[7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.763, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.763 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.0627356 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.767, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.767 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.0667359 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.770, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.770 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.069736 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.776, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.776 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.0757364 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.791, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.791 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.0907373 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.812, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.812 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1117385 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.817, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.817 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1167387 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.823, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.823 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1227391 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.827, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.827 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1267393 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.831, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.831 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1307395 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.833, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.833 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1327397 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.836, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.836 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1357398 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.839, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.839 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.13874 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.843, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.844 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1437403 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.855, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.855 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1547409 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.860, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.860 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1597412 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.863, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.863 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1627414 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.866, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.866 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1657415 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.869, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.869 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1687417 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.872, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.872 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1717419 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.877, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.877 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1767422 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.880, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.880 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1797423 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.883, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.883 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1827425 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.889, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.889 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1887429 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.893, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.893 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1927431 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.896, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.896 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.1957433 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.901, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.901 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2007435 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.903, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.903 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2027437 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.906, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.906 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2057438 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.909, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.909 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.208744 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.912, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.912 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2117442 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.915, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.915 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2147443 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.917, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.918 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2177445 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.921, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.921 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2207447 [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] [HIS] 127,900,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:48 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:48.973, 2016-07-08 07:37:48.973 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.2727477 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.007, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.007 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3067496 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.012, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.012 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3117499 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.015, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.015 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3147501 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.018, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.018 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3177502 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.020, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.020 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3197503 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.022, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.022 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3217505 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.027, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.027 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3267508 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.031, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.031 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.330751 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.033, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.033 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3327511 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.036, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.036 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3357513 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.038, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.038 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3377514 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.040, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.040 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3397515 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.042, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.042 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3417516 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.046, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.046 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3457518 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.050, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.050 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3497521 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,500,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.076, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.076 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3757536 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.083, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.083 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.382754 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.086, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.086 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3857541 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.089, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.089 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3887543 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.096, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.096 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3957547 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.098, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.098 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.3977548 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.101, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.101 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.400755 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.103, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.103 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4027551 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.112, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.112 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4117556 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.116, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.116 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4157558 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.119, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.119 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.418756 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.141, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.141 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4407573 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.144, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.144 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4437574 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.147, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.147 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4467576 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.150, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.150 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4497578 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.151, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.151 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4507578 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.155, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.155 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4547581 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.159, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.159 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4587583 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.164, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.164 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4637586 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.168, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.168 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4677588 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.171, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.171 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.470759 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.173, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.173 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4727591 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.175, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.175 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4747592 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.177, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.177 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4767593 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.180, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.180 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4797595 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.182, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.182 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4817596 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.185, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.185 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4847598 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.188, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.188 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.48776 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.189, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.189 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.48876 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.191, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.191 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4907601 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.194, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.194 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4937603 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.197, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.197 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4967605 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.199, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.199 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4987606 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.200, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.200 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.4997606 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.232, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.232 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5317625 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.235, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.235 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5347626 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.237, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.237 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5367628 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.239, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.239 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5387629 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.241, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.241 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.540763 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.243, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.243 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5427631 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.246, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.246 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5457633 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.251, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.251 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5507636 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.256, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.256 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5557638 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.276, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.276 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.575765 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.281, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.281 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5807653 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.284, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.284 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5837655 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.287, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.287 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5867656 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.290, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.290 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5897658 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.292, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.292 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5917659 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.295, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.295 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5947661 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.297, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.297 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5967662 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.298, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.298 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.5977663 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.301, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.301 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.6007664 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.303, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.303 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.6027665 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.306, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.306 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.6057667 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.308, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.308 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.6077668 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.311, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.311 UTC Total system runtime: 61852.610767 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.743, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.743 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0427917 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.747, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.747 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0467919 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.750, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.750 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0497921 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.752, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.752 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0517922 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.756, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.756 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0557924 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.759, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.759 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0587926 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.763, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.763 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0627928 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.768, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.768 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0677931 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.773, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.773 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0727934 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.777, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.777 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0767937 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.781, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.781 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0807939 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.786, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.786 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0857942 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.792, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.792 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0917945 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.796, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.796 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0957947 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.798, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.798 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.0977949 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.802, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.802 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1017951 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.804, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.804 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1037952 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.811, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.811 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1107956 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.817, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.817 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1167959 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.823, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.823 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1227963 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.829, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.829 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1287966 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.833, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.833 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1327969 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.837, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.837 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1367971 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.840, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.840 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1397973 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] [STAT] 128,700,555 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.843, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.843 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1427974 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.848, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.848 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1477977 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.851, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.851 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1507979 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.869, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.869 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1687989 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.881, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.881 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1807996 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.888, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.888 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1878 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.897, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.897 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.1968005 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.902, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.902 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2018008 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.908, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.908 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2078011 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.911, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.911 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2108013 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.915, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.915 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2148015 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.918, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.918 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2178017 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.920, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.920 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2198018 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.925, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.925 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2248021 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.941, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.941 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.240803 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.945, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.945 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2448033 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.947, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.947 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2468034 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.950, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.950 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2498035 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.953, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.953 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2528037 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.955, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.955 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2548038 [7/8/2016 9:37:49 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.957, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.957 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2568039 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.959, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.959 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2588041 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.961, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.961 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2608042 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.964, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.964 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2638043 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.966, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.966 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2658045 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.968, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.968 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2678046 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.970, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.970 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2698047 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.972, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.972 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2718048 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.975, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.975 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.274805 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.979, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.979 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2788052 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.981, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.981 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2808053 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.984, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.984 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2838055 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.986, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.986 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2858056 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.988, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.988 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2878057 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.990, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.990 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2898058 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.993, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.993 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.292806 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.995, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.995 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2948061 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.997, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.997 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2968062 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:49.999, 2016-07-08 07:37:49.999 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.2988063 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.001, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.001 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3008065 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.004, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.004 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3038066 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.010, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.010 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.309807 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.013, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.013 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3128071 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.024, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.024 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3238078 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.086, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.086 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3858113 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.090, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.090 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3898116 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.094, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.094 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.3938118 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.104, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.104 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4038124 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.110, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.110 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4098127 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.116, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.116 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.415813 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.122, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.122 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4218134 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.147, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.147 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4468148 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.152, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.152 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4518151 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.155, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.155 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4548153 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.159, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.159 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.4588155 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.223, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.223 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5228192 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.234, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.234 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5338198 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.241, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.241 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5408202 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.247, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.247 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5468205 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.250, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.250 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5498207 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.261, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.261 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5608213 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.266, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.266 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5658216 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.271, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.271 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5708219 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.275, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.275 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5748221 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.280, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.280 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.5798224 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.290, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.290 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.589823 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.310, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.310 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.6098241 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.315, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.315 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.6148244 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.317, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.317 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.6168245 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:50.320, 2016-07-08 07:37:50.320 UTC Total system runtime: 61853.6198247 [7/8/2016 9:37:50 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 51.54 41.42 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 192.18 48.86 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 47.26 29.45 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 10912.00 2546.79 10912.