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); - if (!(this instanceof Readable)) - return new Readable(options); + // ignore unnecessary end() calls. + if (!state.ending && !state.finished) + endWritable(this, state, cb); + }; - this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this); - // legacy - this.readable = true; + function needFinish(stream, state) { + return (state.ending && + state.length === 0 && + !state.finished && + !state.writing); + } - Stream.call(this); + function prefinish(stream, state) { + if (!state.prefinished) { + state.prefinished = true; + stream.emit('prefinish'); + } } - // Manually shove something into the read() buffer. - // This returns true if the highWaterMark has not been hit yet, - // similar to how Writable.write() returns true if you should - // write() some more. - Readable.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { - var state = this._readableState; + function finishMaybe(stream, state) { + var need = needFinish(stream, state); + if (need) { + if (state.pendingcb === 0) { + prefinish(stream, state); + state.finished = true; + stream.emit('finish'); + } else + prefinish(stream, state); + } + return need; + } - if (util.isString(chunk) && !state.objectMode) { - encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding; - if (encoding !== state.encoding) { - chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding); - encoding = ''; - } + function endWritable(stream, state, cb) { + state.ending = true; + finishMaybe(stream, state); + if (cb) { + if (state.finished) + process.nextTick(cb); + else + stream.once('finish', cb); } + state.ended = true; + } - return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, encoding, false); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) - // Unshift should *always* be something directly out of read() - Readable.prototype.unshift = function(chunk) { - var state = this._readableState; - return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, '', true); - }; +/***/ }, +/* 39 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - function readableAddChunk(stream, state, chunk, encoding, addToFront) { - var er = chunkInvalid(state, chunk); - if (er) { - stream.emit('error', er); - } else if (util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk)) { - state.reading = false; - if (!state.ended) - onEofChunk(stream, state); - } else if (state.objectMode || chunk && chunk.length > 0) { - if (state.ended && !addToFront) { - var e = new Error('stream.push() after EOF'); - stream.emit('error', e); - } else if (state.endEmitted && addToFront) { - var e = new Error('stream.unshift() after end event'); - stream.emit('error', e); - } else { - if (state.decoder && !addToFront && !encoding) - chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - if (!addToFront) - state.reading = false; + var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - // if we want the data now, just emit it. - if (state.flowing && state.length === 0 && !state.sync) { - stream.emit('data', chunk); - stream.read(0); - } else { - // update the buffer info. - state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; - if (addToFront) - state.buffer.unshift(chunk); - else - state.buffer.push(chunk); + var isBufferEncoding = Buffer.isEncoding + || function(encoding) { + switch (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase()) { + case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return true; + default: return false; + } + } - if (state.needReadable) - emitReadable(stream); - } - maybeReadMore(stream, state); - } - } else if (!addToFront) { - state.reading = false; + function assertEncoding(encoding) { + if (encoding && !isBufferEncoding(encoding)) { + throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding); } - - return needMoreData(state); } + // StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of + // buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte + // characters. CESU-8 is handled as part of the UTF-8 encoding. + // + // @TODO Handling all encodings inside a single object makes it very difficult + // to reason about this code, so it should be split up in the future. + // @TODO There should be a utf8-strict encoding that rejects invalid UTF-8 code + // points as used by CESU-8. + var StringDecoder = exports.StringDecoder = function(encoding) { + this.encoding = (encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase().replace(/[-_]/, ''); + assertEncoding(encoding); + switch (this.encoding) { + case 'utf8': + // CESU-8 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 3-bytes + this.surrogateSize = 3; + break; + case 'ucs2': + case 'utf16le': + // UTF-16 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 2-bytes + this.surrogateSize = 2; + this.detectIncompleteChar = utf16DetectIncompleteChar; + break; + case 'base64': + // Base-64 stores 3 bytes in 4 chars, and pads the remainder. + this.surrogateSize = 3; + this.detectIncompleteChar = base64DetectIncompleteChar; + break; + default: + this.write = passThroughWrite; + return; + } - - // if it's past the high water mark, we can push in some more. - // Also, if we have no data yet, we can stand some - // more bytes. This is to work around cases where hwm=0, - // such as the repl. Also, if the push() triggered a - // readable event, and the user called read(largeNumber) such that - // needReadable was set, then we ought to push more, so that another - // 'readable' event will be triggered. - function needMoreData(state) { - return !state.ended && - (state.needReadable || - state.length < state.highWaterMark || - state.length === 0); - } - - // backwards compatibility. - Readable.prototype.setEncoding = function(enc) { - if (!StringDecoder) - StringDecoder = __webpack_require__(52).StringDecoder; - this._readableState.decoder = new StringDecoder(enc); - this._readableState.encoding = enc; - return this; + // Enough space to store all bytes of a single character. UTF-8 needs 4 + // bytes, but CESU-8 may require up to 6 (3 bytes per surrogate). + this.charBuffer = new Buffer(6); + // Number of bytes received for the current incomplete multi-byte character. + this.charReceived = 0; + // Number of bytes expected for the current incomplete multi-byte character. + this.charLength = 0; }; - // Don't raise the hwm > 128MB - var MAX_HWM = 0x800000; - function roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n) { - if (n >= MAX_HWM) { - n = MAX_HWM; - } else { - // Get the next highest power of 2 - n--; - for (var p = 1; p < 32; p <<= 1) n |= n >> p; - n++; - } - return n; - } - - function howMuchToRead(n, state) { - if (state.length === 0 && state.ended) - return 0; - if (state.objectMode) - return n === 0 ? 0 : 1; + // write decodes the given buffer and returns it as JS string that is + // guaranteed to not contain any partial multi-byte characters. Any partial + // character found at the end of the buffer is buffered up, and will be + // returned when calling write again with the remaining bytes. + // + // Note: Converting a Buffer containing an orphan surrogate to a String + // currently works, but converting a String to a Buffer (via `new Buffer`, or + // Buffer#write) will replace incomplete surrogates with the unicode + // replacement character. See https://codereview.chromium.org/121173009/ . + StringDecoder.prototype.write = function(buffer) { + var charStr = ''; + // if our last write ended with an incomplete multibyte character + while (this.charLength) { + // determine how many remaining bytes this buffer has to offer for this char + var available = (buffer.length >= this.charLength - this.charReceived) ? + this.charLength - this.charReceived : + buffer.length; - if (isNaN(n) || util.isNull(n)) { - // only flow one buffer at a time - if (state.flowing && state.buffer.length) - return state.buffer[0].length; - else - return state.length; - } + // add the new bytes to the char buffer + buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, this.charReceived, 0, available); + this.charReceived += available; - if (n <= 0) - return 0; + if (this.charReceived < this.charLength) { + // still not enough chars in this buffer? wait for more ... + return ''; + } - // If we're asking for more than the target buffer level, - // then raise the water mark. Bump up to the next highest - // power of 2, to prevent increasing it excessively in tiny - // amounts. - if (n > state.highWaterMark) - state.highWaterMark = roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n); + // remove bytes belonging to the current character from the buffer + buffer = buffer.slice(available, buffer.length); - // don't have that much. return null, unless we've ended. - if (n > state.length) { - if (!state.ended) { - state.needReadable = true; - return 0; - } else - return state.length; - } + // get the character that was split + charStr = this.charBuffer.slice(0, this.charLength).toString(this.encoding); - return n; - } + // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character + var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(charStr.length - 1); + if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) { + this.charLength += this.surrogateSize; + charStr = ''; + continue; + } + this.charReceived = this.charLength = 0; - // you can override either this method, or the async _read(n) below. - Readable.prototype.read = function(n) { - debug('read', n); - var state = this._readableState; - var nOrig = n; + // if there are no more bytes in this buffer, just emit our char + if (buffer.length === 0) { + return charStr; + } + break; + } - if (!util.isNumber(n) || n > 0) - state.emittedReadable = false; + // determine and set charLength / charReceived + this.detectIncompleteChar(buffer); - // if we're doing read(0) to trigger a readable event, but we - // already have a bunch of data in the buffer, then just trigger - // the 'readable' event and move on. - if (n === 0 && - state.needReadable && - (state.length >= state.highWaterMark || state.ended)) { - debug('read: emitReadable', state.length, state.ended); - if (state.length === 0 && state.ended) - endReadable(this); - else - emitReadable(this); - return null; + var end = buffer.length; + if (this.charLength) { + // buffer the incomplete character bytes we got + buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, buffer.length - this.charReceived, end); + end -= this.charReceived; } - n = howMuchToRead(n, state); + charStr += buffer.toString(this.encoding, 0, end); - // if we've ended, and we're now clear, then finish it up. - if (n === 0 && state.ended) { - if (state.length === 0) - endReadable(this); - return null; + var end = charStr.length - 1; + var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(end); + // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character + if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) { + var size = this.surrogateSize; + this.charLength += size; + this.charReceived += size; + this.charBuffer.copy(this.charBuffer, size, 0, size); + buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, 0, size); + return charStr.substring(0, end); } - // All the actual chunk generation logic needs to be - // *below* the call to _read. The reason is that in certain - // synthetic stream cases, such as passthrough streams, _read - // may be a completely synchronous operation which may change - // the state of the read buffer, providing enough data when - // before there was *not* enough. - // - // So, the steps are: - // 1. Figure out what the state of things will be after we do - // a read from the buffer. - // - // 2. If that resulting state will trigger a _read, then call _read. - // Note that this may be asynchronous, or synchronous. Yes, it is - // deeply ugly to write APIs this way, but that still doesn't mean - // that the Readable class should behave improperly, as streams are - // designed to be sync/async agnostic. - // Take note if the _read call is sync or async (ie, if the read call - // has returned yet), so that we know whether or not it's safe to emit - // 'readable' etc. - // - // 3. Actually pull the requested chunks out of the buffer and return. + // or just emit the charStr + return charStr; + }; - // if we need a readable event, then we need to do some reading. - var doRead = state.needReadable; - debug('need readable', doRead); + // detectIncompleteChar determines if there is an incomplete UTF-8 character at + // the end of the given buffer. If so, it sets this.charLength to the byte + // length that character, and sets this.charReceived to the number of bytes + // that are available for this character. + StringDecoder.prototype.detectIncompleteChar = function(buffer) { + // determine how many bytes we have to check at the end of this buffer + var i = (buffer.length >= 3) ? 3 : buffer.length; - // if we currently have less than the highWaterMark, then also read some - if (state.length === 0 || state.length - n < state.highWaterMark) { - doRead = true; - debug('length less than watermark', doRead); - } + // Figure out if one of the last i bytes of our buffer announces an + // incomplete char. + for (; i > 0; i--) { + var c = buffer[buffer.length - i]; - // however, if we've ended, then there's no point, and if we're already - // reading, then it's unnecessary. - if (state.ended || state.reading) { - doRead = false; - debug('reading or ended', doRead); - } + // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description - if (doRead) { - debug('do read'); - state.reading = true; - state.sync = true; - // if the length is currently zero, then we *need* a readable event. - if (state.length === 0) - state.needReadable = true; - // call internal read method - this._read(state.highWaterMark); - state.sync = false; - } + // 110XXXXX + if (i == 1 && c >> 5 == 0x06) { + this.charLength = 2; + break; + } - // If _read pushed data synchronously, then `reading` will be false, - // and we need to re-evaluate how much data we can return to the user. - if (doRead && !state.reading) - n = howMuchToRead(nOrig, state); + // 1110XXXX + if (i <= 2 && c >> 4 == 0x0E) { + this.charLength = 3; + break; + } - var ret; - if (n > 0) - ret = fromList(n, state); - else - ret = null; - - if (util.isNull(ret)) { - state.needReadable = true; - n = 0; + // 11110XXX + if (i <= 3 && c >> 3 == 0x1E) { + this.charLength = 4; + break; + } } + this.charReceived = i; + }; - state.length -= n; + StringDecoder.prototype.end = function(buffer) { + var res = ''; + if (buffer && buffer.length) + res = this.write(buffer); - // If we have nothing in the buffer, then we want to know - // as soon as we *do* get something into the buffer. - if (state.length === 0 && !state.ended) - state.needReadable = true; + if (this.charReceived) { + var cr = this.charReceived; + var buf = this.charBuffer; + var enc = this.encoding; + res += buf.slice(0, cr).toString(enc); + } - // If we tried to read() past the EOF, then emit end on the next tick. - if (nOrig !== n && state.ended && state.length === 0) - endReadable(this); + return res; + }; - if (!util.isNull(ret)) - this.emit('data', ret); + function passThroughWrite(buffer) { + return buffer.toString(this.encoding); + } - return ret; - }; + function utf16DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) { + this.charReceived = buffer.length % 2; + this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 2 : 0; + } - function chunkInvalid(state, chunk) { - var er = null; - if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) && - !util.isString(chunk) && - !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) && - !state.objectMode) { - er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk'); - } - return er; + function base64DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) { + this.charReceived = buffer.length % 3; + this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 3 : 0; } - function onEofChunk(stream, state) { - if (state.decoder && !state.ended) { - var chunk = state.decoder.end(); - if (chunk && chunk.length) { - state.buffer.push(chunk); - state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; - } - } - state.ended = true; +/***/ }, +/* 40 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // emit 'readable' now to make sure it gets picked up. - emitReadable(stream); - } + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - // Don't emit readable right away in sync mode, because this can trigger - // another read() call => stack overflow. This way, it might trigger - // a nextTick recursion warning, but that's not so bad. - function emitReadable(stream) { - var state = stream._readableState; - state.needReadable = false; - if (!state.emittedReadable) { - debug('emitReadable', state.flowing); - state.emittedReadable = true; - if (state.sync) - process.nextTick(function() { - emitReadable_(stream); - }); - else - emitReadable_(stream); - } - } - function emitReadable_(stream) { - debug('emit readable'); - stream.emit('readable'); - flow(stream); - } + // a transform stream is a readable/writable stream where you do + // something with the data. Sometimes it's called a "filter", + // but that's not a great name for it, since that implies a thing where + // some bits pass through, and others are simply ignored. (That would + // be a valid example of a transform, of course.) + // + // While the output is causally related to the input, it's not a + // necessarily symmetric or synchronous transformation. For example, + // a zlib stream might take multiple plain-text writes(), and then + // emit a single compressed chunk some time in the future. + // + // Here's how this works: + // + // The Transform stream has all the aspects of the readable and writable + // stream classes. When you write(chunk), that calls _write(chunk,cb) + // internally, and returns false if there's a lot of pending writes + // buffered up. When you call read(), that calls _read(n) until + // there's enough pending readable data buffered up. + // + // In a transform stream, the written data is placed in a buffer. When + // _read(n) is called, it transforms the queued up data, calling the + // buffered _write cb's as it consumes chunks. If consuming a single + // written chunk would result in multiple output chunks, then the first + // outputted bit calls the readcb, and subsequent chunks just go into + // the read buffer, and will cause it to emit 'readable' if necessary. + // + // This way, back-pressure is actually determined by the reading side, + // since _read has to be called to start processing a new chunk. However, + // a pathological inflate type of transform can cause excessive buffering + // here. For example, imagine a stream where every byte of input is + // interpreted as an integer from 0-255, and then results in that many + // bytes of output. Writing the 4 bytes {ff,ff,ff,ff} would result in + // 1kb of data being output. In this case, you could write a very small + // amount of input, and end up with a very large amount of output. In + // such a pathological inflating mechanism, there'd be no way to tell + // the system to stop doing the transform. A single 4MB write could + // cause the system to run out of memory. + // + // However, even in such a pathological case, only a single written chunk + // would be consumed, and then the rest would wait (un-transformed) until + // the results of the previous transformed chunk were consumed. + module.exports = Transform; - // at this point, the user has presumably seen the 'readable' event, - // and called read() to consume some data. that may have triggered - // in turn another _read(n) call, in which case reading = true if - // it's in progress. - // However, if we're not ended, or reading, and the length < hwm, - // then go ahead and try to read some more preemptively. - function maybeReadMore(stream, state) { - if (!state.readingMore) { - state.readingMore = true; - process.nextTick(function() { - maybeReadMore_(stream, state); - }); - } - } + var Duplex = __webpack_require__(37); - function maybeReadMore_(stream, state) { - var len = state.length; - while (!state.reading && !state.flowing && !state.ended && - state.length < state.highWaterMark) { - debug('maybeReadMore read 0'); - stream.read(0); - if (len === state.length) - // didn't get any data, stop spinning. - break; - else - len = state.length; - } - state.readingMore = false; - } + /**/ + var util = __webpack_require__(34); + util.inherits = __webpack_require__(35); + /**/ - // abstract method. to be overridden in specific implementation classes. - // call cb(er, data) where data is <= n in length. - // for virtual (non-string, non-buffer) streams, "length" is somewhat - // arbitrary, and perhaps not very meaningful. - Readable.prototype._read = function(n) { - this.emit('error', new Error('not implemented')); - }; + util.inherits(Transform, Duplex); - Readable.prototype.pipe = function(dest, pipeOpts) { - var src = this; - var state = this._readableState; - switch (state.pipesCount) { - case 0: - state.pipes = dest; - break; - case 1: - state.pipes = [state.pipes, dest]; - break; - default: - state.pipes.push(dest); - break; - } - state.pipesCount += 1; - debug('pipe count=%d opts=%j', state.pipesCount, pipeOpts); + function TransformState(options, stream) { + this.afterTransform = function(er, data) { + return afterTransform(stream, er, data); + }; - var doEnd = (!pipeOpts || pipeOpts.end !== false) && - dest !== process.stdout && - dest !== process.stderr; + this.needTransform = false; + this.transforming = false; + this.writecb = null; + this.writechunk = null; + } - var endFn = doEnd ? onend : cleanup; - if (state.endEmitted) - process.nextTick(endFn); - else - src.once('end', endFn); + function afterTransform(stream, er, data) { + var ts = stream._transformState; + ts.transforming = false; - dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe); - function onunpipe(readable) { - debug('onunpipe'); - if (readable === src) { - cleanup(); - } - } + var cb = ts.writecb; - function onend() { - debug('onend'); - dest.end(); - } + if (!cb) + return stream.emit('error', new Error('no writecb in Transform class')); - // when the dest drains, it reduces the awaitDrain counter - // on the source. This would be more elegant with a .once() - // handler in flow(), but adding and removing repeatedly is - // too slow. - var ondrain = pipeOnDrain(src); - dest.on('drain', ondrain); + ts.writechunk = null; + ts.writecb = null; - function cleanup() { - debug('cleanup'); - // cleanup event handlers once the pipe is broken - dest.removeListener('close', onclose); - dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); - dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain); - dest.removeListener('error', onerror); - dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe); - src.removeListener('end', onend); - src.removeListener('end', cleanup); - src.removeListener('data', ondata); + if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(data)) + stream.push(data); - // if the reader is waiting for a drain event from this - // specific writer, then it would cause it to never start - // flowing again. - // So, if this is awaiting a drain, then we just call it now. - // If we don't know, then assume that we are waiting for one. - if (state.awaitDrain && - (!dest._writableState || dest._writableState.needDrain)) - ondrain(); - } + if (cb) + cb(er); - src.on('data', ondata); - function ondata(chunk) { - debug('ondata'); - var ret = dest.write(chunk); - if (false === ret) { - debug('false write response, pause', - src._readableState.awaitDrain); - src._readableState.awaitDrain++; - src.pause(); - } + var rs = stream._readableState; + rs.reading = false; + if (rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) { + stream._read(rs.highWaterMark); } + } - // if the dest has an error, then stop piping into it. - // however, don't suppress the throwing behavior for this. - function onerror(er) { - debug('onerror', er); - unpipe(); - dest.removeListener('error', onerror); - if (EE.listenerCount(dest, 'error') === 0) - dest.emit('error', er); - } - // This is a brutally ugly hack to make sure that our error handler - // is attached before any userland ones. NEVER DO THIS. - if (!dest._events || !dest._events.error) - dest.on('error', onerror); - else if (isArray(dest._events.error)) - dest._events.error.unshift(onerror); - else - dest._events.error = [onerror, dest._events.error]; + function Transform(options) { + if (!(this instanceof Transform)) + return new Transform(options); + Duplex.call(this, options); - // Both close and finish should trigger unpipe, but only once. - function onclose() { - dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish); - unpipe(); - } - dest.once('close', onclose); - function onfinish() { - debug('onfinish'); - dest.removeListener('close', onclose); - unpipe(); - } - dest.once('finish', onfinish); + this._transformState = new TransformState(options, this); - function unpipe() { - debug('unpipe'); - src.unpipe(dest); - } + // when the writable side finishes, then flush out anything remaining. + var stream = this; - // tell the dest that it's being piped to - dest.emit('pipe', src); + // start out asking for a readable event once data is transformed. + this._readableState.needReadable = true; - // start the flow if it hasn't been started already. - if (!state.flowing) { - debug('pipe resume'); - src.resume(); - } + // we have implemented the _read method, and done the other things + // that Readable wants before the first _read call, so unset the + // sync guard flag. + this._readableState.sync = false; - return dest; + this.once('prefinish', function() { + if (util.isFunction(this._flush)) + this._flush(function(er) { + done(stream, er); + }); + else + done(stream); + }); + } + + Transform.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { + this._transformState.needTransform = false; + return Duplex.prototype.push.call(this, chunk, encoding); }; - function pipeOnDrain(src) { - return function() { - var state = src._readableState; - debug('pipeOnDrain', state.awaitDrain); - if (state.awaitDrain) - state.awaitDrain--; - if (state.awaitDrain === 0 && EE.listenerCount(src, 'data')) { - state.flowing = true; - flow(src); - } - }; - } + // This is the part where you do stuff! + // override this function in implementation classes. + // 'chunk' is an input chunk. + // + // Call `push(newChunk)` to pass along transformed output + // to the readable side. You may call 'push' zero or more times. + // + // Call `cb(err)` when you are done with this chunk. If you pass + // an error, then that'll put the hurt on the whole operation. If you + // never call cb(), then you'll never get another chunk. + Transform.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + throw new Error('not implemented'); + }; + Transform.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + var ts = this._transformState; + ts.writecb = cb; + ts.writechunk = chunk; + ts.writeencoding = encoding; + if (!ts.transforming) { + var rs = this._readableState; + if (ts.needTransform || + rs.needReadable || + rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) + this._read(rs.highWaterMark); + } + }; - Readable.prototype.unpipe = function(dest) { - var state = this._readableState; + // Doesn't matter what the args are here. + // _transform does all the work. + // That we got here means that the readable side wants more data. + Transform.prototype._read = function(n) { + var ts = this._transformState; - // if we're not piping anywhere, then do nothing. - if (state.pipesCount === 0) - return this; + if (!util.isNull(ts.writechunk) && ts.writecb && !ts.transforming) { + ts.transforming = true; + this._transform(ts.writechunk, ts.writeencoding, ts.afterTransform); + } else { + // mark that we need a transform, so that any data that comes in + // will get processed, now that we've asked for it. + ts.needTransform = true; + } + }; - // just one destination. most common case. - if (state.pipesCount === 1) { - // passed in one, but it's not the right one. - if (dest && dest !== state.pipes) - return this; - if (!dest) - dest = state.pipes; + function done(stream, er) { + if (er) + return stream.emit('error', er); - // got a match. - state.pipes = null; - state.pipesCount = 0; - state.flowing = false; - if (dest) - dest.emit('unpipe', this); - return this; - } + // if there's nothing in the write buffer, then that means + // that nothing more will ever be provided + var ws = stream._writableState; + var ts = stream._transformState; - // slow case. multiple pipe destinations. + if (ws.length) + throw new Error('calling transform done when ws.length != 0'); - if (!dest) { - // remove all. - var dests = state.pipes; - var len = state.pipesCount; - state.pipes = null; - state.pipesCount = 0; - state.flowing = false; + if (ts.transforming) + throw new Error('calling transform done when still transforming'); - for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) - dests[i].emit('unpipe', this); - return this; - } + return stream.push(null); + } - // try to find the right one. - var i = indexOf(state.pipes, dest); - if (i === -1) - return this; - state.pipes.splice(i, 1); - state.pipesCount -= 1; - if (state.pipesCount === 1) - state.pipes = state.pipes[0]; +/***/ }, +/* 41 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - dest.emit('unpipe', this); + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - return this; - }; + // a passthrough stream. + // basically just the most minimal sort of Transform stream. + // Every written chunk gets output as-is. - // set up data events if they are asked for - // Ensure readable listeners eventually get something - Readable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) { - var res = Stream.prototype.on.call(this, ev, fn); + module.exports = PassThrough; - // If listening to data, and it has not explicitly been paused, - // then call resume to start the flow of data on the next tick. - if (ev === 'data' && false !== this._readableState.flowing) { - this.resume(); - } + var Transform = __webpack_require__(40); - if (ev === 'readable' && this.readable) { - var state = this._readableState; - if (!state.readableListening) { - state.readableListening = true; - state.emittedReadable = false; - state.needReadable = true; - if (!state.reading) { - var self = this; - process.nextTick(function() { - debug('readable nexttick read 0'); - self.read(0); - }); - } else if (state.length) { - emitReadable(this, state); - } - } - } - - return res; - }; - Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on; + /**/ + var util = __webpack_require__(34); + util.inherits = __webpack_require__(35); + /**/ - // pause() and resume() are remnants of the legacy readable stream API - // If the user uses them, then switch into old mode. - Readable.prototype.resume = function() { - var state = this._readableState; - if (!state.flowing) { - debug('resume'); - state.flowing = true; - if (!state.reading) { - debug('resume read 0'); - this.read(0); - } - resume(this, state); - } - return this; - }; + util.inherits(PassThrough, Transform); - function resume(stream, state) { - if (!state.resumeScheduled) { - state.resumeScheduled = true; - process.nextTick(function() { - resume_(stream, state); - }); - } - } + function PassThrough(options) { + if (!(this instanceof PassThrough)) + return new PassThrough(options); - function resume_(stream, state) { - state.resumeScheduled = false; - stream.emit('resume'); - flow(stream); - if (state.flowing && !state.reading) - stream.read(0); + Transform.call(this, options); } - Readable.prototype.pause = function() { - debug('call pause flowing=%j', this._readableState.flowing); - if (false !== this._readableState.flowing) { - debug('pause'); - this._readableState.flowing = false; - this.emit('pause'); - } - return this; + PassThrough.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { + cb(null, chunk); }; - function flow(stream) { - var state = stream._readableState; - debug('flow', state.flowing); - if (state.flowing) { - do { - var chunk = stream.read(); - } while (null !== chunk && state.flowing); - } - } - - // wrap an old-style stream as the async data source. - // This is *not* part of the readable stream interface. - // It is an ugly unfortunate mess of history. - Readable.prototype.wrap = function(stream) { - var state = this._readableState; - var paused = false; - var self = this; - stream.on('end', function() { - debug('wrapped end'); - if (state.decoder && !state.ended) { - var chunk = state.decoder.end(); - if (chunk && chunk.length) - self.push(chunk); - } +/***/ }, +/* 42 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - self.push(null); - }); + module.exports = __webpack_require__(38) - stream.on('data', function(chunk) { - debug('wrapped data'); - if (state.decoder) - chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk); - if (!chunk || !state.objectMode && !chunk.length) - return; - var ret = self.push(chunk); - if (!ret) { - paused = true; - stream.pause(); - } - }); +/***/ }, +/* 43 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // proxy all the other methods. - // important when wrapping filters and duplexes. - for (var i in stream) { - if (util.isFunction(stream[i]) && util.isUndefined(this[i])) { - this[i] = function(method) { return function() { - return stream[method].apply(stream, arguments); - }}(i); - } - } + module.exports = __webpack_require__(37) - // proxy certain important events. - var events = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume']; - forEach(events, function(ev) { - stream.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev)); - }); - // when we try to consume some more bytes, simply unpause the - // underlying stream. - self._read = function(n) { - debug('wrapped _read', n); - if (paused) { - paused = false; - stream.resume(); - } - }; +/***/ }, +/* 44 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - return self; - }; + module.exports = __webpack_require__(40) +/***/ }, +/* 45 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // exposed for testing purposes only. - Readable._fromList = fromList; + module.exports = __webpack_require__(41) - // Pluck off n bytes from an array of buffers. - // Length is the combined lengths of all the buffers in the list. - function fromList(n, state) { - var list = state.buffer; - var length = state.length; - var stringMode = !!state.decoder; - var objectMode = !!state.objectMode; - var ret; - // nothing in the list, definitely empty. - if (list.length === 0) - return null; +/***/ }, +/* 46 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (length === 0) - ret = null; - else if (objectMode) - ret = list.shift(); - else if (!n || n >= length) { - // read it all, truncate the array. - if (stringMode) - ret = list.join(''); - else - ret = Buffer.concat(list, length); - list.length = 0; - } else { - // read just some of it. - if (n < list[0].length) { - // just take a part of the first list item. - // slice is the same for buffers and strings. - var buf = list[0]; - ret = buf.slice(0, n); - list[0] = buf.slice(n); - } else if (n === list[0].length) { - // first list is a perfect match - ret = list.shift(); - } else { - // complex case. - // we have enough to cover it, but it spans past the first buffer. - if (stringMode) - ret = ''; - else - ret = new Buffer(n); + // Copyright 2012 Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. - var c = 0; - for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l && c < n; i++) { - var buf = list[0]; - var cpy = Math.min(n - c, buf.length); + var assert = __webpack_require__(23); + var sshpk = __webpack_require__(47); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); - if (stringMode) - ret += buf.slice(0, cpy); - else - buf.copy(ret, c, 0, cpy); + var HASH_ALGOS = { + 'sha1': true, + 'sha256': true, + 'sha512': true + }; - if (cpy < buf.length) - list[0] = buf.slice(cpy); - else - list.shift(); + var PK_ALGOS = { + 'rsa': true, + 'dsa': true, + 'ecdsa': true + }; - c += cpy; - } - } - } + function HttpSignatureError(message, caller) { + if (Error.captureStackTrace) + Error.captureStackTrace(this, caller || HttpSignatureError); - return ret; + this.message = message; + this.name = caller.name; } + util.inherits(HttpSignatureError, Error); - function endReadable(stream) { - var state = stream._readableState; + function InvalidAlgorithmError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, InvalidAlgorithmError); + } + util.inherits(InvalidAlgorithmError, HttpSignatureError); - // If we get here before consuming all the bytes, then that is a - // bug in node. Should never happen. - if (state.length > 0) - throw new Error('endReadable called on non-empty stream'); + function validateAlgorithm(algorithm) { + var alg = algorithm.toLowerCase().split('-'); - if (!state.endEmitted) { - state.ended = true; - process.nextTick(function() { - // Check that we didn't get one last unshift. - if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) { - state.endEmitted = true; - stream.readable = false; - stream.emit('end'); - } - }); + if (alg.length !== 2) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(alg[0].toUpperCase() + ' is not a ' + + 'valid algorithm')); } - } - function forEach (xs, f) { - for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { - f(xs[i], i); + if (alg[0] !== 'hmac' && !PK_ALGOS[alg[0]]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(alg[0].toUpperCase() + ' type keys ' + + 'are not supported')); } - } - function indexOf (xs, x) { - for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { - if (xs[i] === x) return i; + if (!HASH_ALGOS[alg[1]]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(alg[1].toUpperCase() + ' is not a ' + + 'supported hash algorithm')); } - return -1; + + return (alg); } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) + ///--- API -/***/ }, -/* 46 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + module.exports = { - module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) == '[object Array]'; + HASH_ALGOS: HASH_ALGOS, + PK_ALGOS: PK_ALGOS, + + HttpSignatureError: HttpSignatureError, + InvalidAlgorithmError: InvalidAlgorithmError, + + validateAlgorithm: validateAlgorithm, + + /** + * Converts an OpenSSH public key (rsa only) to a PKCS#8 PEM file. + * + * The intent of this module is to interoperate with OpenSSL only, + * specifically the node crypto module's `verify` method. + * + * @param {String} key an OpenSSH public key. + * @return {String} PEM encoded form of the RSA public key. + * @throws {TypeError} on bad input. + * @throws {Error} on invalid ssh key formatted data. + */ + sshKeyToPEM: function sshKeyToPEM(key) { + assert.string(key, 'ssh_key'); + + var k = sshpk.parseKey(key, 'ssh'); + return (k.toString('pem')); + }, + + + /** + * Generates an OpenSSH fingerprint from an ssh public key. + * + * @param {String} key an OpenSSH public key. + * @return {String} key fingerprint. + * @throws {TypeError} on bad input. + * @throws {Error} if what you passed doesn't look like an ssh public key. + */ + fingerprint: function fingerprint(key) { + assert.string(key, 'ssh_key'); + + var k = sshpk.parseKey(key, 'ssh'); + return (k.fingerprint('md5').toString('hex')); + }, + + /** + * Converts a PKGCS#8 PEM file to an OpenSSH public key (rsa) + * + * The reverse of the above function. + */ + pemToRsaSSHKey: function pemToRsaSSHKey(pem, comment) { + assert.equal('string', typeof (pem), 'typeof pem'); + + var k = sshpk.parseKey(pem, 'pem'); + k.comment = comment; + return (k.toString('ssh')); + } }; @@ -11950,6248 +12670,9816 @@ /* 47 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + // Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - // NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof` - // because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`. - function isArray(ar) { - return Array.isArray(ar); - } - exports.isArray = isArray; + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var Fingerprint = __webpack_require__(66); + var Signature = __webpack_require__(68); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + var errs = __webpack_require__(67); - function isBoolean(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'boolean'; - } - exports.isBoolean = isBoolean; + module.exports = { + /* top-level classes */ + Key: Key, + parseKey: Key.parse, + Fingerprint: Fingerprint, + parseFingerprint: Fingerprint.parse, + Signature: Signature, + parseSignature: Signature.parse, + PrivateKey: PrivateKey, + parsePrivateKey: PrivateKey.parse, - function isNull(arg) { - return arg === null; - } - exports.isNull = isNull; + /* errors */ + FingerprintFormatError: errs.FingerprintFormatError, + InvalidAlgorithmError: errs.InvalidAlgorithmError, + KeyParseError: errs.KeyParseError, + SignatureParseError: errs.SignatureParseError + }; - function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { - return arg == null; - } - exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined; - function isNumber(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'number'; - } - exports.isNumber = isNumber; +/***/ }, +/* 48 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - function isString(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'string'; - } - exports.isString = isString; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. + + module.exports = Key; + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var Fingerprint = __webpack_require__(66); + var Signature = __webpack_require__(68); + var errs = __webpack_require__(67); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + + var InvalidAlgorithmError = errs.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var KeyParseError = errs.KeyParseError; + + var formats = {}; + formats['auto'] = __webpack_require__(71); + formats['pem'] = __webpack_require__(72); + formats['pkcs1'] = __webpack_require__(79); + formats['pkcs8'] = __webpack_require__(80); + formats['rfc4253'] = __webpack_require__(82); + formats['ssh'] = __webpack_require__(84); + formats['ssh-private'] = __webpack_require__(81); + formats['openssh'] = formats['ssh-private']; + + function Key(opts) { + assert.object(opts, 'options'); + assert.arrayOfObject(opts.parts, 'options.parts'); + assert.string(opts.type, 'options.type'); + assert.optionalString(opts.comment, 'options.comment'); + + var algInfo = algs.info[opts.type]; + if (typeof (algInfo) !== 'object') + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(opts.type)); + + var partLookup = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < opts.parts.length; ++i) { + var part = opts.parts[i]; + partLookup[part.name] = part; + } - function isSymbol(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'symbol'; + this.type = opts.type; + this.parts = opts.parts; + this.part = partLookup; + this.comment = undefined; + this.source = opts.source; + + /* for speeding up hashing/fingerprint operations */ + this._rfc4253Cache = opts._rfc4253Cache; + this._hashCache = {}; + + var sz; + this.curve = undefined; + if (this.type === 'ecdsa') { + var curve = this.part.curve.data.toString(); + this.curve = curve; + sz = algs.curves[curve].size; + } else if (this.type === 'ed25519') { + sz = 256; + this.curve = 'curve25519'; + } else { + var szPart = this.part[algInfo.sizePart]; + sz = szPart.data.length; + sz = sz * 8 - utils.countZeros(szPart.data); + } + this.size = sz; } - exports.isSymbol = isSymbol; - function isUndefined(arg) { - return arg === void 0; - } - exports.isUndefined = isUndefined; + Key.formats = formats; - function isRegExp(re) { - return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]'; - } - exports.isRegExp = isRegExp; + Key.prototype.toBuffer = function (format) { + if (format === undefined) + format = 'ssh'; + assert.string(format, 'format'); + assert.object(formats[format], 'formats[format]'); - function isObject(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; - } - exports.isObject = isObject; + if (format === 'rfc4253') { + if (this._rfc4253Cache === undefined) + this._rfc4253Cache = formats['rfc4253'].write(this); + return (this._rfc4253Cache); + } - function isDate(d) { - return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]'; - } - exports.isDate = isDate; + return (formats[format].write(this)); + }; + + Key.prototype.toString = function (format) { + return (this.toBuffer(format).toString()); + }; + + Key.prototype.hash = function (algo) { + assert.string(algo, 'algorithm'); + algo = algo.toLowerCase(); + assert.ok(algs.hashAlgs[algo]); + + if (this._hashCache[algo]) + return (this._hashCache[algo]); + + var hash = crypto.createHash(algo). + update(this.toBuffer('rfc4253')).digest(); + /* Workaround for node 0.8 */ + if (typeof (hash) === 'string') + hash = new Buffer(hash, 'binary'); + this._hashCache[algo] = hash; + return (hash); + }; + + Key.prototype.fingerprint = function (algo) { + if (algo === undefined) + algo = 'sha256'; + assert.string(algo, 'algorithm'); + var opts = { + hash: this.hash(algo), + algorithm: algo + }; + return (new Fingerprint(opts)); + }; + + Key.prototype.defaultHashAlgorithm = function () { + var hashAlgo = 'sha1'; + if (this.type === 'rsa') + hashAlgo = 'sha256'; + if (this.type === 'dsa' && this.size > 1024) + hashAlgo = 'sha256'; + if (this.type === 'ecdsa') { + if (this.size <= 256) + hashAlgo = 'sha256'; + else if (this.size <= 384) + hashAlgo = 'sha384'; + else + hashAlgo = 'sha512'; + } + return (hashAlgo); + }; + + Key.prototype.createVerify = function (hashAlgo) { + if (hashAlgo === undefined) + hashAlgo = this.defaultHashAlgorithm(); + assert.string(hashAlgo, 'hash algorithm'); + var v, nm, err; + try { + nm = this.type.toUpperCase() + '-'; + if (this.type === 'ecdsa') + nm = 'ecdsa-with-'; + nm += hashAlgo.toUpperCase(); + v = crypto.createVerify(nm); + } catch (e) { + err = e; + } + if (v === undefined || (err instanceof Error && + err.message.match(/Unknown message digest/))) { + nm = 'RSA-'; + nm += hashAlgo.toUpperCase(); + v = crypto.createVerify(nm); + } + assert.ok(v, 'failed to create verifier'); + var oldVerify = v.verify.bind(v); + var key = this.toBuffer('pkcs8'); + v.verify = function (signature, fmt) { + if (typeof (signature) === 'object' && + signature instanceof Signature) + return (oldVerify(key, signature.toBuffer('asn1'))); + return (oldVerify(key, signature, fmt)); + }; + return (v); + }; + + Key.parse = function (data, format, name) { + if (typeof (data) !== 'string') + assert.buffer(data, 'data'); + if (format === undefined) + format = 'auto'; + assert.string(format, 'format'); + if (name === undefined) + name = '(unnamed)'; + + assert.object(formats[format], 'formats[format]'); + + try { + var k = formats[format].read(data); + if (k instanceof PrivateKey) + k = k.toPublic(); + if (!k.comment) + k.comment = name; + return (k); + } catch (e) { + throw (new KeyParseError(name, format, e)); + } + }; - function isError(e) { - return isObject(e) && - (objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error); - } - exports.isError = isError; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - function isFunction(arg) { - return typeof arg === 'function'; +/***/ }, +/* 49 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process, Buffer) {// Copyright (c) 2012, Mark Cavage. All rights reserved. + + var assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28).Stream; + var util = __webpack_require__(25); + + + + ///--- Globals + + var NDEBUG = process.env.NODE_NDEBUG || false; + var UUID_REGEXP = /^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$/; + + + + ///--- Messages + + var ARRAY_TYPE_REQUIRED = '%s ([%s]) required'; + var TYPE_REQUIRED = '%s (%s) is required'; + + + + ///--- Internal + + function capitalize(str) { + return (str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)); } - exports.isFunction = isFunction; - function isPrimitive(arg) { - return arg === null || - typeof arg === 'boolean' || - typeof arg === 'number' || - typeof arg === 'string' || - typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol - typeof arg === 'undefined'; + function uncapitalize(str) { + return (str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1)); } - exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive; - function isBuffer(arg) { - return Buffer.isBuffer(arg); + function _() { + return (util.format.apply(util, arguments)); } - exports.isBuffer = isBuffer; - function objectToString(o) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(o); + + function _assert(arg, type, name, stackFunc) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; + stackFunc = stackFunc || _assert.caller; + var t = typeof (arg); + + if (t !== type) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type), + actual: t, + expected: type, + operator: '===', + stackStartFunction: stackFunc + }); + } + } } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) -/***/ }, -/* 48 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { - if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { - // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: ctor, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - configurable: true - } - }); - }; - } else { - // old school shim for old browsers - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - var TempCtor = function () {} - TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype - ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() - ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor - } + function _instanceof(arg, type, name, stackFunc) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; + stackFunc = stackFunc || _instanceof.caller; + + if (!(arg instanceof type)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type.name), + actual: _getClass(arg), + expected: type.name, + operator: 'instanceof', + stackStartFunction: stackFunc + }); + } + } } + function _getClass(object) { + return (Object.prototype.toString.call(object).slice(8, -1)); + }; -/***/ }, -/* 49 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { - /* (ignored) */ -/***/ }, -/* 50 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + ///--- API - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + function array(arr, type, name) { + if (!NDEBUG) { + name = name || type; - // a duplex stream is just a stream that is both readable and writable. - // Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class - // prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from - // Writable. + if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(ARRAY_TYPE_REQUIRED, name, type), + actual: typeof (arr), + expected: 'array', + operator: 'Array.isArray', + stackStartFunction: array.caller + }); + } - module.exports = Duplex; + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + _assert(arr[i], type, name, array); + } + } + } - /**/ - var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { - var keys = []; - for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); - return keys; + + function bool(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'boolean', name, bool); } - /**/ - /**/ - var util = __webpack_require__(47); - util.inherits = __webpack_require__(48); - /**/ + function buffer(arg, name) { + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(arg)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name || '', 'Buffer'), + actual: typeof (arg), + expected: 'buffer', + operator: 'Buffer.isBuffer', + stackStartFunction: buffer + }); + } + } - var Readable = __webpack_require__(45); - var Writable = __webpack_require__(51); - util.inherits(Duplex, Readable); + function func(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'function', name); + } - forEach(objectKeys(Writable.prototype), function(method) { - if (!Duplex.prototype[method]) - Duplex.prototype[method] = Writable.prototype[method]; - }); - function Duplex(options) { - if (!(this instanceof Duplex)) - return new Duplex(options); + function number(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'number', name); + if (!NDEBUG && (isNaN(arg) || !isFinite(arg))) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, 'number'), + actual: arg, + expected: 'number', + operator: 'isNaN', + stackStartFunction: number + }); + } + } - Readable.call(this, options); - Writable.call(this, options); - if (options && options.readable === false) - this.readable = false; + function object(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'object', name); + } - if (options && options.writable === false) - this.writable = false; - this.allowHalfOpen = true; - if (options && options.allowHalfOpen === false) - this.allowHalfOpen = false; + function stream(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, Stream, name); + } - this.once('end', onend); + + function date(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, Date, name); } - // the no-half-open enforcer - function onend() { - // if we allow half-open state, or if the writable side ended, - // then we're ok. - if (this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended) - return; + function regexp(arg, name) { + _instanceof(arg, RegExp, name); + } - // no more data can be written. - // But allow more writes to happen in this tick. - process.nextTick(this.end.bind(this)); + + function string(arg, name) { + _assert(arg, 'string', name); } - function forEach (xs, f) { - for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) { - f(xs[i], i); - } + + function uuid(arg, name) { + string(arg, name); + if (!NDEBUG && !UUID_REGEXP.test(arg)) { + throw new assert.AssertionError({ + message: _(TYPE_REQUIRED, name, 'uuid'), + actual: 'string', + expected: 'uuid', + operator: 'test', + stackStartFunction: uuid + }); + } } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) -/***/ }, -/* 51 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + ///--- Exports - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - - // A bit simpler than readable streams. - // Implement an async ._write(chunk, cb), and it'll handle all - // the drain event emission and buffering. + module.exports = { + bool: bool, + buffer: buffer, + date: date, + func: func, + number: number, + object: object, + regexp: regexp, + stream: stream, + string: string, + uuid: uuid + }; + + + Object.keys(module.exports).forEach(function (k) { + if (k === 'buffer') + return; + + var name = 'arrayOf' + capitalize(k); + + if (k === 'bool') + k = 'boolean'; + if (k === 'func') + k = 'function'; + module.exports[name] = function (arg, name) { + array(arg, k, name); + }; + }); - module.exports = Writable; + Object.keys(module.exports).forEach(function (k) { + var _name = 'optional' + capitalize(k); + var s = uncapitalize(k.replace('arrayOf', '')); + if (s === 'bool') + s = 'boolean'; + if (s === 'func') + s = 'function'; + + if (k.indexOf('arrayOf') !== -1) { + module.exports[_name] = function (arg, name) { + if (!NDEBUG && arg !== undefined) { + array(arg, s, name); + } + }; + } else { + module.exports[_name] = function (arg, name) { + if (!NDEBUG && arg !== undefined) { + _assert(arg, s, name); + } + }; + } + }); - /**/ - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - /**/ - Writable.WritableState = WritableState; + // Reexport built-in assertions + Object.keys(assert).forEach(function (k) { + if (k === 'AssertionError') { + module.exports[k] = assert[k]; + return; + } + module.exports[k] = function () { + if (!NDEBUG) { + assert[k].apply(assert[k], arguments); + } + }; + }); - /**/ - var util = __webpack_require__(47); - util.inherits = __webpack_require__(48); - /**/ + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2), __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - var Stream = __webpack_require__(41); +/***/ }, +/* 50 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - util.inherits(Writable, Stream); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - function WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb) { - this.chunk = chunk; - this.encoding = encoding; - this.callback = cb; - } + var algInfo = { + 'dsa': { + parts: ['p', 'q', 'g', 'y'], + sizePart: 'p' + }, + 'rsa': { + parts: ['e', 'n'], + sizePart: 'n' + }, + 'ecdsa': { + parts: ['curve', 'Q'], + sizePart: 'Q' + }, + 'ed25519': { + parts: ['Q'], + sizePart: 'Q' + } + }; - function WritableState(options, stream) { - var Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); + var algPrivInfo = { + 'dsa': { + parts: ['p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x'] + }, + 'rsa': { + parts: ['n', 'e', 'd', 'iqmp', 'p', 'q'] + }, + 'ecdsa': { + parts: ['curve', 'Q', 'd'] + }, + 'ed25519': { + parts: ['Q', 'd'] + } + }; - options = options || {}; + var hashAlgs = { + 'md5': true, + 'sha1': true, + 'sha256': true, + 'sha384': true, + 'sha512': true + }; - // the point at which write() starts returning false - // Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if - // the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write() - var hwm = options.highWaterMark; - var defaultHwm = options.objectMode ? 