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Added Catalan translation file
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anthonyjb committed Jan 25, 2020
1 parent 6eb0cdf commit bbe821e
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions translations/ca.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
"Align center": "Centrar",
"Align left": "Alinear a l'esquerra",
"Align right": "Alinear a la dreta",
"Apply": "Aplica",
"Attributes": "Atributs",
"Bold": "Negreta",
"Bullet list": "Llista simple",
"Cancel": "Cancel·la",
"Clear": "Neteja",
"Code": "Codi",
"Crop marks": "Marques de tall",
"Enter a link": "Inserta un enllaç",
"Image": "Imatge",
"Heading": "Capçalera",
"Indent": "Sagnat",
"Insert": "Inserta",
"Insert image": "Inserta una imatge",
"Insert table": "Inserta una taula",
"Insert video": "Inserta un vídeo",
"Italic": "Cursiva",
"Line break": "Salt de línia",
"Link": "Enllaç / Hipervincle",
"List": "Llista",
"List item": "Element de llista",
"Name": "Nom",
"No styles available for this tag": "No hi han estils disponibles per aquesta etiqueta",
"Numbers list": "Llista numèrica",
"Paste YouTube or Vimeo URL": "Enganxa la URL de Youtube o Vimeo aquí",
"Paragraph": "Pàrraf",
"Preformatted": "Text preformatejat",
"Properties": "Propietats",
"Redo": "Refer",
"Remove": "Esborrar",
"Rotate": "Rotar",
"Styles": "Estils",
"Subheading": "Subtítols",
"Table": "Taula",
"Table body (columns)": "Cos de la taula (columnes)",
"Table foot": "Peu de taula",
"Table head": "Capçalera de taula",
"Table row": "Línia de taula",
"Text": "Text",
"Undo": "Desfer",
"Unindent": "Redueix sagnat",
"Update table": "Actualitza la taula",
"Upload": "Pujar",
"Value": "Valor",
"Video": "Vídeo",
"Your changes have not been saved, do you really want to lose them?": "Els canvis no s'han desat. Estàs totalment segur de no voler guardar?"

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