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 79.81 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 159.00 124.33 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 44.81 28.22 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7678.72 7673.08 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12423.31 11382.99 12423.31 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1670.40 1661.72 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 621.56 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 676.32 259.93 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 632.77 53.53 632.77 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:51 AM] [HIS] 128,000,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,600,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:51 AM] [STAT] 128,800,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:52 AM] [HIS] 128,100,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,700,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:53 AM] [STAT] 128,900,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.571, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.571 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.8710679 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.584, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.584 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.8840686 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.589, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.589 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.8890689 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.593, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.593 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.8930691 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.597, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.597 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.8970694 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.601, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.601 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9010696 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.606, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.606 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9060699 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.611, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.611 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9110702 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.614, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.614 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9140703 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.620, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.620 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9200707 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.627, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.627 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9270711 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.634, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.634 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9340715 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.639, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.639 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9390718 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.649, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.649 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9490723 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] [HIS] 128,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.657, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.657 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9570728 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.691, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.691 UTC Total system runtime: 61857.9910747 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.723, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.723 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0230766 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.730, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.730 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.030077 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.736, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.736 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0360773 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.739, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.739 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0390775 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.741, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.741 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0410776 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,800,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.752, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.752 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0520782 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.766, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.766 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0670791 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.792, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.792 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0920805 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.795, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.795 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0950807 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.796, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.796 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0960807 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.798, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.798 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.0980809 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.800, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.800 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.100081 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.802, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.802 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1020811 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.804, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.804 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1040812 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.806, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.806 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1060813 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.808, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.808 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1080814 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.832, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.832 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1320828 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.843, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.843 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1430834 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.845, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.845 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1450835 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.849, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.849 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1490838 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.851, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.851 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1510839 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.853, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.853 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.153084 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.855, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.855 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1550841 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.857, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.857 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1570842 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.860, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.860 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1600844 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.862, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.862 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1620845 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.864, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.864 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1640846 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.866, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.866 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1660847 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.869, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.869 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1690849 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.871, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.871 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.171085 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.873, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.873 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1730851 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.876, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.876 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1760853 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.877, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.877 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1770854 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.879, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.879 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1790855 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.882, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.882 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1820857 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.884, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.884 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1840858 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.886, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.886 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1860859 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.890, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.890 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1900861 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.897, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.897 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.1970865 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.900, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.900 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2000867 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.904, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.904 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2040869 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.906, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.907 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2070871 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.909, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.909 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2090872 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.914, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.914 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2140875 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.916, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.917 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2170877 [7/8/2016 9:37:54 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.919, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.919 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2190878 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.921, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.921 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2210879 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.936, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.936 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2360887 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.939, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.939 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2390889 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.940, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.940 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.240089 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.942, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.942 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2420891 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.944, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.944 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2440892 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.946, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.946 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2460893 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.947, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.947 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2470894 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.949, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.949 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2490895 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.951, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.951 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2510896 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.952, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.952 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2520897 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.955, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.955 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2550898 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.956, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.956 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2560899 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.958, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.958 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.25809 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.960, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.960 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2600901 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.966, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.966 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2660905 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.968, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.968 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2680906 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.978, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.978 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2780911 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:54.998, 2016-07-08 07:37:54.998 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.2980923 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.001, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.001 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3010925 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.004, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.004 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3040926 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.006, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.006 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3060927 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.008, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.008 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3080929 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.012, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.012 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3120931 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.015, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.015 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3150933 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.017, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.017 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3170934 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.019, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.019 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3190935 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.021, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.021 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3210936 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.024, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.024 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3240938 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.026, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.026 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3260939 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.028, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.028 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.328094 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.030, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.030 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3300941 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.031, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.031 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3310942 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 52.69 41.34 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 157.26 50.16 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 42.78 29.79 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11955.00 2627.43 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 103.00 80.03 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 124.03 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.27 27.94 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7673.62 7672.82 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12471.38 11400.28 12471.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1671.55 1661.76 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 787.00 624.15 787.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.72 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 878.97 267.18 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.90 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 714.14 59.45 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:55.033, 2016-07-08 07:37:55.033 UTC Total system runtime: 61858.3330943 [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] [STAT] 129,000,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:55 AM] [HIS] 128,300,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,900,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:56 AM] [STAT] 129,100,059 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:57 AM] [HIS] 128,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,000,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:57 AM] [STAT] 129,200,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:58 AM] [HIS] 128,500,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,100,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:37:58 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 54.79 41.27 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 38.29 50.03 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 44.24 30.04 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11926.00 2704.67 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 80.27 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 130.00 123.93 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.05 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 43.22 27.80 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7713.62 7672.91 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12496.18 11417.61 12496.18 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1674.40 1661.82 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 793.00 626.79 793.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 1.46 0.73 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 1088.56 276.20 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.82 5.93 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 247.01 61.49 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:37:58 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:37:58.905, 2016-07-08 07:37:58.905 UTC Total system runtime: 61862.2043157 [7/8/2016 9:37:59 AM] [STAT] 129,300,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:00 AM] [PDC12] 7,100,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:01 AM] [HIS] 128,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,200,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:01 AM] [STAT] 129,400,107 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:02 AM] [HIS] 128,700,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,300,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:02 AM] [STAT] 129,500,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:03 AM] [HIS] 128,800,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,400,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:03 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 53.56 41.21 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.84 50.03 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.10 30.04 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11462.00 2778.24 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 80.50 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 117.00 123.72 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 2.00 0.07 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 22.88 27.65 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7647.13 7672.37 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12529.25 11434.96 12529.25 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1680.32 1661.94 1683.04 Megabytes Exception Count 793.00 629.43 793.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.73 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 1139.28 285.64 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 6.12 5.94 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 2.16 61.48 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:38:03 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:38:03.935, 2016-07-08 07:38:03.935 UTC Total system runtime: 61867.2346034 [7/8/2016 9:38:04 AM] [STAT] 129,603,163 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:05 AM] [HIS] 128,900,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,500,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:07 AM] [HIS] 129,000,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,600,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:07 AM] [STAT] 129,701,051 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:07 AM] [STAT] 129,802,747 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:08 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 53.18 41.17 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 54.95 50.06 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 15.62 30.05 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11182.00 2849.32 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 80.69 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 101.00 123.27 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.07 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 19.23 27.54 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7664.25 7671.89 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12581.63 11452.47 12581.63 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1683.46 1662.07 1683.46 Megabytes Exception Count 793.00 632.08 793.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.73 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 1059.13 294.44 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.79 5.98 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 1.33 61.48 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:38:08 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:38:08.947, 2016-07-08 07:38:08.947 UTC Total system runtime: 61872.2468901 [7/8/2016 9:38:09 AM] [HIS] 129,100,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,700,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:09 AM] [STAT] 129,900,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:10 AM] [HIS] 129,200,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,800,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:11 AM] [STAT] 130,000,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:12 AM] [HIS] 129,300,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,900,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:12 AM] [STAT] 130,100,107 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:14 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 54.84 41.12 65.89 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 52.45 50.49 298.45 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 14.43 30.16 407.47 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 11172.00 2926.47 11955.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 80.88 114.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 110.00 122.93 566.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.07 2.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 20.42 27.43 97.62 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7680.61 7671.65 7765.77 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 12664.71 11470.41 12664.71 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1694.15 1662.30 1694.15 Megabytes Exception Count 793.00 634.72 793.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.73 21.60 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 1060.41 303.26 1898.49 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 6.00 6.03 16.32 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 2.07 61.48 714.14 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 9:38:14 AM] Current system time: 2016-07-08 09:38:14.060, 2016-07-08 07:38:14.060 UTC Total system runtime: 61877.3601826 [7/8/2016 9:38:14 AM] [HIS] 129,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 9:38:14 AM] [STAT] 130,200,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:14:51 AM] ******************************************************************************* Node {2b8e12d6-434c-11e6-9e77-0019bb2e016a} Initializing System Time: 2016-07-08 08:14:51.583 UTC Current Path: C:\Program Files\openPDC Machine Name: WACCNC01 OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Product Name: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Working Memory: 30.7227 MiB Execution Mode: 64-bit Processors: 4 GC Server Mode: True GC Latency Mode: Interactive Process Account: NT SERVICE\openPDC ******************************************************************************* [7/8/2016 10:15:08 AM] Database connection opened. [7/8/2016 10:15:08 AM] Loading binary based configuration from "C:\Program Files\openPDC\ConfigurationCache\SystemConfiguration.bin". [7/8/2016 10:15:08 AM] Binary based configuration successfully loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:08 AM] Attempting to augment binary cached configuration data set... [7/8/2016 10:15:09 AM] Executing startup data operation "Time Series Startup Operations". [7/8/2016 10:15:10 AM] Executing startup data operation "Phasor Data Source Validation". [7/8/2016 10:15:10 AM] Establishing default measurement key cache... [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Validating signal types... [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Validating output stream device ID codes... [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Verifying statistics archive exists... [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Validating device protocols... [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Executing startup data operation "Optimize Local Historian Settings". [7/8/2016 10:15:12 AM] Optimizing settings for local historians... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 2 rows from "InputAdapters" in 142.01 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] InputAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 6 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 6 rows from "ActionAdapters" in 210.01 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] ActionAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 2 rows from "OutputAdapters" in 22 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 18 rows from "InputStreamDevices" in 38 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] InputStreamDevices configuration pre-cache completed in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDevices" in 44 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputStreamDevices configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamMeasurements" in 135.01 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputStreamMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDevicePhasors" in 72 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputStreamDevicePhasors configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDeviceAnalogs" in 67 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputStreamDeviceAnalogs configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDeviceDigitals" in 72 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] OutputStreamDeviceDigitals configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 98 rows from "Statistics" in 16 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Statistics configuration pre-cache completed in 2 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "Subscribers" in 39 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Subscribers configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "SubscriberMeasurements" in 49 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] SubscriberMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "SubscriberMeasurementGroups" in 18 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:13 AM] SubscriberMeasurementGroups configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Loaded 1 row from "MeasurementGroups" in 129.01 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] MeasurementGroups configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "MeasurementGroupMeasurements" in 18 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] MeasurementGroupMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "Alarms" in 10 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Alarms configuration pre-cache completed in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Loaded 1 row from "NodeInfo" in 13 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] NodeInfo configuration pre-cache completed in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Database connection closed. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Successfully cached current configuration to binary. [7/8/2016 10:15:14 AM] Successfully cached current configuration to XML. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [PDC12] Loading expected concentrator device list... Device 00: Pmu_Ag_Ste_12 (204) Device 01: Pmu_Brin_12 (205) Device 02: Pmu_Brin_122 (206) Device 03: Pmu_Bulc_12 (207) Device 04: Pmu_Chiar_12 (208) Device 05: Pmu_Diva_12 (209) Device 06: Pmu_Kasso_12 (210) Device 07: Pmu_Konj_12 (211) Device 08: Pmu_Laspe_12 (212) Device 09: Pmu_Lati_12 (213) Device 10: Pmu_Lati_122 (214) Device 11: Pmu_Parm_12 (215) Device 12: Pmu_Redi_12 (216) Device 13: Pmu_Wehren_12 (217) Device 14: Pmu_Cara_12 (218) Device 15: Pmu_Cara_122 (219) Device 16: Pmu_Osti6_12 (220) Device 17: Pmu_Bass_12 (221) [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [PDC12] Loaded 296 active device measurements... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [STATISTIC!SERVICES] Started statistics calculation timer. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Statistics reset for this collection. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Statistics reset for this collection. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Data publisher command channel started. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Data publisher command channel started. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [All Adapters Collection] Statistics reset for this collection. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] System initialization complete. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Statistics reset for this collection. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Data publisher command channel started. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] Thread pool size: minimum 25 worker 25 I/O, maximum 2048 worker 2048 I/O [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 0 routes for 0 destinations in 10 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 0 routes for 0 destinations in 10 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 1 destination in 47 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 1 destination in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 54 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:15 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 2 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:16 AM] [PPA] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:15:16 AM] [PPA] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:15:16 AM] [STAT] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [HIS] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [HIS] Attempting command channel connection to publisher... [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [HIS] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established. [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client connected to command channel. [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 4 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:17 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:18 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 11 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:18 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:15:18 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53135), preparing response... [7/8/2016 10:15:18 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "Subscribe": Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:15:19 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data prepared in 1.27 seconds, sending response to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53135)... [7/8/2016 10:15:19 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": latest meta-data received. [7/8/2016 10:15:19 AM] [HIS] Received a total of 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data that was uncompressed and deserialized in 0.57 seconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [HIS] Meta-data synchronization is 19.8% complete... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [HIS] Meta-data synchronization is 39.6% complete... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [HIS] Meta-data synchronization is 59.5% complete... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [HIS] Meta-data synchronization is 79.3% complete... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [HIS] Meta-data synchronization completed successfully in 299.02 milliseconds [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [STATISTIC!SERVICES] Loaded 98 statistic calculation definitions and 169 statistic measurement definitions. [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] Database connection opened. [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] Attempting to augment existing configuration data set... [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] Executing startup data operation "Time Series Startup Operations". [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] Executing startup data operation "Phasor Data Source Validation". [7/8/2016 10:15:20 AM] Establishing default measurement key cache... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Validating signal types... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Validating output stream device ID codes... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Verifying statistics archive exists... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Validating device protocols... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Executing startup data operation "Optimize Local Historian Settings". [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Optimizing settings for local historians... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 2 rows from "InputAdapters" in 3 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] InputAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 6 rows from "ActionAdapters" in 30 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] ActionAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 2 rows from "OutputAdapters" in 4 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputAdapters configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 18 rows from "InputStreamDevices" in 4 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] InputStreamDevices configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDevices" in 2 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputStreamDevices configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamMeasurements" in 1 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputStreamMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDevicePhasors" in 1 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputStreamDevicePhasors configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDeviceAnalogs" in 2 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputStreamDeviceAnalogs configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "OutputStreamDeviceDigitals" in less than 1 millisecond... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] OutputStreamDeviceDigitals configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 98 rows from "Statistics" in 4 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Statistics configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "Subscribers" in 3 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Subscribers configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "SubscriberMeasurements" in 1 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] SubscriberMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "SubscriberMeasurementGroups" in 1 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] SubscriberMeasurementGroups configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 1 row from "MeasurementGroups" in 2 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] MeasurementGroups configuration pre-cache completed in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "MeasurementGroupMeasurements" in 2 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] MeasurementGroupMeasurements configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 0 rows from "Alarms" in less than 1 millisecond... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Alarms configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Loaded 1 row from "NodeInfo" in 2 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] NodeInfo configuration pre-cache completed in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 2 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 2 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [STAT] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 5 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [HIS] Received notification from publisher that configuration has changed. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [EXTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 0 routes for 0 destinations in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [TLS!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 0 routes for 0 destinations in 0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53135), preparing response... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Database connection closed. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Successfully cached current configuration to binary. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] Successfully cached current configuration to XML. [7/8/2016 10:15:21 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:15:21 AM [7/8/2016 10:15:22 AM] [STAT] MetadataService has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:22 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:22 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 6 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:15:22 AM] [STAT] TimeSeriesDataService has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:23 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data prepared in 2.19 seconds, sending response to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53135)... [7/8/2016 10:15:23 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": latest meta-data received. [7/8/2016 10:15:23 AM] [HIS] Received a total of 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data that was uncompressed and deserialized in 15 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:15:24 AM] [STAT] AdoMetadataProvider has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:24 AM] [STAT] OleDbMetadataProvider has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:24 AM] [STAT] RestWebServiceMetadataProvider has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STAT] HadoopReplicationProvider has been loaded. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STAT] Pausing measurement processing... [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in less than 1 millisecond. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STAT] AdoMetadataProvider has started metadata refresh... [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STATISTIC!SERVICES] Loaded 98 statistic calculation definitions and 181 statistic measurement definitions. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STAT] AdoMetadataProvider has finished metadata refresh. [7/8/2016 10:15:25 AM] [STAT] Resuming measurement processing... [7/8/2016 10:15:29 AM] [STATISTIC!SERVICES] Loaded 98 statistic calculation definitions and 181 statistic measurement definitions. [7/8/2016 10:15:40 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53135). [7/8/2016 10:15:41 AM] [STAT] 100,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:41 AM] [HIS] 100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:42 AM] [STAT] 200,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:42 AM] [HIS] 200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:43 AM] [STAT] 300,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:43 AM] [HIS] 300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:45 AM] [STAT] 400,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 400,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:45 AM] [HIS] 400,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:46 AM] [STAT] 500,009 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:46 AM] [HIS] 500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:47 AM] [STAT] 600,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:47 AM] [HIS] 600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:48 AM] [STAT] 700,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:48 AM] [HIS] 700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] 800,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 800,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [HIS] 800,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:49 AM] [STAT] Received out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 1800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 2700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] 900,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [HIS] 900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 3600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 4500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:50 AM] [STAT] Received 5400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 6300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] 1,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [HIS] 1,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 7200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 8100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] Received 9900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [STAT] 1,100,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:51 AM] [HIS] 1,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 10800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 11700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 12600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 13500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] 1,200,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [HIS] 1,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 14400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:52 AM] [STAT] Received 15300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 16200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 17100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] 1,300,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [HIS] 1,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 18900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 19800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:53 AM] [STAT] Received 20700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] 1,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,400,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [HIS] 1,400,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 21600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 22500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 23400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 24300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] 1,500,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [HIS] 1,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:54 AM] [STAT] Received 25200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 26100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 27900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] 1,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,600,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [HIS] 1,600,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 28800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 29700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:55 AM] [STAT] Received 30600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 31500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] 1,700,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [HIS] 1,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 32400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 33300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 34200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:56 AM] [STAT] Received 35100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] 1,800,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [HIS] 1,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 36900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 37800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 38700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] 1,900,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [HIS] 1,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 39600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:57 AM] [STAT] Received 40500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 41400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 42300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] 2,000,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,000,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [HIS] 2,000,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 43200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 44100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:58 AM] [STAT] Received 45000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 45900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] 2,100,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,100,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [HIS] 2,100,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 46800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 47700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 48600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 49500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:39.8264028. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] 2,200,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [HIS] 2,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:15:59 AM] [STAT] Received 50400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 51300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 52200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 53100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] 2,300,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [HIS] 2,300,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,300,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 54900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 55800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 56700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 57600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 58500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 93.64 32.77 93.64 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 14.56 110.98 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 4.59 36.40 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1221.00 1008.62 1488.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 76.00 44.46 76.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 64.00 52.62 157.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 310.50 53.38 310.50 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 143.54 115.76 155.35 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 21.65 13.17 22.48 Megabytes Large Object Heap 11.81 5.41 11.81 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 25.77 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.54 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 7.40 14.26 65.50 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.99 3.90 6.41 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.40 6.11 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] Received 59400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [STAT] 2,400,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,400,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:00 AM] [HIS] 2,400,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 60300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 61200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 62100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 63900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] 2,500,019 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [HIS] 2,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 64800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 65700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 66600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 67500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:01 AM] [STAT] Received 68400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] 2,600,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [HIS] 2,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 69300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 70200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 71100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 72900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] 2,700,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [HIS] 2,700,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,700,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 73800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 74700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 75600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:02 AM] [STAT] Received 76500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 77400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 78300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] 2,800,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [HIS] 2,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 79200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 80100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 81900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 82800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] 2,900,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,900,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [HIS] 2,900,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 83700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 84600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:03 AM] [STAT] Received 85500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 86400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 87300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] 3,000,029 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,000,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [HIS] 3,000,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 88200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 89100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 90900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 91800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 92700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] 3,100,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,100,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [HIS] 3,100,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:04 AM] [STAT] Received 93600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 94500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 95400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 96300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 97200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] 3,200,033 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [HIS] 3,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 98100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 99900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 100800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 101700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] 3,300,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,300,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [HIS] 3,300,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:05 AM] [STAT] Received 102600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 103500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 104400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 105300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 106200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] 3,400,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 107100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,400,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [HIS] 3,400,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 108900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 109800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:06 AM] [STAT] Received 110700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 111600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] 3,500,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,500,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [HIS] 3,500,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 112500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 113400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 114300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 115200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 116100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] 3,600,041 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [HIS] 3,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 117900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 118800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:07 AM] [STAT] Received 119700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 120600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] 3,700,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,700,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [HIS] 3,700,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 121500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 122400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 123300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 124200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 125100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] 3,800,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,800,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [HIS] 3,800,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 126900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:08 AM] [STAT] Received 127800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 128700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 129600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 130500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] 3,900,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [HIS] 3,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 131400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 132300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 133200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 134100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] 4,000,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,000,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [HIS] 4,000,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 135900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:09 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 136800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 137700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] 4,100,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,100,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [HIS] 4,100,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 138600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 139500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 140400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 141300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:349 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:10 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:350 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] 4,200,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,200,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [HIS] 4,200,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] 4,300,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,300,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [HIS] 4,300,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:11 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:357 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] 4,400,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [HIS] 4,400,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,400,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:358 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:359 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:12 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] 4,500,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,500,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [HIS] 4,500,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:360 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] 4,600,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,600,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [HIS] 4,600,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:347 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 142200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 143100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:13 AM] [STAT] Received 144900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:348 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] 4,700,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,700,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [HIS] 4,700,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] 4,800,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,800,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [HIS] 4,800,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:14 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] 4,900,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,900,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [HIS] 4,900,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 153900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 154800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 155700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:15 AM] [STAT] Received 156600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:351 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] 5,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,000,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [HIS] 5,000,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] 5,100,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,100,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [HIS] 5,100,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:16 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] 5,200,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,200,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [HIS] 5,200,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] 5,300,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,300,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [HIS] 5,300,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [PDC12] 100,061 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:17 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:18 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:18 AM] [STAT] 5,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,400,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:18 AM] [HIS] 5,400,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:18 AM] [STAT] Received 153900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [STAT] Received 154800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [STAT] 5,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,500,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [HIS] 5,500,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [STAT] Received 155700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [STAT] 5,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,600,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [HIS] 5,600,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:19 AM] [STAT] Received 156600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:352 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [STAT] 5,700,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,700,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [HIS] 5,700,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [STAT] 5,800,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,800,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:20 AM] [HIS] 5,800,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [STAT] 5,900,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,900,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [HIS] 5,900,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [STAT] 6,000,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,000,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:21 AM] [HIS] 6,000,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [STAT] 6,100,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [HIS] 6,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [STAT] 6,200,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,200,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:22 AM] [HIS] 6,200,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [STAT] 6,300,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,300,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [HIS] 6,300,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [STAT] 6,400,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,400,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:24 AM] [HIS] 6,400,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:25 AM] [STAT] 6,500,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:25 AM] [HIS] 6,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:25 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:25 AM] [STAT] 6,600,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,600,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [HIS] 6,600,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [STAT] 6,700,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,700,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [HIS] 6,700,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [STAT] 6,800,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,800,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:26 AM] [HIS] 6,800,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:27 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:27 AM] [STAT] 6,900,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 6,900,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:27 AM] [HIS] 6,900,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [STAT] 7,000,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [HIS] 7,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [STAT] 7,100,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,100,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:28 AM] [HIS] 7,100,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [STAT] 7,200,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,200,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [HIS] 7,200,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [STAT] 7,300,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:29 AM] [HIS] 7,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:30 AM] [STAT] 7,400,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,400,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:30 AM] [HIS] 7,400,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [STAT] 7,500,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,500,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [HIS] 7,500,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [STAT] 7,600,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,600,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [HIS] 7,600,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:31 AM] [STAT] Received 153900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [STAT] 7,700,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [HIS] 7,700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [STAT] 7,800,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,800,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [HIS] 7,800,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [STAT] 7,900,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 7,900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:32 AM] [HIS] 7,900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [STAT] 8,000,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,000,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [HIS] 8,000,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [STAT] 8,100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:33 AM] [HIS] 8,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:34 AM] [STAT] Received 154800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:34 AM] [STAT] 8,200,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:34 AM] [HIS] 8,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [STAT] 8,300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [HIS] 8,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [STAT] 8,400,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,400,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:35 AM] [HIS] 8,400,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [STAT] 8,500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [HIS] 8,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [STAT] 8,600,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,600,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [HIS] 8,600,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [STAT] 8,700,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:36 AM] [HIS] 8,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [STAT] Received 155700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [STAT] 8,800,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,800,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [HIS] 8,800,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [STAT] 8,900,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 8,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:37 AM] [HIS] 8,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:38 AM] [STAT] 9,000,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,000,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:38 AM] [HIS] 9,000,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [STAT] 9,100,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [HIS] 9,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [STAT] 9,200,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,200,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:39 AM] [HIS] 9,200,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [STAT] 9,300,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,300,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [HIS] 9,300,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [STAT] 9,400,083 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [HIS] 9,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [STAT] Received 156600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:353 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [STAT] 9,500,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,500,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:40 AM] [HIS] 9,500,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:41 AM] [STAT] 9,600,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:41 AM] [HIS] 9,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:42 AM] [STAT] 9,700,061 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,700,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:42 AM] [HIS] 9,700,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [STAT] 9,800,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [HIS] 9,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [STAT] 9,900,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 9,900,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:43 AM] [HIS] 9,900,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [STAT] 10,000,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,000,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [HIS] 10,000,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [STAT] 10,100,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,100,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [HIS] 10,100,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [STAT] 10,200,057 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,200,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [HIS] 10,200,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:44 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [STAT] 10,300,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,300,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [HIS] 10,300,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [STAT] 10,400,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,400,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:45 AM] [HIS] 10,400,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:46 AM] [STAT] 10,500,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:46 AM] [HIS] 10,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [STAT] 10,600,093 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [HIS] 10,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [STAT] 10,700,053 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,700,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [HIS] 10,700,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [STAT] 10,800,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,800,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:47 AM] [HIS] 10,800,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [STAT] 10,900,071 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 10,900,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [HIS] 10,900,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [STAT] 11,000,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,000,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:48 AM] [HIS] 11,000,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [STAT] 11,100,089 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [HIS] 11,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [STAT] 11,200,049 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:49 AM] [HIS] 11,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:50 AM] [STAT] 11,300,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,300,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:50 AM] [HIS] 11,300,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [STAT] 11,400,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,400,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [HIS] 11,400,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [STAT] 11,500,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,500,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:51 AM] [HIS] 11,500,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [STAT] 11,600,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,600,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [HIS] 11,600,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [STAT] 11,700,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,700,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:52 AM] [HIS] 11,700,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [STAT] 11,800,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,800,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [HIS] 11,800,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [STAT] 11,900,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 11,900,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [HIS] 11,900,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [STAT] 12,000,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:53 AM] [HIS] 12,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [STAT] 12,100,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,100,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [HIS] 12,100,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [STAT] 12,200,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,200,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:55 AM] [HIS] 12,200,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [STAT] 12,300,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,300,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [HIS] 12,300,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [STAT] 12,400,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,400,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:56 AM] [HIS] 12,400,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [STAT] 12,500,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,500,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [HIS] 12,500,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [STAT] 12,600,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,600,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [HIS] 12,600,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:16:57 AM [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [STAT] 12,700,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,700,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:57 AM] [HIS] 12,700,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [STAT] 12,800,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,800,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [HIS] 12,800,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [STAT] 12,900,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 12,900,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:58 AM] [HIS] 12,900,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:59 AM] [STAT] 13,000,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,000,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:16:59 AM] [HIS] 13,000,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [STAT] 13,100,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,100,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [HIS] 13,100,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [STAT] 13,200,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,200,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [HIS] 13,200,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 81.86 60.31 94.84 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 1.01 73.68 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.25 26.42 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 3315.00 2047.40 8530.