16 : 16 * 1024; - this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : defaultHwm; + /* + * Taken from + * http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/documents/dss/NISTReCur.pdf + */ + var curves = { + 'nistp256': { + size: 256, + pkcs8oid: '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7', + p: new Buffer(('00' + + 'ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000' + + '00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + b: new Buffer(( + '5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc' + + '651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + s: new Buffer(('00' + + 'c49d3608 86e70493 6a6678e1 139d26b7' + + '819f7e90'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + n: new Buffer(('00' + + 'ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + G: new Buffer(('04' + + '6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2' + + '77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296' + + '4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16' + + '2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex') + }, + 'nistp384': { + size: 384, + pkcs8oid: '', + p: new Buffer(('00' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe' + + 'ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + b: new Buffer(( + 'b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19' + + '181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a' + + 'c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + s: new Buffer(('00' + + 'a335926a a319a27a 1d00896a 6773a482' + + '7acdac73'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + n: new Buffer(('00' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf' + + '581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + G: new Buffer(('04' + + 'aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74' + + '6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38' + + '5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7' + + '3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29' + + 'f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0' + + '0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex') + }, + 'nistp521': { + size: 521, + pkcs8oid: '', + p: new Buffer(( + '01ffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffff').replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + b: new Buffer(('51' + + '953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee' + + 'a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1' + + '56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07' + + '3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + s: new Buffer(('00' + + 'd09e8800 291cb853 96cc6717 393284aa' + + 'a0da64ba').replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + n: new Buffer(('01ff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff' + + 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa' + + '51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0' + + '3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex'), + G: new Buffer(('04' + + '00c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442' + + '9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba' + + 'a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de' + + '3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66' + + '0118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9' + + '98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c' + + '97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761' + + '353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650'). + replace(/ /g, ''), 'hex') + } + }; - // object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream - // contains buffers or objects. - this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode; + module.exports = { + info: algInfo, + privInfo: algPrivInfo, + hashAlgs: hashAlgs, + curves: curves + }; - if (stream instanceof Duplex) - this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!options.writableObjectMode; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - // cast to ints. - this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark; +/***/ }, +/* 51 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - this.needDrain = false; - // at the start of calling end() - this.ending = false; - // when end() has been called, and returned - this.ended = false; - // when 'finish' is emitted - this.finished = false; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var rng = __webpack_require__(52) - // should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write? - // this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string - // handling at a lower level. - var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false; - this.decodeStrings = !noDecode; + function error () { + var m = [].slice.call(arguments).join(' ') + throw new Error([ + m, + 'we accept pull requests', + 'http://github.com/dominictarr/crypto-browserify' + ].join('\n')) + } - // Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string - // encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable. - // Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though. - this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8'; + exports.createHash = __webpack_require__(54) - // not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement - // of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying - // socket or file. - this.length = 0; + exports.createHmac = __webpack_require__(63) - // a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write. - this.writing = false; + exports.randomBytes = function(size, callback) { + if (callback && callback.call) { + try { + callback.call(this, undefined, new Buffer(rng(size))) + } catch (err) { callback(err) } + } else { + return new Buffer(rng(size)) + } + } - // when true all writes will be buffered until .uncork() call - this.corked = 0; + function each(a, f) { + for(var i in a) + f(a[i], i) + } - // a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately, - // or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, because any - // actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also - // not happen before the first write call. - this.sync = true; + exports.getHashes = function () { + return ['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512', 'md5', 'rmd160'] + } - // a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which - // may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't - // end up in an overlapped onwrite situation. - this.bufferProcessing = false; + var p = __webpack_require__(64)(exports) + exports.pbkdf2 = p.pbkdf2 + exports.pbkdf2Sync = p.pbkdf2Sync - // the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb) - this.onwrite = function(er) { - onwrite(stream, er); - }; - // the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb) - this.writecb = null; + // the least I can do is make error messages for the rest of the node.js/crypto api. + each(['createCredentials' + , 'createCipher' + , 'createCipheriv' + , 'createDecipher' + , 'createDecipheriv' + , 'createSign' + , 'createVerify' + , 'createDiffieHellman' + ], function (name) { + exports[name] = function () { + error('sorry,', name, 'is not implemented yet') + } + }) - // the amount that is being written when _write is called. - this.writelen = 0; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - this.buffer = []; +/***/ }, +/* 52 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // number of pending user-supplied write callbacks - // this must be 0 before 'finish' can be emitted - this.pendingcb = 0; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global, Buffer) {(function() { + var g = ('undefined' === typeof window ? global : window) || {} + _crypto = ( + g.crypto || g.msCrypto || __webpack_require__(53) + ) + module.exports = function(size) { + // Modern Browsers + if(_crypto.getRandomValues) { + var bytes = new Buffer(size); //in browserify, this is an extended Uint8Array + /* This will not work in older browsers. + * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window.crypto.getRandomValues + */ + + _crypto.getRandomValues(bytes); + return bytes; + } + else if (_crypto.randomBytes) { + return _crypto.randomBytes(size) + } + else + throw new Error( + 'secure random number generation not supported by this browser\n'+ + 'use chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11' + ) + } + }()) - // emit prefinish if the only thing we're waiting for is _write cbs - // This is relevant for synchronous Transform streams - this.prefinished = false; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }()), __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - // True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again - this.errorEmitted = false; - } +/***/ }, +/* 53 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - function Writable(options) { - var Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); + /* (ignored) */ - // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, though they're not - // instanceof Writable, they're instanceof Readable. - if (!(this instanceof Writable) && !(this instanceof Duplex)) - return new Writable(options); +/***/ }, +/* 54 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var createHash = __webpack_require__(55) - // legacy. - this.writable = true; + var md5 = toConstructor(__webpack_require__(60)) + var rmd160 = toConstructor(__webpack_require__(62)) - Stream.call(this); + function toConstructor (fn) { + return function () { + var buffers = [] + var m= { + update: function (data, enc) { + if(!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = new Buffer(data, enc) + buffers.push(data) + return this + }, + digest: function (enc) { + var buf = Buffer.concat(buffers) + var r = fn(buf) + buffers = null + return enc ? r.toString(enc) : r + } + } + return m + } } - // Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong. - Writable.prototype.pipe = function() { - this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe. Not readable.')); - }; + module.exports = function (alg) { + if('md5' === alg) return new md5() + if('rmd160' === alg) return new rmd160() + return createHash(alg) + } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - function writeAfterEnd(stream, state, cb) { - var er = new Error('write after end'); - // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb - stream.emit('error', er); - process.nextTick(function() { - cb(er); - }); - } +/***/ }, +/* 55 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // If we get something that is not a buffer, string, null, or undefined, - // and we're not in objectMode, then that's an error. - // Otherwise stream chunks are all considered to be of length=1, and the - // watermarks determine how many objects to keep in the buffer, rather than - // how many bytes or characters. - function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) { - var valid = true; - if (!util.isBuffer(chunk) && - !util.isString(chunk) && - !util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk) && - !state.objectMode) { - var er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk'); - stream.emit('error', er); - process.nextTick(function() { - cb(er); - }); - valid = false; - } - return valid; + var exports = module.exports = function (alg) { + var Alg = exports[alg] + if(!Alg) throw new Error(alg + ' is not supported (we accept pull requests)') + return new Alg() } - Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - var state = this._writableState; - var ret = false; + var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer + var Hash = __webpack_require__(56)(Buffer) - if (util.isFunction(encoding)) { - cb = encoding; - encoding = null; - } + exports.sha1 = __webpack_require__(57)(Buffer, Hash) + exports.sha256 = __webpack_require__(58)(Buffer, Hash) + exports.sha512 = __webpack_require__(59)(Buffer, Hash) - if (util.isBuffer(chunk)) - encoding = 'buffer'; - else if (!encoding) - encoding = state.defaultEncoding; - if (!util.isFunction(cb)) - cb = function() {}; +/***/ }, +/* 56 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - if (state.ended) - writeAfterEnd(this, state, cb); - else if (validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) { - state.pendingcb++; - ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, chunk, encoding, cb); + module.exports = function (Buffer) { + + //prototype class for hash functions + function Hash (blockSize, finalSize) { + this._block = new Buffer(blockSize) //new Uint32Array(blockSize/4) + this._finalSize = finalSize + this._blockSize = blockSize + this._len = 0 + this._s = 0 } - return ret; - }; + Hash.prototype.init = function () { + this._s = 0 + this._len = 0 + } - Writable.prototype.cork = function() { - var state = this._writableState; + Hash.prototype.update = function (data, enc) { + if ("string" === typeof data) { + enc = enc || "utf8" + data = new Buffer(data, enc) + } - state.corked++; - }; + var l = this._len += data.length + var s = this._s = (this._s || 0) + var f = 0 + var buffer = this._block - Writable.prototype.uncork = function() { - var state = this._writableState; + while (s < l) { + var t = Math.min(data.length, f + this._blockSize - (s % this._blockSize)) + var ch = (t - f) - if (state.corked) { - state.corked--; + for (var i = 0; i < ch; i++) { + buffer[(s % this._blockSize) + i] = data[i + f] + } - if (!state.writing && - !state.corked && - !state.finished && - !state.bufferProcessing && - state.buffer.length) - clearBuffer(this, state); - } - }; + s += ch + f += ch - function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) { - if (!state.objectMode && - state.decodeStrings !== false && - util.isString(chunk)) { - chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding); + if ((s % this._blockSize) === 0) { + this._update(buffer) + } + } + this._s = s + + return this } - return chunk; - } - // if we're already writing something, then just put this - // in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write - // If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag. - function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, chunk, encoding, cb) { - chunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding); - if (util.isBuffer(chunk)) - encoding = 'buffer'; - var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; + Hash.prototype.digest = function (enc) { + // Suppose the length of the message M, in bits, is l + var l = this._len * 8 - state.length += len; + // Append the bit 1 to the end of the message + this._block[this._len % this._blockSize] = 0x80 - var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark; - // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false. - if (!ret) - state.needDrain = true; + // and then k zero bits, where k is the smallest non-negative solution to the equation (l + 1 + k) === finalSize mod blockSize + this._block.fill(0, this._len % this._blockSize + 1) - if (state.writing || state.corked) - state.buffer.push(new WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb)); - else - doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); + if (l % (this._blockSize * 8) >= this._finalSize * 8) { + this._update(this._block) + this._block.fill(0) + } - return ret; - } + // to this append the block which is equal to the number l written in binary + // TODO: handle case where l is > Math.pow(2, 29) + this._block.writeInt32BE(l, this._blockSize - 4) - function doWrite(stream, state, writev, len, chunk, encoding, cb) { - state.writelen = len; - state.writecb = cb; - state.writing = true; - state.sync = true; - if (writev) - stream._writev(chunk, state.onwrite); - else - stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite); - state.sync = false; - } + var hash = this._update(this._block) || this._hash() - function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) { - if (sync) - process.nextTick(function() { - state.pendingcb--; - cb(er); - }); - else { - state.pendingcb--; - cb(er); + return enc ? hash.toString(enc) : hash } - stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true; - stream.emit('error', er); - } + Hash.prototype._update = function () { + throw new Error('_update must be implemented by subclass') + } - function onwriteStateUpdate(state) { - state.writing = false; - state.writecb = null; - state.length -= state.writelen; - state.writelen = 0; + return Hash } - function onwrite(stream, er) { - var state = stream._writableState; - var sync = state.sync; - var cb = state.writecb; - onwriteStateUpdate(state); +/***/ }, +/* 57 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - if (er) - onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb); - else { - // Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet - var finished = needFinish(stream, state); + /* + * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, as defined + * in FIPS PUB 180-1 + * Version 2.1a Copyright Paul Johnston 2000 - 2002. + * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet + * Distributed under the BSD License + * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for details. + */ - if (!finished && - !state.corked && - !state.bufferProcessing && - state.buffer.length) { - clearBuffer(stream, state); - } + var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits - if (sync) { - process.nextTick(function() { - afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb); - }); - } else { - afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb); - } - } - } + module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { - function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) { - if (!finished) - onwriteDrain(stream, state); - state.pendingcb--; - cb(); - finishMaybe(stream, state); - } + var A = 0|0 + var B = 4|0 + var C = 8|0 + var D = 12|0 + var E = 16|0 - // Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't - // emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return - // value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener. - function onwriteDrain(stream, state) { - if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) { - state.needDrain = false; - stream.emit('drain'); - } - } + var W = new (typeof Int32Array === 'undefined' ? Array : Int32Array)(80) + var POOL = [] - // if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it - function clearBuffer(stream, state) { - state.bufferProcessing = true; + function Sha1 () { + if(POOL.length) + return POOL.pop().init() - if (stream._writev && state.buffer.length > 1) { - // Fast case, write everything using _writev() - var cbs = []; - for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) - cbs.push(state.buffer[c].callback); + if(!(this instanceof Sha1)) return new Sha1() + this._w = W + Hash.call(this, 16*4, 14*4) - // count the one we are adding, as well. - // TODO(isaacs) clean this up - state.pendingcb++; - doWrite(stream, state, true, state.length, state.buffer, '', function(err) { - for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) { - state.pendingcb--; - cbs[i](err); - } - }); - - // Clear buffer - state.buffer = []; - } else { - // Slow case, write chunks one-by-one - for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) { - var entry = state.buffer[c]; - var chunk = entry.chunk; - var encoding = entry.encoding; - var cb = entry.callback; - var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; + this._h = null + this.init() + } - doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); + inherits(Sha1, Hash) - // if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then - // it means that we need to wait until it does. - // also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently - // being processed, so move the buffer counter past them. - if (state.writing) { - c++; - break; - } - } + Sha1.prototype.init = function () { + this._a = 0x67452301 + this._b = 0xefcdab89 + this._c = 0x98badcfe + this._d = 0x10325476 + this._e = 0xc3d2e1f0 - if (c < state.buffer.length) - state.buffer = state.buffer.slice(c); - else - state.buffer.length = 0; + Hash.prototype.init.call(this) + return this } - state.bufferProcessing = false; - } + Sha1.prototype._POOL = POOL + Sha1.prototype._update = function (X) { - Writable.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - cb(new Error('not implemented')); + var a, b, c, d, e, _a, _b, _c, _d, _e - }; + a = _a = this._a + b = _b = this._b + c = _c = this._c + d = _d = this._d + e = _e = this._e - Writable.prototype._writev = null; + var w = this._w - Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - var state = this._writableState; + for(var j = 0; j < 80; j++) { + var W = w[j] = j < 16 ? X.readInt32BE(j*4) + : rol(w[j - 3] ^ w[j - 8] ^ w[j - 14] ^ w[j - 16], 1) - if (util.isFunction(chunk)) { - cb = chunk; - chunk = null; - encoding = null; - } else if (util.isFunction(encoding)) { - cb = encoding; - encoding = null; - } + var t = add( + add(rol(a, 5), sha1_ft(j, b, c, d)), + add(add(e, W), sha1_kt(j)) + ) - if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk)) - this.write(chunk, encoding); + e = d + d = c + c = rol(b, 30) + b = a + a = t + } - // .end() fully uncorks - if (state.corked) { - state.corked = 1; - this.uncork(); + this._a = add(a, _a) + this._b = add(b, _b) + this._c = add(c, _c) + this._d = add(d, _d) + this._e = add(e, _e) } - // ignore unnecessary end() calls. - if (!state.ending && !state.finished) - endWritable(this, state, cb); - }; - + Sha1.prototype._hash = function () { + if(POOL.length < 100) POOL.push(this) + var H = new Buffer(20) + //console.log(this._a|0, this._b|0, this._c|0, this._d|0, this._e|0) + H.writeInt32BE(this._a|0, A) + H.writeInt32BE(this._b|0, B) + H.writeInt32BE(this._c|0, C) + H.writeInt32BE(this._d|0, D) + H.writeInt32BE(this._e|0, E) + return H + } - function needFinish(stream, state) { - return (state.ending && - state.length === 0 && - !state.finished && - !state.writing); - } + /* + * Perform the appropriate triplet combination function for the current + * iteration + */ + function sha1_ft(t, b, c, d) { + if(t < 20) return (b & c) | ((~b) & d); + if(t < 40) return b ^ c ^ d; + if(t < 60) return (b & c) | (b & d) | (c & d); + return b ^ c ^ d; + } - function prefinish(stream, state) { - if (!state.prefinished) { - state.prefinished = true; - stream.emit('prefinish'); + /* + * Determine the appropriate additive constant for the current iteration + */ + function sha1_kt(t) { + return (t < 20) ? 1518500249 : (t < 40) ? 1859775393 : + (t < 60) ? -1894007588 : -899497514; } - } - function finishMaybe(stream, state) { - var need = needFinish(stream, state); - if (need) { - if (state.pendingcb === 0) { - prefinish(stream, state); - state.finished = true; - stream.emit('finish'); - } else - prefinish(stream, state); + /* + * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally + * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters. + * //dominictarr: this is 10 years old, so maybe this can be dropped?) + * + */ + function add(x, y) { + return (x + y ) | 0 + //lets see how this goes on testling. + // var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF); + // var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); + // return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); } - return need; - } - function endWritable(stream, state, cb) { - state.ending = true; - finishMaybe(stream, state); - if (cb) { - if (state.finished) - process.nextTick(cb); - else - stream.once('finish', cb); + /* + * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left. + */ + function rol(num, cnt) { + return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)); } - state.ended = true; + + return Sha1 } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(2))) /***/ }, -/* 52 */ +/* 58 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + + /** + * A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256, as defined + * in FIPS 180-2 + * Version 2.2-beta Copyright Angel Marin, Paul Johnston 2000 - 2009. + * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet + * + */ - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits - var isBufferEncoding = Buffer.isEncoding - || function(encoding) { - switch (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase()) { - case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return true; - default: return false; - } - } + module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { + + var K = [ + 0x428A2F98, 0x71374491, 0xB5C0FBCF, 0xE9B5DBA5, + 0x3956C25B, 0x59F111F1, 0x923F82A4, 0xAB1C5ED5, + 0xD807AA98, 0x12835B01, 0x243185BE, 0x550C7DC3, + 0x72BE5D74, 0x80DEB1FE, 0x9BDC06A7, 0xC19BF174, + 0xE49B69C1, 0xEFBE4786, 0x0FC19DC6, 0x240CA1CC, + 0x2DE92C6F, 0x4A7484AA, 0x5CB0A9DC, 0x76F988DA, + 0x983E5152, 0xA831C66D, 0xB00327C8, 0xBF597FC7, + 0xC6E00BF3, 0xD5A79147, 0x06CA6351, 0x14292967, + 0x27B70A85, 0x2E1B2138, 0x4D2C6DFC, 0x53380D13, + 0x650A7354, 0x766A0ABB, 0x81C2C92E, 0x92722C85, + 0xA2BFE8A1, 0xA81A664B, 0xC24B8B70, 0xC76C51A3, + 0xD192E819, 0xD6990624, 0xF40E3585, 0x106AA070, + 0x19A4C116, 0x1E376C08, 0x2748774C, 0x34B0BCB5, + 0x391C0CB3, 0x4ED8AA4A, 0x5B9CCA4F, 0x682E6FF3, + 0x748F82EE, 0x78A5636F, 0x84C87814, 0x8CC70208, + 0x90BEFFFA, 0xA4506CEB, 0xBEF9A3F7, 0xC67178F2 + ] + var W = new Array(64) - function assertEncoding(encoding) { - if (encoding && !isBufferEncoding(encoding)) { - throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding); + function Sha256() { + this.init() + + this._w = W //new Array(64) + + Hash.call(this, 16*4, 14*4) } - } - // StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of - // buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte - // characters. CESU-8 is handled as part of the UTF-8 encoding. - // - // @TODO Handling all encodings inside a single object makes it very difficult - // to reason about this code, so it should be split up in the future. - // @TODO There should be a utf8-strict encoding that rejects invalid UTF-8 code - // points as used by CESU-8. - var StringDecoder = exports.StringDecoder = function(encoding) { - this.encoding = (encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase().replace(/[-_]/, ''); - assertEncoding(encoding); - switch (this.encoding) { - case 'utf8': - // CESU-8 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 3-bytes - this.surrogateSize = 3; - break; - case 'ucs2': - case 'utf16le': - // UTF-16 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 2-bytes - this.surrogateSize = 2; - this.detectIncompleteChar = utf16DetectIncompleteChar; - break; - case 'base64': - // Base-64 stores 3 bytes in 4 chars, and pads the remainder. - this.surrogateSize = 3; - this.detectIncompleteChar = base64DetectIncompleteChar; - break; - default: - this.write = passThroughWrite; - return; + inherits(Sha256, Hash) + + Sha256.prototype.init = function () { + + this._a = 0x6a09e667|0 + this._b = 0xbb67ae85|0 + this._c = 0x3c6ef372|0 + this._d = 0xa54ff53a|0 + this._e = 0x510e527f|0 + this._f = 0x9b05688c|0 + this._g = 0x1f83d9ab|0 + this._h = 0x5be0cd19|0 + + this._len = this._s = 0 + + return this + } + + function S (X, n) { + return (X >>> n) | (X << (32 - n)); + } + + function R (X, n) { + return (X >>> n); + } + + function Ch (x, y, z) { + return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z)); + } + + function Maj (x, y, z) { + return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)); + } + + function Sigma0256 (x) { + return (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22)); + } + + function Sigma1256 (x) { + return (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25)); + } + + function Gamma0256 (x) { + return (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3)); + } + + function Gamma1256 (x) { + return (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10)); + } + + Sha256.prototype._update = function(M) { + + var W = this._w + var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h + var T1, T2 + + a = this._a | 0 + b = this._b | 0 + c = this._c | 0 + d = this._d | 0 + e = this._e | 0 + f = this._f | 0 + g = this._g | 0 + h = this._h | 0 + + for (var j = 0; j < 64; j++) { + var w = W[j] = j < 16 + ? M.readInt32BE(j * 4) + : Gamma1256(W[j - 2]) + W[j - 7] + Gamma0256(W[j - 15]) + W[j - 16] + + T1 = h + Sigma1256(e) + Ch(e, f, g) + K[j] + w + + T2 = Sigma0256(a) + Maj(a, b, c); + h = g; g = f; f = e; e = d + T1; d = c; c = b; b = a; a = T1 + T2; + } + + this._a = (a + this._a) | 0 + this._b = (b + this._b) | 0 + this._c = (c + this._c) | 0 + this._d = (d + this._d) | 0 + this._e = (e + this._e) | 0 + this._f = (f + this._f) | 0 + this._g = (g + this._g) | 0 + this._h = (h + this._h) | 0 + + }; + + Sha256.prototype._hash = function () { + var H = new Buffer(32) + + H.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0) + H.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4) + H.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8) + H.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12) + H.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16) + H.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20) + H.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24) + H.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28) + + return H + } + + return Sha256 + + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 59 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + var inherits = __webpack_require__(25).inherits + + module.exports = function (Buffer, Hash) { + var K = [ + 0x428a2f98, 0xd728ae22, 0x71374491, 0x23ef65cd, + 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xec4d3b2f, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x8189dbbc, + 0x3956c25b, 0xf348b538, 0x59f111f1, 0xb605d019, + 0x923f82a4, 0xaf194f9b, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xda6d8118, + 0xd807aa98, 0xa3030242, 0x12835b01, 0x45706fbe, + 0x243185be, 0x4ee4b28c, 0x550c7dc3, 0xd5ffb4e2, + 0x72be5d74, 0xf27b896f, 0x80deb1fe, 0x3b1696b1, + 0x9bdc06a7, 0x25c71235, 0xc19bf174, 0xcf692694, + 0xe49b69c1, 0x9ef14ad2, 0xefbe4786, 0x384f25e3, + 0x0fc19dc6, 0x8b8cd5b5, 0x240ca1cc, 0x77ac9c65, + 0x2de92c6f, 0x592b0275, 0x4a7484aa, 0x6ea6e483, + 0x5cb0a9dc, 0xbd41fbd4, 0x76f988da, 0x831153b5, + 0x983e5152, 0xee66dfab, 0xa831c66d, 0x2db43210, + 0xb00327c8, 0x98fb213f, 0xbf597fc7, 0xbeef0ee4, + 0xc6e00bf3, 0x3da88fc2, 0xd5a79147, 0x930aa725, + 0x06ca6351, 0xe003826f, 0x14292967, 0x0a0e6e70, + 0x27b70a85, 0x46d22ffc, 0x2e1b2138, 0x5c26c926, + 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x5ac42aed, 0x53380d13, 0x9d95b3df, + 0x650a7354, 0x8baf63de, 0x766a0abb, 0x3c77b2a8, + 0x81c2c92e, 0x47edaee6, 0x92722c85, 0x1482353b, + 0xa2bfe8a1, 0x4cf10364, 0xa81a664b, 0xbc423001, + 0xc24b8b70, 0xd0f89791, 0xc76c51a3, 0x0654be30, + 0xd192e819, 0xd6ef5218, 0xd6990624, 0x5565a910, + 0xf40e3585, 0x5771202a, 0x106aa070, 0x32bbd1b8, + 0x19a4c116, 0xb8d2d0c8, 0x1e376c08, 0x5141ab53, + 0x2748774c, 0xdf8eeb99, 0x34b0bcb5, 0xe19b48a8, + 0x391c0cb3, 0xc5c95a63, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0xe3418acb, + 0x5b9cca4f, 0x7763e373, 0x682e6ff3, 0xd6b2b8a3, + 0x748f82ee, 0x5defb2fc, 0x78a5636f, 0x43172f60, + 0x84c87814, 0xa1f0ab72, 0x8cc70208, 0x1a6439ec, + 0x90befffa, 0x23631e28, 0xa4506ceb, 0xde82bde9, + 0xbef9a3f7, 0xb2c67915, 0xc67178f2, 0xe372532b, + 0xca273ece, 0xea26619c, 0xd186b8c7, 0x21c0c207, + 0xeada7dd6, 0xcde0eb1e, 0xf57d4f7f, 0xee6ed178, + 0x06f067aa, 0x72176fba, 0x0a637dc5, 0xa2c898a6, + 0x113f9804, 0xbef90dae, 0x1b710b35, 0x131c471b, + 0x28db77f5, 0x23047d84, 0x32caab7b, 0x40c72493, + 0x3c9ebe0a, 0x15c9bebc, 0x431d67c4, 0x9c100d4c, + 0x4cc5d4be, 0xcb3e42b6, 0x597f299c, 0xfc657e2a, + 0x5fcb6fab, 0x3ad6faec, 0x6c44198c, 0x4a475817 + ] + + var W = new Array(160) + + function Sha512() { + this.init() + this._w = W + + Hash.call(this, 128, 112) + } + + inherits(Sha512, Hash) + + Sha512.prototype.init = function () { + + this._a = 0x6a09e667|0 + this._b = 0xbb67ae85|0 + this._c = 0x3c6ef372|0 + this._d = 0xa54ff53a|0 + this._e = 0x510e527f|0 + this._f = 0x9b05688c|0 + this._g = 0x1f83d9ab|0 + this._h = 0x5be0cd19|0 + + this._al = 0xf3bcc908|0 + this._bl = 0x84caa73b|0 + this._cl = 0xfe94f82b|0 + this._dl = 0x5f1d36f1|0 + this._el = 0xade682d1|0 + this._fl = 0x2b3e6c1f|0 + this._gl = 0xfb41bd6b|0 + this._hl = 0x137e2179|0 + + this._len = this._s = 0 + + return this + } + + function S (X, Xl, n) { + return (X >>> n) | (Xl << (32 - n)) + } + + function Ch (x, y, z) { + return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z)); + } + + function Maj (x, y, z) { + return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)); + } + + Sha512.prototype._update = function(M) { + + var W = this._w + var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h + var al, bl, cl, dl, el, fl, gl, hl + + a = this._a | 0 + b = this._b | 0 + c = this._c | 0 + d = this._d | 0 + e = this._e | 0 + f = this._f | 0 + g = this._g | 0 + h = this._h | 0 + + al = this._al | 0 + bl = this._bl | 0 + cl = this._cl | 0 + dl = this._dl | 0 + el = this._el | 0 + fl = this._fl | 0 + gl = this._gl | 0 + hl = this._hl | 0 + + for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++) { + var j = i * 2 + + var Wi, Wil + + if (i < 16) { + Wi = W[j] = M.readInt32BE(j * 4) + Wil = W[j + 1] = M.readInt32BE(j * 4 + 4) + + } else { + var x = W[j - 15*2] + var xl = W[j - 15*2 + 1] + var gamma0 = S(x, xl, 1) ^ S(x, xl, 8) ^ (x >>> 7) + var gamma0l = S(xl, x, 1) ^ S(xl, x, 8) ^ S(xl, x, 7) + + x = W[j - 2*2] + xl = W[j - 2*2 + 1] + var gamma1 = S(x, xl, 19) ^ S(xl, x, 29) ^ (x >>> 6) + var gamma1l = S(xl, x, 19) ^ S(x, xl, 29) ^ S(xl, x, 6) + + // W[i] = gamma0 + W[i - 7] + gamma1 + W[i - 16] + var Wi7 = W[j - 7*2] + var Wi7l = W[j - 7*2 + 1] + + var Wi16 = W[j - 16*2] + var Wi16l = W[j - 16*2 + 1] + + Wil = gamma0l + Wi7l + Wi = gamma0 + Wi7 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + Wil = Wil + gamma1l + Wi = Wi + gamma1 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (gamma1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + Wil = Wil + Wi16l + Wi = Wi + Wi16 + ((Wil >>> 0) < (Wi16l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + + W[j] = Wi + W[j + 1] = Wil + } + + var maj = Maj(a, b, c) + var majl = Maj(al, bl, cl) + + var sigma0h = S(a, al, 28) ^ S(al, a, 2) ^ S(al, a, 7) + var sigma0l = S(al, a, 28) ^ S(a, al, 2) ^ S(a, al, 7) + var sigma1h = S(e, el, 14) ^ S(e, el, 18) ^ S(el, e, 9) + var sigma1l = S(el, e, 14) ^ S(el, e, 18) ^ S(e, el, 9) + + // t1 = h + sigma1 + ch + K[i] + W[i] + var Ki = K[j] + var Kil = K[j + 1] + + var ch = Ch(e, f, g) + var chl = Ch(el, fl, gl) + + var t1l = hl + sigma1l + var t1 = h + sigma1h + ((t1l >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + t1l = t1l + chl + t1 = t1 + ch + ((t1l >>> 0) < (chl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + t1l = t1l + Kil + t1 = t1 + Ki + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Kil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + t1l = t1l + Wil + t1 = t1 + Wi + ((t1l >>> 0) < (Wil >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + + // t2 = sigma0 + maj + var t2l = sigma0l + majl + var t2 = sigma0h + maj + ((t2l >>> 0) < (sigma0l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0) + + h = g + hl = gl + g = f + gl = fl + f = e + fl = el + el = (dl + t1l) | 0 + e = (d + t1 + ((el >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + d = c + dl = cl + c = b + cl = bl + b = a + bl = al + al = (t1l + t2l) | 0 + a = (t1 + t2 + ((al >>> 0) < (t1l >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + } + + this._al = (this._al + al) | 0 + this._bl = (this._bl + bl) | 0 + this._cl = (this._cl + cl) | 0 + this._dl = (this._dl + dl) | 0 + this._el = (this._el + el) | 0 + this._fl = (this._fl + fl) | 0 + this._gl = (this._gl + gl) | 0 + this._hl = (this._hl + hl) | 0 + + this._a = (this._a + a + ((this._al >>> 0) < (al >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._b = (this._b + b + ((this._bl >>> 0) < (bl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._c = (this._c + c + ((this._cl >>> 0) < (cl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._d = (this._d + d + ((this._dl >>> 0) < (dl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._e = (this._e + e + ((this._el >>> 0) < (el >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._f = (this._f + f + ((this._fl >>> 0) < (fl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._g = (this._g + g + ((this._gl >>> 0) < (gl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + this._h = (this._h + h + ((this._hl >>> 0) < (hl >>> 0) ? 1 : 0)) | 0 + } + + Sha512.prototype._hash = function () { + var H = new Buffer(64) + + function writeInt64BE(h, l, offset) { + H.writeInt32BE(h, offset) + H.writeInt32BE(l, offset + 4) + } + + writeInt64BE(this._a, this._al, 0) + writeInt64BE(this._b, this._bl, 8) + writeInt64BE(this._c, this._cl, 16) + writeInt64BE(this._d, this._dl, 24) + writeInt64BE(this._e, this._el, 32) + writeInt64BE(this._f, this._fl, 40) + writeInt64BE(this._g, this._gl, 48) + writeInt64BE(this._h, this._hl, 56) + + return H + } + + return Sha512 + + } + + +/***/ }, +/* 60 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* + * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message + * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321. + * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002. + * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet + * Distributed under the BSD License + * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for more info. + */ + + var helpers = __webpack_require__(61); + + /* + * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length + */ + function core_md5(x, len) + { + /* append padding */ + x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32); + x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len; + + var a = 1732584193; + var b = -271733879; + var c = -1732584194; + var d = 271733878; + + for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16) + { + var olda = a; + var oldb = b; + var oldc = c; + var oldd = d; + + a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936); + d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], 12, -389564586); + c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 17, 606105819); + b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330); + a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897); + d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 5], 12, 1200080426); + c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341); + b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 7], 22, -45705983); + a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 7 , 1770035416); + d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417); + c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 17, -42063); + b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+11], 22, -1990404162); + a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 7 , 1804603682); + d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+13], 12, -40341101); + c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 17, -1502002290); + b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+15], 22, 1236535329); + + a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510); + d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632); + c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 14, 643717713); + b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 0], 20, -373897302); + a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691); + d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+10], 9 , 38016083); + c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 14, -660478335); + b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 4], 20, -405537848); + a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 5 , 568446438); + d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+14], 9 , -1019803690); + c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 14, -187363961); + b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 8], 20, 1163531501); + a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 5 , -1444681467); + d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784); + c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 14, 1735328473); + b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+12], 20, -1926607734); + + a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 4 , -378558); + d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463); + c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 16, 1839030562); + b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+14], 23, -35309556); + a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060); + d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 4], 11, 1272893353); + c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 16, -155497632); + b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+10], 23, -1094730640); + a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 4 , 681279174); + d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 0], 11, -358537222); + c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 16, -722521979); + b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 6], 23, 76029189); + a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487); + d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+12], 11, -421815835); + c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 16, 530742520); + b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651); + + a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844); + d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415); + c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 15, -1416354905); + b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 5], 21, -57434055); + a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 6 , 1700485571); + d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606); + c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 15, -1051523); + b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799); + a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 6 , 1873313359); + d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+15], 10, -30611744); + c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380); + b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+13], 21, 1309151649); + a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070); + d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+11], 10, -1120210379); + c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 15, 718787259); + b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 9], 21, -343485551); + + a = safe_add(a, olda); + b = safe_add(b, oldb); + c = safe_add(c, oldc); + d = safe_add(d, oldd); + } + return Array(a, b, c, d); + + } + + /* + * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses. + */ + function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) + { + return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s),b); + } + function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) + { + return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t); + } + function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) + { + return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); + } + function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) + { + return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); + } + function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) + { + return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t); + } + + /* + * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally + * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters. + */ + function safe_add(x, y) + { + var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF); + var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16); + return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF); + } + + /* + * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left. + */ + function bit_rol(num, cnt) + { + return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt)); + } + + module.exports = function md5(buf) { + return helpers.hash(buf, core_md5, 16); + }; + + +/***/ }, +/* 61 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var intSize = 4; + var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(intSize); zeroBuffer.fill(0); + var chrsz = 8; + + function toArray(buf, bigEndian) { + if ((buf.length % intSize) !== 0) { + var len = buf.length + (intSize - (buf.length % intSize)); + buf = Buffer.concat([buf, zeroBuffer], len); } - // Enough space to store all bytes of a single character. UTF-8 needs 4 - // bytes, but CESU-8 may require up to 6 (3 bytes per surrogate). - this.charBuffer = new Buffer(6); - // Number of bytes received for the current incomplete multi-byte character. - this.charReceived = 0; - // Number of bytes expected for the current incomplete multi-byte character. - this.charLength = 0; + var arr = []; + var fn = bigEndian ? buf.readInt32BE : buf.readInt32LE; + for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += intSize) { + arr.push(fn.call(buf, i)); + } + return arr; + } + + function toBuffer(arr, size, bigEndian) { + var buf = new Buffer(size); + var fn = bigEndian ? buf.writeInt32BE : buf.writeInt32LE; + for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + fn.call(buf, arr[i], i * 4, true); + } + return buf; + } + + function hash(buf, fn, hashSize, bigEndian) { + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) buf = new Buffer(buf); + var arr = fn(toArray(buf, bigEndian), buf.length * chrsz); + return toBuffer(arr, hashSize, bigEndian); + } + + module.exports = { hash: hash }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 62 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) { + module.exports = ripemd160 + + + + /* + CryptoJS v3.1.2 + code.google.com/p/crypto-js + (c) 2009-2013 by Jeff Mott. All rights reserved. + code.google.com/p/crypto-js/wiki/License + */ + /** @preserve + (c) 2012 by Cédric Mesnil. All rights reserved. + + Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: + + - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. + + THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + */ + + // Constants table + var zl = [ + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, + 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, + 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, + 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, + 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13]; + var zr = [ + 5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, + 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, + 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, + 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, + 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11]; + var sl = [ + 11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, + 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, + 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, + 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, + 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6 ]; + var sr = [ + 8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, + 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, + 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, + 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, + 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11 ]; + + var hl = [ 0x00000000, 0x5A827999, 0x6ED9EBA1, 0x8F1BBCDC, 0xA953FD4E]; + var hr = [ 0x50A28BE6, 0x5C4DD124, 0x6D703EF3, 0x7A6D76E9, 0x00000000]; + + var bytesToWords = function (bytes) { + var words = []; + for (var i = 0, b = 0; i < bytes.length; i++, b += 8) { + words[b >>> 5] |= bytes[i] << (24 - b % 32); + } + return words; }; + var wordsToBytes = function (words) { + var bytes = []; + for (var b = 0; b < words.length * 32; b += 8) { + bytes.push((words[b >>> 5] >>> (24 - b % 32)) & 0xFF); + } + return bytes; + }; - // write decodes the given buffer and returns it as JS string that is - // guaranteed to not contain any partial multi-byte characters. Any partial - // character found at the end of the buffer is buffered up, and will be - // returned when calling write again with the remaining bytes. - // - // Note: Converting a Buffer containing an orphan surrogate to a String - // currently works, but converting a String to a Buffer (via `new Buffer`, or - // Buffer#write) will replace incomplete surrogates with the unicode - // replacement character. See https://codereview.chromium.org/121173009/ . - StringDecoder.prototype.write = function(buffer) { - var charStr = ''; - // if our last write ended with an incomplete multibyte character - while (this.charLength) { - // determine how many remaining bytes this buffer has to offer for this char - var available = (buffer.length >= this.charLength - this.charReceived) ? - this.charLength - this.charReceived : - buffer.length; + var processBlock = function (H, M, offset) { + + // Swap endian + for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + var offset_i = offset + i; + var M_offset_i = M[offset_i]; + + // Swap + M[offset_i] = ( + (((M_offset_i << 8) | (M_offset_i >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | + (((M_offset_i << 24) | (M_offset_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) + ); + } + + // Working variables + var al, bl, cl, dl, el; + var ar, br, cr, dr, er; + + ar = al = H[0]; + br = bl = H[1]; + cr = cl = H[2]; + dr = dl = H[3]; + er = el = H[4]; + // Computation + var t; + for (var i = 0; i < 80; i += 1) { + t = (al + M[offset+zl[i]])|0; + if (i<16){ + t += f1(bl,cl,dl) + hl[0]; + } else if (i<32) { + t += f2(bl,cl,dl) + hl[1]; + } else if (i<48) { + t += f3(bl,cl,dl) + hl[2]; + } else if (i<64) { + t += f4(bl,cl,dl) + hl[3]; + } else {// if (i<80) { + t += f5(bl,cl,dl) + hl[4]; + } + t = t|0; + t = rotl(t,sl[i]); + t = (t+el)|0; + al = el; + el = dl; + dl = rotl(cl, 10); + cl = bl; + bl = t; + + t = (ar + M[offset+zr[i]])|0; + if (i<16){ + t += f5(br,cr,dr) + hr[0]; + } else if (i<32) { + t += f4(br,cr,dr) + hr[1]; + } else if (i<48) { + t += f3(br,cr,dr) + hr[2]; + } else if (i<64) { + t += f2(br,cr,dr) + hr[3]; + } else {// if (i<80) { + t += f1(br,cr,dr) + hr[4]; + } + t = t|0; + t = rotl(t,sr[i]) ; + t = (t+er)|0; + ar = er; + er = dr; + dr = rotl(cr, 10); + cr = br; + br = t; + } + // Intermediate hash value + t = (H[1] + cl + dr)|0; + H[1] = (H[2] + dl + er)|0; + H[2] = (H[3] + el + ar)|0; + H[3] = (H[4] + al + br)|0; + H[4] = (H[0] + bl + cr)|0; + H[0] = t; + }; + + function f1(x, y, z) { + return ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z)); + } + + function f2(x, y, z) { + return (((x)&(y)) | ((~x)&(z))); + } + + function f3(x, y, z) { + return (((x) | (~(y))) ^ (z)); + } + + function f4(x, y, z) { + return (((x) & (z)) | ((y)&(~(z)))); + } + + function f5(x, y, z) { + return ((x) ^ ((y) |(~(z)))); + } - // add the new bytes to the char buffer - buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, this.charReceived, 0, available); - this.charReceived += available; + function rotl(x,n) { + return (x<>>(32-n)); + } - if (this.charReceived < this.charLength) { - // still not enough chars in this buffer? wait for more ... - return ''; - } + function ripemd160(message) { + var H = [0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0]; - // remove bytes belonging to the current character from the buffer - buffer = buffer.slice(available, buffer.length); + if (typeof message == 'string') + message = new Buffer(message, 'utf8'); - // get the character that was split - charStr = this.charBuffer.slice(0, this.charLength).toString(this.encoding); + var m = bytesToWords(message); - // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character - var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(charStr.length - 1); - if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) { - this.charLength += this.surrogateSize; - charStr = ''; - continue; - } - this.charReceived = this.charLength = 0; + var nBitsLeft = message.length * 8; + var nBitsTotal = message.length * 8; - // if there are no more bytes in this buffer, just emit our char - if (buffer.length === 0) { - return charStr; - } - break; + // Add padding + m[nBitsLeft >>> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - nBitsLeft % 32); + m[(((nBitsLeft + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = ( + (((nBitsTotal << 8) | (nBitsTotal >>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | + (((nBitsTotal << 24) | (nBitsTotal >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00) + ); + + for (var i=0 ; i>> 24)) & 0x00ff00ff) | + (((H_i << 24) | (H_i >>> 8)) & 0xff00ff00); } - charStr += buffer.toString(this.encoding, 0, end); + var digestbytes = wordsToBytes(H); + return new Buffer(digestbytes); + } - var end = charStr.length - 1; - var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(end); - // CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character - if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) { - var size = this.surrogateSize; - this.charLength += size; - this.charReceived += size; - this.charBuffer.copy(this.charBuffer, size, 0, size); - buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, 0, size); - return charStr.substring(0, end); - } - // or just emit the charStr - return charStr; - }; - // detectIncompleteChar determines if there is an incomplete UTF-8 character at - // the end of the given buffer. If so, it sets this.charLength to the byte - // length that character, and sets this.charReceived to the number of bytes - // that are available for this character. - StringDecoder.prototype.detectIncompleteChar = function(buffer) { - // determine how many bytes we have to check at the end of this buffer - var i = (buffer.length >= 3) ? 3 : buffer.length; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - // Figure out if one of the last i bytes of our buffer announces an - // incomplete char. - for (; i > 0; i--) { - var c = buffer[buffer.length - i]; +/***/ }, +/* 63 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Description + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {var createHash = __webpack_require__(54) - // 110XXXXX - if (i == 1 && c >> 5 == 0x06) { - this.charLength = 2; - break; - } + var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(128) + zeroBuffer.fill(0) - // 1110XXXX - if (i <= 2 && c >> 4 == 0x0E) { - this.charLength = 3; - break; - } + module.exports = Hmac - // 11110XXX - if (i <= 3 && c >> 3 == 0x1E) { - this.charLength = 4; - break; - } + function Hmac (alg, key) { + if(!(this instanceof Hmac)) return new Hmac(alg, key) + this._opad = opad + this._alg = alg + + var blocksize = (alg === 'sha512') ? 