Fetches, sorts and provides data on radio station playlists provided by some Nielsen BDS Real Time supported stations
Pre-coded with many sites available around Saskatchewan. (Assuming they still work). This was just a waste-of-time project I put together to see just how much local stations play songs during the day. Originally hosted on my Koding account but no longer maintain that repository.
Bonus points to all the ways you can point out I'm a terrible web programmer!
This works by taking station_id values to load the playlists available online at a specific URL. Then, using curl it fetches the tabulated data into an array for sorting, allowing you to take whatever statistics on the shown songs you'd like. Pre-coded statistics are for:
- Last time song was played
- Time since the last play
- Total number of times played
With DB support you'd be able to keep a running record of which songs are played most frequently over a period of time as well as try to predict when the song will be played again.