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 54.00 55.24 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 55.00 68.72 157.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 270.74 335.99 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 1593.11 503.74 1593.13 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 844.91 180.09 844.91 Megabytes Large Object Heap 166.65 42.35 166.65 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 31.16 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.28 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 3415.83 482.11 3651.81 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 1.24 4.49 6.41 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.41 3.48 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [STAT] 13,300,061 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,300,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:00 AM] [HIS] 13,300,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [STAT] 13,400,105 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,400,114 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [HIS] 13,400,114 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [STAT] 13,500,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,500,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:01 AM] [HIS] 13,500,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [STAT] 13,600,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,600,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [HIS] 13,600,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [STAT] 13,700,111 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,700,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [HIS] 13,700,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:02 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:03 AM] [STAT] 13,800,029 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,800,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:03 AM] [HIS] 13,800,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [STAT] 13,900,073 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 13,900,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [HIS] 13,900,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [STAT] 14,000,117 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:04 AM] [HIS] 14,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [STAT] 14,100,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [HIS] 14,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [STAT] 14,200,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,200,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [HIS] 14,200,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [STAT] 14,300,123 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:05 AM] [HIS] 14,300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:06 AM] [STAT] 14,400,041 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,400,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:06 AM] [HIS] 14,400,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [STAT] 14,500,085 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,500,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [HIS] 14,500,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [STAT] 14,600,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [HIS] 14,600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [STAT] 14,700,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,700,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:07 AM] [HIS] 14,700,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [STAT] 14,800,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,800,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [HIS] 14,800,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [STAT] 14,900,009 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 14,900,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:08 AM] [HIS] 14,900,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [STAT] 15,000,053 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,000,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [HIS] 15,000,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [STAT] 15,100,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,100,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:09 AM] [HIS] 15,100,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:10 AM] [STAT] 15,200,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,200,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:10 AM] [HIS] 15,200,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [STAT] 15,300,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,300,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [HIS] 15,300,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [STAT] 15,400,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:11 AM] [HIS] 15,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:12 AM] [STAT] 15,500,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,500,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:12 AM] [HIS] 15,500,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [STAT] 15,600,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,600,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [HIS] 15,600,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [STAT] 15,700,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,700,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [HIS] 15,700,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [STAT] 15,800,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,800,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:13 AM] [HIS] 15,800,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [STAT] 15,900,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 15,900,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [HIS] 15,900,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [STAT] 16,000,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,000,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [HIS] 16,000,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:15 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [STAT] 16,100,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,100,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [HIS] 16,100,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [STAT] 16,200,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [HIS] 16,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [STAT] 16,300,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,300,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:16 AM] [HIS] 16,300,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [STAT] 16,400,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,400,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [HIS] 16,400,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [STAT] 16,500,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,500,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:17 AM] [HIS] 16,500,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [STAT] 16,600,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [HIS] 16,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [STAT] 16,700,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,700,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:18 AM] [HIS] 16,700,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [STAT] 16,800,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,800,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [HIS] 16,800,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [STAT] 16,900,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 16,900,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [HIS] 16,900,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [STAT] 17,000,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:19 AM] [HIS] 17,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [STAT] 17,100,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,100,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [HIS] 17,100,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [STAT] 17,200,053 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,200,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:20 AM] [HIS] 17,200,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [STAT] 17,300,153 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,300,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [HIS] 17,300,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [STAT] 17,400,099 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,400,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:21 AM] [HIS] 17,400,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [STAT] 17,500,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [HIS] 17,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [STAT] 17,600,145 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [HIS] 17,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [STAT] 17,700,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,700,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:22 AM] [HIS] 17,700,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [STAT] 17,800,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,800,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [HIS] 17,800,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [STAT] 17,900,137 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 17,900,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:23 AM] [HIS] 17,900,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [STAT] 18,000,083 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,000,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [HIS] 18,000,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [STAT] 18,100,029 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,100,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [HIS] 18,100,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [STAT] 18,200,129 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,200,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:24 AM] [HIS] 18,200,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:25 AM] [STAT] 18,300,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,300,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:25 AM] [HIS] 18,300,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [STAT] 18,400,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,400,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [HIS] 18,400,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [STAT] 18,500,121 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,500,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [HIS] 18,500,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [STAT] 18,600,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,600,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [HIS] 18,600,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:17:26 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [STAT] 18,700,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [HIS] 18,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [STAT] 18,800,113 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,800,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [HIS] 18,800,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [STAT] 18,900,059 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:17:27 AM [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 18,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:27 AM] [HIS] 18,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:28 AM] [STAT] 19,000,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,000,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:28 AM] [HIS] 19,000,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:28 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [STAT] 19,100,105 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,100,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [HIS] 19,100,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [STAT] 19,200,051 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,200,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [HIS] 19,200,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [STAT] 19,300,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,300,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:30 AM] [HIS] 19,300,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [STAT] 19,400,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,400,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [HIS] 19,400,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [STAT] 19,500,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,500,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [HIS] 19,500,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [STAT] 19,600,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,600,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:31 AM] [HIS] 19,600,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [STAT] 19,700,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,700,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [HIS] 19,700,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [STAT] 19,800,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,800,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [HIS] 19,800,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [STAT] 19,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 19,900,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:32 AM] [HIS] 19,900,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:33 AM] [STAT] 20,000,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,000,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:33 AM] [HIS] 20,000,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [STAT] 20,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,100,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [HIS] 20,100,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [STAT] 20,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,200,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [HIS] 20,200,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [STAT] 20,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,300,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:34 AM] [HIS] 20,300,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [STAT] 20,400,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,400,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [HIS] 20,400,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [STAT] 20,500,104 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,500,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [HIS] 20,500,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [STAT] Received 153900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [STAT] 20,600,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,600,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:35 AM] [HIS] 20,600,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:36 AM] [STAT] 20,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,700,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:36 AM] [HIS] 20,700,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [STAT] 20,800,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [HIS] 20,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [STAT] 20,900,112 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 20,900,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [HIS] 20,900,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [STAT] 21,000,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:37 AM] [HIS] 21,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [STAT] 21,100,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [HIS] 21,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [STAT] 21,200,160 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [HIS] 21,200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [STAT] 21,300,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,300,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:38 AM] [HIS] 21,300,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:39 AM] [STAT] 21,400,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,400,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:39 AM] [HIS] 21,400,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [STAT] 21,500,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,500,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [HIS] 21,500,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [PDC12] 200,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [STAT] 21,600,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,600,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [HIS] 21,600,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [STAT] 21,700,113 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,700,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:40 AM] [HIS] 21,700,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [STAT] 21,800,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,800,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [HIS] 21,800,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [STAT] 21,900,131 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 21,900,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [HIS] 21,900,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:41 AM] [STAT] 22,000,049 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,000,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:42 AM] [HIS] 22,000,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:42 AM] [STAT] 22,100,149 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,100,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:42 AM] [HIS] 22,100,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:43 AM] [STAT] Received 154800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [STAT] 22,200,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,200,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [HIS] 22,200,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [STAT] 22,300,167 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [HIS] 22,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [STAT] 22,400,085 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:44 AM] [HIS] 22,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [STAT] 22,500,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [HIS] 22,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [STAT] 22,600,103 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,600,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [HIS] 22,600,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [STAT] 22,700,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,700,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:45 AM] [HIS] 22,700,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [STAT] 22,800,121 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,800,134 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [HIS] 22,800,134 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [STAT] 22,900,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 22,900,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:46 AM] [HIS] 22,900,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [STAT] 23,000,139 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,000,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [HIS] 23,000,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [STAT] 23,100,057 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,100,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [HIS] 23,100,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:47 AM] [STAT] 23,200,157 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,200,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [HIS] 23,200,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [STAT] 23,300,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,300,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [HIS] 23,300,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [STAT] 23,400,175 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:48 AM] [HIS] 23,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:49 AM] [STAT] 23,500,093 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,500,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:49 AM] [HIS] 23,500,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [STAT] 23,600,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,600,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [HIS] 23,600,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [STAT] 23,700,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,700,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [HIS] 23,700,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:17:51 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [STAT] 23,800,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,800,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [HIS] 23,800,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [STAT] Received 155700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [STAT] 23,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 23,900,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [HIS] 23,900,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [STAT] 24,000,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,000,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:52 AM] [HIS] 24,000,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [STAT] 24,100,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,100,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [HIS] 24,100,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [STAT] 24,200,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,200,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:53 AM] [HIS] 24,200,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:54 AM] [STAT] 24,300,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,300,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:54 AM] [HIS] 24,300,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:55 AM] [STAT] 24,400,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:55 AM] [HIS] 24,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [STAT] 24,500,168 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,500,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [HIS] 24,500,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [STAT] 24,600,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,600,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [HIS] 24,600,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:17:56 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [STAT] 24,700,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,700,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [HIS] 24,700,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [STAT] 24,800,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,800,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [HIS] 24,800,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [STAT] 24,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:17:57 AM [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 24,900,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:57 AM] [HIS] 24,900,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [STAT] 25,000,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,000,178 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [HIS] 25,000,178 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [STAT] 25,100,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,100,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:58 AM] [HIS] 25,100,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:59 AM] [STAT] 25,200,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,200,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:17:59 AM] [HIS] 25,200,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [STAT] 25,300,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,300,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [HIS] 25,300,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [STAT] 25,400,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,400,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] [HIS] 25,400,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:00 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 86.82 67.82 94.84 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.94 59.51 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.20 20.69 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 2826.00 2389.49 8530.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 57.00 55.86 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 63.00 76.32 157.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 112.06 289.48 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 2809.91 1050.54 2809.91 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 2231.02 616.04 2231.02 Megabytes Large Object Heap 497.94 117.42 497.94 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 33.05 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.19 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 2769.29 1231.39 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 1.59 4.50 7.61 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.80 2.54 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [STAT] 25,500,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,500,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [HIS] 25,500,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [STAT] 25,600,175 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,600,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [HIS] 25,600,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [STAT] 25,700,135 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,700,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:01 AM] [HIS] 25,700,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:02 AM] [STAT] 25,800,095 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,800,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:02 AM] [HIS] 25,800,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [STAT] 25,900,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 25,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [HIS] 25,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [STAT] 26,000,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:03 AM] [HIS] 26,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:04 AM] [STAT] 26,100,185 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,100,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:04 AM] [HIS] 26,100,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [STAT] Received 156600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:354 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [STAT] 26,200,145 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,200,160 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [HIS] 26,200,160 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [STAT] 26,300,105 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,300,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [HIS] 26,300,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:05 AM] [STAT] 26,400,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,400,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [HIS] 26,400,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [STAT] 26,500,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,500,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [HIS] 26,500,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [STAT] 26,600,195 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,600,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:06 AM] [HIS] 26,600,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [STAT] 26,700,155 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,700,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [HIS] 26,700,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [STAT] 26,800,115 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,800,130 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:07 AM] [HIS] 26,800,130 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [STAT] 26,900,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 26,900,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [HIS] 26,900,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [STAT] 27,000,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,000,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [HIS] 27,000,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [STAT] 27,100,205 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:08 AM] [HIS] 27,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [STAT] 27,200,165 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,200,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [HIS] 27,200,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [STAT] 27,300,125 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,300,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [HIS] 27,300,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [STAT] 27,400,085 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,400,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:09 AM] [HIS] 27,400,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [STAT] 27,500,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [HIS] 27,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [STAT] 27,600,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,600,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:10 AM] [HIS] 27,600,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [STAT] 27,700,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,700,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [HIS] 27,700,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [STAT] 27,800,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,800,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:11 AM] [HIS] 27,800,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [STAT] 27,900,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 27,900,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [HIS] 27,900,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [STAT] 28,000,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [HIS] 28,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [STAT] 28,100,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,100,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:12 AM] [HIS] 28,100,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [STAT] 28,200,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,200,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [HIS] 28,200,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [STAT] 28,300,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [HIS] 28,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [STAT] 28,400,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,400,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:13 AM] [HIS] 28,400,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:14 AM] [STAT] 28,500,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,500,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:14 AM] [HIS] 28,500,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [STAT] 28,600,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,600,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [HIS] 28,600,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [STAT] 28,700,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [HIS] 28,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [STAT] 28,800,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,800,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:15 AM] [HIS] 28,800,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [STAT] 28,900,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 28,900,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [HIS] 28,900,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [STAT] 29,000,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [HIS] 29,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [STAT] 29,100,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,100,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:16 AM] [HIS] 29,100,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [STAT] 29,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [HIS] 29,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [STAT] 29,300,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:18 AM] [HIS] 29,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [STAT] 29,400,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,400,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [HIS] 29,400,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [STAT] 29,500,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,500,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [HIS] 29,500,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [STAT] 29,600,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,600,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:19 AM] [HIS] 29,600,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [STAT] 29,700,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [HIS] 29,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [STAT] 29,800,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,800,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:20 AM] [HIS] 29,800,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [STAT] 29,900,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 29,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [HIS] 29,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [STAT] 30,000,205 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,000,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [HIS] 30,000,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [STAT] 30,100,165 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,100,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:21 AM] [HIS] 30,100,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [STAT] 30,200,125 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,200,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [HIS] 30,200,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [STAT] 30,300,085 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,300,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [HIS] 30,300,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [STAT] 30,400,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,400,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:22 AM] [HIS] 30,400,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [STAT] 30,500,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [HIS] 