128 : 64 + + key = this._key = !Buffer.isBuffer(key) ? new Buffer(key) : key + + if(key.length > blocksize) { + key = createHash(alg).update(key).digest() + } else if(key.length < blocksize) { + key = Buffer.concat([key, zeroBuffer], blocksize) } - this.charReceived = i; - }; - StringDecoder.prototype.end = function(buffer) { - var res = ''; - if (buffer && buffer.length) - res = this.write(buffer); + var ipad = this._ipad = new Buffer(blocksize) + var opad = this._opad = new Buffer(blocksize) - if (this.charReceived) { - var cr = this.charReceived; - var buf = this.charBuffer; - var enc = this.encoding; - res += buf.slice(0, cr).toString(enc); + for(var i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) { + ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36 + opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5C } - return res; - }; + this._hash = createHash(alg).update(ipad) + } - function passThroughWrite(buffer) { - return buffer.toString(this.encoding); + Hmac.prototype.update = function (data, enc) { + this._hash.update(data, enc) + return this } - function utf16DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) { - this.charReceived = buffer.length % 2; - this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 2 : 0; + Hmac.prototype.digest = function (enc) { + var h = this._hash.digest() + return createHash(this._alg).update(this._opad).update(h).digest(enc) } - function base64DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) { - this.charReceived = buffer.length % 3; - this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 3 : 0; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 64 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + var pbkdf2Export = __webpack_require__(65) + + module.exports = function (crypto, exports) { + exports = exports || {} + + var exported = pbkdf2Export(crypto) + + exports.pbkdf2 = exported.pbkdf2 + exports.pbkdf2Sync = exported.pbkdf2Sync + + return exports } /***/ }, -/* 53 */ +/* 65 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {module.exports = function(crypto) { + function pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest, callback) { + if ('function' === typeof digest) { + callback = digest + digest = undefined + } + if ('function' !== typeof callback) + throw new Error('No callback provided to pbkdf2') - // a transform stream is a readable/writable stream where you do - // something with the data. Sometimes it's called a "filter", - // but that's not a great name for it, since that implies a thing where - // some bits pass through, and others are simply ignored. (That would - // be a valid example of a transform, of course.) - // - // While the output is causally related to the input, it's not a - // necessarily symmetric or synchronous transformation. For example, - // a zlib stream might take multiple plain-text writes(), and then - // emit a single compressed chunk some time in the future. - // - // Here's how this works: - // - // The Transform stream has all the aspects of the readable and writable - // stream classes. When you write(chunk), that calls _write(chunk,cb) - // internally, and returns false if there's a lot of pending writes - // buffered up. When you call read(), that calls _read(n) until - // there's enough pending readable data buffered up. - // - // In a transform stream, the written data is placed in a buffer. When - // _read(n) is called, it transforms the queued up data, calling the - // buffered _write cb's as it consumes chunks. If consuming a single - // written chunk would result in multiple output chunks, then the first - // outputted bit calls the readcb, and subsequent chunks just go into - // the read buffer, and will cause it to emit 'readable' if necessary. - // - // This way, back-pressure is actually determined by the reading side, - // since _read has to be called to start processing a new chunk. However, - // a pathological inflate type of transform can cause excessive buffering - // here. For example, imagine a stream where every byte of input is - // interpreted as an integer from 0-255, and then results in that many - // bytes of output. Writing the 4 bytes {ff,ff,ff,ff} would result in - // 1kb of data being output. In this case, you could write a very small - // amount of input, and end up with a very large amount of output. In - // such a pathological inflating mechanism, there'd be no way to tell - // the system to stop doing the transform. A single 4MB write could - // cause the system to run out of memory. - // - // However, even in such a pathological case, only a single written chunk - // would be consumed, and then the rest would wait (un-transformed) until - // the results of the previous transformed chunk were consumed. + setTimeout(function() { + var result + + try { + result = pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) + } catch (e) { + return callback(e) + } + + callback(undefined, result) + }) + } - module.exports = Transform; + function pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, iterations, keylen, digest) { + if ('number' !== typeof iterations) + throw new TypeError('Iterations not a number') - var Duplex = __webpack_require__(50); + if (iterations < 0) + throw new TypeError('Bad iterations') - /**/ - var util = __webpack_require__(47); - util.inherits = __webpack_require__(48); - /**/ + if ('number' !== typeof keylen) + throw new TypeError('Key length not a number') - util.inherits(Transform, Duplex); + if (keylen < 0) + throw new TypeError('Bad key length') + digest = digest || 'sha1' - function TransformState(options, stream) { - this.afterTransform = function(er, data) { - return afterTransform(stream, er, data); - }; + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(password)) password = new Buffer(password) + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(salt)) salt = new Buffer(salt) - this.needTransform = false; - this.transforming = false; - this.writecb = null; - this.writechunk = null; - } + var hLen, l = 1, r, T + var DK = new Buffer(keylen) + var block1 = new Buffer(salt.length + 4) + salt.copy(block1, 0, 0, salt.length) - function afterTransform(stream, er, data) { - var ts = stream._transformState; - ts.transforming = false; + for (var i = 1; i <= l; i++) { + block1.writeUInt32BE(i, salt.length) - var cb = ts.writecb; + var U = crypto.createHmac(digest, password).update(block1).digest() - if (!cb) - return stream.emit('error', new Error('no writecb in Transform class')); + if (!hLen) { + hLen = U.length + T = new Buffer(hLen) + l = Math.ceil(keylen / hLen) + r = keylen - (l - 1) * hLen - ts.writechunk = null; - ts.writecb = null; + if (keylen > (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * hLen) + throw new TypeError('keylen exceeds maximum length') + } - if (!util.isNullOrUndefined(data)) - stream.push(data); + U.copy(T, 0, 0, hLen) - if (cb) - cb(er); + for (var j = 1; j < iterations; j++) { + U = crypto.createHmac(digest, password).update(U).digest() - var rs = stream._readableState; - rs.reading = false; - if (rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) { - stream._read(rs.highWaterMark); + for (var k = 0; k < hLen; k++) { + T[k] ^= U[k] + } + } + + var destPos = (i - 1) * hLen + var len = (i == l ? r : hLen) + T.copy(DK, destPos, 0, len) + } + + return DK + } + + return { + pbkdf2: pbkdf2, + pbkdf2Sync: pbkdf2Sync } } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - function Transform(options) { - if (!(this instanceof Transform)) - return new Transform(options); +/***/ }, +/* 66 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - Duplex.call(this, options); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - this._transformState = new TransformState(options, this); + module.exports = Fingerprint; - // when the writable side finishes, then flush out anything remaining. - var stream = this; + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var errs = __webpack_require__(67); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); - // start out asking for a readable event once data is transformed. - this._readableState.needReadable = true; + var FingerprintFormatError = errs.FingerprintFormatError; + var InvalidAlgorithmError = errs.InvalidAlgorithmError; - // we have implemented the _read method, and done the other things - // that Readable wants before the first _read call, so unset the - // sync guard flag. - this._readableState.sync = false; + function Fingerprint(opts) { + assert.object(opts, 'options'); + assert.buffer(opts.hash, 'options.hash'); + assert.string(opts.algorithm, 'options.algorithm'); - this.once('prefinish', function() { - if (util.isFunction(this._flush)) - this._flush(function(er) { - done(stream, er); - }); - else - done(stream); - }); + this.algorithm = opts.algorithm.toLowerCase(); + if (algs.hashAlgs[this.algorithm] !== true) + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(this.algorithm)); + + this.hash = opts.hash; } - Transform.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) { - this._transformState.needTransform = false; - return Duplex.prototype.push.call(this, chunk, encoding); + Fingerprint.prototype.toString = function (format) { + if (format === undefined) { + if (this.algorithm === 'md5') + format = 'hex'; + else + format = 'base64'; + } + assert.string(format); + + switch (format) { + case 'hex': + return (addColons(this.hash.toString('hex'))); + case 'base64': + return (sshBase64Format(this.algorithm, + this.hash.toString('base64'))); + default: + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(undefined, format)); + } }; - // This is the part where you do stuff! - // override this function in implementation classes. - // 'chunk' is an input chunk. - // - // Call `push(newChunk)` to pass along transformed output - // to the readable side. You may call 'push' zero or more times. - // - // Call `cb(err)` when you are done with this chunk. If you pass - // an error, then that'll put the hurt on the whole operation. If you - // never call cb(), then you'll never get another chunk. - Transform.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - throw new Error('not implemented'); - }; + Fingerprint.prototype.matches = function (key) { + assert.object(key, 'key'); + /* Defer until runtime due to circular deps */ + if (Key === undefined) + Key = __webpack_require__(48); + assert.ok(key instanceof Key, 'key'); - Transform.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - var ts = this._transformState; - ts.writecb = cb; - ts.writechunk = chunk; - ts.writeencoding = encoding; - if (!ts.transforming) { - var rs = this._readableState; - if (ts.needTransform || - rs.needReadable || - rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) - this._read(rs.highWaterMark); - } - }; + var theirHash = key.hash(this.algorithm); + var theirHash2 = crypto.createHash(this.algorithm). + update(theirHash).digest('base64'); - // Doesn't matter what the args are here. - // _transform does all the work. - // That we got here means that the readable side wants more data. - Transform.prototype._read = function(n) { - var ts = this._transformState; + if (this.hash2 === undefined) + this.hash2 = crypto.createHash(this.algorithm). + update(this.hash).digest('base64'); - if (!util.isNull(ts.writechunk) && ts.writecb && !ts.transforming) { - ts.transforming = true; - this._transform(ts.writechunk, ts.writeencoding, ts.afterTransform); - } else { - // mark that we need a transform, so that any data that comes in - // will get processed, now that we've asked for it. - ts.needTransform = true; - } + return (this.hash2 === theirHash2); }; + Fingerprint.parse = function (fp, enAlgs) { + assert.string(fp, 'fingerprint'); - function done(stream, er) { - if (er) - return stream.emit('error', er); + var alg, hash; + assert.optionalArrayOfString(enAlgs, 'algorithms'); - // if there's nothing in the write buffer, then that means - // that nothing more will ever be provided - var ws = stream._writableState; - var ts = stream._transformState; + var parts = fp.split(':'); + if (parts.length == 2) { + alg = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + /*JSSTYLED*/ + var base64RE = /^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+$/; + if (!base64RE.test(parts[1])) + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(fp)); + try { + hash = new Buffer(parts[1], 'base64'); + } catch (e) { + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(fp)); + } + } else if (parts.length > 2) { + alg = 'md5'; + if (parts[0].toLowerCase() === 'md5') + parts = parts.slice(1); + parts = parts.join(''); + /*JSSTYLED*/ + var md5RE = /^[a-fA-F0-9]+$/; + if (!md5RE.test(parts)) + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(fp)); + try { + hash = new Buffer(parts, 'hex'); + } catch (e) { + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(fp)); + } + } - if (ws.length) - throw new Error('calling transform done when ws.length != 0'); + if (alg === undefined) + throw (new FingerprintFormatError(fp)); - if (ts.transforming) - throw new Error('calling transform done when still transforming'); + if (enAlgs !== undefined) { + enAlgs = enAlgs.map(function (a) { return a.toLowerCase(); }); + if (enAlgs.indexOf(alg) === -1) + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(alg)); + } - return stream.push(null); + return (new Fingerprint({algorithm: alg, hash: hash})); + }; + + function addColons(s) { + /*JSSTYLED*/ + return (s.replace(/(.{2})(?=.)/g, '$1:')); + } + + function base64Strip(s) { + /*JSSTYLED*/ + return (s.replace(/=*$/, '')); } + function sshBase64Format(alg, h) { + return (alg.toUpperCase() + ':' + base64Strip(h)); + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 54 */ +/* 67 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. - // - // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a - // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the - // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including - // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, - // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit - // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the - // following conditions: - // - // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included - // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. - // - // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS - // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF - // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN - // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, - // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR - // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE - // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + // Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); + + function FingerprintFormatError(fp, format) { + if (Error.captureStackTrace) + Error.captureStackTrace(this, FingerprintFormatError); + this.name = 'FingerprintFormatError'; + this.fingerprint = fp; + this.format = format; + this.message = 'Fingerprint format is not supported, or is invalid: '; + if (fp !== undefined) + this.message += ' fingerprint = ' + fp; + if (format !== undefined) + this.message += ' format = ' + format; + } + util.inherits(FingerprintFormatError, Error); + + function InvalidAlgorithmError(alg) { + if (Error.captureStackTrace) + Error.captureStackTrace(this, InvalidAlgorithmError); + this.name = 'InvalidAlgorithmError'; + this.algorithm = alg; + this.message = 'Algorithm "' + alg + '" is not supported'; + } + util.inherits(InvalidAlgorithmError, Error); + + function KeyParseError(name, format, innerErr) { + if (Error.captureStackTrace) + Error.captureStackTrace(this, KeyParseError); + this.name = 'KeyParseError'; + this.format = format; + this.keyName = name; + this.innerErr = innerErr; + this.message = 'Failed to parse ' + name + ' as a valid ' + format + + ' format key: ' + innerErr.message; + } + util.inherits(KeyParseError, Error); + + function SignatureParseError(type, format, innerErr) { + if (Error.captureStackTrace) + Error.captureStackTrace(this, SignatureParseError); + this.name = 'SignatureParseError'; + this.type = type; + this.format = format; + this.innerErr = innerErr; + this.message = 'Failed to parse the given data as a ' + type + + ' signature in ' + format + ' format: ' + innerErr.message; + } + util.inherits(SignatureParseError, Error); - // a passthrough stream. - // basically just the most minimal sort of Transform stream. - // Every written chunk gets output as-is. + module.exports = { + FingerprintFormatError: FingerprintFormatError, + InvalidAlgorithmError: InvalidAlgorithmError, + KeyParseError: KeyParseError, + SignatureParseError: SignatureParseError + }; - module.exports = PassThrough; - var Transform = __webpack_require__(53); +/***/ }, +/* 68 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /**/ - var util = __webpack_require__(47); - util.inherits = __webpack_require__(48); - /**/ + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - util.inherits(PassThrough, Transform); + module.exports = Signature; - function PassThrough(options) { - if (!(this instanceof PassThrough)) - return new PassThrough(options); + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var errs = __webpack_require__(67); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var asn1 = __webpack_require__(73); + var SSHBuffer = __webpack_require__(83); - Transform.call(this, options); - } + var InvalidAlgorithmError = errs.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var SignatureParseError = errs.SignatureParseError; - PassThrough.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { - cb(null, chunk); - }; + function Signature(opts) { + assert.object(opts, 'options'); + assert.arrayOfObject(opts.parts, 'options.parts'); + assert.string(opts.type, 'options.type'); + var partLookup = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < opts.parts.length; ++i) { + var part = opts.parts[i]; + partLookup[part.name] = part; + } -/***/ }, -/* 55 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + this.type = opts.type; + this.hashAlgorithm = opts.hashAlgo; + this.parts = opts.parts; + this.part = partLookup; + } - module.exports = __webpack_require__(51) + Signature.prototype.toBuffer = function (format) { + if (format === undefined) + format = 'asn1'; + assert.string(format, 'format'); + var buf; -/***/ }, -/* 56 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + switch (this.type) { + case 'rsa': + if (format === 'ssh') { + buf = new SSHBuffer({}); + buf.writeString('ssh-rsa'); + buf.writePart(this.part.sig); + return (buf.toBuffer()); + } else { + return (this.part.sig.data); + } - module.exports = __webpack_require__(50) + case 'dsa': + case 'ecdsa': + var r, s; + if (format === 'asn1') { + var der = new asn1.BerWriter(); + der.startSequence(); + r = utils.mpNormalize(this.part.r.data); + s = utils.mpNormalize(this.part.s.data); + der.writeBuffer(r, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(s, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); + return (der.buffer); + } else if (format === 'ssh' && this.type === 'dsa') { + buf = new SSHBuffer({}); + buf.writeString('ssh-dss'); + r = this.part.r.data; + if (r[0] === 0x00) + r = r.slice(1); + s = this.part.s.data; + buf.writeBuffer(Buffer.concat([r, s])); + return (buf.toBuffer()); + } else if (format === 'ssh' && this.type === 'ecdsa') { + var inner = new SSHBuffer({}); + r = this.part.r; + if (r[0] === 0x00) + r = r.slice(1); + inner.writePart(r); + inner.writePart(this.part.s); + + buf = new SSHBuffer({}); + /* XXX: find a more proper way to do this? */ + var curve; + var sz = this.part.r.data.length * 8; + if (sz === 256) + curve = 'nistp256'; + else if (sz === 384) + curve = 'nistp384'; + else if (sz === 528) + curve = 'nistp521'; + buf.writeString('ecdsa-sha2-' + curve); + buf.writeBuffer(inner.toBuffer()); + return (buf.toBuffer()); + } + throw (new Error('Invalid signature format')); + default: + throw (new Error('Invalid signature data')); + } + }; + Signature.prototype.toString = function (format) { + assert.optionalString(format, 'format'); + return (this.toBuffer(format).toString('base64')); + }; -/***/ }, -/* 57 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + Signature.parse = function (data, type, format) { + if (typeof (data) === 'string') + data = new Buffer(data, 'base64'); + assert.buffer(data, 'data'); + assert.string(format, 'format'); + assert.string(type, 'type'); - module.exports = __webpack_require__(53) + var opts = {}; + opts.type = type.toLowerCase(); + opts.parts = []; + try { + switch (opts.type) { + case 'rsa': + return (parseRSA(data, type, format, opts)); -/***/ }, -/* 58 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + case 'dsa': + case 'ecdsa': + if (format === 'asn1') + return (parseDSAasn1(data, type, format, opts)); + else if (opts.type === 'dsa') + return (parseDSA(data, type, format, opts)); + else + return (parseECDSA(data, type, format, opts)); - module.exports = __webpack_require__(54) + default: + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(type)); + } + } catch (e) { + if (e instanceof InvalidAlgorithmError) + throw (e); + throw (new SignatureParseError(type, format, e)); + } + }; -/***/ }, -/* 59 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + function parseRSA(data, type, format, opts) { + if (format === 'ssh') { + try { + var buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: data}); + var head = buf.readString(); + } catch (e) { + /* fall through */ + } + if (head === 'ssh-rsa') { + var sig = buf.readPart(); + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'extra trailing bytes'); + sig.name = 'sig'; + opts.parts.push(sig); + return (new Signature(opts)); + } + } + opts.parts.push({name: 'sig', data: data}); + return (new Signature(opts)); + } - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {const bufferEqual = __webpack_require__(60); - const base64url = __webpack_require__(61); - const crypto = __webpack_require__(18); - const formatEcdsa = __webpack_require__(62); - const util = __webpack_require__(25); + function parseDSAasn1(data, type, format, opts) { + var der = new asn1.BerReader(data); + der.readSequence(); + var r = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + var s = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); - const MSG_INVALID_ALGORITHM = '"%s" is not a valid algorithm.\n Supported algorithms are:\n "HS256", "HS384", "HS512", "RS256", "RS384", "RS512" and "none".' - const MSG_INVALID_SECRET = 'secret must be a string or buffer'; - const MSG_INVALID_VERIFIER_KEY = 'key must be a string or a buffer'; - const MSG_INVALID_SIGNER_KEY = 'key must be a string, a buffer or an object'; + opts.parts.push({name: 'r', data: utils.mpNormalize(r)}); + opts.parts.push({name: 's', data: utils.mpNormalize(s)}); - function typeError(template) { - const args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); - const errMsg = util.format.bind(util, template).apply(null, args); - return new TypeError(errMsg); + return (new Signature(opts)); } - function bufferOrString(obj) { - return Buffer.isBuffer(obj) || typeof obj === 'string'; + function parseDSA(data, type, format, opts) { + if (data.length != 40) { + var buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: data}); + var d = buf.readBuffer(); + if (d.toString('ascii') === 'ssh-dss') + d = buf.readBuffer(); + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'extra trailing bytes'); + assert.strictEqual(d.length, 40, 'invalid inner length'); + data = d; + } + opts.parts.push({name: 'r', data: data.slice(0, 20)}); + opts.parts.push({name: 's', data: data.slice(20, 40)}); + return (new Signature(opts)); } - function normalizeInput(thing) { - if (!bufferOrString(thing)) - thing = JSON.stringify(thing); - return thing; - } + function parseECDSA(data, type, format, opts) { + var buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: data}); - function createHmacSigner(bits) { - return function sign(thing, secret) { - if (!bufferOrString(secret)) - throw typeError(MSG_INVALID_SECRET); - thing = normalizeInput(thing); - const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha' + bits, secret); - const sig = (hmac.update(thing), hmac.digest('base64')) - return base64url.fromBase64(sig); - } + var r, s; + var inner = buf.readBuffer(); + if (inner.toString('ascii').match(/^ecdsa-/)) { + inner = buf.readBuffer(); + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'extra trailing bytes on outer'); + buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: inner}); + r = buf.readPart(); + } else { + r = {data: inner}; + } + + s = buf.readPart(); + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'extra trailing bytes'); + + r.name = 'r'; + s.name = 's'; + + opts.parts.push(r); + opts.parts.push(s); + return (new Signature(opts)); } - function createHmacVerifier(bits) { - return function verify(thing, signature, secret) { - const computedSig = createHmacSigner(bits)(thing, secret); - return bufferEqual(Buffer(signature), Buffer(computedSig)); - } - } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 69 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - function createKeySigner(bits) { - return function sign(thing, privateKey) { - if (!bufferOrString(privateKey) && !(typeof privateKey === 'object')) - throw typeError(MSG_INVALID_SIGNER_KEY); - thing = normalizeInput(thing); - // Even though we are specifying "RSA" here, this works with ECDSA - // keys as well. - const signer = crypto.createSign('RSA-SHA' + bits); - const sig = (signer.update(thing), signer.sign(privateKey, 'base64')); - return base64url.fromBase64(sig); - } - } + module.exports = { + bufferSplit: bufferSplit, + addRSAMissing: addRSAMissing, + calculateDSAPublic: calculateDSAPublic, + mpNormalize: mpNormalize, + ecNormalize: ecNormalize, + countZeros: countZeros + }; + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + + /* Count leading zero bits on a buffer */ + function countZeros(buf) { + var o = 0, obit = 8; + while (o < buf.length) { + var mask = (1 << obit); + if ((buf[o] & mask) === mask) + break; + obit--; + if (obit < 0) { + o++; + obit = 8; + } + } + return (o*8 + (8 - obit) - 1); + } + + function bufferSplit(buf, chr) { + assert.buffer(buf); + assert.string(chr); + + var parts = []; + var lastPart = 0; + var matches = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { + if (buf[i] === chr.charCodeAt(matches)) + ++matches; + else if (buf[i] === chr.charCodeAt(0)) + matches = 1; + else + matches = 0; + + if (matches >= chr.length) { + var newPart = i + 1; + parts.push(buf.slice(lastPart, newPart - matches)); + lastPart = newPart; + matches = 0; + } + } + if (lastPart <= buf.length) + parts.push(buf.slice(lastPart, buf.length)); - function createKeyVerifier(bits) { - return function verify(thing, signature, publicKey) { - if (!bufferOrString(publicKey)) - throw typeError(MSG_INVALID_VERIFIER_KEY); - thing = normalizeInput(thing); - signature = base64url.toBase64(signature); - const verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-SHA' + bits); - verifier.update(thing); - return verifier.verify(publicKey, signature, 'base64'); - } + return (parts); } - function createECDSASigner(bits) { - const inner = createKeySigner(bits); - return function sign() { - var signature = inner.apply(null, arguments); - signature = formatEcdsa.derToJose(signature, 'ES' + bits); - return signature; - }; + function ecNormalize(buf, addZero) { + assert.buffer(buf); + if (buf[0] === 0x00 && buf[1] === 0x04) { + if (addZero) + return (buf); + return (buf.slice(1)); + } else if (buf[0] === 0x04) { + if (!addZero) + return (buf); + } else { + while (buf[0] === 0x00) + buf = buf.slice(1); + if (buf[0] === 0x02 || buf[0] === 0x03) + throw (new Error('Compressed elliptic curve points ' + + 'are not supported')); + if (buf[0] !== 0x04) + throw (new Error('Not a valid elliptic curve point')); + if (!addZero) + return (buf); + } + var b = new Buffer(buf.length + 1); + b[0] = 0x0; + buf.copy(b, 1); + return (b); + } + + function mpNormalize(buf) { + assert.buffer(buf); + while (buf.length > 1 && buf[0] === 0x00 && (buf[1] & 0x80) === 0x00) + buf = buf.slice(1); + if ((buf[0] & 0x80) === 0x80) { + var b = new Buffer(buf.length + 1); + b[0] = 0x00; + buf.copy(b, 1); + buf = b; + } + return (buf); + } + + function bigintToMpBuf(bigint) { + var hex = bigint.toString(16); + if (hex.length % 2 == 1) + hex = '0' + hex; + var buf = new Buffer(hex, 'hex'); + buf = mpNormalize(buf); + return (buf); + } + + function calculateDSAPublic(g, p, x) { + assert.buffer(g); + assert.buffer(p); + assert.buffer(x); + try { + var bigInt = __webpack_require__(85); + } catch (e) { + throw (new Error('To load a PKCS#8 format DSA private key, ' + + 'the node big-integer library is required.')); + } + g = bigInt(g.toString('hex'), 16); + p = bigInt(p.toString('hex'), 16); + x = bigInt(x.toString('hex'), 16); + var y = modexp(g, x, p); + var ybuf = bigintToMpBuf(y); + return (ybuf); + + /* Bruce Schneier's modular exponentiation algorithm */ + function modexp(base, exp, mod) { + var res = bigInt(1); + base = base.mod(mod); + while (exp.gt(0)) { + if (exp.isOdd()) + res = res.times(base).mod(mod); + exp = exp.shiftRight(1); + base = base.square().mod(mod); + } + return (res); + } } - function createECDSAVerifer(bits) { - const inner = createKeyVerifier(bits); - return function verify(thing, signature, publicKey) { - signature = formatEcdsa.joseToDer(signature, 'ES' + bits).toString('base64'); - const result = inner(thing, signature, publicKey); - return result; - }; - } + function addRSAMissing(key) { + assert.object(key); + assert.ok(key instanceof PrivateKey); + try { + var bigInt = __webpack_require__(85); + } catch (e) { + throw (new Error('To write a PEM private key from ' + + 'this source, the node big-integer lib is required.')); + } - function createNoneSigner() { - return function sign() { - return ''; - } - } + var d = bigInt(key.part.d.data.toString('hex'), 16); + var buf; - function createNoneVerifier() { - return function verify(thing, signature) { - return signature === ''; - } - } + if (!key.part.dmodp) { + var p = bigInt(key.part.p.data.toString('hex'), 16); + var dmodp = d.mod(p.minus(1)); - module.exports = function jwa(algorithm) { - const signerFactories = { - hs: createHmacSigner, - rs: createKeySigner, - es: createECDSASigner, - none: createNoneSigner, - } - const verifierFactories = { - hs: createHmacVerifier, - rs: createKeyVerifier, - es: createECDSAVerifer, - none: createNoneVerifier, - } - const match = algorithm.match(/(RS|ES|HS|none)(256|384|512)?/i); - if (!match) - throw typeError(MSG_INVALID_ALGORITHM, algorithm); - const algo = match[1].toLowerCase(); - const bits = match[2]; + buf = bigintToMpBuf(dmodp); + key.part.dmodp = {name: 'dmodp', data: buf}; + key.parts.push(key.part.dmodp); + } + if (!key.part.dmodq) { + var q = bigInt(key.part.q.data.toString('hex'), 16); + var dmodq = d.mod(q.minus(1)); - return { - sign: signerFactories[algo](bits), - verify: verifierFactories[algo](bits), - } - }; + buf = bigintToMpBuf(dmodq); + key.part.dmodq = {name: 'dmodq', data: buf}; + key.parts.push(key.part.dmodq); + } + } /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 60 */ +/* 70 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /*jshint node:true */ - 'use strict'; - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; // browserify - var SlowBuffer = __webpack_require__(5).SlowBuffer; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - module.exports = bufferEq; + module.exports = PrivateKey; - function bufferEq(a, b) { + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var Fingerprint = __webpack_require__(66); + var Signature = __webpack_require__(68); + var errs = __webpack_require__(67); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); - // shortcutting on type is necessary for correctness - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) { - return false; - } + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); - // buffer sizes should be well-known information, so despite this - // shortcutting, it doesn't leak any information about the *contents* of the - // buffers. - if (a.length !== b.length) { - return false; - } + var InvalidAlgorithmError = errs.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var KeyParseError = errs.KeyParseError; - var c = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { - /*jshint bitwise:false */ - c |= a[i] ^ b[i]; // XOR - } - return c === 0; + var formats = {}; + formats['auto'] = __webpack_require__(71); + formats['pem'] = __webpack_require__(72); + formats['pkcs1'] = __webpack_require__(79); + formats['pkcs8'] = __webpack_require__(80); + formats['rfc4253'] = __webpack_require__(82); + formats['ssh-private'] = __webpack_require__(81); + formats['openssh'] = formats['ssh-private']; + formats['ssh'] = formats['ssh-private']; + + function PrivateKey(opts) { + assert.object(opts, 'options'); + Key.call(this, opts); + + this._pubCache = undefined; } + util.inherits(PrivateKey, Key); - bufferEq.install = function() { - Buffer.prototype.equal = SlowBuffer.prototype.equal = function equal(that) { - return bufferEq(this, that); - }; - }; + PrivateKey.formats = formats; + + PrivateKey.prototype.toBuffer = function (format) { + if (format === undefined) + format = 'pkcs1'; + assert.string(format, 'format'); + assert.object(formats[format], 'formats[format]'); - var origBufEqual = Buffer.prototype.equal; - var origSlowBufEqual = SlowBuffer.prototype.equal; - bufferEq.restore = function() { - Buffer.prototype.equal = origBufEqual; - SlowBuffer.prototype.equal = origSlowBufEqual; + return (formats[format].write(this)); }; + PrivateKey.prototype.hash = function (algo) { + return (this.toPublic().hash(algo)); + }; -/***/ }, -/* 61 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + PrivateKey.prototype.toPublic = function () { + if (this._pubCache) + return (this._pubCache); - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {function fromBase64(base64string) { - return ( - base64string - .replace(/=/g, '') - .replace(/\+/g, '-') - .replace(/\//g, '_') - ); - } + var algInfo = algs.info[this.type]; + var pubParts = []; + for (var i = 0; i < algInfo.parts.length; ++i) { + var p = algInfo.parts[i]; + pubParts.push(this.part[p]); + } - function toBase64(base64UrlString) { - if (Buffer.isBuffer(base64UrlString)) - base64UrlString = base64UrlString.toString() + this._pubCache = new Key({ + type: this.type, + source: this, + parts: pubParts + }); + if (this.comment) + this._pubCache.comment = this.comment; + return (this._pubCache); + }; + + PrivateKey.prototype.createVerify = function (hashAlgo) { + return (this.toPublic().createVerify(hashAlgo)); + }; + + PrivateKey.prototype.createSign = function (hashAlgo) { + if (hashAlgo === undefined) + hashAlgo = this.defaultHashAlgorithm(); + assert.string(hashAlgo, 'hash algorithm'); + var v, nm, err; + try { + nm = this.type.toUpperCase() + '-'; + if (this.type === 'ecdsa') + nm = 'ecdsa-with-'; + nm += hashAlgo.toUpperCase(); + v = crypto.createSign(nm); + } catch (e) { + err = e; + } + if (v === undefined || (err instanceof Error && + err.message.match(/Unknown message digest/))) { + nm = 'RSA-'; + nm += hashAlgo.toUpperCase(); + v = crypto.createSign(nm); + } + assert.ok(v, 'failed to create verifier'); + var oldSign = v.sign.bind(v); + var key = this.toBuffer('pkcs1'); + var type = this.type; + v.sign = function () { + var sig = oldSign(key); + if (typeof (sig) === 'string') + sig = new Buffer(sig, 'binary'); + sig = Signature.parse(sig, type, 'asn1'); + sig.hashAlgorithm = hashAlgo; + return (sig); + }; + return (v); + }; + + PrivateKey.parse = function (data, format, name) { + if (typeof (data) !== 'string') + assert.buffer(data, 'data'); + if (format === undefined) + format = 'auto'; + assert.string(format, 'format'); + if (name === undefined) + name = '(unnamed)'; + + assert.object(formats[format], 'formats[format]'); + + try { + var k = formats[format].read(data); + assert.ok(k instanceof PrivateKey); + if (!k.comment) + k.comment = name; + return (k); + } catch (e) { + throw (new KeyParseError(name, format, e)); + } + }; - const b64str = padString(base64UrlString) - .replace(/\-/g, '+') - .replace(/_/g, '/'); - return b64str; - } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - function padString(string) { - const segmentLength = 4; - const stringLength = string.length; - const diff = string.length % segmentLength; - if (!diff) - return string; - var position = stringLength; - var padLength = segmentLength - diff; - const paddedStringLength = stringLength + padLength; - const buffer = Buffer(paddedStringLength); - buffer.write(string); - while (padLength--) - buffer.write('=', position++); - return buffer.toString(); - } +/***/ }, +/* 71 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - function decodeBase64Url(base64UrlString, encoding) { - return Buffer(toBase64(base64UrlString), 'base64').toString(encoding); - } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - function base64url(stringOrBuffer) { - return fromBase64(Buffer(stringOrBuffer).toString('base64')); + module.exports = { + read: read, + write: write + }; + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + + var pem = __webpack_require__(72); + var ssh = __webpack_require__(84); + var rfc4253 = __webpack_require__(82); + + function read(buf) { + if (typeof (buf) === 'string') { + if (buf.trim().match(/^[-]+[ ]*BEGIN/)) + return (pem.read(buf)); + if (buf.match(/^\s*ssh-[a-z]/)) + return (ssh.read(buf)); + if (buf.match(/^\s*ecdsa-/)) + return (ssh.read(buf)); + buf = new Buffer(buf, 'binary'); + } else { + assert.buffer(buf); + if (findPEMHeader(buf)) + return (pem.read(buf)); + if (findSSHHeader(buf)) + return (ssh.read(buf)); + } + if (buf.readUInt32BE(0) < buf.length) + return (rfc4253.read(buf)); + throw (new Error('Failed to auto-detect format of key')); } - function toBuffer(base64string) { - return Buffer(toBase64(base64string), 'base64'); + function findSSHHeader(buf) { + var offset = 0; + while (offset < buf.length && + (buf[offset] === 32 || buf[offset] === 10 || buf[offset] === 9)) + ++offset; + if (offset + 4 <= buf.length && + buf.slice(offset, offset + 4).toString('ascii') === 'ssh-') + return (true); + if (offset + 6 <= buf.length && + buf.slice(offset, offset + 6).toString('ascii') === 'ecdsa-') + return (true); + return (false); + } + + function findPEMHeader(buf) { + var offset = 0; + while (offset < buf.length && + (buf[offset] === 32 || buf[offset] === 10)) + ++offset; + if (buf[offset] !== 45) + return (false); + while (offset < buf.length && + (buf[offset] === 45)) + ++offset; + while (offset < buf.length && + (buf[offset] === 32)) + ++offset; + if (offset + 5 > buf.length || + buf.slice(offset, offset + 5).toString('ascii') !== 'BEGIN') + return (false); + return (true); + } + + function write(key) { + throw (new Error('"auto" format cannot be used for writing')); } - base64url.toBase64 = toBase64; - base64url.fromBase64 = fromBase64; - base64url.decode = decodeBase64Url; - base64url.toBuffer = toBuffer; - - module.exports = base64url; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 62 */ +/* 72 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {'use strict'; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63), - base64Url = __webpack_require__(82).escape; + module.exports = { + read: read, + write: write + }; - var ECDSASigValue = asn1.define('ECDSASigValue', function () { - this.seq().obj( - this.key('r').int(), - this.key('s').int() - ); - }); + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var asn1 = __webpack_require__(73); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); - var seq = 0x10, - int = 0x02; + var pkcs1 = __webpack_require__(79); + var pkcs8 = __webpack_require__(80); + var sshpriv = __webpack_require__(81); + var rfc4253 = __webpack_require__(82); - function getParamSize (keySize) { - var result = ((keySize / 8) | 0) + (keySize % 8 === 0 ? 0 : 1); - return result; - } + /* + * For reading we support both PKCS#1 and PKCS#8. If we find a private key, + * we just take the public component of it and use that. + */ + function read(buf, forceType) { + var input = buf; + if (typeof (buf) !== 'string') { + assert.buffer(buf, 'buf'); + buf = buf.toString('ascii'); + } - var paramBytesForAlg = { - ES256: getParamSize(256), - ES384: getParamSize(384), - ES512: getParamSize(521) - }; + var lines = buf.trim().split('\n'); - function getParamBytesForAlg (alg) { - var paramBytes = paramBytesForAlg[alg]; - if (paramBytes) { - return paramBytes; - } + var m = lines[0].match(/*JSSTYLED*/ + /[-]+[ ]*BEGIN ([A-Z0-9]+ )?(PUBLIC|PRIVATE) KEY[ ]*[-]+/); + assert.ok(m, 'invalid PEM header'); - throw new Error('Unknown algorithm "' + alg + '"'); - } + var m2 = lines[lines.length - 1].match(/*JSSTYLED*/ + /[-]+[ ]*END ([A-Z0-9]+ )?(PUBLIC|PRIVATE) KEY[ ]*[-]+/); + assert.ok(m2, 'invalid PEM footer'); - function bignumToBuf (bn, numBytes) { - var buf = new Buffer(bn.toString('hex', numBytes), 'hex'); - return buf; - } + /* Begin and end banners must match key type */ + assert.equal(m[2], m2[2]); + var type = m[2].toLowerCase(); - function signatureAsBuffer (signature) { - if (Buffer.isBuffer(signature)) { - return new Buffer(signature); - } else if ('string' === typeof signature) { - return new Buffer(signature, 'base64'); + var alg; + if (m[1]) { + /* They also must match algorithms, if given */ + assert.equal(m[1], m2[1], 'PEM header and footer mismatch'); + alg = m[1].trim(); } - throw new TypeError('ECDSA signature must be a Base64 string or a Buffer'); - } + var headers = {}; + while (true) { + lines = lines.slice(1); + m = lines[0].match(/*JSSTYLED*/ + /^([A-Za-z0-9-]+): (.+)$/); + if (!m) + break; + headers[m[1].toLowerCase()] = m[2]; + } + if (headers['proc-type']) { + var parts = headers['proc-type'].split(','); + if (parts[0] === '4' && parts[1] === 'ENCRYPTED') { + throw (new Error('PEM key is encrypted ' + + '(password-protected). Please use the ' + + 'SSH agent or decrypt the key.')); + } + } - function derToJose(signature, alg) { - signature = signatureAsBuffer(signature); - var paramBytes = getParamBytesForAlg(alg); + /* Chop off the first and last lines */ + lines = lines.slice(0, -1).join(''); + buf = new Buffer(lines, 'base64'); - signature = ECDSASigValue.decode(signature, 'der'); + /* The new OpenSSH internal format abuses PEM headers */ + if (alg && alg.toLowerCase() === 'openssh') + return (sshpriv.readSSHPrivate(type, buf)); + if (alg && alg.toLowerCase() === 'ssh2') + return (rfc4253.readType(type, buf)); - var r = bignumToBuf(signature.r, paramBytes); - var s = bignumToBuf(signature.s, paramBytes); + var der = new asn1.BerReader(buf); + der.originalInput = input; - signature = Buffer.concat([r, s], r.length + s.length); - signature = signature.toString('base64'); - signature = base64Url(signature); + /* + * All of the PEM file types start with a sequence tag, so chop it + * off here + */ + der.readSequence(); - return signature; + /* PKCS#1 type keys name an algorithm in the banner explicitly */ + if (alg) { + if (forceType) + assert.strictEqual(forceType, 'pkcs1'); + return (pkcs1.readPkcs1(alg, type, der)); + } else { + if (forceType) + assert.strictEqual(forceType, 'pkcs8'); + return (pkcs8.readPkcs8(alg, type, der)); + } } - function reduceBuffer (buf) { - var padding = 0; - for (var n = buf.length; padding < n && buf[padding] === 0;) { - ++padding; - } + function write(key, type) { + assert.object(key); + + var alg = {'ecdsa': 'EC', 'rsa': 'RSA', 'dsa': 'DSA'}[key.type]; + var header; - var needsSign = buf[padding] >= 0x80; - if (needsSign) { - --padding; + var der = new asn1.BerWriter(); - if (padding < 0) { - var old = buf; - buf = new Buffer(1 + buf.length); - buf[0] = 0; - old.copy(buf, 1); + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) { + if (type && type === 'pkcs8') { + header = 'PRIVATE KEY'; + pkcs8.writePkcs8(der, key); + } else { + if (type) + assert.strictEqual(type, 'pkcs1'); + header = alg + ' PRIVATE KEY'; + pkcs1.writePkcs1(der, key); + } - return buf; + } else if (key instanceof Key) { + if (type && type === 'pkcs1') { + header = alg + ' PUBLIC KEY'; + pkcs1.writePkcs1(der, key); + } else { + if (type) + assert.strictEqual(type, 'pkcs8'); + header = 'PUBLIC KEY'; + pkcs8.writePkcs8(der, key); } + + } else { + throw (new Error('key is not a Key or PrivateKey')); } - if (padding === 0) { - return buf; + var tmp = der.buffer.toString('base64'); + var len = tmp.length + (tmp.length / 64) + + 18 + 16 + header.length*2 + 10; + var buf = new Buffer(len); + var o = 0; + o += buf.write('-----BEGIN ' + header + '-----\n', o); + for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ) { + var limit = i + 64; + if (limit > tmp.length) + limit = tmp.length; + o += buf.write(tmp.slice(i, limit), o); + buf[o++] = 10; + i = limit; } + o += buf.write('-----END ' + header + '-----\n', o); - buf = buf.slice(padding); - return buf; + return (buf.slice(0, o)); } - function joseToDer(signature, alg) { - signature = signatureAsBuffer(signature); - var paramBytes = getParamBytesForAlg(alg); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - var signatureBytes = signature.length; - if (signatureBytes !== paramBytes * 2) { - throw new TypeError('"' + alg + '" signatures must be "' + paramBytes * 2 + '" bytes, saw "' + signatureBytes + '"'); - } +/***/ }, +/* 73 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var r = reduceBuffer(signature.slice(0, paramBytes)); - var s = reduceBuffer(signature.slice(paramBytes)); + // Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - var rsBytes = 1 + 1 + r.length + 1 + 1 + s.length; + // If you have no idea what ASN.1 or BER is, see this: + // ftp://ftp.rsa.com/pub/pkcs/ascii/layman.asc - var oneByteLength = rsBytes < 0x80; + var Ber = __webpack_require__(74); - signature = new Buffer((oneByteLength ? 2 : 3) + rsBytes); - var offset = 0; - signature[offset++] = (seq | 0x20) | 0 << 6; - if (oneByteLength) { - signature[offset++] = rsBytes; - } else { - signature[offset++] = 0x80 | 1; - signature[offset++] = rsBytes & 0xff; - } - signature[offset++] = int | (0 << 6); - signature[offset++] = r.length; - r.copy(signature, offset); - offset += r.length; - signature[offset++] = int | (0 << 6); - signature[offset++] = s.length; - s.copy(signature, offset); - return signature; - } + ///--- Exported API module.exports = { - derToJose: derToJose, - joseToDer: joseToDer + + Ber: Ber, + + BerReader: Ber.Reader, + + BerWriter: Ber.Writer + }; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 63 */ +/* 74 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var asn1 = exports; + // Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - asn1.bignum = __webpack_require__(64); + var errors = __webpack_require__(75); + var types = __webpack_require__(76); - asn1.define = __webpack_require__(65).define; - asn1.base = __webpack_require__(69); - asn1.constants = __webpack_require__(74); - asn1.decoders = __webpack_require__(76); - asn1.encoders = __webpack_require__(79); + var Reader = __webpack_require__(77); + var Writer = __webpack_require__(78); -/***/ }, -/* 64 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + ///--- Exports - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {(function (module, exports) { + module.exports = { - 'use strict'; + Reader: Reader, - // Utils + Writer: Writer - function assert(val, msg) { - if (!val) - throw new Error(msg || 'Assertion failed'); - } + }; - // Could use `inherits` module, but don't want to move from single file - // architecture yet. - function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor; - var TempCtor = function () {}; - TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype; - ctor.prototype = new TempCtor(); - ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor; + for (var t in types) { + if (types.hasOwnProperty(t)) + module.exports[t] = types[t]; + } + for (var e in errors) { + if (errors.hasOwnProperty(e)) + module.exports[e] = errors[e]; } - // BN - function BN(number, base, endian) { - // May be `new BN(bn)` ? - if (number !== null && - typeof number === 'object' && - Array.isArray(number.words)) { - return number; - } +/***/ }, +/* 75 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - this.sign = false; - this.words = null; - this.length = 0; + // Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - // Reduction context - this.red = null; - if (base === 'le' || base === 'be') { - endian = base; - base = 10; + module.exports = { + + newInvalidAsn1Error: function(msg) { + var e = new Error(); + e.name = 'InvalidAsn1Error'; + e.message = msg || ''; + return e; } - if (number !== null) - this._init(number || 0, base || 10, endian || 'be'); - } - if (typeof module === 'object') - module.exports = BN; - else - exports.BN = BN; + }; - BN.BN = BN; - BN.wordSize = 26; - BN.prototype._init = function init(number, base, endian) { - if (typeof number === 'number') { - return this._initNumber(number, base, endian); - } else if (typeof number === 'object') { - return this._initArray(number, base, endian); - } - if (base === 'hex') - base = 16; - assert(base === (base | 0) && base >= 2 && base <= 36); +/***/ }, +/* 76 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - number = number.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ''); - var start = 0; - if (number[0] === '-') - start++; + // Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - if (base === 16) - this._parseHex(number, start); - else - this._parseBase(number, base, start); - if (number[0] === '-') - this.sign = true; + module.exports = { + EOC: 0, + Boolean: 1, + Integer: 2, + BitString: 3, + OctetString: 4, + Null: 5, + OID: 6, + ObjectDescriptor: 7, + External: 8, + Real: 9, // float + Enumeration: 10, + PDV: 11, + Utf8String: 12, + RelativeOID: 13, + Sequence: 16, + Set: 17, + NumericString: 18, + PrintableString: 19, + T61String: 20, + VideotexString: 21, + IA5String: 22, + UTCTime: 23, + GeneralizedTime: 24, + GraphicString: 25, + VisibleString: 26, + GeneralString: 28, + UniversalString: 29, + CharacterString: 30, + BMPString: 31, + Constructor: 32, + Context: 128 + }; - this.strip(); - if (endian !== 'le') - return; +/***/ }, +/* 77 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - this._initArray(this.toArray(), base, endian); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - BN.prototype._initNumber = function _initNumber(number, base, endian) { - if (number < 0) { - this.sign = true; - number = -number; - } - if (number < 0x4000000) { - this.words = [ number & 0x3ffffff ]; - this.length = 1; - } else if (number < 0x10000000000000) { - this.words = [ - number & 0x3ffffff, - (number / 0x4000000) & 0x3ffffff - ]; - this.length = 2; - } else { - assert(number < 0x20000000000000); // 2 ^ 53 (unsafe) - this.words = [ - number & 0x3ffffff, - (number / 0x4000000) & 0x3ffffff, - 1 - ]; - this.length = 3; - } + var assert = __webpack_require__(24); - if (endian !== 'le') - return; + var ASN1 = __webpack_require__(76); + var errors = __webpack_require__(75); - // Reverse the bytes - this._initArray(this.toArray(), base, endian); - }; - BN.prototype._initArray = function _initArray(number, base, endian) { - // Perhaps a Uint8Array - assert(typeof number.length === 'number'); - if (number.length <= 0) { - this.words = [ 0 ]; - this.length = 1; - return this; - } + ///--- Globals - this.length = Math.ceil(number.length / 3); - this.words = new Array(this.length); - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - this.words[i] = 0; - - var off = 0; - if (endian === 'be') { - for (var i = number.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i -= 3) { - var w = number[i] | (number[i - 1] << 8) | (number[i - 2] << 16); - this.words[j] |= (w << off) & 0x3ffffff; - this.words[j + 1] = (w >>> (26 - off)) & 0x3ffffff; - off += 24; - if (off >= 26) { - off -= 26; - j++; - } - } - } else if (endian === 'le') { - for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < number.length; i += 3) { - var w = number[i] | (number[i + 1] << 8) | (number[i + 2] << 16); - this.words[j] |= (w << off) & 0x3ffffff; - this.words[j + 1] = (w >>> (26 - off)) & 0x3ffffff; - off += 24; - if (off >= 26) { - off -= 26; - j++; - } - } - } - return this.strip(); - }; + var newInvalidAsn1Error = errors.newInvalidAsn1Error; - function parseHex(str, start, end) { - var r = 0; - var len = Math.min(str.length, end); - for (var i = start; i < len; i++) { - var c = str.charCodeAt(i) - 48; - r <<= 4; - // 'a' - 'f' - if (c >= 49 && c <= 54) - r |= c - 49 + 0xa; + ///--- API - // 'A' - 'F' - else if (c >= 17 && c <= 22) - r |= c - 17 + 0xa; + function Reader(data) { + if (!data || !Buffer.isBuffer(data)) + throw new TypeError('data must be a node Buffer'); - // '0' - '9' - else - r |= c & 0xf; - } - return r; + this._buf = data; + this._size = data.length; + + // These hold the "current" state + this._len = 0; + this._offset = 0; } - BN.prototype._parseHex = function _parseHex(number, start) { - // Create possibly bigger array to ensure that it fits the number - this.length = Math.ceil((number.length - start) / 6); - this.words = new Array(this.length); - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - this.words[i] = 0; + Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'length', { + enumerable: true, + get: function () { return (this._len); } + }); + + Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'offset', { + enumerable: true, + get: function () { return (this._offset); } + }); - // Scan 24-bit chunks and add them to the number - var off = 0; - for (var i = number.length - 6, j = 0; i >= start; i -= 6) { - var w = parseHex(number, i, i + 6); - this.words[j] |= (w << off) & 0x3ffffff; - this.words[j + 1] |= w >>> (26 - off) & 0x3fffff; - off += 24; - if (off >= 26) { - off -= 26; - j++; - } - } - if (i + 6 !== start) { - var w = parseHex(number, start, i + 6); - this.words[j] |= (w << off) & 0x3ffffff; - this.words[j + 1] |= w >>> (26 - off) & 0x3fffff; - } - this.strip(); + Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'remain', { + get: function () { return (this._size - this._offset); } + }); + + Object.defineProperty(Reader.prototype, 'buffer', { + get: function () { return (this._buf.slice(this._offset)); } + }); + + + /** + * Reads a single byte and advances offset; you can pass in `true` to make this + * a "peek" operation (i.e., get the byte, but don't advance the offset). + * + * @param {Boolean} peek true means don't move offset. + * @return {Number} the next byte, null if not enough data. + */ + Reader.prototype.readByte = function(peek) { + if (this._size - this._offset < 1) + return null; + + var b = this._buf[this._offset] & 0xff; + + if (!peek) + this._offset += 1; + + return b; }; - function parseBase(str, start, end, mul) { - var r = 0; - var len = Math.min(str.length, end); - for (var i = start; i < len; i++) { - var c = str.charCodeAt(i) - 48; - r *= mul; + Reader.prototype.peek = function() { + return this.readByte(true); + }; - // 'a' - if (c >= 49) - r += c - 49 + 0xa; - // 'A' - else if (c >= 17) - r += c - 17 + 0xa; + /** + * Reads a (potentially) variable length off the BER buffer. This call is + * not really meant to be called directly, as callers have to manipulate + * the internal buffer afterwards. + * + * As a result of this call, you can call `Reader.length`, until the + * next thing called that does a readLength. + * + * @return {Number} the amount of offset to advance the buffer. + * @throws {InvalidAsn1Error} on bad ASN.1 + */ + Reader.prototype.readLength = function(offset) { + if (offset === undefined) + offset = this._offset; - // '0' - '9' - else - r += c; - } - return r; - } + if (offset >= this._size) + return null; - BN.prototype._parseBase = function _parseBase(number, base, start) { - // Initialize as zero - this.words = [ 0 ]; - this.length = 1; + var lenB = this._buf[offset++] & 0xff; + if (lenB === null) + return null; - // Find length of limb in base - for (var limbLen = 0, limbPow = 1; limbPow <= 0x3ffffff; limbPow *= base) - limbLen++; - limbLen--; - limbPow = (limbPow / base) | 0; + if ((lenB & 0x80) == 0x80) { + lenB &= 0x7f; - var total = number.length - start; - var mod = total % limbLen; - var end = Math.min(total, total - mod) + start; + if (lenB == 0) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Indefinite length not supported'); - var word = 0; - for (var i = start; i < end; i += limbLen) { - word = parseBase(number, i, i + limbLen, base); + if (lenB > 4) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('encoding too long'); - this.imuln(limbPow); - if (this.words[0] + word < 0x4000000) - this.words[0] += word; - else - this._iaddn(word); - } + if (this._size - offset < lenB) + return null; - if (mod !