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File metadata and controls

112 lines (76 loc) · 4.02 KB

This code is intended to be used to contrast how the Spark Java solution to a problem differs from the Dataflow solution to a problem.

Before diving in here, you likely want to read Dataflow/Beam & Spark: A Programming Model Comparison.

The equivalent Dataflow code lives in GoogleCloudPlatform/DataflowJavaSDK-examples and is documented in Mobile Gaming Pipeline Examples.

You will want a Dataproc cluster to run these samples on. This command line will stand up a simple 5 worker cluster with all the appropriate scopes needed to communicate with other Cloud Platform services:

$ gcloud dataproc clusters create spark-demo \
--scopes cloud-platform \
--worker-machine-type n1-standard-4 \
--num-workers 5

You'll need to install maven. To install maven on a debian based workstation, run:

$ sudo apt-get install maven

Save the name of your cluster in $DATAPROC_CLUSTER, for example:

$ export DATAPROC_CLUSTER=your-cluster-name

Create a Cloud Storage bucket to use for input and output of Dataproc jobs and save the name in $DATAPROC_BUCKET.

$ gsutil mb gs://your-bucket-name
$ export DATAPROC_BUCKET=gs://your-bucket-name

To build all the samples, run:

$ mvn package

This will produce target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar which contains all the samples and their dependencies. See below for instructions on how to run each sample individually.


Running on Dataproc

You can run your job on Dataproc like so:

$ gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
    --cluster $DATAPROC_CLUSTER \
    --class \
    --jar target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --input gs://dataflow-samples/game/gaming_data*.csv \
    --tableName Daily --dataset spark_game_stats


Running on Dataproc

You can run the job on Dataproc as follows:

$ gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
    --cluster $DATAPROC_CLUSTER \
    --class \
    --jar target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --input gs://dataflow-samples/game/gaming_data*.csv \
    --tableName Hourly --dataset spark_game_stats


Running Locally

You can run locally using spark-submit like so:

$ spark-submit --class "" \
    --master local[4] target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --tableName leaderboard --dataset spark_game_stats \
    --topic gaming

Running on Dataproc

You can run also the job on Dataproc as follows:

$ gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
    --cluster $DATAPROC_CLUSTER \
    --properties spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enabled=true,spark.executor.memory=4g,spark.executor.instances=10 \
    --class \
    --jar target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --tableName leaderboard --dataset spark_game_stats \
    --topic gaming


Running Locally

You can run locally using spark-submit like so:

$ spark-submit --class "" \
    --master local[4] target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --tableName gamestats --dataset spark_game_stats \
    --topic gaming

Running on Dataproc

You can run also the job on Dataproc as follows:

$ gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
    --cluster $DATAPROC_CLUSTER \
    --properties spark.streaming.receiver.writeAheadLog.enabled=true,spark.executor.memory=4g,spark.executor.instances=10 \
    --class \
    --jar target/game-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    --tableName gamestats --dataset spark_game_stats \
    --topic gaming