30,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [STAT] 30,600,203 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,600,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [HIS] 30,600,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [STAT] 30,700,163 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,700,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:23 AM] [HIS] 30,700,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:24 AM] [STAT] 30,800,123 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,800,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:24 AM] [HIS] 30,800,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [STAT] 30,900,083 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 30,900,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [HIS] 30,900,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [STAT] 31,000,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,000,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [HIS] 31,000,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [STAT] 31,100,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,100,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:25 AM] [HIS] 31,100,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [STAT] 31,200,201 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,200,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [HIS] 31,200,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [STAT] 31,300,161 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,300,178 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [HIS] 31,300,178 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [STAT] 31,400,121 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,400,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:26 AM] [HIS] 31,400,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [STAT] 31,500,081 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,500,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [HIS] 31,500,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [STAT] 31,600,041 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,600,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [HIS] 31,600,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:27 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [STAT] 31,700,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,700,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [HIS] 31,700,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [STAT] 31,800,199 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,800,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [HIS] 31,800,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [STAT] 31,900,159 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 31,900,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:28 AM] [HIS] 31,900,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [STAT] 32,000,119 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,000,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [HIS] 32,000,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [STAT] 32,100,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [HIS] 32,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [STAT] 32,200,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:29 AM] [HIS] 32,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [STAT] 32,300,237 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [HIS] 32,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [STAT] 32,400,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,400,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [HIS] 32,400,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [STAT] 32,500,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,500,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:30 AM] [HIS] 32,500,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:31 AM] [STAT] 32,600,102 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,600,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:31 AM] [HIS] 32,600,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [STAT] 32,700,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,700,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [HIS] 32,700,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [STAT] 32,800,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,800,208 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [HIS] 32,800,208 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [STAT] 32,900,234 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 32,900,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:33 AM] [HIS] 32,900,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [STAT] 33,000,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,000,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [HIS] 33,000,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [STAT] 33,100,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,100,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [HIS] 33,100,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [STAT] 33,200,114 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,200,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [HIS] 33,200,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [STAT] 33,300,158 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,300,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:34 AM] [HIS] 33,300,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [STAT] 33,400,202 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,400,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [HIS] 33,400,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [STAT] 33,500,246 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,500,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [HIS] 33,500,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:35 AM] [STAT] 33,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,600,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:36 AM] [HIS] 33,600,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:36 AM] [STAT] 33,700,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,700,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:36 AM] [HIS] 33,700,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [STAT] 33,800,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,800,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [HIS] 33,800,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [STAT] 33,900,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 33,900,188 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [HIS] 33,900,188 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [STAT] 34,000,214 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,000,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:37 AM] [HIS] 34,000,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [STAT] 34,100,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,100,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [HIS] 34,100,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [STAT] 34,200,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,200,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [HIS] 34,200,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [STAT] 34,300,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,300,112 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [HIS] 34,300,112 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:38 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [STAT] 34,400,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,400,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [HIS] 34,400,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [STAT] 34,500,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,500,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [HIS] 34,500,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [STAT] 34,600,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,600,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:39 AM] [HIS] 34,600,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:40 AM] [STAT] 34,700,129 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,700,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:40 AM] [HIS] 34,700,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [STAT] 34,800,145 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [HIS] 34,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [STAT] 34,900,161 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 34,900,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [HIS] 34,900,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [STAT] 35,000,177 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,000,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:41 AM] [HIS] 35,000,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [STAT] 35,100,193 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,100,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [HIS] 35,100,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [STAT] 35,200,209 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,200,228 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [HIS] 35,200,228 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [STAT] 35,300,225 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:42 AM] [HIS] 35,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [STAT] 35,400,241 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,400,260 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [HIS] 35,400,260 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [STAT] 35,500,257 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [HIS] 35,500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [STAT] 35,600,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,600,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:43 AM] [HIS] 35,600,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:44 AM] [STAT] 35,700,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,700,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:44 AM] [HIS] 35,700,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [STAT] 35,800,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,800,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [HIS] 35,800,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [STAT] 35,900,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 35,900,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [HIS] 35,900,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [STAT] 36,000,071 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,000,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [HIS] 36,000,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [STAT] 36,100,087 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,100,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:45 AM] [HIS] 36,100,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [STAT] 36,200,103 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,200,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [HIS] 36,200,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [STAT] 36,300,119 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,300,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [HIS] 36,300,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [STAT] 36,400,135 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,400,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:46 AM] [HIS] 36,400,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [STAT] 36,500,151 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,500,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [HIS] 36,500,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [STAT] 36,600,167 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,600,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:47 AM] [HIS] 36,600,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:49 AM] [PDC12] 300,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:49 AM] [STAT] 36,700,183 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,700,202 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:49 AM] [HIS] 36,700,202 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [STAT] 36,800,199 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,800,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [HIS] 36,800,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [STAT] 36,900,215 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 36,900,234 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [HIS] 36,900,234 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [STAT] 37,000,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,000,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [HIS] 37,000,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [STAT] 37,100,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,100,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:50 AM] [HIS] 37,100,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [STAT] 37,200,276 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [HIS] 37,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [STAT] 37,300,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,300,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [HIS] 37,300,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [STAT] 37,400,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,400,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:51 AM] [HIS] 37,400,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:52 AM] [STAT] 37,500,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,500,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:52 AM] [HIS] 37,500,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [STAT] 37,600,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,600,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [HIS] 37,600,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [STAT] 37,700,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,700,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [HIS] 37,700,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [STAT] 37,800,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,800,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:53 AM] [HIS] 37,800,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [STAT] 37,900,276 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 37,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [HIS] 37,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [STAT] 38,000,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,000,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [HIS] 38,000,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [STAT] 38,100,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,100,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:54 AM] [HIS] 38,100,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [STAT] 38,200,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,200,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [HIS] 38,200,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [STAT] 38,300,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,300,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [HIS] 38,300,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [STAT] 38,400,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,400,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:55 AM] [HIS] 38,400,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [STAT] 38,500,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [HIS] 38,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [STAT] 38,600,276 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:56 AM] [HIS] 38,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [STAT] 38,700,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,700,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [HIS] 38,700,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [STAT] 38,800,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,800,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [HIS] 38,800,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [STAT] 38,900,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 38,900,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:57 AM] [HIS] 38,900,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [STAT] 39,000,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,000,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [HIS] 39,000,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [STAT] 39,100,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [HIS] 39,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [STAT] 39,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:58 AM] [HIS] 39,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [STAT] 39,300,276 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [HIS] 39,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [STAT] 39,400,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,400,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:18:59 AM] [HIS] 39,400,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [STAT] 39,500,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,500,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [HIS] 39,500,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [STAT] 39,600,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,600,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [HIS] 39,600,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 85.45 71.54 94.84 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 54.45 52.69 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 14.77 17.87 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 4865.00 2625.80 8530.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 53.00 56.45 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 155.00 83.22 157.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 137.56 248.36 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 4112.56 1645.48 4112.56 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 3289.07 1135.71 3289.07 Megabytes Large Object Heap 384.95 182.84 499.43 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 34.02 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.14 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 3055.32 1657.75 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.99 4.88 7.61 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.80 2.07 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:19:00 AM] [STAT] 39,700,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [HIS] 39,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [STAT] 39,800,257 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,800,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [HIS] 39,800,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [STAT] 39,900,217 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 39,900,238 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [HIS] 39,900,238 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [STAT] 40,000,177 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,000,198 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:01 AM] [HIS] 40,000,198 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [STAT] 40,100,137 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,100,158 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [HIS] 40,100,158 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [STAT] 40,200,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,200,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [HIS] 40,200,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [STAT] 40,300,057 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,300,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:02 AM] [HIS] 40,300,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:03 AM] [STAT] 40,400,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,400,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:03 AM] [HIS] 40,400,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:06 AM] [STAT] 40,500,271 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,500,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:06 AM] [HIS] 40,500,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [STAT] 40,600,231 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,600,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [HIS] 40,600,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [STAT] 40,700,191 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,700,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [HIS] 40,700,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [STAT] 40,800,151 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:07 AM] [HIS] 40,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [STAT] 40,900,111 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 40,900,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [HIS] 40,900,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [STAT] 41,000,071 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,000,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:08 AM] [HIS] 41,000,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [STAT] 41,100,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,100,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [HIS] 41,100,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [STAT] 41,200,285 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,200,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:09 AM] [HIS] 41,200,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [STAT] 41,300,245 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,300,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [HIS] 41,300,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [STAT] 41,400,205 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,400,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:10 AM] [HIS] 41,400,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:13 AM] [STAT] 41,500,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,500,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:13 AM] [HIS] 41,500,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [STAT] 41,600,194 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,600,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [HIS] 41,600,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [STAT] 41,700,294 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,700,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [HIS] 41,700,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [STAT] 41,800,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,800,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:14 AM] [HIS] 41,800,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [STAT] 41,900,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 41,900,208 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [HIS] 41,900,208 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [STAT] 42,000,286 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:15 AM] [HIS] 42,000,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [STAT] 42,100,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,100,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [HIS] 42,100,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [STAT] 42,200,178 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,200,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [HIS] 42,200,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [STAT] 42,300,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,300,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:16 AM] [HIS] 42,300,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:17 AM] [STAT] 42,400,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,400,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:17 AM] [HIS] 42,400,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [STAT] 42,500,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,500,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [HIS] 42,500,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [STAT] 42,600,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,600,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:18 AM] [HIS] 42,600,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [STAT] 42,700,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [HIS] 42,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [STAT] 42,800,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,800,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:19 AM] [HIS] 42,800,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [STAT] 42,900,262 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 42,900,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [HIS] 42,900,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [STAT] 43,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,000,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [HIS] 43,000,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [STAT] 43,100,125 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,100,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:20 AM] [HIS] 43,100,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [STAT] 43,200,267 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,200,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [HIS] 43,200,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [STAT] 43,300,087 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,300,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:21 AM] [HIS] 43,300,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:22 AM] [STAT] 43,400,229 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:22 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:19:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,400,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:22 AM] [HIS] 43,400,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [STAT] 43,500,049 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,500,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [HIS] 43,500,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [STAT] 43,600,191 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,600,214 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [HIS] 43,600,214 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [STAT] 43,700,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,700,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:23 AM] [HIS] 43,700,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [STAT] 43,800,153 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,800,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [HIS] 43,800,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [STAT] 43,900,295 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 43,900,318 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [HIS] 43,900,318 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [STAT] 44,000,115 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,000,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:24 AM] [HIS] 44,000,138 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [STAT] 44,100,257 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,100,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [HIS] 44,100,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [STAT] 44,200,077 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,200,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:25 AM] [HIS] 44,200,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [STAT] 44,300,219 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,300,242 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [HIS] 44,300,242 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [STAT] 44,400,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,400,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [HIS] 44,400,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [STAT] 44,500,181 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,500,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:26 AM] [HIS] 44,500,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [STAT] 44,600,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [HIS] 44,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [STAT] 44,700,143 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,700,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [HIS] 44,700,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [STAT] 44,800,285 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,800,308 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:28 AM] [HIS] 44,800,308 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [STAT] 44,900,105 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 44,900,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [HIS] 44,900,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [STAT] 45,000,247 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,000,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [HIS] 45,000,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [STAT] 45,100,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,100,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:29 AM] [HIS] 45,100,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:30 AM] [STAT] 45,200,209 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,200,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:30 AM] [HIS] 45,200,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:31 AM] [STAT] 45,300,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,300,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:31 AM] [HIS] 45,300,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [STAT] 45,400,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,400,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [HIS] 45,400,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [STAT] 45,500,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,500,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [HIS] 45,500,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,600,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [HIS] 45,600,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:32 AM] [STAT] 45,604,500 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,700,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [HIS] 45,700,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [STAT] 45,704,628 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [STAT] 45,800,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,800,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:36 AM] [HIS] 45,800,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [STAT] 45,900,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 45,900,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [HIS] 45,900,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [STAT] 46,000,308 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,000,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [HIS] 46,000,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [STAT] 46,100,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,100,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:37 AM] [HIS] 46,100,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [STAT] 46,200,228 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,200,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [HIS] 46,200,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [STAT] 46,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,300,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [HIS] 46,300,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [STAT] 46,400,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,400,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:38 AM] [HIS] 46,400,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [STAT] 46,500,276 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,500,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [HIS] 46,500,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [STAT] 46,600,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,600,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:39 AM] [HIS] 46,600,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [STAT] 46,700,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,700,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [HIS] 46,700,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [STAT] 46,800,197 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,800,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [HIS] 46,800,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [STAT] 46,900,297 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 46,900,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:41 AM] [HIS] 46,900,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [STAT] 47,000,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,000,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [HIS] 47,000,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [STAT] 47,100,147 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,100,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [HIS] 47,100,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:42 AM] [STAT] 47,200,247 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,200,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [HIS] 47,200,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [STAT] 47,300,347 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,300,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [HIS] 47,300,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [STAT] 47,400,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,400,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [HIS] 47,400,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:43 AM] [PDC12] 400,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [STAT] 47,500,197 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,500,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [HIS] 47,500,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [STAT] 47,600,297 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,600,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [HIS] 47,600,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [STAT] 47,700,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,700,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:44 AM] [HIS] 47,700,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:46 AM] [STAT] 47,800,147 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:46 AM] [HIS] 47,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [STAT] 47,900,247 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 47,900,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [HIS] 47,900,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [STAT] 48,000,347 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,000,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [HIS] 48,000,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [STAT] 48,100,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,100,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:47 AM] [HIS] 48,100,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [STAT] 48,200,197 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,200,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [HIS] 48,200,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [STAT] 48,300,297 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,300,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [HIS] 48,300,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [STAT] 48,400,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,400,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:48 AM] [HIS] 48,400,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [STAT] 48,500,147 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,500,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [HIS] 48,500,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [STAT] 48,600,247 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,600,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [HIS] 48,600,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [STAT] 48,700,347 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,700,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:49 AM] [HIS] 48,700,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:50 AM] [STAT] 48,800,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,800,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:50 AM] [HIS] 48,800,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [STAT] 48,900,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 48,900,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [HIS] 48,900,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [STAT] 49,000,156 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,000,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [HIS] 49,000,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [STAT] 49,100,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,100,282 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:51 AM] [HIS] 49,100,282 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [STAT] 49,200,356 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,200,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [HIS] 49,200,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [STAT] 