== 0) { - var pow = 1; - var word = parseBase(number, i, number.length, base); + this._len = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < lenB; i++) + this._len = (this._len << 8) + (this._buf[offset++] & 0xff); - for (var i = 0; i < mod; i++) - pow *= base; - this.imuln(pow); - if (this.words[0] + word < 0x4000000) - this.words[0] += word; - else - this._iaddn(word); + } else { + // Wasn't a variable length + this._len = lenB; } - }; - BN.prototype.copy = function copy(dest) { - dest.words = new Array(this.length); - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - dest.words[i] = this.words[i]; - dest.length = this.length; - dest.sign = this.sign; - dest.red = this.red; + return offset; }; - BN.prototype.clone = function clone() { - var r = new BN(null); - this.copy(r); - return r; + + /** + * Parses the next sequence in this BER buffer. + * + * To get the length of the sequence, call `Reader.length`. + * + * @return {Number} the sequence's tag. + */ + Reader.prototype.readSequence = function(tag) { + var seq = this.peek(); + if (seq === null) + return null; + if (tag !== undefined && tag !== seq) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + + ': got 0x' + seq.toString(16)); + + var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` + if (o === null) + return null; + + this._offset = o; + return seq; }; - // Remove leading `0` from `this` - BN.prototype.strip = function strip() { - while (this.length > 1 && this.words[this.length - 1] === 0) - this.length--; - return this._normSign(); + + Reader.prototype.readInt = function() { + return this._readTag(ASN1.Integer); }; - BN.prototype._normSign = function _normSign() { - // -0 = 0 - if (this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0) - this.sign = false; - return this; + + Reader.prototype.readBoolean = function() { + return (this._readTag(ASN1.Boolean) === 0 ? false : true); }; - BN.prototype.inspect = function inspect() { - return (this.red ? ''; + + Reader.prototype.readEnumeration = function() { + return this._readTag(ASN1.Enumeration); }; - /* - var zeros = []; - var groupSizes = []; - var groupBases = []; + Reader.prototype.readString = function(tag, retbuf) { + if (!tag) + tag = ASN1.OctetString; - var s = ''; - var i = -1; - while (++i < BN.wordSize) { - zeros[i] = s; - s += '0'; - } - groupSizes[0] = 0; - groupSizes[1] = 0; - groupBases[0] = 0; - groupBases[1] = 0; - var base = 2 - 1; - while (++base < 36 + 1) { - var groupSize = 0; - var groupBase = 1; - while (groupBase < (1 << BN.wordSize) / base) { - groupBase *= base; - groupSize += 1; - } - groupSizes[base] = groupSize; - groupBases[base] = groupBase; - } + var b = this.peek(); + if (b === null) + return null; - */ + if (b !== tag) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + + ': got 0x' + b.toString(16)); - var zeros = [ - '', - '0', - '00', - '000', - '0000', - '00000', - '000000', - '0000000', - '00000000', - '000000000', - '0000000000', - '00000000000', - '000000000000', - '0000000000000', - '00000000000000', - '000000000000000', - '0000000000000000', - '00000000000000000', - '000000000000000000', - '0000000000000000000', - '00000000000000000000', - '000000000000000000000', - '0000000000000000000000', - '00000000000000000000000', - '000000000000000000000000', - '0000000000000000000000000' - ]; + var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` - var groupSizes = [ - 0, 0, - 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, - 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, - 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 - ]; + if (o === null) + return null; - var groupBases = [ - 0, 0, - 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, - 43046721, 10000000, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, - 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64000000, 4084101, 5153632, - 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, - 24300000, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176 - ]; + if (this.length > this._size - o) + return null; - BN.prototype.toString = function toString(base, padding) { - base = base || 10; - if (base === 16 || base === 'hex') { - var out = ''; - var off = 0; - var padding = padding | 0 || 1; - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - var w = this.words[i]; - var word = (((w << off) | carry) & 0xffffff).toString(16); - carry = (w >>> (24 - off)) & 0xffffff; - if (carry !== 0 || i !== this.length - 1) - out = zeros[6 - word.length] + word + out; - else - out = word + out; - off += 2; - if (off >= 26) { - off -= 26; - i--; - } - } - if (carry !== 0) - out = carry.toString(16) + out; - while (out.length % padding !== 0) - out = '0' + out; - if (this.sign) - out = '-' + out; - return out; - } else if (base === (base | 0) && base >= 2 && base <= 36) { - // var groupSize = Math.floor(BN.wordSize * Math.LN2 / Math.log(base)); - var groupSize = groupSizes[base]; - // var groupBase = Math.pow(base, groupSize); - var groupBase = groupBases[base]; - var out = ''; - var c = this.clone(); - c.sign = false; - while (c.cmpn(0) !== 0) { - var r = c.modn(groupBase).toString(base); - c = c.idivn(groupBase); - - if (c.cmpn(0) !== 0) - out = zeros[groupSize - r.length] + r + out; - else - out = r + out; - } - if (this.cmpn(0) === 0) - out = '0' + out; - if (this.sign) - out = '-' + out; - return out; - } else { - assert(false, 'Base should be between 2 and 36'); - } - }; + this._offset = o; - BN.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { - return this.toString(16); + if (this.length === 0) + return retbuf ? new Buffer(0) : ''; + + var str = this._buf.slice(this._offset, this._offset + this.length); + this._offset += this.length; + + return retbuf ? str : str.toString('utf8'); }; - BN.prototype.toArray = function toArray(endian) { - this.strip(); - var res = new Array(this.byteLength()); - res[0] = 0; + Reader.prototype.readOID = function(tag) { + if (!tag) + tag = ASN1.OID; + + var b = this.readString(tag, true); + if (b === null) + return null; - var q = this.clone(); - if (endian !== 'le') { - // Assume big-endian - for (var i = 0; q.cmpn(0) !== 0; i++) { - var b = q.andln(0xff); - q.ishrn(8); + var values = []; + var value = 0; - res[res.length - i - 1] = b; - } - } else { - // Assume little-endian - for (var i = 0; q.cmpn(0) !== 0; i++) { - var b = q.andln(0xff); - q.ishrn(8); + for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { + var byte = b[i] & 0xff; - res[i] = b; + value <<= 7; + value += byte & 0x7f; + if ((byte & 0x80) == 0) { + values.push(value); + value = 0; } } - return res; + value = values.shift(); + values.unshift(value % 40); + values.unshift((value / 40) >> 0); + + return values.join('.'); }; - if (Math.clz32) { - BN.prototype._countBits = function _countBits(w) { - return 32 - Math.clz32(w); - }; - } else { - BN.prototype._countBits = function _countBits(w) { - var t = w; - var r = 0; - if (t >= 0x1000) { - r += 13; - t >>>= 13; - } - if (t >= 0x40) { - r += 7; - t >>>= 7; - } - if (t >= 0x8) { - r += 4; - t >>>= 4; - } - if (t >= 0x02) { - r += 2; - t >>>= 2; - } - return r + t; - }; - } - BN.prototype._zeroBits = function _zeroBits(w) { - // Short-cut - if (w === 0) - return 26; + Reader.prototype._readTag = function(tag) { + assert.ok(tag !== undefined); + + var b = this.peek(); + + if (b === null) + return null; + + if (b !== tag) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Expected 0x' + tag.toString(16) + + ': got 0x' + b.toString(16)); + + var o = this.readLength(this._offset + 1); // stored in `length` + if (o === null) + return null; + + if (this.length > 4) + throw newInvalidAsn1Error('Integer too long: ' + this.length); + + if (this.length > this._size - o) + return null; + this._offset = o; + + var fb = this._buf[this._offset]; + var value = 0; - var t = w; - var r = 0; - if ((t & 0x1fff) === 0) { - r += 13; - t >>>= 13; - } - if ((t & 0x7f) === 0) { - r += 7; - t >>>= 7; - } - if ((t & 0xf) === 0) { - r += 4; - t >>>= 4; - } - if ((t & 0x3) === 0) { - r += 2; - t >>>= 2; + for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { + value <<= 8; + value |= (this._buf[this._offset++] & 0xff); } - if ((t & 0x1) === 0) - r++; - return r; - }; - // Return number of used bits in a BN - BN.prototype.bitLength = function bitLength() { - var hi = 0; - var w = this.words[this.length - 1]; - var hi = this._countBits(w); - return (this.length - 1) * 26 + hi; + if ((fb & 0x80) == 0x80 && i !== 4) + value -= (1 << (i * 8)); + + return value >> 0; }; - // Number of trailing zero bits - BN.prototype.zeroBits = function zeroBits() { - if (this.cmpn(0) === 0) - return 0; - var r = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - var b = this._zeroBits(this.words[i]); - r += b; - if (b !== 26) - break; - } - return r; - }; - BN.prototype.byteLength = function byteLength() { - return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); - }; + ///--- Exported API - // Return negative clone of `this` - BN.prototype.neg = function neg() { - if (this.cmpn(0) === 0) - return this.clone(); + module.exports = Reader; - var r = this.clone(); - r.sign = !this.sign; - return r; - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) +/***/ }, +/* 78 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Or `num` with `this` in-place - BN.prototype.ior = function ior(num) { - this.sign = this.sign || num.sign; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage All rights reserved. - while (this.length < num.length) - this.words[this.length++] = 0; + var assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var ASN1 = __webpack_require__(76); + var errors = __webpack_require__(75); - for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) - this.words[i] = this.words[i] | num.words[i]; - return this.strip(); - }; + ///--- Globals + var newInvalidAsn1Error = errors.newInvalidAsn1Error; - // Or `num` with `this` - BN.prototype.or = function or(num) { - if (this.length > num.length) - return this.clone().ior(num); - else - return num.clone().ior(this); + var DEFAULT_OPTS = { + size: 1024, + growthFactor: 8 }; - // And `num` with `this` in-place - BN.prototype.iand = function iand(num) { - this.sign = this.sign && num.sign; + ///--- Helpers - // b = min-length(num, this) - var b; - if (this.length > num.length) - b = num; - else - b = this; + function merge(from, to) { + assert.ok(from); + assert.equal(typeof(from), 'object'); + assert.ok(to); + assert.equal(typeof(to), 'object'); - for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) - this.words[i] = this.words[i] & num.words[i]; + var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(from); + keys.forEach(function(key) { + if (to[key]) + return; - this.length = b.length; + var value = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, key); + Object.defineProperty(to, key, value); + }); - return this.strip(); - }; + return to; + } - // And `num` with `this` - BN.prototype.and = function and(num) { - if (this.length > num.length) - return this.clone().iand(num); - else - return num.clone().iand(this); - }; + ///--- API - // Xor `num` with `this` in-place - BN.prototype.ixor = function ixor(num) { - this.sign = this.sign || num.sign; + function Writer(options) { + options = merge(DEFAULT_OPTS, options || {}); - // a.length > b.length - var a; - var b; - if (this.length > num.length) { - a = this; - b = num; - } else { - a = num; - b = this; - } + this._buf = new Buffer(options.size || 1024); + this._size = this._buf.length; + this._offset = 0; + this._options = options; + + // A list of offsets in the buffer where we need to insert + // sequence tag/len pairs. + this._seq = []; + } - for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) - this.words[i] = a.words[i] ^ b.words[i]; + Object.defineProperty(Writer.prototype, 'buffer', { + get: function () { + if (this._seq.length) + throw new InvalidAsn1Error(this._seq.length + ' unended sequence(s)'); - if (this !== a) - for (; i < a.length; i++) - this.words[i] = a.words[i]; + return (this._buf.slice(0, this._offset)); + } + }); - this.length = a.length; + Writer.prototype.writeByte = function(b) { + if (typeof(b) !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); - return this.strip(); + this._ensure(1); + this._buf[this._offset++] = b; }; - // Xor `num` with `this` - BN.prototype.xor = function xor(num) { - if (this.length > num.length) - return this.clone().ixor(num); - else - return num.clone().ixor(this); - }; + Writer.prototype.writeInt = function(i, tag) { + if (typeof(i) !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.Integer; + var sz = 4; - // Set `bit` of `this` - BN.prototype.setn = function setn(bit, val) { - assert(typeof bit === 'number' && bit >= 0); + while ((((i & 0xff800000) === 0) || ((i & 0xff800000) === 0xff800000 >> 0)) && + (sz > 1)) { + sz--; + i <<= 8; + } - var off = (bit / 26) | 0; - var wbit = bit % 26; + if (sz > 4) + throw new InvalidAsn1Error('BER ints cannot be > 0xffffffff'); - while (this.length <= off) - this.words[this.length++] = 0; + this._ensure(2 + sz); + this._buf[this._offset++] = tag; + this._buf[this._offset++] = sz; - if (val) - this.words[off] = this.words[off] | (1 << wbit); - else - this.words[off] = this.words[off] & ~(1 << wbit); + while (sz-- > 0) { + this._buf[this._offset++] = ((i & 0xff000000) >>> 24); + i <<= 8; + } - return this.strip(); }; - // Add `num` to `this` in-place - BN.prototype.iadd = function iadd(num) { - // negative + positive - if (this.sign && !num.sign) { - this.sign = false; - var r = this.isub(num); - this.sign = !this.sign; - return this._normSign(); + Writer.prototype.writeNull = function() { + this.writeByte(ASN1.Null); + this.writeByte(0x00); + }; - // positive + negative - } else if (!this.sign && num.sign) { - num.sign = false; - var r = this.isub(num); - num.sign = true; - return r._normSign(); - } - // a.length > b.length - var a; - var b; - if (this.length > num.length) { - a = this; - b = num; - } else { - a = num; - b = this; - } + Writer.prototype.writeEnumeration = function(i, tag) { + if (typeof(i) !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.Enumeration; - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { - var r = a.words[i] + b.words[i] + carry; - this.words[i] = r & 0x3ffffff; - carry = r >>> 26; - } - for (; carry !== 0 && i < a.length; i++) { - var r = a.words[i] + carry; - this.words[i] = r & 0x3ffffff; - carry = r >>> 26; - } + return this.writeInt(i, tag); + }; - this.length = a.length; - if (carry !== 0) { - this.words[this.length] = carry; - this.length++; - // Copy the rest of the words - } else if (a !== this) { - for (; i < a.length; i++) - this.words[i] = a.words[i]; - } - return this; - }; + Writer.prototype.writeBoolean = function(b, tag) { + if (typeof(b) !== 'boolean') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a Boolean'); + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.Boolean; - // Add `num` to `this` - BN.prototype.add = function add(num) { - if (num.sign && !this.sign) { - num.sign = false; - var res = this.sub(num); - num.sign = true; - return res; - } else if (!num.sign && this.sign) { - this.sign = false; - var res = num.sub(this); - this.sign = true; - return res; - } + this._ensure(3); + this._buf[this._offset++] = tag; + this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x01; + this._buf[this._offset++] = b ? 0xff : 0x00; + }; - if (this.length > num.length) - return this.clone().iadd(num); - else - return num.clone().iadd(this); - }; - - // Subtract `num` from `this` in-place - BN.prototype.isub = function isub(num) { - // this - (-num) = this + num - if (num.sign) { - num.sign = false; - var r = this.iadd(num); - num.sign = true; - return r._normSign(); - - // -this - num = -(this + num) - } else if (this.sign) { - this.sign = false; - this.iadd(num); - this.sign = true; - return this._normSign(); - } - - // At this point both numbers are positive - var cmp = this.cmp(num); - - // Optimization - zeroify - if (cmp === 0) { - this.sign = false; - this.length = 1; - this.words[0] = 0; - return this; - } - // a > b - var a; - var b; - if (cmp > 0) { - a = this; - b = num; - } else { - a = num; - b = this; - } + Writer.prototype.writeString = function(s, tag) { + if (typeof(s) !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a string (was: ' + typeof(s) + ')'); + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.OctetString; - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { - var r = a.words[i] - b.words[i] + carry; - carry = r >> 26; - this.words[i] = r & 0x3ffffff; - } - for (; carry !== 0 && i < a.length; i++) { - var r = a.words[i] + carry; - carry = r >> 26; - this.words[i] = r & 0x3ffffff; + var len = Buffer.byteLength(s); + this.writeByte(tag); + this.writeLength(len); + if (len) { + this._ensure(len); + this._buf.write(s, this._offset); + this._offset += len; } + }; - // Copy rest of the words - if (carry === 0 && i < a.length && a !== this) - for (; i < a.length; i++) - this.words[i] = a.words[i]; - this.length = Math.max(this.length, i); - if (a !== this) - this.sign = true; + Writer.prototype.writeBuffer = function(buf, tag) { + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('tag must be a number'); + if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) + throw new TypeError('argument must be a buffer'); - return this.strip(); + this.writeByte(tag); + this.writeLength(buf.length); + this._ensure(buf.length); + buf.copy(this._buf, this._offset, 0, buf.length); + this._offset += buf.length; }; - // Subtract `num` from `this` - BN.prototype.sub = function sub(num) { - return this.clone().isub(num); - }; - /* - // NOTE: This could be potentionally used to generate loop-less multiplications - function _genCombMulTo(alen, blen) { - var len = alen + blen - 1; - var src = [ - 'var a = this.words, b = num.words, o = out.words, c = 0, w, ' + - 'mask = 0x3ffffff, shift = 0x4000000;', - 'out.length = ' + len + ';' - ]; - for (var k = 0; k < len; k++) { - var minJ = Math.max(0, k - alen + 1); - var maxJ = Math.min(k, blen - 1); + Writer.prototype.writeStringArray = function(strings) { + if ((!strings instanceof Array)) + throw new TypeError('argument must be an Array[String]'); - for (var j = minJ; j <= maxJ; j++) { - var i = k - j; - var mul = 'a[' + i + '] * b[' + j + ']'; + var self = this; + strings.forEach(function(s) { + self.writeString(s); + }); + }; - if (j === minJ) { - src.push('w = ' + mul + ' + c;'); - src.push('c = (w / shift) | 0;'); - } else { - src.push('w += ' + mul + ';'); - src.push('c += (w / shift) | 0;'); - } - src.push('w &= mask;'); + // This is really to solve DER cases, but whatever for now + Writer.prototype.writeOID = function(s, tag) { + if (typeof(s) !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a string'); + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.OID; + + if (!/^([0-9]+\.){3,}[0-9]+$/.test(s)) + throw new Error('argument is not a valid OID string'); + + function encodeOctet(bytes, octet) { + if (octet < 128) { + bytes.push(octet); + } else if (octet < 16384) { + bytes.push((octet >>> 7) | 0x80); + bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); + } else if (octet < 2097152) { + bytes.push((octet >>> 14) | 0x80); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); + } else if (octet < 268435456) { + bytes.push((octet >>> 21) | 0x80); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 14) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); + } else { + bytes.push(((octet >>> 28) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 21) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 14) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(((octet >>> 7) | 0x80) & 0xFF); + bytes.push(octet & 0x7F); } - src.push('o[' + k + '] = w;'); } - src.push('if (c !== 0) {', - ' o[' + k + '] = c;', - ' out.length++;', - '}', - 'return out;'); - return src.join('\n'); - } - */ + var tmp = s.split('.'); + var bytes = []; + bytes.push(parseInt(tmp[0], 10) * 40 + parseInt(tmp[1], 10)); + tmp.slice(2).forEach(function(b) { + encodeOctet(bytes, parseInt(b, 10)); + }); - BN.prototype._smallMulTo = function _smallMulTo(num, out) { - out.sign = num.sign !== this.sign; - out.length = this.length + num.length; - - var carry = 0; - for (var k = 0; k < out.length - 1; k++) { - // Sum all words with the same `i + j = k` and accumulate `ncarry`, - // note that ncarry could be >= 0x3ffffff - var ncarry = carry >>> 26; - var rword = carry & 0x3ffffff; - var maxJ = Math.min(k, num.length - 1); - for (var j = Math.max(0, k - this.length + 1); j <= maxJ; j++) { - var i = k - j; - var a = this.words[i] | 0; - var b = num.words[j] | 0; - var r = a * b; - - var lo = r & 0x3ffffff; - ncarry = (ncarry + ((r / 0x4000000) | 0)) | 0; - lo = (lo + rword) | 0; - rword = lo & 0x3ffffff; - ncarry = (ncarry + (lo >>> 26)) | 0; - } - out.words[k] = rword; - carry = ncarry; - } - if (carry !== 0) { - out.words[k] = carry; + var self = this; + this._ensure(2 + bytes.length); + this.writeByte(tag); + this.writeLength(bytes.length); + bytes.forEach(function(b) { + self.writeByte(b); + }); + }; + + + Writer.prototype.writeLength = function(len) { + if (typeof(len) !== 'number') + throw new TypeError('argument must be a Number'); + + this._ensure(4); + + if (len <= 0x7f) { + this._buf[this._offset++] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xff) { + this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x81; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xffff) { + this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x82; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 8; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xffffff) { + this._buf[this._offset++] = 0x83; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 16; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len >> 8; + this._buf[this._offset++] = len; } else { - out.length--; - } - - return out.strip(); - }; - - BN.prototype._bigMulTo = function _bigMulTo(num, out) { - out.sign = num.sign !== this.sign; - out.length = this.length + num.length; - - var carry = 0; - var hncarry = 0; - for (var k = 0; k < out.length - 1; k++) { - // Sum all words with the same `i + j = k` and accumulate `ncarry`, - // note that ncarry could be >= 0x3ffffff - var ncarry = hncarry; - hncarry = 0; - var rword = carry & 0x3ffffff; - var maxJ = Math.min(k, num.length - 1); - for (var j = Math.max(0, k - this.length + 1); j <= maxJ; j++) { - var i = k - j; - var a = this.words[i] | 0; - var b = num.words[j] | 0; - var r = a * b; - - var lo = r & 0x3ffffff; - ncarry = (ncarry + ((r / 0x4000000) | 0)) | 0; - lo = (lo + rword) | 0; - rword = lo & 0x3ffffff; - ncarry = (ncarry + (lo >>> 26)) | 0; - - hncarry += ncarry >>> 26; - ncarry &= 0x3ffffff; - } - out.words[k] = rword; - carry = ncarry; - ncarry = hncarry; - } - if (carry !== 0) { - out.words[k] = carry; + throw new InvalidAsn1ERror('Length too long (> 4 bytes)'); + } + }; + + Writer.prototype.startSequence = function(tag) { + if (typeof(tag) !== 'number') + tag = ASN1.Sequence | ASN1.Constructor; + + this.writeByte(tag); + this._seq.push(this._offset); + this._ensure(3); + this._offset += 3; + }; + + + Writer.prototype.endSequence = function() { + var seq = this._seq.pop(); + var start = seq + 3; + var len = this._offset - start; + + if (len <= 0x7f) { + this._shift(start, len, -2); + this._buf[seq] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xff) { + this._shift(start, len, -1); + this._buf[seq] = 0x81; + this._buf[seq + 1] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xffff) { + this._buf[seq] = 0x82; + this._buf[seq + 1] = len >> 8; + this._buf[seq + 2] = len; + } else if (len <= 0xffffff) { + this._shift(start, len, 1); + this._buf[seq] = 0x83; + this._buf[seq + 1] = len >> 16; + this._buf[seq + 2] = len >> 8; + this._buf[seq + 3] = len; } else { - out.length--; + throw new InvalidAsn1Error('Sequence too long'); } - - return out.strip(); }; - BN.prototype.mulTo = function mulTo(num, out) { - var res; - if (this.length + num.length < 63) - res = this._smallMulTo(num, out); - else - res = this._bigMulTo(num, out); - return res; - }; - // Multiply `this` by `num` - BN.prototype.mul = function mul(num) { - var out = new BN(null); - out.words = new Array(this.length + num.length); - return this.mulTo(num, out); + Writer.prototype._shift = function(start, len, shift) { + assert.ok(start !== undefined); + assert.ok(len !== undefined); + assert.ok(shift); + + this._buf.copy(this._buf, start + shift, start, start + len); + this._offset += shift; }; - // In-place Multiplication - BN.prototype.imul = function imul(num) { - if (this.cmpn(0) === 0 || num.cmpn(0) === 0) { - this.words[0] = 0; - this.length = 1; - return this; + Writer.prototype._ensure = function(len) { + assert.ok(len); + + if (this._size - this._offset < len) { + var sz = this._size * this._options.growthFactor; + if (sz - this._offset < len) + sz += len; + + var buf = new Buffer(sz); + + this._buf.copy(buf, 0, 0, this._offset); + this._buf = buf; + this._size = sz; } + }; - var tlen = this.length; - var nlen = num.length; - this.sign = num.sign !== this.sign; - this.length = this.length + num.length; - this.words[this.length - 1] = 0; - for (var k = this.length - 2; k >= 0; k--) { - // Sum all words with the same `i + j = k` and accumulate `carry`, - // note that carry could be >= 0x3ffffff - var carry = 0; - var rword = 0; - var maxJ = Math.min(k, nlen - 1); - for (var j = Math.max(0, k - tlen + 1); j <= maxJ; j++) { - var i = k - j; - var a = this.words[i]; - var b = num.words[j]; - var r = a * b; + ///--- Exported API - var lo = r & 0x3ffffff; - carry += (r / 0x4000000) | 0; - lo += rword; - rword = lo & 0x3ffffff; - carry += lo >>> 26; - } - this.words[k] = rword; - this.words[k + 1] += carry; - carry = 0; - } + module.exports = Writer; - // Propagate overflows - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { - var w = this.words[i] + carry; - this.words[i] = w & 0x3ffffff; - carry = w >>> 26; - } + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - return this.strip(); - }; +/***/ }, +/* 79 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - BN.prototype.imuln = function imuln(num) { - assert(typeof num === 'number'); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - // Carry - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - var w = this.words[i] * num; - var lo = (w & 0x3ffffff) + (carry & 0x3ffffff); - carry >>= 26; - carry += (w / 0x4000000) | 0; - // NOTE: lo is 27bit maximum - carry += lo >>> 26; - this.words[i] = lo & 0x3ffffff; - } + module.exports = { + read: read, + readPkcs1: readPkcs1, + write: write, + writePkcs1: writePkcs1 + }; + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var asn1 = __webpack_require__(73); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + var pem = __webpack_require__(72); + + function read(buf) { + return (pem.read(buf, 'pkcs1')); + } + + function write(key) { + return (pem.write(key, 'pkcs1')); + } + + /* Helper to read in a single mpint */ + function readMPInt(der, nm) { + assert.strictEqual(der.peek(), asn1.Ber.Integer, + nm + ' is not an Integer'); + return (utils.mpNormalize(der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true))); + } + + function readPkcs1(alg, type, der) { + switch (alg) { + case 'RSA': + if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs1RSAPublic(der)); + else if (type === 'private') + return (readPkcs1RSAPrivate(der)); + throw (new Error('Unknown key type: ' + type)); + case 'DSA': + if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs1DSAPublic(der)); + else if (type === 'private') + return (readPkcs1DSAPrivate(der)); + throw (new Error('Unknown key type: ' + type)); + case 'EC': + case 'ECDSA': + if (type === 'private') + return (readPkcs1ECDSAPrivate(der)); + else if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs1ECDSAPublic(der)); + throw (new Error('Unknown key type: ' + type)); + default: + throw (new Error('Unknown key algo: ' + alg)); + } + } - if (carry !== 0) { - this.words[i] = carry; - this.length++; - } + function readPkcs1RSAPublic(der) { + // modulus and exponent + var n = readMPInt(der, 'modulus'); + var e = readMPInt(der, 'exponent'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'rsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'e', data: e }, + { name: 'n', data: n } + ] + }; + + return (new Key(key)); + } + + function readPkcs1RSAPrivate(der) { + var version = readMPInt(der, 'version'); + assert.strictEqual(version[0], 0); + + // modulus then public exponent + var n = readMPInt(der, 'modulus'); + var e = readMPInt(der, 'public exponent'); + var d = readMPInt(der, 'private exponent'); + var p = readMPInt(der, 'prime1'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'prime2'); + var dmodp = readMPInt(der, 'exponent1'); + var dmodq = readMPInt(der, 'exponent2'); + var iqmp = readMPInt(der, 'iqmp'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'rsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'n', data: n }, + { name: 'e', data: e }, + { name: 'd', data: d }, + { name: 'iqmp', data: iqmp }, + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'dmodp', data: dmodp }, + { name: 'dmodq', data: dmodq } + ] + }; + + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } + + function readPkcs1DSAPrivate(der) { + var version = readMPInt(der, 'version'); + assert.strictEqual(version.readUInt8(0), 0); + + var p = readMPInt(der, 'p'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'q'); + var g = readMPInt(der, 'g'); + var y = readMPInt(der, 'y'); + var x = readMPInt(der, 'x'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'dsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'g', data: g }, + { name: 'y', data: y }, + { name: 'x', data: x } + ] + }; + + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } + + function readPkcs1DSAPublic(der) { + var y = readMPInt(der, 'y'); + var p = readMPInt(der, 'p'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'q'); + var g = readMPInt(der, 'g'); + + var key = { + type: 'dsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'y', data: y }, + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'g', data: g } + ] + }; + + return (new Key(key)); + } + + function readPkcs1ECDSAPublic(der) { + der.readSequence(); + + var oid = der.readOID(); + assert.strictEqual(oid, '1.2.840.10045.2.1', 'must be ecPublicKey'); + + var curveOid = der.readOID(); + + var curve; + var curves = Object.keys(algs.curves); + for (var j = 0; j < curves.length; ++j) { + var c = curves[j]; + var cd = algs.curves[c]; + if (cd.pkcs8oid === curveOid) { + curve = c; + break; + } + } + assert.string(curve, 'a known ECDSA named curve'); - return this; - }; + var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true); + Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q); - BN.prototype.muln = function muln(num) { - return this.clone().imuln(num); - }; + var key = { + type: 'ecdsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'curve', data: new Buffer(curve) }, + { name: 'Q', data: Q } + ] + }; - // `this` * `this` - BN.prototype.sqr = function sqr() { - return this.mul(this); - }; + return (new Key(key)); + } - // `this` * `this` in-place - BN.prototype.isqr = function isqr() { - return this.mul(this); - }; + function readPkcs1ECDSAPrivate(der) { + var version = readMPInt(der, 'version'); + assert.strictEqual(version.readUInt8(0), 1); - // Shift-left in-place - BN.prototype.ishln = function ishln(bits) { - assert(typeof bits === 'number' && bits >= 0); - var r = bits % 26; - var s = (bits - r) / 26; - var carryMask = (0x3ffffff >>> (26 - r)) << (26 - r); + // private key + var d = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true); - if (r !== 0) { - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - var newCarry = this.words[i] & carryMask; - var c = (this.words[i] - newCarry) << r; - this.words[i] = c | carry; - carry = newCarry >>> (26 - r); - } - if (carry) { - this.words[i] = carry; - this.length++; - } - } + der.readSequence(0xa0); + var curveOid = der.readOID(); - if (s !== 0) { - for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) - this.words[i + s] = this.words[i]; - for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) - this.words[i] = 0; - this.length += s; - } + var curve; + var curves = Object.keys(algs.curves); + for (var j = 0; j < curves.length; ++j) { + var c = curves[j]; + var cd = algs.curves[c]; + if (cd.pkcs8oid === curveOid) { + curve = c; + break; + } + } + assert.string(curve, 'a known ECDSA named curve'); + + der.readSequence(0xa1); + var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true); + Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q); + + var key = { + type: 'ecdsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'curve', data: new Buffer(curve) }, + { name: 'Q', data: Q }, + { name: 'd', data: d } + ] + }; + + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } + + function writePkcs1(der, key) { + der.startSequence(); + + switch (key.type) { + case 'rsa': + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs1RSAPrivate(der, key); + else + writePkcs1RSAPublic(der, key); + break; + case 'dsa': + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs1DSAPrivate(der, key); + else + writePkcs1DSAPublic(der, key); + break; + case 'ecdsa': + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs1ECDSAPrivate(der, key); + else + writePkcs1ECDSAPublic(der, key); + break; + default: + throw (new Error('Unknown key algo: ' + key.type)); + } - return this.strip(); - }; + der.endSequence(); + } - // Shift-right in-place - // NOTE: `hint` is a lowest bit before trailing zeroes - // NOTE: if `extended` is present - it will be filled with destroyed bits - BN.prototype.ishrn = function ishrn(bits, hint, extended) { - assert(typeof bits === 'number' && bits >= 0); - var h; - if (hint) - h = (hint - (hint % 26)) / 26; - else - h = 0; + function writePkcs1RSAPublic(der, key) { + der.writeBuffer(key.part.n.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.e.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + } - var r = bits % 26; - var s = Math.min((bits - r) / 26, this.length); - var mask = 0x3ffffff ^ ((0x3ffffff >>> r) << r); - var maskedWords = extended; + function writePkcs1RSAPrivate(der, key) { + var ver = new Buffer(1); + ver[0] = 0; + der.writeBuffer(ver, asn1.Ber.Integer); - h -= s; - h = Math.max(0, h); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.n.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.e.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.d.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + if (!key.part.dmodp || !key.part.dmodq) + utils.addRSAMissing(key); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.dmodp.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.dmodq.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.iqmp.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + } - // Extended mode, copy masked part - if (maskedWords) { - for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) - maskedWords.words[i] = this.words[i]; - maskedWords.length = s; - } + function writePkcs1DSAPrivate(der, key) { + var ver = new Buffer(1); + ver[0] = 0; + der.writeBuffer(ver, asn1.Ber.Integer); - if (s === 0) { - // No-op, we should not move anything at all - } else if (this.length > s) { - this.length -= s; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - this.words[i] = this.words[i + s]; - } else { - this.words[0] = 0; - this.length = 1; - } + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.g.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.y.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.x.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + } - var carry = 0; - for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0 && (carry !== 0 || i >= h); i--) { - var word = this.words[i]; - this.words[i] = (carry << (26 - r)) | (word >>> r); - carry = word & mask; - } + function writePkcs1DSAPublic(der, key) { + der.writeBuffer(key.part.y.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.g.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + } - // Push carried bits as a mask - if (maskedWords && carry !== 0) - maskedWords.words[maskedWords.length++] = carry; + function writePkcs1ECDSAPublic(der, key) { + der.startSequence(); - if (this.length === 0) { - this.words[0] = 0; - this.length = 1; - } + der.writeOID('1.2.840.10045.2.1'); /* ecPublicKey */ + var curve = key.part.curve.data.toString(); + var curveOid = algs.curves[curve].pkcs8oid; + assert.string(curveOid, 'a known ECDSA named curve'); + der.writeOID(curveOid); - this.strip(); + der.endSequence(); - return this; - }; + var Q = utils.ecNormalize(key.part.Q.data, true); + der.writeBuffer(Q, asn1.Ber.BitString); + } - // Shift-left - BN.prototype.shln = function shln(bits) { - return this.clone().ishln(bits); - }; + function writePkcs1ECDSAPrivate(der, key) { + var ver = new Buffer(1); + ver[0] = 1; + der.writeBuffer(ver, asn1.Ber.Integer); - // Shift-right - BN.prototype.shrn = function shrn(bits) { - return this.clone().ishrn(bits); - }; + der.writeBuffer(key.part.d.data, asn1.Ber.OctetString); - // Test if n bit is set - BN.prototype.testn = function testn(bit) { - assert(typeof bit === 'number' && bit >= 0); - var r = bit % 26; - var s = (bit - r) / 26; - var q = 1 << r; + der.startSequence(0xa0); + var curve = key.part.curve.data.toString(); + var curveOid = algs.curves[curve].pkcs8oid; + assert.string(curveOid, 'a known ECDSA named curve'); + der.writeOID(curveOid); + der.endSequence(); - // Fast case: bit is much higher than all existing words - if (this.length <= s) { - return false; - } + der.startSequence(0xa1); + var Q = utils.ecNormalize(key.part.Q.data, true); + der.writeBuffer(Q, asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.endSequence(); + } + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + +/***/ }, +/* 80 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // Check bit and return - var w = this.words[s]; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - return !!(w & q); + module.exports = { + read: read, + readPkcs8: readPkcs8, + write: write, + writePkcs8: writePkcs8 }; - // Return only lowers bits of number (in-place) - BN.prototype.imaskn = function imaskn(bits) { - assert(typeof bits === 'number' && bits >= 0); - var r = bits % 26; - var s = (bits - r) / 26; + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var asn1 = __webpack_require__(73); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + var pem = __webpack_require__(72); - assert(!this.sign, 'imaskn works only with positive numbers'); + function read(buf) { + return (pem.read(buf, 'pkcs8')); + } - if (r !== 0) - s++; - this.length = Math.min(s, this.length); + function write(key) { + return (pem.write(key, 'pkcs8')); + } - if (r !== 0) { - var mask = 0x3ffffff ^ ((0x3ffffff >>> r) << r); - this.words[this.length - 1] &= mask; - } + /* Helper to read in a single mpint */ + function readMPInt(der, nm) { + assert.strictEqual(der.peek(), asn1.Ber.Integer, + nm + ' is not an Integer'); + return (utils.mpNormalize(der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true))); + } - return this.strip(); - }; + function readPkcs8(alg, type, der) { + /* Private keys in pkcs#8 format have a weird extra int */ + if (der.peek() === asn1.Ber.Integer) { + assert.strictEqual(type, 'private', + 'unexpected Integer at start of public key'); + der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + } - // Return only lowers bits of number - BN.prototype.maskn = function maskn(bits) { - return this.clone().imaskn(bits); - }; + der.readSequence(); + + var oid = der.readOID(); + switch (oid) { + case '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': + if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs8RSAPublic(der)); + else + return (readPkcs8RSAPrivate(der)); + case '1.2.840.10040.4.1': + if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs8DSAPublic(der)); + else + return (readPkcs8DSAPrivate(der)); + case '1.2.840.10045.2.1': + if (type === 'public') + return (readPkcs8ECDSAPublic(der)); + else + return (readPkcs8ECDSAPrivate(der)); + default: + throw (new Error('Unknown key type OID ' + oid)); + } + } - // Add plain number `num` to `this` - BN.prototype.iaddn = function iaddn(num) { - assert(typeof num === 'number'); - if (num < 0) - return this.isubn(-num); + function readPkcs8RSAPublic(der) { + // Null -- XXX this probably isn't good practice + der.readByte(); + der.readByte(); - // Possible sign change - if (this.sign) { - if (this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < num) { - this.words[0] = num - this.words[0]; - this.sign = false; - return this; - } + // bit string sequence + der.readSequence(asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.readByte(); + der.readSequence(); + + // modulus + var n = readMPInt(der, 'modulus'); + var e = readMPInt(der, 'exponent'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'rsa', + source: der.originalInput, + parts: [ + { name: 'e', data: e }, + { name: 'n', data: n } + ] + }; + + return (new Key(key)); + } + + function readPkcs8RSAPrivate(der) { + der.readByte(); + der.readByte(); + + der.readSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.readSequence(); + + var ver = readMPInt(der, 'version'); + assert.equal(ver[0], 0x0, 'unknown RSA private key version'); + + // modulus then public exponent + var n = readMPInt(der, 'modulus'); + var e = readMPInt(der, 'public exponent'); + var d = readMPInt(der, 'private exponent'); + var p = readMPInt(der, 'prime1'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'prime2'); + var dmodp = readMPInt(der, 'exponent1'); + var dmodq = readMPInt(der, 'exponent2'); + var iqmp = readMPInt(der, 'iqmp'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'rsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'n', data: n }, + { name: 'e', data: e }, + { name: 'd', data: d }, + { name: 'iqmp', data: iqmp }, + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'dmodp', data: dmodp }, + { name: 'dmodq', data: dmodq } + ] + }; + + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } + + function readPkcs8DSAPublic(der) { + der.readSequence(); + + var p = readMPInt(der, 'p'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'q'); + var g = readMPInt(der, 'g'); + + // bit string sequence + der.readSequence(asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.readByte(); + + var y = readMPInt(der, 'y'); + + // now, make the key + var key = { + type: 'dsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'g', data: g }, + { name: 'y', data: y } + ] + }; + + return (new Key(key)); + } + + function readPkcs8DSAPrivate(der) { + der.readSequence(); + + var p = readMPInt(der, 'p'); + var q = readMPInt(der, 'q'); + var g = readMPInt(der, 'g'); + + der.readSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + var x = readMPInt(der, 'x'); + + /* The pkcs#8 format does not include the public key */ + var y = utils.calculateDSAPublic(g, p, x); + + var key = { + type: 'dsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'p', data: p }, + { name: 'q', data: q }, + { name: 'g', data: g }, + { name: 'y', data: y }, + { name: 'x', data: x } + ] + }; + + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } + + function readECDSACurve(der) { + var curveName, curveNames; + var j, c, cd; + + if (der.peek() === asn1.Ber.OID) { + var oid = der.readOID(); + + curveNames = Object.keys(algs.curves); + for (j = 0; j < curveNames.length; ++j) { + c = curveNames[j]; + cd = algs.curves[c]; + if (cd.pkcs8oid === oid) { + curveName = c; + break; + } + } - this.sign = false; - this.isubn(num); - this.sign = true; - return this; - } + } else { + // ECParameters sequence + der.readSequence(); + var version = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + assert.strictEqual(version[0], 1, 'ECDSA key not version 1'); + + var curve = {}; + + // FieldID sequence + der.readSequence(); + var fieldTypeOid = der.readOID(); + assert.strictEqual(fieldTypeOid, '1.2.840.10045.1.1', + 'ECDSA key is not from a prime-field'); + var p = curve.p = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + /* + * p always starts with a 1 bit, so count the zeros to get its + * real size. + */ + curve.size = p.length * 8 - utils.countZeros(p); + + // Curve sequence + der.readSequence(); + curve.a = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true); + curve.b = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true); + if (der.peek() === asn1.Ber.BitString) + curve.s = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true); + + // Combined Gx and Gy + curve.G = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true); + assert.strictEqual(curve.G[0], 0x4, + 'uncompressed G is required'); + + curve.n = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + curve.h = der.readString(asn1.Ber.Integer, true); + assert.strictEqual(curve.h[0], 0x1, 'a cofactor=1 curve is ' + + 'required'); + + curveNames = Object.keys(algs.curves); + for (j = 0; j < curveNames.length; ++j) { + c = curveNames[j]; + cd = algs.curves[c]; + var ks = Object.keys(cd); + var equal = true; + for (var i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i) { + var k = ks[i]; + if (typeof (cd[k]) === 'object') { + if (!cd[k].equals(curve[k])) { + equal = false; + break; + } + } else { + if (cd[k] !== curve[k]) { + equal = false; + break; + } + } + } + if (equal) { + curveName = c; + break; + } + } + } + return (curveName); + } - // Add without checks - return this._iaddn(num); - }; + function readPkcs8ECDSAPrivate(der) { + var curveName = readECDSACurve(der); + assert.string(curveName, 'a known elliptic curve'); - BN.prototype._iaddn = function _iaddn(num) { - this.words[0] += num; + der.readSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.readSequence(); - // Carry - for (var i = 0; i < this.length && this.words[i] >= 0x4000000; i++) { - this.words[i] -= 0x4000000; - if (i === this.length - 1) - this.words[i + 1] = 1; - else - this.words[i + 1]++; - } - this.length = Math.max(this.length, i + 1); + var version = readMPInt(der, 'version'); + assert.equal(version[0], 1, 'unknown version of ECDSA key'); - return this; - }; + var d = der.readString(asn1.Ber.OctetString, true); + der.readSequence(0xa1); - // Subtract plain number `num` from `this` - BN.prototype.isubn = function isubn(num) { - assert(typeof num === 'number'); - if (num < 0) - return this.iaddn(-num); + var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true); + Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q); - if (this.sign) { - this.sign = false; - this.iaddn(num); - this.sign = true; - return this; - } + var key = { + type: 'ecdsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'curve', data: new Buffer(curveName) }, + { name: 'Q', data: Q }, + { name: 'd', data: d } + ] + }; - this.words[0] -= num; + return (new PrivateKey(key)); + } - // Carry - for (var i = 0; i < this.length && this.words[i] < 0; i++) { - this.words[i] += 0x4000000; - this.words[i + 1] -= 1; - } + function readPkcs8ECDSAPublic(der) { + var curveName = readECDSACurve(der); + assert.string(curveName, 'a known elliptic curve'); - return this.strip(); - }; + var Q = der.readString(asn1.Ber.BitString, true); + Q = utils.ecNormalize(Q); - BN.prototype.addn = function addn(num) { - return this.clone().iaddn(num); - }; + var key = { + type: 'ecdsa', + parts: [ + { name: 'curve', data: new Buffer(curveName) }, + { name: 'Q', data: Q } + ] + }; - BN.prototype.subn = function subn(num) { - return this.clone().isubn(num); - }; + return (new Key(key)); + } - BN.prototype.iabs = function iabs() { - this.sign = false; + function writePkcs8(der, key) { + der.startSequence(); - return this; - }; + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) { + var sillyInt = new Buffer(1); + sillyInt[0] = 0x0; + der.writeBuffer(sillyInt, asn1.Ber.Integer); + } - BN.prototype.abs = function abs() { - return this.clone().iabs(); - }; + der.startSequence(); + switch (key.type) { + case 'rsa': + der.writeOID('1.2.840.113549.1.1.1'); + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs8RSAPrivate(key, der); + else + writePkcs8RSAPublic(key, der); + break; + case 'dsa': + der.writeOID('1.2.840.10040.4.1'); + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs8DSAPrivate(key, der); + else + writePkcs8DSAPublic(key, der); + break; + case 'ecdsa': + der.writeOID('1.2.840.10045.2.1'); + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + writePkcs8ECDSAPrivate(key, der); + else + writePkcs8ECDSAPublic(key, der); + break; + default: + throw (new Error('Unsupported key type: ' + key.type)); + } - BN.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function _ishlnsubmul(num, mul, shift) { - // Bigger storage is needed - var len = num.length + shift; - var i; - if (this.words.length < len) { - var t = new Array(len); - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) - t[i] = this.words[i]; - this.words = t; - } else { - i = this.length; - } + der.endSequence(); + } - // Zeroify rest - this.length = Math.max(this.length, len); - for (; i < this.length; i++) - this.words[i] = 0; + function writePkcs8RSAPrivate(key, der) { + der.writeNull(); + der.endSequence(); - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) { - var w = this.words[i + shift] + carry; - var right = num.words[i] * mul; - w -= right & 0x3ffffff; - carry = (w >> 26) - ((right / 0x4000000) | 0); - this.words[i + shift] = w & 0x3ffffff; - } - for (; i < this.length - shift; i++) { - var w = this.words[i + shift] + carry; - carry = w >> 26; - this.words[i + shift] = w & 0x3ffffff; - } + der.startSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.startSequence(); - if (carry === 0) - return this.strip(); + var version = new Buffer(1); + version[0] = 0; + der.writeBuffer(version, asn1.Ber.Integer); - // Subtraction overflow - assert(carry === -1); - carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { - var w = -this.words[i] + carry; - carry = w >> 26; - this.words[i] = w & 0x3ffffff; - } - this.sign = true; + der.writeBuffer(key.part.n.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.e.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.d.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + if (!key.part.dmodp || !key.part.dmodq) + utils.addRSAMissing(key); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.dmodp.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.dmodq.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.iqmp.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); - return this.strip(); - }; + der.endSequence(); + der.endSequence(); + } - BN.prototype._wordDiv = function _wordDiv(num, mode) { - var shift = this.length - num.length; + function writePkcs8RSAPublic(key, der) { + der.writeNull(); + der.endSequence(); - var a = this.clone(); - var b = num; + der.startSequence(asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.writeByte(0x00); - // Normalize - var bhi = b.words[b.length - 1]; - var bhiBits = this._countBits(bhi); - shift = 26 - bhiBits; - if (shift !== 0) { - b = b.shln(shift); - a.ishln(shift); - bhi = b.words[b.length - 1]; - } + der.startSequence(); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.n.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.e.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); - // Initialize quotient - var m = a.length - b.length; - var q; + der.endSequence(); + } - if (mode !== 'mod') { - q = new BN(null); - q.length = m + 1; - q.words = new Array(q.length); - for (var i = 0; i < q.length; i++) - q.words[i] = 0; - } + function writePkcs8DSAPrivate(key, der) { + der.startSequence(); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.g.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); - var diff = a.clone()._ishlnsubmul(b, 1, m); - if (!diff.sign) { - a = diff; - if (q) - q.words[m] = 1; - } + der.endSequence(); - for (var j = m - 1; j >= 0; j--) { - var qj = a.words[b.length + j] * 0x4000000 + a.words[b.length + j - 1]; + der.startSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.x.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); + } - // NOTE: (qj / bhi) is (0x3ffffff * 0x4000000 + 0x3ffffff) / 0x2000000 max - // (0x7ffffff) - qj = Math.min((qj / bhi) | 0, 0x3ffffff); + function writePkcs8DSAPublic(key, der) { + der.startSequence(); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.p.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.q.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.g.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); + der.endSequence(); - a._ishlnsubmul(b, qj, j); - while (a.sign) { - qj--; - a.sign = false; - a._ishlnsubmul(b, 1, j); - if (a.cmpn(0) !== 0) - a.sign = !a.sign; - } - if (q) - q.words[j] = qj; - } - if (q) - q.strip(); - a.strip(); + der.startSequence(asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.writeByte(0x00); + der.writeBuffer(key.part.y.data, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); + } - // Denormalize - if (mode !== 'div' && shift !== 0) - a.ishrn(shift); - return { div: q ? q : null, mod: a }; - }; + function writeECDSACurve(key, der) { + var curve = algs.curves[key.curve]; + if (curve.pkcs8oid) { + /* This one has a name in pkcs#8, so just write the oid */ + der.writeOID(curve.pkcs8oid); - BN.prototype.divmod = function divmod(num, mode) { - assert(num.cmpn(0) !== 0); + } else { + // ECParameters sequence + der.startSequence(); + + var version = new Buffer(1); + version.writeUInt8(1, 0); + der.writeBuffer(version, asn1.Ber.Integer); + + // FieldID sequence + der.startSequence(); + der.writeOID('1.2.840.10045.1.1'); // prime-field + der.writeBuffer(curve.p, asn1.Ber.Integer); + der.endSequence(); + + // Curve sequence + der.startSequence(); + var a = curve.p; + if (a[0] === 0x0) + a = a.slice(1); + der.writeBuffer(a, asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.writeBuffer(curve.b, asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.writeBuffer(curve.s, asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.endSequence(); + + der.writeBuffer(curve.G, asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.writeBuffer(curve.n, asn1.Ber.Integer); + var h = curve.h; + if (!h) { + h = new Buffer(1); + h[0] = 1; + } + der.writeBuffer(h, asn1.Ber.Integer); - if (this.sign && !num.sign) { - var res = this.neg().divmod(num, mode); - var div; - var mod; - if (mode !== 'mod') - div = res.div.neg(); - if (mode !== 'div') - mod = res.mod.cmpn(0) === 0 ? res.mod : num.sub(res.mod); - return { - div: div, - mod: mod - }; - } else if (!this.sign && num.sign) { - var res = this.divmod(num.neg(), mode); - var div; - if (mode !== 'mod') - div = res.div.neg(); - return { div: div, mod: res.mod }; - } else if (this.sign && num.sign) { - return this.neg().divmod(num.neg(), mode); - } - - // Both numbers are positive at this point - - // Strip both numbers to approximate shift value - if (num.length > this.length || this.cmp(num) < 0) - return { div: new BN(0), mod: this }; - - // Very short reduction - if (num.length === 1) { - if (mode === 'div') - return { div: this.divn(num.words[0]), mod: null }; - else if (mode === 'mod') - return { div: null, mod: new BN(this.modn(num.words[0])) }; - return { - div: this.divn(num.words[0]), - mod: new BN(this.modn(num.words[0])) - }; - } + // ECParameters + der.endSequence(); + } + } - return this._wordDiv(num, mode); - }; + function writePkcs8ECDSAPublic(key, der) { + writeECDSACurve(key, der); + der.endSequence(); - // Find `this` / `num` - BN.prototype.div = function div(num) { - return this.divmod(num, 'div').div; - }; + var Q = utils.ecNormalize(key.part.Q.data, true); + der.writeBuffer(Q, asn1.Ber.BitString); + } - // Find `this` % `num` - BN.prototype.mod = function mod(num) { - return this.divmod(num, 'mod').mod; - }; + function writePkcs8ECDSAPrivate(key, der) { + writeECDSACurve(key, der); + der.endSequence(); - // Find Round(`this` / `num`) - BN.prototype.divRound = function divRound(num) { - var dm = this.divmod(num); + der.startSequence(asn1.Ber.OctetString); + der.startSequence(); - // Fast case - exact division - if (dm.mod.cmpn(0) === 0) - return dm.div; + var version = new Buffer(1); + version[0] = 1; + der.writeBuffer(version, asn1.Ber.Integer); - var mod = dm.div.sign ? dm.mod.isub(num) : dm.mod; + der.writeBuffer(key.part.d.data, asn1.Ber.OctetString); - var half = num.shrn(1); - var r2 = num.andln(1); - var cmp = mod.cmp(half); + der.startSequence(0xa1); + var Q = utils.ecNormalize(key.part.Q.data, true); + der.writeBuffer(Q, asn1.Ber.BitString); + der.endSequence(); - // Round down - if (cmp < 0 || r2 === 1 && cmp === 0) - return dm.div; + der.endSequence(); + der.endSequence(); + } - // Round up - return dm.div.sign ? dm.div.isubn(1) : dm.div.iaddn(1); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - BN.prototype.modn = function modn(num) { - assert(num <= 0x3ffffff); - var p = (1 << 26) % num; +/***/ }, +/* 81 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var acc = 0; - for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) - acc = (p * acc + this.words[i]) % num; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - return acc; + module.exports = { + read: read, + readSSHPrivate: readSSHPrivate, + write: write }; - // In-place division by number - BN.prototype.idivn = function idivn(num) { - assert(num <= 0x3ffffff); + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var asn1 = __webpack_require__(73); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); - var carry = 0; - for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - var w = this.words[i] + carry * 0x4000000; - this.words[i] = (w / num) | 0; - carry = w % num; - } + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + var pem = __webpack_require__(72); + var rfc4253 = __webpack_require__(82); + var SSHBuffer = __webpack_require__(83); - return this.strip(); - }; + function read(buf) { + return (pem.read(buf)); + } - BN.prototype.divn = function divn(num) { - return this.clone().idivn(num); - }; + var MAGIC = 'openssh-key-v1'; - BN.prototype.egcd = function egcd(p) { - assert(!p.sign); - assert(p.cmpn(0) !