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Traffic Control Manager

¿What is for?

TC-manager offers a REST API and a Web UI to configure traffic ingress control over a set of network interfaces.

It belongs to the Arqueopterix Project and It is used to offer traffic flow shapping for multiple traffic flows. In the project the TC-manager manages the interfaces of a router connecting a set of clients with a video server. There is a default rate configure that is shared among all clients. If you want to offer better QoS to a single client, you can add a policy matching her traffic flow and providing a fixed rate for here.

More information of the Arqueopterix project at:

License file


List of dependencies

  • External dependencies
    • python3
    • Flask 1.0.2

Dependencies can be install with

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Getting Started

Before running tc-manager you MUST create the same Intermediate Functional Blocks (ifb0, ifb1, ifb2, etc) as the number of managed interfaces. Example for 3 interfaces:

modprobe -r ifb
modprobe ifb numifbs=3
ip link ifb0 set up
ip link ifb1 set up
ip link ifb2 set up

To run tc-manager docker container to set policies in your host interfaces you have to:

  • use --net=host to allow container access your HOST network interface.
  • use --cap-add NET_ADMIN to grant container the privilege to admin host networking.
  • mount your host /proc into the container /proc.

This can be done with the following command:

docker run --rm -ti --cap-add NET_ADMIN --net=host -v /proc:/proc tc-manager:0.1.0 

You can now access the tc-manager ui at http://localhost:5000.


tc-manager receives the list of interfaces to manage as arguments. For example, in the getting started script it is launch as:

python3 vethXXX vethYYY

You can write your custom python code for advance configuration. The NetworkInterfaces class of tc_manager module accepts a whitelist and a blacklist initial parameters:

    def __init__(self, whitelist = None, blacklist=[]):
  • whitelist: an array with the network interface names to manage. If set to None it will take all network interfaces.
  • blacklist: an array of network interfaces to remove from the management list. For example, typically you don't want to manage lo interface.

Quick Test

To make a quick local test of tc-manager we are going to shape the traffic between two containers. The sudo ./ deploys the testing scenario.

It deploys two iperf3 docker containers h1 and h2 connected to a docker network tcnet. Then it launches the docker tc-manager into the host network to manage the ingress traffic of vethXXXX and vethYYYY tcnet interfaces:

 ____________     _______________________     ____________
|   h1       |   |       host network    |   |   h2       |
| __________ |   | _________   _________ |   | __________ |
|| eth0     ||   || vethXXX | | vethYYY ||   || eth0     ||
||||   ||_________|_|_________||   ||||
      |________________|           |_______________|

Open a terminal and run iperf3 server at h1:

docker exec -ti h1 iperf3 -s

In a second terminal Start a 10-minutes UDP flow from h2 to h1:

docker exec -ti h2 iperf3 -c -u -b 100Mbps -t 600

Open tc-manager-ui and select h2 vethYYY interface to shape h2->h1 flow. To get vethYYY real name you can exec:

./ h2

First add a default_rate of 1Mbit and check iperf3 server output (h1).


Received rate should mirror default_rate.


Add a policy for the h2->h1 udp flow. One or several of the following matching criteria should work:

  • src_ip:
  • dst_ip:
  • dst_port: 5201


Received rate should mirror the policy rate.



  • 0.2.0 Released 11 of March 2019


    • Bitrate control is now implemented as a tc htb class in an Intermediate Functional Block device (ifb0) instead of an ingress filter (TCP does not behave correctly when using ingress filter)
  • 0.1.0 Released 05 of February 2019


    • Initial code.


TC-manager offers a REST API and a Web UI to configure traffic ingress control over a set of network interfaces.







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