49,300,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,300,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [HIS] 49,300,118 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [STAT] 49,400,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,400,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:52 AM] [HIS] 49,400,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [STAT] 49,500,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,500,318 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [HIS] 49,500,318 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [STAT] 49,600,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,600,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [HIS] 49,600,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [STAT] 49,700,128 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,700,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:53 AM] [HIS] 49,700,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [STAT] 49,800,228 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,800,254 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [HIS] 49,800,254 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [STAT] 49,900,328 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 49,900,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [HIS] 49,900,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [STAT] 50,000,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,000,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:54 AM] [HIS] 50,000,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [STAT] 50,100,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,100,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [HIS] 50,100,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [STAT] 50,200,264 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,200,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:55 AM] [HIS] 50,200,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [STAT] 50,300,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,300,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [HIS] 50,300,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [STAT] 50,400,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,400,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [HIS] 50,400,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:19:56 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [STAT] 50,500,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,500,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [HIS] 50,500,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [STAT] 50,600,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,600,326 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [HIS] 50,600,326 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [STAT] 50,700,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,700,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [HIS] 50,700,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:57 AM] [STAT] 50,800,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,800,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:58 AM] [HIS] 50,800,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [STAT] 50,900,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 50,900,262 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [HIS] 50,900,262 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [STAT] 51,000,336 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,000,362 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [HIS] 51,000,362 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [STAT] 51,100,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,100,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:19:59 AM] [HIS] 51,100,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [STAT] 51,200,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,200,198 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [HIS] 51,200,198 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [STAT] 51,300,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,300,298 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] [HIS] 51,300,298 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:00 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 83.06 73.29 94.84 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.97 47.88 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.20 16.43 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 2442.00 2786.63 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 57.00 56.25 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 103.00 86.08 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 103.64 217.25 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 6179.39 2263.14 6179.39 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 5809.55 1752.30 5809.55 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1814.57 361.06 1814.57 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 34.53 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.12 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 3104.75 1791.45 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 7.79 4.97 7.79 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.80 1.82 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [STAT] 51,400,063 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [HIS] 51,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [STAT] 51,500,233 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,500,260 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [HIS] 51,500,260 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [STAT] 51,600,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,600,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:01 AM] [HIS] 51,600,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [STAT] 51,700,195 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,700,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [HIS] 51,700,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:20:02 AM [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [STAT] 51,800,365 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,800,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:02 AM] [HIS] 51,800,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [STAT] 51,900,157 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 51,900,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [HIS] 51,900,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [STAT] 52,000,327 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,000,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [HIS] 52,000,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [STAT] 52,100,119 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,100,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:03 AM] [HIS] 52,100,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [STAT] 52,200,289 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,200,316 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [HIS] 52,200,316 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [STAT] 52,300,081 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,300,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [HIS] 52,300,108 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [STAT] 52,400,251 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,400,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:04 AM] [HIS] 52,400,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [STAT] 52,500,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [HIS] 52,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [STAT] 52,600,213 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,600,240 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:05 AM] [HIS] 52,600,240 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [STAT] 52,700,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,700,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [HIS] 52,700,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [STAT] 52,800,175 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,800,202 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:06 AM] [HIS] 52,800,202 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [STAT] 52,900,345 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 52,900,372 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [HIS] 52,900,372 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [STAT] 53,000,137 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,000,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:07 AM] [HIS] 53,000,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [STAT] 53,100,307 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,100,334 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [HIS] 53,100,334 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [STAT] 53,200,099 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,200,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [HIS] 53,200,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:08 AM] [STAT] 53,300,269 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,300,296 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [HIS] 53,300,296 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [STAT] 53,400,061 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,400,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [HIS] 53,400,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [STAT] 53,500,231 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,500,258 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:09 AM] [HIS] 53,500,258 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [STAT] 53,600,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,600,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [HIS] 53,600,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [STAT] 53,700,193 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,700,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [HIS] 53,700,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [STAT] 53,800,363 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,800,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:10 AM] [HIS] 53,800,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [STAT] 53,900,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 53,900,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [HIS] 53,900,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [STAT] 54,000,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,000,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:11 AM] [HIS] 54,000,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [STAT] 54,100,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,100,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [HIS] 54,100,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [STAT] 54,200,384 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,200,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [HIS] 54,200,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [STAT] 54,300,344 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,300,372 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:12 AM] [HIS] 54,300,372 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [STAT] 54,400,304 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,400,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [HIS] 54,400,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [STAT] 54,500,264 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,500,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:13 AM] [HIS] 54,500,292 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [STAT] 54,600,224 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,600,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [HIS] 54,600,252 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [STAT] 54,700,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,700,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:14 AM] [HIS] 54,700,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [STAT] 54,800,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [HIS] 54,800,172 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [STAT] 54,900,104 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 54,900,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:15 AM] [HIS] 54,900,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [STAT] 55,000,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,000,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [HIS] 55,000,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [STAT] 55,100,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,100,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [HIS] 55,100,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [STAT] 55,200,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,200,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:16 AM] [HIS] 55,200,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [STAT] 55,300,336 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,300,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [HIS] 55,300,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [STAT] 55,400,296 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,400,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:17 AM] [HIS] 55,400,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [STAT] 55,500,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,500,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [HIS] 55,500,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [STAT] 55,600,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,600,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [HIS] 55,600,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [STAT] 55,700,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,700,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:18 AM] [HIS] 55,700,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [STAT] 55,800,136 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [HIS] 55,800,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [STAT] 55,900,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 55,900,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:19 AM] [HIS] 55,900,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [STAT] 56,000,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [HIS] 56,000,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [STAT] 56,100,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [HIS] 56,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [STAT] 56,200,368 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:20 AM] [HIS] 56,200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:21 AM] [STAT] 56,300,215 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:21 AM] [HIS] 56,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [STAT] 56,400,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,400,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [HIS] 56,400,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [STAT] 56,500,373 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,500,402 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:22 AM] [HIS] 56,500,402 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [STAT] 56,600,249 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,600,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [HIS] 56,600,278 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [STAT] 56,700,125 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,700,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [HIS] 56,700,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [STAT] 56,800,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,800,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:23 AM] [HIS] 56,800,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [STAT] 56,900,283 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 56,900,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [HIS] 56,900,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [STAT] 57,000,159 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,000,188 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:24 AM] [HIS] 57,000,188 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [STAT] 57,100,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,100,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [HIS] 57,100,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [STAT] 57,200,317 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,200,346 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:25 AM] [HIS] 57,200,346 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [STAT] 57,300,193 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,300,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [HIS] 57,300,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [STAT] 57,400,069 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:26 AM] [HIS] 57,400,098 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [STAT] 57,500,351 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,500,380 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [HIS] 57,500,380 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [STAT] 57,600,227 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,600,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [HIS] 57,600,256 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [STAT] 57,700,103 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,700,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [HIS] 57,700,132 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [STAT] 57,800,385 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [HIS] 57,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [STAT] Received 153900 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [STAT] 57,900,261 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 57,900,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:28 AM] [HIS] 57,900,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [STAT] 58,000,137 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,000,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [HIS] 58,000,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [STAT] 58,100,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,100,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:29 AM] [HIS] 58,100,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [STAT] 58,200,295 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,200,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [HIS] 58,200,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [STAT] 58,300,171 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,300,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:30 AM] [HIS] 58,300,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [STAT] 58,400,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [HIS] 58,400,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [STAT] 58,500,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,500,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:31 AM] [HIS] 58,500,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [STAT] 58,600,400 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [HIS] 58,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [STAT] 58,700,360 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,700,390 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [HIS] 58,700,390 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [STAT] 58,800,320 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,800,350 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:32 AM] [HIS] 58,800,350 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [STAT] 58,900,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 58,900,310 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [HIS] 58,900,310 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [STAT] 59,000,240 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,000,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:33 AM] [HIS] 59,000,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [STAT] 59,100,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,100,230 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [HIS] 59,100,230 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [STAT] 59,200,160 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,200,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:34 AM] [HIS] 59,200,190 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [STAT] 59,300,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,300,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [HIS] 59,300,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [STAT] 59,400,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,400,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:35 AM] [HIS] 59,400,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [STAT] 59,500,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [HIS] 59,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [STAT] 59,600,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,600,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:36 AM] [HIS] 59,600,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [STAT] 59,700,380 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,700,410 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [HIS] 59,700,410 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [STAT] 59,800,340 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,800,370 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [HIS] 59,800,370 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [STAT] 59,900,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 59,900,330 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:37 AM] [HIS] 59,900,330 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [STAT] 60,000,260 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,000,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [HIS] 60,000,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [STAT] 60,100,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,100,250 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:38 AM] [HIS] 60,100,250 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [STAT] 60,200,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,200,210 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [HIS] 60,200,210 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [STAT] 60,300,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,300,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:39 AM] [HIS] 60,300,170 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [STAT] 60,400,100 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,400,130 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [HIS] 60,400,130 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [STAT] 60,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,500,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:40 AM] [HIS] 60,500,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [STAT] 60,600,383 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,600,428 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [HIS] 60,600,428 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [STAT] 60,700,217 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,700,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [HIS] 60,700,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [STAT] 60,800,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,800,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:41 AM] [HIS] 60,800,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [STAT] 60,900,291 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 60,900,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [HIS] 60,900,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [STAT] 61,000,111 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,000,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:42 AM] [HIS] 61,000,142 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [STAT] 61,100,365 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,100,396 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [HIS] 61,100,396 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [STAT] 61,200,185 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,200,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:43 AM] [HIS] 61,200,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [STAT] 61,300,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,300,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [HIS] 61,300,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [STAT] 61,400,259 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,400,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:44 AM] [HIS] 61,400,290 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [STAT] 61,500,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,500,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [HIS] 61,500,110 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [STAT] Received 154800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [STAT] 61,600,333 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,600,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [HIS] 61,600,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:45 AM] [STAT] 61,700,153 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,700,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [HIS] 61,700,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [STAT] 61,800,407 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,800,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [HIS] 61,800,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [STAT] 61,900,227 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 61,900,258 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:46 AM] [HIS] 61,900,258 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [STAT] 62,000,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,000,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [HIS] 62,000,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [STAT] 62,100,301 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,100,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:47 AM] [HIS] 62,100,332 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [STAT] 62,200,121 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,200,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [HIS] 62,200,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [STAT] 62,300,375 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,300,406 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:48 AM] [HIS] 62,300,406 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [STAT] 62,400,195 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,400,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [HIS] 62,400,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [STAT] 62,500,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,500,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:49 AM] [HIS] 62,500,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [STAT] 62,600,269 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,600,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [HIS] 62,600,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [STAT] 62,700,089 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,700,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [HIS] 62,700,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [STAT] 62,800,343 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,800,374 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:50 AM] [HIS] 62,800,374 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:52 AM] [STAT] 62,900,344 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 62,900,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:52 AM] [HIS] 62,900,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [STAT] 63,000,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,000,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [HIS] 63,000,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [STAT] 63,100,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,100,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:53 AM] [HIS] 63,100,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:54 AM] [STAT] 63,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,200,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:54 AM] [HIS] 63,200,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [STAT] 63,300,408 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,300,440 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [HIS] 63,300,440 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [STAT] 63,400,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,400,344 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:55 AM] [HIS] 63,400,344 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [STAT] 63,500,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,500,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [HIS] 63,500,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [STAT] 63,600,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,600,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [HIS] 63,600,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [STAT] 63,700,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,700,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [HIS] 63,700,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:56 AM] [PDC12] 500,126 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [STAT] 63,800,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,800,408 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [HIS] 63,800,408 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [STAT] 63,900,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 63,900,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:57 AM] [HIS] 63,900,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [STAT] 64,000,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,000,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [HIS] 64,000,216 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [STAT] 64,100,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,100,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [HIS] 64,100,120 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [STAT] 64,200,440 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:58 AM] [HIS] 64,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [STAT] 64,300,344 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,300,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [HIS] 64,300,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [STAT] 64,400,248 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,400,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:20:59 AM] [HIS] 64,400,280 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:00 AM] [STAT] 64,500,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,500,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:01 AM] [HIS] 64,500,184 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 81.49 74.29 94.84 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.00 44.37 537.43 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.00 15.00 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1283.00 2526.62 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 61.00 56.11 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 51.00 81.20 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 60.89 193.56 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7148.76 2991.90 7148.76 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 7029.41 2555.07 7029.41 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1817.80 610.38 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 34.94 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.10 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 3049.70 1937.03 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 0.00 4.94 8.60 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 1.60 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [STAT] 64,600,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,600,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [HIS] 64,600,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [STAT] 64,700,141 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,700,174 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:02 AM] [HIS] 64,700,174 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [STAT] 64,800,395 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,800,428 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [HIS] 64,800,428 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [STAT] 64,900,187 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 64,900,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:03 AM] [HIS] 64,900,220 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [STAT] 65,000,441 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,000,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [HIS] 65,000,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [STAT] 65,100,233 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,100,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:04 AM] [HIS] 65,100,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [STAT] 65,200,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [HIS] 65,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [STAT] 65,300,279 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,300,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:05 AM] [HIS] 65,300,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [STAT] 65,400,071 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,400,104 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [HIS] 65,400,104 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [STAT] 65,500,325 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,500,358 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:06 AM] [HIS] 65,500,358 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [STAT] 65,600,117 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,600,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [HIS] 65,600,150 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [STAT] 65,700,371 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,700,404 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [HIS] 65,700,404 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [STAT] 65,800,163 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,800,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:07 AM] [HIS] 65,800,196 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [STAT] 65,900,417 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 65,900,450 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [HIS] 65,900,450 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [STAT] 66,000,209 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,000,242 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:08 AM] [HIS] 66,000,242 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [STAT] 66,100,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,100,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [HIS] 66,100,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [STAT] 66,200,255 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,200,288 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:09 AM] [HIS] 66,200,288 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [STAT] 66,300,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,300,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [HIS] 66,300,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [STAT] 66,400,301 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,400,334 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:10 AM] [HIS] 66,400,334 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [STAT] 66,500,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [HIS] 66,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [STAT] 66,600,472 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,600,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:11 AM] [HIS] 66,600,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [STAT] 66,700,432 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,700,466 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [HIS] 66,700,466 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [STAT] 66,800,392 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,800,426 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:12 AM] [HIS] 66,800,426 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [STAT] 66,900,352 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 66,900,386 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [HIS] 66,900,386 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [STAT] Received 155700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [STAT] 67,000,312 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,000,346 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:13 AM] [HIS] 67,000,346 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [STAT] 67,100,272 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,100,306 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [HIS] 67,100,306 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [STAT] 