== 0); + function readSSHPrivate(type, buf) { + buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: buf}); - var x = this; - var y = p.clone(); + var magic = buf.readCString(); + assert.strictEqual(magic, MAGIC, 'bad magic string'); - if (x.sign) - x = x.mod(p); - else - x = x.clone(); + var cipher = buf.readString(); + var kdf = buf.readString(); - // A * x + B * y = x - var A = new BN(1); - var B = new BN(0); + /* We only support unencrypted keys. */ + if (cipher !== 'none' || kdf !== 'none') { + throw (new Error('OpenSSH-format key is encrypted ' + + '(password-protected). Please use the SSH agent ' + + 'or decrypt the key.')); + } - // C * x + D * y = y - var C = new BN(0); - var D = new BN(1); + /* Skip over kdfoptions. */ + buf.readString(); - var g = 0; + var nkeys = buf.readInt(); + if (nkeys !== 1) { + throw (new Error('OpenSSH-format key file contains ' + + 'multiple keys: this is unsupported.')); + } - while (x.isEven() && y.isEven()) { - x.ishrn(1); - y.ishrn(1); - ++g; - } + var pubKey = buf.readBuffer(); - var yp = y.clone(); - var xp = x.clone(); + if (type === 'public') { + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'excess bytes left after key'); + return (rfc4253.read(pubKey)); + } - while (x.cmpn(0) !== 0) { - while (x.isEven()) { - x.ishrn(1); - if (A.isEven() && B.isEven()) { - A.ishrn(1); - B.ishrn(1); - } else { - A.iadd(yp).ishrn(1); - B.isub(xp).ishrn(1); - } - } + var privKeyBlob = buf.readBuffer(); + assert.ok(buf.atEnd(), 'excess bytes left after key'); - while (y.isEven()) { - y.ishrn(1); - if (C.isEven() && D.isEven()) { - C.ishrn(1); - D.ishrn(1); - } else { - C.iadd(yp).ishrn(1); - D.isub(xp).ishrn(1); - } - } + buf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: privKeyBlob}); - if (x.cmp(y) >= 0) { - x.isub(y); - A.isub(C); - B.isub(D); - } else { - y.isub(x); - C.isub(A); - D.isub(B); - } - } + var checkInt1 = buf.readInt(); + var checkInt2 = buf.readInt(); + assert.strictEqual(checkInt1, checkInt2, 'checkints do not match'); - return { - a: C, - b: D, - gcd: y.ishln(g) - }; - }; + var key = rfc4253.readPartial('private', buf.remainder()); - // This is reduced incarnation of the binary EEA - // above, designated to invert members of the - // _prime_ fields F(p) at a maximal speed - BN.prototype._invmp = function _invmp(p) { - assert(!p.sign); - assert(p.cmpn(0) !== 0); + var len = key.toBuffer('rfc4253').length; + buf.skip(len); - var a = this; - var b = p.clone(); + var comment = buf.readString(); + key.comment = comment; - if (a.sign) - a = a.mod(p); - else - a = a.clone(); + return (key); + } - var x1 = new BN(1); - var x2 = new BN(0); + function write(key) { + var pubKey; + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + pubKey = key.toPublic(); + else + pubKey = key; - var delta = b.clone(); + var privBuf; + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) { + privBuf = new SSHBuffer({}); + var checkInt = crypto.randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE(0); + privBuf.writeInt(checkInt); + privBuf.writeInt(checkInt); + privBuf.write(key.toBuffer('rfc4253')); + privBuf.writeString(key.comment || ''); - while (a.cmpn(1) > 0 && b.cmpn(1) > 0) { - while (a.isEven()) { - a.ishrn(1); - if (x1.isEven()) - x1.ishrn(1); - else - x1.iadd(delta).ishrn(1); - } - while (b.isEven()) { - b.ishrn(1); - if (x2.isEven()) - x2.ishrn(1); - else - x2.iadd(delta).ishrn(1); - } - if (a.cmp(b) >= 0) { - a.isub(b); - x1.isub(x2); - } else { - b.isub(a); - x2.isub(x1); - } - } - if (a.cmpn(1) === 0) - return x1; - else - return x2; - }; - - BN.prototype.gcd = function gcd(num) { - if (this.cmpn(0) === 0) - return num.clone(); - if (num.cmpn(0) === 0) - return this.clone(); - - var a = this.clone(); - var b = num.clone(); - a.sign = false; - b.sign = false; - - // Remove common factor of two - for (var shift = 0; a.isEven() && b.isEven(); shift++) { - a.ishrn(1); - b.ishrn(1); - } - - do { - while (a.isEven()) - a.ishrn(1); - while (b.isEven()) - b.ishrn(1); - - var r = a.cmp(b); - if (r < 0) { - // Swap `a` and `b` to make `a` always bigger than `b` - var t = a; - a = b; - b = t; - } else if (r === 0 || b.cmpn(1) === 0) { - break; - } + var n = 1; + while (privBuf._offset % 8 !== 0) + privBuf.writeChar(n++); + } + + var buf = new SSHBuffer({}); + + buf.writeCString(MAGIC); + buf.writeString('none'); /* cipher */ + buf.writeString('none'); /* kdf */ + buf.writeBuffer(new Buffer(0)); /* kdfoptions */ + + buf.writeInt(1); /* nkeys */ + buf.writeBuffer(pubKey.toBuffer('rfc4253')); + + if (privBuf) + buf.writeBuffer(privBuf.toBuffer()); + + buf = buf.toBuffer(); + + var header; + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + header = 'OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'; + else + header = 'OPENSSH PUBLIC KEY'; + + var tmp = buf.toString('base64'); + var len = tmp.length + (tmp.length / 70) + + 18 + 16 + header.length*2 + 10; + buf = new Buffer(len); + var o = 0; + o += buf.write('-----BEGIN ' + header + '-----\n', o); + for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; ) { + var limit = i + 70; + if (limit > tmp.length) + limit = tmp.length; + o += buf.write(tmp.slice(i, limit), o); + buf[o++] = 10; + i = limit; + } + o += buf.write('-----END ' + header + '-----\n', o); - a.isub(b); - } while (true); + return (buf.slice(0, o)); + } - return b.ishln(shift); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - // Invert number in the field F(num) - BN.prototype.invm = function invm(num) { - return this.egcd(num).a.mod(num); - }; +/***/ }, +/* 82 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - BN.prototype.isEven = function isEven() { - return (this.words[0] & 1) === 0; - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - BN.prototype.isOdd = function isOdd() { - return (this.words[0] & 1) === 1; - }; + module.exports = { + read: read.bind(undefined, false, undefined), + readType: read.bind(undefined, false), + write: write, + /* semi-private api, used by sshpk-agent */ + readPartial: read.bind(undefined, true), + + /* shared with ssh format */ + readInternal: read, + keyTypeToAlg: keyTypeToAlg, + algToKeyType: algToKeyType + }; + + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var algs = __webpack_require__(50); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); + var SSHBuffer = __webpack_require__(83); + + function algToKeyType(alg) { + assert.string(alg); + if (alg === 'ssh-dss') + return ('dsa'); + else if (alg === 'ssh-rsa') + return ('rsa'); + else if (alg === 'ssh-ed25519') + return ('ed25519'); + else if (alg.match(/^ecdsa-sha2-/)) + return ('ecdsa'); + else + throw (new Error('Unknown algorithm ' + alg)); + } + + function keyTypeToAlg(key) { + assert.object(key); + if (key.type === 'dsa') + return ('ssh-dss'); + else if (key.type === 'rsa') + return ('ssh-rsa'); + else if (key.type === 'ed25519') + return ('ssh-ed25519'); + else if (key.type === 'ecdsa') + return ('ecdsa-sha2-' + key.part.curve.data.toString()); + else + throw (new Error('Unknown key type ' + key.type)); + } + + function read(partial, type, buf) { + if (typeof (buf) === 'string') + buf = new Buffer(buf); + assert.buffer(buf, 'buf'); + + var key = {}; + + var parts = key.parts = []; + var sshbuf = new SSHBuffer({buffer: buf}); + + var alg = sshbuf.readString(); + assert.ok(!sshbuf.atEnd(), 'key must have at least one part'); + + key.type = algToKeyType(alg); + + var partCount = algs.info[key.type].parts.length; + if (type && type === 'private') + partCount = algs.privInfo[key.type].parts.length; + + while (!sshbuf.atEnd() && parts.length < partCount) + parts.push(sshbuf.readPart()); + while (!partial && !sshbuf.atEnd()) + parts.push(sshbuf.readPart()); + + assert.ok(parts.length >= 1, + 'key must have at least one part'); + assert.ok(partial || sshbuf.atEnd(), + 'leftover bytes at end of key'); + + var Constructor = Key; + var algInfo = algs.info[key.type]; + if (type === 'private' || algInfo.parts.length !== parts.length) { + algInfo = algs.privInfo[key.type]; + Constructor = PrivateKey; + } + assert.strictEqual(algInfo.parts.length, parts.length); - // And first word and num - BN.prototype.andln = function andln(num) { - return this.words[0] & num; - }; + if (key.type === 'ecdsa') { + var res = /^ecdsa-sha2-(.+)$/.exec(alg); + assert.ok(res !== null); + assert.strictEqual(res[1], parts[0].data.toString()); + } - // Increment at the bit position in-line - BN.prototype.bincn = function bincn(bit) { - assert(typeof bit === 'number'); - var r = bit % 26; - var s = (bit - r) / 26; - var q = 1 << r; + var normalized = true; + for (var i = 0; i < algInfo.parts.length; ++i) { + if (parts[i].name !== 'curve') { + var p = parts[i]; + var nd = utils.mpNormalize(p.data); + if (nd !== p.data) { + p.data = nd; + normalized = false; + } + } + parts[i].name = algInfo.parts[i]; + } - // Fast case: bit is much higher than all existing words - if (this.length <= s) { - for (var i = this.length; i < s + 1; i++) - this.words[i] = 0; - this.words[s] |= q; - this.length = s + 1; - return this; - } + if (normalized) + key._rfc4253Cache = sshbuf.toBuffer(); - // Add bit and propagate, if needed - var carry = q; - for (var i = s; carry !== 0 && i < this.length; i++) { - var w = this.words[i]; - w += carry; - carry = w >>> 26; - w &= 0x3ffffff; - this.words[i] = w; - } - if (carry !== 0) { - this.words[i] = carry; - this.length++; - } - return this; - }; + return (new Constructor(key)); + } - BN.prototype.cmpn = function cmpn(num) { - var sign = num < 0; - if (sign) - num = -num; + function write(key) { + assert.object(key); - if (this.sign && !sign) - return -1; - else if (!this.sign && sign) - return 1; + var alg = keyTypeToAlg(key); + var i; - num &= 0x3ffffff; - this.strip(); + var algInfo = algs.info[key.type]; + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + algInfo = algs.privInfo[key.type]; + var parts = algInfo.parts; - var res; - if (this.length > 1) { - res = 1; - } else { - var w = this.words[0]; - res = w === num ? 0 : w < num ? -1 : 1; - } - if (this.sign) - res = -res; - return res; - }; + var buf = new SSHBuffer({}); - // Compare two numbers and return: - // 1 - if `this` > `num` - // 0 - if `this` == `num` - // -1 - if `this` < `num` - BN.prototype.cmp = function cmp(num) { - if (this.sign && !num.sign) - return -1; - else if (!this.sign && num.sign) - return 1; + buf.writeString(alg); - var res = this.ucmp(num); - if (this.sign) - return -res; - else - return res; - }; + for (i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { + var data = key.part[parts[i]].data; + data = utils.mpNormalize(data); + buf.writeBuffer(data); + } - // Unsigned comparison - BN.prototype.ucmp = function ucmp(num) { - // At this point both numbers have the same sign - if (this.length > num.length) - return 1; - else if (this.length < num.length) - return -1; + return (buf.toBuffer()); + } - var res = 0; - for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - var a = this.words[i]; - var b = num.words[i]; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - if (a === b) - continue; - if (a < b) - res = -1; - else if (a > b) - res = 1; - break; - } - return res; - }; +/***/ }, +/* 83 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - // - // A reduce context, could be using montgomery or something better, depending - // on the `m` itself. - // - BN.red = function red(num) { - return new Red(num); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - BN.prototype.toRed = function toRed(ctx) { - assert(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'); - assert(!this.sign, 'red works only with positives'); - return ctx.convertTo(this)._forceRed(ctx); - }; + module.exports = SSHBuffer; - BN.prototype.fromRed = function fromRed() { - assert(this.red, 'fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context'); - return this.red.convertFrom(this); - }; + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); - BN.prototype._forceRed = function _forceRed(ctx) { - this.red = ctx; - return this; - }; + function SSHBuffer(opts) { + assert.object(opts, 'options'); + if (opts.buffer !== undefined) + assert.buffer(opts.buffer, 'options.buffer'); - BN.prototype.forceRed = function forceRed(ctx) { - assert(!this.red, 'Already a number in reduction context'); - return this._forceRed(ctx); - }; + this._size = opts.buffer ? opts.buffer.length : 1024; + this._buffer = opts.buffer || (new Buffer(this._size)); + this._offset = 0; + } - BN.prototype.redAdd = function redAdd(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redAdd works only with red numbers'); - return this.red.add(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.toBuffer = function () { + return (this._buffer.slice(0, this._offset)); }; - BN.prototype.redIAdd = function redIAdd(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redIAdd works only with red numbers'); - return this.red.iadd(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.atEnd = function () { + return (this._offset >= this._buffer.length); }; - BN.prototype.redSub = function redSub(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redSub works only with red numbers'); - return this.red.sub(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.remainder = function () { + return (this._buffer.slice(this._offset)); }; - BN.prototype.redISub = function redISub(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redISub works only with red numbers'); - return this.red.isub(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.skip = function (n) { + this._offset += n; }; - BN.prototype.redShl = function redShl(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redShl works only with red numbers'); - return this.red.shl(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.expand = function () { + this._size *= 2; + var buf = new Buffer(this._size); + this._buffer.copy(buf, 0); + this._buffer = buf; }; - BN.prototype.redMul = function redMul(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify2(this, num); - return this.red.mul(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readPart = function () { + return ({data: this.readBuffer()}); }; - BN.prototype.redIMul = function redIMul(num) { - assert(this.red, 'redMul works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify2(this, num); - return this.red.imul(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readBuffer = function () { + var len = this._buffer.readUInt32BE(this._offset); + this._offset += 4; + assert.ok(this._offset + len <= this._buffer.length, + 'length out of bounds at +0x' + this._offset.toString(16)); + var buf = this._buffer.slice(this._offset, this._offset + len); + this._offset += len; + return (buf); }; - BN.prototype.redSqr = function redSqr() { - assert(this.red, 'redSqr works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.sqr(this); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readString = function () { + return (this.readBuffer().toString()); }; - BN.prototype.redISqr = function redISqr() { - assert(this.red, 'redISqr works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.isqr(this); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readCString = function () { + var offset = this._offset; + while (offset < this._buffer.length && + this._buffer[offset] !== 0x00) + offset++; + assert.ok(offset < this._buffer.length, 'c string does not terminate'); + var str = this._buffer.slice(this._offset, offset).toString(); + this._offset = offset + 1; + return (str); }; - // Square root over p - BN.prototype.redSqrt = function redSqrt() { - assert(this.red, 'redSqrt works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.sqrt(this); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readInt = function () { + var v = this._buffer.readUInt32BE(this._offset); + this._offset += 4; + return (v); }; - BN.prototype.redInvm = function redInvm() { - assert(this.red, 'redInvm works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.invm(this); + SSHBuffer.prototype.readChar = function () { + var v = this._buffer[this._offset++]; + return (v); }; - // Return negative clone of `this` % `red modulo` - BN.prototype.redNeg = function redNeg() { - assert(this.red, 'redNeg works only with red numbers'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.neg(this); + SSHBuffer.prototype.writeBuffer = function (buf) { + while (this._offset + 4 + buf.length > this._size) + this.expand(); + this._buffer.writeUInt32BE(buf.length, this._offset); + this._offset += 4; + buf.copy(this._buffer, this._offset); + this._offset += buf.length; }; - BN.prototype.redPow = function redPow(num) { - assert(this.red && !num.red, 'redPow(normalNum)'); - this.red._verify1(this); - return this.red.pow(this, num); + SSHBuffer.prototype.writeString = function (str) { + this.writeBuffer(new Buffer(str, 'utf8')); }; - // Prime numbers with efficient reduction - var primes = { - k256: null, - p224: null, - p192: null, - p25519: null + SSHBuffer.prototype.writeCString = function (str) { + while (this._offset + 1 + str.length > this._size) + this.expand(); + this._buffer.write(str, this._offset); + this._offset += str.length; + this._buffer[this._offset++] = 0; }; - // Pseudo-Mersenne prime - function MPrime(name, p) { - // P = 2 ^ N - K - this.name = name; - this.p = new BN(p, 16); - this.n = this.p.bitLength(); - this.k = new BN(1).ishln(this.n).isub(this.p); - - this.tmp = this._tmp(); - } - - MPrime.prototype._tmp = function _tmp() { - var tmp = new BN(null); - tmp.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)); - return tmp; + SSHBuffer.prototype.writeInt = function (v) { + while (this._offset + 4 > this._size) + this.expand(); + this._buffer.writeUInt32BE(v, this._offset); + this._offset += 4; }; - MPrime.prototype.ireduce = function ireduce(num) { - // Assumes that `num` is less than `P^2` - // num = HI * (2 ^ N - K) + HI * K + LO = HI * K + LO (mod P) - var r = num; - var rlen; - - do { - this.split(r, this.tmp); - r = this.imulK(r); - r = r.iadd(this.tmp); - rlen = r.bitLength(); - } while (rlen > this.n); - - var cmp = rlen < this.n ? -1 : r.ucmp(this.p); - if (cmp === 0) { - r.words[0] = 0; - r.length = 1; - } else if (cmp > 0) { - r.isub(this.p); - } else { - r.strip(); - } - - return r; + SSHBuffer.prototype.writeChar = function (v) { + while (this._offset + 1 > this._size) + this.expand(); + this._buffer[this._offset++] = v; }; - MPrime.prototype.split = function split(input, out) { - input.ishrn(this.n, 0, out); + SSHBuffer.prototype.writePart = function (p) { + this.writeBuffer(p.data); }; - MPrime.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) { - return num.imul(this.k); + SSHBuffer.prototype.write = function (buf) { + while (this._offset + buf.length > this._size) + this.expand(); + buf.copy(this._buffer, this._offset); + this._offset += buf.length; }; - function K256() { - MPrime.call( - this, - 'k256', - 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f'); - } - inherits(K256, MPrime); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - K256.prototype.split = function split(input, output) { - // 256 = 9 * 26 + 22 - var mask = 0x3fffff; +/***/ }, +/* 84 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var outLen = Math.min(input.length, 9); - for (var i = 0; i < outLen; i++) - output.words[i] = input.words[i]; - output.length = outLen; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - if (input.length <= 9) { - input.words[0] = 0; - input.length = 1; - return; - } + module.exports = { + read: read, + write: write + }; - // Shift by 9 limbs - var prev = input.words[9]; - output.words[output.length++] = prev & mask; + var assert = __webpack_require__(49); + var rfc4253 = __webpack_require__(82); + var utils = __webpack_require__(69); + var Key = __webpack_require__(48); + var PrivateKey = __webpack_require__(70); - for (var i = 10; i < input.length; i++) { - var next = input.words[i]; - input.words[i - 10] = ((next & mask) << 4) | (prev >>> 22); - prev = next; - } - input.words[i - 10] = prev >>> 22; - input.length -= 9; - }; + var sshpriv = __webpack_require__(81); - K256.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) { - // K = 0x1000003d1 = [ 0x40, 0x3d1 ] - num.words[num.length] = 0; - num.words[num.length + 1] = 0; - num.length += 2; + /*JSSTYLED*/ + var SSHKEY_RE = /^([a-z0-9-]+)[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9+\/]+[=]*)([\n \t]+([^\n]+))?$/; + /*JSSTYLED*/ + var SSHKEY_RE2 = /^([a-z0-9-]+)[ \t]+([a-zA-Z0-9+\/ \t\n]+[=]*)/; - // bounded at: 0x40 * 0x3ffffff + 0x3d0 = 0x100000390 - var hi; - var lo = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) { - var w = num.words[i]; - hi = w * 0x40; - lo += w * 0x3d1; - hi += (lo / 0x4000000) | 0; - lo &= 0x3ffffff; + function read(buf) { + if (typeof (buf) !== 'string') { + assert.buffer(buf, 'buf'); + buf = buf.toString('ascii'); + } - num.words[i] = lo; + var trimmed = buf.trim().replace(/[\\\r]/g, ''); + var m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE); + if (!m) + m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE2); + assert.ok(m, 'key must match regex'); - lo = hi; - } + var type = rfc4253.algToKeyType(m[1]); + var kbuf = new Buffer(m[2], 'base64'); - // Fast length reduction - if (num.words[num.length - 1] === 0) { - num.length--; - if (num.words[num.length - 1] === 0) - num.length--; - } - return num; - }; + /* + * This is a bit tricky. If we managed to parse the key and locate the + * key comment with the regex, then do a non-partial read and assert + * that we have consumed all bytes. If we couldn't locate the key + * comment, though, there may be whitespace shenanigans going on that + * have conjoined the comment to the rest of the key. We do a partial + * read in this case to try to make the best out of a sorry situation. + */ + var key; + if (m[4]) { + try { + key = rfc4253.read(kbuf); + + } catch (e) { + m = trimmed.match(SSHKEY_RE2); + assert.ok(m, 'key must match regex'); + kbuf = new Buffer(m[2], 'base64'); + key = rfc4253.readPartial('public', kbuf); + } + } else { + key = rfc4253.readPartial('public', kbuf); + } - function P224() { - MPrime.call( - this, - 'p224', - 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001'); - } - inherits(P224, MPrime); + assert.strictEqual(type, key.type); - function P192() { - MPrime.call( - this, - 'p192', - 'ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff'); - } - inherits(P192, MPrime); + if (m[4] && m[4].length > 0) + key.comment = m[4]; - function P25519() { - // 2 ^ 255 - 19 - MPrime.call( - this, - '25519', - '7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed'); + return (key); } - inherits(P25519, MPrime); - P25519.prototype.imulK = function imulK(num) { - // K = 0x13 - var carry = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) { - var hi = num.words[i] * 0x13 + carry; - var lo = hi & 0x3ffffff; - hi >>>= 26; - - num.words[i] = lo; - carry = hi; - } - if (carry !== 0) - num.words[num.length++] = carry; - return num; - }; + function write(key) { + assert.object(key); + if (key instanceof PrivateKey) + throw (new Error('Private keys are not supported')); - // Exported mostly for testing purposes, use plain name instead - BN._prime = function prime(name) { - // Cached version of prime - if (primes[name]) - return primes[name]; + var parts = []; + var alg = rfc4253.keyTypeToAlg(key); + parts.push(alg); - var prime; - if (name === 'k256') - prime = new K256(); - else if (name === 'p224') - prime = new P224(); - else if (name === 'p192') - prime = new P192(); - else if (name === 'p25519') - prime = new P25519(); - else - throw new Error('Unknown prime ' + name); - primes[name] = prime; + var buf = rfc4253.write(key); + parts.push(buf.toString('base64')); - return prime; - }; + if (key.comment) + parts.push(key.comment); - // - // Base reduction engine - // - function Red(m) { - if (typeof m === 'string') { - var prime = BN._prime(m); - this.m = prime.p; - this.prime = prime; - } else { - this.m = m; - this.prime = null; - } + return (new Buffer(parts.join(' '))); } - Red.prototype._verify1 = function _verify1(a) { - assert(!a.sign, 'red works only with positives'); - assert(a.red, 'red works only with red numbers'); - }; - - Red.prototype._verify2 = function _verify2(a, b) { - assert(!a.sign && !b.sign, 'red works only with positives'); - assert(a.red && a.red === b.red, - 'red works only with red numbers'); - }; - - Red.prototype.imod = function imod(a) { - if (this.prime) - return this.prime.ireduce(a)._forceRed(this); - return a.mod(this.m)._forceRed(this); - }; - - Red.prototype.neg = function neg(a) { - var r = a.clone(); - r.sign = !r.sign; - return r.iadd(this.m)._forceRed(this); - }; - - Red.prototype.add = function add(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) - var res = a.add(b); - if (res.cmp(this.m) >= 0) - res.isub(this.m); - return res._forceRed(this); - }; +/***/ }, +/* 85 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - Red.prototype.iadd = function iadd(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module) {var bigInt = (function (undefined) { + "use strict"; + + var BASE = 1e7, + LOG_BASE = 7, + MAX_INT = 9007199254740992, + MAX_INT_ARR = smallToArray(MAX_INT), + LOG_MAX_INT = Math.log(MAX_INT); + + function BigInteger(value, sign) { + this.value = value; + this.sign = sign; + this.isSmall = false; + } + + function SmallInteger(value) { + this.value = value; + this.sign = value < 0; + this.isSmall = true; + } + + function isPrecise(n) { + return -MAX_INT < n && n < MAX_INT; + } + + function smallToArray(n) { // For performance reasons doesn't reference BASE, need to change this function if BASE changes + if (n < 1e7) + return [n]; + if (n < 1e14) + return [n % 1e7, Math.floor(n / 1e7)]; + return [n % 1e7, Math.floor(n / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(n / 1e14)]; + } + + function arrayToSmall(arr) { // If BASE changes this function may need to change + trim(arr); + var length = arr.length; + if (length < 4 && compareAbs(arr, MAX_INT_ARR) < 0) { + switch (length) { + case 0: return 0; + case 1: return arr[0]; + case 2: return arr[0] + arr[1] * BASE; + default: return arr[0] + (arr[1] + arr[2] * BASE) * BASE; + } + } + return arr; + } + + function trim(v) { + var i = v.length; + while (v[--i] === 0); + v.length = i + 1; + } + + function createArray(length) { // function shamelessly stolen from Yaffle's library https://github.com/Yaffle/BigInteger + var x = new Array(length); + var i = -1; + while (++i < length) { + x[i] = 0; + } + return x; + } + + function truncate(n) { + if (n > 0) return Math.floor(n); + return Math.ceil(n); + } + + function add(a, b) { // assumes a and b are arrays with a.length >= b.length + var l_a = a.length, + l_b = b.length, + r = new Array(l_a), + carry = 0, + base = BASE, + sum, i; + for (i = 0; i < l_b; i++) { + sum = a[i] + b[i] + carry; + carry = sum >= base ? 1 : 0; + r[i] = sum - carry * base; + } + while (i < l_a) { + sum = a[i] + carry; + carry = sum === base ? 1 : 0; + r[i++] = sum - carry * base; + } + if (carry > 0) r.push(carry); + return r; + } + + function addAny(a, b) { + if (a.length >= b.length) return add(a, b); + return add(b, a); + } + + function addSmall(a, carry) { // assumes a is array, carry is number with 0 <= carry < MAX_INT + var l = a.length, + r = new Array(l), + base = BASE, + sum, i; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + sum = a[i] - base + carry; + carry = Math.floor(sum / base); + r[i] = sum - carry * base; + carry += 1; + } + while (carry > 0) { + r[i++] = carry % base; + carry = Math.floor(carry / base); + } + return r; + } + + BigInteger.prototype.add = function (v) { + var value, n = parseValue(v); + if (this.sign !== n.sign) { + return this.subtract(n.negate()); + } + var a = this.value, b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) { + return new BigInteger(addSmall(a, Math.abs(b)), this.sign); + } + return new BigInteger(addAny(a, b), this.sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.plus = BigInteger.prototype.add; + + SmallInteger.prototype.add = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v); + var a = this.value; + if (a < 0 !== n.sign) { + return this.subtract(n.negate()); + } + var b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) { + if (isPrecise(a + b)) return new SmallInteger(a + b); + b = smallToArray(Math.abs(b)); + } + return new BigInteger(addSmall(b, Math.abs(a)), a < 0); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.plus = SmallInteger.prototype.add; + + function subtract(a, b) { // assumes a and b are arrays with a >= b + var a_l = a.length, + b_l = b.length, + r = new Array(a_l), + borrow = 0, + base = BASE, + i, difference; + for (i = 0; i < b_l; i++) { + difference = a[i] - borrow - b[i]; + if (difference < 0) { + difference += base; + borrow = 1; + } else borrow = 0; + r[i] = difference; + } + for (i = b_l; i < a_l; i++) { + difference = a[i] - borrow; + if (difference < 0) difference += base; + else { + r[i++] = difference; + break; + } + r[i] = difference; + } + for (; i < a_l; i++) { + r[i] = a[i]; + } + trim(r); + return r; + } + + function subtractAny(a, b, sign) { + var value, isSmall; + if (compareAbs(a, b) >= 0) { + value = subtract(a,b); + } else { + value = subtract(b, a); + sign = !sign; + } + value = arrayToSmall(value); + if (typeof value === "number") { + if (sign) value = -value; + return new SmallInteger(value); + } + return new BigInteger(value, sign); + } + + function subtractSmall(a, b, sign) { // assumes a is array, b is number with 0 <= b < MAX_INT + var l = a.length, + r = new Array(l), + carry = -b, + base = BASE, + i, difference; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + difference = a[i] + carry; + carry = Math.floor(difference / base); + difference %= base; + r[i] = difference < 0 ? difference + base : difference; + } + r = arrayToSmall(r); + if (typeof r === "number") { + if (sign) r = -r; + return new SmallInteger(r); + } return new BigInteger(r, sign); + } + + BigInteger.prototype.subtract = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v); + if (this.sign !== n.sign) { + return this.add(n.negate()); + } + var a = this.value, b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) + return subtractSmall(a, Math.abs(b), this.sign); + return subtractAny(a, b, this.sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.minus = BigInteger.prototype.subtract; + + SmallInteger.prototype.subtract = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v); + var a = this.value; + if (a < 0 !== n.sign) { + return this.add(n.negate()); + } + var b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) { + return new SmallInteger(a - b); + } + return subtractSmall(b, Math.abs(a), a >= 0); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.minus = SmallInteger.prototype.subtract; + + BigInteger.prototype.negate = function () { + return new BigInteger(this.value, !this.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.negate = function () { + var sign = this.sign; + var small = new SmallInteger(-this.value); + small.sign = !sign; + return small; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.abs = function () { + return new BigInteger(this.value, false); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.abs = function () { + return new SmallInteger(Math.abs(this.value)); + }; + + function multiplyLong(a, b) { + var a_l = a.length, + b_l = b.length, + l = a_l + b_l, + r = createArray(l), + base = BASE, + product, carry, i, a_i, b_j; + for (i = 0; i < a_l; ++i) { + a_i = a[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < b_l; ++j) { + b_j = b[j]; + product = a_i * b_j + r[i + j]; + carry = Math.floor(product / base); + r[i + j] = product - carry * base; + r[i + j + 1] += carry; + } + } + trim(r); + return r; + } + + function multiplySmall(a, b) { // assumes a is array, b is number with |b| < BASE + var l = a.length, + r = new Array(l), + base = BASE, + carry = 0, + product, i; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + product = a[i] * b + carry; + carry = Math.floor(product / base); + r[i] = product - carry * base; + } + while (carry > 0) { + r[i++] = carry % base; + carry = Math.floor(carry / base); + } + return r; + } + + function shiftLeft(x, n) { + var r = []; + while (n-- > 0) r.push(0); + return r.concat(x); + } + + function multiplyKaratsuba(x, y) { + var n = Math.max(x.length, y.length); + + if (n <= 400) return multiplyLong(x, y); + n = Math.ceil(n / 2); + + var b = x.slice(n), + a = x.slice(0, n), + d = y.slice(n), + c = y.slice(0, n); + + var ac = multiplyKaratsuba(a, c), + bd = multiplyKaratsuba(b, d), + abcd = multiplyKaratsuba(addAny(a, b), addAny(c, d)); + + return addAny(addAny(ac, shiftLeft(subtract(subtract(abcd, ac), bd), n)), shiftLeft(bd, 2 * n)); + } + + BigInteger.prototype.multiply = function (v) { + var value, n = parseValue(v), + a = this.value, b = n.value, + sign = this.sign !== n.sign, + abs; + if (n.isSmall) { + if (b === 0) return CACHE[0]; + if (b === 1) return this; + if (b === -1) return this.negate(); + abs = Math.abs(b); + if (abs < BASE) { + return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(a, abs), sign); + } + b = smallToArray(abs); + } + if (a.length + b.length > 4000) // Karatsuba is only faster for sufficiently large inputs + return new BigInteger(multiplyKaratsuba(a, b), sign); + return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(a, b), sign); + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.times = BigInteger.prototype.multiply; + + function multiplySmallAndArray(a, b, sign) { // a >= 0 + if (a < BASE) { + return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(b, a), sign); + } + return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(b, smallToArray(a)), sign); + } + SmallInteger.prototype["_multiplyBySmall"] = function (a) { + if (isPrecise(a.value * this.value)) { + return new SmallInteger(a.value * this.value); + } + return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a.value), smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== a.sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype["_multiplyBySmall"] = function (a) { + if (a.value === 0) return CACHE[0]; + if (a.value === 1) return this; + if (a.value === -1) return this.negate(); + return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a.value), this.value, this.sign !== a.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.multiply = function (v) { + return parseValue(v)["_multiplyBySmall"](this); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.times = SmallInteger.prototype.multiply; + + function square(a) { + var l = a.length, + r = createArray(l + l), + base = BASE, + product, carry, i, a_i, a_j; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + a_i = a[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { + a_j = a[j]; + product = a_i * a_j + r[i + j]; + carry = Math.floor(product / base); + r[i + j] = product - carry * base; + r[i + j + 1] += carry; + } + } + trim(r); + return r; + } + + BigInteger.prototype.square = function () { + return new BigInteger(square(this.value), false); + }; + + SmallInteger.prototype.square = function () { + var value = this.value * this.value; + if (isPrecise(value)) return new SmallInteger(value); + return new BigInteger(square(smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value))), false); + }; + + function divMod1(a, b) { // Left over from previous version. Performs faster than divMod2 on smaller input sizes. + var a_l = a.length, + b_l = b.length, + base = BASE, + result = createArray(b.length), + divisorMostSignificantDigit = b[b_l - 1], + // normalization + lambda = Math.ceil(base / (2 * divisorMostSignificantDigit)), + remainder = multiplySmall(a, lambda), + divisor = multiplySmall(b, lambda), + quotientDigit, shift, carry, borrow, i, l, q; + if (remainder.length <= a_l) remainder.push(0); + divisor.push(0); + divisorMostSignificantDigit = divisor[b_l - 1]; + for (shift = a_l - b_l; shift >= 0; shift--) { + quotientDigit = base - 1; + quotientDigit = Math.floor((remainder[shift + b_l] * base + remainder[shift + b_l - 1]) / divisorMostSignificantDigit); + carry = 0; + borrow = 0; + l = divisor.length; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + carry += quotientDigit * divisor[i]; + q = Math.floor(carry / base); + borrow += remainder[shift + i] - (carry - q * base); + carry = q; + if (borrow < 0) { + remainder[shift + i] = borrow + base; + borrow = -1; + } else { + remainder[shift + i] = borrow; + borrow = 0; + } + } + while (borrow !== 0) { + quotientDigit -= 1; + carry = 0; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + carry += remainder[shift + i] - base + divisor[i]; + if (carry < 0) { + remainder[shift + i] = carry + base; + carry = 0; + } else { + remainder[shift + i] = carry; + carry = 1; + } + } + borrow += carry; + } + result[shift] = quotientDigit; + } + // denormalization + remainder = divModSmall(remainder, lambda)[0]; + return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(remainder)]; + } + + function divMod2(a, b) { // Implementation idea shamelessly stolen from Silent Matt's library http://silentmatt.com/biginteger/ + // Performs faster than divMod1 on larger input sizes. + var a_l = a.length, + b_l = b.length, + result = [], + part = [], + base = BASE, + guess, xlen, highx, highy, check; + while (a_l) { + part.unshift(a[--a_l]); + if (compareAbs(part, b) < 0) { + result.push(0); + continue; + } + xlen = part.length; + highx = part[xlen - 1] * base + part[xlen - 2]; + highy = b[b_l - 1] * base + b[b_l - 2]; + if (xlen > b_l) { + highx = (highx + 1) * base; + } + guess = Math.ceil(highx / highy); + do { + check = multiplySmall(b, guess); + if (compareAbs(check, part) <= 0) break; + guess--; + } while (guess); + result.push(guess); + part = subtract(part, check); + } + result.reverse(); + return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(part)]; + } + + function divModSmall(value, lambda) { + var length = value.length, + quotient = createArray(length), + base = BASE, + i, q, remainder, divisor; + remainder = 0; + for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + divisor = remainder * base + value[i]; + q = truncate(divisor / lambda); + remainder = divisor - q * lambda; + quotient[i] = q | 0; + } + return [quotient, remainder | 0]; + } + + function divModAny(self, v) { + var value, n = parseValue(v); + var a = self.value, b = n.value; + var quotient; + if (b === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); + if (self.isSmall) { + if (n.isSmall) { + return [new SmallInteger(truncate(a / b)), new SmallInteger(a % b)]; + } + return [CACHE[0], self]; + } + if (n.isSmall) { + if (b === 1) return [self, CACHE[0]]; + if (b == -1) return [self.negate(), CACHE[0]]; + var abs = Math.abs(b); + if (abs < BASE) { + value = divModSmall(a, abs); + quotient = arrayToSmall(value[0]); + var remainder = value[1]; + if (self.sign) remainder = -remainder; + if (typeof quotient === "number") { + if (self.sign !== n.sign) quotient = -quotient; + return [new SmallInteger(quotient), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; + } + return [new BigInteger(quotient, self.sign !== n.sign), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; + } + b = smallToArray(abs); + } + var comparison = compareAbs(a, b); + if (comparison === -1) return [CACHE[0], self]; + if (comparison === 0) return [CACHE[self.sign === n.sign ? 1 : -1], CACHE[0]]; + + // divMod1 is faster on smaller input sizes + if (a.length + b.length <= 200) + value = divMod1(a, b); + else value = divMod2(a, b); + + quotient = value[0]; + var qSign = self.sign !== n.sign, + mod = value[1], + mSign = self.sign; + if (typeof quotient === "number") { + if (qSign) quotient = -quotient; + quotient = new SmallInteger(quotient); + } else quotient = new BigInteger(quotient, qSign); + if (typeof mod === "number") { + if (mSign) mod = -mod; + mod = new SmallInteger(mod); + } else mod = new BigInteger(mod, mSign); + return [quotient, mod]; + } + + BigInteger.prototype.divmod = function (v) { + var result = divModAny(this, v); + return { + quotient: result[0], + remainder: result[1] + }; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.divmod = BigInteger.prototype.divmod; + + BigInteger.prototype.divide = function (v) { + return divModAny(this, v)[0]; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.over = SmallInteger.prototype.divide = BigInteger.prototype.over = BigInteger.prototype.divide; + + BigInteger.prototype.mod = function (v) { + return divModAny(this, v)[1]; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.remainder = SmallInteger.prototype.mod = BigInteger.prototype.remainder = BigInteger.prototype.mod; + + BigInteger.prototype.pow = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v), + a = this.value, + b = n.value, + value, x, y; + if (b === 0) return CACHE[1]; + if (a === 0) return CACHE[0]; + if (a === 1) return CACHE[1]; + if (a === -1) return n.isEven() ? CACHE[1] : CACHE[-1]; + if (n.sign) { + return CACHE[0]; + } + if (!n.isSmall) throw new Error("The exponent " + n.toString() + " is too large."); + if (this.isSmall) { + if (isPrecise(value = Math.pow(a, b))) + return new SmallInteger(truncate(value)); + } + x = this; + y = CACHE[1]; + while (true) { + if (b & 1 === 1) { + y = y.times(x); + --b; + } + if (b === 0) break; + b /= 2; + x = x.square(); + } + return y; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.pow = BigInteger.prototype.pow; + + BigInteger.prototype.modPow = function (exp, mod) { + exp = parseValue(exp); + mod = parseValue(mod); + if (mod.isZero()) throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0"); + var r = CACHE[1], + base = this.mod(mod); + if (base.isZero()) return CACHE[0]; + while (exp.isPositive()) { + if (exp.isOdd()) r = r.multiply(base).mod(mod); + exp = exp.divide(2); + base = base.square().mod(mod); + } + return r; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.modPow = BigInteger.prototype.modPow; + + function compareAbs(a, b) { + if (a.length !== b.length) { + return a.length > b.length ? 1 : -1; + } + for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (a[i] !== b[i]) return a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1; + } + return 0; + } + + BigInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v), + a = this.value, + b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) return 1; + return compareAbs(a, b); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v), + a = Math.abs(this.value), + b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) { + b = Math.abs(b); + return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1; + } + return -1; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.compare = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v), + a = this.value, + b = n.value; + if (this.sign !== n.sign) { + return n.sign ? 1 : -1; + } + if (n.isSmall) { + return this.sign ? -1 : 1; + } + return compareAbs(a, b) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = BigInteger.prototype.compare; + + SmallInteger.prototype.compare = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v), + a = this.value, + b = n.value; + if (n.isSmall) { + return a == b ? 0 : a > b ? 1 : -1; + } + if (a < 0 !== n.sign) { + return a < 0 ? -1 : 1; + } + return a < 0 ? 1 : -1; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.compareTo = SmallInteger.prototype.compare; + + BigInteger.prototype.equals = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) === 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.eq = SmallInteger.prototype.equals = BigInteger.prototype.eq = BigInteger.prototype.equals; + + BigInteger.prototype.notEquals = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) !== 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.neq = SmallInteger.prototype.notEquals = BigInteger.prototype.neq = BigInteger.prototype.notEquals; + + BigInteger.prototype.greater = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) > 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.gt = SmallInteger.prototype.greater = BigInteger.prototype.gt = BigInteger.prototype.greater; + + BigInteger.prototype.lesser = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) < 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.lt = SmallInteger.prototype.lesser = BigInteger.prototype.lt = BigInteger.prototype.lesser; + + BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) >= 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.geq = SmallInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.geq = BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals; + + BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function (v) { + return this.compare(v) <= 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.leq = SmallInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.leq = BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals; + + BigInteger.prototype.isEven = function () { + return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isEven = function () { + return (this.value & 1) === 0; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function () { + return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isOdd = function () { + return (this.value & 1) === 1; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isPositive = function () { + return !this.sign; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive = function () { + return this.value > 0; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isNegative = function () { + return this.sign; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative = function () { + return this.value < 0; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isUnit = function () { + return false; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isUnit = function () { + return Math.abs(this.value) === 1; + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isZero = function () { + return false; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isZero = function () { + return this.value === 0; + }; + BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function (v) { + var n = parseValue(v); + var value = n.value; + if (value === 0) return false; + if (value === 1) return true; + if (value === 2) return this.isEven(); + return this.mod(n).equals(CACHE[0]); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy; + + function isBasicPrime(v) { + var n = v.abs(); + if (n.isUnit()) return false; + if (n.equals(2) || n.equals(3) || n.equals(5)) return true; + if (n.isEven() || n.isDivisibleBy(3) || n.isDivisibleBy(5)) return false; + if (n.lesser(25)) return true; + // we don't know if it's prime: let the other functions figure it out + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.isPrime = function () { + var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); + if (isPrime !== undefined) return isPrime; + var n = this.abs(), + nPrev = n.prev(); + var a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19], + b = nPrev, + d, t, i, x; + while (b.isEven()) b = b.divide(2); + for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { + x = bigInt(a[i]).modPow(b, n); + if (x.equals(CACHE[1]) || x.equals(nPrev)) continue; + for (t = true, d = b; t && d.lesser(nPrev) ; d = d.multiply(2)) { + x = x.square().mod(n); + if (x.equals(nPrev)) t = false; + } + if (t) return false; + } + return true; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isPrime = BigInteger.prototype.isPrime; + + BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = function (iterations) { + var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); + if (isPrime !== undefined) return isPrime; + var n = this.abs(); + var t = iterations === undefined ? 5 : iterations; + // use the Fermat primality test + for (var i = 0; i < t; i++) { + var a = bigInt.randBetween(2, n.minus(2)); + if (!a.modPow(n.prev(), n).isUnit()) return false; // definitely composite + } + return true; // large chance of being prime + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime; + + BigInteger.prototype.next = function () { + var value = this.value; + if (this.sign) { + return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); + } + return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), this.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.next = function () { + var value = this.value; + if (value + 1 < MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value + 1); + return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, false); + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.prev = function () { + var value = this.value; + if (this.sign) { + return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), true); + } + return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.prev = function () { + var value = this.value; + if (value - 1 > -MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value - 1); + return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, true); + }; + + var powersOfTwo = [1]; + while (powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1] <= BASE) powersOfTwo.push(2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1]); + var powers2Length = powersOfTwo.length, highestPower2 = powersOfTwo[powers2Length - 1]; + + function shift_isSmall(n) { + return ((typeof n === "number" || typeof n === "string") && +Math.abs(n) <= BASE) || + (n instanceof BigInteger && n.value.length <= 1); + } + + BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = function (n) { + if (!shift_isSmall(n)) { + if (n.isNegative()) return this.shiftRight(n.abs()); + return this.times(CACHE[2].pow(n)); + } + n = +n; + if (n < 0) return this.shiftRight(-n); + var result = this; + while (n >= powers2Length) { + result = result.multiply(highestPower2); + n -= powers2Length - 1; + } + return result.multiply(powersOfTwo[n]); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft; + + BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = function (n) { + var remQuo; + if (!shift_isSmall(n)) { + if (n.isNegative()) return this.shiftLeft(n.abs()); + remQuo = this.divmod(CACHE[2].pow(n)); + return remQuo.remainder.isNegative() ? remQuo.quotient.prev() : remQuo.quotient; + } + n = +n; + if (n < 0) return this.shiftLeft(-n); + var result = this; + while (n >= powers2Length) { + if (result.isZero()) return result; + remQuo = divModAny(result, highestPower2); + result = remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; + n -= powers2Length - 1; + } + remQuo = divModAny(result, powersOfTwo[n]); + return remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.shiftRight = BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight; + + function bitwise(x, y, fn) { + y = parseValue(y); + var xSign = x.isNegative(), ySign = y.isNegative(); + var xRem = xSign ? x.not() : x, + yRem = ySign ? y.not() : y; + var xBits = [], yBits = []; + var xStop = false, yStop = false; + while (!xStop || !yStop) { + if (xRem.isZero()) { // virtual sign extension for simulating two's complement + xStop = true; + xBits.push(xSign ? 1 : 0); + } + else if (xSign) xBits.push(xRem.isEven() ? 1 : 0); // two's complement for negative numbers + else xBits.push(xRem.isEven() ? 0 : 1); + + if (yRem.isZero()) { + yStop = true; + yBits.push(ySign ? 1 : 0); + } + else if (ySign) yBits.push(yRem.isEven() ? 1 : 0); + else yBits.push(yRem.isEven() ? 0 : 1); + + xRem = xRem.over(2); + yRem = yRem.over(2); + } + var result = []; + for (var i = 0; i < xBits.length; i++) result.push(fn(xBits[i], yBits[i])); + var sum = bigInt(result.pop()).negate().times(bigInt(2).pow(result.length)); + while (result.length) { + sum = sum.add(bigInt(result.pop()).times(bigInt(2).pow(result.length))); + } + return sum; + } + + BigInteger.prototype.not = function () { + return this.negate().prev(); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.not = BigInteger.prototype.not; + + BigInteger.prototype.and = function (n) { + return bitwise(this, n, function (a, b) { return a & b; }); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.and = BigInteger.prototype.and; + + BigInteger.prototype.or = function (n) { + return bitwise(this, n, function (a, b) { return a | b; }); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.or = BigInteger.prototype.or; + + BigInteger.prototype.xor = function (n) { + return bitwise(this, n, function (a, b) { return a ^ b; }); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.xor = BigInteger.prototype.xor; + + function max(a, b) { + a = parseValue(a); + b = parseValue(b); + return a.greater(b) ? a : b; + } + function min(a,b) { + a = parseValue(a); + b = parseValue(b); + return a.lesser(b) ? a : b; + } + function gcd(a, b) { + a = parseValue(a).abs(); + b = parseValue(b).abs(); + if (a.equals(b)) return a; + if (a.isZero()) return b; + if (b.isZero()) return a; + if (a.isEven()) { + if (b.isOdd()) { + return gcd(a.divide(2), b); + } + return gcd(a.divide(2), b.divide(2)).multiply(2); + } + if (b.isEven()) { + return gcd(a, b.divide(2)); + } + if (a.greater(b)) { + return gcd(a.subtract(b).divide(2), b); + } + return gcd(b.subtract(a).divide(2), a); + } + function lcm(a, b) { + a = parseValue(a).abs(); + b = parseValue(b).abs(); + return a.multiply(b).divide(gcd(a, b)); + } + function randBetween(a, b) { + a = parseValue(a); + b = parseValue(b); + var low = min(a, b), high = max(a, b); + var range = high.subtract(low); + if (range.isSmall) return low.add(Math.round(Math.random() * range)); + var length = range.value.length - 1; + var result = [], restricted = true; + for (var i = length; i >= 0; i--) { + var top = restricted ? range.value[i] : BASE; + var digit = truncate(Math.random() * top); + result.unshift(digit); + if (digit < top) restricted = false; + } + result = arrayToSmall(result); + return low.add(new BigInteger(result, false, typeof result === "number")); + } + var parseBase = function (text, base) { + var val = CACHE[0], pow = CACHE[1], + length = text.length; + if (2 <= base && base <= 36) { + if (length <= LOG_MAX_INT / Math.log(base)) { + return new SmallInteger(parseInt(text, base)); + } + } + base = parseValue(base); + var digits = []; + var i; + var isNegative = text[0] === "-"; + for (i = isNegative ? 1 : 0; i < text.length; i++) { + var c = text[i].toLowerCase(), + charCode = c.charCodeAt(0); + if (48 <= charCode && charCode <= 57) digits.push(parseValue(c)); + else if (97 <= charCode && charCode <= 122) digits.push(parseValue(c.charCodeAt(0) - 87)); + else if (c === "<") { + var start = i; + do { i++; } while (text[i] !