GlueMotor is a simple idea that allows you to control hobby servo motors from audio jack (headphone jack) with very simple straight connection. Here is a good article about GlueMotor in Make: magazine (actually, I wrote that) available for more detailed information.
Important notice: GlueMotor may not work with some servo motors that have higher control signal threshold level. Also some Android devices that have not enough audio output level may not work.
Currently this project supports 3 different platforms:
- Android
- iOS
- Objective-C
- Swift (will be published later, maybe, probably, any demands??)
- JavaScript
- JavaScript stand alone code
- MOONBlock™ hack.js code ("MOONBlock" is a trademark of Ubiquitous Entertainment Inc.)
- Android: open the Android/ folder with Android Studio
- iOS: open the project file under the iOS/Objective-C/ folder with Xcode
Each project includes "GlueMotorCore" class that is the core module of GlueMotor. For your own project, just copy the "GlueMotorCore" class file(s) into your project.
In terms of using the GlueMotor application, you need to create your own cable. Please refer to GlueMotor Web Site or Make: magazine article for more details.
There is a commercial product exist based on the GlueMotor idea, such as "PuchiRobo-S2" from Kyohritsu Electronic Industry Co., Ltd. in Japan. Just in case here is a link to the online store.
GlueMotor application for Android and iOS are available in App Store:
- Android: GlueMotor for Android devices
- iOS: GlueMotor2 for iOS devices
- iOS4 or older: GlueMotor for iOS4 and older devices
This project is published under MIT License. Please refer to the license.txt in this project.
Copyright 2016 (c) by Kazuhisa Terasaki all rights reserved.