67,200,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,200,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:14 AM] [HIS] 67,200,266 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [STAT] 67,300,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,300,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [HIS] 67,300,226 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [STAT] 67,400,152 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,400,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [HIS] 67,400,186 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [STAT] 67,500,112 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,500,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:15 AM] [HIS] 67,500,146 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [STAT] 67,600,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,600,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [HIS] 67,600,106 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [STAT] 67,700,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,700,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:16 AM] [HIS] 67,700,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [STAT] 67,800,468 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,800,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [HIS] 67,800,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [STAT] 67,900,428 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 67,900,462 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:17 AM] [HIS] 67,900,462 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [STAT] 68,000,388 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,000,422 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [HIS] 68,000,422 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [STAT] 68,100,348 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,100,382 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:18 AM] [HIS] 68,100,382 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [STAT] 68,200,308 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,200,342 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [HIS] 68,200,342 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [STAT] 68,300,268 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,300,302 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:19 AM] [HIS] 68,300,302 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [STAT] 68,400,228 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,400,262 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [HIS] 68,400,262 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [STAT] 68,500,188 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,500,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [HIS] 68,500,222 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [STAT] 68,600,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,600,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:20 AM] [HIS] 68,600,182 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:29 AM] [STAT] 68,700,359 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,700,394 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:29 AM] [HIS] 68,700,394 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [STAT] 68,800,319 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,800,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [HIS] 68,800,354 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [STAT] 68,900,279 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 68,900,314 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:30 AM] [HIS] 68,900,314 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [STAT] 69,000,239 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,000,274 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [HIS] 69,000,274 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [STAT] 69,100,199 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,100,234 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:31 AM] [HIS] 69,100,234 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [STAT] 69,200,159 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,200,194 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [HIS] 69,200,194 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [STAT] 69,300,119 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,300,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [HIS] 69,300,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [STAT] 69,400,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,400,114 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:32 AM] [HIS] 69,400,114 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [STAT] 69,500,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,500,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [HIS] 69,500,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [STAT] 69,600,489 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,600,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:33 AM] [HIS] 69,600,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [STAT] 69,700,449 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,700,484 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [HIS] 69,700,484 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [STAT] 69,800,409 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,800,444 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:34 AM] [HIS] 69,800,444 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [STAT] 69,900,369 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 69,900,404 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [HIS] 69,900,404 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [STAT] 70,000,329 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,000,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:35 AM] [HIS] 70,000,364 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [STAT] 70,100,289 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,100,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [HIS] 70,100,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [STAT] 70,200,249 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,200,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:36 AM] [HIS] 70,200,284 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [STAT] 70,300,209 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [HIS] 70,300,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [STAT] 70,400,169 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,400,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [HIS] 70,400,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [STAT] 70,500,129 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,500,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:37 AM] [HIS] 70,500,164 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:38 AM] [STAT] 70,600,089 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,600,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:38 AM] [HIS] 70,600,124 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:39 AM] [STAT] 70,700,049 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:39 AM] [HIS] 70,700,084 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [STAT] 70,800,176 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,800,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [HIS] 70,800,212 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [STAT] 70,900,472 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 70,900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:40 AM] [HIS] 70,900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [STAT] 71,000,264 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,000,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [HIS] 71,000,300 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [STAT] 71,100,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,100,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:41 AM] [HIS] 71,100,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [STAT] 71,200,352 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,200,388 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [HIS] 71,200,388 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [STAT] 71,300,144 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [HIS] 71,300,180 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:42 AM] [STAT] Received 156600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:355 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:21:43 AM] [STAT] 71,400,440 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,400,476 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:43 AM] [HIS] 71,400,476 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [STAT] 71,500,232 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,500,268 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [HIS] 71,500,268 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [STAT] 71,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,600,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:44 AM] [HIS] 71,600,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [STAT] 71,700,320 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,700,356 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [HIS] 71,700,356 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [STAT] 71,800,112 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,800,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:45 AM] [HIS] 71,800,148 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [STAT] 71,900,408 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 71,900,444 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [HIS] 71,900,444 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [STAT] 72,000,200 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,000,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:46 AM] [HIS] 72,000,236 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [STAT] 72,100,496 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [HIS] 72,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [STAT] 72,200,288 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,200,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:47 AM] [HIS] 72,200,324 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [STAT] 72,300,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,300,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [HIS] 72,300,116 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [STAT] 72,400,376 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,400,412 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:48 AM] [HIS] 72,400,412 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:49 AM] [STAT] 72,500,168 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,500,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:49 AM] [HIS] 72,500,204 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:49 AM] [STAT] 72,600,464 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [HIS] 72,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [STAT] 72,700,493 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,700,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [HIS] 72,700,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:50 AM] [STAT] 72,800,467 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,800,504 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:51 AM] [HIS] 72,800,504 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:51 AM] [STAT] 72,900,441 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 72,900,478 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:51 AM] [HIS] 72,900,478 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [STAT] 73,000,415 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,000,452 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [HIS] 73,000,452 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [STAT] 73,100,389 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,100,426 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [HIS] 73,100,426 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:52 AM] [PDC12] 600,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [STAT] 73,200,363 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,200,400 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [HIS] 73,200,400 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [STAT] 73,300,337 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,300,374 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:53 AM] [HIS] 73,300,374 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:54 AM] [STAT] 73,400,311 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:54 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,400,348 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:54 AM] [HIS] 73,400,348 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [STAT] 73,501,321 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,500,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [HIS] 73,500,322 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [STAT] 73,600,259 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,600,296 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:55 AM] [HIS] 73,600,296 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [STAT] 73,700,233 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,700,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [HIS] 73,700,270 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [STAT] 73,800,207 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,800,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:56 AM] [HIS] 73,800,244 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [STAT] 73,900,181 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 73,900,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [HIS] 73,900,218 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [STAT] 74,000,155 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 74,000,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [HIS] 74,000,192 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [STAT] 74,100,129 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 74,100,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:57 AM] [HIS] 74,100,166 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:59 AM] [STAT] 74,200,103 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 74,200,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:21:59 AM] [HIS] 74,200,140 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [HIS] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was terminated. [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [HIS] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:22:42 AM] [HIS] Attempting command channel connection to publisher... [7/8/2016 10:22:43 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 106.78 72.96 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 1104.80 58.20 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.00 15.22 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1091.00 2296.97 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 58.00 56.24 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 57.00 76.86 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 78.26 170.17 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7648.33 3738.61 7674.67 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 7740.38 3361.11 7740.38 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1817.80 809.25 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 37.00 35.28 37.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.08 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 52.54 1869.96 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 41.48 5.30 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 1.42 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:22:43 AM] [HIS] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:22:43 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established. [7/8/2016 10:22:44 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client connected to command channel. [7/8/2016 10:22:45 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:22:45 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:22:45 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 3 destinations in 128.01 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:22:47 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:22:48 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:22:48 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:22:48 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:22:49 AM [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 3.79 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 1 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53275). [7/8/2016 10:22:49 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client disconnected from command channel. [7/8/2016 10:22:50 AM] [STAT] Received 145800 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:22:50 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53275). [7/8/2016 10:22:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:22:51 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "Subscribe": Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:22:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53275), preparing response... [7/8/2016 10:22:51 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] Disposed. [7/8/2016 10:22:52 AM] [STAT] 74,300,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:52 AM] [HIS] 74,300,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 100,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:56 AM] [STAT] 74,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:56 AM] [HIS] 74,400,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 200,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:58 AM] [STAT] 74,500,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:58 AM] [HIS] 74,500,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:22:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 300,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:00 AM] [PDC12] 700,069 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:00 AM] [STAT] 74,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:00 AM] [HIS] 74,600,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 400,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 20.97 71.55 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.07 57.02 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.39 14.94 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1140.00 2270.09 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 56.00 56.25 77.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 56.00 76.23 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 19.94 165.66 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7651.33 3872.09 7674.67 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 7755.03 3510.68 7755.03 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1817.80 843.63 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 43.00 35.53 43.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.09 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 5.92 1806.37 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 4.94 5.23 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.39 1.39 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] [STAT] 74,700,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] [HIS] 74,700,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 500,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data prepared in 10.75 seconds, sending response to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53275)... [7/8/2016 10:23:01 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": latest meta-data received. [7/8/2016 10:23:02 AM] [HIS] Received a total of 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data that was uncompressed and deserialized in 250.01 milliseconds... [7/8/2016 10:23:03 AM] [STAT] 74,800,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:03 AM] [HIS] 74,800,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:03 AM] [STAT] 74,900,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:04 AM] [HIS] 74,900,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 700,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:05 AM] [STAT] 75,000,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:05 AM] [HIS] 75,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 800,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:06 AM] [STAT] 75,100,019 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:06 AM] [HIS] 75,100,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:07 AM] [STAT] 75,200,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:07 AM] [HIS] 75,200,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:08 AM] [STAT] 75,300,051 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:08 AM] [HIS] 75,300,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,100,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:09 AM] [STAT] 75,400,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:09 AM] [HIS] 75,400,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:10 AM] [STAT] 75,500,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:10 AM] [HIS] 75,500,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:11 AM] [STAT] 75,600,043 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:11 AM] [HIS] 75,600,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,400,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:12 AM] [STAT] 75,700,003 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:12 AM] [HIS] 75,700,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,500,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:13 AM] [STAT] 75,800,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:13 AM] [HIS] 75,800,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,600,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:14 AM] [STAT] 75,900,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:15 AM] [HIS] 75,900,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,700,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [STAT] 76,000,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [HIS] 76,000,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,800,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [STAT] 76,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [HIS] 76,100,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:18 AM] [STAT] 76,200,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:18 AM] [HIS] 76,200,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:19 AM] [STAT] 76,300,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:19 AM] [HIS] 76,300,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,100,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:20 AM] [STAT] 76,400,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:20 AM] [HIS] 76,400,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,200,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:21 AM] [STAT] 76,500,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:21 AM] [HIS] 76,500,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,300,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:21 AM] [STAT] Received 146700 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:23:22 AM] [STAT] 76,600,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:22 AM] [HIS] 76,600,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,400,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:23 AM] [STAT] 76,700,063 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:23 AM] [HIS] 76,700,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,500,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:23 AM] [STAT] 76,800,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:24 AM] [HIS] 76,800,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:24 AM] [STAT] 76,900,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:24 AM] [HIS] 76,900,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,700,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:25 AM] [STAT] 77,000,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:25 AM] [HIS] 77,000,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,800,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:26 AM] [STAT] 77,100,071 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:27 AM] [HIS] 77,100,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:27 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,900,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:28 AM] [STAT] 77,200,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:28 AM] [HIS] 77,200,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:29 AM] [STAT] 77,300,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:29 AM] [HIS] 77,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,100,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:30 AM] [STAT] 77,400,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:30 AM] [HIS] 77,400,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,200,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [STAT] 77,500,079 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [HIS] 77,500,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,300,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [STAT] 77,600,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [HIS] 77,600,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:32 AM] [STAT] 77,700,083 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:32 AM] [HIS] 77,700,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,500,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:33 AM] [STAT] 77,800,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:33 AM] [HIS] 77,800,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:34 AM] [STAT] 77,900,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:34 AM] [HIS] 77,900,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,700,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:35 AM] [STAT] 78,000,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:35 AM] [HIS] 78,000,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,800,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:36 AM] [STAT] 78,100,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:36 AM] [HIS] 78,100,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,900,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:37 AM] [STAT] 78,200,078 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:37 AM] [HIS] 78,200,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,000,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:37 AM] [STAT] 78,300,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:37 AM] [HIS] 78,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,100,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:38 AM] [STAT] 78,400,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:38 AM] [HIS] 78,400,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,200,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:40 AM] [STAT] 78,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:40 AM] [HIS] 78,500,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,300,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:41 AM] [STAT] 78,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:41 AM] [HIS] 78,600,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,400,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:42 AM] [STAT] 78,700,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:42 AM] [HIS] 78,700,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,500,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:43 AM] [STAT] 78,800,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:43 AM] [HIS] 78,800,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,600,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [STAT] 78,900,049 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [HIS] 78,900,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,700,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [STAT] 79,000,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [HIS] 79,000,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,800,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:45 AM] [STAT] 79,100,081 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:45 AM] [HIS] 79,100,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:46 AM] [STAT] 79,200,097 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:47 AM] [HIS] 79,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,000,086 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:23:47 AM] [STAT] Received 147600 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:25:31 AM] [HIS] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was terminated. [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client disconnected from command channel. [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] Disposed. [7/8/2016 10:25:33 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] [HIS] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] [HIS] Attempting command channel connection to publisher... [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 1 minute 35.51 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] [HIS] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established. [7/8/2016 10:25:34 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:25:35 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client connected to command channel. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 3 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 40 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53327). [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:25:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53327), preparing response... [7/8/2016 10:25:37 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 32.01 68.87 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.00 52.87 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.00 14.05 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1291.00 2143.45 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 78.00 57.02 81.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 91.00 74.76 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 34.35 150.44 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7800.74 4366.09 7801.15 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8144.06 4088.72 8144.18 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 968.66 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 46.00 36.61 46.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.08 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 0.00 1617.57 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 0.00 5.02 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 1.43 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:25:37 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "Subscribe": Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:25:38 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:25:38 AM [7/8/2016 10:25:44 AM] [PDC12] 800,130 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:52 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data prepared in 15.49 seconds, sending response to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53327)... [7/8/2016 10:25:52 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": latest meta-data received. [7/8/2016 10:25:53 AM] [HIS] Received a total of 441 records spanning 4 tables of meta-data that was uncompressed and deserialized in 0.96 seconds... [7/8/2016 10:25:54 AM] [STAT] 79,300,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:55 AM] [HIS] 79,300,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:56 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 100,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:56 AM] [STAT] 79,400,029 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:57 AM] [HIS] 79,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:58 AM] [STAT] Received 148500 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:25:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 200,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:58 AM] [STAT] 79,500,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:58 AM] [HIS] 79,500,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:59 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 300,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:59 AM] [STAT] 79,600,033 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:25:59 AM] [HIS] 79,600,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 400,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:00 AM] [STAT] 79,700,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:00 AM] [HIS] 79,700,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 500,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:01 AM] [STAT] 79,800,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:01 AM] [HIS] 79,800,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 600,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:02 AM] [STAT] 79,900,039 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:02 AM] [HIS] 79,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:03 AM] [STAT] 80,000,041 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:03 AM] [HIS] 80,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 800,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:04 AM] [STAT] 80,100,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:04 AM] [HIS] 80,100,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 900,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:05 AM] [STAT] 80,200,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:05 AM] [HIS] 80,200,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,000,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:06 AM] [STAT] 80,300,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:06 AM] [HIS] 80,300,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:07 AM] [STAT] 80,400,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:07 AM] [HIS] 80,400,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:08 AM] [STAT] 80,500,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:08 AM] [HIS] 80,500,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,300,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:09 AM] [STAT] 80,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:09 AM] [HIS] 80,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,400,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:10 AM] [STAT] 80,700,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:10 AM] [HIS] 80,700,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:11 AM] [STAT] 80,800,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:11 AM] [HIS] 80,800,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,600,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:12 AM] [STAT] 80,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:12 AM] [HIS] 80,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,700,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:13 AM] [STAT] 81,000,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:13 AM] [HIS] 81,000,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:13 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:13 AM] [STAT] 81,100,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:13 AM] [HIS] 81,100,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:14 AM] [STAT] 81,200,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:14 AM] [HIS] 81,200,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:15 AM] [STAT] 81,300,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:15 AM] [HIS] 81,300,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,100,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:16 AM] [STAT] 81,400,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:16 AM] [HIS] 81,400,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,200,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:17 AM] [STAT] 81,500,027 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:18 AM] [HIS] 81,500,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,300,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:18 AM] [STAT] 81,600,057 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:18 AM] [HIS] 81,600,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,400,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:19 AM] [STAT] 81,700,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:20 AM] [HIS] 81,700,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,500,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:20 AM] [STAT] 81,800,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:20 AM] [HIS] 81,800,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,600,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:21 AM] [STAT] 81,900,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:21 AM] [HIS] 81,900,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,700,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:22 AM] [STAT] 82,000,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:22 AM] [HIS] 82,000,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,800,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:23 AM] [STAT] 82,100,067 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:23 AM] [HIS] 82,100,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,900,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:24 AM] [STAT] 82,200,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:24 AM] [HIS] 82,200,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,000,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:25 AM] [STAT] 82,300,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:25 AM] [HIS] 82,300,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,100,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:26 AM] [STAT] 82,400,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:26 AM] [HIS] 82,400,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:26 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,200,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:27 AM] [STAT] 82,500,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:27 AM] [HIS] 82,500,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,300,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:28 AM] [STAT] 82,600,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:28 AM] [HIS] 82,600,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,400,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:29 AM] [STAT] 82,700,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:29 AM] [HIS] 82,700,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:30 AM] [STAT] Received 149400 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:26:30 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:31 AM] [STAT] 82,800,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:31 AM] [HIS] 82,800,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:31 AM] [STAT] 82,900,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:31 AM] [HIS] 82,900,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,700,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:32 AM] [STAT] 83,000,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:32 AM] [HIS] 83,000,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,800,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:33 AM] [STAT] 83,100,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:33 AM] [HIS] 83,100,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,900,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:33 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 63.94 67.39 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.18 50.26 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.07 13.45 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1269.00 2079.53 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 59.00 57.96 81.