== ">"); + digits.push(parseValue(text.slice(start + 1, i))); + } + else throw new Error(c + " is not a valid character"); + } + digits.reverse(); + for (i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) { + val = val.add(digits[i].times(pow)); + pow = pow.times(base); + } + return isNegative ? val.negate() : val; + }; + + function stringify(digit) { + var v = digit.value; + if (typeof v === "number") v = [v]; + if (v.length === 1 && v[0] <= 36) { + return "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt(v[0]); + } + return "<" + v + ">"; + } + function toBase(n, base) { + base = bigInt(base); + if (base.isZero()) { + if (n.isZero()) return "0"; + throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0."); + } + if (base.equals(-1)) { + if (n.isZero()) return "0"; + if (n.isNegative()) return new Array(1 - n).join("10"); + return "1" + new Array(+n).join("01"); + } + var minusSign = ""; + if (n.isNegative() && base.isPositive()) { + minusSign = "-"; + n = n.abs(); + } + if (base.equals(1)) { + if (n.isZero()) return "0"; + return minusSign + new Array(+n + 1).join(1); + } + var out = []; + var left = n, divmod; + while (left.isNegative() || left.compareAbs(base) >= 0) { + divmod = left.divmod(base); + left = divmod.quotient; + var digit = divmod.remainder; + if (digit.isNegative()) { + digit = base.minus(digit).abs(); + left = left.next(); + } + out.push(stringify(digit)); + } + out.push(stringify(left)); + return minusSign + out.reverse().join(""); + } + + BigInteger.prototype.toString = function (radix) { + if (radix === undefined) radix = 10; + if (radix !== 10) return toBase(this, radix); + var v = this.value, l = v.length, str = String(v[--l]), zeros = "0000000", digit; + while (--l >= 0) { + digit = String(v[l]); + str += zeros.slice(digit.length) + digit; + } + var sign = this.sign ? "-" : ""; + return sign + str; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.toString = function (radix) { + if (radix === undefined) radix = 10; + if (radix != 10) return toBase(this, radix); + return String(this.value); + }; + + BigInteger.prototype.valueOf = function () { + return +this.toString(); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = BigInteger.prototype.valueOf; + + SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf = function () { + return this.value; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf; + + function parseStringValue(v) { + if (isPrecise(+v)) { + var x = +v; + if (x === truncate(x)) + return new SmallInteger(x); + throw "Invalid integer: " + v; + } + var sign = v[0] === "-"; + if (sign) v = v.slice(1); + var split = v.split(/e/i); + if (split.length > 2) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + text.join("e")); + if (split.length === 2) { + var exp = split[1]; + if (exp[0] === "+") exp = exp.slice(1); + exp = +exp; + if (exp !== truncate(exp) || !isPrecise(exp)) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + exp + " is not a valid exponent."); + var text = split[0]; + var decimalPlace = text.indexOf("."); + if (decimalPlace >= 0) { + exp -= text.length - decimalPlace; + text = text.slice(0, decimalPlace) + text.slice(decimalPlace + 1); + } + if (exp < 0) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers"); + text += (new Array(exp + 1)).join("0"); + v = text; + } + var isValid = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(v); + if (!isValid) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v); + var r = [], max = v.length, l = LOG_BASE, min = max - l; + while (max > 0) { + r.push(+v.slice(min, max)); + min -= l; + if (min < 0) min = 0; + max -= l; + } + trim(r); + return new BigInteger(r, sign); + } + + function parseNumberValue(v) { + if (isPrecise(v)) return new SmallInteger(v); + return parseStringValue(v.toString()); + } + + function parseValue(v) { + if (typeof v === "number") { + return parseNumberValue(v); + } + if (typeof v === "string") { + return parseStringValue(v); + } + return v; + } + // Pre-define numbers in range [-999,999] + var CACHE = function (v, radix) { + if (typeof v === "undefined") return CACHE[0]; + if (typeof radix !== "undefined") return +radix === 10 ? parseValue(v) : parseBase(v, radix); + return parseValue(v); + }; + for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { + CACHE[i] = new SmallInteger(i); + if (i > 0) CACHE[-i] = new SmallInteger(-i); + } + // Backwards compatibility + CACHE.one = CACHE[1]; + CACHE.zero = CACHE[0]; + CACHE.minusOne = CACHE[-1]; + CACHE.max = max; + CACHE.min = min; + CACHE.gcd = gcd; + CACHE.lcm = lcm; + CACHE.isInstance = function (x) { return x instanceof BigInteger || x instanceof SmallInteger; }; + CACHE.randBetween = randBetween; + return CACHE; + })(); + + // Node.js check + if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.hasOwnProperty("exports")) { + module.exports = bigInt; + } - var res = a.iadd(b); - if (res.cmp(this.m) >= 0) - res.isub(this.m); - return res; - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(4)(module))) - Red.prototype.sub = function sub(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); +/***/ }, +/* 86 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var res = a.sub(b); - if (res.cmpn(0) < 0) - res.iadd(this.m); - return res._forceRed(this); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2012 Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. - Red.prototype.isub = function isub(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); + var assert = __webpack_require__(23); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var http = __webpack_require__(87); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); + var sshpk = __webpack_require__(47); + var jsprim = __webpack_require__(97); + var utils = __webpack_require__(46); - var res = a.isub(b); - if (res.cmpn(0) < 0) - res.iadd(this.m); - return res; - }; + var sprintf = __webpack_require__(25).format; - Red.prototype.shl = function shl(a, num) { - this._verify1(a); - return this.imod(a.shln(num)); - }; + var HASH_ALGOS = utils.HASH_ALGOS; + var PK_ALGOS = utils.PK_ALGOS; + var InvalidAlgorithmError = utils.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var HttpSignatureError = utils.HttpSignatureError; + var validateAlgorithm = utils.validateAlgorithm; - Red.prototype.imul = function imul(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); - return this.imod(a.imul(b)); - }; + ///--- Globals - Red.prototype.mul = function mul(a, b) { - this._verify2(a, b); - return this.imod(a.mul(b)); - }; + var AUTHZ_FMT = + 'Signature keyId="%s",algorithm="%s",headers="%s",signature="%s"'; - Red.prototype.isqr = function isqr(a) { - return this.imul(a, a); - }; + ///--- Specific Errors - Red.prototype.sqr = function sqr(a) { - return this.mul(a, a); - }; + function MissingHeaderError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, MissingHeaderError); + } + util.inherits(MissingHeaderError, HttpSignatureError); - Red.prototype.sqrt = function sqrt(a) { - if (a.cmpn(0) === 0) - return a.clone(); + function StrictParsingError(message) { + HttpSignatureError.call(this, message, StrictParsingError); + } + util.inherits(StrictParsingError, HttpSignatureError); - var mod3 = this.m.andln(3); - assert(mod3 % 2 === 1); + /* See createSigner() */ + function RequestSigner(options) { + assert.object(options, 'options'); - // Fast case - if (mod3 === 3) { - var pow = this.m.add(new BN(1)).ishrn(2); - var r = this.pow(a, pow); - return r; + var alg = []; + if (options.algorithm !== undefined) { + assert.string(options.algorithm, 'options.algorithm'); + alg = validateAlgorithm(options.algorithm); } + this.rs_alg = alg; - // Tonelli-Shanks algorithm (Totally unoptimized and slow) - // - // Find Q and S, that Q * 2 ^ S = (P - 1) - var q = this.m.subn(1); - var s = 0; - while (q.cmpn(0) !== 0 && q.andln(1) === 0) { - s++; - q.ishrn(1); - } - assert(q.cmpn(0) !== 0); - - var one = new BN(1).toRed(this); - var nOne = one.redNeg(); - - // Find quadratic non-residue - // NOTE: Max is such because of generalized Riemann hypothesis. - var lpow = this.m.subn(1).ishrn(1); - var z = this.m.bitLength(); - z = new BN(2 * z * z).toRed(this); - while (this.pow(z, lpow).cmp(nOne) !== 0) - z.redIAdd(nOne); - - var c = this.pow(z, q); - var r = this.pow(a, q.addn(1).ishrn(1)); - var t = this.pow(a, q); - var m = s; - while (t.cmp(one) !== 0) { - var tmp = t; - for (var i = 0; tmp.cmp(one) !== 0; i++) - tmp = tmp.redSqr(); - assert(i < m); - var b = this.pow(c, new BN(1).ishln(m - i - 1)); - - r = r.redMul(b); - c = b.redSqr(); - t = t.redMul(c); - m = i; - } - - return r; - }; - - Red.prototype.invm = function invm(a) { - var inv = a._invmp(this.m); - if (inv.sign) { - inv.sign = false; - return this.imod(inv).redNeg(); - } else { - return this.imod(inv); - } - }; + /* + * RequestSigners come in two varieties: ones with an rs_signFunc, and ones + * with an rs_signer. + * + * rs_signFunc-based RequestSigners have to build up their entire signing + * string within the rs_lines array and give it to rs_signFunc as a single + * concat'd blob. rs_signer-based RequestSigners can add a line at a time to + * their signing state by using rs_signer.update(), thus only needing to + * buffer the hash function state and one line at a time. + */ + if (options.sign !== undefined) { + assert.func(options.sign, 'options.sign'); + this.rs_signFunc = options.sign; - Red.prototype.pow = function pow(a, num) { - var w = []; + } else if (alg[0] === 'hmac' && options.key !== undefined) { + assert.string(options.keyId, 'options.keyId'); + this.rs_keyId = options.keyId; - if (num.cmpn(0) === 0) - return new BN(1); + if (typeof (options.key) !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.key)) + throw (new TypeError('options.key for HMAC must be a string or Buffer')); - var q = num.clone(); + /* + * Make an rs_signer for HMACs, not a rs_signFunc -- HMACs digest their + * data in chunks rather than requiring it all to be given in one go + * at the end, so they are more similar to signers than signFuncs. + */ + this.rs_signer = crypto.createHmac(alg[1].toUpperCase(), options.key); + this.rs_signer.sign = function () { + var digest = this.digest('base64'); + return ({ + hashAlgorithm: alg[1], + toString: function () { return (digest); } + }); + }; - while (q.cmpn(0) !== 0) { - w.push(q.andln(1)); - q.ishrn(1); - } + } else if (options.key !== undefined) { + var key = options.key; + if (typeof (key) === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(key)) + key = sshpk.parsePrivateKey(key); - // Skip leading zeroes - var res = a; - for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++, res = this.sqr(res)) - if (w[i] !== 0) - break; + assert.ok(key instanceof sshpk.PrivateKey, + 'options.key must be a sshpk.PrivateKey'); + this.rs_key = key; - if (++i < w.length) { - for (var q = this.sqr(res); i < w.length; i++, q = this.sqr(q)) { - if (w[i] === 0) - continue; - res = this.mul(res, q); + assert.string(options.keyId, 'options.keyId'); + this.rs_keyId = options.keyId; + + if (!PK_ALGOS[key.type]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(key.type.toUpperCase() + ' type ' + + 'keys are not supported')); } - } - return res; - }; + if (alg[0] !== undefined && key.type !== alg[0]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError('options.key must be a ' + + alg[0].toUpperCase() + ' key, was given a ' + + key.type.toUpperCase() + ' key instead')); + } - Red.prototype.convertTo = function convertTo(num) { - var r = num.mod(this.m); - if (r === num) - return r.clone(); - else - return r; - }; + this.rs_signer = key.createSign(alg[1]); - Red.prototype.convertFrom = function convertFrom(num) { - var res = num.clone(); - res.red = null; - return res; - }; + } else { + throw (new TypeError('options.sign (func) or options.key is required')); + } - // - // Montgomery method engine - // + this.rs_headers = []; + this.rs_lines = []; + } - BN.mont = function mont(num) { - return new Mont(num); - }; + /** + * Adds a header to be signed, with its value, into this signer. + * + * @param {String} header + * @param {String} value + * @return {String} value written + */ + RequestSigner.prototype.writeHeader = function (header, value) { + assert.string(header, 'header'); + header = header.toLowerCase(); + assert.string(value, 'value'); - function Mont(m) { - Red.call(this, m); + this.rs_headers.push(header); - this.shift = this.m.bitLength(); - if (this.shift % 26 !== 0) - this.shift += 26 - (this.shift % 26); - this.r = new BN(1).ishln(this.shift); - this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()); - this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m); + if (this.rs_signFunc) { + this.rs_lines.push(header + ': ' + value); - this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m); - this.minv.sign = true; - this.minv = this.minv.mod(this.r); - } - inherits(Mont, Red); + } else { + var line = header + ': ' + value; + if (this.rs_headers.length > 0) + line = '\n' + line; + this.rs_signer.update(line); + } - Mont.prototype.convertTo = function convertTo(num) { - return this.imod(num.shln(this.shift)); + return (value); }; - Mont.prototype.convertFrom = function convertFrom(num) { - var r = this.imod(num.mul(this.rinv)); - r.red = null; - return r; + /** + * Adds a default Date header, returning its value. + * + * @return {String} + */ + RequestSigner.prototype.writeDateHeader = function () { + return (this.writeHeader('date', jsprim.rfc1123(new Date()))); }; - Mont.prototype.imul = function imul(a, b) { - if (a.cmpn(0) === 0 || b.cmpn(0) === 0) { - a.words[0] = 0; - a.length = 1; - return a; - } - - var t = a.imul(b); - var c = t.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m); - var u = t.isub(c).ishrn(this.shift); - var res = u; - if (u.cmp(this.m) >= 0) - res = u.isub(this.m); - else if (u.cmpn(0) < 0) - res = u.iadd(this.m); - - return res._forceRed(this); + /** + * Adds the request target line to be signed. + * + * @param {String} method, HTTP method (e.g. 'get', 'post', 'put') + * @param {String} path + */ + RequestSigner.prototype.writeTarget = function (method, path) { + assert.string(method, 'method'); + assert.string(path, 'path'); + method = method.toLowerCase(); + this.writeHeader('(request-target)', method + ' ' + path); }; - Mont.prototype.mul = function mul(a, b) { - if (a.cmpn(0) === 0 || b.cmpn(0) === 0) - return new BN(0)._forceRed(this); + /** + * Calculate the value for the Authorization header on this request + * asynchronously. + * + * @param {Func} callback (err, authz) + */ + RequestSigner.prototype.sign = function (cb) { + assert.func(cb, 'callback'); - var t = a.mul(b); - var c = t.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m); - var u = t.isub(c).ishrn(this.shift); - var res = u; - if (u.cmp(this.m) >= 0) - res = u.isub(this.m); - else if (u.cmpn(0) < 0) - res = u.iadd(this.m); + if (this.rs_headers.length < 1) + throw (new Error('At least one header must be signed')); - return res._forceRed(this); - }; + var alg, authz; + if (this.rs_signFunc) { + var data = this.rs_lines.join('\n'); + var self = this; + this.rs_signFunc(data, function (err, sig) { + if (err) { + cb(err); + return; + } + try { + assert.object(sig, 'signature'); + assert.string(sig.keyId, 'signature.keyId'); + assert.string(sig.algorithm, 'signature.algorithm'); + assert.string(sig.signature, 'signature.signature'); + alg = validateAlgorithm(sig.algorithm); + + authz = sprintf(AUTHZ_FMT, + sig.keyId, + sig.algorithm, + self.rs_headers.join(' '), + sig.signature); + } catch (e) { + cb(e); + return; + } + cb(null, authz); + }); - Mont.prototype.invm = function invm(a) { - // (AR)^-1 * R^2 = (A^-1 * R^-1) * R^2 = A^-1 * R - var res = this.imod(a._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2)); - return res._forceRed(this); + } else { + try { + var sigObj = this.rs_signer.sign(); + } catch (e) { + cb(e); + return; + } + alg = (this.rs_alg[0] || this.rs_key.type) + '-' + sigObj.hashAlgorithm; + var signature = sigObj.toString(); + authz = sprintf(AUTHZ_FMT, + this.rs_keyId, + alg, + this.rs_headers.join(' '), + signature); + cb(null, authz); + } }; - })(typeof module === 'undefined' || module, this); + ///--- Exported API - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(4)(module))) - -/***/ }, -/* 65 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63); - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); - - var api = exports; + module.exports = { + /** + * Identifies whether a given object is a request signer or not. + * + * @param {Object} object, the object to identify + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + isSigner: function (obj) { + if (typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj instanceof RequestSigner) + return (true); + return (false); + }, - api.define = function define(name, body) { - return new Entity(name, body); - }; + /** + * Creates a request signer, used to asynchronously build a signature + * for a request (does not have to be an http.ClientRequest). + * + * @param {Object} options, either: + * - {String} keyId + * - {String|Buffer} key + * - {String} algorithm (optional, required for HMAC) + * or: + * - {Func} sign (data, cb) + * @return {RequestSigner} + */ + createSigner: function createSigner(options) { + return (new RequestSigner(options)); + }, - function Entity(name, body) { - this.name = name; - this.body = body; + /** + * Adds an 'Authorization' header to an http.ClientRequest object. + * + * Note that this API will add a Date header if it's not already set. Any + * other headers in the options.headers array MUST be present, or this + * will throw. + * + * You shouldn't need to check the return type; it's just there if you want + * to be pedantic. + * + * The optional flag indicates whether parsing should use strict enforcement + * of the version draft-cavage-http-signatures-04 of the spec or beyond. + * The default is to be loose and support + * older versions for compatibility. + * + * @param {Object} request an instance of http.ClientRequest. + * @param {Object} options signing parameters object: + * - {String} keyId required. + * - {String} key required (either a PEM or HMAC key). + * - {Array} headers optional; defaults to ['date']. + * - {String} algorithm optional (unless key is HMAC); + * default is the same as the sshpk default + * signing algorithm for the type of key given + * - {String} httpVersion optional; defaults to '1.1'. + * - {Boolean} strict optional; defaults to 'false'. + * @return {Boolean} true if Authorization (and optionally Date) were added. + * @throws {TypeError} on bad parameter types (input). + * @throws {InvalidAlgorithmError} if algorithm was bad or incompatible with + * the given key. + * @throws {sshpk.KeyParseError} if key was bad. + * @throws {MissingHeaderError} if a header to be signed was specified but + * was not present. + */ + signRequest: function signRequest(request, options) { + assert.object(request, 'request'); + assert.object(options, 'options'); + assert.optionalString(options.algorithm, 'options.algorithm'); + assert.string(options.keyId, 'options.keyId'); + assert.optionalArrayOfString(options.headers, 'options.headers'); + assert.optionalString(options.httpVersion, 'options.httpVersion'); + + if (!request.getHeader('Date')) + request.setHeader('Date', jsprim.rfc1123(new Date())); + if (!options.headers) + options.headers = ['date']; + if (!options.httpVersion) + options.httpVersion = '1.1'; + + var alg = []; + if (options.algorithm) { + options.algorithm = options.algorithm.toLowerCase(); + alg = validateAlgorithm(options.algorithm); + } + + var i; + var stringToSign = ''; + for (i = 0; i < options.headers.length; i++) { + if (typeof (options.headers[i]) !== 'string') + throw new TypeError('options.headers must be an array of Strings'); + + var h = options.headers[i].toLowerCase(); + + if (h === 'request-line') { + if (!options.strict) { + /** + * We allow headers from the older spec drafts if strict parsing isn't + * specified in options. + */ + stringToSign += + request.method + ' ' + request.path + ' HTTP/' + + options.httpVersion; + } else { + /* Strict parsing doesn't allow older draft headers. */ + throw (new StrictParsingError('request-line is not a valid header ' + + 'with strict parsing enabled.')); + } + } else if (h === '(request-target)') { + stringToSign += + '(request-target): ' + request.method.toLowerCase() + ' ' + + request.path; + } else { + var value = request.getHeader(h); + if (value === undefined || value === '') { + throw new MissingHeaderError(h + ' was not in the request'); + } + stringToSign += h + ': ' + value; + } - this.decoders = {}; - this.encoders = {}; - }; + if ((i + 1) < options.headers.length) + stringToSign += '\n'; + } - Entity.prototype._createNamed = function createNamed(base) { - var named; - try { - named = __webpack_require__(67).runInThisContext( - '(function ' + this.name + '(entity) {\n' + - ' this._initNamed(entity);\n' + - '})' - ); - } catch (e) { - named = function (entity) { - this._initNamed(entity); - }; - } - inherits(named, base); - named.prototype._initNamed = function initnamed(entity) { - base.call(this, entity); - }; + var signature; + if (alg[0] === 'hmac') { + if (typeof (options.key) !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.key)) + throw (new TypeError('options.key must be a string or Buffer')); - return new named(this); - }; + var hmac = crypto.createHmac(alg[1].toUpperCase(), options.key); + hmac.update(stringToSign); + signature = hmac.digest('base64'); - Entity.prototype._getDecoder = function _getDecoder(enc) { - // Lazily create decoder - if (!this.decoders.hasOwnProperty(enc)) - this.decoders[enc] = this._createNamed(asn1.decoders[enc]); - return this.decoders[enc]; - }; + } else { + var key = options.key; + if (typeof (key) === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(key)) + key = sshpk.parsePrivateKey(options.key); - Entity.prototype.decode = function decode(data, enc, options) { - return this._getDecoder(enc).decode(data, options); - }; + assert.ok(key instanceof sshpk.PrivateKey, + 'options.key must be a sshpk.PrivateKey'); - Entity.prototype._getEncoder = function _getEncoder(enc) { - // Lazily create encoder - if (!this.encoders.hasOwnProperty(enc)) - this.encoders[enc] = this._createNamed(asn1.encoders[enc]); - return this.encoders[enc]; - }; + if (!PK_ALGOS[key.type]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(key.type.toUpperCase() + ' type ' + + 'keys are not supported')); + } - Entity.prototype.encode = function encode(data, enc, /* internal */ reporter) { - return this._getEncoder(enc).encode(data, reporter); - }; + if (alg[0] !== undefined && key.type !== alg[0]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError('options.key must be a ' + + alg[0].toUpperCase() + ' key, was given a ' + + key.type.toUpperCase() + ' key instead')); + } + var signer = key.createSign(alg[1]); + signer.update(stringToSign); + var sigObj = signer.sign(); + if (!HASH_ALGOS[sigObj.hashAlgorithm]) { + throw (new InvalidAlgorithmError(sigObj.hashAlgorithm.toUpperCase() + + ' is not a supported hash algorithm')); + } + options.algorithm = key.type + '-' + sigObj.hashAlgorithm; + signature = sigObj.toString(); + assert.notStrictEqual(signature, '', 'empty signature produced'); + } -/***/ }, -/* 66 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + request.setHeader('Authorization', sprintf(AUTHZ_FMT, + options.keyId, + options.algorithm, + options.headers.join(' '), + signature)); - if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { - // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: ctor, - enumerable: false, - writable: true, - configurable: true - } - }); - }; - } else { - // old school shim for old browsers - module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { - ctor.super_ = superCtor - var TempCtor = function () {} - TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype - ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() - ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor + return true; } - } + }; + + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 67 */ +/* 87 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var indexOf = __webpack_require__(68); + var http = module.exports; + var EventEmitter = __webpack_require__(29).EventEmitter; + var Request = __webpack_require__(88); + var url = __webpack_require__(92) - var Object_keys = function (obj) { - if (Object.keys) return Object.keys(obj) - else { - var res = []; - for (var key in obj) res.push(key) - return res; + http.request = function (params, cb) { + if (typeof params === 'string') { + params = url.parse(params) + } + if (!params) params = {}; + if (!params.host && !params.port) { + params.port = parseInt(window.location.port, 10); + } + if (!params.host && params.hostname) { + params.host = params.hostname; } - }; - var forEach = function (xs, fn) { - if (xs.forEach) return xs.forEach(fn) - else for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { - fn(xs[i], i, xs); + if (!params.protocol) { + if (params.scheme) { + params.protocol = params.scheme + ':'; + } else { + params.protocol = window.location.protocol; + } } - }; - var defineProp = (function() { - try { - Object.defineProperty({}, '_', {}); - return function(obj, name, value) { - Object.defineProperty(obj, name, { - writable: true, - enumerable: false, - configurable: true, - value: value - }) - }; - } catch(e) { - return function(obj, name, value) { - obj[name] = value; - }; + if (!params.host) { + params.host = window.location.hostname || window.location.host; } - }()); + if (/:/.test(params.host)) { + if (!params.port) { + params.port = params.host.split(':')[1]; + } + params.host = params.host.split(':')[0]; + } + if (!params.port) params.port = params.protocol == 'https:' ? 443 : 80; + + var req = new Request(new xhrHttp, params); + if (cb) req.on('response', cb); + return req; + }; + + http.get = function (params, cb) { + params.method = 'GET'; + var req = http.request(params, cb); + req.end(); + return req; + }; + + http.Agent = function () {}; + http.Agent.defaultMaxSockets = 4; + + var xhrHttp = (function () { + if (typeof window === 'undefined') { + throw new Error('no window object present'); + } + else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { + return window.XMLHttpRequest; + } + else if (window.ActiveXObject) { + var axs = [ + 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0', + 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', + 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' + ]; + for (var i = 0; i < axs.length; i++) { + try { + var ax = new(window.ActiveXObject)(axs[i]); + return function () { + if (ax) { + var ax_ = ax; + ax = null; + return ax_; + } + else { + return new(window.ActiveXObject)(axs[i]); + } + }; + } + catch (e) {} + } + throw new Error('ajax not supported in this browser') + } + else { + throw new Error('ajax not supported in this browser'); + } + })(); - var globals = ['Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'Function', - 'Infinity', 'JSON', 'Math', 'NaN', 'Number', 'Object', 'RangeError', - 'ReferenceError', 'RegExp', 'String', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError', - 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'escape', - 'eval', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'undefined', 'unescape']; + http.STATUS_CODES = { + 100 : 'Continue', + 101 : 'Switching Protocols', + 102 : 'Processing', // RFC 2518, obsoleted by RFC 4918 + 200 : 'OK', + 201 : 'Created', + 202 : 'Accepted', + 203 : 'Non-Authoritative Information', + 204 : 'No Content', + 205 : 'Reset Content', + 206 : 'Partial Content', + 207 : 'Multi-Status', // RFC 4918 + 300 : 'Multiple Choices', + 301 : 'Moved Permanently', + 302 : 'Moved Temporarily', + 303 : 'See Other', + 304 : 'Not Modified', + 305 : 'Use Proxy', + 307 : 'Temporary Redirect', + 400 : 'Bad Request', + 401 : 'Unauthorized', + 402 : 'Payment Required', + 403 : 'Forbidden', + 404 : 'Not Found', + 405 : 'Method Not Allowed', + 406 : 'Not Acceptable', + 407 : 'Proxy Authentication Required', + 408 : 'Request Time-out', + 409 : 'Conflict', + 410 : 'Gone', + 411 : 'Length Required', + 412 : 'Precondition Failed', + 413 : 'Request Entity Too Large', + 414 : 'Request-URI Too Large', + 415 : 'Unsupported Media Type', + 416 : 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', + 417 : 'Expectation Failed', + 418 : 'I\'m a teapot', // RFC 2324 + 422 : 'Unprocessable Entity', // RFC 4918 + 423 : 'Locked', // RFC 4918 + 424 : 'Failed Dependency', // RFC 4918 + 425 : 'Unordered Collection', // RFC 4918 + 426 : 'Upgrade Required', // RFC 2817 + 428 : 'Precondition Required', // RFC 6585 + 429 : 'Too Many Requests', // RFC 6585 + 431 : 'Request Header Fields Too Large',// RFC 6585 + 500 : 'Internal Server Error', + 501 : 'Not Implemented', + 502 : 'Bad Gateway', + 503 : 'Service Unavailable', + 504 : 'Gateway Time-out', + 505 : 'HTTP Version Not Supported', + 506 : 'Variant Also Negotiates', // RFC 2295 + 507 : 'Insufficient Storage', // RFC 4918 + 509 : 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', + 510 : 'Not Extended', // RFC 2774 + 511 : 'Network Authentication Required' // RFC 6585 + }; - function Context() {} - Context.prototype = {}; +/***/ }, +/* 88 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var Script = exports.Script = function NodeScript (code) { - if (!(this instanceof Script)) return new Script(code); - this.code = code; - }; + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28); + var Response = __webpack_require__(89); + var Base64 = __webpack_require__(90); + var inherits = __webpack_require__(91); - Script.prototype.runInContext = function (context) { - if (!(context instanceof Context)) { - throw new TypeError("needs a 'context' argument."); - } + var Request = module.exports = function (xhr, params) { + var self = this; + self.writable = true; + self.xhr = xhr; + self.body = []; + + self.uri = (params.protocol || 'http:') + '//' + + params.host + + (params.port ? ':' + params.port : '') + + (params.path || '/') + ; - var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); - if (!iframe.style) iframe.style = {}; - iframe.style.display = 'none'; + if (typeof params.withCredentials === 'undefined') { + params.withCredentials = true; + } + + try { xhr.withCredentials = params.withCredentials } + catch (e) {} - document.body.appendChild(iframe); + if (params.responseType) try { xhr.responseType = params.responseType } + catch (e) {} - var win = iframe.contentWindow; - var wEval = win.eval, wExecScript = win.execScript; + xhr.open( + params.method || 'GET', + self.uri, + true + ); - if (!wEval && wExecScript) { - // win.eval() magically appears when this is called in IE: - wExecScript.call(win, 'null'); - wEval = win.eval; - } + xhr.onerror = function(event) { + self.emit('error', new Error('Network error')); + }; + + self._headers = {}; - forEach(Object_keys(context), function (key) { - win[key] = context[key]; - }); - forEach(globals, function (key) { - if (context[key]) { - win[key] = context[key]; + if (params.headers) { + var keys = objectKeys(params.headers); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var key = keys[i]; + if (!self.isSafeRequestHeader(key)) continue; + var value = params.headers[key]; + self.setHeader(key, value); } - }); + } - var winKeys = Object_keys(win); + if (params.auth) { + //basic auth + this.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + Base64.btoa(params.auth)); + } - var res = wEval.call(win, this.code); + var res = new Response; + res.on('close', function () { + self.emit('close'); + }); - forEach(Object_keys(win), function (key) { - // Avoid copying circular objects like `top` and `window` by only - // updating existing context properties or new properties in the `win` - // that was only introduced after the eval. - if (key in context || indexOf(winKeys, key) === -1) { - context[key] = win[key]; - } + res.on('ready', function () { + self.emit('response', res); }); - forEach(globals, function (key) { - if (!(key in context)) { - defineProp(context, key, win[key]); - } + res.on('error', function (err) { + self.emit('error', err); }); - document.body.removeChild(iframe); - - return res; - }; - - Script.prototype.runInThisContext = function () { - return eval(this.code); // maybe... + xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { + // Fix for IE9 bug + // SCRIPT575: Could not complete the operation due to error c00c023f + // It happens when a request is aborted, calling the success callback anyway with readyState === 4 + if (xhr.__aborted) return; + res.handle(xhr); + }; }; - Script.prototype.runInNewContext = function (context) { - var ctx = Script.createContext(context); - var res = this.runInContext(ctx); - - forEach(Object_keys(ctx), function (key) { - context[key] = ctx[key]; - }); + inherits(Request, Stream); - return res; + Request.prototype.setHeader = function (key, value) { + this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] = value }; - forEach(Object_keys(Script.prototype), function (name) { - exports[name] = Script[name] = function (code) { - var s = Script(code); - return s[name].apply(s, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); - }; - }); - - exports.createScript = function (code) { - return exports.Script(code); + Request.prototype.getHeader = function (key) { + return this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] }; - exports.createContext = Script.createContext = function (context) { - var copy = new Context(); - if(typeof context === 'object') { - forEach(Object_keys(context), function (key) { - copy[key] = context[key]; - }); - } - return copy; + Request.prototype.removeHeader = function (key) { + delete this._headers[key.toLowerCase()] }; - -/***/ }, -/* 68 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { - - - var indexOf = [].indexOf; - - module.exports = function(arr, obj){ - if (indexOf) return arr.indexOf(obj); - for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { - if (arr[i] === obj) return i; - } - return -1; + Request.prototype.write = function (s) { + this.body.push(s); }; -/***/ }, -/* 69 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - - var base = exports; - - base.Reporter = __webpack_require__(70).Reporter; - base.DecoderBuffer = __webpack_require__(71).DecoderBuffer; - base.EncoderBuffer = __webpack_require__(71).EncoderBuffer; - base.Node = __webpack_require__(72); - + Request.prototype.destroy = function (s) { + this.xhr.__aborted = true; + this.xhr.abort(); + this.emit('close'); + }; -/***/ }, -/* 70 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + Request.prototype.end = function (s) { + if (s !== undefined) this.body.push(s); - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); + var keys = objectKeys(this._headers); + for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { + var key = keys[i]; + var value = this._headers[key]; + if (isArray(value)) { + for (var j = 0; j < value.length; j++) { + this.xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value[j]); + } + } + else this.xhr.setRequestHeader(key, value) + } - function Reporter(options) { - this._reporterState = { - obj: null, - path: [], - options: options || {}, - errors: [] - }; - } - exports.Reporter = Reporter; + if (this.body.length === 0) { + this.xhr.send(''); + } + else if (typeof this.body[0] === 'string') { + this.xhr.send(this.body.join('')); + } + else if (isArray(this.body[0])) { + var body = []; + for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) { + body.push.apply(body, this.body[i]); + } + this.xhr.send(body); + } + else if (/Array/.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(this.body[0]))) { + var len = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) { + len += this.body[i].length; + } + var body = new(this.body[0].constructor)(len); + var k = 0; + + for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) { + var b = this.body[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { + body[k++] = b[j]; + } + } + this.xhr.send(body); + } + else if (isXHR2Compatible(this.body[0])) { + this.xhr.send(this.body[0]); + } + else { + var body = ''; + for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) { + body += this.body[i].toString(); + } + this.xhr.send(body); + } + }; + + // Taken from http://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/mozilla-central/content/base/src/nsXMLHttpRequest.cpp.html + Request.unsafeHeaders = [ + "accept-charset", + "accept-encoding", + "access-control-request-headers", + "access-control-request-method", + "connection", + "content-length", + "cookie", + "cookie2", + "content-transfer-encoding", + "date", + "expect", + "host", + "keep-alive", + "origin", + "referer", + "te", + "trailer", + "transfer-encoding", + "upgrade", + "user-agent", + "via" + ]; - Reporter.prototype.isError = function isError(obj) { - return obj instanceof ReporterError; + Request.prototype.isSafeRequestHeader = function (headerName) { + if (!headerName) return false; + return indexOf(Request.unsafeHeaders, headerName.toLowerCase()) === -1; }; - Reporter.prototype.save = function save() { - var state = this._reporterState; - - return { obj: state.obj, pathLen: state.path.length }; + var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) { + var keys = []; + for (var key in obj) keys.push(key); + return keys; }; - Reporter.prototype.restore = function restore(data) { - var state = this._reporterState; - - state.obj = data.obj; - state.path = state.path.slice(0, data.pathLen); + var isArray = Array.isArray || function (xs) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'; }; - Reporter.prototype.enterKey = function enterKey(key) { - return this._reporterState.path.push(key); + var indexOf = function (xs, x) { + if (xs.indexOf) return xs.indexOf(x); + for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { + if (xs[i] === x) return i; + } + return -1; }; - Reporter.prototype.leaveKey = function leaveKey(index, key, value) { - var state = this._reporterState; - - state.path = state.path.slice(0, index - 1); - if (state.obj !== null) - state.obj[key] = value; + var isXHR2Compatible = function (obj) { + if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && obj instanceof Blob) return true; + if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) return true; + if (typeof FormData !== 'undefined' && obj instanceof FormData) return true; }; - Reporter.prototype.enterObject = function enterObject() { - var state = this._reporterState; - var prev = state.obj; - state.obj = {}; - return prev; - }; +/***/ }, +/* 89 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - Reporter.prototype.leaveObject = function leaveObject(prev) { - var state = this._reporterState; + var Stream = __webpack_require__(28); + var util = __webpack_require__(25); - var now = state.obj; - state.obj = prev; - return now; + var Response = module.exports = function (res) { + this.offset = 0; + this.readable = true; }; - Reporter.prototype.error = function error(msg) { - var err; - var state = this._reporterState; + util.inherits(Response, Stream); - var inherited = msg instanceof ReporterError; - if (inherited) { - err = msg; - } else { - err = new ReporterError(state.path.map(function(elem) { - return '[' + JSON.stringify(elem) + ']'; - }).join(''), msg.message || msg, msg.stack); - } + var capable = { + streaming : true, + status2 : true + }; - if (!state.options.partial) - throw err; + function parseHeaders (res) { + var lines = res.getAllResponseHeaders().split(/\r?\n/); + var headers = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { + var line = lines[i]; + if (line === '') continue; + + var m = line.match(/^([^:]+):\s*(.*)/); + if (m) { + var key = m[1].toLowerCase(), value = m[2]; + + if (headers[key] !== undefined) { + + if (isArray(headers[key])) { + headers[key].push(value); + } + else { + headers[key] = [ headers[key], value ]; + } + } + else { + headers[key] = value; + } + } + else { + headers[line] = true; + } + } + return headers; + } - if (!inherited) - state.errors.push(err); + Response.prototype.getResponse = function (xhr) { + var respType = String(xhr.responseType).toLowerCase(); + if (respType === 'blob') return xhr.responseBlob || xhr.response; + if (respType === 'arraybuffer') return xhr.response; + return xhr.responseText; + } - return err; + Response.prototype.getHeader = function (key) { + return this.headers[key.toLowerCase()]; }; - Reporter.prototype.wrapResult = function wrapResult(result) { - var state = this._reporterState; - if (!state.options.partial) - return result; - - return { - result: this.isError(result) ? null : result, - errors: state.errors - }; + Response.prototype.handle = function (res) { + if (res.readyState === 2 && capable.status2) { + try { + this.statusCode = res.status; + this.headers = parseHeaders(res); + } + catch (err) { + capable.status2 = false; + } + + if (capable.status2) { + this.emit('ready'); + } + } + else if (capable.streaming && res.readyState === 3) { + try { + if (!this.statusCode) { + this.statusCode = res.status; + this.headers = parseHeaders(res); + this.emit('ready'); + } + } + catch (err) {} + + try { + this._emitData(res); + } + catch (err) { + capable.streaming = false; + } + } + else if (res.readyState === 4) { + if (!this.statusCode) { + this.statusCode = res.status; + this.emit('ready'); + } + this._emitData(res); + + if (res.error) { + this.emit('error', this.getResponse(res)); + } + else this.emit('end'); + + this.emit('close'); + } }; - function ReporterError(path, msg) { - this.path = path; - this.rethrow(msg); + Response.prototype._emitData = function (res) { + var respBody = this.getResponse(res); + if (respBody.toString().match(/ArrayBuffer/)) { + this.emit('data', new Uint8Array(respBody, this.offset)); + this.offset = respBody.byteLength; + return; + } + if (respBody.length > this.offset) { + this.emit('data', respBody.slice(this.offset)); + this.offset = respBody.length; + } }; - inherits(ReporterError, Error); - ReporterError.prototype.rethrow = function rethrow(msg) { - this.message = msg + ' at: ' + (this.path || '(shallow)'); - Error.captureStackTrace(this, ReporterError); - - return this; + var isArray = Array.isArray || function (xs) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(xs) === '[object Array]'; }; /***/ }, -/* 71 */ +/* 90 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); - var Reporter = __webpack_require__(69).Reporter; - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - - function DecoderBuffer(base, options) { - Reporter.call(this, options); - if (!Buffer.isBuffer(base)) { - this.error('Input not Buffer'); - return; - } - - this.base = base; - this.offset = 0; - this.length = base.length; - } - inherits(DecoderBuffer, Reporter); - exports.DecoderBuffer = DecoderBuffer; - - DecoderBuffer.prototype.save = function save() { - return { offset: this.offset, reporter: Reporter.prototype.save.call(this) }; - }; - - DecoderBuffer.prototype.restore = function restore(save) { - // Return skipped data - var res = new DecoderBuffer(this.base); - res.offset = save.offset; - res.length = this.offset; - - this.offset = save.offset; - Reporter.prototype.restore.call(this, save.reporter); - - return res; - }; - - DecoderBuffer.prototype.isEmpty = function isEmpty() { - return this.offset === this.length; - }; - - DecoderBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8(fail) { - if (this.offset + 1 <= this.length) - return this.base.readUInt8(this.offset++, true); - else - return this.error(fail || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); - } - - DecoderBuffer.prototype.skip = function skip(bytes, fail) { - if (!(this.offset + bytes <= this.length)) - return this.error(fail || 'DecoderBuffer overrun'); + ;(function () { - var res = new DecoderBuffer(this.base); + var object = true ? exports : this; // #8: web workers + var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; - // Share reporter state - res._reporterState = this._reporterState; + function InvalidCharacterError(message) { + this.message = message; + } + InvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error; + InvalidCharacterError.prototype.name = 'InvalidCharacterError'; - res.offset = this.offset; - res.length = this.offset + bytes; - this.offset += bytes; - return res; - } + // encoder + // [https://gist.github.com/999166] by [https://github.com/nignag] + object.btoa || ( + object.btoa = function (input) { + for ( + // initialize result and counter + var block, charCode, idx = 0, map = chars, output = ''; + // if the next input index does not exist: + // change the mapping table to "=" + // check if d has no fractional digits + input.charAt(idx | 0) || (map = '=', idx % 1); + // "8 - idx % 1 * 8" generates the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8 + output += map.charAt(63 & block >> 8 - idx % 1 * 8) + ) { + charCode = input.charCodeAt(idx += 3/4); + if (charCode > 0xFF) { + throw new InvalidCharacterError("'btoa' failed: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range."); + } + block = block << 8 | charCode; + } + return output; + }); - DecoderBuffer.prototype.raw = function raw(save) { - return this.base.slice(save ? save.offset : this.offset, this.length); - } + // decoder + // [https://gist.github.com/1020396] by [https://github.com/atk] + object.atob || ( + object.atob = function (input) { + input = input.replace(/=+$/, ''); + if (input.length % 4 == 1) { + throw new InvalidCharacterError("'atob' failed: The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."); + } + for ( + // initialize result and counters + var bc = 0, bs, buffer, idx = 0, output = ''; + // get next character + buffer = input.charAt(idx++); + // character found in table? initialize bit storage and add its ascii value; + ~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer, + // and if not first of each 4 characters, + // convert the first 8 bits to one ascii character + bc++ % 4) ? output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0 + ) { + // try to find character in table (0-63, not found => -1) + buffer = chars.indexOf(buffer); + } + return output; + }); - function EncoderBuffer(value, reporter) { - if (Array.isArray(value)) { - this.length = 0; - this.value = value.map(function(item) { - if (!(item instanceof EncoderBuffer)) - item = new EncoderBuffer(item, reporter); - this.length += item.length; - return item; - }, this); - } else if (typeof value === 'number') { - if (!(0 <= value && value <= 0xff)) - return reporter.error('non-byte EncoderBuffer value'); - this.value = value; - this.length = 1; - } else if (typeof value === 'string') { - this.value = value; - this.length = Buffer.byteLength(value); - } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { - this.value = value; - this.length = value.length; - } else { - return reporter.error('Unsupported type: ' + typeof value); - } - } - exports.EncoderBuffer = EncoderBuffer; + }()); - EncoderBuffer.prototype.join = function join(out, offset) { - if (!out) - out = new Buffer(this.length); - if (!offset) - offset = 0; - if (this.length === 0) - return out; +/***/ }, +/* 91 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - if (Array.isArray(this.value)) { - this.value.forEach(function(item) { - item.join(out, offset); - offset += item.length; + if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { + // implementation from standard node.js 'util' module + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: ctor, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + configurable: true + } }); - } else { - if (typeof this.value === 'number') - out[offset] = this.value; - else if (typeof this.value === 'string') - out.write(this.value, offset); - else if (Buffer.isBuffer(this.value)) - this.value.copy(out, offset); - offset += this.length; - } - - return out; - }; + }; + } else { + // old school shim for old browsers + module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) { + ctor.super_ = superCtor + var TempCtor = function () {} + TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype + ctor.prototype = new TempCtor() + ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor + } + } /***/ }, -/* 72 */ +/* 92 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var Reporter = __webpack_require__(69).Reporter; - var EncoderBuffer = __webpack_require__(69).EncoderBuffer; - var assert = __webpack_require__(73); - - // Supported tags - var tags = [ - 'seq', 'seqof', 'set', 'setof', 'octstr', 'bitstr', 'objid', 'bool', - 'gentime', 'utctime', 'null_', 'enum', 'int', 'ia5str', 'utf8str' - ]; - - // Public methods list - var methods = [ - 'key', 'obj', 'use', 'optional', 'explicit', 'implicit', 'def', 'choice', - 'any' - ].concat(tags); + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - // Overrided methods list - var overrided = [ - '_peekTag', '_decodeTag', '_use', - '_decodeStr', '_decodeObjid', '_decodeTime', - '_decodeNull', '_decodeInt', '_decodeBool', '_decodeList', + var punycode = __webpack_require__(93); + + exports.parse = urlParse; + exports.resolve = urlResolve; + exports.resolveObject = urlResolveObject; + exports.format = urlFormat; + + exports.Url = Url; + + function Url() { + this.protocol = null; + this.slashes = null; + this.auth = null; + this.host = null; + this.port = null; + this.hostname = null; + this.hash = null; + this.search = null; + this.query = null; + this.pathname = null; + this.path = null; + this.href = null; + } + + // Reference: RFC 3986, RFC 1808, RFC 2396 + + // define these here so at least they only have to be + // compiled once on the first module load. + var protocolPattern = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, + portPattern = /:[0-9]*$/, + + // RFC 2396: characters reserved for delimiting URLs. + // We actually just auto-escape these. + delims = ['<', '>', '"', '`', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t'], + + // RFC 2396: characters not allowed for various reasons. + unwise = ['{', '}', '|', '\\', '^', '`'].concat(delims), + + // Allowed by RFCs, but cause of XSS attacks. Always escape these. + autoEscape = ['\''].concat(unwise), + // Characters that are never ever allowed in a hostname. + // Note that any invalid chars are also handled, but these + // are the ones that are *expected* to be seen, so we fast-path + // them. + nonHostChars = ['%', '/', '?', ';', '#'].concat(autoEscape), + hostEndingChars = ['/', '?', '#'], + hostnameMaxLen = 255, + hostnamePartPattern = /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, + hostnamePartStart = /^([a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, + // protocols that can allow "unsafe" and "unwise" chars. + unsafeProtocol = { + 'javascript': true, + 'javascript:': true + }, + // protocols that never have a hostname. + hostlessProtocol = { + 'javascript': true, + 'javascript:': true + }, + // protocols that always contain a // bit. + slashedProtocol = { + 'http': true, + 'https': true, + 'ftp': true, + 'gopher': true, + 'file': true, + 'http:': true, + 'https:': true, + 'ftp:': true, + 'gopher:': true, + 'file:': true + }, + querystring = __webpack_require__(94); - '_encodeComposite', '_encodeStr', '_encodeObjid', '_encodeTime', - '_encodeNull', '_encodeInt', '_encodeBool' - ]; + function urlParse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) { + if (url && isObject(url) && url instanceof Url) return url; - function Node(enc, parent) { - var state = {}; - this._baseState = state; - - state.enc = enc; - - state.parent = parent || null; - state.children = null; - - // State - state.tag = null; - state.args = null; - state.reverseArgs = null; - state.choice = null; - state.optional = false; - state.any = false; - state.obj = false; - state.use = null; - state.useDecoder = null; - state.key = null; - state['default'] = null; - state.explicit = null; - state.implicit = null; - - // Should create new instance on each method - if (!state.parent) { - state.children = []; - this._wrap(); - } - } - module.exports = Node; - - var stateProps = [ - 'enc', 'parent', 'children', 'tag', 'args', 'reverseArgs', 'choice', - 'optional', 'any', 'obj', 'use', 'alteredUse', 'key', 'default', 'explicit', - 'implicit' - ]; + var u = new Url; + u.parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost); + return u; + } - Node.prototype.clone = function clone() { - var state = this._baseState; - var cstate = {}; - stateProps.forEach(function(prop) { - cstate[prop] = state[prop]; - }); - var res = new this.constructor(cstate.parent); - res._baseState = cstate; - return res; - }; + Url.prototype.parse = function(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost) { + if (!isString(url)) { + throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof url); + } - Node.prototype._wrap = function wrap() { - var state = this._baseState; - methods.forEach(function(method) { - this[method] = function _wrappedMethod() { - var clone = new this.constructor(this); - state.children.push(clone); - return clone[method].apply(clone, arguments); - }; - }, this); - }; + var rest = url; - Node.prototype._init = function init(body) { - var state = this._baseState; + // trim before proceeding. + // This is to support parse stuff like " http://foo.com \n" + rest = rest.trim(); - assert(state.parent === null); - body.call(this); + var proto = protocolPattern.exec(rest); + if (proto) { + proto = proto[0]; + var lowerProto = proto.toLowerCase(); + this.protocol = lowerProto; + rest = rest.substr(proto.length); + } - // Filter children - state.children = state.children.filter(function(child) { - return child._baseState.parent === this; - }, this); - assert.equal(state.children.length, 1, 'Root node can have only one child'); - }; + // figure out if it's got a host + // user@server is *always* interpreted as a hostname, and url + // resolution will treat //foo/bar as host=foo,path=bar because that's + // how the browser resolves relative URLs. + if (slashesDenoteHost || proto || rest.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) { + var slashes = rest.substr(0, 2) === '//'; + if (slashes && !(proto && hostlessProtocol[proto])) { + rest = rest.substr(2); + this.slashes = true; + } + } - Node.prototype._useArgs = function useArgs(args) { - var state = this._baseState; + if (!hostlessProtocol[proto] && + (slashes || (proto && !slashedProtocol[proto]))) { - // Filter children and args - var children = args.filter(function(arg) { - return arg instanceof this.constructor; - }, this); - args = args.filter(function(arg) { - return !(arg instanceof this.constructor); - }, this); + // there's a hostname. + // the first instance of /, ?, ;, or # ends the host. + // + // If there is an @ in the hostname, then non-host chars *are* allowed + // to the left of the last @ sign, unless some host-ending character + // comes *before* the @-sign. + // URLs are obnoxious. + // + // ex: + // http://a@b@c/ => user:a@b host:c + // http://a@b?@c => user:a host:c path:/?@c - if (children.length !== 0) { - assert(state.children === null); - state.children = children; + // v0.12 TODO(isaacs): This is not quite how Chrome does things. + // Review our test case against browsers more comprehensively. - // Replace parent to maintain backward link - children.forEach(function(child) { - child._baseState.parent = this; - }, this); - } - if (args.length !== 0) { - assert(state.args === null); - state.args = args; - state.reverseArgs = args.map(function(arg) { - if (typeof arg !== 'object' || arg.constructor !== Object) - return arg; - - var res = {}; - Object.keys(arg).forEach(function(key) { - if (key == (key | 0)) - key |= 0; - var value = arg[key]; - res[value] = key; - }); - return res; - }); - } - }; + // find the first instance of any hostEndingChars + var hostEnd = -1; + for (var i = 0; i < hostEndingChars.length; i++) { + var hec = rest.indexOf(hostEndingChars[i]); + if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd)) + hostEnd = hec; + } - // - // Overrided methods - // + // at this point, either we have an explicit point where the + // auth portion cannot go past, or the last @ char is the decider. + var auth, atSign; + if (hostEnd === -1) { + // atSign can be anywhere. + atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@'); + } else { + // atSign must be in auth portion. + // http://a@b/c@d => host:b auth:a path:/c@d + atSign = rest.lastIndexOf('@', hostEnd); + } + + // Now we have a portion which is definitely the auth. + // Pull that off. + if (atSign !