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Knative Build - Docker build

The previous tutorial taught you how to setup Knative Build on a Kubernetes cluster. You ran a simple Build that prints "Hello, World!".

Let's try a more concrete build: building a Docker image.

What am I going to learn?

  1. This new tutorial, will show you how to build a Docker image described by a Dockerfile.
  2. You'll setup credentials to push that image to a registry.
  3. It'll show you how to extract common build configuration into a Build Template.

Time to complete:

Are you ready? Then click the Continue button to get started...

Build a Docker image

We are going to build a very simple website with nginx. The sources are on GitHub. A Dockerfile describes the image to be built.

Open the file editor. Here's the Kubernetes yaml manifest to express such a build:

kind: Build
  name: docker-build
  serviceAccountName: knative-build
      revision: master
  - name: build-and-push
    - --dockerfile=/workspace/Dockerfile

A few things look different than the simpler "Hello, World!" build, right?

Click the Continue button to understand those differences...

Git source

This time, the build will need sources to build an artifact. So we define a source where to get those sources from:

    revision: master


Kaniko will be used to build a Docker image. Just running docker build would be unsafe on a shared cluster.

- name: build-and-push

Service Account

Once the image is built, it'll be pushed to Google Container Registry. Or any registry in fact, but we'll demonstrate with GCR. The build requires a service account to be granted the right to push.

serviceAccountName: knative-build

This will be done by creating a Kubernetes Service Account that has access to a Google Cloud Service Account.

That's a lot of Service Accounts! Click the Continue button to do this step by step...

Configure access to Google Container Registry

Giving a Build the permisison to push to Google Container Registry requires 4 steps:

Once those steps are done, we can create as many builds as we want that share those permissions.

Click the Continue button to follow those steps...

Create a Google Cloud Service Account

The first part of the configuration is on the Google Cloud side.

Make sure gcloud CLI talks to the right project

gcloud config set project [YOUR_PROJECTID]
PROJECTID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

Create a Service Account

gcloud iam service-accounts create knative-build --display-name "Knative Build"

Allow it to push to GCR

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECTID --member serviceAccount:knative-build@$ --role roles/storage.admin

Create a JSON key

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create knative-key.json --iam-account knative-build@$

This creates a knative-key.json file on your drive.

You are almost there! You completed the Google Cloud part.

Click the Continue button to complete the Kubernetes part...

Create a Kubernetes Service Account

Create a secret for the JSON Key

First, create a Kubernetes secret from the JSON key:

kubectl create secret generic knative-build-auth --type="" --from-literal=username="_json_key" --from-file=password=knative-key.json

To tell the Build to use those parameters when pushing to, we need to add an annotation to the secret. That's called Guided credential selection.

kubectl annotate secret knative-build-auth

Create a Service Account

We can eventually create a Service Account in Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f docker-build/service-account.yaml

You are done! Continue to next step to run the build...

Run the Build

OK, we've got everything configured to let the Build push images to a registry.

One last step is to edit docker-build/build.yaml and replace [PROJECT-NAME] with your project id. This way, the build will push the image to the Google Container Registry linked to your project.

Run the build:

kubectl apply -f docker-build/build.yaml

The build is running:

kubectl get builds

Tail the logs with:

logs docker-build

Congratulations! You have built and pushed a Docker image with Knative Build.

Continue to next step, to improve the build file...

Build Templates

Now that you became familiar with expressing Docker builds, you will want to avoid copy/pasting the same boilerplate yaml each time a new image needs to be built.

Build Templates solve that problem by extracting the common yaml to a shared parameterized template.

Create a Template

A Build Template for a Docker build looks like that:

kind: BuildTemplate
  name: docker-build
  - name: IMAGE
    description: Where to publish the resulting image.
  - name: DIRECTORY
    description: The directory containing the build context.
    default: "/workspace"
    description: The name of the Dockerfile
    default: Dockerfile
  - name: build-and-push
    - --dockerfile=/${DIRECTORY}/{DOCKERFILE_NAME}
    - --destination=${IMAGE}

It's a list of steps and a list of parameters, some of which have default values that can be overriden by a build.

Let's register this template into Kubernetes.

kubectl apply -f docker-build/template.yaml

Use the Template

Now, the Build can be simplified by referencing the template and by providing the right values for each parameter.

kind: Build
  name: docker-build-hello
  serviceAccountName: knative-build
      revision: master
    name: docker-build
    - name: IMAGE

Click the Continue button to run the templated build...

Run the Templated Build

Warning: don't forget to replace [PROJECT-NAME] with you actual project name in docker-build/build-hello.yaml

Run the build:

kubectl apply -f docker-build/build-hello.yaml

The build is running:

kubectl get builds

Tail the logs with:

logs docker-build-hello


Woot! You've used a Build Template for the first time. You are an advanced user now!

Why not build a more complicated Java application?

Open in Cloud Shell

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