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 75.00 74.66 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 36.95 140.28 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7756.39 4701.86 7801.15 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8439.27 4496.86 8439.27 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1051.17 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 46.00 37.54 46.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.07 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 6.02 1459.84 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 4.99 5.02 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.34 1.46 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:26:34 AM] [STAT] 83,200,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:34 AM] [HIS] 83,200,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:34 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,000,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:34 AM] [STAT] 83,300,019 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:34 AM] [HIS] 83,300,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,100,096 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:35 AM] [STAT] 83,400,077 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:35 AM] [HIS] 83,400,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:36 AM] [STAT] 83,500,037 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:36 AM] [HIS] 83,500,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:37 AM] [STAT] 83,600,095 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:37 AM] [HIS] 83,600,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,400,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:38 AM] [STAT] 83,700,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:38 AM] [HIS] 83,700,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,500,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:38 AM] [STAT] 83,800,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:39 AM] [HIS] 83,800,094 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,600,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:39 AM] [STAT] 83,900,073 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:39 AM] [HIS] 83,900,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,700,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:40 AM] [STAT] 84,000,033 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:40 AM] [HIS] 84,000,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [PDC12] 900,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,800,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [STAT] 84,100,091 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [HIS] 84,100,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,900,070 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:41 AM] [STAT] 84,200,051 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:42 AM] [HIS] 84,200,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,000,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:42 AM] [STAT] 84,300,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:42 AM] [HIS] 84,300,090 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,100,088 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:43 AM] [STAT] 84,400,069 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:43 AM] [HIS] 84,400,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 5,200,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:44 AM] [STAT] 84,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:45 AM] [HIS] 84,500,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:26:51 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:26:51 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:32:40 AM] [HIS] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:32:41 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:32:41 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was terminated. [7/8/2016 10:32:43 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:32:43 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:32:44 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:32:46 AM] [HIS] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:32:45 AM [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] Disposed. [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client disconnected from command channel. [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [HIS] Attempting command channel connection to publisher... [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [HIS] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:32:47 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established. [7/8/2016 10:32:48 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 1.53 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:32:49 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client connected to command channel. [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 54 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 53 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53457). [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:53457), preparing response... [7/8/2016 10:32:51 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "Subscribe": Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 10:32:52 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 25.96 66.07 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 187.95 50.28 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 22.69 13.31 238.19 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1420.00 2055.23 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 81.00 58.50 81.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 101.00 75.42 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 31.65 134.50 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7821.64 4859.22 7821.64 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8592.13 4703.68 8592.19 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1089.69 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 50.00 38.07 50.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.07 2.61 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 6.25 1429.72 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.22 4.98 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 1.40 38.58 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:33:01 AM] [STAT] 84,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:01 AM] [HIS] 84,600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:06 AM] [STAT] 84,700,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:07 AM] [HIS] 84,700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:09 AM] [STAT] Received 150300 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:33:11 AM] [STAT] 84,800,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:11 AM] [HIS] 84,800,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:15 AM] [STAT] 84,900,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:15 AM] [HIS] 84,900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 400,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:18 AM] [STAT] 85,000,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:18 AM] [HIS] 85,000,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:21 AM] [STAT] 85,100,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:21 AM] [HIS] 85,100,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:24 AM] [STAT] 85,200,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:24 AM] [HIS] 85,200,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:25 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:27 AM] [STAT] 85,300,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:27 AM] [HIS] 85,300,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 800,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:30 AM] [STAT] 85,400,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:30 AM] [HIS] 85,400,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 900,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:31 AM] [HIS] Failure code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": Failed to transfer meta-data due to exception: Failed to open ADO data connection, verify "ConnectionString" in configuration file: Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading from the stream has failed. [7/8/2016 10:33:32 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Failed to transfer meta-data due to exception: Failed to open ADO data connection, verify "ConnectionString" in configuration file: Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading from the stream has failed. [7/8/2016 10:33:32 AM] [STAT] 85,500,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:32 AM] [HIS] 85,500,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,000,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:33 AM] [STAT] 85,600,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:33 AM] [HIS] 85,600,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,100,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:35 AM] [STAT] 85,700,009 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:35 AM] [HIS] 85,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,200,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:36 AM] [STAT] 85,800,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:36 AM] [HIS] 85,800,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,300,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:37 AM] [PDC12] 1,000,073 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:38 AM] [STAT] 85,900,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:38 AM] [HIS] 85,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:38 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,400,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:39 AM] [STAT] 86,000,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:39 AM] [HIS] 86,000,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:39 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 71.41 68.14 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 1.00 41.87 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 1.37 10.70 138.08 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1782.00 2104.92 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 90.00 63.09 94.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 99.00 78.57 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 85.87 137.65 1861.42 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7751.09 5484.19 7821.64 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8696.76 5415.12 8696.76 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1237.05 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 61.00 40.64 61.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 1.20 0.03 1.20 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 7.02 1405.42 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.81 5.28 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.40 0.79 16.75 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 10:33:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,500,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:41 AM] [STAT] 86,100,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:41 AM] [HIS] 86,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:41 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,600,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:42 AM] [STAT] 86,200,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:42 AM] [HIS] 86,200,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,700,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:43 AM] [STAT] 86,300,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:43 AM] [HIS] 86,300,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:43 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,800,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:45 AM] [STAT] 86,400,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:46 AM] [HIS] 86,400,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,900,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:47 AM] [STAT] 86,500,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:47 AM] [HIS] 86,500,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,000,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:48 AM] [STAT] 86,600,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:48 AM] [HIS] 86,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,100,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:49 AM] [STAT] 86,700,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:49 AM] [HIS] 86,700,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:49 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,200,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:50 AM] [STAT] 86,800,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:50 AM] [HIS] 86,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,300,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [STAT] 86,900,031 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [HIS] 86,900,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [STAT] Received 151200 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,400,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [STAT] 87,000,047 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [HIS] 87,000,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,500,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:54 AM] [STAT] 87,100,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:54 AM] [HIS] 87,100,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:56 AM] [STAT] 87,200,023 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:57 AM] [HIS] 87,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:33:57 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,700,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:00 AM] [STAT] 87,300,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:00 AM] [HIS] 87,300,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:00 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 10:34:00 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 10:34:00 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,800,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:01 AM] [STAT] 87,400,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:01 AM] [HIS] 87,400,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,900,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:02 AM] [STAT] 87,500,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:02 AM] [HIS] 87,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:02 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,000,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:03 AM] [STAT] 87,600,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:03 AM] [HIS] 87,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:04 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,100,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:05 AM] [STAT] 87,700,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:05 AM] [HIS] 87,700,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:05 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 10:34:05 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 10:34:05 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,200,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:06 AM] [STAT] 87,800,888 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:06 AM] [HIS] 87,800,062 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:07 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,300,066 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:08 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 10:34:08 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 10:34:08 AM] [STAT] 87,905,538 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:09 AM] [HIS] 87,900,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:09 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 8:34:09 AM [7/8/2016 10:34:09 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:11 AM] [HIS] 88,000,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:12 AM] [STAT] 88,005,749 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:14 AM] [HIS] 88,100,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:14 AM] [STAT] 88,104,029 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:15 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:17 AM] [HIS] 88,200,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,700,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:18 AM] [STAT] 88,223,057 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:20 AM] [HIS] 88,300,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:20 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,800,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:22 AM] [STAT] 88,341,833 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:22 AM] [HIS] 88,400,060 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:24 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,900,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 10:34:25 AM] [STAT] 88,426,673 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:29 AM] [STAT] 88,501,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [HIS] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was terminated. [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [PDC12] No data received in 5.0 seconds, restarting connect cycle... [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [HIS] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [HIS] Attempting command channel connection to publisher... [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [PDC12] Disconnected. [7/8/2016 11:04:31 AM] [HIS] Connection established. [7/8/2016 11:04:32 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client disconnected from command channel. [7/8/2016 11:04:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] Disposed. [7/8/2016 11:04:32 AM] [HIS] Data subscriber command channel connection to publisher was established. [7/8/2016 11:04:32 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 11:04:33 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 0.95 seconds. [7/8/2016 11:04:34 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client connected to command channel. [7/8/2016 11:04:35 AM] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Starting measurement route calculation... [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] Calculated 181 routes for 8 destinations in 47 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Calculated 181 routes for 2 destinations in 54 milliseconds. [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Start time sent to WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:54024). [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Received meta-data refresh request from WACCNC01 ([::ffff:]:54024), preparing response... [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [PDC12] Attempting connection... [7/8/2016 11:04:36 AM] [HIS] Success code received in response to server command "Subscribe": Client subscribed as compact unsynchronized with 14 signals. [7/8/2016 11:04:41 AM] [STAT] Received 152100 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 11:04:41 AM] [PDC12] Initiating IEEE C37.118-2005 TCP based connection... [7/8/2016 11:04:42 AM] [HIS] 88,500,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:42 AM] [PDC12] Connection established. [7/8/2016 11:04:42 AM] [PDC12] Statistics reset for all devices associated with this connection. [7/8/2016 11:04:43 AM] [PDC12] Received initial configuration frame at 7/8/2016 9:04:43 AM [7/8/2016 11:04:47 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 39.10 64.10 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.15 39.14 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.93 9.73 138.08 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 3145.00 2059.32 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 66.14 106.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 92.00 82.30 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 60.76 79.37 312.48 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7739.68 6265.75 7821.64 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8888.64 6359.34 9028.77 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1428.37 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 94.00 45.44 94.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.07 3.56 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 6.03 1395.09 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 4.70 5.03 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 0.82 16.75 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 11:04:47 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 39.10 64.10 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 0.15 39.14 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.93 9.73 138.08 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 3145.00 2059.32 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 102.00 66.14 106.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 92.00 82.30 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 60.76 79.37 312.48 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7739.68 6265.75 7821.64 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 8888.64 6359.34 9028.77 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1428.37 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 94.00 45.44 94.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.07 3.56 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 6.03 1395.09 3854.25 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 4.70 5.03 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.00 0.82 16.75 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 11:04:47 AM] [STAT] 88,600,007 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:47 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:48 AM] [HIS] 88,600,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:52 AM] [STAT] 88,700,009 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:52 AM] [HIS] 88,700,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:55 AM] [STAT] 88,800,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:55 AM] [HIS] 88,800,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:57 AM] [HIS] Failure code received in response to server command "MetaDataRefresh": Failed to transfer meta-data due to exception: Failed to open ADO data connection, verify "ConnectionString" in configuration file: Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading from the stream has failed. [7/8/2016 11:04:57 AM] [INTERNAL!DATAPUBLISHER] Failed to transfer meta-data due to exception: Failed to open ADO data connection, verify "ConnectionString" in configuration file: Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading from the stream has failed. [7/8/2016 11:04:58 AM] [STAT] 88,900,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 400,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:04:58 AM] Error occurred while logging an error - Failed to open ADO data connection, verify "ConnectionString" in configuration file: Authentication to host 'localhost' for user 'root' using method 'mysql_native_password' failed with message: Reading from the stream has failed. [7/8/2016 11:04:58 AM] [HIS] 88,900,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:01 AM] [STAT] 89,000,001 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:01 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 500,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:02 AM] [HIS] 89,000,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:03 AM] [STAT] 89,100,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:03 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 600,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:03 AM] [HIS] 89,100,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:06 AM] [STAT] 89,200,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:06 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 700,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:07 AM] [HIS] 89,200,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:08 AM] [STAT] 89,300,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:08 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 800,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:08 AM] [HIS] 89,300,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:10 AM] [STAT] 89,400,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:10 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 900,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:10 AM] [PDC12] 1,100,134 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:10 AM] [HIS] 89,400,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:11 AM] [STAT] 89,500,009 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:11 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,000,020 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:12 AM] [HIS] 89,500,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:12 AM] [STAT] 89,600,011 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:12 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,100,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:13 AM] [HIS] 89,600,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:14 AM] [STAT] 89,700,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:14 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,200,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:14 AM] [HIS] 89,700,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:16 AM] [STAT] 89,800,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:16 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,300,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:16 AM] [HIS] 89,800,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:17 AM] [STAT] 89,900,017 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:17 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,400,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:17 AM] [HIS] 89,900,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:18 AM] [STAT] 90,000,019 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:18 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,500,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:18 AM] [HIS] 90,000,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:19 AM] [STAT] 90,100,021 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:19 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,600,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:20 AM] [HIS] 90,100,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:21 AM] [STAT] 90,200,050 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:21 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,700,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:21 AM] [HIS] 90,200,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:22 AM] [STAT] 90,300,010 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:22 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,800,022 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:22 AM] [HIS] 90,300,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:23 AM] [STAT] 90,400,026 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:23 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 1,900,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:23 AM] [HIS] 90,400,030 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:28 AM] [STAT] 90,500,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:28 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,000,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:28 AM] [STAT] Received 153000 points of out-of-sequence data for stat:356 @2016-07-08 08:15:49.8209745. Data received out of order will not be archived, per configuration. [7/8/2016 11:05:28 AM] [HIS] 90,500,046 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:29 AM] Counter Last Average Maximum Units -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- CPU Utilization 55.92 61.59 106.78 Average % / CPU I/O Data Rate 1.02 40.31 1104.80 Kilobytes / sec I/O Activity Rate 0.97 10.45 138.08 Operations / sec Process Handle Count 1720.00 1991.07 12333.00 Total Handles Process Thread Count 85.00 70.28 106.00 System Threads CLR Thread Count 100.00 83.68 220.00 Managed Threads Thread Queue Size 0.00 0.00 0.00 Waiting Threads Lock Contention Rate 32.47 64.66 206.24 Attempts / sec Process Memory Usage 7666.82 6803.27 7821.64 Megabytes CLR Memory Usage 9060.30 7073.60 9060.30 Megabytes Large Object Heap 1808.74 1575.11 1859.47 Megabytes Exception Count 133.00 52.46 133.00 Total Exceptions Exception Rate 0.00 0.14 3.56 Exceptions / sec IPv4 Outgoing Rate 6.06 1109.84 3534.26 Datagrams / sec IPv4 Incoming Rate 5.00 5.08 41.48 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Outgoing Rate 0.30 0.87 16.75 Datagrams / sec IPv6 Incoming Rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 Datagrams / sec Statistics calculated using last 120 counter values sampled every 5.0 seconds. [7/8/2016 11:05:29 AM] [STAT] 90,600,002 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:29 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,100,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:30 AM] [HIS] 90,600,006 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:31 AM] [STAT] 90,700,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:31 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,200,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:31 AM] [HIS] 90,700,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:32 AM] [STAT] 90,800,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:32 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,300,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:32 AM] [HIS] 90,800,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:33 AM] [STAT] 90,900,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,400,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:33 AM] [HIS] 90,900,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:33 AM] [STAT] 91,000,065 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:33 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,500,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:34 AM] [HIS] 91,000,014 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:35 AM] [STAT] 91,100,025 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:35 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,600,038 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:35 AM] [HIS] 91,100,044 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:35 AM] [STAT] 91,200,055 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:36 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,700,068 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:36 AM] [HIS] 91,200,004 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:37 AM] [STAT] 91,300,015 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,800,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:37 AM] [HIS] 91,300,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:37 AM] [STAT] 91,400,045 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:37 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 2,900,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:38 AM] [HIS] 91,400,064 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:39 AM] [STAT] 91,500,005 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:39 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,000,018 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:39 AM] [HIS] 91,500,024 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:40 AM] [STAT] 91,600,035 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:40 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,100,048 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:40 AM] [HIS] 91,600,054 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:42 AM] [STAT] 91,700,162 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:42 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,200,008 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:42 AM] [HIS] 91,700,028 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:44 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,300,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:44 AM] [HIS] 91,800,072 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:44 AM] [STAT] 91,816,082 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:45 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,400,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:45 AM] [HIS] 91,900,032 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:46 AM] [STAT] 91,930,154 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:46 AM] [STAT] 92,000,042 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:46 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,500,056 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:47 AM] [HIS] 92,000,076 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:48 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,600,016 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:48 AM] [HIS] 92,100,036 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:50 AM] [STAT] 92,115,122 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:50 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,700,074 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:50 AM] [STAT] 92,203,447 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:50 AM] [HIS] 92,200,080 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:52 AM] [STAT] 92,300,075 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:52 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,800,034 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:52 AM] [HIS] 92,300,040 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:53 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 3,900,092 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:53 AM] [HIS] 92,400,000 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:54 AM] [STAT] 92,456,385 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:55 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,000,052 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:55 AM] [STAT] 92,504,013 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:55 AM] [HIS] 92,500,058 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:58 AM] [UnsynchronizedClientSubscription] 4,100,012 measurements have been processed so far... [7/8/2016 11:05:58 AM] [HIS] 92,600,018 measurements have been processed so far...