== -1) { + auth = rest.slice(0, atSign); + rest = rest.slice(atSign + 1); + this.auth = decodeURIComponent(auth); + } + + // the host is the remaining to the left of the first non-host char + hostEnd = -1; + for (var i = 0; i < nonHostChars.length; i++) { + var hec = rest.indexOf(nonHostChars[i]); + if (hec !== -1 && (hostEnd === -1 || hec < hostEnd)) + hostEnd = hec; + } + // if we still have not hit it, then the entire thing is a host. + if (hostEnd === -1) + hostEnd = rest.length; + + this.host = rest.slice(0, hostEnd); + rest = rest.slice(hostEnd); + + // pull out port. + this.parseHost(); + + // we've indicated that there is a hostname, + // so even if it's empty, it has to be present. + this.hostname = this.hostname || ''; + + // if hostname begins with [ and ends with ] + // assume that it's an IPv6 address. + var ipv6Hostname = this.hostname[0] === '[' && + this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1] === ']'; + + // validate a little. + if (!ipv6Hostname) { + var hostparts = this.hostname.split(/\./); + for (var i = 0, l = hostparts.length; i < l; i++) { + var part = hostparts[i]; + if (!part) continue; + if (!part.match(hostnamePartPattern)) { + var newpart = ''; + for (var j = 0, k = part.length; j < k; j++) { + if (part.charCodeAt(j) > 127) { + // we replace non-ASCII char with a temporary placeholder + // we need this to make sure size of hostname is not + // broken by replacing non-ASCII by nothing + newpart += 'x'; + } else { + newpart += part[j]; + } + } + // we test again with ASCII char only + if (!newpart.match(hostnamePartPattern)) { + var validParts = hostparts.slice(0, i); + var notHost = hostparts.slice(i + 1); + var bit = part.match(hostnamePartStart); + if (bit) { + validParts.push(bit[1]); + notHost.unshift(bit[2]); + } + if (notHost.length) { + rest = '/' + notHost.join('.') + rest; + } + this.hostname = validParts.join('.'); + break; + } + } + } + } - overrided.forEach(function(method) { - Node.prototype[method] = function _overrided() { - var state = this._baseState; - throw new Error(method + ' not implemented for encoding: ' + state.enc); - }; - }); + if (this.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen) { + this.hostname = ''; + } else { + // hostnames are always lower case. + this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(); + } + + if (!ipv6Hostname) { + // IDNA Support: Returns a puny coded representation of "domain". + // It only converts the part of the domain name that + // has non ASCII characters. I.e. it dosent matter if + // you call it with a domain that already is in ASCII. + var domainArray = this.hostname.split('.'); + var newOut = []; + for (var i = 0; i < domainArray.length; ++i) { + var s = domainArray[i]; + newOut.push(s.match(/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/) ? + 'xn--' + punycode.encode(s) : s); + } + this.hostname = newOut.join('.'); + } - // - // Public methods - // + var p = this.port ? ':' + this.port : ''; + var h = this.hostname || ''; + this.host = h + p; + this.href += this.host; - tags.forEach(function(tag) { - Node.prototype[tag] = function _tagMethod() { - var state = this._baseState; - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); + // strip [ and ] from the hostname + // the host field still retains them, though + if (ipv6Hostname) { + this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2); + if (rest[0] !== '/') { + rest = '/' + rest; + } + } + } - assert(state.tag === null); - state.tag = tag; + // now rest is set to the post-host stuff. + // chop off any delim chars. + if (!unsafeProtocol[lowerProto]) { - this._useArgs(args); + // First, make 100% sure that any "autoEscape" chars get + // escaped, even if encodeURIComponent doesn't think they + // need to be. + for (var i = 0, l = autoEscape.length; i < l; i++) { + var ae = autoEscape[i]; + var esc = encodeURIComponent(ae); + if (esc === ae) { + esc = escape(ae); + } + rest = rest.split(ae).join(esc); + } + } - return this; - }; - }); - Node.prototype.use = function use(item) { - var state = this._baseState; + // chop off from the tail first. + var hash = rest.indexOf('#'); + if (hash !== -1) { + // got a fragment string. + this.hash = rest.substr(hash); + rest = rest.slice(0, hash); + } + var qm = rest.indexOf('?'); + if (qm !== -1) { + this.search = rest.substr(qm); + this.query = rest.substr(qm + 1); + if (parseQueryString) { + this.query = querystring.parse(this.query); + } + rest = rest.slice(0, qm); + } else if (parseQueryString) { + // no query string, but parseQueryString still requested + this.search = ''; + this.query = {}; + } + if (rest) this.pathname = rest; + if (slashedProtocol[lowerProto] && + this.hostname && !this.pathname) { + this.pathname = '/'; + } - assert(state.use === null); - state.use = item; + //to support http.request + if (this.pathname || this.search) { + var p = this.pathname || ''; + var s = this.search || ''; + this.path = p + s; + } + // finally, reconstruct the href based on what has been validated. + this.href = this.format(); return this; }; - Node.prototype.optional = function optional() { - var state = this._baseState; - - state.optional = true; + // format a parsed object into a url string + function urlFormat(obj) { + // ensure it's an object, and not a string url. + // If it's an obj, this is a no-op. + // this way, you can call url_format() on strings + // to clean up potentially wonky urls. + if (isString(obj)) obj = urlParse(obj); + if (!(obj instanceof Url)) return Url.prototype.format.call(obj); + return obj.format(); + } - return this; - }; + Url.prototype.format = function() { + var auth = this.auth || ''; + if (auth) { + auth = encodeURIComponent(auth); + auth = auth.replace(/%3A/i, ':'); + auth += '@'; + } - Node.prototype.def = function def(val) { - var state = this._baseState; + var protocol = this.protocol || '', + pathname = this.pathname || '', + hash = this.hash || '', + host = false, + query = ''; - assert(state['default'] === null); - state['default'] = val; - state.optional = true; + if (this.host) { + host = auth + this.host; + } else if (this.hostname) { + host = auth + (this.hostname.indexOf(':') === -1 ? + this.hostname : + '[' + this.hostname + ']'); + if (this.port) { + host += ':' + this.port; + } + } - return this; - }; + if (this.query && + isObject(this.query) && + Object.keys(this.query).length) { + query = querystring.stringify(this.query); + } - Node.prototype.explicit = function explicit(num) { - var state = this._baseState; + var search = this.search || (query && ('?' + query)) || ''; - assert(state.explicit === null && state.implicit === null); - state.explicit = num; + if (protocol && protocol.substr(-1) !== ':') protocol += ':'; - return this; - }; + // only the slashedProtocols get the //. Not mailto:, xmpp:, etc. + // unless they had them to begin with. + if (this.slashes || + (!protocol || slashedProtocol[protocol]) && host !== false) { + host = '//' + (host || ''); + if (pathname && pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') pathname = '/' + pathname; + } else if (!host) { + host = ''; + } - Node.prototype.implicit = function implicit(num) { - var state = this._baseState; + if (hash && hash.charAt(0) !== '#') hash = '#' + hash; + if (search && search.charAt(0) !== '?') search = '?' + search; - assert(state.explicit === null && state.implicit === null); - state.implicit = num; + pathname = pathname.replace(/[?#]/g, function(match) { + return encodeURIComponent(match); + }); + search = search.replace('#', '%23'); - return this; + return protocol + host + pathname + search + hash; }; - Node.prototype.obj = function obj() { - var state = this._baseState; - var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); - - state.obj = true; - - if (args.length !== 0) - this._useArgs(args); + function urlResolve(source, relative) { + return urlParse(source, false, true).resolve(relative); + } - return this; + Url.prototype.resolve = function(relative) { + return this.resolveObject(urlParse(relative, false, true)).format(); }; - Node.prototype.key = function key(newKey) { - var state = this._baseState; + function urlResolveObject(source, relative) { + if (!source) return relative; + return urlParse(source, false, true).resolveObject(relative); + } - assert(state.key === null); - state.key = newKey; + Url.prototype.resolveObject = function(relative) { + if (isString(relative)) { + var rel = new Url(); + rel.parse(relative, false, true); + relative = rel; + } - return this; - }; + var result = new Url(); + Object.keys(this).forEach(function(k) { + result[k] = this[k]; + }, this); - Node.prototype.any = function any() { - var state = this._baseState; + // hash is always overridden, no matter what. + // even href="" will remove it. + result.hash = relative.hash; - state.any = true; + // if the relative url is empty, then there's nothing left to do here. + if (relative.href === '') { + result.href = result.format(); + return result; + } - return this; - }; + // hrefs like //foo/bar always cut to the protocol. + if (relative.slashes && !relative.protocol) { + // take everything except the protocol from relative + Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) { + if (k !== 'protocol') + result[k] = relative[k]; + }); - Node.prototype.choice = function choice(obj) { - var state = this._baseState; + //urlParse appends trailing / to urls like http://www.example.com + if (slashedProtocol[result.protocol] && + result.hostname && !result.pathname) { + result.path = result.pathname = '/'; + } - assert(state.choice === null); - state.choice = obj; - this._useArgs(Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) { - return obj[key]; - })); + result.href = result.format(); + return result; + } - return this; - }; + if (relative.protocol && relative.protocol !== result.protocol) { + // if it's a known url protocol, then changing + // the protocol does weird things + // first, if it's not file:, then we MUST have a host, + // and if there was a path + // to begin with, then we MUST have a path. + // if it is file:, then the host is dropped, + // because that's known to be hostless. + // anything else is assumed to be absolute. + if (!slashedProtocol[relative.protocol]) { + Object.keys(relative).forEach(function(k) { + result[k] = relative[k]; + }); + result.href = result.format(); + return result; + } - // - // Decoding - // + result.protocol = relative.protocol; + if (!relative.host && !hostlessProtocol[relative.protocol]) { + var relPath = (relative.pathname || '').split('/'); + while (relPath.length && !(relative.host = relPath.shift())); + if (!relative.host) relative.host = ''; + if (!relative.hostname) relative.hostname = ''; + if (relPath[0] !== '') relPath.unshift(''); + if (relPath.length < 2) relPath.unshift(''); + result.pathname = relPath.join('/'); + } else { + result.pathname = relative.pathname; + } + result.search = relative.search; + result.query = relative.query; + result.host = relative.host || ''; + result.auth = relative.auth; + result.hostname = relative.hostname || relative.host; + result.port = relative.port; + // to support http.request + if (result.pathname || result.search) { + var p = result.pathname || ''; + var s = result.search || ''; + result.path = p + s; + } + result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes; + result.href = result.format(); + return result; + } - Node.prototype._decode = function decode(input) { - var state = this._baseState; - - // Decode root node - if (state.parent === null) - return input.wrapResult(state.children[0]._decode(input)); - - var result = state['default']; - var present = true; - - var prevKey; - if (state.key !== null) - prevKey = input.enterKey(state.key); - - // Check if tag is there - if (state.optional) { - var tag = null; - if (state.explicit !== null) - tag = state.explicit; - else if (state.implicit !== null) - tag = state.implicit; - else if (state.tag !== null) - tag = state.tag; - - if (tag === null && !state.any) { - // Trial and Error - var save = input.save(); - try { - if (state.choice === null) - this._decodeGeneric(state.tag, input); - else - this._decodeChoice(input); - present = true; - } catch (e) { - present = false; + var isSourceAbs = (result.pathname && result.pathname.charAt(0) === '/'), + isRelAbs = ( + relative.host || + relative.pathname && relative.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' + ), + mustEndAbs = (isRelAbs || isSourceAbs || + (result.host && relative.pathname)), + removeAllDots = mustEndAbs, + srcPath = result.pathname && result.pathname.split('/') || [], + relPath = relative.pathname && relative.pathname.split('/') || [], + psychotic = result.protocol && !slashedProtocol[result.protocol]; + + // if the url is a non-slashed url, then relative + // links like ../.. should be able + // to crawl up to the hostname, as well. This is strange. + // result.protocol has already been set by now. + // Later on, put the first path part into the host field. + if (psychotic) { + result.hostname = ''; + result.port = null; + if (result.host) { + if (srcPath[0] === '') srcPath[0] = result.host; + else srcPath.unshift(result.host); + } + result.host = ''; + if (relative.protocol) { + relative.hostname = null; + relative.port = null; + if (relative.host) { + if (relPath[0] === '') relPath[0] = relative.host; + else relPath.unshift(relative.host); } - input.restore(save); - } else { - present = this._peekTag(input, tag, state.any); + relative.host = null; + } + mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs && (relPath[0] === '' || srcPath[0] === ''); + } + + if (isRelAbs) { + // it's absolute. + result.host = (relative.host || relative.host === '') ? + relative.host : result.host; + result.hostname = (relative.hostname || relative.hostname === '') ? + relative.hostname : result.hostname; + result.search = relative.search; + result.query = relative.query; + srcPath = relPath; + // fall through to the dot-handling below. + } else if (relPath.length) { + // it's relative + // throw away the existing file, and take the new path instead. + if (!srcPath) srcPath = []; + srcPath.pop(); + srcPath = srcPath.concat(relPath); + result.search = relative.search; + result.query = relative.query; + } else if (!isNullOrUndefined(relative.search)) { + // just pull out the search. + // like href='?foo'. + // Put this after the other two cases because it simplifies the booleans + if (psychotic) { + result.hostname = result.host = srcPath.shift(); + //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host + //this especialy happens in cases like + //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2') + var authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 ? + result.host.split('@') : false; + if (authInHost) { + result.auth = authInHost.shift(); + result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift(); + } + } + result.search = relative.search; + result.query = relative.query; + //to support http.request + if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull(result.search)) { + result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') + + (result.search ? result.search : ''); + } + result.href = result.format(); + return result; + } - if (input.isError(present)) - return present; + if (!srcPath.length) { + // no path at all. easy. + // we've already handled the other stuff above. + result.pathname = null; + //to support http.request + if (result.search) { + result.path = '/' + result.search; + } else { + result.path = null; } + result.href = result.format(); + return result; } - // Push object on stack - var prevObj; - if (state.obj && present) - prevObj = input.enterObject(); + // if a url ENDs in . or .., then it must get a trailing slash. + // however, if it ends in anything else non-slashy, + // then it must NOT get a trailing slash. + var last = srcPath.slice(-1)[0]; + var hasTrailingSlash = ( + (result.host || relative.host) && (last === '.' || last === '..') || + last === ''); - if (present) { - // Unwrap explicit values - if (state.explicit !== null) { - var explicit = this._decodeTag(input, state.explicit); - if (input.isError(explicit)) - return explicit; - input = explicit; + // strip single dots, resolve double dots to parent dir + // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0 + var up = 0; + for (var i = srcPath.length; i >= 0; i--) { + last = srcPath[i]; + if (last == '.') { + srcPath.splice(i, 1); + } else if (last === '..') { + srcPath.splice(i, 1); + up++; + } else if (up) { + srcPath.splice(i, 1); + up--; } + } - // Unwrap implicit and normal values - if (state.use === null && state.choice === null) { - if (state.any) - var save = input.save(); - var body = this._decodeTag( - input, - state.implicit !== null ? state.implicit : state.tag, - state.any - ); - if (input.isError(body)) - return body; - - if (state.any) - result = input.raw(save); - else - input = body; + // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s + if (!mustEndAbs && !removeAllDots) { + for (; up--; up) { + srcPath.unshift('..'); } + } - // Select proper method for tag - if (state.any) - result = result; - else if (state.choice === null) - result = this._decodeGeneric(state.tag, input); - else - result = this._decodeChoice(input); + if (mustEndAbs && srcPath[0] !== '' && + (!srcPath[0] || srcPath[0].charAt(0) !== '/')) { + srcPath.unshift(''); + } - if (input.isError(result)) - return result; + if (hasTrailingSlash && (srcPath.join('/').substr(-1) !== '/')) { + srcPath.push(''); + } - // Decode children - if (!state.any && state.choice === null && state.children !== null) { - var fail = state.children.some(function decodeChildren(child) { - // NOTE: We are ignoring errors here, to let parser continue with other - // parts of encoded data - child._decode(input); - }); - if (fail) - return err; + var isAbsolute = srcPath[0] === '' || + (srcPath[0] && srcPath[0].charAt(0) === '/'); + + // put the host back + if (psychotic) { + result.hostname = result.host = isAbsolute ? '' : + srcPath.length ? srcPath.shift() : ''; + //occationaly the auth can get stuck only in host + //this especialy happens in cases like + //url.resolveObject('mailto:local1@domain1', 'local2@domain2') + var authInHost = result.host && result.host.indexOf('@') > 0 ? + result.host.split('@') : false; + if (authInHost) { + result.auth = authInHost.shift(); + result.host = result.hostname = authInHost.shift(); } } - // Pop object - if (state.obj && present) - result = input.leaveObject(prevObj); + mustEndAbs = mustEndAbs || (result.host && srcPath.length); + + if (mustEndAbs && !isAbsolute) { + srcPath.unshift(''); + } - // Set key - if (state.key !== null && (result !== null || present === true)) - input.leaveKey(prevKey, state.key, result); + if (!srcPath.length) { + result.pathname = null; + result.path = null; + } else { + result.pathname = srcPath.join('/'); + } + //to support request.http + if (!isNull(result.pathname) || !isNull(result.search)) { + result.path = (result.pathname ? result.pathname : '') + + (result.search ? result.search : ''); + } + result.auth = relative.auth || result.auth; + result.slashes = result.slashes || relative.slashes; + result.href = result.format(); return result; }; - Node.prototype._decodeGeneric = function decodeGeneric(tag, input) { - var state = this._baseState; + Url.prototype.parseHost = function() { + var host = this.host; + var port = portPattern.exec(host); + if (port) { + port = port[0]; + if (port !== ':') { + this.port = port.substr(1); + } + host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length); + } + if (host) this.hostname = host; + }; - if (tag === 'seq' || tag === 'set') - return null; - if (tag === 'seqof' || tag === 'setof') - return this._decodeList(input, tag, state.args[0]); - else if (tag === 'octstr' || tag === 'bitstr') - return this._decodeStr(input, tag); - else if (tag === 'ia5str' || tag === 'utf8str') - return this._decodeStr(input, tag); - else if (tag === 'objid' && state.args) - return this._decodeObjid(input, state.args[0], state.args[1]); - else if (tag === 'objid') - return this._decodeObjid(input, null, null); - else if (tag === 'gentime' || tag === 'utctime') - return this._decodeTime(input, tag); - else if (tag === 'null_') - return this._decodeNull(input); - else if (tag === 'bool') - return this._decodeBool(input); - else if (tag === 'int' || tag === 'enum') - return this._decodeInt(input, state.args && state.args[0]); - else if (state.use !== null) - return this._getUse(state.use, input._reporterState.obj)._decode(input); - else - return input.error('unknown tag: ' + tag); + function isString(arg) { + return typeof arg === "string"; + } - return null; - }; + function isObject(arg) { + return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null; + } - Node.prototype._getUse = function _getUse(entity, obj) { + function isNull(arg) { + return arg === null; + } + function isNullOrUndefined(arg) { + return arg == null; + } - var state = this._baseState; - // Create altered use decoder if implicit is set - state.useDecoder = this._use(entity, obj); - assert(state.useDecoder._baseState.parent === null); - state.useDecoder = state.useDecoder._baseState.children[0]; - if (state.implicit !== state.useDecoder._baseState.implicit) { - state.useDecoder = state.useDecoder.clone(); - state.useDecoder._baseState.implicit = state.implicit; - } - return state.useDecoder; - }; - Node.prototype._decodeChoice = function decodeChoice(input) { - var state = this._baseState; - var result = null; - var match = false; +/***/ }, +/* 93 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - Object.keys(state.choice).some(function(key) { - var save = input.save(); - var node = state.choice[key]; - try { - var value = node._decode(input); - if (input.isError(value)) - return false; + var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(module, global) {/*! https://mths.be/punycode v1.3.2 by @mathias */ + ;(function(root) { + + /** Detect free variables */ + var freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports && + !exports.nodeType && exports; + var freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module && + !module.nodeType && module; + var freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global; + if ( + freeGlobal.global === freeGlobal || + freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal || + freeGlobal.self === freeGlobal + ) { + root = freeGlobal; + } - result = { type: key, value: value }; - match = true; - } catch (e) { - input.restore(save); - return false; - } - return true; - }, this); + /** + * The `punycode` object. + * @name punycode + * @type Object + */ + var punycode, + + /** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */ + maxInt = 2147483647, // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1 + + /** Bootstring parameters */ + base = 36, + tMin = 1, + tMax = 26, + skew = 38, + damp = 700, + initialBias = 72, + initialN = 128, // 0x80 + delimiter = '-', // '\x2D' + + /** Regular expressions */ + regexPunycode = /^xn--/, + regexNonASCII = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, // unprintable ASCII chars + non-ASCII chars + regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, // RFC 3490 separators + + /** Error messages */ + errors = { + 'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process', + 'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)', + 'invalid-input': 'Invalid input' + }, - if (!match) - return input.error('Choice not matched'); + /** Convenience shortcuts */ + baseMinusTMin = base - tMin, + floor = Math.floor, + stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode, - return result; - }; + /** Temporary variable */ + key; - // - // Encoding - // + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - Node.prototype._createEncoderBuffer = function createEncoderBuffer(data) { - return new EncoderBuffer(data, this.reporter); - }; + /** + * A generic error utility function. + * @private + * @param {String} type The error type. + * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message. + */ + function error(type) { + throw RangeError(errors[type]); + } - Node.prototype._encode = function encode(data, reporter, parent) { - var state = this._baseState; - if (state['default'] !== null && state['default'] === data) - return; + /** + * A generic `Array#map` utility function. + * @private + * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over. + * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array + * item. + * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function. + */ + function map(array, fn) { + var length = array.length; + var result = []; + while (length--) { + result[length] = fn(array[length]); + } + return result; + } - var result = this._encodeValue(data, reporter, parent); - if (result === undefined) - return; + /** + * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email + * addresses. + * @private + * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address. + * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every + * character. + * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback + * function. + */ + function mapDomain(string, fn) { + var parts = string.split('@'); + var result = ''; + if (parts.length > 1) { + // In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave + // the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact. + result = parts[0] + '@'; + string = parts[1]; + } + // Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17. + string = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\x2E'); + var labels = string.split('.'); + var encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.'); + return result + encoded; + } - if (this._skipDefault(result, reporter, parent)) - return; + /** + * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode + * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally, + * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which + * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point, + * matching UTF-16. + * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode` + * @see + * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 + * @name decode + * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2). + * @returns {Array} The new array of code points. + */ + function ucs2decode(string) { + var output = [], + counter = 0, + length = string.length, + value, + extra; + while (counter < length) { + value = string.charCodeAt(counter++); + if (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) { + // high surrogate, and there is a next character + extra = string.charCodeAt(counter++); + if ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate + output.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000); + } else { + // unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next + // code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair + output.push(value); + counter--; + } + } else { + output.push(value); + } + } + return output; + } - return result; - }; + /** + * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points. + * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode` + * @memberOf punycode.ucs2 + * @name encode + * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points. + * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2). + */ + function ucs2encode(array) { + return map(array, function(value) { + var output = ''; + if (value > 0xFFFF) { + value -= 0x10000; + output += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800); + value = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF; + } + output += stringFromCharCode(value); + return output; + }).join(''); + } - Node.prototype._encodeValue = function encode(data, reporter, parent) { - var state = this._baseState; + /** + * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer. + * @see `digitToBasic()` + * @private + * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value. + * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in + * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if + * the code point does not represent a value. + */ + function basicToDigit(codePoint) { + if (codePoint - 48 < 10) { + return codePoint - 22; + } + if (codePoint - 65 < 26) { + return codePoint - 65; + } + if (codePoint - 97 < 26) { + return codePoint - 97; + } + return base; + } - // Decode root node - if (state.parent === null) - return state.children[0]._encode(data, reporter || new Reporter()); + /** + * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point. + * @see `basicToDigit()` + * @private + * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point. + * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for + * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range + * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is + * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined + * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form. + */ + function digitToBasic(digit, flag) { + // 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z + // 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9 + return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5); + } - var result = null; - var present = true; + /** + * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492. + * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3492#section-3.4 + * @private + */ + function adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { + var k = 0; + delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; + delta += floor(delta / numPoints); + for (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) { + delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); + } + return floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); + } - // Set reporter to share it with a child class - this.reporter = reporter; + /** + * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode + * symbols. + * @memberOf punycode + * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. + * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols. + */ + function decode(input) { + // Don't use UCS-2 + var output = [], + inputLength = input.length, + out, + i = 0, + n = initialN, + bias = initialBias, + basic, + j, + index, + oldi, + w, + k, + digit, + t, + /** Cached calculation results */ + baseMinusT; + + // Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code + // points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy + // the first basic code points to the output. + + basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); + if (basic < 0) { + basic = 0; + } - // Check if data is there - if (state.optional && data === undefined) { - if (state['default'] !== null) - data = state['default'] - else - return; - } + for (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) { + // if it's not a basic code point + if (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) { + error('not-basic'); + } + output.push(input.charCodeAt(j)); + } - // For error reporting - var prevKey; + // Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code + // points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise. - // Encode children first - var content = null; - var primitive = false; - if (state.any) { - // Anything that was given is translated to buffer - result = this._createEncoderBuffer(data); - } else if (state.choice) { - result = this._encodeChoice(data, reporter); - } else if (state.children) { - content = state.children.map(function(child) { - if (child._baseState.tag === 'null_') - return child._encode(null, reporter, data); + for (index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) { - if (child._baseState.key === null) - return reporter.error('Child should have a key'); - var prevKey = reporter.enterKey(child._baseState.key); + // `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed. + // Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`, + // which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier + // if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting + // value at the end to obtain `delta`. + for (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { - if (typeof data !== 'object') - return reporter.error('Child expected, but input is not object'); + if (index >= inputLength) { + error('invalid-input'); + } - var res = child._encode(data[child._baseState.key], reporter, data); - reporter.leaveKey(prevKey); + digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); - return res; - }, this).filter(function(child) { - return child; - }); + if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) { + error('overflow'); + } - content = this._createEncoderBuffer(content); - } else { - if (state.tag === 'seqof' || state.tag === 'setof') { - // TODO(indutny): this should be thrown on DSL level - if (!(state.args && state.args.length === 1)) - return reporter.error('Too many args for : ' + state.tag); - - if (!Array.isArray(data)) - return reporter.error('seqof/setof, but data is not Array'); - - var child = this.clone(); - child._baseState.implicit = null; - content = this._createEncoderBuffer(data.map(function(item) { - var state = this._baseState; - - return this._getUse(state.args[0], data)._encode(item, reporter); - }, child)); - } else if (state.use !== null) { - result = this._getUse(state.use, parent)._encode(data, reporter); - } else { - content = this._encodePrimitive(state.tag, data); - primitive = true; - } - } + i += digit * w; + t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); - // Encode data itself - var result; - if (!state.any && state.choice === null) { - var tag = state.implicit !== null ? state.implicit : state.tag; - var cls = state.implicit === null ? 'universal' : 'context'; + if (digit < t) { + break; + } - if (tag === null) { - if (state.use === null) - reporter.error('Tag could be ommited only for .use()'); - } else { - if (state.use === null) - result = this._encodeComposite(tag, primitive, cls, content); - } - } + baseMinusT = base - t; + if (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { + error('overflow'); + } - // Wrap in explicit - if (state.explicit !== null) - result = this._encodeComposite(state.explicit, false, 'context', result); + w *= baseMinusT; - return result; - }; + } - Node.prototype._encodeChoice = function encodeChoice(data, reporter) { - var state = this._baseState; - - var node = state.choice[data.type]; - if (!node) { - assert( - false, - data.type + ' not found in ' + - JSON.stringify(Object.keys(state.choice))); - } - return node._encode(data.value, reporter); - }; - - Node.prototype._encodePrimitive = function encodePrimitive(tag, data) { - var state = this._baseState; - - if (tag === 'octstr' || tag === 'bitstr' || tag === 'ia5str') - return this._encodeStr(data, tag); - else if (tag === 'utf8str') - return this._encodeStr(data, tag); - else if (tag === 'objid' && state.args) - return this._encodeObjid(data, state.reverseArgs[0], state.args[1]); - else if (tag === 'objid') - return this._encodeObjid(data, null, null); - else if (tag === 'gentime' || tag === 'utctime') - return this._encodeTime(data, tag); - else if (tag === 'null_') - return this._encodeNull(); - else if (tag === 'int' || tag === 'enum') - return this._encodeInt(data, state.args && state.reverseArgs[0]); - else if (tag === 'bool') - return this._encodeBool(data); - else - throw new Error('Unsupported tag: ' + tag); - }; + out = output.length + 1; + bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0); + // `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`, + // incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now: + if (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) { + error('overflow'); + } -/***/ }, -/* 73 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + n += floor(i / out); + i %= out; - module.exports = assert; + // Insert `n` at position `i` of the output + output.splice(i++, 0, n); - function assert(val, msg) { - if (!val) - throw new Error(msg || 'Assertion failed'); - } + } - assert.equal = function assertEqual(l, r, msg) { - if (l != r) - throw new Error(msg || ('Assertion failed: ' + l + ' != ' + r)); - }; + return ucs2encode(output); + } + /** + * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a + * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. + * @memberOf punycode + * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols. + * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols. + */ + function encode(input) { + var n, + delta, + handledCPCount, + basicLength, + bias, + j, + m, + q, + k, + t, + currentValue, + output = [], + /** `inputLength` will hold the number of code points in `input`. */ + inputLength, + /** Cached calculation results */ + handledCPCountPlusOne, + baseMinusT, + qMinusT; + + // Convert the input in UCS-2 to Unicode + input = ucs2decode(input); + + // Cache the length + inputLength = input.length; + + // Initialize the state + n = initialN; + delta = 0; + bias = initialBias; + + // Handle the basic code points + for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { + currentValue = input[j]; + if (currentValue < 0x80) { + output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); + } + } -/***/ }, -/* 74 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + handledCPCount = basicLength = output.length; - var constants = exports; + // `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled; + // `basicLength` is the number of basic code points. - // Helper - constants._reverse = function reverse(map) { - var res = {}; + // Finish the basic string - if it is not empty - with a delimiter + if (basicLength) { + output.push(delimiter); + } - Object.keys(map).forEach(function(key) { - // Convert key to integer if it is stringified - if ((key | 0) == key) - key = key | 0; + // Main encoding loop: + while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { + + // All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next + // larger one: + for (m = maxInt, j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { + currentValue = input[j]; + if (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) { + m = currentValue; + } + } + + // Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to , + // but guard against overflow + handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; + if (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { + error('overflow'); + } + + delta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne; + n = m; + + for (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) { + currentValue = input[j]; + + if (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) { + error('overflow'); + } + + if (currentValue == n) { + // Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer + for (q = delta, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) { + t = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias); + if (q < t) { + break; + } + qMinusT = q - t; + baseMinusT = base - t; + output.push( + stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0)) + ); + q = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); + } + + output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0))); + bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); + delta = 0; + ++handledCPCount; + } + } + + ++delta; + ++n; - var value = map[key]; - res[value] = key; - }); + } + return output.join(''); + } - return res; - }; + /** + * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address + * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e. + * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been + * converted to Unicode. + * @memberOf punycode + * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to + * convert to Unicode. + * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode + * string. + */ + function toUnicode(input) { + return mapDomain(input, function(string) { + return regexPunycode.test(string) + ? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase()) + : string; + }); + } - constants.der = __webpack_require__(75); + /** + * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to + * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted, + * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in + * ASCII. + * @memberOf punycode + * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a + * Unicode string. + * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or + * email address. + */ + function toASCII(input) { + return mapDomain(input, function(string) { + return regexNonASCII.test(string) + ? 'xn--' + encode(string) + : string; + }); + } + /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/***/ }, -/* 75 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + /** Define the public API */ + punycode = { + /** + * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. + * @memberOf punycode + * @type String + */ + 'version': '1.3.2', + /** + * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character + * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. + * @see + * @memberOf punycode + * @type Object + */ + 'ucs2': { + 'decode': ucs2decode, + 'encode': ucs2encode + }, + 'decode': decode, + 'encode': encode, + 'toASCII': toASCII, + 'toUnicode': toUnicode + }; + + /** Expose `punycode` */ + // Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns + // like the following: + if ( + true + ) { + !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = function() { + return punycode; + }.call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); + } else if (freeExports && freeModule) { + if (module.exports == freeExports) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+ + freeModule.exports = punycode; + } else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0- + for (key in punycode) { + punycode.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = punycode[key]); + } + } + } else { // in Rhino or a web browser + root.punycode = punycode; + } - var constants = __webpack_require__(74); - - exports.tagClass = { - 0: 'universal', - 1: 'application', - 2: 'context', - 3: 'private' - }; - exports.tagClassByName = constants._reverse(exports.tagClass); - - exports.tag = { - 0x00: 'end', - 0x01: 'bool', - 0x02: 'int', - 0x03: 'bitstr', - 0x04: 'octstr', - 0x05: 'null_', - 0x06: 'objid', - 0x07: 'objDesc', - 0x08: 'external', - 0x09: 'real', - 0x0a: 'enum', - 0x0b: 'embed', - 0x0c: 'utf8str', - 0x0d: 'relativeOid', - 0x10: 'seq', - 0x11: 'set', - 0x12: 'numstr', - 0x13: 'printstr', - 0x14: 't61str', - 0x15: 'videostr', - 0x16: 'ia5str', - 0x17: 'utctime', - 0x18: 'gentime', - 0x19: 'graphstr', - 0x1a: 'iso646str', - 0x1b: 'genstr', - 0x1c: 'unistr', - 0x1d: 'charstr', - 0x1e: 'bmpstr' - }; - exports.tagByName = constants._reverse(exports.tag); + }(this)); + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(4)(module), (function() { return this; }()))) /***/ }, -/* 76 */ +/* 94 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var decoders = exports; + 'use strict'; - decoders.der = __webpack_require__(77); - decoders.pem = __webpack_require__(78); + exports.decode = exports.parse = __webpack_require__(95); + exports.encode = exports.stringify = __webpack_require__(96); /***/ }, -/* 77 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { +/* 95 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63); - var base = asn1.base; - var bignum = asn1.bignum; + 'use strict'; - // Import DER constants - var der = asn1.constants.der; + // If obj.hasOwnProperty has been overridden, then calling + // obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) will break. + // See: https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/1707 + function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); + } - function DERDecoder(entity) { - this.enc = 'der'; - this.name = entity.name; - this.entity = entity; + module.exports = function(qs, sep, eq, options) { + sep = sep || '&'; + eq = eq || '='; + var obj = {}; - // Construct base tree - this.tree = new DERNode(); - this.tree._init(entity.body); - }; - module.exports = DERDecoder; + if (typeof qs !== 'string' || qs.length === 0) { + return obj; + } - DERDecoder.prototype.decode = function decode(data, options) { - if (!(data instanceof base.DecoderBuffer)) - data = new base.DecoderBuffer(data, options); + var regexp = /\+/g; + qs = qs.split(sep); - return this.tree._decode(data, options); - }; + var maxKeys = 1000; + if (options && typeof options.maxKeys === 'number') { + maxKeys = options.maxKeys; + } - // Tree methods + var len = qs.length; + // maxKeys <= 0 means that we should not limit keys count + if (maxKeys > 0 && len > maxKeys) { + len = maxKeys; + } - function DERNode(parent) { - base.Node.call(this, 'der', parent); - } - inherits(DERNode, base.Node); + for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + var x = qs[i].replace(regexp, '%20'), + idx = x.indexOf(eq), + kstr, vstr, k, v; - DERNode.prototype._peekTag = function peekTag(buffer, tag, any) { - if (buffer.isEmpty()) - return false; + if (idx >= 0) { + kstr = x.substr(0, idx); + vstr = x.substr(idx + 1); + } else { + kstr = x; + vstr = ''; + } - var state = buffer.save(); - var decodedTag = derDecodeTag(buffer, 'Failed to peek tag: "' + tag + '"'); - if (buffer.isError(decodedTag)) - return decodedTag; + k = decodeURIComponent(kstr); + v = decodeURIComponent(vstr); - buffer.restore(state); + if (!hasOwnProperty(obj, k)) { + obj[k] = v; + } else if (Array.isArray(obj[k])) { + obj[k].push(v); + } else { + obj[k] = [obj[k], v]; + } + } - return decodedTag.tag === tag || decodedTag.tagStr === tag || any; + return obj; }; - DERNode.prototype._decodeTag = function decodeTag(buffer, tag, any) { - var decodedTag = derDecodeTag(buffer, - 'Failed to decode tag of "' + tag + '"'); - if (buffer.isError(decodedTag)) - return decodedTag; - var len = derDecodeLen(buffer, - decodedTag.primitive, - 'Failed to get length of "' + tag + '"'); +/***/ }, +/* 96 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + // Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. + // + // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a + // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the + // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including + // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, + // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit + // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the + // following conditions: + // + // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included + // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + // + // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS + // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF + // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN + // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, + // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR + // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE + // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - // Failure - if (buffer.isError(len)) - return len; + 'use strict'; - if (!any && - decodedTag.tag !== tag && - decodedTag.tagStr !== tag && - decodedTag.tagStr + 'of' !== tag) { - return buffer.error('Failed to match tag: "' + tag + '"'); - } + var stringifyPrimitive = function(v) { + switch (typeof v) { + case 'string': + return v; - if (decodedTag.primitive || len !== null) - return buffer.skip(len, 'Failed to match body of: "' + tag + '"'); + case 'boolean': + return v ? 'true' : 'false'; - // Indefinite length... find END tag - var state = buffer.save(); - var res = this._skipUntilEnd( - buffer, - 'Failed to skip indefinite length body: "' + this.tag + '"'); - if (buffer.isError(res)) - return res; + case 'number': + return isFinite(v) ? v : ''; - len = buffer.offset - state.offset; - buffer.restore(state); - return buffer.skip(len, 'Failed to match body of: "' + tag + '"'); + default: + return ''; + } }; - DERNode.prototype._skipUntilEnd = function skipUntilEnd(buffer, fail) { - while (true) { - var tag = derDecodeTag(buffer, fail); - if (buffer.isError(tag)) - return tag; - var len = derDecodeLen(buffer, tag.primitive, fail); - if (buffer.isError(len)) - return len; - - var res; - if (tag.primitive || len !== null) - res = buffer.skip(len) - else - res = this._skipUntilEnd(buffer, fail); + module.exports = function(obj, sep, eq, name) { + sep = sep || '&'; + eq = eq || '='; + if (obj === null) { + obj = undefined; + } - // Failure - if (buffer.isError(res)) - return res; + if (typeof obj === 'object') { + return Object.keys(obj).map(function(k) { + var ks = encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(k)) + eq; + if (Array.isArray(obj[k])) { + return obj[k].map(function(v) { + return ks + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(v)); + }).join(sep); + } else { + return ks + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(obj[k])); + } + }).join(sep); - if (tag.tagStr === 'end') - break; } + + if (!name) return ''; + return encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(name)) + eq + + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(obj)); }; - DERNode.prototype._decodeList = function decodeList(buffer, tag, decoder) { - var result = []; - while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { - var possibleEnd = this._peekTag(buffer, 'end'); - if (buffer.isError(possibleEnd)) - return possibleEnd; - var res = decoder.decode(buffer, 'der'); - if (buffer.isError(res) && possibleEnd) - break; - result.push(res); - } - return result; - }; +/***/ }, +/* 97 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - DERNode.prototype._decodeStr = function decodeStr(buffer, tag) { - if (tag === 'octstr') { - return buffer.raw(); - } else if (tag === 'bitstr') { - var unused = buffer.readUInt8(); - if (buffer.isError(unused)) - return unused; + /* + * lib/jsprim.js: utilities for primitive JavaScript types + */ - return { unused: unused, data: buffer.raw() }; - } else if (tag === 'ia5str' || tag === 'utf8str') { - return buffer.raw().toString(); - } else { - return this.error('Decoding of string type: ' + tag + ' unsupported'); - } - }; + var mod_assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var mod_util = __webpack_require__(25); - DERNode.prototype._decodeObjid = function decodeObjid(buffer, values, relative) { - var identifiers = []; - var ident = 0; - while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { - var subident = buffer.readUInt8(); - ident <<= 7; - ident |= subident & 0x7f; - if ((subident & 0x80) === 0) { - identifiers.push(ident); - ident = 0; - } - } - if (subident & 0x80) - identifiers.push(ident); + var mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(98); + var mod_verror = __webpack_require__(99); + var mod_jsonschema = __webpack_require__(100); - var first = (identifiers[0] / 40) | 0; - var second = identifiers[0] % 40; + /* + * Public interface + */ + exports.deepCopy = deepCopy; + exports.deepEqual = deepEqual; + exports.isEmpty = isEmpty; + exports.forEachKey = forEachKey; + exports.pluck = pluck; + exports.flattenObject = flattenObject; + exports.flattenIter = flattenIter; + exports.validateJsonObject = validateJsonObjectJS; + exports.validateJsonObjectJS = validateJsonObjectJS; + exports.randElt = randElt; + exports.extraProperties = extraProperties; + exports.mergeObjects = mergeObjects; + + exports.startsWith = startsWith; + exports.endsWith = endsWith; + + exports.iso8601 = iso8601; + exports.rfc1123 = rfc1123; + exports.parseDateTime = parseDateTime; + + exports.hrtimediff = hrtimeDiff; + exports.hrtimeDiff = hrtimeDiff; + exports.hrtimeAccum = hrtimeAccum; + exports.hrtimeAdd = hrtimeAdd; + exports.hrtimeNanosec = hrtimeNanosec; + exports.hrtimeMicrosec = hrtimeMicrosec; + exports.hrtimeMillisec = hrtimeMillisec; - if (relative) - result = identifiers; - else - result = [first, second].concat(identifiers.slice(1)); - if (values) - result = values[result.join(' ')]; + /* + * Deep copy an acyclic *basic* Javascript object. This only handles basic + * scalars (strings, numbers, booleans) and arbitrarily deep arrays and objects + * containing these. This does *not* handle instances of other classes. + */ + function deepCopy(obj) + { + var ret, key; + var marker = '__deepCopy'; - return result; - }; + if (obj && obj[marker]) + throw (new Error('attempted deep copy of cyclic object')); - DERNode.prototype._decodeTime = function decodeTime(buffer, tag) { - var str = buffer.raw().toString(); - if (tag === 'gentime') { - var year = str.slice(0, 4) | 0; - var mon = str.slice(4, 6) | 0; - var day = str.slice(6, 8) | 0; - var hour = str.slice(8, 10) | 0; - var min = str.slice(10, 12) | 0; - var sec = str.slice(12, 14) | 0; - } else if (tag === 'utctime') { - var year = str.slice(0, 2) | 0; - var mon = str.slice(2, 4) | 0; - var day = str.slice(4, 6) | 0; - var hour = str.slice(6, 8) | 0; - var min = str.slice(8, 10) | 0; - var sec = str.slice(10, 12) | 0; - if (year < 70) - year = 2000 + year; - else - year = 1900 + year; - } else { - return this.error('Decoding ' + tag + ' time is not supported yet'); - } + if (obj && obj.constructor == Object) { + ret = {}; + obj[marker] = true; - return Date.UTC(year, mon - 1, day, hour, min, sec, 0); - }; + for (key in obj) { + if (key == marker) + continue; - DERNode.prototype._decodeNull = function decodeNull(buffer) { - return null; - }; + ret[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]); + } - DERNode.prototype._decodeBool = function decodeBool(buffer) { - var res = buffer.readUInt8(); - if (buffer.isError(res)) - return res; - else - return res !== 0; - }; + delete (obj[marker]); + return (ret); + } - DERNode.prototype._decodeInt = function decodeInt(buffer, values) { - // Bigint, return as it is (assume big endian) - var raw = buffer.raw(); - var res = new bignum(raw); + if (obj && obj.constructor == Array) { + ret = []; + obj[marker] = true; - if (values) - res = values[res.toString(10)] || res; + for (key = 0; key < obj.length; key++) + ret.push(deepCopy(obj[key])); - return res; - }; + delete (obj[marker]); + return (ret); + } - DERNode.prototype._use = function use(entity, obj) { - if (typeof entity === 'function') - entity = entity(obj); - return entity._getDecoder('der').tree; - }; + /* + * It must be a primitive type -- just return it. + */ + return (obj); + } - // Utility methods + function deepEqual(obj1, obj2) + { + if (typeof (obj1) != typeof (obj2)) + return (false); - function derDecodeTag(buf, fail) { - var tag = buf.readUInt8(fail); - if (buf.isError(tag)) - return tag; + if (obj1 === null || obj2 === null || typeof (obj1) != 'object') + return (obj1 === obj2); - var cls = der.tagClass[tag >> 6]; - var primitive = (tag & 0x20) === 0; + if (obj1.constructor != obj2.constructor) + return (false); - // Multi-octet tag - load - if ((tag & 0x1f) === 0x1f) { - var oct = tag; - tag = 0; - while ((oct & 0x80) === 0x80) { - oct = buf.readUInt8(fail); - if (buf.isError(oct)) - return oct; + var k; + for (k in obj1) { + if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(k)) + return (false); - tag <<= 7; - tag |= oct & 0x7f; - } - } else { - tag &= 0x1f; - } - var tagStr = der.tag[tag]; + if (!deepEqual(obj1[k], obj2[k])) + return (false); + } - return { - cls: cls, - primitive: primitive, - tag: tag, - tagStr: tagStr - }; + for (k in obj2) { + if (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(k)) + return (false); + } + + return (true); } - function derDecodeLen(buf, primitive, fail) { - var len = buf.readUInt8(fail); - if (buf.isError(len)) - return len; + function isEmpty(obj) + { + var key; + for (key in obj) + return (false); + return (true); + } - // Indefinite form - if (!primitive && len === 0x80) - return null; + function forEachKey(obj, callback) + { + for (var key in obj) + callback(key, obj[key]); + } - // Definite form - if ((len & 0x80) === 0) { - // Short form - return len; - } + function pluck(obj, key) + { + mod_assert.equal(typeof (key), 'string'); + return (pluckv(obj, key)); + } - // Long form - var num = len & 0x7f; - if (num >= 4) - return buf.error('length octect is too long'); + function pluckv(obj, key) + { + if (obj === null || typeof (obj) !== 'object') + return (undefined); - len = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { - len <<= 8; - var j = buf.readUInt8(fail); - if (buf.isError(j)) - return j; - len |= j; - } + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) + return (obj[key]); - return len; - } + var i = key.indexOf('.'); + if (i == -1) + return (undefined); + var key1 = key.substr(0, i); + if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key1)) + return (undefined); -/***/ }, -/* 78 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + return (pluckv(obj[key1], key.substr(i + 1))); + } - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + /* + * Invoke callback(row) for each entry in the array that would be returned by + * flattenObject(data, depth). This is just like flattenObject(data, + * depth).forEach(callback), except that the intermediate array is never + * created. + */ + function flattenIter(data, depth, callback) + { + doFlattenIter(data, depth, [], callback); + } - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63); - var DERDecoder = __webpack_require__(77); + function doFlattenIter(data, depth, accum, callback) + { + var each; + var key; + + if (depth === 0) { + each = accum.slice(0); + each.push(data); + callback(each); + return; + } - function PEMDecoder(entity) { - DERDecoder.call(this, entity); - this.enc = 'pem'; - }; - inherits(PEMDecoder, DERDecoder); - module.exports = PEMDecoder; + mod_assert.ok(data !== null); + mod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object'); + mod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number'); + mod_assert.ok(depth >= 0); - PEMDecoder.prototype.decode = function decode(data, options) { - var lines = data.toString().split(/[\r\n]+/g); + for (key in data) { + each = accum.slice(0); + each.push(key); + doFlattenIter(data[key], depth - 1, each, callback); + } + } - var label = options.label.toUpperCase(); + function flattenObject(data, depth) + { + if (depth === 0) + return ([ data ]); - var re = /^-----(BEGIN|END) ([^-]+)-----$/; - var start = -1; - var end = -1; - for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { - var match = lines[i].match(re); - if (match === null) - continue; + mod_assert.ok(data !== null); + mod_assert.equal(typeof (data), 'object'); + mod_assert.equal(typeof (depth), 'number'); + mod_assert.ok(depth >= 0); - if (match[2] !== label) - continue; + var rv = []; + var key; - if (start === -1) { - if (match[1] !== 'BEGIN') - break; - start = i; - } else { - if (match[1] !== 'END') - break; - end = i; - break; - } - } - if (start === -1 || end === -1) - throw new Error('PEM section not found for: ' + label); + for (key in data) { + flattenObject(data[key], depth - 1).forEach(function (p) { + rv.push([ key ].concat(p)); + }); + } - var base64 = lines.slice(start + 1, end).join(''); - // Remove excessive symbols - base64.replace(/[^a-z0-9\+\/=]+/gi, ''); + return (rv); + } - var input = new Buffer(base64, 'base64'); - return DERDecoder.prototype.decode.call(this, input, options); - }; + function startsWith(str, prefix) + { + return (str.substr(0, prefix.length) == prefix); + } + function endsWith(str, suffix) + { + return (str.substr( + str.length - suffix.length, suffix.length) == suffix); + } -/***/ }, -/* 79 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + function iso8601(d) + { + if (typeof (d) == 'number') + d = new Date(d); + mod_assert.ok(d.constructor === Date); + return (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%03dZ', + d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth() + 1, d.getUTCDate(), + d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(), + d.getUTCMilliseconds())); + } - var encoders = exports; + var RFC1123_MONTHS = [ + 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', + 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; + var RFC1123_DAYS = [ + 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; - encoders.der = __webpack_require__(80); - encoders.pem = __webpack_require__(81); + function rfc1123(date) { + return (mod_extsprintf.sprintf('%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT', + RFC1123_DAYS[date.getUTCDay()], date.getUTCDate(), + RFC1123_MONTHS[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear(), + date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), + date.getUTCSeconds())); + } + /* + * Parses a date expressed as a string, as either a number of milliseconds since + * the epoch or any string format that Date accepts, giving preference to the + * former where these two sets overlap (e.g., small numbers). + */ + function parseDateTime(str) + { + /* + * This is irritatingly implicit, but significantly more concise than + * alternatives. The "+str" will convert a string containing only a + * number directly to a Number, or NaN for other strings. Thus, if the + * conversion succeeds, we use it (this is the milliseconds-since-epoch + * case). Otherwise, we pass the string directly to the Date + * constructor to parse. + */ + var numeric = +str; + if (!isNaN(numeric)) { + return (new Date(numeric)); + } else { + return (new Date(str)); + } + } -/***/ }, -/* 80 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + function validateJsonObjectJS(schema, input) + { + var report = mod_jsonschema.validate(input, schema); - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + if (report.errors.length === 0) + return (null); - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63); - var base = asn1.base; - var bignum = asn1.bignum; + /* Currently, we only do anything useful with the first error. */ + var error = report.errors[0]; - // Import DER constants - var der = asn1.constants.der; + /* The failed property is given by a URI with an irrelevant prefix. */ + var propname = error['property']; + var reason = error['message'].toLowerCase(); + var i, j; - function DEREncoder(entity) { - this.enc = 'der'; - this.name = entity.name; - this.entity = entity; + /* + * There's at least one case where the property error message is + * confusing at best. We work around this here. + */ + if ((i = reason.indexOf('the property ')) != -1 && + (j = reason.indexOf(' is not defined in the schema and the ' + + 'schema does not allow additional properties')) != -1) { + i += 'the property '.length; + if (propname === '') + propname = reason.substr(i, j - i); + else + propname = propname + '.' + reason.substr(i, j - i); + + reason = 'unsupported property'; + } - // Construct base tree - this.tree = new DERNode(); - this.tree._init(entity.body); - }; - module.exports = DEREncoder; + var rv = new mod_verror.VError('property "%s": %s', propname, reason); + rv.jsv_details = error; + return (rv); + } - DEREncoder.prototype.encode = function encode(data, reporter) { - return this.tree._encode(data, reporter).join(); - }; + function randElt(arr) + { + mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length > 0, + 'randElt argument must be a non-empty array'); - // Tree methods + return (arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]); + } - function DERNode(parent) { - base.Node.call(this, 'der', parent); + function assertHrtime(a) + { + mod_assert.ok(a[0] >= 0 && a[1] >= 0, + 'negative numbers not allowed in hrtimes'); + mod_assert.ok(a[1] < 1e9, 'nanoseconds column overflow'); } - inherits(DERNode, base.Node); - DERNode.prototype._encodeComposite = function encodeComposite(tag, - primitive, - cls, - content) { - var encodedTag = encodeTag(tag, primitive, cls, this.reporter); + /* + * Compute the time elapsed between hrtime readings A and B, where A is later + * than B. hrtime readings come from Node's process.hrtime(). There is no + * defined way to represent negative deltas, so it's illegal to diff B from A + * where the time denoted by B is later than the time denoted by A. If this + * becomes valuable, we can define a representation and extend the + * implementation to support it. + */ + function hrtimeDiff(a, b) + { + assertHrtime(a); + assertHrtime(b); + mod_assert.ok(a[0] > b[0] || (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] >= b[1]), + 'negative differences not allowed'); - // Short form - if (content.length < 0x80) { - var header = new Buffer(2); - header[0] = encodedTag; - header[1] = content.length; - return this._createEncoderBuffer([ header, content ]); - } + var rv = [ a[0] - b[0], 0 ]; - // Long form - // Count octets required to store length - var lenOctets = 1; - for (var i = content.length; i >= 0x100; i >>= 8) - lenOctets++; + if (a[1] >= b[1]) { + rv[1] = a[1] - b[1]; + } else { + rv[0]--; + rv[1] = 1e9 - (b[1] - a[1]); + } - var header = new Buffer(1 + 1 + lenOctets); - header[0] = encodedTag; - header[1] = 0x80 | lenOctets; + return (rv); + } - for (var i = 1 + lenOctets, j = content.length; j > 0; i--, j >>= 8) - header[i] = j & 0xff; + /* + * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's + * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of nanoseconds. + */ + function hrtimeNanosec(a) + { + assertHrtime(a); - return this._createEncoderBuffer([ header, content ]); - }; + return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e9 + a[1])); + } - DERNode.prototype._encodeStr = function encodeStr(str, tag) { - if (tag === 'octstr') - return this._createEncoderBuffer(str); - else if (tag === 'bitstr') - return this._createEncoderBuffer([ str.unused | 0, str.data ]); - else if (tag === 'ia5str' || tag === 'utf8str') - return this._createEncoderBuffer(str); - return this.reporter.error('Encoding of string type: ' + tag + - ' unsupported'); - }; + /* + * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's + * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of microseconds. + */ + function hrtimeMicrosec(a) + { + assertHrtime(a); - DERNode.prototype._encodeObjid = function encodeObjid(id, values, relative) { - if (typeof id === 'string') { - if (!values) - return this.reporter.error('string objid given, but no values map found'); - if (!values.hasOwnProperty(id)) - return this.reporter.error('objid not found in values map'); - id = values[id].split(/[\s\.]+/g); - for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) - id[i] |= 0; - } else if (Array.isArray(id)) { - id = id.slice(); - for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) - id[i] |= 0; - } + return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e6 + a[1] / 1e3)); + } - if (!Array.isArray(id)) { - return this.reporter.error('objid() should be either array or string, ' + - 'got: ' + JSON.stringify(id)); - } + /* + * Convert a hrtime reading from the array format returned by Node's + * process.hrtime() into a scalar number of milliseconds. + */ + function hrtimeMillisec(a) + { + assertHrtime(a); - if (!relative) { - if (id[1] >= 40) - return this.reporter.error('Second objid identifier OOB'); - id.splice(0, 2, id[0] * 40 + id[1]); - } + return (Math.floor(a[0] * 1e3 + a[1] / 1e6)); + } - // Count number of octets - var size = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { - var ident = id[i]; - for (size++; ident >= 0x80; ident >>= 7) - size++; - } + /* + * Add two hrtime readings A and B, overwriting A with the result of the + * addition. This function is useful for accumulating several hrtime intervals + * into a counter. Returns A. + */ + function hrtimeAccum(a, b) + { + assertHrtime(a); + assertHrtime(b); - var objid = new Buffer(size); - var offset = objid.length - 1; - for (var i = id.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - var ident = id[i]; - objid[offset--] = ident & 0x7f; - while ((ident >>= 7) > 0) - objid[offset--] = 0x80 | (ident & 0x7f); - } + /* + * Accumulate the nanosecond component. + */ + a[1] += b[1]; + if (a[1] >= 1e9) { + /* + * The nanosecond component overflowed, so carry to the seconds + * field. + */ + a[0]++; + a[1] -= 1e9; + } - return this._createEncoderBuffer(objid); - }; + /* + * Accumulate the seconds component. + */ + a[0] += b[0]; - function two(num) { - if (num < 10) - return '0' + num; - else - return num; - } - - DERNode.prototype._encodeTime = function encodeTime(time, tag) { - var str; - var date = new Date(time); - - if (tag === 'gentime') { - str = [ - two(date.getFullYear()), - two(date.getUTCMonth() + 1), - two(date.getUTCDate()), - two(date.getUTCHours()), - two(date.getUTCMinutes()), - two(date.getUTCSeconds()), - 'Z' - ].join(''); - } else if (tag === 'utctime') { - str = [ - two(date.getFullYear() % 100), - two(date.getUTCMonth() + 1), - two(date.getUTCDate()), - two(date.getUTCHours()), - two(date.getUTCMinutes()), - two(date.getUTCSeconds()), - 'Z' - ].join(''); - } else { - this.reporter.error('Encoding ' + tag + ' time is not supported yet'); - } + return (a); + } - return this._encodeStr(str, 'octstr'); - }; + /* + * Add two hrtime readings A and B, returning the result as a new hrtime array. + * Does not modify either input argument. + */ + function hrtimeAdd(a, b) + { + assertHrtime(a); - DERNode.prototype._encodeNull = function encodeNull() { - return this._createEncoderBuffer(''); - }; + var rv = [ a[0], a[1] ]; - DERNode.prototype._encodeInt = function encodeInt(num, values) { - if (typeof num === 'string') { - if (!values) - return this.reporter.error('String int or enum given, but no values map'); - if (!values.hasOwnProperty(num)) { - return this.reporter.error('Values map doesn\'t contain: ' + - JSON.stringify(num)); - } - num = values[num]; - } + return (hrtimeAccum(rv, b)); + } - // Bignum, assume big endian - if (typeof num !== 'number' && !Buffer.isBuffer(num)) { - var numArray = num.toArray(); - if (num.sign === false && numArray[0] & 0x80) { - numArray.unshift(0); - } - num = new Buffer(numArray); - } - if (Buffer.isBuffer(num)) { - var size = num.length; - if (num.length === 0) - size++; + /* + * Check an object for unexpected properties. Accepts the object to check, and + * an array of allowed property names (strings). Returns an array of key names + * that were found on the object, but did not appear in the list of allowed + * properties. If no properties were found, the returned array will be of + * zero length. + */ + function extraProperties(obj, allowed) + { + mod_assert.ok(typeof (obj) === 'object' && obj !== null, + 'obj argument must be a non-null object'); + mod_assert.ok(Array.isArray(allowed), + 'allowed argument must be an array of strings'); + for (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; i++) { + mod_assert.ok(typeof (allowed[i]) === 'string', + 'allowed argument must be an array of strings'); + } + + return (Object.keys(obj).filter(function (key) { + return (allowed.indexOf(key) === -1); + })); + } - var out = new Buffer(size); - num.copy(out); - if (num.length === 0) - out[0] = 0 - return this._createEncoderBuffer(out); - } + /* + * Given three sets of properties "provided" (may be undefined), "overrides" + * (required), and "defaults" (may be undefined), construct an object containing + * the union of these sets with "overrides" overriding "provided", and + * "provided" overriding "defaults". None of the input objects are modified. + */ + function mergeObjects(provided, overrides, defaults) + { + var rv, k; - if (num < 0x80) - return this._createEncoderBuffer(num); + rv = {}; + if (defaults) { + for (k in defaults) + rv[k] = defaults[k]; + } - if (num < 0x100) - return this._createEncoderBuffer([0, num]); + if (provided) { + for (k in provided) + rv[k] = provided[k]; + } - var size = 1; - for (var i = num; i >= 0x100; i >>= 8) - size++; + if (overrides) { + for (k in overrides) + rv[k] = overrides[k]; + } - var out = new Array(size); - for (var i = out.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { - out[i] = num & 0xff; - num >>= 8; - } - if(out[0] & 0x80) { - out.unshift(0); - } + return (rv); + } - return this._createEncoderBuffer(new Buffer(out)); - }; - DERNode.prototype._encodeBool = function encodeBool(value) { - return this._createEncoderBuffer(value ? 0xff : 0); - }; +/***/ }, +/* 98 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - DERNode.prototype._use = function use(entity, obj) { - if (typeof entity === 'function') - entity = entity(obj); - return entity._getEncoder('der').tree; - }; + /* + * extsprintf.js: extended POSIX-style sprintf + */ - DERNode.prototype._skipDefault = function skipDefault(dataBuffer, reporter, parent) { - var state = this._baseState; - var i; - if (state['default'] === null) - return false; + var mod_assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var mod_util = __webpack_require__(25); - var data = dataBuffer.join(); - if (state.defaultBuffer === undefined) - state.defaultBuffer = this._encodeValue(state['default'], reporter, parent).join(); + /* + * Public interface + */ + exports.sprintf = jsSprintf; - if (data.length !== state.defaultBuffer.length) - return false; + /* + * Stripped down version of s[n]printf(3c). We make a best effort to throw an + * exception when given a format string we don't understand, rather than + * ignoring it, so that we won't break existing programs if/when we go implement + * the rest of this. + * + * This implementation currently supports specifying + * - field alignment ('-' flag), + * - zero-pad ('0' flag) + * - always show numeric sign ('+' flag), + * - field width + * - conversions for strings, decimal integers, and floats (numbers). + * - argument size specifiers. These are all accepted but ignored, since + * Javascript has no notion of the physical size of an argument. + * + * Everything else is currently unsupported, most notably precision, unsigned + * numbers, non-decimal numbers, and characters. + */ + function jsSprintf(fmt) + { + var regex = [ + '([^%]*)', /* normal text */ + '%', /* start of format */ + '([\'\\-+ #0]*?)', /* flags (optional) */ + '([1-9]\\d*)?', /* width (optional) */ + '(\\.([1-9]\\d*))?', /* precision (optional) */ + '[lhjztL]*?', /* length mods (ignored) */ + '([diouxXfFeEgGaAcCsSp%jr])' /* conversion */ + ].join(''); + + var re = new RegExp(regex); + var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + var flags, width, precision, conversion; + var left, pad, sign, arg, match; + var ret = ''; + var argn = 1; + + mod_assert.equal('string', typeof (fmt)); + + while ((match = re.exec(fmt)) !== null) { + ret += match[1]; + fmt = fmt.substring(match[0].length); + + flags = match[2] || ''; + width = match[3] || 0; + precision = match[4] || ''; + conversion = match[6]; + left = false; + sign = false; + pad = ' '; + + if (conversion == '%') { + ret += '%'; + continue; + } - for (i=0; i < data.length; i++) - if (data[i] !== state.defaultBuffer[i]) - return false; + if (args.length === 0) + throw (new Error('too few args to sprintf')); + + arg = args.shift(); + argn++; + + if (flags.match(/[\' #]/)) + throw (new Error( + 'unsupported flags: ' + flags)); + + if (precision.length > 0) + throw (new Error( + 'non-zero precision not supported')); + + if (flags.match(/-/)) + left = true; + + if (flags.match(/0/)) + pad = '0'; + + if (flags.match(/\+/)) + sign = true; + + switch (conversion) { + case 's': + if (arg === undefined || arg === null) + throw (new Error('argument ' + argn + + ': attempted to print undefined or null ' + + 'as a string')); + ret += doPad(pad, width, left, arg.toString()); + break; + + case 'd': + arg = Math.floor(arg); + /*jsl:fallthru*/ + case 'f': + sign = sign && arg > 0 ? '+' : ''; + ret += sign + doPad(pad, width, left, + arg.toString()); + break; + + case 'j': /* non-standard */ + if (width === 0) + width = 10; + ret += mod_util.inspect(arg, false, width); + break; + + case 'r': /* non-standard */ + ret += dumpException(arg); + break; + + default: + throw (new Error('unsupported conversion: ' + + conversion)); + } + } - return true; - }; + ret += fmt; + return (ret); + } - // Utility methods + function doPad(chr, width, left, str) + { + var ret = str; - function encodeTag(tag, primitive, cls, reporter) { - var res; + while (ret.length < width) { + if (left) + ret += chr; + else + ret = chr + ret; + } - if (tag === 'seqof') - tag = 'seq'; - else if (tag === 'setof') - tag = 'set'; + return (ret); + } - if (der.tagByName.hasOwnProperty(tag)) - res = der.tagByName[tag]; - else if (typeof tag === 'number' && (tag | 0) === tag) - res = tag; - else - return reporter.error('Unknown tag: ' + tag); + /* + * This function dumps long stack traces for exceptions having a cause() method. + * See node-verror for an example. + */ + function dumpException(ex) + { + var ret; - if (res >= 0x1f) - return reporter.error('Multi-octet tag encoding unsupported'); + if (!(ex instanceof Error)) + throw (new Error(jsSprintf('invalid type for %%r: %j', ex))); - if (!primitive) - res |= 0x20; + /* Note that V8 prepends "ex.stack" with ex.toString(). */ + ret = 'EXCEPTION: ' + ex.constructor.name + ': ' + ex.stack; - res |= (der.tagClassByName[cls || 'universal'] << 6); + if (ex.cause && typeof (ex.cause) === 'function') { + var cex = ex.cause(); + if (cex) { + ret += '\nCaused by: ' + dumpException(cex); + } + } - return res; + return (ret); } /***/ }, -/* 81 */ +/* 99 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var inherits = __webpack_require__(66); - var Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; - - var asn1 = __webpack_require__(63); - var DEREncoder = __webpack_require__(80); - - function PEMEncoder(entity) { - DEREncoder.call(this, entity); - this.enc = 'pem'; - }; - inherits(PEMEncoder, DEREncoder); - module.exports = PEMEncoder; + /* + * verror.js: richer JavaScript errors + */ - PEMEncoder.prototype.encode = function encode(data, options) { - var buf = DEREncoder.prototype.encode.call(this, data); + var mod_assert = __webpack_require__(24); + var mod_util = __webpack_require__(25); - var p = buf.toString('base64'); - var out = [ '-----BEGIN ' + options.label + '-----' ]; - for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i += 64) - out.push(p.slice(i, i + 64)); - out.push('-----END ' + options.label + '-----'); - return out.join('\n'); - }; + var mod_extsprintf = __webpack_require__(98); + /* + * Public interface + */ + exports.VError = VError; + exports.WError = WError; + exports.MultiError = MultiError; -/***/ }, -/* 82 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + /* + * Like JavaScript's built-in Error class, but supports a "cause" argument and a + * printf-style message. The cause argument can be null. + */ + function VError(options) + { + var args, causedBy, ctor, tailmsg; - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {'use strict'; + if (options instanceof Error || typeof (options) === 'object') { + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + } else { + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); + options = undefined; + } - var base64url = module.exports; + tailmsg = args.length > 0 ? + mod_extsprintf.sprintf.apply(null, args) : ''; + this.jse_shortmsg = tailmsg; + this.jse_summary = tailmsg; - base64url.unescape = function unescape (str) { - return (str + Array(5 - str.length % 4) - .join('=')) - .replace(/\-/g, '+') - .replace(/_/g, '/'); - }; + if (options) { + causedBy = options.cause; - base64url.escape = function escape (str) { - return str.replace(/\+/g, '-') - .replace(/\//g, '_') - .replace(/=/g, ''); - }; + if (!causedBy || !(options.cause instanceof Error)) + causedBy = options; - base64url.encode = function encode (str) { - return this.escape(new Buffer(str).toString('base64')); - }; + if (causedBy && (causedBy instanceof Error)) { + this.jse_cause = causedBy; + this.jse_summary += ': ' + causedBy.message; + } + } - base64url.decode = function decode (str) { - return new Buffer(this.unescape(str), 'base64').toString(); - }; + this.message = this.jse_summary; + Error.call(this, this.jse_summary); - /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) + if (Error.captureStackTrace) { + ctor = options ? options.constructorOpt : undefined; + ctor = ctor || arguments.callee; + Error.captureStackTrace(this, ctor); + } + } -/***/ }, -/* 83 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + mod_util.inherits(VError, Error); + VError.prototype.name = 'VError'; - /*global module*/ - const Buffer = __webpack_require__(5).Buffer; + VError.prototype.toString = function ve_toString() + { + var str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name || + this.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name); + if (this.message) + str += ': ' + this.message; - module.exports = function toString(obj) { - if (typeof obj === 'string') - return obj; - if (typeof obj === 'number' || Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) - return obj.toString(); - return JSON.stringify(obj); + return (str); }; + VError.prototype.cause = function ve_cause() + { + return (this.jse_cause); + }; -/***/ }, -/* 84 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - /*global module*/ - const base64url = __webpack_require__(39); - const DataStream = __webpack_require__(40); - const jwa = __webpack_require__(59); - const Stream = __webpack_require__(41); - const toString = __webpack_require__(83); - const util = __webpack_require__(25); - const JWS_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?$/; + /* + * Represents a collection of errors for the purpose of consumers that generally + * only deal with one error. Callers can extract the individual errors + * contained in this object, but may also just treat it as a normal single + * error, in which case a summary message will be printed. + */ + function MultiError(errors) + { + mod_assert.ok(errors.length > 0); + this.ase_errors = errors; - function isObject(thing) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(thing) === '[object Object]'; + VError.call(this, errors[0], 'first of %d error%s', + errors.length, errors.length == 1 ? '' : 's'); } - function safeJsonParse(thing) { - if (isObject(thing)) - return thing; - try { return JSON.parse(thing); } - catch (e) { return undefined; } - } + mod_util.inherits(MultiError, VError); - function headerFromJWS(jwsSig) { - const encodedHeader = jwsSig.split('.', 1)[0]; - return safeJsonParse(base64url.decode(encodedHeader, 'binary')); - } - function securedInputFromJWS(jwsSig) { - return jwsSig.split('.', 2).join('.'); - } - function signatureFromJWS(jwsSig) { - return jwsSig.split('.')[2]; - } + /* + * Like JavaScript's built-in Error class, but supports a "cause" argument which + * is wrapped, not "folded in" as with VError. Accepts a printf-style message. + * The cause argument can be null. + */ + function WError(options) + { + Error.call(this); - function payloadFromJWS(jwsSig, encoding) { - encoding = encoding || 'utf8'; - const payload = jwsSig.split('.')[1]; - return base64url.decode(payload, encoding); - } + var args, cause, ctor; + if (typeof (options) === 'object') { + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); + } else { + args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); + options = undefined; + } - function isValidJws(string) { - return JWS_REGEX.test(string) && !!headerFromJWS(string); - } + if (args.length > 0) { + this.message = mod_extsprintf.sprintf.apply(null, args); + } else { + this.message = ''; + } - function jwsVerify(jwsSig, algorithm, secretOrKey) { - if (!algorithm) { - var err = new Error("Missing algorithm parameter for jws.verify"); - err.code = "MISSING_ALGORITHM"; - throw err; - } - jwsSig = toString(jwsSig); - const signature = signatureFromJWS(jwsSig); - const securedInput = securedInputFromJWS(jwsSig); - const algo = jwa(algorithm); - return algo.verify(securedInput, signature, secretOrKey); - } + if (options) { + if (options instanceof Error) { + cause = options; + } else { + cause = options.cause; + ctor = options.constructorOpt; + } + } - function jwsDecode(jwsSig, opts) { - opts = opts || {}; - jwsSig = toString(jwsSig); + Error.captureStackTrace(this, ctor || this.constructor); + if (cause) + this.cause(cause); - if (!isValidJws(jwsSig)) - return null; + } - const header = headerFromJWS(jwsSig); + mod_util.inherits(WError, Error); + WError.prototype.name = 'WError'; - if (!header) - return null; - var payload = payloadFromJWS(jwsSig); - if (header.typ === 'JWT' || opts.json) - payload = JSON.parse(payload, opts.encoding); + WError.prototype.toString = function we_toString() + { + var str = (this.hasOwnProperty('name') && this.name || + this.constructor.name || this.constructor.prototype.name); + if (this.message) + str += ': ' + this.message; + if (this.we_cause && this.we_cause.message) + str += '; caused by ' + this.we_cause.toString(); - return { - header: header, - payload: payload, - signature: signatureFromJWS(jwsSig) - }; - } + return (str); + }; - function VerifyStream(opts) { - opts = opts || {}; - const secretOrKey = opts.secret||opts.publicKey||opts.key; - const secretStream = new DataStream(secretOrKey); - this.readable = true; - this.algorithm = opts.algorithm; - this.encoding = opts.encoding; - this.secret = this.publicKey = this.key = secretStream; - this.signature = new DataStream(opts.signature); - this.secret.once('close', function () { - if (!this.signature.writable && this.readable) - this.verify(); - }.bind(this)); - - this.signature.once('close', function () { - if (!this.secret.writable && this.readable) - this.verify(); - }.bind(this)); - } - util.inherits(VerifyStream, Stream); - VerifyStream.prototype.verify = function verify() { - const valid = jwsVerify(this.signature.buffer, this.algorithm, this.key.buffer); - const obj = jwsDecode(this.signature.buffer, this.encoding); - this.emit('done', valid, obj); - this.emit('data', valid); - this.emit('end'); - this.readable = false; - return valid; + WError.prototype.cause = function we_cause(c) + { + if (c instanceof Error) + this.we_cause = c; + + return (this.we_cause); }; - VerifyStream.decode = jwsDecode; - VerifyStream.isValid = isValidJws; - VerifyStream.verify = jwsVerify; - module.exports = VerifyStream; +/***/ }, +/* 100 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + + /** + * JSONSchema Validator - Validates JavaScript objects using JSON Schemas + * (http://www.json.com/json-schema-proposal/) + * + * Copyright (c) 2007 Kris Zyp SitePen (www.sitepen.com) + * Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) license. + To use the validator call the validate function with an instance object and an optional schema object. + If a schema is provided, it will be used to validate. If the instance object refers to a schema (self-validating), + that schema will be used to validate and the schema parameter is not necessary (if both exist, + both validations will occur). + The validate method will return an array of validation errors. If there are no errors, then an + empty list will be returned. A validation error will have two properties: + "property" which indicates which property had the error + "message" which indicates what the error was + */ + ({define: true?__webpack_require__(101):function(deps, factory){module.exports = factory();}}). + define([], function(){ + var exports = validate; + // setup primitive classes to be JSON Schema types + exports.Integer = {type:"integer"}; + var primitiveConstructors = { + String: String, + Boolean: Boolean, + Number: Number, + Object: Object, + Array: Array, + Date: Date + } + exports.validate = validate; + function validate(/*Any*/instance,/*Object*/schema) { + // Summary: + // To use the validator call JSONSchema.validate with an instance object and an optional schema object. + // If a schema is provided, it will be used to validate. If the instance object refers to a schema (self-validating), + // that schema will be used to validate and the schema parameter is not necessary (if both exist, + // both validations will occur). + // The validate method will return an object with two properties: + // valid: A boolean indicating if the instance is valid by the schema + // errors: An array of validation errors. If there are no errors, then an + // empty list will be returned. A validation error will have two properties: + // property: which indicates which property had the error + // message: which indicates what the error was + // + return validate(instance, schema, {changing: false});//, coerce: false, existingOnly: false}); + }; + exports.checkPropertyChange = function(/*Any*/value,/*Object*/schema, /*String*/property) { + // Summary: + // The checkPropertyChange method will check to see if an value can legally be in property with the given schema + // This is slightly different than the validate method in that it will fail if the schema is readonly and it will + // not check for self-validation, it is assumed that the passed in value is already internally valid. + // The checkPropertyChange method will return the same object type as validate, see JSONSchema.validate for + // information. + // + return validate(value, schema, {changing: property || "property"}); + }; + var validate = exports._validate = function(/*Any*/instance,/*Object*/schema,/*Object*/options) { + + if (!options) options = {}; + var _changing = options.changing; + + function getType(schema){ + return schema.type || (primitiveConstructors[schema.name] == schema && schema.name.toLowerCase()); + } + var errors = []; + // validate a value against a property definition + function checkProp(value, schema, path,i){ + + var l; + path += path ? typeof i == 'number' ? '[' + i + ']' : typeof i == 'undefined' ? '' : '.' + i : i; + function addError(message){ + errors.push({property:path,message:message}); + } + + if((typeof schema != 'object' || schema instanceof Array) && (path || typeof schema != 'function') && !(schema && getType(schema))){ + if(typeof schema == 'function'){ + if(!(value instanceof schema)){ + addError("is not an instance of the class/constructor " + schema.name); + } + }else if(schema){ + addError("Invalid schema/property definition " + schema); + } + return null; + } + if(_changing && schema.readonly){ + addError("is a readonly field, it can not be changed"); + } + if(schema['extends']){ // if it extends another schema, it must pass that schema as well + checkProp(value,schema['extends'],path,i); + } + // validate a value against a type definition + function checkType(type,value){ + if(type){ + if(typeof type == 'string' && type != 'any' && + (type == 'null' ? value !== null : typeof value != type) && + !(value instanceof Array && type == 'array') && + !(value instanceof Date && type == 'date') && + !(type == 'integer' && value%1===0)){ + return [{property:path,message:(typeof value) + " value found, but a " + type + " is required"}]; + } + if(type instanceof Array){ + var unionErrors=[]; + for(var j = 0; j < type.length; j++){ // a union type + if(!(unionErrors=checkType(type[j],value)).length){ + break; + } + } + if(unionErrors.length){ + return unionErrors; + } + }else if(typeof type == 'object'){ + var priorErrors = errors; + errors = []; + checkProp(value,type,path); + var theseErrors = errors; + errors = priorErrors; + return theseErrors; + } + } + return []; + } + if(value === undefined){ + if(schema.required){ + addError("is missing and it is required"); + } + }else{ + errors = errors.concat(checkType(getType(schema),value)); + if(schema.disallow && !checkType(schema.disallow,value).length){ + addError(" disallowed value was matched"); + } + if(value !== null){ + if(value instanceof Array){ + if(schema.items){ + var itemsIsArray = schema.items instanceof Array; + var propDef = schema.items; + for (i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i += 1) { + if (itemsIsArray) + propDef = schema.items[i]; + if (options.coerce) + value[i] = options.coerce(value[i], propDef); + errors.concat(checkProp(value[i],propDef,path,i)); + } + } + if(schema.minItems && value.length < schema.minItems){ + addError("There must be a minimum of " + schema.minItems + " in the array"); + } + if(schema.maxItems && value.length > schema.maxItems){ + addError("There must be a maximum of " + schema.maxItems + " in the array"); + } + }else if(schema.properties || schema.additionalProperties){ + errors.concat(checkObj(value, schema.properties, path, schema.additionalProperties)); + } + if(schema.pattern && typeof value == 'string' && !value.match(schema.pattern)){ + addError("does not match the regex pattern " + schema.pattern); + } + if(schema.maxLength && typeof value == 'string' && value.length > schema.maxLength){ + addError("may only be " + schema.maxLength + " characters long"); + } + if(schema.minLength && typeof value == 'string' && value.length < schema.minLength){ + addError("must be at least " + schema.minLength + " characters long"); + } + if(typeof schema.minimum !== undefined && typeof value == typeof schema.minimum && + schema.minimum > value){ + addError("must have a minimum value of " + schema.minimum); + } + if(typeof schema.maximum !== undefined && typeof value == typeof schema.maximum && + schema.maximum < value){ + addError("must have a maximum value of " + schema.maximum); + } + if(schema['enum']){ + var enumer = schema['enum']; + l = enumer.length; + var found; + for(var j = 0; j < l; j++){ + if(enumer[j]===value){ + found=1; + break; + } + } + if(!found){ + addError("does not have a value in the enumeration " + enumer.join(", ")); + } + } + if(typeof schema.maxDecimal == 'number' && + (value.toString().match(new RegExp("\\.[0-9]{" + (schema.maxDecimal + 1) + ",}")))){ + addError("may only have " + schema.maxDecimal + " digits of decimal places"); + } + } + } + return null; + } + // validate an object against a schema + function checkObj(instance,objTypeDef,path,additionalProp){ + + if(typeof objTypeDef =='object'){ + if(typeof instance != 'object' || instance instanceof Array){ + errors.push({property:path,message:"an object is required"}); + } + + for(var i in objTypeDef){ + if(objTypeDef.hasOwnProperty(i)){ + var value = instance[i]; + // skip _not_ specified properties + if (value === undefined && options.existingOnly) continue; + var propDef = objTypeDef[i]; + // set default + if(value === undefined && propDef["default"]){ + value = instance[i] = propDef["default"]; + } + if(options.coerce && i in instance){ + value = instance[i] = options.coerce(value, propDef); + } + checkProp(value,propDef,path,i); + } + } + } + for(i in instance){ + if(instance.hasOwnProperty(i) && !(i.charAt(0) == '_' && i.charAt(1) == '_') && objTypeDef && !objTypeDef[i] && additionalProp===false){ + if (options.filter) { + delete instance[i]; + continue; + } else { + errors.push({property:path,message:(typeof value) + "The property " + i + + " is not defined in the schema and the schema does not allow additional properties"}); + } + } + var requires = objTypeDef && objTypeDef[i] && objTypeDef[i].requires; + if(requires && !(requires in instance)){ + errors.push({property:path,message:"the presence of the property " + i + " requires that " + requires + " also be present"}); + } + value = instance[i]; + if(additionalProp && (!(objTypeDef && typeof objTypeDef == 'object') || !(i in objTypeDef))){ + if(options.coerce){ + value = instance[i] = options.coerce(value, additionalProp); + } + checkProp(value,additionalProp,path,i); + } + if(!_changing && value && value.$schema){ + errors = errors.concat(checkProp(value,value.$schema,path,i)); + } + } + return errors; + } + if(schema){ + checkProp(instance,schema,'',_changing || ''); + } + if(!_changing && instance && instance.$schema){ + checkProp(instance,instance.$schema,'',''); + } + return {valid:!errors.length,errors:errors}; + }; + exports.mustBeValid = function(result){ + // summary: + // This checks to ensure that the result is valid and will throw an appropriate error message if it is not + // result: the result returned from checkPropertyChange or validate + if(!result.valid){ + throw new TypeError(result.errors.map(function(error){return "for property " + error.property + ': ' + error.message;}).join(", \n")); + } + } + + return exports; + }); /***/ }, -/* 85 */ +/* 101 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { - /** - * Helpers. - */ + module.exports = function() { throw new Error("define cannot be used indirect"); }; - var s = 1000; - var m = s * 60; - var h = m * 60; - var d = h * 24; - var y = d * 365.25; - /** - * Parse or format the given `val`. - * - * Options: - * - * - `long` verbose formatting [false] - * - * @param {String|Number} val - * @param {Object} options - * @return {String|Number} - * @api public - */ +/***/ }, +/* 102 */ +/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - module.exports = function(val, options){ - options = options || {}; - if ('string' == typeof val) return parse(val); - return options.long - ? long(val) - : short(val); - }; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc. - /** - * Parse the given `str` and return milliseconds. - * - * @param {String} str - * @return {Number} - * @api private - */ + var assert = __webpack_require__(23); + var crypto = __webpack_require__(51); + var sshpk = __webpack_require__(47); + var utils = __webpack_require__(46); - function parse(str) { - str = '' + str; - if (str.length > 10000) return; - var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(str); - if (!match) return; - var n = parseFloat(match[1]); - var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase(); - switch (type) { - case 'years': - case 'year': - case 'yrs': - case 'yr': - case 'y': - return n * y; - case 'days': - case 'day': - case 'd': - return n * d; - case 'hours': - case 'hour': - case 'hrs': - case 'hr': - case 'h': - return n * h; - case 'minutes': - case 'minute': - case 'mins': - case 'min': - case 'm': - return n * m; - case 'seconds': - case 'second': - case 'secs': - case 'sec': - case 's': - return n * s; - case 'milliseconds': - case 'millisecond': - case 'msecs': - case 'msec': - case 'ms': - return n; - } - } + var HASH_ALGOS = utils.HASH_ALGOS; + var PK_ALGOS = utils.PK_ALGOS; + var InvalidAlgorithmError = utils.InvalidAlgorithmError; + var HttpSignatureError = utils.HttpSignatureError; + var validateAlgorithm = utils.validateAlgorithm; - /** - * Short format for `ms`. - * - * @param {Number} ms - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ + ///--- Exported API - function short(ms) { - if (ms >= d) return Math.round(ms / d) + 'd'; - if (ms >= h) return Math.round(ms / h) + 'h'; - if (ms >= m) return Math.round(ms / m) + 'm'; - if (ms >= s) return Math.round(ms / s) + 's'; - return ms + 'ms'; - } + module.exports = { + /** + * Verify RSA/DSA signature against public key. You are expected to pass in + * an object that was returned from `parse()`. + * + * @param {Object} parsedSignature the object you got from `parse`. + * @param {String} pubkey RSA/DSA private key PEM. + * @return {Boolean} true if valid, false otherwise. + * @throws {TypeError} if you pass in bad arguments. + * @throws {InvalidAlgorithmError} + */ + verifySignature: function verifySignature(parsedSignature, pubkey) { + assert.object(parsedSignature, 'parsedSignature'); + if (typeof (pubkey) === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(pubkey)) + pubkey = sshpk.parseKey(pubkey); + assert.ok(pubkey instanceof sshpk.Key, 'pubkey must be a sshpk.Key'); + + var alg = validateAlgorithm(parsedSignature.algorithm); + if (alg[0] === 'hmac' || alg[0] !== pubkey.type) + return (false); + + var v = pubkey.createVerify(alg[1]); + v.update(parsedSignature.signingString); + return (v.verify(parsedSignature.params.signature, 'base64')); + }, - /** - * Long format for `ms`. - * - * @param {Number} ms - * @return {String} - * @api private - */ + /** + * Verify HMAC against shared secret. You are expected to pass in an object + * that was returned from `parse()`. + * + * @param {Object} parsedSignature the object you got from `parse`. + * @param {String} secret HMAC shared secret. + * @return {Boolean} true if valid, false otherwise. + * @throws {TypeError} if you pass in bad arguments. + * @throws {InvalidAlgorithmError} + */ + verifyHMAC: function verifyHMAC(parsedSignature, secret) { + assert.object(parsedSignature, 'parsedHMAC'); + assert.string(secret, 'secret'); - function long(ms) { - return plural(ms, d, 'day') - || plural(ms, h, 'hour') - || plural(ms, m, 'minute') - || plural(ms, s, 'second') - || ms + ' ms'; - } + var alg = validateAlgorithm(parsedSignature.algorithm); + if (alg[0] !== 'hmac') + return (false); - /** - * Pluralization helper. - */ + var hashAlg = alg[1].toUpperCase(); - function plural(ms, n, name) { - if (ms < n) return; - if (ms < n * 1.5) return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name; - return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's'; - } + var hmac = crypto.createHmac(hashAlg, secret); + hmac.update(parsedSignature.signingString); + /* + * Now double-hash to avoid leaking timing information - there's + * no easy constant-time compare in JS, so we use this approach + * instead. See for more info: + * https://www.isecpartners.com/blog/2011/february/double-hmac- + * verification.aspx + */ + var h1 = crypto.createHmac(hashAlg, secret); + h1.update(hmac.digest()); + h1 = h1.digest(); + var h2 = crypto.createHmac(hashAlg, secret); + h2.update(new Buffer(parsedSignature.params.signature, 'base64')); + h2 = h2.digest(); -/***/ }, -/* 86 */ -/***/ function(module, exports) { + /* Node 0.8 returns strings from .digest(). */ + if (typeof (h1) === 'string') + return (h1 === h2); + /* And node 0.10 lacks the .equals() method on Buffers. */ + if (Buffer.isBuffer(h1) && !h1.equals) + return (h1.toString('binary') === h2.toString('binary')); - var JsonWebTokenError = function (message, error) { - Error.call(this, message); - Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); - this.name = 'JsonWebTokenError'; - this.message = message; - if (error) this.inner = error; + return (h1.equals(h2)); + } }; - JsonWebTokenError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); - JsonWebTokenError.prototype.constructor = JsonWebTokenError; - - module.exports = JsonWebTokenError; + /* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(5).Buffer)) /***/ }, -/* 87 */ +/* 103 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - var JsonWebTokenError = __webpack_require__(86); - - var TokenExpiredError = function (message, expiredAt) { - JsonWebTokenError.call(this, message); - this.name = 'TokenExpiredError'; - this.expiredAt = expiredAt; - }; + var httpSignature = __webpack_require__(21); + var request = __webpack_require__(14); - TokenExpiredError.prototype = Object.create(JsonWebTokenError.prototype); + module.exports = { + addToMany: function(activity, feeds, callback) { + var req = this.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'feed/add_to_many/', + body: { + 'activity': activity, + 'feeds': feeds + } + }, callback); - TokenExpiredError.prototype.constructor = TokenExpiredError; + return req; + }, - module.exports = TokenExpiredError; + followMany: function(follows, callback) { + var req = this.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'follow_many/', + body: follows + }, callback); -/***/ }, -/* 88 */ -/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { + return req; + }, - ;(function () { + makeSignedRequest: function(kwargs, cb) { + if(!this.apiSecret) { + throw new errors.SiteError('Missing secret, which is needed to perform signed requests, use var client = stream.connect(key, secret);'); + } - var object = true ? exports : this; // #8: web workers - var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; + this.send('request', 'post', kwargs, cb); - function InvalidCharacterError(message) { - this.message = message; - } - InvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error; - InvalidCharacterError.prototype.name = 'InvalidCharacterError'; + kwargs.url = this.enrichUrl(kwargs.url); + kwargs.json = true; + kwargs.method = 'POST'; + kwargs.headers = { 'X-Api-Key' : this.apiKey }; - // encoder - // [https://gist.github.com/999166] by [https://github.com/nignag] - object.btoa || ( - object.btoa = function (input) { - var str = String(input); - for ( - // initialize result and counter - var block, charCode, idx = 0, map = chars, output = ''; - // if the next str index does not exist: - // change the mapping table to "=" - // check if d has no fractional digits - str.charAt(idx | 0) || (map = '=', idx % 1); - // "8 - idx % 1 * 8" generates the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8 - output += map.charAt(63 & block >> 8 - idx % 1 * 8) - ) { - charCode = str.charCodeAt(idx += 3/4); - if (charCode > 0xFF) { - throw new InvalidCharacterError("'btoa' failed: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range."); - } - block = block << 8 | charCode; - } - return output; - }); + var callback = this.wrapCallback(cb); + var req = request(kwargs, callback); - // decoder - // [https://gist.github.com/1020396] by [https://github.com/atk] - object.atob || ( - object.atob = function (input) { - var str = String(input).replace(/=+$/, ''); - if (str.length % 4 == 1) { - throw new InvalidCharacterError("'atob' failed: The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."); - } - for ( - // initialize result and counters - var bc = 0, bs, buffer, idx = 0, output = ''; - // get next character - buffer = str.charAt(idx++); - // character found in table? initialize bit storage and add its ascii value; - ~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer, - // and if not first of each 4 characters, - // convert the first 8 bits to one ascii character - bc++ % 4) ? output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0 - ) { - // try to find character in table (0-63, not found => -1) - buffer = chars.indexOf(buffer); + httpSignature.sign(req, { + algorithm: 'hmac-sha256', + key: this.apiSecret, + keyId: this.apiKey + }); + + return request; } - return output; - }); - - }()); + }; /***/ }, -/* 89 */ +/* 104 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var expect = __webpack_require__(3); - var jwt = __webpack_require__(36); - var qc = __webpack_require__(90); + var jwt = __webpack_require__(105); + var qc = __webpack_require__(106); var node = typeof(stream) == 'undefined'; var signing = signing || __webpack_require__(17); @@ -18244,15 +22532,23 @@ expect( signing.isJWTSignature(invalidSignature) ).to.be(false); }); - it('should decode valid jwts headers', function() { - expect( qc.forAll( propertyHeaderJSON, arbJWT ) ).to.be(true); - }); + if(node) { + it('should decode valid jwts headers', function() { + expect( qc.forAll( propertyHeaderJSON, arbJWT ) ).to.be(true); + }); + } }); /***/ }, -/* 90 */ +/* 105 */ +/***/ function(module, exports) { + + /* (ignored) */ + +/***/ }, +/* 106 */ /***/ function(module, exports) { function arbBool() { diff --git a/test/integration/index.js b/test/integration/index.js index b96b50d6..504663fe 100644 --- a/test/integration/index.js +++ b/test/integration/index.js @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ var expect = require('expect.js'); var Faye = require('faye'); +var erros = require('../../src/lib/errors'); var node = typeof(stream) == 'undefined'; +var READ_TIMEOUT = 2000; + describe('Stream client', function () { /* * Run these tests @@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { expect(response.statusCode).to.eql(200); expect(body['results'][0]['id']).to.be.a('string'); if (node) { - var userAgent = response.req._headers['user-agent']; + var userAgent = response.req._headers['x-stream-client']; expect(userAgent.indexOf('stream-javascript-client')).to.eql(0); } done(); @@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { it('follow', function (done) { var activityId = null; - this.timeout(6000); + this.timeout(9000); function add() { var activity = {'actor': 1, 'verb': 'add', 'object': 1}; user1.addActivity(activity, follow); @@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { done(); }); } - setTimeout(check, 1000); + setTimeout(check, READ_TIMEOUT); } add(); }); @@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { expect(activityFound).to.not.eql(activityId); done(); }); - }, 1000); + }, READ_TIMEOUT); } add(); }); @@ -633,26 +636,37 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { it('fayeSubscribeScope', function (done) { this.timeout(6000); var client = user1ReadOnly.getFayeClient(); - var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(function callback() { - done(); - }); - subscription.then(function() { - done(); - }); + var isDone = false; + + var doneYet = function() { + if(!isDone) { + done(); + isDone = true; + } + } + + var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(doneYet); + subscription.then(doneYet); }); it('fayeSubscribeScopeTampered', function (done) { this.timeout(6000); var client = user1ReadOnly.getFayeClient(); - var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(function callback() { - done(); - }); - subscription.then(function() { - done(); - }); + var isDone = false; + + var doneYet = function() { + if(!isDone) { + done(); + isDone = true; + } + } + var subscription = user1ReadOnly.subscribe(doneYet); + subscription.then(doneYet); }); it('fayeSubscribeError', function (done) { + this.timeout(6000); + var client = stream.connect('5crf3bhfzesn'); function sub() { var user1 = client.feed('user', '11', 'secret'); @@ -664,5 +678,82 @@ describe('Stream client', function () { done(); }); + var wrapCB = function(expectedStatusCode, done, cb) { + return function(error, response, body) { + if(error) return done(error); + expect(response.statusCode).to.be(expectedStatusCode); + + if( typeof cb === 'function') { + cb.apply(cb, arguments); + } else { + done(); + } + } + }; + + if(node) { + // Server side specific tests + + it('supports application level authentication', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + client.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'test/auth/digest/' + }, wrapCB(200, done)); + }); + + it('fails application level authentication with wrong keys', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + var client = stream.connect('aap','noot'); + + client.makeSignedRequest({ + url: 'test/auth/digest/' + }, function(error, response, body) { + if(error) done(error); + if(body.exception === 'ApiKeyException') done(); + }); + }); + + it('supports adding activity to multiple feeds', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + var activity = { + 'actor': 'user:11', + 'verb': 'like', + 'object': '000' + }; + var feeds = ['flat:33', 'user:11']; + + client.addToMany(activity, feeds, wrapCB(201, done)); + }); + + it('supports batch following', function(done) { + this.timeout(6000); + + var follows = [ + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:1'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:2'}, + {'source': 'flat:1', 'target': 'user:3'} + ]; + + client.followMany(follows, wrapCB(201, done)); + }); + + it('no secret application auth', function() { + var client = stream.connect('ahj2ndz7gsan'); + + expect(function() { + client.addToMany({},[]) + }).to.throwError(function(e) { + expect(e).to.be.a(errors.SiteError); + }); + }); + } else { + // Client side specific tests + + it('shouldn\'t support signed requests on the client', function() { + expect(client.makeSignedRequest).to.be(undefined); + }); + } }); diff --git a/test/unit/index.js b/test/unit/index.js index d150a5e4..247856ee 100644 --- a/test/unit/index.js +++ b/test/unit/index.js @@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ describe('Json web token validation', function() { expect( signing.isJWTSignature(invalidSignature) ).to.be(false); }); - it('should decode valid jwts headers', function() { - expect( qc.forAll( propertyHeaderJSON, arbJWT ) ).to.be(true); - }); + if(node) { + it('should decode valid jwts headers', function() { + expect( qc.forAll( propertyHeaderJSON, arbJWT ) ).to.be(true); + }); + } }); diff --git a/webpack.config.js b/webpack.config.js index 0cd8c4a6..03e81357 100644 --- a/webpack.config.js +++ b/webpack.config.js @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ module.exports = { }, resolve: { alias: { - 'request': 'browser-request', - 'jsonwebtoken': path.join(__dirname, "src", "missing.js"), + 'request': 'browser-request' } }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "babel-loader"} ] - } + }, + plugins: [new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(/(jsonwebtoken|http-signature|batch_operations)/, path.join(__dirname, "src", "/missing.js"))] };